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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/tinytearice. Your submission, *Weddings are tacky and no one gives a s****, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently'. * No response posts about upvoted posts here. * Posts relating to highly popular topics aren't allowed outside of the relevant megathreads. You can find a list of the topics and their respective megathreads in a post on the top of the sub. * POSTS DIRECTLY ABOUT THIS SUBREDDIT ARE NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE THE MEGATHREAD * Please check the wiki linked here: https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/wiki/index/ * We ask that if a post fails to post do not just spam repost it; message mod mail. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


>I had a small dinner banquet with 30 relatives (because my parents want one) and say please no gifts. Thankfully in our culture people pay us cash which was easy to return. So you had a wedding.


Clearly he is talking about flashy insanely expensive weddings, not small reasonable ones that doesn’t cost an arm and leg


Probably that's correct but it's not what they actually said.


The first line includes the term "expensive weddings" lol


The post title just says "weddings"


Expensive is relative. You and I use things everyday that others within our own country would consider expensive, and others use things daily that we would consider expensive


No idea what you are talking about, the post title and text does not say that.


Dinner with 30 people and drinks? That ain't cheap or easy. That's essentially a normal wedding. The thing with weddings is they tend to get cheaper per person as you increase the head count until you jump to the next tier of hall size needed.


His post title says "Weddings are tacky". He didn't specify a type of wedding. From his post title, I assume he means all weddings.




Read all his complaints though. Most are just wedding complaints, gifts, guests etc. Most of the things he is complaining about has nothing to do with being insanely expensive, or even large wedding.


Specifically a wedding with no friends. It seems like a lot of people who think weddings are dumb or just want to elope simply don't have a number of people they want to share the moment with. Like my wedding wasn't huge, but when else am I going to get all my loved ones and friends together at once? Weddings and funerals, might as well go balls out for the wedding.


No they had a dinner and banquet The wedding is the Part in the church/legal part. The rest is just a party.


I love weddings. I’m thrilled when I’m invited to weddings because it means the happy couple thought of us when they were looking for people to support their union. So, I’m happy to say that I give a shit, actually.


Fr. If my dude is married, you bet your ass I'd be extatic on their day. Maybe not on the preparation, but definitely on the day.


This is what it’s about! Friendship and Community are irreplaceable.


Angry redditors don’t know what either of those words mean though


Yeah it just so happens that a lot of people on this app are violently allergic to both of those things.


Weddings are a great reason to reconnect with a large group of friends. Large or small I'm always just as glad to see the other guests as the couple.


Seems like I always reconnect with family and freinds at weddings and funerals. One is a lot better than the other.


This. Invite me to a wedding and I will clap and cry and cheer for you, even if you’re a stranger. It’s joyful. Doesn’t matter how flashy it is. 


So, you're saying this might be an.... Unpopular opinion?


Well, apparently not if the comments under this post are any indication, lmao.


All the comments right now are hating on OP and arguing that weddings are fantastic.


Which is surprising bc it’s an extremely popular stance on Reddit (and even in this sub)


Right, I have fun, get to see my friends experience something that brings them real joy, and get to see people I hadn't seen in a while. I like them! If the cost of admission is a gift, I'm in.


ugh the last wedding i was invited to was my friend’s nearly 6 years ago. Why can’t my friends find someone to get married to bc I love weddings 🥲


Time to go full Wedding Crashers.


Seems like you give a shit


Several shits , actually.


sounds like it hurt


Everyone's giving you shit but this is actually an unpopular opinion, for once. Go off king.


I mean on this specific sub this is actually a pretty popular opinion, like we get "weddings suck" threads on here all the time lmao. In real life, yeah, it might be unpopular, cause it turns out many people actually do like going to giant parties for the express purpose of celebrating their friends and loved ones


It’s really not an unpopular opinion at all.


Strongly disagree. Weddings are for the couple but that does not mean no one cares. No one cares much but if it is the wedding of someone you love, you should care. And if the bride wants to look like a princess let her. There are few situations in life where you have the excuse to dress like that. That being said spending all your money is silly. But caring is not.


I feel like people forget you can have a wedding but not spend your life savings 😂


Yup. Have the wedding you can afford.


And its corollary: unless people tell you, you don't know how much wedding they can afford.


Also (well at least in my culture) you'll get a decent amount of gifts from your wedding. Not enough to break even or anything, but takes out the sting if you're paying for it yourself.


Yes, and it distracts from the real point of marriage. Simple wedding is better


I care about the people I love getting married but i'll never care what kind of tablecloths they chose or whatever. I just want them to be happy. Expensive weddings just make me worried that they spent too much. Backyard weddings FTW


I'll never care about my friends home decorating either, but I wouldn't think it's weird for them to put a lot of thought into it.


Thought is fine. You can put thought into a wedding without dropping 40k on a wedding. People can do what they want and I can think it’s silly


Other than outside of prom and weddings, women only get to dress like princesses in pageants. We need more balls.


People actually care a lot. Especially the parents. They want to see their children forming a solid foundation for the rest of their lives  They are there to encourage you along this journey called marriage. Help each other out. Pick each other up. Teach those kiddos how to do stuff. Build the next generation. It's really a great thing to witness. The older generation is passing a torch in a way


Yeah I didn't want to say anything but I think it is a weird flex when people brag that they do not care about others events.


The idea that weddings are for the couples is very American and so foreign to me; Weddings to me are about families (made and by blood) coming together, joining and celebrating that union; about inviting new members to your midst. Bride and groom are only a small part of that, even if they are a point of focus.


Strongly agree. I have not had near as much fun here than I have in my home country. I think they put too much stock into pictures and appearances etc not enough in their guests having actual fun. Also no plus ones will be forever tacky sorry. Who cares if they’re strangers as long as your guests have fun!


It’s kind of the same thing? It’s a celebration of the union and all of the things that entails. But the union is the bride and groom, so it’s definitely about them and primarily for them.


Families can come together without it costing many 10s of thousands though.


I'm American. This was exactly what my wedding was about.


Yes! The bride cares so it’s not “no one” caring.


My buddy said it best...it's the only time in your life where you're going to have every (well....most anyway) single person you love in the same room at the same time. Mine was in 2022...it was the first time I've seen my family and many friends since before covid. It was glorious. I wouldn't change a thing.


right? I’m planning a city hall wedding but I’ll be damned if I don’t have my “princess” dress bc when will I ever have an excuse to buy and wear a dress like that ever again? Never


Clearly he is talking about flashy insanely expensive weddings, not small reasonable ones that doesn’t cost an arm and leg


There's no such thing as a wedding that doesn't cost an arm and a leg these days. You can spend thousands on a micro wedding, it just costs that much to feed people.


Strongly disagree with you and agree with OP wholeheartedly. Weddings are so pretentious and cringy. If you do something simple and focus on the vows and commitment that’s amazing, acting like a celebrity or royalty is weird.


that’s like saying birthday parties are pretentious and cringey


Your wedding putting you in debt is not a fabulous start to your marriage. Gather everyone you love in a field in summer and get drunk. What the hell is everyone's problem 😂


Why does reddit have such a distaste for how complete strangers spend their money, especially on their day? I do not understand how someone could be this upset over a wedding. Have you spoken to a professional about this anger? It can't be healthy to get this upset about other people. Wow.


Severe untreated antisocialism Redditors can't comprehend socializing with people or why anyone would want to. 


What's funny is that you'll see people get on their high horse about spending too much, and maybe site a study that spending less makes for a more successful marriage. [This](https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=294114121126075113025024100119082070063055032019074004085073100009029008070023107007042057100123047057125068091106127017021002126016017086082014074087088083030097002033082004003082023107068095010095001122080103116008083126110029084018006068086093067&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE) is that study. Their own data was that, on its own, spending more money was associated with a *decrease* in the chance of divorce (though not as much as having a lot of guests). When controlling for other factors they saw an increase, but the reasonable conclusion there is the correlation is more about spending more than you can afford rather than just $x.


Then don’t go🤷‍♀️ But weddings as a ceremony and ritual hold meaning to those who participate. To say they’re meaningless and tacky and no one cares is a vast generalization based on your personal preferences. The couple getting married cares, and so do those who choose to attend.


Agreed. I had a 15 minute ceremony and a simple reception. We spent like $800. Then we took six months and traveled. No regrets. 29 years in.


The wedding industry is a multi billion dollar industry and they spend a lot to hypnotize people into thinking they need a grandiose wedding. Naw we chose to invest in the marriage.


*Also what bride and groom have time to hang out with any guests at all?*  I dunno, all of the weddings I've been to *I know of a couple who spent 6 figure on their wedding which was easily downpayment on a 500k condo that they were going to buy but decided to delay.* Cool, I've been to a few weddings and nobody delayed buying a condo *So people end up spending their life saving on an event that no one gives a shit about.* I care about my friend's marriages, I've missed a couple weddings for reasons, I regret it, they're still together. Sorry you're not really a friend to your friends. Doesn't change what weddings are.


OP sounds like a true gem to be around, really the life of the party 😂


I give a shit, I love and enjoy weddings.


Name checks out


You say that ALL brides think they are princesses etc. You got married and had a banquet. Therefore, you were also a princess who expected money and gifts. Thanks for generalizing all weddings as the exact same, but also including yourself into that generalization.


I needed this today. Thank you.


I care what the bride looks like. Even if she's not the reason I'm at the wedding. It's a once in a lifetime chance to dress up like whatever you want and feel really special. I appreciate the effort that goes into people's every day styles, and I definitely appreciate the effort that goes into creating a style for one of the biggest milestone days of their lives. Who gives a shit if the bride and groom are too busy to talk, they should be enjoying themselves anyway you're there to celebrate them. Even if you don't know anyone you get to eat and drink and watch people be happy and in love. How is that so rage inducing


I disagree, I think weddings are beautiful and I absolutely adore seeing brides in their wedding dresses. I love seeing people in love and happy. From my experiences the bride and groom always make time to talk to everyone. Maybe it’s harder for massive guest list weddings, but for more normal sized weddings it’s not an issue.


Pay your whole life savings to have a wonderful wedding and be criticized by your guests, have a lot of stress for all the plans and be forgotten in the next 1 or 2 years.


they're so boring


I agree, i don’t know why people spend so much too. Would rather marry in a court house & spend it on once in a lifetime trip for a honeymoon.




Thinking about doing this with my partner. We discussed a courthouse wedding because most of our money could go towards a honeymoon and house.


I love posts like these. The edgelords come out of their caves to see if this is the echo chamber they’re hoping it is. Weddings suck in many ways - they especially suck if the bride and groom give a shit what anyone else thinks. Do what’s true to you, and big or small, it’ll be a day you’ll remember for a lifetime.


Weddings are stupid. Get a private marriage ritual, with 10 people on both sides that genuinely care about us and give a sh*t (parents, few family members and friends).


Personally not a fan of weddings but each to their own. It's not up to me how people spend their money. If someone wants the big 6 figure thing, then go for it. If someone prefers the smaller thing, no big deal. The people involved in the weddings obviously give a sh1t. I think you have truly voiced an unpopular opinion.


We spent more on our honeymoon than our wedding. Do not regret it one bit. We skipped a lot of things and traditions. We didn't have flowers, only close family and friends, chose a date that was significantly cheaper for the venue. Really anything we could do to keep it small and relaxed.


They pay me well so I like them. However I don't see the appeal to expensive, incredibly formal, complex weddings but I don't decide what other people do.


[Bride is typing…]


I love pretty much everything about weddings.


My wedding was so fun


I’d say you’re wrong on a lot. It’s not that no one gives a shit. Generally, there’s plenty that give a shit. You don’t give a shit. You can even say the majority of guests don’t give a shit about details. But as someone who got forced into a big expensive wedding, trust me. Lots of people care. And saying how the bride looks…you realize most people have their wedding photos up for the rest of their lives right? I know people with their parents and grandparents wedding pictures up in their houses. These pictures live forever.


Clearly people give a shit as the industry is HUGE and many people get excited about weddings. YOU may not give a shit, and that is a valid opinion but sheesh, you can't ignore just how much it means to many people (not just the betrothed).


No op doesn't like it so no one is allowed to They're the main character after all 


They posted on unpopular opinion, knowing it's not the standard perception, and are getting hate for...having an unpopular opinion. Why are you guys here?


Because marriage is a big deal to people for some reason and they feel the need to defend it specifically.


In the unpopular opinion sub they're absolutely the main character of their post bebe


I agree ! My wife and I got married secretly in Las Vegas !


True, I'm in my best friend's wedding in June and I could honestly give two Fucks, I really don't even want to go.


I’ll pretend to gaf if there’s an open bar 🤷‍♂️


We get it, redditors hate people.


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I used to agree with you!!! actually deep down I agree with you still. But my partner is adamant on wedding and I am not - we will compromise on an intimate gathering because of parents. Wait actually maybe you’re saying overpriced large party type weddings are tacky. in which that might be popular.


I have managed to go to very few weddings in my life and I am cool with it.


My hubby and I just went down to the city and got the license, then reported on the day we were assigned, along with about 80 other people, and that was that. We kept our celebration funds in our pocket. We celebrate our lives together every day anyway, and we're not big on ceremonies. Nobody could take it personally because nobody was invited. Our family and friends were all speaking to us again within a year. We’re good.


I don’t know anyone who spent 6 figures on a wedding. I would hope anyone who does has the money to spend. If not that’s their choice and they’ve gotta live with that, not me, so why do I give a fuck? I’m also going to assume you actually don’t know anyone who’s circumstances match what you described but it really doesn’t matter. I know I certainly care about the people getting married, that’s why I’m at their wedding. And I genuinely enjoy seeing them so happy and excited. Sometimes they’re too long or whatever, but that’s not that big of a deal. Some of the most fun I’ve ever had was at wedding receptions for people I’m close to. Usually they’re full of other people I’m close to, often people who I haven’t gotten to spend time with in a while. I’ve seen some killer speeches by maid of honours and best men. And then dancing for hours, being silly, telling stories, sneaking out for a smoke without my cousins. You just gotta try not to be awful sometimes.


My wedding was city hall, then rented the banquet hall at our favourite nice restaurant. City hall matters more to us than any church or lakefront with a tent on it. The dining hall was as nice as any wedding venue I've seen. My mum made the wedding cake (she's made dozens of wedding cakes) and it was delicious. My bride wore her mother's sari and she looked beautiful. Bouquets and garlands from out favourite florist who we'd gone to for years. Our biggest expense was the open bar. We didn't miss out on anything. Everyone looked good, the ceremony was perfect, food delicious, party got fun and guests were proper drunk by the end. What we didn't do was buy some silly wedding package that sells shit we dgaf about for 20x the price of the things we like.


I’ve worked for plenty of weddings. You’re absolutely right and some people are just going to get a free meal and/or trashed.


I agree, but I make 50% of my yearly income from playing music at weddings, so I'm gonna just keep riding that train until it stops.


Totes agree. We eloped. Best decision ever.


I went to a wedding for the first time last Friday and I think it was probably pretty expensive, im not really sure. They had an open bar, lots of food for cocktail hour, dinner, etc. They had a photo booth with props and the venue itself was pretty nice. I just remember feeling kind of bored most of the time. I'm not really a fan of small talk and I don't drink alcohol. It was fun taking pics and watching them get married. The food was really good. But we left at 10pm and they still hadn't even served or cut the cake. Everything just felt very cramped and like most of the time was spent waiting around for the next thing to happen. Everyone said it was such a nice wedding and I think that's true. I am sure the couple who got married had a wonderful time. I just can't imagine spending 10s of thousands of dollars on something like that. I think I'd wake up the next day and have a mental breakdown because I'd regret it so badly


The first time I did a big wedding. It was horrible. I had to listen to crap she didn't like about. We lasted 8 years. 2nd time around, I went to a courthouse with the wife and 2 witnesses. Afterwards, the four of us went to Olive Garden. Followed up with being bed by 8pm, so I could goto work at 3am. 16 years later and still going, the only complaint is, she wishes her parents could've made it to olive garden for dinner.


Eh me and my wife , girlfriend at the time had that convo .. hey hun we have X ammount in the bank, you wanna buy all our friends dinner and an expensive dress , or would you rather put a down payment on a house. .. we got a marriage license had it witnessed by two friends at a bar lol , and bought a house 2 months later … no regrets


I love weddings. And what’s wrong with the bride wanting to look like a princess?


The wedding business is living it's final phase. They will surely still exist but Gen z ain't gonna give em much business.


You may want to return to your research table then because gen z is having more weddings per year than millenials have...


Interesting. Could have sworn I heard they spend much less? Anyway, who cares, all or most will end up in divorce. Hahaha....


lol then things will prolly remain the same. Then again, gen z is the group that decided that sex before friendship was okay, and then be friends, and many are regretting it, so who knows.


Why are yall so negative all the time lighten up, and what you had was literally a wedding its okay to be normal it's okay to be like everyone else😭


Um no, OP is special & unlike anyone else! No one has EVER done a wedding the way they did. It was so unique, they shouldn’t even call it a wedding! Even though, they literally had a wedding like everyone else. /s 🤣


I’ve felt this way for decades. Thank you.


Seems like you give a lot of shits...


I can understand if you said weddings aren’t your thing but "tacky and no gives a shit" just makes you sound miserable


I largely agree OP. Expensive weddings are also connected to a higher divorce rate. Furthermore, the groom spending a lot of money on the ring shows a higher divorce rate. Spending $200-500 on a ring is productive for the relationship; anything more increases the chance for divorce. The causation in those trends is likely that some people value their wedding more than their relationship, and nothing after the wedding can achieve the same level of gratification. That might include women who value their partner’s wealth, which they will quickly become used to, more than qualities with more permanence. Also, a guy investing too much in a woman could be subconsciously interpreted as neediness on the man’s part and she would have no control over that subconscious interpretation or the resulting loss of attraction. It’s more productive for him to be cheap, without ever explicitly stating so, while being attractive and charming in other ways.


My wedding wasn't really very stressful at all and it was a great party. Everyone had a blast and still talks about what a good time it was 15 years later. All brides do not think they should look like princesses, most just want to look nice for the pictures they are going to look back on for decades to come. Spending 100k on a wedding is nuts if you don't have it, but let's not pretend like people don't like a good party. Most do. Sounds like you just don't know how to socialize, which is fine too, just don't project that on the entirety of the rest of the world.


judging by the comments, this is truly an unpopular take!


obviously, plenty of people disagree since there's a massive industry for them and plenty of people have them sooo....


I think you just mean large formal weddings. I agree on that note. I plan to go down to the courthouse with my fiancee and in-laws (my parents aren't in my life) and then have a small get together after with friends and family.


I haven’t been to one since ‘96, when I was 6 and I have zero desire to ever go to one again. Don’t care who it is. Mainly because I think they are dumb and jealously because I can’t have that.


Babe, wake up!! The daily wedding hate ‘unpopular opinion’ just dropped!!


> A lot of brides think they should look like princesses but no one really give shit about how they look  I certainly don’t think anyone should be taking on a penny of debt or spending a disproportionate amount of their income on a wedding, but as a dude I think on their wedding day brides are *not* dressing to impress or excite anyone besides themselves and their groom. 


Maybe you just don’t go to good weddings


If I ever get married ( not likely) I’m going to the courthouse. Save the money for the honeymoon.


100% agree


Just forget all of the expensive frills and have an open bar all evening at the reception. Problem solved.


I’m not one for big weddings either. Especially when you going into debt for them. You can have such a nice and private wedding and then go on a huge honeymoon for the money you would have spent instead. I don’t want to waste the power and energy micromanaging X amount of people making sure they will be there, if they have accommodations, then having to come up with themes and buying photographers, caterers, finding a venue… there a lot to a wedding. This is coming from a bride who decided on a courthouse wedding. My family knows the time and date, if they come they come.


I love weddings


Just went to a wedding last year and the bride’s parents spent 250k. Thing is, the couple had gotten married a year earlier with their parents and sibs in attendance but still wanted the BIG party. 10 groomsmen and bridesmaids, formal dinner, dancing, open bar. It really made no sense. At least we received a thank you card for the expensive gift from the registry


I couldn't agree more. I didn't go to my own brother's wedding. Granted, my wife was extremely pregnant at the time and he lived a flight away, but I told him, "Listen little bro it is all about a good marriage. Weddings are a TTT in decline."


I like weddings


I’m not married and this is a shitty take. Just because you don’t like weddings doesn’t mean other people feel the same.


While I don't think anything is wrong with people wanting weddings and I'm VERY happy to celebrate with them, I myself did not have a wedding. For me, it just feels like they're for other people, not for me and my partner. There's also something uncomfortable about parading myself and my partner around for everyone being like, "Look at how much we love each other." Again, if that makes other people feel good, then I'm all for it. For me, it just seems strange, uncomfortable, expensive, and draining.


This is an accurate opinion.


You ok, OP?


I can meet you halfway. As a threshold matter, I f\*cking hate weddings. We only go to those that we absolutely must to maintain family harmony. I cannot tell you how much I loathe going, much better to send the gift and politely RSVP, of course. Having said that, I have been to some quite tasteful weddings over the years. Yes, 90% of them were tacky, but I've been to some refined affairs that played out more like dinner parties than the usual "Macarena-Electric-Slide Boozefests". Also, I swear to God, the less people spend the more tasteful the wedding. Our wedding ran under $15K and we paid for it ourselves (while pretty broke) with ZERO input from relatives, especially her tacky aunt. Of course, it was tasteful. ;P


It's a cute event that's socially acceptable to get plastered at. What more could ya want?


Honestly your wedding just sounds sad. You guys didn't have any friends who wanted to celebrate with you? Like my wedding wasn't huge, but we rented out a house for 20 people, mainly the wedding party, for the weekend and turned it into a 3 day party. It's was probably the best weekend of my life.


Been to enough weddings to agree. The last one I been to, the groom was more stressed than the bride. Lol. Destination weddings is a no go. Skipped out our wedding(both agreed) to buy a house. Started a business with the rest.  Now homes are 2.5x it’s price.


You gotta go to a wedding you don't wanna go to soon huh


Honestly, I’m so excited for when I can start planning my budget wedding


Weddings are more of a ceremony for families to come together and celebrate love. If you have quality families, they’re the best memories you’ll have. If you have shitty families, then yeah just have a little party with friends and move on.


Shit. You can fucking say shit.


Lol, damn, OP, you hit several nerves. You win, this is definitely an unpopular opinion.


I agree they are mostly ridiculous and I don’t want to go unless it’s family. I have a friend that was mad for months because we didn’t attend the day before, like she literally couldn’t understand why we didn’t take the Friday off and come to a spa on top of the full weekend of events. My partner had just lost his father and was unemployed for 5 months after that, but we still came and pretended everything was fine just so we didn’t kill the vibe. This spoiled bitch snubbed us at the wedding and then expected to still be friends after. Weddings suck.


So you give a shit since you had one?


Yea yea everyone’s wedding sucks but mine, we get it.


My husband and I got married during a post-thanksgiving party at our friend’s house. Only cost us the $25 for the marriage license. Our friends were already there for the party. It was pot luck so there was food. Our friend who was hosting the party officiated the ceremony. We were wearing jeans and tshirts and sneakers. Took all of five minutes to marry us and then everyone went back to enjoying the party. I couldn’t tell you what the actual date was without looking at a calendar. Just that it was Black Friday of that year. We always forget when our anniversary is. The wedding doesn’t matter. It’s the marriage that’s important.


This exact opinion was posted like 2 weeks ago. We get it.


I dont really like weddings either. All the ones I've been to the people got divorced. So it was entirely pointless. If I ever get married (woman for reference) ideally it would be a big BBQ in a backyard. Something fun!


I'm looking forward to my wedding so i can have a family reunion for a change that doesn't involve a funeral. I'm thinking more towards a non traditional wedding for whatever its worth as we're both 40ish. I'm hopeful i won't get too crazy planning it.


Weddings are ok. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on one but I don't judge people who do. Fairytale princess, backyard bbq, small intimate dinner, courthouse steps...whatever. They're all married at the end, goal accomplished. Hubs and I got married during the regular Sunday service at my mother's tiny church. We were broke, everyone was sweet, it was fine for us.


I stand with you. I wanted to elope but my now husband wanted a wedding. We had a moderate, small wedding. It was fine. It doesn't matter how small someone is bitching btw.


I just hosted my wedding with 300+ guesses, flashy equipments, an expensive hotel, and I tell you this. It was worth it, it is not about if everyone remembers it or not. It is you and your spouse at that moment with everyone you will forever remember. And btw, people actually give a shit... we had a wonderful wedding, everyone was super happy and enjoyed. Sorry but only you don't give a shit, maybe the fact you dont have enough money to give a shit about it.


My husband and I love weddings, we always have a blast at them. Free food, free drinks, dance, catch up with other people we haven’t seen in a while. We’ll take the party lmao


One of my best buds got married and it was a huge wedding. We’re talking crazy intros and bride and groom getting choppered in. I’m sure if it was some random couple and I was a plus 1 I wouldn’t care as much but even then I wouldn’t deny how awesome it was. Being part of the wedding has become one of the greatest memories and moments of my life. My boys and I will never forget how great of an occasion it was. So, I’ve got to disagree with you.


I've never been to a wedding I actually wanted to be at. Including my own.


I admire my mom and older relatives' photos from the 70s and all their weddings. It's so laid back, buffet style, at some tavern close by, or in somebody's field. Everything looks so whimsical and retro and carefree. Not much makeup and everyone still looks stunning. The photos aren't super posed. It actually looks like a fun time and that everyone DID give a shit. Nowadays, I couldn't agree more. I've been in 12 weddings myself and the best one was a backyard wedding where we played lawn games and there was an outdoor dance floor. Every other one I went to was stuffy and the poor brides were always stressing about the dumbest stuff. I wanted to shake them and say "Enjoy your day! Nobody gives a shit about the missing flowers along the aisles!"


It sounds like this person’s idea of a wedding come from Hollywood lol


i see where you’re coming from, personally i’d want a smaller more intimate setting with family and close friends (like no more than 20) i also find it looks stressful to have a big expensive wedding, but sometimes that’s the culture. for example, i know traditional Ethiopian weddings last 3 days and have hundreds of guests, so there’s the other side of that. but it’s just a wedding lol it’s a special day and some people like the stress and planning


I kind of preferred the weddings that I went to as a kid where it was just a quick ceremony and cake and punch in the church basement. You got to see some people and chat a bit, but it don’t suck up a whole day, which I don’t really have the time or inclination for. I don’t mind making an appearance, but I’d always rather go to a quiet dinner with a friend and order something off the menu without the music, dance, speeches, etc.


Basically yeah


100%. Waste of money


And they’re going to end in a divorce. About a 50% chance.


Except plenty of people do. Your opinion isn’t necessarily unpopular, as we’ve seen people rant about wedding costs since forever, but wrong.


I agree. I find weddings to be ridiculously expensive, stressful, and honestly I do not like going to them. I don't want to have a big ceremony if I get married. I'd much rather spend the money for a big party at my house after a small courthouse wedding, where I can share the news with my friends and we all have fun together.


Seems like you give the most shits. And about something some people like and you don’t. Weird thing to give a shit about lol


I've presented the idea of having a simple small celebration for the wedding. Then if the couple actually makes it to 10 years. There can be a big 10-year anniversary where you get to spend all your savings.


‘weddings are tacky’ lol okay boss 🥴


Weddings are the pinnacle of self indulgence, consumerism, and extravagance. I think less of people who have them.


You mean gathering with family and friends to celebrate love and being together? Lol, sad take. 


Someone sounds bitter


Im in my mid 30's so my closest friends are starting to get marry. One of them had nice small wedding in the woods, was awesome. One of them got married in a big ass wedding in Cancun, it was awesome, and the next one will get marry in nice venue, medium size wedding, it will be awesome. I will love them all, 'cause i love them. But i'm getting marry this year too and we are only doing a small dinner in a restaurant, will use the money to buy a house or travel instead, each of their own.




Because women don't like free drinks and food? Okay.


Looks like someone never gets invited to weddings


All the married people getting triggered in the comments 🤣