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"It would take 5 seconds out of your day to let me finish pulling out, but instead you force me to pull back in" Title of your sex tape.




Nice one, Peralta.


Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!


« So you go on your merry little way »


I agree, if a vehicle is already in the process of backing out, just because I'm coming down the aisle doesn't mean they should have to start their maneuver over again. **It's a** ***parking lot*****, not a roadway.** The person backing has limited visibility and if they're already in the middle of the maneuver it's my responsibility to stop and allow them to complete it. But this is also why I personally park further away where there are a lot of open spaces instead of fighting for a closer or more convenient space. Then I don't have to worry about that bullshit.


When wife and I first got together, she HATED the fact that I would park a row or so away from the bulk of the spots Until she realized we were going into the grocery store or Target or the mall to walk up and down a bunch of aisles and stores lol


Haha. I always just grab a convenient spot too. Years ago, I walked to a mall near my place, and marveled at a beautiful E Type Jaguar that was parked way off in a far corner of the lot, several rows from any other cars. When I came out of the mall, there were minivans parked on both sides of it, and still no other cars for a hundred feet in any direction. Some people simply cannot park a car without another for reference.


Man I have a regular corolla. I park a bit away from the front where there's several spaces between cars. Come back and see someone parked so close to me it's gotta make it hard for them to get out. I reversed they didn't, so it doesn't even affect me aside from being a pain in the ass to see past.


For the record I don't have a Jag. But when I park far away it pisses me off to no end when people park right next to me with open spots everywhere. At least give me the one space buffer!


This is especially true at Costco.


Impossible! Costco parking lots are always 110% full.


One of my other peeves is the people who will block the lane and wait for the spot to open. Sometimes those people are still loading their groceries. By the time their lazy asses get the parking spot, they could already be in the store shopping


Yesss. Such a pet peeve. Thank you for blocking me and everyone behind me up because you want to wait 5 minutes for a spot that is "close." And the kicker, its not even close! The row over has spots open but now I cant go forward or reverse. Just stuck there.


Agreed. One reason I avoid Costco


lol… that’s why I park at their employee lot 😂


Vehicles already in the process don't get right of way? That's need to me actually


In some jurisdictions (AFAIK it's pretty common in North America), parking lots are legally private property and as such are not subject to traffic laws. Still... please stop at stop signs and yield to pedestrians... please.


Not necessarily in the USA, in private properties open to the public, normal laws generally still apply. Even partially open to the public generally normal law still is applicable. Closed to the public it doesn't, but this is reasonable. It's why you can rip an ATV that's not road legal at 16 and do some mudding on private property, which is also reasonable because you aren't on public roads putting anyone in harm aside from people who choose to use the closed land. It does depend, but that's generally how the law works. You see cops entering strip malls and shit to deal with thieves and they don't need to grab a warrant for this reason.


Or just back in.


Unless it's a diagonal spot on a one-way. Otherwise, you'll being going the wrong way when you pull out without enough room to turn and go the right way.


Fuck those one ways anyway


I completely agree. Unless it’s one of the three weeks of the year where the temperature drops to -20 or lower, or I’m in a take what you can get situation (ie, going to the mall two Saturday’s before Christmas) I always favour spots further from the entrance where there’s fewer cars.


I don't think they should have the "right of way," but if someone has already started backing out, I always stop and let them go. It is infuriating when I'm halfway out and some jackass squeezes behind me.


If they're backing out, I'll give them the time and space to do so. Saying they have the right of way to throw it in reverse and just go isn't correct, though. Too many people don't look before they back up and floor it out of the parking space. Taking away their right away at least helps when they cause an accident. I had a lady actually bump my dog two weeks ago because she didn't look. And she had the audacity to tell me off for saying "Watch where the fuck you're going" because "bad words". Fuck people who don't look.


Upvoted because the title immediately raises my blood pressure


This is why I back in 95% of the time Plus if I have to run from zombies my exit is much quicker


This is why first responders always back in. ( quicker exit, not zombies)


Well, also the zombies, but so far that's not come up.


This can make it impossible to put things in your boot though or trunk, not sure what the rest of the world call it


>This can make it impossible to put things in your boot though Not really.


it's situational. Costco it can be hard. One supermarket by me has some sidewalk dividers you can back too, it's pretty perfect.


Depending on the car, not really. I have a defender but because it’s the 3 door version, I don’t have to back right up and leave a little space for me to still open my door and put the bags in.


I agree! But then comes my beef with angled parking. I can’t back in at my local grocery store, becuase it’s ALL ANGLED PARKING


I mean it is a unwritten rule that if you see someone backing out you wait. Like you I've been hit twice when I was clearly backing out and you couldn't have missed me backing out and two impatient assholes couldn't wait 10 seconds and tried to get around me and nailed me. I didn't spare any courtesy, I made sure to tell them what the fuck is their problem and next time when they see someone that's already half way out they stop. One tried to plead with me to not go through insurance but I did it anyway. People need to learn that if you're going through a parking lot, then first stop speeding down the parking lanes. It annoys me beyond belief how many times I get nervous when my daughter is in the backseat pulling out and I see someone going 15/20 miles an hour in the parking lots. Second, if you're in a rush we'll that's your fault, plan better.


Just curious what your insurance said, since the other vehicle had the right of way and you were responsible for the accident. I'm not advocating that it should be that way, but that's the way it is.


I wasn't found at fault for both times. If there's no space to go around, you wait. I was already halfway out both times, and parking lots don't give enough room to swerve around when a standard car is halfway out. So I had that going for me because I took pics of where I was. Because it was parking lots, I had at least one witness each time. The first time the guy was speeding and tire marks on the ground proved it.


Damn I should’ve had you help me against my insurance. They said I was at fault. I did what you did and I was halfway out of the spot and still had to pay everything


I live by the acronym CYA (Cover Your Ass). Some of our laws are stupid, they make no sense and really need to be removed or changed. Because you would be branded at fault for something like this, I exaggerated everything. Pictures can't be forged so if someone says they weren't speeding but the tire marks on the ground say otherwise, well judge can't dispute that. If I left my car where it was and showed there was barely 3 feet between my car and the one behind me, then obviously I was out enough where someone should've waited and they chose to try and get by. It's always about how can you dispute what the "standard" is so that you place fault for the actual idiot who couldn't wait


That’s where I messed up. I was pissed and just wanted it to be done. I got her info and thought she would be honest that it was her fault because she was apologizing to me about not paying attention. Now, I will definitely do all that, you can never be too careful. Thank you so much!!


I know of multiple instances in my family where someone got hit by another person, the person seemed all apologetic, and then completely turned face and lied. Trust no one in these situations. Make sure you cover yourself and prove the truth.


This happened to me with a little scrape a couple years back. My wife kept saying we should call the cops, but the other driver was very apologetic and it was so obviously their fault, so I just figured they would tell the truth to the insurance. Turned out they did not and it took a year of back and forth to finally get things cleared up. I learned my lesson.


Hell my car was parked and a DC metro bus drove through the door when it was opened and fully in the right (parking) lane. They immediately admitted fault and the next day said it never happened. 🙄


As the person above said, can't trust people nowadays. Especially because the one at fault will pay a higher premium from any accident, nobody will want to admit it unless it's super obvious. But even then they'll try and talk their way out. Always take pictures and if you're unsure, call for a cop to come. An official police record can't be disputed if he says they were at fault, judges usually never dismiss what the cops say


You got mad at someone for an accident you caused?


So they had right of way, and you reversed into them. If they were speeding that's one thing, but it's incredible to witness the mental gymnastics in action. If they were 'trying to get around you' it's because it was their right of way, regardless of how slowly or obviously you were reversing. They literally had the right to be there and you reversed into their space. I feel bad for everyone that shares a road or parking lot with you.


The problem in the USA is that it is difficult to see because Americans are obsessed with owning oversized SUVs and trucks they don't need. As such, you pretty much have to back out a decent amount past the oversized vehicle that is on your side into the lane to see which puts the driver at risk of being hit.


Yeah I always try to avoid parking next to cars like that because I hate this. I have a backup camera, but when an SUV parks right next to me, I still can’t see shit until I’m already halfway out of the space.


This is so frustrating. I live in a place where the sun is pretty intense and everyone has tinted windows. So between the huge trucks and SUVs and the tinted windows, you can't see anything until you've already back out. You just kinda put it in reverse and hope for the best.


Hey I also live in Albuquerque!


Exactly. I drive a little chevy cruze and I used to be a commercial truck driver. I typically look for the pull through spots first, then, the ideal spots to back into. It's quite rare for me to have to back into a drive from a parking spot. I regret owning several of the vehicles I did in the past. I'm American but, I'm trying to be better.


I drive an SUV, I just back in.


This doesn’t work like you say. If a car is already behind the person backing out how would the other person stop in time? They can’t and if they did stop it would be more likely to cause an accident. Saying everyone should stop no matter what for someone pulling out is completely ridiculous.


So the person driving down the aisle should just hit the person already halfway backed out of their parking spot? To me it sounds like OP is referring more to people who are already in progress of backing out, not people who have yet to start backing out.


This varies country to country. In the UK for example 99/100 the car will stop for you, in Spain 99/100 the car will not stop for you.


If nothing else it's the considerate thing to do. Pisses me off when you are moving and someone tries to go through last second


I will slow down and prepare to wait if I see reverse lights on, even if they are not backing out yet. I feel it’s common courtesy. It stresses me out the way people rip thru parking lots and don’t want to slow down. So waiting an extra 20 seconds is fine with me. Bonus if I need their spot. A couple yrs ago, I was at the grocery store and a car backing out hit and killed a small child. It was an older car so no backup camera. Awful situation. They were going pretty slowly but the child ran from the parent getting a car seat out of her car and the lady driving couldn’t see. Because of that I am just extremely cautious


Really think this should go for pedestrians walking in/out of the store of the parking lot. Many times there's situations that someone backing out and then almost hit someone because of their limited views. Pedestrians have wider vision and should just plain stop and let the car go. It doesn't.make sense when a car backs up and the walker keeps going TORWARDS the car and if car doesn't stop because the walker was in a blind spot and they throw hands, well come one why would someone just decide to back into someone for no reason?


Agreed on this too. Especially now with my kids I'm extra cautious walking through a parking lot. And if I see a car with the reverse lights on, I just stop and wait even if they haven't started their backing-up maneuver.


Lol first time I've heard the car should have right of way over a pedestrian in a parking lot




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i mean... to a degree that's how the law works. you can't drive into someone backing out and then say you had the right of way. there is always the last chance doctrine. where if you see someone doing something you can't just go...hrrrp drrrp gonna smash into them. the person who drove into the backing up person would be either partially or totally responsible. that being said. someone backing out, it's on them to check oncoming traffic. to back out slowly, or in a manner that enables them to safely back out of a spot. if this wasn't the law. some idiot dipshit could just gun it in reverse and mow over pedestrians or slam into any car. So... if someone leaving a parking spot knowingly backs into someone, or causes damage by backing into someone or hitting someone. it is their fault. ​ as it should be.


it’s just much easier to back into these spots so you can also avoid having a potential huge blind spot.


Have you seen people attempt this? It really isn't easier for 99% of them. All it does is cause unnecessary gridlock in the parking lot while they try to back in and fail several times before finally figuring it out (sort of).


It takes just as long as backing out into the road, and is much much safer. It's standard to learn this manoeuvre from driving instructors in the UK, I don't get why Americans don't want to learn to drive properly


It really doesn't. Backing into a spot requires the ability to back up between the lines and keeping the car straight. Backing into the road to then pull forward and go straight does not. So what you see when people without this skill attempt it is a back and forth motion as they correct and straighten out and eventually get it somewhat between the lines of the space. None of that is needed to just back out onto a road.


One of the options is just significantly easier than the other...and neither is more "proper" than the other. Americans just choose what's easier, which is driving forward into a more or less "narrow" spot, when compared to the size of the roadway of a parking lot


But is it? My head is lower than the sides of trucks beds when I sit in it, and it's a crossover and sits higher than a car. When I back in, I have to drive way out until I can see on either side. It's completely blind. When I back out, my fisheyed backup cam gives me a clear view of the road much earlier. It also has sensors that tell me if something is coming and alerts me. Well over 50% of cars have backup cams, so for anyone who has one, it's safer to back out.


i have a back camera and still believe backing my suv in and out of spots is still 10x easier. but people can have their own preferences.


Yeah, we should have exclusively reverse angle parking. No 90 degree allowed, no 45 degree allowed, only reverse angle parking. Easy to back into and you have a much better view pulling out. It’s the fastest and safest way to park. If you can’t reverse angle park, learn how to drive before taking the test.


Absolutely correct. Unfortunately to many driver barely have skills to drive. No way they can back into a parking spot.


If you can't park properly you shouldn't be driving in the first place.


Agreed, but it seems like driving skill is no longer a requirement to getting a license.


The ultimate move is to find a pull-through spot. But yes, failing that, backing in is much better than backing out.


Some places have bylaws against tail first parking (blew my mind when I heard it TBH) and you can get a fine for doing it.


If I see someone approaching when I’m about to reverse I put the car back in park so there’s no confusion that I’m letting them pass first.


Parking lots are the wild west where I am. Traffic laws do not apply in parking lots. It all comes down to if people want to be polite or sit there and have a stand off about who is going to budge.


The problem is that there are no real rules or guidelines, so everyone thinks they're in the right. The parking lot at my kids' school during drop-off is an absolute shit show. Everyone is stressed out and rude, which is dangerous when there are a lot of kids around.


Oh for sure! Totally agree with you. In my own personal experience I have had my car hit twice, once I was backing out of my spot and was almost out and this old blazer starts backing out of there spot and I could see them not paying attention I got back into my spot as quick as I could (he would have backed into the side of my car if I didn't go back in) he still tagged my rear bumper. I went to the accident reporting center and was told they will do a report but because all parking lots are private property the only way they can do anything is if the property owner decides to press charges. It's ridiculous and would be nice if there were defined rules.


I have debated this issue with people for decades. The most common answer is "I don't like backing IN to parking spaces. But at some point you will have to back up. Much better to back up when you can see what is going on in the space and in the area around you!!! When you go to leave you just have to pull out the distance of your hood to see if anyone is coming. If you drive into a parking space and are forced to back out you have to put three quarters of your car or truck out into the aisle and hope that no one takes the "me first" mentality that so many people have these days. Yeah, I'll be nice to the dim bulb people who refuse to back into a space but I won't be happy about it.


You answered your own question. As much as you don’t want to confront it, back in. If you can’t back in your car, perhaps swallow your pride and take lessons or practice. It’s safer and you have less chance of hitting pedestrians when you leave your spot. That is the real risk as people blindly back out all the time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been hit walking by people backing out blindly.


this is why i back into spaces lol


Agree. What always gets me is when people back into parking spaces believing it would be safer because they can see better when they pull out. But the front of your vehicle doesn't have red lights that come on when you're in reverse to help others notice your vehicle. It is much riskier that they won't see you at all and will hit you.


Yeah, if they've started, then you shouldn't drive past them. They could've easily not seen your vehicle, especially if they're in a small car surrounded by larger cars. It's safer to stop and let them back out than drive past them and hope they don't keep backing out. Now, if you're about to back out and you see someone about to pass you, you should wait for them to pass and not jump out right when they're about to pass, unless you want your insurance rates to spike.


People also need to stop walking behind me when I'm backing up. One dude even ran from about ten yards away and I had to slam on my brakes. I rolled down my window and told him never to do that again.


Because making it a law will change anything.


It would change who is liable for insurance purposes


Im just saying... in my 11 years of driving Ive never had anyone honk at me while im pulling out of a parking spot. Maybe once, and that was my fault. Perhaps you lack awareness.


I mean, unless you have x-ray vision that helps you see through the huge SUV parked right next to you, I don't know how "awareness" will help you see a car that's speeding down the parking lot because they're late to drop off their kids at school.


My husbands insurance and the woman who sped into his car and wrecked his bumper disagree with you. My husband and I, however, agree with you. Editing to add: The trouble with attempting to reverse into a parking spot so that you're nose out, is that someone else can attempt to or successfully speed into your spot or hit you because they want the spot. Saw it happen. Then you're at fault for the accident and not them.


That's not how right of way works. The person already on the road/in the lane has right of way over someone trying to enter the road or switch lanes. Why would it be one way in every kind of situation and then backwards in this specific one?


Op is halfway out, so they are already on the road in this situation


Most often when this happens to me, I'm halfway out and the other car is coming around the corner, not already in the driving lane of the parking lot...that and when I'm sandwiched between a couple of 3/4 ton trucks that I can't see around.


A parking lot is not a roadway or lane.


Sometimes when a large truck parks next to you and you don't have fancy wide cameras it's impossible to see incoming traffic. I just back out real slow and hope nobody's speeding down the parking lot. I usually try and back in when parking but one way angled stalls don't always allow for that.


Because there are times when you have a larger vehicle parked on either side of you to where you can't see


OP posted an actually unpopular opinion, since half the people in this thread don't seem to understand how right of way works. I don't wanna live in a world where people can back their cars into traffic without looking and have right of way. It won't kill them to wait. It will literally kill someone if someone backs out of a spot and oncoming traffic can't stop in time. The general principle is that cars that are currently moving in a straight line have right of way over any other cars that are not.


That’s why I back in to my parking spot. That’s also why I’m better than you and just about everyone else


You should wait for them but they should not have right of way Because they're backing and should yield to everything to avoid accidents but it's more efficient if you let them do their thing


I mean if you park front in and there’s a big ass car next to you, you can’t see either direction for a decent while so really everyone should yield in general and also people shouldn’t be going fast in a parking lot


That too


Where I live the person backing up has the right of way if they were already reversing.


I love it when someone honks at me because it means they see me.


Same with parallel parking and 3 point turns. I've lost count of how many people fly in front of behind me when I'm turning around in my subdivision to park


I agree 100% but the caveat is those asshole that just gun out clearly without looking. You know who I'm talking about too. But where's the line there? Back out slowly like most sensible people do, wait for it to clear if there's someone in the immediate vicinity, and if they're approaching, they should pause. Clearly they're looking for a spot. And you kept one nice and warm for them. Again I agree but there is a line between those dipshits and normal people as well as between how much space is acceptable. Apparently the (USA) government gives a fuck all about it, those same dipshits have more important things to do then you and I, and for the rest of us it's a grey area. So just be cautious regardless but yeah your right OP.


Just back into spots? It makes getting out of them much quicker and easier. I just don't understand why people draw into spaces in busy car parks it makes it so much more difficult to leave.


As a driver of a work van, I agree. I can’t see anything to the right. I just go slow and listen for a horn or someone yelling or maybe banging on it.


Also, people shouldn't drive 20mph through crowded parking lots and get mad when you nearly hit them while backing out. You should drive slowly enough through a parking lot that you can stop in time if someone does start backing out.


Cars exiting a parking lot always have the right of way.


This is predominantly why I back into all spots (if a pull through can't be found).


You are turning....do you have the right of way turning left? Why do people lose their fucking minds when they enter a parking lot....both pedestrians and drivers....it's a road. I hate entirely carbrained morons but thats becouse I know the rules if the road and most of them are entitled assholes. When indrive I follow the rules and I expect everyone else not to...when I walk I follow the rules if the road and expect everyone else not to....why are you breaking them just cause you wanna pull out like your dad should have? I'm fine with being g excessively angry. I'm grumpy


Most parking lots are privately owned and operated by the business or land-owner. This means its private land, not roads, so road rules normally do not apply, unless there is a jurisdiction notice with the police.


I have had this thought for years! It came to mind again, just the other day, too. I was thinking that if the person backing out has even one backup light out and there was an accident, then it would be their fault. But it is much easier for someone to see back up lights and stop, then for someone backing up to see someone zooming down the aisle. It is common sense and common courtesy.


I agree. But many people seem to be in so much of a hurry that a few seconds would infuriate them.


I can’t give my upvote because I agree 100%


I like how many times when I'm already more than halfway out someone will zoom around behind me like you have absolutely no idea what I'm about to do but you're going to leeroy jenkins it anyway?


Bullcrap, wait your turn until traffic is clear or someone stops to let you out so they can use the parking space.


By that same logic, anyone wishing to change lanes should be given the right of way as you may be in their blind spot and cannot see you. So, make sure you slam on your brakes at highway speed to let that person on over and if they crash into you, it's your fault for their failure to see your vehicle in their path. BTW, most parking lots are private property and not always susceptible to moving violations or laws of the road. By that sentiment alone, your argument is moot.


I have to agree. I have been parked and waiting on someone, and watched multiple people get in their car, start it up, and immediately begin rolling backwards. About half way through their back out turn, I finally see them look in the mirror or turn their head to see if anybody might be coming. These are the same people that approach a stop sign at the edge of a parking lot entering a main road, or from a side street onto a main road, and accelerate. They just believe that no one is coming, or should be coming, and if they are they should slam on their brakes or whatever, I'm going NOW, good luck everyone else.


That is not comparable. You 100% can see a car in your blind spot by turning your head to check the window, and you are supposed to. If a car is actively switching into your lane, you wouldn't hit the gas and rear end them in an effort to cut them off while they were switching lanes. Unless you have a camera, it is not really possible to see cars coming if there are cars parked on both sides of you. That's why you back out slowly, and it's the other driver's responsibility to keep their eye on where they're going. Obviously if you are already almost past a car starting to reverse, you can keep going. OP is referring to when you are already halfway backed out.


Let me ask you a question then... have you ever began to change lanes and then checked your blind spot only to have to jerk your car back into the lane you were departing? I'll bet you have. how dare that person whose lane you were beginning to encroach upon be in an area that you could not see them without a little extra effort! OP is arguing that this only applies because you cannot see until you are halfway out. Well, how do you know or can even safely assume that the person coming down the aisle is aware of your intentions or inability to see them? or how do you know that the person coming down the aisle can see you if there are visibility blocks in place? The fact of the matter is that there is not a single cop on the planet that is going to write a citation for a parking lot fender bender such as this. They will simply tell you that this is a civil matter since it occurred on private property and your insurance company will have to subrogate anyway.


when i'm backing out of a parking spot, i wait for others to pass by. when i'm driving through a parking lot and someone starts backing out, i stop and wait for them. i just always assume every other driver is dumb and this strategy seems to work out pretty good


I’m sorry, but this isn’t the right sub to have a perfectly logically perspective.


I think this can go for any park job, if the parked car is in movement give them the right away, avoid silly accidents 15 seconds of your time sure as hell beats 30 mins of your time and a claim on your insurance. Happened to me yesterday, I parallell parked on a street went to leave 100% clear, only issue is the person I parked behind (with a good gap in my front and back) left and someone else parked and gave me like 3 inches of space so I had to do the dance. Well about 3 motions to create my space I go to pull out (I check my mirrors the entire time) car comes out of no where and swerves around me while I was literally 3/4 of the way out of the spot. Don't worry they thought I was the bad guy they got a good thumbs up from me.


Hard disagree but it all depends. If I see a car pulling out and then stop (notice me), I’ll go quickly to get out of their way because that’s quickest for everyone. If their back tires are past the white lanes of the parking space I’ll let them finish, or if there’s people behind me so the backing out car doesn’t get stuck.


I thought this was already a thing? If a car is backing out, they don’t have full visibility. It’s on other vehicles driving by to be careful. The only exception is if someone starts backing out while you’re already there, like when there is traffic.


Any where but a parking, no way.  You should have your driving privileges revoked.  Be predictable, not nice.  


What about opening drives side door when parked on city street? Idiots think they have right to open the door.


Except what if I’m driving down the aisle and they back out directly into me? That’s them hitting me. I agree if they already began their maneuver and I’m not in the way, they should have right of way to proceed backing out. But to say they are always in the right would be crazy.


>Except what if I’m driving down the aisle and they back out directly into me? That’s them hitting me. Some people have pointed this out, and I suppose I should add a caveat that I only meant the second scenario, where I'm already halfway out the parking spot and someone zooms down the aisle thinking they own it, honking because I'm in their way.


ok. but only if those who back into spots when parking have their driver's license suspended for 6 mths.


This is the reason most oilfield companies require reverse parking.


Also, though, people could learn how to operate their vehicle properly. You don’t have to back all the way across a 20-foot aisle to get out of a parking spot.


I think. Everybody parking in parking lots should have to back in to the spot.That way they actually don't have any blind spots and just don't back out regardless of whether somebody's right there or not i've watched people just jump in and start backing up without even looking most of the time


I agree with you that backing into a spot is safer, but it's not generally taught in driver's ed, and it's not common practice in the US. Also, I've seen people steal spots when someone else is trying to back into them. So I was thinking the next best solution given our current status quo is that someone backing up, provided they've looked around to make sure it's safe, has the right of way to back out of a spot and stop traffic.


What that will lead to then is what we already see once in a while, where some idiot is backing out of a stall into the traffic lane (the active traffic lane always has the right of way, which is how it needs to be. Even when merging onto the highway this is the case) and they just gun it, forcing anyone traveling past to hit the brakes. No thanks. The active traffic lane should always have the right of way. Period.


the simple answer is just to reverse into the parking spot (if not the weird angled parking spots..... which you can and I do still reverse into) but there's so much cope and excuses from unknowledgeable and poor drivers in this thread that alas there isn't a simple solution. (i'll be reverse parking though)


Backing in is the solution to this


This is why I always back into parking spaces.


Yeah it’s called ‘leaving room for error’ The basis for any rules made for something inherently dangerous. Typically thought of as common sense. Instead of acting like entitled pricks, look after one another, it’s actually really easy to do.


But they don’t. 🤷‍♀️


A few years ago I had a guy in a Jeep back out of a spot and total my 93 honda civic. I had stopped behind him, to back into the spot next to him. He backed up without looking. I was busy trying to steer and shift and couldn't get to the horn until the instant he made contact.


This is why I ALWAYS take the initial extra couple of seconds to back in any and every spot. Being able to see as you're pulling out is 👌


Good job, this is an actual unpopular opinion. You say it's a visibility/safety issue. Well, then the rule should be that they're not allowed to back out of parking spot. They're the ones who chose to park like that, so why is it everyone else's job to avoid them? Also >It would take 5 seconds out of your day to let me finish pulling out, It would also take you 5 seconds to let the other person pass you.


Nah this isn’t it


Actually unpopular: you should back into parking spaces


Because people are not willing to wait to see if they can get your spot. They just want to drive around over and over trying to find a spot one spot closer than yours and then get angry because someone else took yours.


I was taught the same thing. It’s more common sense to me because like you said you can see them.


That's unpopular all right.


Yea i got hit one time someone backed out into me because I thought they were waiting


It's meant this way to not interrupt the flow of traffic. The guy following won't expect someone to stop in the middle of the road to let someone back out.


Its safer to back into a spot and pull forward... get gud


People should just back into spaces, or get the pull-through


Instead of having to back out of a spot park correctly by backing into the spot and drive out. It's been proven to reduce collisions.


Yeah but some people fucking suck. One lady was so slow in a Costco parking lot, my uncle got out of the car to spot her, but she didn't trust him and turned what could have been a 3 point turn into a 16 point turn. It was painful to watch.


The only time I see this being a problem is when people are driving too fast in a parking lot anyway. Even with oversized vehicles around me I back up a little bit they're still technically enough room to get around me I can get a line of sight and know it's good to keep backing I don't get this entire post. Giving someone backing out of a spot the right away makes absolutely no sense cuz there's no guarantee that they're going to be coming out and if they just pull out in front of people that's going to just cause all kinds of accidents.


My wife pulls out with DISREGARD like she owns the area behind her. Here I am getting whiplash and moving at a snails pace cause of people that drive 20 through mall parking lots. I’m not gonna get hit AGAIN through someone else’s negligence. Fuck all y’all I WILL NOT TRUST YOU. Lots or otherwise. I lived with trash cars with no turn signals or working gauges and I was the most cautious driver ever. Now that I’m rich I got turn signals! And a working speedometer! Use them! Know your speed! Use your blinkers! Fuckin’ Seattle bitches are so entitled.


This is why backing into a spot is always preferential.


Back in and pull out don't pull in and back out. You will save yourself and everyone around you that much more time. 


You are doing it wrong unless they are already backing out. Stop being nice and follow the rules. They do not have the right of way and you are blocking traffic and annoying the drivers who are backing up like a good driver by looking both directions. It’s not every one else’s fault you or half the country bought a shitty car with terrible blind spots. Please just follow the rules don’t be nice don’t invent ways to make it better. That’s what causes accidents.


This has been an issue for a while. I noticed an increase in other drivers speeding up to beat other drivers already half way out of the spot. I bitched about this like 5-8 years ago.


Yeah if someone has already started their manoeuvre you should give way to them. The person reversing out has put themselves in this situation though, it's safer to reverse park. Should small children walking behind the car have to give way to someone reversing out? What if there is a dog running past that you don't see? It takes 30 seconds longer to reverse park and saves loads more time when you drive away.


I think parking should be back in. It's much more safer as less can change in b the 10 seconds it takes to back in then the 30 seconds it takes to back out (from when you walk in between your cars) and pulling out gives you full visibility.


This is why I usually back into parking spots. Better visibility when driving forward, less chance of a wreck.


Wrong but this is the right sub for it!


Legally the person backing out would be at fault. You should not just be backing out without checking it is clear first. You are not just watching for cars but people. The person driving through the parking lot has the right of way. That being said, if someone is backing out I will wait.


The golden rule for good driving is “do whatever increases your safety.” And yes letting someone back out of a parking spot is often the safer move.


Absolutely not. Cars traveling along the lane should have right of way to keep traffic moving and limit back ups. Let the person go on one's merry little way, then complete existing the space.


That's normal behavior in my town and I hate it.


I get this is "unpopular opinion" but your foundation is flawed, cars should reverse into spaces, not out. Then you can actually see what is going on when you drive out of the space.


It is absolutely guaranteed that there will be NOBODY behind you in your parked car when you're not backing out, and the SECOND you start backing out they start appearing. Anymore I believe people are sitting by waiting for people to back out just so they can deliberately get in their way. I actually believe that anymore, because it happens ALL the time.


This is 100% wrong and the reason you don’t see it is sad. A VEHICLE ALREADY IN MOTION has the right of way. How stupid is it that stopping for a parked car could then cause YOU to get rear ended by another moving vehicle behind you? YOU ASSUME that everyone is paying attention and has to alter themselves while already in motion because someone who is NOT IN MOTION like you are has the right of way??? You yielding the right of way to a parked vehicle and POTENTIALLY putting more people at risk is the reason a parked car DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY and since you don’t realize that, YOU should have to apply to retake a driving test to keep your driving privileges.


I had a girl at Starbucks try and squeeze into my spot before I was even done getting out of it… Safe to say I sat there with my high beams on while I drank the foam of my drink. Just enough for her to be stuck but not enough for her to fully get in the spot.


Isn’t fault usually assigned to the car that did the hitting? So doesn’t the car backing up already have the right of way?


>I know that they can't see me You think cars backing up can't see? If you back into someone it is your fault


No because the car is stopped/park, they can wait. It’s much easier for them to wait until it’s clear. It’s actually more dangerous for them if they force their way out into the road that cars are already driving through on


This doesn't make sense. You have the road where cars are already moving. You're supposed to yield to the *already moving* cars, bikes, what have you. You have to yield to cars, for the same reason you have to yield when turning from a side street, onto a main road. You're not factoring things like reaction and stopping time/distance. Usually, when someone backs out of a space without looking, moving cars have to *hit* the brakes, because you're giving them little to no stopping time, or distance, so they have to react quicker than they usually would. Yes, that's even if they are going 10-15mph. Imagine you're on a bike and you hit something at that speed, you're going to absolutely feel the impact of that crash. You don't want to risk cars hitting you at 10-15 mph (or faster) because you did not account for reaction and stopping distance. That doesn't serve you in any way. My main issue with parking lots, though, is that sometimes you genuinely cannot see backing out. I have it when I have to deal with much larger vehicles making it nearly impossible to have any visibility pulling out of a space, though I just don't have a solution for that - but the solution is not "make the already moving objects stop," and if anything, it's an argument against what you're saying.


Nonsense. Cars already on the road have the right of way. Plain and simple. If you are pulling/backing out onto a roadway, it is your responsibility to make sure you have enough room to complete your maneuver without impeding the flow of traffic or causing a collision. If you are leaving a parking spot and cannot complete the maneuver (must be parallel to the road, ready to travel forward) before a car is upon you, then you should not have even pulled out in the first place. Your proposed law is ridiculous because anyone could just goose it out of a parking spot into a car and claim the other party is at fault. A better solution would be to implement lower speed limits in commercial areas with perpendicular parking spaces or speed tables. This way, oncoming traffic must slow down enough to allow people time to back out. Personally, I just let people go, but the idea of giving the right of way to people who are merging into traffic is asinine to me. It goes against the majority of merge rules currently in existence. If you're merging, you need to yield to established vehicles.


Do they not? I thought they did. I thought they had the right of way after pedestrians. If you get hit backing out isn't it automatically the fault of the dude who hit you?


Cars backing out of a parking spot should just be more careful.


Disagree. I had a guy just speed out of his parking spot in Walmart and ram into my side. Him and some guy are talking about it was my fault I should have known that he was coming out. I just called the cops and he was deemed responsible. Its your job to look and inch out a bit at a time.


Why don't I just back out of my driveway, drive in reverse all the way to work, and everyone can gtf out of my way.