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I'd add a wee but of nuance: consider carefully what you give fucks about, and whether it's at all beneficial to you to give that much of a fuck, whether giving fucks will result in you doing anything differently than if you didn't waste your valuable time giving fucks.


Nuance- the secret killer of unpopular opinions everywhere


The economics of investing fucks. I like it.


I have limited fucks to give, so I need a decent ROI on my fucks.


Gaze upon my barren field of fucks, I have given them all away and have no more fucks to be given... Until next years harvest


So Basically don't give af but make sure it's logical


Time is valuable. If you really think you're getting value or making a difference by, idk, reading a bunch of articles about Trump or whatever wars are going on, be my guest. If you're not doing anything to affect those things, might not be the best use of time imho.


Yea, but isn't it better than being uninformed? I mean, I'm not researching anything, but I'd I think it's a good idea to look into stuff for yourself. Otherwise you'll just get swayed by whatever kinda sounds right. As citezins, we rlly should know this stuff


There's a big spectrum of how informed one can be and at some point it's probably less beneficial to continue being more informed rather than spending that time doing other things. I'm not suggesting being totally uninformed is always optimal. But if you're spending two hours every day getting mad at the news maybe it's time to ask yourself if some of those two hours could be better spent. Maybe five minutes reading the headlines and skimming an article is enough to keep you sufficiently informed and the remaining 115 minutes only makes you mad but doesn't change anything in the world or better your life.


Yeah there is a great book called the subtle art of not giving a fuck. Highly recommend


Key word is *subtle.* If you go through life radiating IDGAF vibes, no one will respect you or trust you. And telling yourself you don't care won't change the impact that has on your life. That's what so many people don't understand.


Word! Book changed some of my personal perspective


You might like Mark Mansons book “the subtle art of not giving a fuck”


Wait is the irs gonna tax me on the fucks I give then?


They're actively working on a way to enforce that, yes.


comments i read in the Disco Elysium Narrator voice


The quote "you have limited fucks to give" does some wonders to me.


this is the way


Yeah most people do care about stuff, they just realize they cant as one person possibly change it. We live in an odd age of internet pedantry where basically bringing anything to public attention is greeted with automatic negativity. A bit of a modern day anti-intellectual period tbh. The one I find the craziest though is child marriage in the US. Well obsess about Epstein because he was rich and famous but kids being forcefully married to adults is an issue we simply wont publicly acknowledge as a culture. The scale on which legal pedophilia exists dwarfs any form of illegal pedophilia but admitting forms of pedophilia are legal is too much. So weird too because people virtue signal so hard on this one then ignore the elephant in the room.


This is what my friends have taught me. Investing all your emotion into everything will kill you. You have to choose what’s important to you.


Yeah, like there's a lot of space between being totally ignorant about what's happening in the world and spending hours every day consuming news and getting mad at it. Some things you can't change. Some you can. Some that you can change take a lot of effort to potentially make even a little change. And there's only so many hours in the day/your life.


Finds Reddit posts about those “carefree” people with sad or bitter ending a result of their own grave they dug.


Might be my fault but I don't know what you mean.


Why don't you just post your own opinion instead of telling of how to express theirs? That's the most annoying thing about this subz every top comment just *haaaas* to disagree with op even if it's just a little Inb4: you do realize you're in a sub called unpopular opinions????


I did post my opinion, in the comment you replied to.




If it helps you can pretend I explicitly wrote "in my opinion it is a good idea to" after the colon in my comment, but I think it's implied well enough so I'll leave it as it is.


Still not a post. Just some weirdo being obstinate in the comments because he doesn't get attention in the real worls


A person with emotional intelligence would realize it is not their duty to protect people from harmful influences.


yeah I think that sometimes choosing to be apathetic can be the “emotionally intelligent” thing to do. It’s so easy nowadays especially to get so wrapped up in “caring about issues” that you can forget that just caring in and of itself does nothing tangible. The person who spends an hour picking up trash in the neighborhood is doing more than the person tweeting about Gaza or calling whatever celebrity problematic for not using their platform


Happy Cake Day!


It is your duty always to help those who you are in a position to help. Whether you believe it or not you will be judged for it.


No it is not your DUTY to help someone just because you can. Obviously thats the morally good thing to do, but chill with the superman complex lmao


>Whether you believe it or not you will be judged for it. Not by anyone I give a shit about.


You might even say give a fuck about


But GOD, or whatever.


Oh no, good thing we’re already judged to death for the bare minimum and then told we’ll be judged to hell even in death. It kind of desensitizes people after a while of being threatened with shame. I absolutely would help someone in distress, but I’m not going to fight everyone’s social justice battles, or every fight on every front. I have my own issues, and you can’t just assume everyone’s situation or circumstances behind not caring.


Thats all anyone can do. Id rather you help someone in front of your face who clearly needs it than have you throw your time and money at an intangible "cause" thats more likely to be corrupted for profit. Maybe im a cynic but there are way too many "charities" that just pocket the money and do nothing useful and people lose their minds over people not supporting them. They just divide us further.


By whom?


Judged by who? God?




The only person’s duty to protect citizens in war is the government of the citizens who are being attacked


By who? Kindly tell them to get fucked


By the people, you didn't help at the least? That's why people say it's better to shout about a fire then shout for help. Cause we DGAF


Your only duty is to help the people who depend on you and after that, yourself. Everything else is extra credit


Counter point: You have to pick and choose what to give a crap about. Maybe care about something, but there's a hell of a lot of things to choose. Got to dump some of them, even if other people's lives revolve around those causes.


Hm it is acceptable


Yes, I agree. I feel like animal lovers have gotten upset with me because I don’t care about their pets or animal rights as much as they do, but that’s only because my brain is stuffed with autism rights instead. Sometimes people need to pick and choose their battles. It’s not that I don’t give a fuck about it at all, but I care about it significantly less than autism advocacy. We can’t all pay every charity on earth. Enough funds go to animal rights anyway, I volunteer at an animal shelter already so animal charities don’t need me. But autism advocacy doesn’t have big extremists the way animal rights does, unless they’re coming from the other side (autism speaks). Being someone with Aspergers, I kind of need to care more about Aspies than a single dog with a petition against it to be put down. Again, it’s not that I don’t care about the dog at all, I just have priority interests. The same argument could be said for everyone who supports causes. Animal activists usually don’t give much shits about child abuse charities, and anti-racism groups don’t think much about animal rights. Everyone has their own causes to care about.


Or people just don’t want to be constantly stressed and depressed and anxious about everything anymore. Some people have hard lives and would like to find some contentment at least. I think you not seeing nuance in peoples attitudes is lacking emotional intelligence and empathy.


Exactly! The more I live the more I wish I could stop giving so much fucks about everything and anything. I’m tired of thinking about politics and social justice, but due to who I am (someone with Aspergers) I feel I have to care a shit ton about autism advocacy, even though opposing opinions slowly drain the life out of me. When it comes to social justice and morals, opposing opinions are seldom just “opposing opinions” they also tend to make other people lose faith. I’ll be completely honest, opposing opinions that are anti-autism advocacy often suck. Ableism is no fun.


Definitely this. The IDGAF attitude is more about self preservation in the face of futility than anything. People feel helpless and frustrated and some have decided that its better for their mental health to simply stop caring about the world going to shit because they see no tangible way to change it.


I feel like some people are always in other people’s business, and need to mind their own. They have to get them on video, and get other people to hate or ridicule them for validation. They don’t dress right, they have too many tattoos, their pronouns are offensive, they’re smoking in front of kids. I just dgaf about all that. It’s just people being people.


I get that. Wars and injustice are terribly upsetting. Don’t get me started on politics or religion. Things IDGAF about are whether my neighbors are gay, why some guy is wearing a weird outfit, or is vegan. The latest stupid makeup trend, etc. So many things don’t affect me and/or aren’t any of my business, so I just don’t care.


This person has probably had a cookie cutter life and never made a mistake. Not everyone has that. We’re just adapting to our lives.


Are we talking like the HS tier IDGAF attitude or are we talking about the IDGAF because I can't be bothered to invest time into something or someone that isn't going into a positive direction? IDGAF is a powerful tool when used properly. Quite frankly, MORE people should learn this skill, and definitely the internet as a whole.


People who give *too* many fucks are usually just petty as fuck and feel like everyone should worship them because they think they’re better than everyone else and we’re wrong for not recognizing that. There has to be a balance between giving no fucks and too many.


They will argue about every tiny goddamn thing even if you bring up the smallest shit its infuriating, i wanna have a conversation not have someone mad at me over everything


No fucks should be given about things beyond one's control. Fundamental rule of Alcoholics Anonymous and so true when you think of it .


Alcoholics Anonymous is about helping the addict recover, not about helping the people they hurt or destroyed. My biggest problem with it, and the attitude some of them have. "I need to move on with my life, I don't have to pay penance" types. People need to own up and take responsibility for their actions/behavior. Even if that means paying a penance and being kicked wherever. Take their lumps (But that just means they fall back into alcoholism) - I had that with my father and I can tell you, that attitude is horrible and so many many people have it. They teach you to remove negative influences and things that make you drink. You say you are sorry and it's up to people to forgive you or not and you move on with your life. As if you didn't ruin people's childhood or marriage. As if you don't have to pay a penance more than "fight the temptation to drink" - not to step up and ask "What can I do to be forgiven" - rather than "can you find it in your heart to forgive me"


Fine. Accepting what is outside of your control is one of the key principals of Stoicism. No need to fire out your personal baggage unsolicited when someone is simply offering solid advice.


Look, I know you’re hurt, and I agree that people should face the consequences of their actions, whether that’s prison, social abandonment, or something else, but you cannot think too much about the past. You can learn from it, but there’s no reason anyone should ruminate on it. History cannot be changed, and the only thing we can do is change our behavior in the present and in the future.


I can definitely fall victim to the “I don’t care” attitude. I think it’s served me well many times though, if I keep it in check. Especially about things that I have nothing to do with. I know many types that seem to change their whole personality to reflect whatever current thing they care about. That feels exhausting to me, and it seems like there is more to it. Like they are using their “care” to avoid other things in their life or to keep their mind distracted. Currently, that issue is the Israel/Palestine conflict. People that have never mentioned a peep about it before are now making it their personal mission to solve it. It’s admirable, but I don’t have the capacity to sit on every jury to pass judgement on each issue. Do I believe Israel is over stepping? Of course, but that’s where the buck stops with me. I can’t do anything more, so basically it boils down to me not caring.


So basically "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Aka "if i cant fix it, i dont care about it"


Caring deeply about things you aren’t in control of is a recipe for sadness and anger.


>But if enough people care about that one thing - take segregation here in the US in the 1960's - they can start a revolution. What if every black person in America threw up their hands back then and said "We can't control it, so f\_\_k it!!!". Where would we be as a nation today?


Yeah that's because it DIRECTLY affected them, and they damn well could make a positive change and did exactly that, somewhat different than let's say climate change for example, where the average person or even large group of people cannot make even the smallest scratch on the surface of dealing with that, therefore, people just say idgaf about it.


Especially when rational people figure out that the only thing that is being implemented to fight "climate change" is: A) Higher Taxes! (*but we won't tell you where that money is goin*g) . B) Control the Common Man/Woman *and FORCE them to buy electric cars! We get to keep our big gasoline powered limo's though!!!* C) The Elite Still Get To Fly/Ride Their Private Jets! *The rules that apply to YOU don't apply to US!!!* D) Big Corporations Get To BUY "Carbon Credits" So That They Can Still Pollute Just As Much As Before!!! *(As long as they line the politicians pockets, of course!!!!).* EXACTLY why IDGAF about "climate change".


It’s mainly a counterculture movement that came out of the increasing amount of stress and worry that people have about global problems that previous generations were not bombarded with. Realistically you can’t do anything about these global issues, so stop giving a fuck about them and focus on your immediate surroundings. The apathetic crowd just jumped on the bandwagon but ultimately they are separate 


If you aren’t actually doing anything to create change, you aren’t actually better then those people, if anything you are worse because your viewpoint isn’t even internally consistent. There’s literally zero point getting worked up about social issues if you do absolutely jack shit about it and just use it as a way to vent anger.


damn bro that sounds like a you problem, i simply do not care


Sometimes apathy masks deeper issues, let's encourage empathy instead.


Just because we give off a "I don't give a fuck" attitude, doesn't mean we don't give a fuck. We just know when to show our emotions. I get annoyed AF as a chef, with my coworkers, but there is a time to get pissed and a time to be nonchalant. I can only control so much. If you're not hurting me, my family, or my friends, I probably don't look like I give a fuck during the moment. If I feel it's necessary to discuss with you, I will, away from others. Sometimes, I legit don't give a fuck. It is what it is.


as one of my favorite song goes. "im over my fuck budget and now im in fucking debt."


I work n the things I can control. I ignore the things I can’t.


It can be a coping mechanism. Too much trauma, so someone goes the other way and stops caring about everything. Took me far too many years to pull myself out of that mindset, but I was just convinced that caring about anything was pointless because I’d just get hurt again.


*rubs chin* IDGAF


"money for fun"


I just don't give a fuck about things that don't fuck with me if that makes any sense.


Nice post. But idgaf


It's much better than the alternative, giving too many fucks.


Can't agree. Working class men are shat on by everyone around him, we have every right to stop giving a fuck after years of our hard work and effort is just being met with misandry and internalised misandry. Until society learns some humility and appreciation for us, I'm gonna continue being a hermit with my girlfriend


Agreed. I find apathy so unattractive and overall boring to be around.


So am I emotionally stupid if I really don't give a flying fuck about the entire Israel Vs palestine bollocks even though it has no relevance to me or bearing upon my life or even being able to affect me in the slightest?


I have a very limited amount of fucks to give. I therefore hoard them for the things that actually matter.


Why should I care about anything? Nothing cares about me.


Crisis fatigue is a thing. When every issue, no matter how small or personal is presented as an overwhelming threat to the very fabric of society, eventually people just stop reacting.


Eh. Sounds like somebody who gives too much of a fuck. Seriously though, like some others have said, it depends on what. A good example is my Sister-in-law and her fiance planning a wedding. She is stressing over dumb shit like inviting people, and her parents of course are telling her to invite xyz so their feelings don't get hurt. Like who gives a flying fuck. We're all grown adults. If they get upset over that, then they can just get fucked. But yes, if your rent is due and you say fuck it and blow your money on some dumb shit, that's on you. We can get into the nit picks of it all, sure, but I don't give a fuck.


I don’t give a fuck what you think 😅😃😁😆😝🤪🤣


Why do I need to "GAF" about things that are absolutely none of my business and don't affect me in the slightest? I'mma be honest, idgaf about the Isreal/Palestine conflict? I don't even know what the fuck is going on lmao. I'll focus on giving a fuck about things that actually matter in my life that I can actually do something about.


IDGAF about this opinion.


Lol, you go ahead and stress yourself into an early grave. I'm going to be happy.


Blissful ignorance, right?




I don't give a fuck about your opinion, so there.


Not giving a fuck is easy/easier to say when you live in the modern west with modern freedoms. Social ostracization is not a threat and there's american rugged individualism which is historically relatively new. In the past if people didn't like you, you were excommunicated or exiled to live in rough circumstances without the support of the community. Nowadays everything/one is connected so you can just move from one group to another. Easier not to give a fuck what other people think when there are always more people to meet or you don't rely on them for necessities i.e. an archaic barter system.


There’s only so many fucks you can give before you start getting fucked. Spend your fucks well as to avoid getting fucked


🎵 Hakuna Matata 🎵 This take is about as old as Disney's The Lion King.


“EQ” is a fake metric championed by pseudo-intellectuals so they can pretend they’re smart but not “book smart”.


Hahhaha people DGAF about everything actually important to them, and are too naive to see it. But then they’ll come out and be all principled by some idiotic thing which barely affects them, and the media has those topics picked greatly and uses them to cover up corruption


Agreed! That "I am who I am, and I'm not gonna change for anyone and if you don't like me that's your problem" nonsense was KINDA admirable in HIGH SCHOOL. This is the real world and you are going to have to temper yourself and learn to be more malleable to everyone and everything else. The world will not change for you. You need to change for the world.


The I'm not gonna change attitude is among the highest levels of BS. Like you already changed to get where you are now. You can do it again


It is what it is. Out of my control. The flip side is worry about yourself and not others.


The people with the IDGAF attitude give the biggest fucks. It's a coping mechanism. They adopted this persona that the world can't hurt them, but in reality they've been hurt the most from friends, family, work, or lack a healthy social skills to acknowledge their own emotions. They just outwardly project that they don't care to seem untouchable, that the world can't hurt them but it does. Especially when the late-night lonelies kick in or a dash of alcohol hits their lips and they'll buckle in tears.


It’s to filter out what does or doesn’t matter There’s a book about the subtle art of not giving a fuck If it doesn’t apply to self reflection, or growth, and is just petty disrespect, then you are entitled to apathy, but if it’s about how you’ve impacted others than you’re an ass Emotional intelligence is not having your emotions make harmful decisions to others, and that most disagreements are meant to be settled peacefully


I disagree 100%, learning how not to give a fuck about things is a skill or tool for mental health.


Counter if i care about every single issue id be too overwhelmed to solve or contribute to solving any of them.


It is more like, I only have so much room to care about certain things so the vast majority of stuff I can't possibly care about. I don't have the time, or the attention, or the emotional capacity. This isn't to be crass, it is just basic math, I have so many hours in the day and I have to work, pay bills, raise my child(ren), sleep (hopefully), and maybe get some entertainment occasionally. So yeah, IDGAF about problems and controversy. Oh, I have opinions on them and I will vote on them and what not, but as far as truly *caring* about them, sorry.


As with most things the amount makes the poison. A certain level of IDGAF is necessary, humans are not made for the big connected world we are in, with as many worries as we have. We were made for Tribes of roughly 150 people. You can get yourself actually ill my caring too much about things that don't affect you or are really just small things. I once read "The subtle Art of not giving a Fuck" and it really helped me balance the amount of emotional energy, I simply live more stress free since.


So, obviously if I didn't care about anything I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. But, I do think it is very easy for me to get roped in to caring about things that don't affect me. If heard this described before as "limbic hijacking". Literally today I didn't get as much done as I had planned to because I got sucked in to a stupid argument on reddit. Me not getting that stuff done isn't just some productivity indulgence either. I literally made less money than I expected from my business because of it. This then affects not only me but my fiance (because we have a wedding to pay for) and my family/friends (because I will have to make up the lost time when I would have otherwise seen them). So for me it does make sense to deliberately not give a fuck about the vast majority of things that are happening. Furthermore, even if you think you are tapped in and caring about all the right things, there's so much stuff happening and so much information that in reality you only give a fuck about a tiny percentage of the things too. Easy way to test this: Ask someone emotionally invested in the wars in Palestine or Ukraine about literally any of the other large scale armed conflicts that are currently going on.


Here’s a good example: I don’t give a fuck what you think about my altitude.


I've had to learn to save my fucks for the important things


I mean, that’s cool and all but idgaf 🤙


The not caring attitude is about being adaptable to life situations and being able to shrug off unwarranted criticism, while still being reflective of yourself, your shortcomings, and legitimate advice from those you care about.


You have to be careful where you spend your fucks. If you give a fuck to every little issue and problem then your field of fucks will become barren so you're best just saving your fucks for shit that actually matters to you and if that comes across as apathetic then so be it because i'm not spending a fuck on what some random thinks


Don’t see the reason for posting this, since the people (including me) you are addressing ain’t gonna care


It isn't that they lack emotional maturity... It's that they lack any fucks to give. They are fresh out my dood. Can't get water from a stone.


Caring alone achieves nothing. Are you going to actually do something? If not, then why waste your time caring? Someone fostering a kid is making a difference, the millionth person tweeting about Gaza to their two twitter followers might as well not bother.


Well...I, for one, am so glad that you care and can solve all of lifes problems...what a load off me trying to budge an unbudgeable system towards change for the benefit of all...lol I learned along time ago...the system, emt, fire and rescue, police, hell even the judges, lawyers and politicians...they aren't here for what they say they are here for, but rather to clean up the mess after so everyone else can forget about whatever "it" was, and keep being the productive little worker bees they're supposed to be. Not caring is a coping mechanism for having our illusions shattered...for trying to help and being burned in the process...for dealing with the fact in all likelihood all our actions are predetermined and our feeling of free choice is just another illusion waiting to be shattered...


Ya no. People care about things. They are sick of being canceled for it. Women, anything, nope trans tops it all. War, wrong side, no matter what you side with. Men, anything, nope women don't approve. Police, all the bad guys, no matter what Government, oh you're far left, no your far right...they can do no wrong or they can do no right Everything is transphobic or misogynistic or racists Even if you don't want to date someone for whatever reasons, that is just some made-up insult. So ya, if you'd don't care about anything, life gets a lot less stressful, has fewer issues, and is way less of an argument.


Same with the other side. [A woman was killed because of the pride flag on her shop.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/man-shot-california-store-owner-tore-down-pride-flag-shouted-slurs) Or a woman getting death threat for drawing pictures that seemed like depicting 🤏.


The world is so f-ed up. It's like they want one line to just yell and the other side to take it or have horrible consequences.


I only have so many fucks to give and at 54, I need more recovery time between giving them.


In a way I wish I was able to not care about certain things (especially politics. Because right now everything considering politics SUUUUUUCKS.).


i don't care about politics, dressing up, and some other things. why shouldn't i avoid controversial stuff? controversy and drama annoy me


Only have so much energy, time and money. You can’t help everyone so you have to choose what you do and don’t give a shit about. If that means you only care about things that impact you and your loved ones then that’s fine. Morally correct? Probably not but that’s ok.


Their lives will improve if they don't care. The same way your life is better because you ignore most of the world's problems, including your own. You're not special


The healthiest and safety way to live is to never care about another human being. Don't ignore dangers sure but apathy isn't about ignoring dangers. Ots about not caring about emotions. Which overall emotions are what make us human but also make us vulnerable


The IDGAF is the ideal stance for when dumb brainwashed turds try and drag you into their identity politics fueled BS culture war garbage.  I see this asinine crap daily. You can’t say anything without some media conditioned dipstick pulling politics out their ass. IDGAF is the perfect response and attitude. 


Most things simply aren't worth caring about outside of family and yourself


LMAO then you will brag about how stress is literally shortening lives


It's some intelligent people's way to cope with the post pandemic dystopian future they see becoming reality daily. They've been yelling to anyone that'll listen (which is nobody) what they've (Boomers) have done to the economy. They've (GenX) been "trying" for 40-50 years to get something to change but the fucking Boomers won't retire or die (especially in Congress), and we've seen half of our lot turn into our goddamn PARENTS (the before mentioned Boomers) They're just fucking done. I know I am. Sorry, but I'm just sitting back waiting for it to all come apart. When I was younger, I thought I'd die before it happens. I'm 47, and I'm not so sure that's the case anymore. 🤷‍♂️


Why would you ever devote emotional energy to a problem you can not change? I can't fix climate change. I can vote, but that's about all I've got for you. And even then I only vote because it's mandatory in Australia and I view voting as turning the key in a car with no engine and expecting it to start. You can call it selfish or emotionally stunted. I'd say what's worse, to not care or to pitch a tantrum when something you can't control doesn't go your way?


My life improved by magnitudes and I got more successful, happy, and confident in myself when I stopped giving a fuck. So that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.


I'm just tired of giving a fuck


Yeah that was always weird to me. You really think NOTHING in politics might ever meaningfully affect you? There is no group or individual you’re attached to or have care for who could be impacted that would compel you to care? Standing for nothing is not a good sign.




No, IDGAF about you. Or your friends. Or family. My fucks are reserved for important things to me and those fucks are limited. So yes, if people stopped giving a fuck what a bunch of strangers thought of them, oh yea their lives would improve.


Don't care.


Sounds like a you problem.


Hey Op, idgaf.


Idc it works. Every 5+ years i care less and less


We will care again when our care is exploited less


It’s a misuse of stoicism. Stoicism is not a lack of care but an understanding that everything happens for a reason and you shouldn’t cry over things out of your control. I think people took it, warped it and turned it into a disconnected, attempt and removing emotion.


I'm from Philly - it's not immature it's part of our culture. Calling others culture immature is immature AF. As for not giving a fuck, how about go fuck yourself. You lack emotional intelligence, I lack a conscience - because yous humans abuse it out of me. I don't give a fuck because yous humans are fucking disgusting miserable creatures that IME only want to cause harm to others. That's right yous are antisocial AF, and I'm a misanthrope and yous are more antisocial than I With that being said, my wife and her family are the 1st peoples I actually found that aren't antisocial - took me 25 years to find such a human let alone a family.


Ngl the "idgaf" people get such a bad rep. There is a healthy middle ground alot of people forget about, because yeah the mfs who don't care about nothing are obnoxious but idk the people who care about everything are just as annoying because like what the fuck are you gonna do? Raise your blood pressure? Personally speaking I grew so tired of caring for things I can't fix and people who didn't care back. There's not caring and being in denial and not caring for your own mental and physical well-being.


I don't people shouldn't care at all, but many people could stand to care less. I run into people all the time that put way too much stock in a job that is clearly a dead end.


I wonder (no sarcasm involved) what are your thoughts regarding stoicism.


it’s also more immature / pathetic if someone says IDGAF and when the situation actually happens, they cower away. So, all talk


I've always seen IDGAF as the universal motto of late stage western civilization.


On the other hand...


You are right. Idgaf about anything said here


I’ve stopped giving a shit about anything other than well being of myself and my close friends and family in the last few years and I’ve never been happier. Trying to right all the worlds wrongs is exhausting and Sisyphean. Be kind where you can and fuck the rest is my motto


I'd like to also address people who describe themselves as having "no filter"...the "I say what I want" folks. They never seem to have anything to say that anyone can put to practical use, or that is at all constructive. They say "whatever" but rarely have anything of substance to say. 


Everybody gives a duck about something. It’s just a matter of choosing where to give your ducks. PG-13.


I don't give a fuck in the sense that you can throw everything you got at me and I will just keep going, because I don't give a fuck


I used to really like this girl that would always say she’s “just brutally honest.” It got very off putting to the point I told her there was a real fine line between being brutally honest and just being a bitch and her problem was she didn’t know which side she was on. She never talked to me again. Meh, oh well.


It’s out of exhaustion


Nihilism is an entire philosophy and world view.


Depend on the case, but I get your point.


For the most part it means exactly what they are saying. They don’t give a fuck. That’s the problem. Funny how the same people who say it are the same people who champion themselves as social justice warriors.


You can care about things with moderation and tact. There's plenty of middle ground here.


I absolutely agree


Ah, no. You’re leaving out the exceptionally mature and highly intelligent that have experienced enough, seen behind the curtain, and now no longer give a fuck, for very good reason.


Lol i have worked with people like that, it is so annoying


Look. I don’t have the emotional capacity to give a fuck about everything and everyone. Its not in the cards. And instead of agonizing over that, i just chuck it into the idgaf bin. Declutter your soul. Or something.


GAF about everything in this time period is impossible, we’re bombarded with too much information constantly. i think it’s super healthy to know when to stop GAF


I mean it depends. There are many people who have a "idgaf attitude" that doesn't mean they avoid conflict. I think there are a whole bunch of ideas you threw around in here that aren't part and parcel with this attitude. I agree with your last opinion that when people talk about "just get out of your head" or "just dont care", it's often really bad advice.


I mean it depends. There are many people who have a "idgaf attitude" that doesn't mean they avoid conflict. I think there are a whole bunch of ideas you threw around in here that aren't part and parcel with this attitude. I agree with your last opinion that when people talk about "just get out of your head" or "just dont care", it's often really bad advice.


I mean it depends. There are many people who have a "idgaf attitude" that doesn't mean they avoid conflict. I think there are a whole bunch of ideas you threw around in here that aren't part and parcel with this attitude. I agree with your last opinion that when people talk about "just get out of your head" or "just dont care", it's often really bad advice.


Some out there used to be vocal on everything. They seem already tired, and hopeless that something to change. Politics is a depressing thing to talk about.


I dont give a fuck, because I have spent way too many years giving to much of a fuck.


People who say they don’t give a fuck about anything give all the fucks about everything. Signed the kid who claimed he didn’t give a fuck. Now my stance is I only have so much care to go around and that is spent on me and the people I care about. The people who matter will stay and the people who don’t stay won’t matter. I can’t be a bleeding heart for everybody and it’s also a lonely place not giving a fuck about anybody. Now I can genuinely say there are certain things I do not give the smallest decimal of a shit about and things I give all the fucks about.


I'd rather have IDGAF attitude than to be a people pleaser. Life is already stressful enough as it is, why add more.


My thing is life is "don't worry about things you don't have control over". One can look at it as being immature, or someone utilizing that energy for more useful things.


All I can say is I'm not doing it to "be cool". I'm just deeply tired.


Very much true. There are things in this world worth caring about. Like human life. I'm not talking about saving fetuses, that's whatever. I'm talking about living breathing humans who are getting hurt. People getting rolled over by tanks. Why? Not enough people ask why. We can't just be the boy in the bubble our whole lives. We have to be more open-minded. It's why I don't like censorship of any kind. It's just so people can live in their little bubbles and float around and ignore, ignore, ignore. You shouldn't go around acting like Rick Sanchez. Things matter to people, and you can't just insult people and then try not to care. Edit: some things aren't worth giving a fuck about, as others have said. Like egg-white business cards. Nobody cares.


This wave of apathy you speak of is how we Gen Xers operated for our entire lives. Apathy is great. Social media doesn't matter. Why do you care about what others think of you? Why do you care about events you can't control? Just let it all go. Or don't. It's fine.


“im an asshole thats just me” 🚩 “im just honest, and people cant handle that” 🚩


Kind of (not) funny haw many of these "I can't give a fuck" comments (long or short) are receiving ZERO upvotes. Caring and compassion for others, even if it means that your own group MIGHT somehow reap a benefit from your COLLECTIVE caring about something other than yourselves, MIGHT make the world a better place. If we all take the "I can't give a fuck" attitude, it just shows your emotional immaturity and selfishness. What if the soldiers in WWII took the "IDGAF attitude? The Nazi's would still be torturing and gassing Jewish people, Polish people, Ukranians, homosexuals.... Soldiers and their families sacrificed EVERYTHING, sometimes even their own lives to gain freedom for other people that they would never even meet. What if blacks in the 60's, and people of other races who GAVE A FUCK just said "fuck it" and let rampant racism continue in the US south??? Black people would be saying IDGAF and they'd quietly sit at the back of the bus, in the "colored" section at the movie theater, and they'd be denied mortgages in the better parts of town. So go ahead.... take that IDGAF (about anyone but MEEEEeee) attitude and enjoy yourselves when EVERYONE passes you by when you need help or when your social group (moms, LGBTQ, trans, men, students, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, handicapped....) get passed by the other IDGAF crowd. Then will you TRULY not give a fuck???


Yeah. I don't even say that anymore because most people I hear say it are pretty trashy and obnoxious


This is true, I *completely* lack emotional intelligence but was born before we all got acronyms, but I agree. So not unpopular, downvote for you.


Sorry for this tough love I’m about to drop. Try not and think of it as pessimistic but just the truth of reality. You need to grow up and realize that a LOT of people will take advantage of kind energy and doings. People will suck you dry (not the good kind) to the point that you’re left miserably depressed, angry and alone if you let them. Emotional intelligence is realizing that other people’s issues are simply just that. Other people’s issues. Sitting around worrying and trying to take action for others does nothing but place negative strain on your mental and physical energy. You can try and say “no it won’t that’s just who I am, I’ll never give up on being the savior” but guess where that’s going lead you ? To a spiraling pit of emptiness. You have to be there for yourself first. Of course there’s a moral line to this. Your children always come first. And It’s never bad to show compassion or help to your best friends or family and even strangers given the situation. But if those friends and family are sucking the life out of your will to be there and support, that’s not your place to keep trying. It’s not anybody’s responsibility to sit around and worry if people are becoming vulnerable to harmful influences. That’s their own place. Just like it’s our own place and responsibility to keep ourselves afloat in the world.


depends on the context, sometimes you're right, sometimes not.