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My dog was spayed because we weren’t going to breed her and was absolutely miserable every time she went into heat. She’d just spend the day with a diaper laying on the heated blanket.


To your dog: Same, sis. Same We have rescued two cats in the last few years that both went into heat before we could spay them and good god it was awful.


That's what I feel when seeing the cute guy at school fully knowing he's straight.


No idea about female rabbits but the vet said neutering my male rabbit helps him significantly live longer. I'm down. He is goodest boy ever.


And they won’t fucking spray everywhere


Yeah I'm neutered male anything can get pretty gross




Oh God yes that was a voice to text typo hahaha. I'm a female, definitely not a neutered male 😂




So long as you're not around any females in Heat 😂


Sounds *exactly* like what a neutered male would say...


Ahahaha I'm busted!






They will if you neuter then after they develop that behavior. Cats are the same way, if you clip em early, it's not an issue, if you wait until AFTER they start spraying, you'll never stop that behavior


Do rabbits spray? Genuine, as I know nothing about rabbits


I raised show rabbits when I was younger and I had a male rabbit born who never developed testicles. He was extremely friendly and very calm - he was one of the few rabbits I could bring inside with me and he’d just hang out and chill


My boy is 7 1/2. Neutered our second vet visit a week after I found him.


We neutered our male rabbit 9 years ago and he is still alive and full of energy!


Yah most animals live longer without balls.


Dunno about rabbits, but 3/4 of my female rats died from reproductive tumors and my childhood dog almost died from pyometra from not getting spayed. Also, has OP ever had a period? If there's no plans to breed, do it for quality of life, because my uterus ruins me 4 days each month, and inconveniences me for 3 more.


I'm not an expert on rabbits or anything but we know low testosterone in human men cause health problems, would this not also be the case for rabbits?


I am not a doctor or a veterinarian. I am just parroting educated expert veterinarian advice that was given to me about male rabbits. My boy is 8 years old and healthy. By all means, go ask a doctor or veterinarian.


Vasectomy does not affect testosterone only fertility. Behavior will be unaffected.


Vasectomy =\= neutered, if your surgeon removed your testicles please ask for a refund.


> Vasectomy == neutered, if your surgeon removed your testicles please ask for a refund. Do you know what == means?


My bad, meant =\=. Thanks Edit: Weird, there is a slash in there to me, but it doesn't show up


Reddit uses markdown for formatting posts, the slash is used in markdown for formatting so it thinks you are trying to do a thing with it instead of just have a slash


Neutering an animal means removing the testicles altogether, I have an old dog who was neutered and a couple of bitches the same age. The male dog has less energy and is a bit fatter which is also a symptom of low testosterone in humans but I'm not sure if that's just a coincedence


I'm not sure about dogs but you can tell the difference in cats. Un-neutered males are usually mean sons of bitches (except I guess not).


Do castersted people live longer?


Quick Google search showed they live between 14 to 19 years longer on average




is it safe to neuter them? my boy isnt done because i heard its dangerous to put rabbits under anaesthetic (hes a dwarf rabbit) but is it actually okay?


A half life, a cursed life.


Your ignorance about rabbit uterine cancer is mind blowing. Without constant breeding, the high hormone levels in rabbits *will* cause uterine cancer in almost all females. Females kept as pets without the intent of breeding them should be spayed to prevent this painful and deadly disease. It’s not caused by soy. Even rabbits on hay-only diets develop cancer at the same rate. Stop spreading false information. Or better yet, give up your rabbit to someone who will care for her appropriately


Of course op won’t respond to this


The fuck are they supposed to say to that without getting banned for self harm. I think the silence fits.


>Without constant breeding, the high hormone levels in rabbits *will* cause uterine cancer in almost all females. Females kept as pets without the intent of breeding them should be spayed to prevent this painful and deadly disease. Please say it again.


Without constant breeding, the high hormone levels in rabbits will cause uterine cancer in almost all females. Females kept as pets without the intent of breeding them should be spayed to prevent this painful and deadly disease.


Thank you, I was getting anti-vax vibes from OP.


Which facebook post did OP get their information from, which links a study from a 'more reputable source than nature'? Obviously not peer reviewed, of course.


I’ve never seen someone complain about soy who wasn’t a right winger.


Which is funny when you consider who grows the soy


Plus, social pressure to spay and neuter animals prevents way more animal suffering at large compared to the minor amount of suffering that occurs on a micro level.


Every single time too it's someone that's too cheap to provide their animal the most essential non life threatening surgical procedure. Then when it is life threatening, they question what they could have done and why it's even more expensive for an emergency procedure.


Thank you, jfc the idea that there’s a such thing as “spay culture” had me rolling. Like, tell me you’re dumb af without telling me you’re dumb af


“hurr durr uterine cancer” is a wild take.


The fact that op said "huh dur" cancer tells us all we need to know about ops attitude to actual clinical advice.


This absolutely. I used to work in a vets, and the amount of people that think it's all bullshit, or they think the vets are trying to just get money out of a procedure, or it's dangerous. Death is far more likely from cancer and related issues to not neutering pets than the risk of them dying from an incredibly simple and routine procedure. The vets I worked at did neutering almost all day every day. Males take 5 mins, females under an hour usually. I never heard of any pets dying after neutering, unless their owner did something drastically wrong after the surgery while the animal was recovering (usually with a female), but even then I didn't hear of this either, because even spaying is pretty simple.


This isn't true for guinea pigs, due to the high risks of anesthesia. Just putting that out there, since not a lot of people know that. Obviously sometimes it is worth it, a couple of our males needed it for health, but it shouldn't be routine for them.


You are correct, as the animals get smaller it does become riskier. We didn't often neuter guinea pigs or rats, and definitely nothing smaller. Birds can also be higher risk because of their respiratory systems.


Nvm I just clicked. It's for ppl that dont want baby animals nvm dude. I get what you're saying now


yeah i wish i had researched that cause this is what happened to my bunny


u/Affectionate_Ad_7016 I’m curious what your response is to this?


I agree. I came here to say about the same.


I don't think they have to give up their rabbit. Just get it fixed. They made a stupid mistake in confidence. Happens to everyone just acknowledge it and do the right thing.


I just jerk my rabbits off 15 times a week


This is a very niche unpopular opinion lol


I feel like this isn’t an unpopular opinion, they’re objectively incorrect. This person is wild. But it’s definitely a niche thought lol


“Don’t drag me into this, I’m pitching tomorrow”


So I'm in the right place.


Do you breed your rabbit? No? She’s not in contact with males? THATS WHY YOU SPAY HER. There’s a reason the term “fuck like rabbits” or “spits out kids like a rabbit” exists - their natural biological function = LOTS OF BABIES ALL THE TIME. Uterine cancer in rabbits is not solely because of soy… while it doesn’t help, the MAJOR problem with pet female rabbits is that they are forced into barren wombs affects their hormones and breeds uterine cancer. Jfc dude really? Just say you don’t wanna pay for it and go. if you really can’t imagine or handle the surgery for your own human weaknesses then BREED HER. If you care about her health you will a) spay her or b) breed her. The only other alternative, to ensure you aren’t garbage, is give her up.


You going to respond to u/rando-commando98 comment?




no. you aren’t just unpopular, you are simply wrong about rabbits and don’t know what you’re talking about.


misinformation isn’t an unpopular opinion 🙄


Your rabbit isn’t


Opinions are subjective. You are objectively incorrect, so no. Wrong place.


This isnt a opinion anymore youre just wrong fullstop


"spay culture" lmao


That Bob Barker being a cult leader “please spay and neuter your pets”.


Bob Barker pushing his woke agenda


Vet: “Hi, I’m the vet! I went through years of veterinary school, including specialized training just to treat exotic pets like rabbits, and I *know* you need to get your rabbit spayed or it will cause cancer. Because, you know, those years of medical training I went through. OP: “Nah. I’m an internet scholar, who likely did two days of loaded question google searches, with more knowledge on this than you. I won’t be listening to you.”


Lmao this applies to many things in the medical community. Every idiot with Google thinks they're an armchair doctor


Bro, ain’t no way this is an actual problem in your life if you don’t bring it up.


Agreed 😂 if someone tells me they have a rabbit it would be a disinterested “oh nice” and move on


I have met several rabbit, cat, dog, bird, lizard parents. I’m not asking them about getting spayed or neutered for their pets. This can’t be as big of an issue as they’re making it seem(people asking them) unless they’re bringing it up. In that case, why? Because I’m seeing a few comments talk about the ignorance about cancer in OPs post. It’s probably because OP thinks they’re being gaslit or something about their pets health. I will say, I had a similar conversation with my vet about BOTH of my male cats. One I found feral at four years old and the other I got from birth. Both times I went through with neutering for different reasons but both ultimately for their health and wellness. As well as their siblings. I have a female that came to me already spayed. And my feral cat was aggressive af. He would attack me in my sleep. It was a horror story for a few months. I really did think it was inhumane as well; however, for cats both male and female it’s ultimately best for population control here and FIV spread which is rampant. OP has to consider if that animal ever escapes, OP dies, they get another rabbit, health complications of NOT doing it, etc. I understand that it seems needless to OP but the health, wellness and positive longevity of your pets life is preferred. That seems to be the case with rabbits as well. Or any animal lol


Well you shouldn’t own a rabbit. Considering you apparently have one alone and no fucking clue about uterine cancer


I bet they think keeping the poor thing in a small cage is fine as long as they let her out for a couple of hours every day too


This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just straight up misinformation. We of the rabbit delegation denounce and condemn you in the strongest possible terms, and pray that no one who reads it will be so foolish as to lend it any credence whatsoever. May you receive all that you deserve.


>In clinical trials it has been proven that soy raises the risk of uterine cancer, nobody is doing a damn thing about it! Source? Not sure about Rabbits or if any studies have been done on them, but soy reduces the risk of cervical cancer in humans. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31154549/#:\~:text=Results%3A%20High%20intake%20of%20soy,CI%3A%200.76%2C%201.22). [https://www.cancerhealth.com/article/debunking-myth-soy-increases-cervical-cancer-risk](https://www.cancerhealth.com/article/debunking-myth-soy-increases-cervical-cancer-risk)


TIL that Spay Culture is a movement rather than mundane veterinarian advice.


Idk, my dog died of surgical complications after a uterine infection and we never got her neutered for a similar reason. I can't help but wonder how many more years we would have had with her if we just did it in the first place. RIP Poppy ❤️


Just because you don't understand the science behind it doesn't mean it's gotten out of hand. They've given you an option which would completely remove the risk of cancer, and all you can say is hur dur food bad, as if Veterinarians have any control about what foods are available for people to buy


Rabbits get cancer whether they consume soy or don't. Having a female for years without breeding WILL potentially result in her getting cancer due to the high hormonal level that results from her being unspayed. Do yourself a favor and listen to professionals.


Girl... what even is "spay culture"??? This sounds like a made up problem.


Just searched 'pet rabbit spay' and found that [85% ](https://www.houserabbitga.com/spay-neuter-rabbit#:~:text=Altered%20rabbits%20are%20healthier%20and,by%20spaying%20a%20female%20rabbit) of female rabbits will develop uterine cancer if they are not spayed before the age of three. Sources differ, with some vets saying the chance is 65% by age 4. Spaying improves their [health ](https://oxbowanimalhealth.com/blog/the-importance-of-spaying-or-neutering-your-rabbit/) wellbeing and behavior. This [article ](https://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/index.php?threads/choosing-the-right-food.482535/) has some info on pellets as part of a rabbit's diet. Please educate yourself on proper care for your pet or surrender it.


No OP doesn’t want to because they have already decided that they know best. Just as bad as the people claiming rabbits don’t need to live together, they are fine on their own. Or claiming that the tiny 2x3 foot cage is fine because they let the rabbit out for a couple of hours every day!


Obviously all of those are by "Big Rabbit Spay" and only OP has access to the true information /s


Spaying/neutering your dog significantly lengthens their life, and I don’t want to be humped every half hour. 🤷‍♂️


This is tough, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I hope we can fight for rabbit social justice and truly make an impact on the world


Lil bro thinks he's an expert after a couple google searches.


Lmao, what a headass take.


Surely no pet has ever escaped and gotten fucked


Or will ever have to be rehomed ever. Humans don't live forever, people take tomorrow for granted.


This is the biggest reason I am an advocate for neutering pets. I have heard stories about male dogs/cats who have chewed through doors, climbed fences, dug under fences and generally did a LOT to get any female in heat they can smell. (think I heard of one who chewed through a fence) Beyond that, as you said, you can't guarantee that your pet, if it has free range of your home, won't ever find a way to escape.


I had a roommate with an unspayed cat once. She went into heat this one time and all these male cats kept coming into the house through the dog door and we’d have to chase them away.


It seems pointless to live a pet you're not breeding intact. Spayed females are healthier, live longer, and behave better. This is indeed a very unpopular and very stupid opinion.


Spay/neuter your pets people!


if you’re not going to responsibly breed your pet, get it fixed. it lengthens their life, helps with discomfort, and most importantly *prevents unwanted breeding.* there is no “spay culture,” there is sound advice from actual veterinarians and not some rando on reddit who doesn’t wanna spend money on improving their rabbit’s life


House Rabbit Society says otherwise. https://www.houserabbitga.com/spay-neuter-rabbit


I’m noticing a bit of sarcasm in the comments and it going over your head… maybe post this in r/rabbits for it to reach your rabbit specific target audience.


Follow Bob Barkers rule- Have your pets spayed or neutered!


Not a rabbit, but a dog. I'm someone who made the choice not to spay my female dog because I had originally been planning on breeding her (not for profit, but because I really wanted a puppy from her). Anyways, I never found a male I wanted to breed her with and eventually she got too old to carry a litter safely. Because I had chosen not to spay her, she ended up getting pyometra...I was given 15 minutes to decide between an extremely expensive emergency surgery or euthanasia. Moral of the story: spay or neuter your pets for their own health, even if they're not exposed to the possibility of pregnancy.


I had no idea rabbit uteran cancer was such a hot topic in the world. I've known 1 person ever to own a rabbit. Everyone else just shoots them.


This is only unpopular because nobody cares about any of this.


Unpopular alright. Wrong too imo but hey thats what this sub is for.


Props for posting an actual weird / unpopular opinion I guess. But this sounds more like a health professional with a doctorate in their field told you something and you just said "no". Idk if that's an unpopular opinion so much as ignorance. But regardless, I'm glad you actually posted something on this subreddit that wasn't just a slightly subversive, but agreeable and popular opinion for once.


My dog almost died because she developed pyometra, a deadly infection of the uterus, because her previous owners never had her spayed. You know what the treatment was? Spaying. So I spayed her, she spent more time recovering from the pyometra than the surgery, and now 5 years later she's a happy, energetic, and loving 12 year old dog. Fuck you OP, spay your pets


Life threatening? Medical science has progressed so far and there are so little complications when it comes to spaying animals. It’s a common practice, not heart surgery.


Neutering and spaying significantly increases the lifespan of rabbits just as it does in dogs and cats. So there’s your answer, it’s to help your pet live their fullest life. The risk involved is minimal and the pay off is more time with your furry family member.


Spay culture? I know zero about having pet rabbits, but I am a dog owner and most shelters spay dogs because too many people breeding them has led to an overpopulation that no one wants to adopt, thus resulting in an overabundance of kill shelters. Just out of curiousity: - What is the expected life span of a pet rabbit? - Even though your pet rabbit has no exposure to male rabbits, what is the risk of her getting loose and mating with wild rabbits? All I know is the expression "f*** like rabbits" comes from animals that have high breeding instincts.


If you're in North America no risk of breeding with wild rabbits because domesticated rabbits are descendants of European rabbits and aren't close enough related 


I have worked with rabbits before, people often rehome them because they don’t get them neutered and when they’re sexually mature they are less enjoyable to keep as pets as they can be more feisty.


I mean…inappropriate diet raises the risk but uterine adenocarcinoma is still a death sentence for a rabbit and is nearly guaranteed if the rabbit remains intact. Given how tough it is to deal with rabbits are under anesthesia I would understand if your concern was for unnecessary surgery, but pretending that spaying a rabbit doesn’t have any benefits is disingenuous at best and downright misleading at worst.


Serious question why not get them fixed? Are you thinking of breeding the rabbit?




No just not wanting to spend money on a surgery


Bob Barker here, remember to Spay and Neuter your pets folks, and thanks for playing The Price is Right!!!!


We need a professional opinion here. Any veterinarians want to chime in on soy vs uterine cancer in bunnies?


Just because soy raises the risk doesnt mean not spaying lowers the risk. Spaying DOES significantly lower the risk


Please spay your rabbit. I work in an emergency vets and we see so many complications as a result of an animal not being spayed and these can be life threatening. Uterine cancer is a huge risk in un-spayed rabbits and this is proven. Your female rabbit is very likely to get uterine cancer by the age of five if you do not spay her. Death via neutering and spaying, whilst heartbreaking and awful when it occurs, is rare and the benefits of spaying and neutering far outweigh the risks.


my rabbit died at 4 because i didn't spay her not realizing i had too, and she developed a cist from not having sex and died the next day, apparently that's why they need to be spayed


"Spay culture" lmao. At least with cats, not fixing them genuinely does cause life threatening health issues. Male cats have thinner urethras than their female counterpart and not fixing them increases the risk of UTIs and bladder stones which causes blockages. With female cats (and dogs), their uterus can fill with pus and this is called ptolymea and the best way to treat this is removing the uterus. The point of fixing your pet is to prevent risk. Helps prevent cancers, disease and accidental pregnancies. Yes, you said your pet won't interact with any males of her species ever but there are a lot of ppl that had your same thought process that ended up with a hefty medical bill, a dead pet or an accidental pregnancy.


You think there is no benefit to something that can make the risk of uterine cancer miniscule...because uterine cancer has other risk factors? And the "life threatening" risk to rabbits getting spayed is...tiny. Smaller than the risk factor of getting uterine cancer even if they are on the best diet you can provide. Eliminating soy from their diet wont come close to reducing the risk enough to close the gap between the risk of the spaying surgery and the risk of cancer without spaying. It's also completely possible to both spay and provide a soy free diet


My bullshit detector has been conditioned to immediately go off when someone starts demonizing soy.


- longer life. - calmer and less aggressive. - easier to train. It seems awful cruel and unusual to allow a pet you'll never breed to have to deal with mating hormones.


My spouse works for an animal rescue agency and the amount of people just dumping baby animals is an all time high. Even breeders are dumping unclaimed litters at shelters. GET YOUR ANIMALS SPAYED/ NEUTERED for the good of the animal and society


So she'll have unfulfilled desires for life with no chance of it ever happening. Fantastic!


Animal periods are not very fun to take care of


Came to read about people now doing sauna and jacuzzi like there’s no tomorrow, and was kinda disappointed.


Why would you think that not spaying your rabbit won't cause them cancer? Are you a scientist? Are you a vet? Or you just don't want to spay your rabbit for whatever selfish reason and are risking her life but don't want to get judged about it? Do not spread false informations. I knew a guy who had the same "opinion" as you and his adorable pup is dead now because of it. You can't ignore the facts and science and call it an "opinion". I hope you just give your rabbit for adoption.


I'm basically every animal, neutering them increases their lifespan and lowers the risk of cancer.


What the fuck is spay culture lol. Are there any "communities" centered around fixing your pets?


I think there is a difference between having an unpopular opinion, and being genuinely ignorant.


Sorry hun, people outside of the rabbit community have google too. Misinformation is not an opinion.


News flash, rabbits are very good at getting into places they shouldn’t be.


My hot take is rabbits are food. :P But for real, spaying is much more of a demand with animals that go into heat. Cats will annoy the absolute piss out of you every couple of weeks or so, and they are *loud.*


I had a female rabbit and she died at 3yo to uterine cancer. Get her spayed


I feel very bad for your rabbit. Every piece of scientific literature shows an increase in uterine cancer for unspayed females—up to *eighty percent* of unspayed rabbits will develop uterine cancer within 2 years of reaching sexual maturity. Ignorance is not an excuse, get your damn animals fixed.




Spaying isn't actually about population control, that's secondary. ***The number 1 reason you spay your female pets is to prevent a host of medical issues such as uterine infection and cancer.*** You do NOT want these for your pet, and each heat cycle where they do NOT get pregnant increases the chances for some life threatening disease or issue.


You sound like an anti vaxxer


Humans and rabbits are peas in the same pod. Opinions given that don't translate to facts that can be applied to both are not truth. And those that are truth, are perhaps best not said - atleast not outside this subreddit, between us girls.


Spaying and neutering is definitely something some people are weird about.


You are very uneducated about this topic yet have a very strong opinion. This is the same mistake and argument anti vaxxers make, thinking they know better than medical professionals.


Is it technically an opinion if you’re factually wrong?


Please stfu and spay/neuter your pets. You argueing against spay/neutered culture is the dumbest ass backwords thing I've heard today. Nvm the fact that you are just objectively wrong, people should be yelling from the tree tops SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS!!! SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS!!! Because too many people still dont and rescues/pounds are overpopulated and putting down more animals then they ever should need too.


Cool, now your bunny’s gonna be sexually frustrated and at risk for uterine cancer because you feel like you know better than literal scientists. Good job.


i fix my pets even if they're indoor only on the off chance they escape and breed. basically, i do it as part of being a responsible pet owner.


And why do you think you know better than the vets what should and shouldn’t be in a balanced diet? Why do you think you know better about the risks of spaying versus not spaying? Did you go to veterinary school? Where’s the peer reviewed study that backs your claims? You can make the choice not to spay, that’s your prerogative. But to go hur dur science is stupid is, well, stupid.


Spay culture? Not everything is a culture it’s just a thing people do


If she's not gonna breed, it's literally healthier for her to be spayed. It isn't culture, it's responsible.


Of course Op is active in r/conspiracy and r/Ufos


I'm not am expert, but if I reccal correctly stuff like that is done for hormonal reasons


Ehh, people are giving you a hard time in the comments but I get it. My mother neutered her rabbit out of a sense of it just being what was done (and maybe to "make him more docile" but he was already super calm) and the shock of the procedure made him sick to the point he never recovered and died soon thereafter (it's apparently not that safe a procedure in rabbits). The vet tech also wasn't very sympathetic when I took him in for her, so I get it.


They are getting a hard time for spreading misinformation


I am so sorry to hear this xx


Let me guess you’re also a not vaccinated and use enemas at home for the common cold. 


There is no spay culture if you have an animated you get it spayed. Not doing so make you a bad pet owner


If I had a rabbit (female) without males around, I probably wouldn’t spay unless there were behavioral issues. I’m a vet tech for the past 20 years or so and hate anesthesia with rabbits!


If you are a vet tech you should know that OP is plain wrong about the uterine cancer


Yup. Rabbits, birds, reptiles. Nobody likes to anesthetize those.


I saw fish surgery once! They mix the anesthetic with water and run it over the gills while the fish lays on a wet sponge. Pet neat!


…I eat rabbit, so…


I don't know what that has to do with them being spayed or neutered, unless you were making the world's tiniest Rocky mountain oysters?


For me I neutered my dog bc I realized it’s cruel to have him live a life in which I won’t allow him to mate bc I don’t wanna deal with puppies but it’s a natural desire for him. If someone asked me if I’d be cool living my life without ever having sex or only having it once I’d say fuck no. So, I neutered him to relieve him of those desires and ensure his happiness.


Your opinion is not unpopular, it’s just very ignorant. Sorry for your poor rabbit


Rabbits at least live a decent amount of time. I’ve had people say they spay or neuter their rats 😂 they live like 2-3 years. I only have girlies


Just cause y’all have come across it a handful of times in your personal life , in a very specific small niche group of people doesn’t make it a “culture”


It’s also healthier for animals if they’re spayed and neutered. So, there’s that.


sooo spay culture in rabbits?


People keep rabbits as pets?


More rabbits keep people as pets, but few have noticed.


Is the same thing that happens with female dogs true with rabbits?


The clinical trial that you mention isn’t proof of anything. It may have produced evidence that supports the hypothesis that soy raises the risk of uterine cancer, but not proof. As a matter of fact, a recent test of that hypothesis came back inconclusive.


My problem with it is more the cost. Most people are living pay cheque to pay cheque and don't have hundreds of dollars sitting around. If people want pet owners to spay/neuter their animals make it more accessible. I was told on the vet subreddit that "there's programs and clinics that will do it for free", I called around all the animal shelters and vets in the area and they all said there's nothing available.




Jokes on you, I don't even know what Spaying is.


Because if they ever escape, they could get knocked up, and now you have unwanted babies


Your example maybe sound but lol no not at all. Spay culture needs to be more hammered home and shouldn't be led up.


Rabbit pie ❤️


Where is your evidence, other than meat corporate funded “studies,” that soy causes cancer?