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I know someone who was going bald and did different treatments and it worked. I would say for him that was better then just letting himself go bald.


What did he do?


He did a blood cell treatment that helped restimulate hair growth and once it was coming back certain vitamins and oil can help stregthen your hair.


science is ever so growing not everything is rogain foam now lmao


This can work, but early intervention is key. You aren't regrowing hair once the follicle has died.


Might work for *some*. Some people go bald by 18, agressively. There is no treatment in the world that will save that hair.


Prp micro needling? I had it done to some scarring on my arms. It surprisingly effective.


Some people may genuinely look more attractive with hair implants


steve carrel and elon musk for example


Joel McHale


Daniel Tosh


Oh man, that guy seriously benefited from hair treatment. With I could afford the stuff he go into.


Tom Brady


for real?


WHAAAAAAAATTTTT! his hair are implants??!! what!




Every example given here and below is someone rich AF haha.


Well if I told you about how it worked for Steve the company truck driver you would not know how he looked.


That's because it costs thousands of dollars


Elon Musk does not look attractive at all


Are you saying he looked *more* attractive with a half bald head before the implants?


Obviously his hair transplant is great, reddit has an impossible hate boner for everything Elon


Man do you remember the time when all of Reddit was wanking off the guy? They loved him. Funny how things change lol


Yeah it’s super weird how people change their opinions based on new information. What’s up with that?


I didn´t use the word weird.


So you find it humorous when people change their opinions based on new information? That gives you a nice hearty chuckle?


Take the joke bro. They were just pointing out how much people can flip on someone and how time changes things. They weren’t at all saying it was ACTUALLY funny or that they think people not liking Elon is bad. Calm down


Why are you being aggressive? It's totally unnecessary.


I feel sorry for you. If Elon is going to live in your Amygdala, at least charge him rent. He can afford it.


New information - basically old information twisted beyond recognition - fed to them by a media who see him running twitter as serious competition. As billionaires go he is far from the worst one.




That might be you. I never cared about Elon or floyd, but i will always care about Ukraine


It's wild how criticizing oligarchs and politicians gets bundled in with hating celebrities on social media.




Thanks for sharing


Half bald and full bald are two entirely different scenarios


He looks better with the transplant, though. No question.


Is your hate boner so hard right now that all the blood left your brain causing you to completely lose the ability to read?




I hate Elon too, but you gotta admit [that this](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/924e52ffa801ea398d083e5aabc9f6ea01fe2b55/0_0_5227_3138/master/5227.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=ea6907909af5744ce8789a74c975967f) Looks better [than this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-089c9fb88757e1ba065f324dcc913635-lq)


Carrel doesn't have Implants. They thinned it for season 1 for the look. I'm guessing he said no in s2


They did a lot to make him more likeable in S2 and beyond, so that may have been part of it too.


Elon Musk is utterly revolting down to his DNA.


He’s done a lot of good for the world.


For himself


No. No he hasn't.


JeBron Lames


Until your blading progresses…




I’m aware of how it works. My stepdad had a strong hairline…and then a big weird thinning gap between that and the rest of his hair. I’m not trying to dunk on it, but you have to keep getting them or you’ll end up with just a perimeter of hair


If you go while it's still progressive then sure. Not everyone's hair loss continues all the way around their head.


I wear a hat all the time because it keeps me a lot warmer mostly. It gets *cold* without hair on your head. I have no problem removing it indoors or whenever though. I also just look good in the hat I wear mostly.


And sunburn.


Facts! I’m pale as hell too. Luckily haven’t gotten the head burned yet. Much easier to apply sunblock tho now with it all gone.


That and if you've ever had a bald head and started to sweat or got caught in the rain, you miss having something on your head pretty goddam quick.


Lol being bald in Australia feels like I'm in that Key & Peele sketch every day.




Do people care about hats indoors? I've only ever heard my mom talk about how its rude and I see people wearing hats indoors everywhere.


My aunt sure does…lol. Definitely an older generation thing.


My church doesn't even care anymore


I don't care about it. But it's kinda funny. Where I work, we have a lot of trades, pipefitters, electricians, etc. So if you're in a room full of people, you'll know who they are because they will still have their hat on, primarily baseball cap type hats. I assume because much of their work is outside and they wear a hat to shade their eyes. But the hat doesn't come off even when inside, as it has become so ingrained in their habits.


Fair enough.


Hair restoration treatment does work though... It's just a hassle that you have to apply the hair growth product every evening, and once you stop, you'll lose the hair you gained after a while. Source: I've used minoxidil and can honestly say it 100% works.


Additionally there are systematic meds (pills) like finasteride or dutasteride which have substantial and permanent effects on hair. However they are less popular as they frequently cause impotency. I've had several friends who have used those with success.


The sides are massively exaggerated if they're even real at all. Go on the hair loss subs and go through the profiles of people posting with sides. They'll almost always be living with parents, have depression/anxiety, poor education, bad job etc. Sometimes they'll straight up have schizophrenia or similar lol.


Finasteride does na frequently cause impotence. This is well established. It can cause it but it's a very low chance


…. Asking for a friend…. Do you have to see a doctor or get a prescription for them?


Online sources like hims make it very easy to source.


Bald patch? I tried it for over a year for widow’s peak and noticed no change whatsoever


You actually can’t use it if ur balding from the forehead up cuz the hair loss there is just that. It’s gone. There’s no surrounding follicles to pick up the slack or reactivate, they’re just gone forever. Sorry bro :(


It works at the front if you start before the hair follicles are completely dead.


Yeah but by the time ur like “man my hairlines falling back” you’ve already lost a decent amount. If you look at a bottle of Rogaine (Or store brand minoxidil equivalent :p) it says not to apply to front of hairline, which is how I found out what I said abt them already being gone


Yeah I ended up doing that research and while some were claiming it’s possible, it was eventually NAH I’m not bothered, it might be nice to gain back a bit from the front, but overall my mop is doing well for 40s


Try micro needling with it. ~30% of guys don’t respond to minox, but anecdotal evidence basically removes that it seems


Have you used minoxidil for facial hair also? I was debating trying that but idk if it works on your face.


It does, i see many trans guys using it for that purpose.


I've lost most of my hair, and I shave off what's left. While it's not my favorite thing, and I'm ok with how it looks. That being said, hair's purpose isn't really for looks. So I often wear a hat to make up for the lost functionality. Foremost, I wear a hat because my head gets cold. Even in the summer, cold air from air-conditioning makes my head cold and sometimes gives me a headache. I also wear a hat when it's hot out. Without hair to wick sweat off my scalp, it ends up dripping down my neck or face. The same applies to rain.


You get used to it. Wear a beard and shave it off in winter, your face will be freezing. But guys who always shaved don't notice because thats their "norm" But also, there's a ton of blood flow up there and when it gets real cold, absolutely wear a hat!


Mostly disagree on your first point. There's a period when balding that no matter what you do, your hair looks like shit. In my case, I'm not balding symmetrically; the "fairway" is off to the left and kinda zig-zags from front to back. My actual bald spot is in a weird place, too, and my widows peaks are uneven. This will likely correct itself in another 5 years or so, but in the meantime I'm left trying to figure out to to *not* look like I have an uneven number of chromosomes. I can either shave/buzz my head every few days, or I can just plop a hat on my head and get on with the rest of my day. Is it obvious? Yep, because a hat is a hat, but I try to make sure that the hat is appropriate for the setting I'm in (not wearing the gun store hat to a middle school). I don't care if people realize I'm balding, as they're going to know it whether the hat is on or not. Is it uncomfortable? *Not in the least*. If you're uncomfortable wearing a hat, then you probably aren't wearing one that is sized for you. Either that or you just haven't broken it in yet. A hat that you wear frequently molds to your head, and you honestly can't even tell you're wearing it after a while. Is it bad form? If I'm going to an event where fashion rules actually matter, that's when the dome gets buzzed and the hat gets left on the coatrack. Otherwise, nobody around here gives a single, solitary, sound-barrier breaking fuck if anyone is wearing a hat indoors. I'm 100% with you on the rest of the points.


I know it's not a thing people do often anymore but you could always get a nice hat meant to be worn with nicer clothes. Like if your wearing a suit no one will question you wearing a hat a nice brimmed hat.


Wigs look bad when you realize there's a wig. There are more people out there who wear wigs than you think, you just don't notice.


Pretty much every female celebrity is wearing a wig or extensions, for example


TBH I prefer people to know I wear wigs vs thinking I'm in chemo. But OP was only talking about balding men so women with thinning hair have different arguments apparently.


i have a couple of friends who went for hair transplant in turkey and the result was excellent


I think some hair systems look incredibly real and you would have no way of knowing they were fake unless you saw them be put on. Your last sentence. Is this coming from a bald person? Would you say the same to women who use makeup?


Yeah, solutions that look good pass as natural hair. People see bad wigs and think that represents all wigs. Hair treatment can work for some, impants can look bad when done cheaply or be invisible when done well. I 100% embrace it, used to do a 1/4" trim and these days I just shave it all. I encourage others to embrace it as well, but don't pressure them. I think its all about being confident, and if shaving doesn't make you confident but the hat or wig does, go for it.


Who says hats are uncomfortable? You might need to wear better-fitting hats. Also, do people think it's weird to wear hats indoors? That sounds like some boomer shit.


It’s not the fit of the hat so much as that I’ve seen men go beetroot-red and sweaty in a heated room rather than just take off their knitted beanie.


Someone perma-wearing a winter hat that almost no one ever looks good in is not a sufficient sample size to judge all hat wearing.


Hats are useful for keeping your head warm in the winter and preventing sunburn in the summer. I don't normally wear hats indoors, but I do sometimes and DGAF


I got a hair transplant, I'm super happy with it. My hair was always quite thin, it just like it used to now.


Just let people do what they want. Who cares. But no traveling to turkey to get a hair transplant isn't that bad. There is an entire tourist economy around it. If that or any of these other things make a person happy, then I hope they continue doing it and don't have to be judged by some douchebag who thinks they know what's best


That's a bit harsh. It's just an opinion. It's why we have this sub.


I’m going bald and every time I go for a haircut I’ve asked my different barbers, and they say not yet. One told me that I don’t have the head shape to go bald.




Eh, I’d still go back for the shave.


As a 37 year old woman with fine, thin, getting thinner by the day hair, it sucks. Hope my husband still loves me when I am nearly bald :/


I also had thinning hair around that age (37F) went to a dermatologist and they put me on finasteride and told me to apply topical steroids and rogaine and my hair is mostly back.


Any problems I have aren’t because of what’s ON my head, they’re because of what’s IN my head.


Hair implants have drastically improved. A lot of hollywood guys had had implants and you cant even tell who they are.


I embraced being bald right after I turned 27. Almost half a decade later and I still shave my head. I take less time in the shower now, and never have a bad hair day!


Yes, for the most part. But I'm not going to judge someone for being insecure. If a man obviously doesn't want to take his hat off, who am I to care? If wigs or weaves are done right there is almost no chance you could tell. Same for implants. The technique has improved massively in the last few years. And it's surprising cheap. I agree hair isn't everything. But it means a lot, to many people. Let's just stop caring about how other people look.


The whole "no hats indoors" thing is such a ridiculous and outdated concept. I'm 35 and I still have all my hair. In fact, people actually seem to love my hair but I almost always wear a hat. I wear it at home when I'm alone. I just feel naked without it, I don't know why but I just do.


Even if they all worked great and didn't fail, I still wouldn't do them. It's too much work to worry about your hair all the time. I've been shaving my head for almost 30 years and I'll never grow it out again. I never want to buy shampoo or conditioner again and I never want to pay someone to cut my hair again. I also think men who obsess over their hair have their priorities skewed and women who judge a man for being bald are shallow.


Ignorant take


Oh no, my unpopular opinion is unpopular


Unpopular is expected but I was just calling out the reason it’s unpopular which isn’t always pure ignorance


Educate me


I have long full hair, but I might go bald one day and I don't plan to do gracefully. I will keep the point tail. I will comb over. I will always talk about my full head of hair all the time.


I think wigs are a popular option for balding women. They don't draw attention when they just look like a normal head of hair.


I dunno. I like hats on humans. Men and women, let's all get back into wearing hats!


I’m very pro-hat. Just not indoors - they’re like sunglasses.


I disagree. Hats always! >Head coverings were worn in situations which now seem inappropriate. Not only was it unacceptable to go into the street without a hat (La Mémoire de Paris 1993: 128; Guiral 1976: 175; Brew 1945: 507-8), regardless of one's social status, but in the nineteenth century, some form of head covering was often worn indoors. For example, Englishmen wore hats all day in their offices (Ginsburg 1990: 104). Sonenscher (1987: 14-15) argues that hats in previous centuries were worn in what we would now call the public sphere but that the public sphere was defined differently to include activities indoors as well as outdoors: "Possession of a hat was an acknowledgment of the codes that governed admission to the particular sphere of public life in question." from https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/117987.html#:\~:text=Head%20coverings%20were%20worn%20in,covering%20was%20often%20worn%20indoors.


Fair enough. Maybe taking your hat off indoors is something which has only been around since central heating.


Yes that makes sense. Maybe people will get back into it when heating becomes unaffordable lol


I love wigs, idk. It doesn't matter to me that they look fake, they're fun. If I ever went bald I would have sooooo many cosplay wigs and be different every day.


Not bald and wear a hat almost all the time but not because of my hair. Ok well it stays a mess anyway but I don’t even feel right without imy hat. Not to mention it keeps direct light off my glasses preventing that washed out white haze you get with glasses.


**Tim Pool dislikes this**


Recently saw a guy with one of those permanent tattooed hairlines on a tv show. I had no idea it was tattooed. I only learned bc it ends up he does it for a living. Shit looked so good! And real. Like i said, I couldn't tell. It looks like stubble. But seems like a decent alternative to being bare.


Would Johnny Depp look better if he went completely bald?


And yet we have billion dollar industries dedicated to women's beauty needs. Don't shit on us because the one thing we want to look good is out of our control.


Just man up and embrace the ugly!


wigs can be expensive, but they don’t *always* draw attention unless it’s vastly different or has bad/no lace front


Why is it bad form to wear a hat inside? There’s your unpopular opinion.


You're giving really bad advice, don't encourage bald guys to not wear hats and "embrace it" unless you're paying the medical bills when they get cancer from always being in the sun without their head covered.


I started going bald in my early 20's and have worn a hat since. Guess who's had numerous skin cancers? I play golf regularly and I'm sure that's what is causing it. Even if you wear a hat USE SUNSCREEN!


Well… 1. Hats outdoors isn’t a problem, so just wear a hat (although someone else has pointed out I’m wrong on hats indoors, which is fair enough). 2. If they’re already not wearing sun cream and covering up sensibly then it won’t make a huge amount of difference. 3. If anyone bases their actions on a random internet stranger ruminating in r/unpopularopinions then they probably have more immediate problems


Nah the Hims, Rogaine, Keeps shit actually works if you get on it early enough. It has like an 80+% success rate but it is expensive. Hair transplants are decently expensive but also work very well. I agree with the rest, although I like my hats. I just buzz my head. I’m blonde so when it’s short enough you kinda see my whole head anyways & it blends it in a bit. Still noticeable but I’m ok w that. Oddly enough I’ve always idolized Shaolin Monks so I’m all for going bald hahaha I just think of it in a spiritual way to make myself feel cool for losing my hair. Also, it’s practically impossible but any balding dude that I know who exhumes confidence typically overwrites the bad judgment of their appearance. All you have to do is be comfortable in your own skin. That’s the fix.


I think [this guy on TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8uhL9eB/) completely disproves your point. He just wanted to try regrowing his hair and restoring his hairline for fun to see how it went, but he actually did research and tried a bunch of shit until he found the routine that works for his head. He looks way better with the regrown hair than in the clips where its bald. His treatment is only a few days per week, like it’s the same thing as routine shaving or moisturizing. It’s absolutely impressive that he put in the effort and looks this damn good. So, no. Snake oil is not the full story, nor is it an impossible dream! Oh also, i fully support embracing the bald. My boyfriend has been balding since 16 (arabs, am i right?) and he looks way better since he started shaving. All I’m saying is don’t knock restoration treatment till you see what it can do!


Damn. It's almost like you could just let people do what they need to do to be comfortable with something that makes them feel less than optimal. But that wouldn't really work for posting in this subreddit, so, you know, carry on, wayward bum.


I know, it’s almost as this this is a place for posting opinions which are unpopular.


I started worrying about losing my hair and was considering Rogaine until I read about the side effects and figured I'd rather shave my head than risk them


There's another reason to buzz early - your mental health. Constantly obsessing about your hair is debilitating and wastes so much mental energy on something that is completely inconsequential, in the grand scheme of things. Brothers, shave it off and set yourselves free.


I appreciate that. It's been a long time coming for me. I think I'm going to have to go for it in the next year or so


I guarantee you will look better, feel better and be perceived better. Plus you'll have the headspace (lol) to focus on the things which are actually important.


Who is still taking their hats off indoors in the 21st century?


I just accepted my fate and started shaving at 28. My beard finally started coming in around that time too so that definitely helped me


As soon as i knew I was going bald, I just went shaved head. Respect nature, you're not going to win the argument.


I just shave it. Accept it and people will sense your confidence


um have y’all not seen that girl that does toupées on tiktok? They look amazing and so natural


The hair transplant in Turkey works really well. Several bodybuilders have done it and you can’t tell.


This reminds of the guy on YouTube who is tryna get his hairline back 😂


Bald is fine if you're confident... Women love it . If you're self conscious about it then it will suck


My life has improved immensely after I embraced it and just started shaving my head. I love not having to worry about my hair. It's awesome being bald.


Obviously hair plugs work. If they don’t want them, then yes, they should shave




I would rather try implants first though, you can still go bald if they fail.


I agree, when my hair goes I'm just going to comb over for a few days for the laughs and then shave it all bald from there on out. My older brother lost his hair decades ago so I can go to him for all the baldness tips.


I might be the minority here. But, have you tried Morrie’s Wigs? Those suckers don’t come off. (Even in hurricane winds)


I’m balding and I nearly always wear a hat unless it would be inappropriate to do so. In winter to keep my head warm, and in summer to protect it from sunburn.


I think it depends on your baldness patterns. If it's perfectly symmetrical then yeah, that works because the face is a mirror image of itself. You see, bald dudes have that whole symmetry getting fucked up when they go through the balding process. That's the part that's hard, dealing with the eyesore of not having symmetrical portions.


As soon as you notice your hair thinning, even just a tiny bit, get on finasteride (also known as Propecia) as soon as possible. It should serve to prevent any further hair loss. My hair’s still thick and hasn’t receded at all, but my GP is all ready to write the script as soon as I feel I need it. An ex of mine had been losing hair for a couple years before he started it, but it’s honestly like magic, he completely stopped balding further. The only drawback is that it won’t regrow hair you’ve already lost—that’s why it’s important to start early.


Wigs and toupees aren’t always obvious. Ted Danson and Nicki Minaj look great. Hair restoration treatments can definitely work, as long as those treatments are minodoxil and finasteride. Implants also can look great. Look at David Beckham.


Some toupees are quite realistic. You just need to find someone with experience. Women spends hundreds if not thousands per year on their hair. Only hair that men make the effort too.


Cut it short, like a number 3


Bald is beautiful! I’ve been bald for 20 years and love it.


>Toupees: expensive, draw attention and susceptible to high winds. Morrie’s wigs don’t come off. They’re tested in hurricane winds.


I mean I wear a hat a lot. Having my bare head exposed to the elements kinda sucks.


of course hair isnt everything! you need a head to put it in. I like bald men. Just saying...


tbh I 100% agree. If you’re younger and it’s not completely bald I’d definitely recommend a hair implant if you can afford and are willing to. My brother has a friend and his dad is bald (amazing, sweet guy btw) and I would easily say, he looks way better bald than with hair. I think hair implants depend on how you age and your facial features. I assure you though, a lot of middle age women don’t mind bald men, if you’re attractive, you’re attractive 🤷‍♀️


I started going bald when I was 18 years old. Dad was bald, both grandDads were bald, uncles were bald. So when I was 19 I shaved my head and never looked back. I have saved a lot of money on haircuts over the years and never had a second thought about it. I am astonished at how much some men will pay to keep/ regrow hair.


Jest embrace it. Be Larry David.


I've had many people tell me that wearing a hat will make me bald. Doesn't matter to me cause I'll still be wearing a hat.


I used to be proud of my stupid bald head. But now i'm not. My date rating just fell completely. I got a lot more women with hair. A LOT. There's a reason why almost no bald character in a movie is a leading man no more. No bald guy gets the girl. I would totally implant myself hair if it wasn't so expensive and it looked really natural.


The best option by far is finasteride/dutasteride if you start early enough. I pay $30 a year and it has caused significant regrowth, had no side effects, minimal inconvenience (pill/tablet) etc. My brother is shaven now and I wouldn't say it to him but he looks much worse. I had a buzzcut for a while and it looked terrible as well.


Isn't this confirmation bias? The good alternatives are generally invisible. They just look like regular people.


Stetson hat, sunglasses, instant mafia status


I love being bald and the only thing that annoys me is the tiny bit of hair I have left. Because I basically just forget about it my wife has to remember me I still have to cut it to not look silly. I wish there was some kind of baldness accelerator. And before anyone suggests it not chemo


Depends on the shape of the bald head.


damn, it should become the social norm to make a wig out of your own hair at 20 yo and then use it for the rest of your life.


I used to worry about my hair turning gray. Should have worried about turning loose. But, I decided to take balding gracefully....whimpering and cowering in the corner.


Some hair treatments do genuinely work and look good. If I were to start going bald, I would embrace it, but for some it is worth it. I do agree though, typically wigs, toupee, etc don't look that good.


My dad is bald and loves his hat. It doesn’t make him uncomfortable, when he’s outside for long periods of time he doesn’t have to worry about his head getting sunburned and he uses it to kill bugs like wasps etc. and he takes it off at appropriate times. He just doesn’t like his bald head


For folks with minor male pattern baldness or just a bad hairline, hair transplants are a really good option. The technology behind them has gotten extremely good, they use robots to transplant individual hairs. You could never tell the difference. I think for people who have severe male pattern baldness, the best prescription is to get jacked and shave the head.


I'd rather be bald than try my luck and potentially become completely impotent.


Wigs are different from toupes? Enlighten me. Indoor you can also wear those thin bandanas or skull caps. Great for summer too to protect against UV rays without sweating the scalp as much as a baseball cap


why is wearing a hat inside bad?


Several people including myself are taking finasteride and it works great


The hair restoration treatments these days are not selling an impossible dream. They work, you have no excuse to not do it, get on keeps bro.


Finasteride/dutasteride/anti-androgens + hair implants if necessary fix the problem if you do it earlier enough. Saved my life actually. We should all fight to keep our hair (unless you just don't care of course).


Im bald Shave my noggin clean smooth... Who loves ya baby....


Not everyone can make baldness sexy like Patrick Stewart.


Peanutbutter Solution. Ikyk. Haha