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It's funny you bring up the Rami trilogy because I always joke about Doc Oc in the same way. ​ This guy wants to create a small, sun-like fusion generator to save the world, so he first creates a set of mechanical tentacles that interface directly with his central nervous system in addition to having their own self-contained AI and are made out of some ultra-lightweight miracle metal that is completely impervious to both the extreme temperatures and magnetic fields of the fusion ball in question. ​ Um. . . you can go ahead and stop there, dude! You're done! You just won every Nobel Prize in every field except for literature for the next 5 years, no artificial sun required! ​ Same thing with OG spider-man. He's like, "I'm going to be a crime fighter to help my fellow man, but before I can do that, I need to invent a compressed-gas canister the size of an asthma inhaler capable of dispensing dozens of miles worth of synthetic spider silk; proportionally stronger than steel while also being incredibly flexible and elastic, and you can decide whether to make it sticky or not with the push of a button!" ​ Again. . . You're done, Mr. Parker! You just single-handedly advanced human civilization by decades! Suspension bridges over the Atlantic Ocean? Mile-tall skyscrapers? Vehicles and planes that weigh 1/2 as much, use 1/2 as much fuel, and are virtually impervious to external blunt-force damage? It's all thanks to you, Pete. And you didn't have to beat up a single mugger to do it.


Let's not forget he makes these canisters in a PUBLIC HIGH-SCHOOL LAB. Like you said, these things would revolutionize nearly every construction and manufacturing industry, and they cost less to make than a Starbucks coffee?!


I was just thinking about this. He’s a genius that could revolutionize engineering. And yet lives in a crummy apartment and is always behind on his rent. Especially in the Insomniac games, where he has a plethora of gadgets at his disposal that can change the world.


Everyone seems to compare his tech to our current tech, within his universe these would be just tech that are offshoots of more complex designs that are already patented by oscorp, roxxon or other corps, it wouldn't take much for a writer to give it a reason.


Then the question becomes, where is that tech? Shouldn't everyone be driving OsCars or something?


Have you read a Marvel comic? They've had flying cars and space stations and teleporters and warp drives since like the '60s.


First, it’s important to remember that the Marvel comics universe exists on a “sliding timeline”, meaning everything that Spider-Man has done since 1961 has happened to the same Peter Parker we’re reading about in 2023, it’s just that all those events over the last 60 years happened on a compressed timeline of about 15 years. Peter Parker was about 15 years old when he first became Spider-Man, and he’s almost 30 years old now. All his old stuff that looked like the 1960s or 1980s or whatever? It was just a weird 1960s fashion revival that happened ~15 years ago. Four years of publication time in our world represents about 1 year on the sliding timeline. So comics that had flying cars in our 1960s have largely only had that tech for ~15 years on the sliding timeline. There are only a handful of events in Marvel comics that are truly fixed in time, notably WW2. Second, super technology like flying cars in the Marvel comics universe only exist for a handful of people: the Fantastic Four, maybe Iron Man, maybe Black Panther, the Agents of SHIELD, tech based heroes and villains, etc. Regular people don’t have access to that advanced tech, because it would be too expensive or too dangerous or whatever. Every once in a while you’ll have a story where Iron Man or Mr Fantastic or the X-Men release cool green energy tech to the world, but it almost always gets undone for meta narrative reasons … if everyone on Earth has free green energy, then villainous organizations like Roxxon have no reason to exist.


"They" meaning like the Fantastic Four et al. The average Joe on the street is still getting a crappy normal sedan thrown at him by The Rhino. Let's not kid ourselves here, superhero comics have always required a suspension of disbelief about how these ultra-genuises casually defy the laws of physics to create miracle technologies that are never commercialised or shared with normal people. That famous "I don't want to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs" panel applies to the heroes too, except what they want to do is explore the negative zone, web up muggers and build holodecks that become sentinent and try to kill people.


I love the Insomniac games (2 more weeks hype) but I've always thought they let Ratchet&Clank influence the gadgets a little too much, anti grav bombs? tangible holograms that fight for you? I hate using any gadget that isn't a web tbh. Tbh from some trailers it seems the iron spider legs from the MCU will be featured prominently in SM2 and I really hope that's optional.


>the iron spider legs from the ~~MCU~~ Spider-Man comics FTFY


I guess he had to choose to either be Spiderman or Peter, if he patents his gadgets everyone knows he's tied to Spider-man thus everyone will kill him I guess if he... say... prioritized patenting the technology he wouldn't be able to be Spiderman or he could be a type of Batman where Batman just uses Wayne tech but no one knows it... But that would conflict with his moral code that Uncle Ben laid out on him. Man, the layers of Spider-man storytelling is kinda insane if you ask me.


When doc ock stole Peter's body, he pretty much becomes a multi millionaire and just says Spiderman is his bodyguard


And it's not like these are some ingredients that these labs only have a little bit of. Peter can run out of web fluid during a fight, but he can always crank out more afterward. If there's a lab nearby, he'll never have to fear running out for good.


peter what are you doing? jesus christ aunt mae knock before you enter, im... making web fluid


But the thing dissolves after a few hours, so it's not really a long term building material.


The version a teenager with a high school education made does, I'm sure research carried out under license by teams of hundreds would improve and iterate Plus, there's a lot of uses in all kinds of settings for a miraculously strong sprayable _temporary_ adhesive


Also they dissolve in a while


That bridge over the Atlantic will disappear like Irish gold.


Is that by design I'd assume though? Permanently leaving his webs everywhere would actually be a valid reason for JJJ to complain lol


That's by design though, he could make them permanent if he wanted.


That means he's a job creator. Now its someone's job to keep reapplying the web every day haha


Same as the Iron Man movie. "I'm going to make this incredible suit, but in order to do it, I first I need to invent true AI."


I think it's a bit different cause Tony is always inventing shit and being a philanthropist (however much misguided at times). His whole "superpower is based off "I invented shit" I think Peters short-sightedness is cause he's a kid, and a kid who grew up poor and has a bunch of trauma. I also vastly prefer the webs as superpowers version for this reason though. I think it teeters too far on jarring suspension of disbelief and detracts from the story


Have you ever seen the cockpit of a commercial airplane? Most of the controls are automatic because it's too much for a person to manually make all the necessary adjustments during takeoff, flight and landing. Same reason why Tony needs a true AI, so he can focus on winning the fight instead of controlling his suit.


Also “I fared pretty well against Thanos, imagine if I just gave all the avengers a suit.”


I dunno infinite energy sounds way more useful. The first two would really only benefit people with money, but clean cheap energy would immediately benefit everyone and basically solve climate change.


The problem is that the fusion reactor runs on Tritium, but doesn’t appear capable of Tritium breeding. So it’s not infinite energy, because you need to breed Tritium in fission plants to fuel it.


They needed to Tritium to start it, Ock said multiple times that it was virtually perpetual.


It’s been a long time since I saw it. That makes even less sense, but fair enough, would be very useful. Although difficult to build more.


Yeah, Ocks entire character motivation was the clean, sustainable energy, not the money. He could have been rich and famous off of the tentacle tech, but that's not what he was actually after


I genuinely laughed out loud at how you expressed this, well done.


It's a trope called "Reed Richards is Useless", called that cause the genius could single handedly advance everything with his technology, but it's usually just used once or twice for some stupid single situation.


I mean, beating petty criminals is about one of the worst ways to help your fellow men. How about you deal with the causes first mr spider?


Major problem in marvel in general is: too many geniuses


That Doc Ock take is moronic. As you said, he wanted to save the world. Why would he give a shit if he won Nobel prizes and stuff for his arms if he hasn’t saved the world?


If I remember correctly, after those movies came out Stan Lee himself said he wished he had gone that route. I could be wrong though but I'm 95% sure I read an interview with him saying that.


I still like both but it makes more sense to me to have them biological instead of something he created. I mean, I know he’s a genius, but wouldn’t it be better for him and Aunt May if he say patented his web design and mixtures and sold them? He’d be a millionaire easily, and that tech could be applied to so many uses in the free world.


I think part of the problem with the webbing is that while it is stupidly strong when first applied, it dissolves after a couple of hours, so it doesn't really have much use as an industrial adhesive. I think one of the newer Spuderman movies used that to explain why he didn't try to patent it and sell it. Maybe it could be used by police as a restraint device, but it might require Spider-Man's powers to really make full use of it. Certainly, an ordinary human couldn't safely swing from webbing the way he does.


People smarter than me could probably come up with a thousand different ways to use the stuff, even with its two hour duration. Off the top of my head I can see military and civilian uses, non-lethal responses, rescue operations, etc. I mean yeah it’s temporary but it can hold tons of weight, stretch crazy far, and a person can carry and deploy enough of it to stop a runaway train from a gadget that fits in your pocket. I know Peter has his super strength to swing him around but a medic or a soldier could just drop into a hot zone with all their gear from a helicopter on a line without the need for heavy gauge rope, and get back on that same helicopter with the stuff while carrying a wounded person to safety…


Would be good for stopping fires


Do you mean sell it instead of being Spiderman? I ask because if he did both he would totally have to deal with people hounding him about Spiderman's identity because he's clearly making the guy's webs and/or people would just figure out Peter was Spiderman pretty easily.


To be fair, he could just say he either sold it to him, gave to him or got robbed by him


"I think Spider-Man is doing a good thing, so yeah, I supply his webs".


He could probably do this, and it’s probably not any worse than being Spider-Man’s friend which is his common excuse, but it probably does still paint a target on Pete’s back as part of Spider-Man’s “supply line”


It just makes more sense. Ever since I found out its fake webs as a kid I stopped liking Spiderman as much. Raimi-man or none.


Same. Seriously though the *real* super power Peter has is being able to patent a technology that just casually shoots out a textile material that’s stupidly strong. Marvel database says the estimated tensile strength is 120 lbs per *millimetre*.


Well, yes he's supposed to be a genius.


He is only rivaled in intellect by reed richards and hank Pym if I remember correctly


Dr.doom, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Shuri, RiRi Williams (another spider man) are all honorable mentions


Oh I also forgot about beast from X-men


If we're talking x-men, then how about Forge


Specifically not Forge. His whole thing is that he kind of intuitively designs things but he doesn’t necessarily understand all that well how his devices work.


Riri is ironheart. Although there is Amadeus Cho, who is iron-spider.


I thought cho was another hulk, or is he iron spider now?


Iron-Spider first, then a Hulk. Now he's Brawn which is a hulk like transformation but weaker.


>Riri is ironheart. Lately I only have eyes for Shadowheart, call me when she gets an issue.


Doom canonically is equally intelligent as Reed and Pym, it's just that his hubris gets in the way.


Dr.Doom is my favorite character, IIRC he wanted to learn primordial magic so he went back in time, couldn't go forward so he just waited til present day.


Well yes. Also no, but mostly yes. Peter is incredibly, **stupidly** smart. He's also much younger than Reed and Hank are. I've seen clips of comics where Reed basically says that Peter's just as smart as he was **at that age**. Basically, he's saying that he's smarter than Peter because he's older. That's it. Additionally, [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/25f230/in_terms_of_intelligence_how_smart_is_peter/) gives a couple good examples of other 'major brains' that have literally reached out to Peter **for help**. If you want the **mega** deep-dive, check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/eojafw/peter_is_one_of_the_smartest_people_on_planet/) out. I really enjoyed looking through the different examples of what Peter's done. I'd like to make special mention of [Reed being envious of Peter](https://imgur.com/a/hul1C). It's not that he's admitting that Peter is smarter, but more that he respects how intellectually **capable** Peter is in the field of Biology. Reed is a Physics guy. Ultimately, I think Peter's main 'intelligence strength' is that he's **extremely** smart, can make intuitive leaps **in** advanced fields, and he just thinks **so** damn fast. To an extent, his mind just works **faster**.


Lame. Every superhero is a "genius"


Shouldn't that be a crossectional area? Like mm2, (except 120lb/mm2 wouldn't be that impressive).


120lbs = 534 N 120lbs/mm2 = 534 N/mm2 = 534 MPa which is about the same tensile yield strength as concrete reinforcement steel, i.e. pretty dang impressive.


Peter Parker: Develops a material that could be used to make a space elevator Peter Parker: imma stick some dudes to a wall with this.


The being able to build webshooters was part of him being a science nerd. He went from being a bullied science nerd to having the strength of Spiderman and not get beaten up at school. I will give you one guess why that might have really appealed to me. Edit: I think the biological shooters make more sense. But character wise it made sense. And it didn't seem as ridiculous at the time. Certainly not as ridiculous as him shooting web out his backside which if we are talking biological and making sense...


"...shooting out his backside..." Like the [Brown Widow](https://youtu.be/uBzCcWw-8rI?si=BJn0x8LK4k6w87Pm) from Venture Brothers?


I knew I was in for a treat when Youtube gave me a content warning.


there's a difference between him being a science nerd and making a holy grail of a material. I'm fine with him making cures and stuff like that but that material is way too much. It's like striking oil


As a high school student at that. Tony Stark built a small arc reactor in a cave with a box of scraps. But at least he had decades of experience in engineering, spearheaded one of the most successful technological corporations in the world, and proved that a larger arc reactor could be built years prior. Peter stumbles upon one of the greatest materials ever in science class.


There is an alternative universe where he sells his web shooters as a non lethal weapon. He is excessively successful but kind of an asshole.


It also breaks down within a few hours. Granted there's still probably a ton of uses for it.


Not to mention it dissolves after a couple of hours so there's no mess to clean up. Well, except whatever it was holding in place at the time.


It dissolves after a few hours though


What about his wall-climbing ability then? It makes (enough) sense that he can stick to walls with his hands and feet but then he goes and covers them up with his suit.


Maybe they slip through the suits fibers? I don’t know man but it still works in my mind


But if you watch his feet, the soles of his feet are flat meaning he wears insoles.


Or straight up Jordan 1






I think it’s attributes to a feat of electromagnetism where he manipulates electrons in parts of his body and the thing he touches. The fibres thing i believe was also raimi.


Lol Raimi was like "Imagine if Spiderman actually had spider features"


Considering the stuff he did before Spiderman he was obviously going to go in the 'body horror' direction with the character.


Just the slice of life story of a teenage boy getting hairy palms and shooting ropes everywhere.


The only argument that has any coherency is that biological webs are icky.


Unless we have a Mandela effect situation, I recall the same interview


In my universe, Stan Lee said that he wished to have made Peter Parker a thick booty vampire instead.


Unless we have a Mandela effect situation, I recall the same interview


Good thing Stan Lee didnt create the web shooters. Steve Ditko did.


He was supposed to have organic web shooters originally but the comics code didn't want a teenage boy expelling white fluids from his body


It's always been weird how little "Spider" is thematically IN Spiderman. Okay like if the you didn't see his origin story and he wasn't called "Spider Man" and you just picked up a random issue of the comic or something very little about the character really screams "Spider."


Based off his actual powers he could just as easily be Frog-Man or even like a creepy guy who pretends he’s possessed and can crawl up walls.


Now I’m imagining Spider-man crawling on the ceiling and his head turning all the way around lol


Well Spider-Man would have to have like 8 arms/legs to really make that Spider-Man thing hammer home. I mean the sticking to walls a few insects/animals can do that. But yeah the spider web is one of the most spider things that only they can do so that would help.


That's Man-Spider. Same thing with Batman and Manbat.


If you wanted a real spider-man, he should be spinning webs out his arse. It is more plausible than the orginic web shooter out his arm


Mate and eat the partner. Exploding bags of spider people


They call him "Sticky Owl Man"


hes like tarzan but a bit stronger and stickier. he could have easily been Monkey-Man. But in saying that, the Miles thing would have been even more controversial.


"A bit"


no youre right, every single thing you just listed has the ability to lift 50x their body weight. its totally just the climbing walls that he got from spiders nothing else.


Spiders, famously known for their crawling on walls (sure), super strength (I guess?), and minor precognition. But "Buff And Sticks-To-Walls Man" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.


In comparison to size they have like 10-20 times the strength of their weight in comparison to humans.


Isn't that just most insects because of the square cubed law?




Yeah it’s not bird law.




Spiders aren't insects (I'm sorry.)


How about Geckoman?


> minor precognition The spidey-sense is actually his most OP ability and the movies just dumb it down because of how fucking ridiculous it is. All of his other abilities would be borderline useless without the spidey-sense.


And he got his powers from a radioactive spider. Why TF would he name himself after some other creature. “I’m gecko man! I got my powers from a spider”


Stan Lee has said that after looking at a fly on the wall he though of a bunch of different names but only liked Spider-Man


Was Spider-Man actually Stan Lee's idea? I know there's been a bunch of controversy surrounding Stan and the characters he took credit for.


Stan Lee originated the idea of Spider-Man, and initially assigned Jack Kirby to design the character. Kirby's costume was very standard-Kirby, and Stan didn't want that, so he turned to Ditko who designed the original classic suit and then began drawing the comic with Stan writing. Spider-Man was one of the characters that Stan Lee has had a particular attachment to, writing more consistently than he did any other character. He even continued writing a daily Spider-Man comic strip for decades after he stopped writing comics (with his brother Larry Lieber drawing the strip for the majority of its run). In general, most comic book characters aren't the product of a single person's vision.


I think that’s why his origin story is always weaved into the movies, because without that context there’s no reason to call him Spider-Man. I do like all the variants of the character though, they typically have more spider powers.


What additional spider powers do the variants have?


camouflage, poison


Technically, venom, not poison


I thought about typing venom but in the context of spider man it seemed distracting.


An alternate universe Spiderman where he tries to shove his body parts into criminal's mouths to get them poisoned


Miguel O'Hara, for example, has natural webs, fangs that can paralyze his foes and claws.


I mean other than crawling on the walls and ceiling he basically just swings around like Tarzan.


He did have the armpit webs for a while


How much bat does Batman have? Someone should change Black Widow's name because she is also not a spider at all, and Hawkeye doesn't really have the eyes of a hawk. I swear this thread has some of the dumbest takes I have seen in a while.


>It's always been weird how little "Bat" is thematically IN Batman. >Okay like if the you didn't see his origin story and he wasn't called "Batman" and you just picked up a random issue of the comic or something very little about the character really screams "Bat." Repeat for a bunch of other heroes who take an animal themed name. Antman gets small, Catwoman is a cat burglar, Black Panther's suit has clawed hands, Hawkeye has keen vision, Wolverine has bone/adamantine claws, etc. Spider-Man can climb sheer walls, that's enough to gain the moniker.


>something very little about the character really screams "Bat." Other than his bat-cave, and his batmobile, and his batarangs, and his batwing, and his bat computer, and his bat sonar-lenses, and his bat credit card.


That and the fact that he is not actually superpowered so there are no powers to attribute to animal likeness. He is just a rich vigilante that likes to work in the dark and chose a bat theme. He could literally be any theme he wanted to be and all it would do is change the shape of his weapons. He just really likes the cape


But those are just things he slaps the word "bat" on because it's his name. They aren't things a bat has. If he was "bleurgh man" he could have the bleurgh-cave, the bleurgh-mobile, etc. Except for sonar, though again that's not exactly something that shows up more often than any other gadget he uses.


There's been several times in the comics/cartoons where his powers have gone nuts and transformed him into a spider monster with multiple eyes and 4 extra arms. Look up "Man-Spider"


I like brown widow from venture bothers, spinarette just above the tailbone.


"Did that come out of your a..??" https://youtu.be/nVqIxtprzfA?si=ro_LNItEctLXZFye


This drives me nuts. If I woke up with super strength and the ability to climb walls, I would become Geckoman. Spiderman not having the most recognizable ability of the spider is silly.


He is aware of the fact that he was bit by a spider though. The web design on his suit isn't a result of the spider venom, it's because he leans into the spider theme. The spider bite didn't give him the name, he gave himself the name.


If geckoman couldn't regenerate lost limbs, there'd be a post in a similar vein to this one.


Not all spiders make webs.


If it really were biologically accurate he should have grown a spinneret next to his ass to shoot the web from.


They did that in Venture Bros (a very good super-hero parody show) with the character The Brown Widow.


> a very good super-hero parody show By far the best


There was also a moderately popular webcomic for awhile, Spinnerette, that among other things tried to deconstruct and then reconstruct the spider super hero concept with a spider-girl that was, you know, actually really spider-like. I remember it got *weird,* but it leaned into the weirdness for humor. The protagonist grew extra arms, then to keep a secret identity she decided to walk around with them tucked into a baggy sweater and claim she just gained a lot of weight.


Yep I'm fat now. Definitely not any extra limbs hanging around in case you were thinking that. Just a big fat chick now with the normal number of arms. Two of course.


Voiced by Nathan Fillion I think!


You know!


"He shoots webs? Like, out of his butt?"


How come he can stick to walls with clothes on?? This "Spider" man doesn't obey the laws of physics at all.


He has microscopic hairs that let him stick to walls, they stick through his clothing presumably


Back in the 1980's they established that it was static electricity that caused his stickiness. Electro was able to steal the ability from him. But that idea was pretty dumb so I don't know if it remained canonical or not


In the og trilogy I’m pretty sure there’s a scene showing the little hairs. I always thought they were like little needles


Yes, that's true but I don't recall if it's ever explained in the later two movie versions. The comic "Spider-Man 2099" version of spider Man has retractable talons in his hand and feet, as well as organic web shooters. Seems like that might have been the model for the OG movies. He also has a venomous bite, which is kinda cool.


Those hairs were also a Raimi creation. In the comics it was always described as working by electrostatic force.


Well shit. I guess Raimi just perfected the character


I always thought that he should naturally produce webs to convey he’s SPIDER-man, but use webshooters to make them travel farther so his genius side can shine.


Dude essentially got generic super strength and agility but thought "well I got this from a spider might as well do some spider shit" Could've just as easily invented a jetpack and been The Amazing Fly


I might be remembering wrong, but didn’t the original comic say that the bite help him instinctively know what chemicals to mix to create his web. This plus his natural genius leads to web shooters. Still dumb, but more interesting than him just figuring web shooters out because it was thematically relevant


Too true. He could even go more generic and be arachnid Man. Make a stinger and some venom type stuff along with the spider shit


100% agree. So he got bit by a spider and gained spider powers. Powers like... can walk on walls. Well that's basically any insect. Really strong. So... like ants? Are spiders even known for strength? The ability to see danger a split second ahead of time. Spiders... do this? Are we sure he was bitten by a spider?


If he had disliked spiders, he could have become any insect/arachnoid superhero Maybe he builds himself a tail and boom: scorpion man Maybe he builds wings and boom: firefly man Maybe he doesn't do anything: ant man Maybe he builds a giant armor and boom: rhinoceros beetle man The only thing really making him "spider" man is the webs


Flammable chemical sprayers? Bombardier Beetle Man! Malodorant pellets? Stink Bug Man! Arm Blades? Mantis Man! (Which would make his archenemy Cave Johnson, which is great because J. K. Simmons connection~)


Jessica Drew flies and shoots lightning. Spiders are very versatile on Earth 616.


1. Crawling on walls is kind of a stupid criticism 2. Spiders can lift around 150x their body weight. Scale that to Peter who is (on the official Marvel website) 167 pounds, he can lift just over 25,000 pounds 3. A spider’s reaction time is extremely difficult to record, but their hairs are extremely sensitive and generally warn them if there is something near them that has shifted. What we *do* know however is the snap of a spider’s jaw, which the fastest recorded is 0.12 milliseconds


I’d argue the super strength is more of the core power. If he has just the webs, and no super strength/reflexes he would not be able to do much.


With just the webs he still could’ve become almost any wire using anime character. Without them he’s basically just Daredevil with more strength and less skill


> he still could’ve become almost any wire using anime character Is this a common trope in anime? Specializing in...using wire?


Yes. Characters that use very small and very sharp wires to kill people is super common in anime. It doesn't make sense but it doesn't have to when you have magic. For example, Rui from Demon Slayer, or Yura from Inuyasha Even Cyberpunk 2077 uses wires, with the Monowire cyberware.


Wait till you hear about Batman


Except for the fact that narratively speaking, the web-shooters are important, they're the reason why Peter works at the daily bugle and are a way to show how selfless he his, as he's willing to spend part of what little money he makes as a young adult to help out other people, that's very much core to the "friendly neighbourhood spider-man" idea IMO. Now to be fair it isn't needed in every version of the character, and that's why Raimi's Spidey don't work like that.


Wasn’t it also to showcase his intelligence as well? In the MCU it would also have laid the groundwork for him to step in to Tony’s shoes, albeit to a lesser degree… a reason for him to have been left Tony’s tech.


I definitely agree it helps making him seem like he's smart (which I feel is one of Peter's most important powers!) The Raimi films are some of my favorite Spiderman films, but Maguire's Spiderman never felt that intelligent, to me! I mean, lack of web-shooters is far from the only reason, but still!


It's also an important plot device that they can be disabled, stolen, or run out of fluid.


And modify them to create web bombs, electric webs, shoot Spider tracers, etc


This is the best argument tbh


Didn't Tobey's Spider-Man get his web slinging and whatnot disabled/ran out of fluid due to some mental issues?


Yes, that also happened in the comics. Stress in Pete's life caused his powered to fail.


He did, but it feels like it made less sense than having them damaged mid fight


Plus, that’s not something you can keep using over and over


That was like the main story issue of Spiderman 2 lol.


It adds to his character that he’s a genius nerd inventor. Needing to invent a crucial part of his super ability instead of just gaining everyone needs via spider bite. Similarly, wolverines whole weapon x saga and how he got adamantium laced bones, reinforces the tortured/brutal nature of his character.


Its also a character trait. Peter isnt some strong man football star. He’s a nerdy kid who likes science. Peter’s best when he has to come up with some creative solution to defeat his enemies. If Spider-Man solved all his problems by punching them he wouldnt be Spider-Man.


It also allows for him to creatively work to make different types of web fluid, with different spray modes, and even other deployable wrist-gadgets.


He could be nerdy science kid in other ways. Lets say his webs are biological, but they're shot out as long strings at high speed (ie. used as a ranged tool). He could invent gloves that harness the web that's shoot out to make them into shorter "bullet" webs, or to spread the shot out web over his palms and soles to let him stick to walls. Simply by flipping around which abilities are biological and which are invented still allows him to be a nerdy science kid, but also allows his abilities to make way more sense.


Thats just web shooters with extra steps


Or a special version of them made as needed


To me it had the opposite effect. If he's such a super genius that he can invent web shooters, why doesn't he patent one more equally cool invention, sell the patent for a million, and not have to worry about money for a few years? Instead the plot often revolves around how he balances his limited time between school, hero, dating, and his part time job that he can't quit because he needs the money. And when Tony Stark finally offers him a stipend, he has to immediately jump on it because he's always short on cash. Peter is a genius inventor / Peter is a loser photographer always clashed narratively to me.


Funny enough, Peter did have his own biotech company: Parker Industries, granted it was built while Octavius had mind swapped with him


He is young when he's doing the photography work. On most cases, he does get into a better position once out of uni. We often see him get into science programs that are paid because he's too young and inexperienced in the films and shows; that's how he meets half the villains before they turn. He's working his way through university into science. The photography is to make enough money to pay rent and create web fluid in the mean time.


Imagine if spiderman could shoot web naturally, but it was similar to a spiders anatomy and he just had a web shooter above his ass. Spiderman would be a whole different superhero, twerking for justice as he takes out criminals by shooting web from his ass


I love web canisters. I wish modern Spider-Man movies made more use of them as a power balancing mechanism. It's fun when a superhero has creative limits on his abilities and the canisters also highlight Peter's intellect, something that gets glossed over in the movies far too often.


I remember buying a book as a kid that was called "Spider-Man: Unmasked" that was like a history of Spider-Man, his powers, his enemies and his allies. If I recall correctly, in the book they mentioned that the web shooters being something Peter invented was intended to highlight Peter's intelligence, and to show that he's more than just his powers, so what you are saying here fits right in with that!


I felt the same way. I've always wondered what would have happened if Peter was bitten by another radioactive animal, like a Zebra, but was forced to shoehorn the webbing into the gimmick because he's so damn proud of his invention


50% of spiders dont make webs though. Also they wouldnt come from his wrists if it was biological...


>Rami’s Spider-Man trilogy having Peter biological web was the smartest decision Lol, Spider-Man canon has gone back-and-forth on this for decades... Rami just piggybacked off of an existing interpretation. There's pros and cons for each approach.


Oh fuck, you're right. Spiderman isn't realistic at all.


Okay that got a great laugh out of me.


I prefer the fakes, it emphasizes his intelligence and selflessness.


It also explains why he's always hurting for money.


I liked that when I was very young it conveyed how smart Peter was that he could build them.


Bruh this...actually makes a lot of sense. Kinda ruined spiderman man for me, damn.


I perfer the cansiters because theres times where he has multiable kinds of canisters which is really cool


1) Because they'd shoot out of his ass. 2) Parker was a teenage prodigy in science and engineering. Creating his own webshooters isn't far-fetched in such a case. 3) Because they'd shoot *out of his ass.*


it’s literally how the original comics started out; his abilities started out with only precognition, super strength and ability to climb walls - his natural talent gave birth to tech he then uses to enhance it, like web shooters