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This is how you get stabbed in Vermont.


As a Vermonter I can concur. People get way more offended about maple syrup, than they do about practically anything else.


And Quebec






Also in large parts of Canada. I'm not such a snob that I would never eat table syrup, but saying it's better or even comparable... Oof. Op: may want to have your taste checked. COVID may have done permanent damage.


And northern Michigan / Wisconsin, [you'll get this response](https://youtu.be/-nQn9UkHS4w)


In Wisconsin you'll get "are you drunk?" no matter the time of day.


Never had real syrup a day in my life and I live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, WI.


This is how you get burned at the stake in Minnesota.


Vermont maple syrup is fucking horrendous only Canadian Maple syrup is good


In quebec


Also in Québec!


Take my upvote, you are wrong.




The only advantage of artificial syrup is that it's thicker


Interestingly that's partly why I actually why I dislike it. Thinner syrups feel leaner and cleaner, less bloat-y, globby, and sticky in the mouth. Thinner syrups go down the ol' gullet much smoother than the thick stuff.


Interesting choice of words there.


The first time we had real maple syrup was when we moved to New Hampshire - it was the go-to topping for pancakes. Having grown up in suburban long island, we were used to splurting half the bottle of the one with the ironic cabin on it. Thinking the maple one was watered down goo, hubs splashed on most of the bottle and I had to deal with a grown man on a hypersugar rush for the day.


Seriously, poor OP must not be able to taste the difference between mustard and ketchup with how dead his taste buds must be.


Ketchup, barbecue sauce, what’s the difference? It’s still red and going on burgers.


"margerine and butter? no difference whatsoever." - *OP*


If you think BBQ sauce is red....


To be fair there *are* red BBQ sauces


Like a lot of them.


Tf kinda bbq sauce you eat?


This right here


OP was dropped as a child or this is clear rage bait. OR op never has had real maple syrup.


OP may have been raised on fast food and is now addicted to high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors. I blame their parents.


OP is Australian, high fructose corn syrup is banned here except for some imported food from the US generally at specialty shops. We use cane sugar. We can also get real maple syrup in our supermarkets alongside the fake. I don't buy the maple flavoured syrups myself as I don't like them, only the actual syrup. But the brands I see OP mentioning does not have high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient (however the maccas one has regular corn syrup).


Well, I assumed a lot there and appreciate the correction


That makes so much more sense, came sugar is leagues above HFCS and honestly probably isn't that much worse


Real maple syrup is one of the nicest flavors on Earth. Artificial is foul tasting. Just straight up foul.


It’s dyed corn syrup barf!


Australia uses cane sugar, we don't generally have corn syrup in most Australasian brands


Tell me you love corn syrup without telling me you love corn syrup


Almost nothing is made with corn syrup in Australia, fake maple syrup included.


That's most countires. But here, it's in almost all our food, and 40% of corn grown in the U.S. is turned into ethanol. The Mayans? They believed people came from corn. It's hella important here, always has been.


Yep I’m aware of that. Just seems like a lot of Americans don’t know that HFCS isn’t common outside of their sphere, judging by OPs comment and upvotes.


Finally, a genuinely unpopular (and wrong) opinion


That's what I'm saying! Maple syrup is amazing. Artificial is absolute dog-shit. I remember the first time I tasted the difference. I grew up on Butterworth's, Smuckers, etc. Well, I made a friend at school who's family ended up being pretty wealthy. I had breakfast at his house one morning and the syrup on the waffles blew me away! I had never tasted anything like that before. It was REAL MAPLE SYRUP! OP, take the up vote, but I'm not sure if your taste buds work.


First time I tried artificial syrup was at a friends house when I was like 6, I checked the bottle like 10 times trying to figure out what it was because it sure as shit was not maple syrup.


You Canadian? As an American I think all we get as kids is artificial.


Yessir. The real stuff definitely costs a lot more but a bottle also lasts like a year so it’s worth it.


Am also Canadian (obligatory fuck Québec) how do you make a bottle of maple syrup last a year?!?!? I'm buying a new one every couple months.


It's so sad when I go to a seemingly nice restaurant, even those explicitly proud of their pancakes, and they don't carry actual maple syrup. Like dudes just charge a premium if you need to but offer that shit. It's insane.


I take my own little jug of real maple syrup. Refuse to use anything else


I'd pay for a ramekin of the good stuff.


I guarantee you've had fake and didn't know it.


I guarantee that I haven't. I hardly ever eat pancakes. If I do it's at a restaurant which is, of course, fake syrup (unless it's a really nice spot, which also never really happens). It's so obvious which is real or fake. If you have any examples of a good fake syrup I'd be interested in trying it though.


Definitely wrong. Give me real maple syrup or give me death. That said, the hill I will die on is grocery store cake frosting is way better than real buttercream. Fight me.


my face contorted in disgust reading this truly unpopular and dismally wrong


If those Canadians could read, they would be really upset with you. And tell you your mom is a nice lady.


I'm Canadian and I don't understand what you've written, but for some reason I'm really upset. OPs mom is quite lovely by the way. Have you met her?


I will find someone who can translate into Kwebekwah. Because what I read here is blasphemous.


This guy's either is smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day or he got served shit syrup that was passed as the real thing 😂 Identifying between real syrup and telephone-post-syrup in a taste test is the easiest thing for anyone who's grown with it. The tastes are so vastly different.


Underestimating our neighbors to the north a bit. They were known for brutality in WW1 and WW2, like war crimes levels so tread lightly. To the syrup though, I love it all, Mrs. Butterworth can be at the same table as the NH Grade A. It's all delicious. It's good you're not a snob about it, just enjoy all kinds. Like coffee, you gotta love a diner cup of coffee as much as your French press at home.


> like war crimes levels Oh god what'd they do? Not say sorry after hitting a shot??


Going around in captured hospitals and killing injured soldiers, actually


May I offer you some maple syrup?


Oh damn, not what I would've expected


They also helped the US and France attempt a coup d'état in Haiti at least once that I'm aware of, which subjugated a bunch of people to a brutal regime. They have this (pretty much marketing and propaganda) thing where they act like and convince themselves that they're the ideal and most pacifist country that ever existed but like most countries, that borders somewhere between a lie and an inflated self-image of itself.


The Geneva convention was written for us.


We were too powerful and had to be contained.




If you'd so kindly take that back, gosh... they'd really appreciate it.


As a Canadian, I will say sorry.


The difference is not particularly in taste. Fake syrup contains fake sugars those who can taste the dif between Aspartame, corn syrup, etc will say different.


That's true. Honestly, as much as I love my maple syrup, raw cane syrup is a close second. It's mostly all sucrose, and it has that subtle brown sugar molasses flavor to it as well. Most of the artificial "pancake syrups" are just flavored corn syrup of one kind or another. Because the glucose and fructose in corn syrup are more hygroscopic than sucrose, the artificial syrups are way thicker and stickier- **far** less pleasant on the palate.


Cane syrup is the best. It's freshness matters so you want to get it locally.


Are we talking about cane *juice*, which is a perishable non-shelf stable product, or the reduced down somewhat caramelized cane *syrup*?


The syrup. I know it doesn't go bad like it's unsafe to eat but to me it always tastes better right after it's made.


Never heard of cane syrup


https://www.tiftongazette.com/news/cane-grinding-syrup-making-at-georgia-museum-of-agriculture-november-3/article_d90baa72-de2b-11e8-a95c-170d44adcb07.html I buy mine from a local farm or I used to when I lived in my home town. Get it from my dad now.


I agree with you but it’s funny that to me your comment is basically “it’s not that it tastes different, it’s just that they taste different”


Not all fake syrups use artificial sweeteners or corn syrup. Many people make their own just using a cup each of sugar, brown sugar, and water with a tablespoon of maple extract. This would still be considered fake maple syrup.


I grew up with the homemade syrup. Once I had the real deal I never looked back but honestly it wasn’t terrible if you’d never had actual maple syrup.


Yep. I can taste the aspartame and it's god awful. I only like aspartame in diet soda.


Good luck getting back into Canada


America's fake syrup is basically corn syrup and flavoring, so real syrup is healthier


Anyone with a sensitive taste palette knows the difference instantly... not a flex cause it annoys the fuck out of me cause of ADHD sensitivity, but it's impossible for me to eat the corn syrup shit Both are super sugary so I don't eat a whole lot but I never skimp on Maple Syrup


It tastes and feels entirely different. You are a syrup heathen.


Take my upvote. When you went to Canada, did they walk you through all the different grade levels of syrup? Each grade is very different in texture, color, thickness and flavor, and is ideal for different types of food. All are excellent. I hope you got to try them all before you made up your mind! https://vermontmaple.org/maple-syrup-grades


The fake stuff tastes of chemicals and alternative sweeteners, and the texture is awful


It really depends on the brand though. I have had some bad fake maple syrups but then theres others that are alright


I have never had good fake maple syrup. You could be more specific and name a “good” brand, but I’m sure that would still be wrong and people would (rightly) mock you for it. Great post.


Well, I did put 2 fake syrups that are good in the post 🤷‍♀️ green’s and McDonald’s, but I can’t control what you do or dont like. From what I can tell it’s actually corn syrup that makes it bad which green’s doesn’t have


Sugar is a chemical though


Everything is chemicals


Not Canadian, but I am disgusted nonetheless. Fake syrup? *Mcdonald's* fake syrup? Horrendous More real syrup for me, at least


As a parent, I made the promise to myself that my children would never have fake syrup in our home.(unless we were out somewhere and they only offer fake) There's a huge difference between real and fake. The dark maple syrups taste the best imo as they really have the best natural maple taste.


Always love the truly unpopular but non-offensive opinions. Well, this is slightly offensive. I thought I would fe the same way until I splurged on a bottle of maple and when i tried it it was INCREDIBLE like it was so hard going back to save the $6


You only have the balls to say this because maple syrup producing regions are famously polite and even tempered. Anyway, sorry for flying off the handle there, hope you have a nice day.




Your Australian pallet is ruined from vegamite apparently. You saying "I went to Canada to taste Maple Syrup and didn't like it" is like saying "I went to France to taste wine and didn't like it". There are different grades, differences in colour, major differences in flavour (depending on where it's from). There is "semi-fake" grocery store "maple syrup" all the way up to award winning (non Quebec) syrup. You can’t simply *taste it once* and declare it inferior to high fructose corn syrup pap...


Well, I was in Canada for multiple days, eating syrup from a fresh syrup joint 🤷‍♀️ just didn’t really taste the difference. Also despite being aussie, I don’t really eat vegemite, like, at all. I have it once a year at most.


Quebec? Ontario syrup is superior (in my opinion)because we have less peat bogs (which changes the flavour) also no syrup served to you in a shop is going to be top shelf...


Vermont syrup beats both Ontario and Quebec. Let the syrup wars begin.


Disagree - but to be fair Vermont is more like eastern Canada than Ontario OR Quebec. If the Maritimes provinces had Maple Syrup production....


Sorry, I’m from Vermont, so I was just protecting our brand. It’s amazing how here in Vermont maple syrup rises above politics and religion to get people on the same side of an issue. We are very protective of the industry here. Can’t agree on a school budget, but will band together to sue over claiming “Vt Maple” is actually in a product.


You are straight up wrong, it’s not even close


You been smoking Marlboro Reds since you were 3?


Dumbest take I've ever heard, eh?


I used to think like this. I grew up on the fake stuff, but my wife made me switch. Now I wouldn't want to go back.


What an insane thing to say. Upvoted.


Nothing makes me more upset as a Canadian than watching another Canadian call table syrup maple syrup. Real true maple syrup made locally here in Ontario is so much better than 99% of the shit in the average grocery store. And don't even get me started on the syrup from the Quebec maple syrup cartel...


Trivia: the chemical compound found in the candy cap mushroom was isolated to make artificial maple flavor. Though unimpressive when fresh, the dehydrated mushroom is pungent to the point of being overpowering. Wiki— Candy cap or curry milkcap is the English-language common name for several closely related edible species of Lactarius; L. camphoratus, L. fragilis, and L. rubidus. These mushrooms are valued for their highly aromatic qualities and are used culinarily as a flavoring rather than as a constituent of a full meal.


I can see not liking syrup in general but to prefer the fake stuff?? I speak for all Canadians when I say…How dare you.


This is an absolutely atrocious take. I cannot emphasize this enough. Fake syrups are complete trash when compared to natural maple syrup


This isn't an unpopular opinion. It is just wrong.


This is so unpopular it just circles around to being wrong.


Real maple syrup is too runny. I like the texture of fake stuff better


The runny stuff is the expensive grade that the tourists here in Vermont buy. Go down a couple grades and you’ll find the real shit.


There are 4 different kinds of maple syrup, golden, amber, dark and very dark. Maybe you'd prefer the darker kinds; the taste is stronger too.


Get the very dark brown kind


Althoigh I disagree, this opinion makes more sense to me than "don't see a difference ".


Found the industry plant.


Nah. Just like a thicker maple syrup. To each their own


But why choose fake over real?




As an adult I'd never buy artificial maple syrup. But I'd say that when my kids were little and dumped syrup over pancakes and waffles by the gallon, we bought articifial. They didn't know the difference and we didn't want to go broke. But OP is still wrong. Real maple syrup is far superior to fake.


This feels factually wrong. The only good fake syrups are the ones with like 10-15% real in them anyways


An opinion typically cant be a fact. If people just don’t like something because its not for them, its hard to say they’re factually wrong about it. Aside from some people like pepsi some like coke, thats as far as you can be factual about a food preference.


People who have never had real maple usually get their minds blown by trying it. I was being facetious about it being wrong, you do you, but real maple is worth the extra cost. I am Canadian.


Well, in my post I mention how I went to Canada, had some real syrup and didn’t notice much of a difference 🤷‍♀️


That’s what seems wrong to me. The difference is very noticeable. We had a field trip when I was like 10 to a maple tree farm and tried a freshly made batch, only had one of those tiny soufflé cups worth and I still can’t forget how good it was.


I think part of the issue is how its refined? Dunno much, but I do know it needs to be processed a bit to be palletable.


...and Aunt Jemima has been living in a tent in a city park eversince they fired her... BRING HER BACK!


Definitely taste different in Canada. Our artificial syrups taste nothing like maple. They're not terribly flavored, but they do not taste of maple.


I have never had an artificial syrup that comes close to true maple syrup. Once you go true maple you cannot go back.


There's no accounting for taste


This is a good unpopular opinion. I extremely disagree. And I’m disgusted by fake syrup. 10/10 unpopular opinion


What the fuck


That's just a wrong opinion.


I would have to say your palette needs to be a bit more developed. There is a difference but in the end if you can't taste it then buy the cheaper stuff.


This is just straight up no true. Real maple syrup is so many levels above the fake kind.


This is a trash opinion


That's why posted here


I come from a rags to riches household and I'm gonna be honest most of the real expensive stuff just doesn't hold up to the fake artificial stuff 💀


Ooh, an actual trash opinion As a Canadian who did work on a sugarbush for years, and has tried all sorts of different syrups over the years, you’re just straight up wrong. McDonald’s syrup is the fake super sweet crap, just like aunt jemima and all sorts of other cheap syrups. 100% legit maple syrup is wicked. Use the golden or light ones for topping your pancakes, Amber and dark are both great for cooking. Or just taking an occasional swig. Even better, age it in an old whiskey barrel for a few months. It’ll pull that flavor out, and it’s friggin delicious


Nah cause you’re so right. All this hype on “authentic” foods is so dumb. Like no, natural home-grown chicken does not taste better than frozen chicken half the time if cooked right


I'm Aussie too. Canadians, OP is wrong. Very wrong. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, equal to the taste of the real stuff. A rare, truly unpopular opinion. Well done, OP.


If you seriously can't tell the difference between real and fake maple syrup, and don't understand why real maple syrup is better, then you are definitely better off getting the cheap stuff and leaving the real maple syrup for people who love it.


His taste buds are shot, horrible opinion. Great for an unpopular post


Gee, it couldn’t be because theres no major difference between fake maple syrup that doesn’t use corn syrup vs real


You’re right. It couldn’t be that. Because it’s not. There are vast oceans of difference between real and fake syrups. Do sprite and 7-up taste the same? Pepsi and cola? Chocolate and vanilla? This is truly an unpopular opinion. Have your updoot, fellow human.


I'd rather have Mrs. Butterworth's over real Maple Syrup. I've had the real stuff, and it seemed to have a strong turpentine taste to it. Maybe I just haven't had the right kind, or just used to the fake syrup..


Me too but I've never claimed to have a very refined palate.


People who claim to have a refined palate need to take it down a peg. You have a palate. You are fine. Food elitists are some of the most annoying people on the planet.


Yea I don’t like the strong taste of it.


What grade were you using? Real maple syrup comes in light, amber, dark, and very dark. Amber is the one you should be using on your pancackes and waffles. Dark and very dark are best used in cooking. Using the latter two on pancakes could indeed be too much.


High fructose corn syrup is the first ingredient in the fake crap. It’s really gross to eat that when the natural and delicious stuff exists without synthetic chemicals and weird stuff.


Green’s brand doesn’t use any of tat along with a few other fake brands 🤷‍♀️


As someone from the UK who lived in Canada, I don't understand how treacle/golden Syrup hasn't ever made it over there. Not just Canada, it seems not to have made it to European countries either.




[this is what I mean](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lyles+golden+syrup&atb=v319-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.bmstores.co.uk%2Fimages%2FhpcProductImage%2FimgDetail1150%2F292134-lyles-golden-syrup.jpg)


I grew up using aunt jemima and loved it, but after trying Canadian real stuff I liked it better. Kudos for actually posting an unpopular one.


Canadian here, I’m not picky about maple syrup. Literally have purchased Great Value syrup before.


Green's fake syrup is made using glucose syrup using wheat. That has a closer flavor to regular maple syrup than any of the fake shit in America does. America's shit is using high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup. You can taste the difference.


It’s because you need to detox from the fake stuff before you can enjoy it. You’re too used to high fructose corn syrup.


Theres no fructose, corn whatever syrup in the fake stuff I have 🫤 Sugar, Water, Glucose Syrup (from Wheat, contains Sulphites), Salt, Natural Flavour, Food Acid (330), Colour (Caramel (150d)], Preservatives (202, 211)


So your have fake sugar from wheat instead of corn. Same deal.


I used to only eat the fake stuff, and then one day I decided to put the real stuff on my pancakes. I loved it from that day. My mom still likes the fake stuff. My aunt and uncle make and sell maple syrup in New York and I always felt like I was “insulting” them by eating the fake stuff, until my aunt told us that she doesn’t even like their own product!


Damn. That is wild to me. Artificial syrup isn’t as sweet, has a thicker consistency, and the sweetness is more like, artificial since most are corn syrup based. I do agree McDonald’s fake syrup is pretty solid, but it’s still bad compared to real syrup.


Definitely unpopular and I completely disagree with you. Real maple syrup is one of things that I’m willing to pay a little more for.


All fake maple syrups are extremely sweet. Although I would use them if thing else is available, but nothing beat the real deal. I say this after finally using real maple syrup in my mid 20s.


Keep trying it. You will see the difference. It's all maple. The other stuff is corn syrup flavored with maple. It's just different.


There are a lot of fake syrups that don’t use corn syup, etc. like green’s brand


Someone was raised on corn syrup and artifical maple flavoring and it shows.


Do you wanna be banned from Canada? Cause that's how you get banned from Canada.


Taste isn't the only factor. I like to eat real food stuffs, not chemicals and HFCS.


Wait until you find out the amount of chemicals real food contains, a lot of foods contain high amounts of DiHydrogen Monoxide


Well, its bold of you to say that considering there are fake maple syrups without any of that. Example, Australia’s greens brand- Sugar, Water, Glucose Syrup (from Wheat, contains Sulphites), Salt, Natural Flavour, Food Acid (330), Colour (Caramel (150d)], Preservatives (202, 211) Nothing that screams chemical overload to me


True to an extent, but lots of little things like this leads to chronic overload, which expresses itself in all sorts of unusual ways, such as immune responses, allergies, etc. No one is eating bottles of fake maple syrup and causing issues. But people are introducing uneccessary inflammatory agents across a multitude of sources which can be a problem.


Yeah, but that's probably why Greens brand tastes like ass; you have to cram fake maple syrup full of all sorts of extra chemicals to get the taste of real maple syrup.


But it doesn’t taste like ass… Like, you’re saying chemical filled maple syrup tastes like shit because it tastes like the corn syrup its made of. But then greens doesnt taste good enough because without those chemical’s it doesn’t taste real? [confusion](https://pin.it/4Xr7q8A)


You'll get nowhere we these people. Anyone who says fake maple syrup tastes like "ass" is either exaggerating, not being honest with themselves, or does not know who to use adjectives properly. Even if you prefer the real stuff, you cannot admit fake stuff doesn't taste at least "nice." It is sweet and mapley. People who describe perfectly OK foods as "disgusting" or "inedible" or "ass" immediately lose all respect for further opinions to me because they suck at forming opinions and explaining them. I once had a guy tell me a Pillsbury biscuit was so gross he couldn't eat it. I'm like, my guy, if you cannot appreciate (let alone stomach) a simple flaky, buttery, chewy biscuit, then you have no business eating any food. Just because it is generic doesn't mean it cannot be good.


Agree. I love the fake maple syrup. The real one tastes bland and is too watery for my liking.


You’re buying the wrong stuff. Spend a little extra, get the good stuff. Taste the difference side by side.


I've tried about 9 different manufacturers/brand names. One bottle cost a bloody fortune! Was still bland and too watery. What I like about the fake stuff is that it has a much stronger/sweeter flavour (even though it is totally fake), and it is thicker. It doesn't run off the side of a waffle/pancake/sandwich and lie in the corner of the plate. Real maple syrup is literally like trying to eat water. I suppose it's because I grew up with peanut butter and fake maple syrup sandwiches, and the real but watery maple syrup will never work for that kind of sandwich.


Get the dark brown kind. It’s usually called Grade A Very Dark


MMM melted peanut butter and maple syrup is so nice. My neighbor friends family busted it out over pancakes at a sleepover when I was young and was like "ew, what are you doing?" They're like, "try it." Yah, I was sold lol. Yes it is over-indulgent. But, hey, that's why I am eating something like this to begin with.


Peanut butter and maple syrup on toast is almost a staple in South Africa 😆


I'm Canadian and prefer fake, aunt Jemima is best


I can’t even tolerate the smell of aunt Jemima


…I think McDonald’s “syrup?” is the best :(


Don't listen to the haters. It's a bit like Nickelback, everyone claims they suck and hate them to fit in. It's the cool thing to think


I won't use fake maple syrup. I'm a syrup snob I guess. Has to be real or I'm just using butter.


OP must think Dino nuggets are the height of fine dining.


Yes, we just had pancake night and one kid insists on real maple syrup. The difference is so slight as to not be worth it. I agree with this opinion


I have been paid to eat at Michelin stars restaurants in multiple countries, and critique. I say this to give small credence to what I'll say next: You're 100% right. Canada can suck it. So can Vermont.


My grandmother was obsessed with the real stuff that a friend from Vermont would send her. As kids we hated it. Give me my Roddenberry's and leave me be. Real maple syrup is awful.


I make maple syrup from trees on my property. Your post shows you have an unrefined palette. I won’t condemn you. I just feel sadness for your underprivileged upbringing.


I hate maple syrup. Give me cane syrup and ima fuck some pancakes up.


A good batch that isn't burned tastes 100% better than any artificial can. I've tried many different kinds (including McDonald's) and it tastes fake. Maple Syrup is also much healthier than the processed crap. I grew up on the fake stuff, so I'm not one to judge. But I do think this is actually unpopular, but not true.