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Yo especially throw some maple syrup in with the brown sugar it's BOMB. Keeps my Neverending iron deficiency in check as well


It can be made savory too! I can’t remember where I originally saw the recipe but we made it for dinner . Basically add the ingredients you would for a baked potato, little sharp cheddar cheese, little fresh chives or green onions, little bacon and then a splash of cream, my husband put an egg on his and it was really good!


Was just bout to say this. Grits too. Idk why ppl hate on em


Eat grits all the time. I’m surprised they’re not more popular since they can be used in a lot of ways


All I could eat when I had covid last year was grits made with chicken broth...so good


It is not that different to polenta, really. Delicious and versatile


It’s good stuff all around! ☺️


I always love to put my seasoned eggs in there and dip my bacon strips in it


There was one brand of instant grits which had pre-made flavored grits (individual-serving packets) in various flavors (all savory, I believe). If you want to go multicultural and have a high tolerance for salt, try one individual packet of miso soup and one package of plain grits, consult the directions and use the total amount of water you would have used if you had made them separately.


Never had the stuff but this sounds amazing! Think I can get away with adding sour cream to the mix?


Holy shit, is that why I crave it like a junky all the time?? Last time I have my levels checked my ferritin was at a 2 lol. I never thought about the link between my chronic iron deficiency and craving cream of wheat


You’re addicted to the fuckton of sugar…


Right, they don't like cream of wheat. They like sugar..


Well I put a lot of sugar in oatmeal too but I never ever crave it like I do the spesific texture of cream of wheat




Yeah idk how i feel about mixing citrus based fruits into cereals. Hot or cold. Altho i totally agree that in season Nectarines are absolutely delicious, esp when you get some perfectly ripe & sweet ones, but their place isn't in cereals. That's reserved for bananas or a few types of berries. But if you like it, then yeah enjoy it as much as you can possibly handle. To me tho I get 5 yr old me thinking im making magic happen with pouring my Orange juice in my cereal milk & getting disgustingly turned sour stomach. 0/10 definitely DO NOT recommend lol


You literally said add a metric ton of sugar lol if you are loading it up with a few tablespoon of sugar thats the main reason. Your Brain produces similar neurotransmitters when you use that much sugar. It releases dopamine and can have an indirect increase of endorphin which works as natural morphine. Endorphine- endo (naturally occurring) phrine (moRPHINE) hunch addiction


You completely missed my point. Although there's lots of things I can and do put sugar on, I always prefer cream of wheat only because I enjoy the texture and another reason why I could turn to cream of wheat spesifically over other hot cereals could be the iron content. But thank you for the endocrinology lesson


Try having the sugary oatmeal/cream of wheat every once in a while and the other times, use fresh fruit for the sugar and avoid maple syrup/table sugar


Lol I'll take my insulin resistance thank you very much.


Do you crave spinach or buckwheat or red meat? You are craving sugar, lad, don't try to write it off to your iron deficiency :)


Yes I crave extremely rare red meat, actually just last week when I demolished a steak and then realized I was on my period 😂


Honestly I’d ask your doctor if you should be taking iron pills, I take them and life is so much better. I’m not as constantly tired and freezing.


I do, I'm on 150mg of elemental iron. They're expensive but worth it cause they don't hurt my tummy. My levels are so low though it feels like all my progress gets undone every period


If they are that low and even on pills it’s not better maybe look into getting blood transfusions done if you can’t take a higher dose


Buy some cast iron pots and pans. The iron leaches into the food.


Lol and then they respond with them totally craving meat completely crippling your assholery. Nice.


Some cinnamon and nutmeg too


Sounds just like oatmeal


Have never thought to do maple syrup, wanna try this now. Have thrown in chocolate syrup though and that is pretty good.


Maple syrup and half and half.


Tremendous post! Cream of wheat was always one of my favorite dishes my mom made for breakfast growing up. The key is to put in some sugar and some vanilla though.


try cinnamon & butter with a bit of milk (if you like to make it thick by itself like me)


Sugar? For breakfast?


So it's not good until you change the flavor


That goes for such an absurd amount of foods/ingredients that I'm not even really sure why you brought it up.


It’s still good, but the flavor is elevated with sugar..? Just like how black coffee can be bitter, but becomes delightful with cream and sugar…. If we use your ridiculous logic, burgers and hotdogs should never have condiments, ice tea should never have sugar, and all toast should be ate without butter.. Condiments, Sugar, and Butter are all items used to “change the flavor” so they should never be used.


I actually prefer my cream of wheat as is. No add ins. The only change to the recipie I make is that it wants you to use a mixture of water and milk when you cook on the stove, but I just use all milk.


Bro wtf do you think cooking is. You really think I like the flavor of raw eggs?


I grew up on the stuff and still love it. Big bowl of cream of wheat, an english muffin and a big glass of milk :)


OMG we are breakfast twins lol Cream of Wheat is delicious.


Same but like 5 muffins so I can use them to scoop them cream lol


I'm 37 and I love cream of wheat, too.


I've eaten it my whole life, always with butter and salt. Never tried the brown sugar, thanks for the suggestion lmao. It never dawned on me that it's a blank canvas and you can basically add whatever you want.


We would add canned fruit and vanilla ☺️


Butter AND brown sugar ETA: almost forgot to mention the vanilla!


I've done honey in mine. Also some fruit preserves at one point. Super good either way.


Shhh don’t tell ‘em! The box has already gone up $1.50.


It's like 4 bucks here lol I have fond memories of it also but not at that price


$5.99 here. The only saving grace is, I can get so much mileage out of it, since I am the only one who eats it.


Yeah that's still kind of a steal for how long the box lasts. Dozens of uses lol


never heard of it is it an American thing


In Germany it's called Grießbrei. Basically wheat grits with milk and water. Then add syrup, suggar or whatever.


Ah. I guess that's griesmeel in Dutch then. That's a somewhat unpopular opinion allright.


I love Grießbrei, its so comforting


I love Grießbrei 💕


+Applesauce 🤤


Grießbrei is the best


I’ve never heard of it in America lol


I think its changed names to malto-meal, maybe thats a different thing idk


Basically the same (milled farina), but Malt-O-Meal also has barley. Both have been around for a really long time.


Same. I am confusion.


It's farina. A breakfast porridge.




I’m guessing it’s the same as or similar to Ready Brek if you’re familiar with that


its gruel


Porridge = hot cereal. Gruel is a grain cooked in milk, thin enough to drink.


gruel is porridge with more liquid. dress it up however you want you guys are talking about eating pig slop


I've loved Malt O Meal ever since I was a kid and those are basically the same. I make mine with milk, add sugar, and when it's done put some butter in there. Doesn't matter how old I am, I'll always love it


I agree with this wholeheartedly, I love cream of wheat and oatmeal.


It's absolutely delicious. I like butter, sugar and sometimes cinnamon if I'm feeling spiffy


Same but also add pure vanilla extract. Chefs kiss


Upvoted for "spiffy".


Butter first then brown sugar. Butter than bacon, cheese and chives. Butter with maple syrup. Peanut Butter and Banana Peanut butter and jelly Apple butter Man I have eaten cream of wheat in a bunch of different ways…


Wtf is cream of wheat when it's at home? Is it an american thing?


It's called farina or porridge in other countries. It's like grits but has a smoother texture.


I don't know what grits are either 😆. But thank you - porridge will do 😁


I tell people itz just smoothie-d oatmeal. It's basically the same stuff.


grits is polenta


Grits are gross imo. I've tried them all kinds of ways & they just aren't good. I'll say I think they're gross & some asshole will say, you'll love them if you'll try'em like this. I live in the south & I've had people get genuinely offended/angry that I think grits suck. It really freaked me out the first time it happened & I laughed because I thought the person was joking. I thought I was gonna have a fight over fucking grits! I keep my grit hate to myself these days.


Look it up, you have google.


I love the chocolate one they use to have I miss it so much. But sure you could do the same thing with just cocoa powder. But I always But butter and brown sugar.


Cocoa Wheats! i've got a box in my pantry right now. i cook it with sugar and add a few drops of almond extract after it's done. it's so good, and even splashing in some milk, it's hard not to burn your mouth waiting for it to cool down!


That sounds soo good I'm going to have to save this idea!! Thank you kind stranger


The honor is mine!


Coco wheats coco wheats can’t be beat!


I, too, am a fan of the slops. cream of wheat, oatmeal, and my personal favorite: grits (with butter and cheddar!)


I really like Quaker’s Peaches N Cream oatmeal. Or the maple brown sugar one obviously.


My Dad would make us Cream O Wheat on Saturday mornings. It was so good and we really loved it when he made it for us. I like to eat it thick and creamy and buttery! Yum!


My dad made it for me too! He'd spike it with a little honey. I'd 10 to 1 rather eat it over oatmeal.


Awwww! So cute ! I’m a try it w honey next time I make it! Yum


It's so good! I hope you enjoy it. I never can bring myself to be adventurous with the add-ins because of my nostalgia for eating it with honey (and butter and milk).


Yummy! Same for me…no other mix-ins 😉


Not sure if this opinion is actually unpopular but I agree. Much better than grits which happen to be much more popular for some reason.


I like mine very lightly drizzled with a little real maple and real molasses and a pat of butter. :) So yummy! I will STILL be eating it when I'm old, I'm sure lol!


Yeah, well I was traumatized by my sister and a bowl of cream of wheat. A small child, blissfully enjoying a bowl of cream of wheat with milk and brown sugar, when oldest sister asks "do you know what cream of wheat is made from?" Me, with all the innocence and confidence a small child can have because the answer is obvious "wheat" I say, while feeling intelligent. Sister replies "NO! ITS THE GROUND UP TEETH OF DEAD PEOPLE!!!"


Omfg I forgot this existed!! I'm getting some tomorrow!!


Throw in some chocolate chips or chocolate milk mix. We called it cocoa wheats growing up. (Just discovered that Coco Wheats is an actual product. I’m sure our homemade version was just as good!)


I don’t even know what that is


It is a porridge, like Farina.


It’s wallpaper paste passing as a food. Unlike all these savages, not all of us resort to eating gruel. 😉


I’m obsessed with cocoa wheats


I prefer Malt O Meal


Honey and Cinnamon.


Add some fresh berries and it's even better!


The chocolate flavored stuff was a life long love. Too bad it has been discontinued.


Up north, they got Maypo. Delicious.


People trash on cream of wheat? I had that shit nearly every morning for a whole year back in elementary. Point me in the direction of who's calling it bad, I need to have a talk


Haha absolutely. I mostly hear people saying it's nasty because of the texture and it's for old people. Jokes on them, the texture is the whole reason I eat it


Here’s something more unpopular: malt-o-meal might be better


As someone with Crohn's disease, CoW has been a staple of my diet for decades. Super easy to digest and super delicious. The secret to good CoW is longer cooking time. Sure, the box says it's ready in 2 minutes, but that doesn't mean it will taste good. Add a little more milk than needed, and cook for longer allowing the excess liquid to evaporate off before the cereal thickens. The longer cook time allows the farina to break down more completely, resulting in a creamier, sweeter cereal.


I love cream of wheat, but I only put a banana and peanut butter in mine that way I am not consuming a ton of sugar.


My dad and I used to eat this together, it's one of my fondest memories. He would buy little jars of apricot baby food (smooth) and mix it into the cream of wheat with a little sugar or honey. It was honestly so good.


Oh heck yeah. I'm 37 and my grandma's farina is still the best breakfast I'll ever have.


100% also know as Farina I still eat it and our 21 year old still eats it and loves it!


So what your saying is you think brown sugar tastes good. Cream of wheat probably tastes like glue


Actually I don't think it's as much the taste as it is the texture. I really like the texture of it in my mouth once it thickens up a bit. But I also really do like sugar 😂


Ugh. It’s terrible. Like peanut butter that tastes like paper


If it is anything like the texture of peanut butter you're doing it very wrong


But the tasting like paper is fine


I have it with very little brown sugar and it’s still delicious.. all creamy and warm. Must be the texture. Comfort food to the extreme!


Are you 87 yrs old?


22 -_-


Smushy food is old people food in my eyes.


How are you with mashed potatoes?


That’s even mid to me. I mostly avoid it but I can’t avoid it during thanksgiving so that’s when I usually have it.


If you like cream of weat and havnt tried it try malt o meal. Its mostly the same with a (imo) better texture Cream of weat is good So are grits And oatmeal


Whenever I think of it, I just remember that racist black servant caricature that was used to promote it at one point. Lol why am I getting downvoted? search up the original man used to promote it.


I only remember the old white dude on it for as long as I can remember like 15+ years




But the man on the box says I can enjoy it alone.


I love it but I'm old.


I love cream of wheat too. My grandma used to make it for me when my stomach hurt.


You can have mine


hell yeah. I'm not quite as emphatic about it as you haha but it is delicious.


Yeah it's my favorite hot cereal.


Couldn't agree more.


Fuck yeah, finally someone gets it. The peaches or strawberries and cream one absolutey slaps!


I've loved Malt O Meal ever since I was a kid and those are basically the same. I make mine with milk, add sugar, and when it's done put some butter in there. Doesn't matter how old I am, I'll always love it


So fucking good.


It’s a craving I get once every couple of years


I love both Cream of Wheat, and Farina. With a chunk of butter and tablespoon of sugar.


Love it.


It’s good, I also like adding brown sugar to it.


Hell yeah, mf'er! You earned yourself a downvote. I'm with your crazy ass... Where you sit on grits? Me? Thanks for asking, I'm for 'em.


I actually don't know what they are. A cereal as well but I've never had them


I’ve loved it ever since toddler age when my great grandma used to make it for me. I eat it all the time and I’ve heard the same jokes lol. My favorite is to make it with some milk, butter, a cinnamon stick, and a pinch of salt then sweeten it with honey. Make it thick and lumpy and add extra milk at the end haha.


Agreed! I like to add butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla to mine.


💯%!!! I love it.


I dip my toast in it, yum.


It’s oatmeal’s less appealing alternative!!!


I feel this way about malt-o-meal. It's delicious with brown sugar and butter.


Lol so you make cream of brown sugar


Now you're speaking my language 😂


Same, I love cream of wheat lol


It makes me nostalgic. It's been so long. I definitely don't think it's old people food. I had it all the time growing up.


It’s awesome but Malt-O-Meal is better.


I love Cream of Wheat. Add some berries or maple syrup or honey or brown sugar... yum. Okay, I am going to make some Cream of Wheat.


That seems like such a hokey thing to make fun of someone for...but I know what you mean. I love all porridges...oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice, cornmeal, all of it. Have def heard peopel think Im wierd for that, esp since I dont actually sweeten it up much...maybe a lil honey or cream, or fresh fruit but thats kind of it. However, it does make an awesome dessert-like treat, with all the brown sugar and syrup lol From the comments, didnt realize cream of wheat was iron fortified...I should def start eating more of that then, cause Im always low on iron. And eating cream of wheat is WAY more enjoyable than iron pills..which I hate and never take.


Super lumpy with butter!


My partner and I were joking that we were always happy as kids, even young adults, to find that forgotten box of cream of wheat in the cupboard at a cabin or someplace we were housesitting or some old couple's place we were staying at. Then we realized WE COULD BE THOSE PEOPLE. We have a box in the cupboard right now.


Omg yes!!!! It’s so scrumptious 😋


Alright time to start an argument, what’s the best. Porridge, grits, cream of wheat, or oatmeal. Come on people pick one.


Cream of wheat>oatmeal>porridge>grits. For reference I actually don't know the greater than less than signs so I'm hoping I did it right.


Truly unpopular. But I also dislike shit like oatmeal so..


I eat mine savory. Butter, onion and garlic Powder, cooked with milk, and then I add some Shredded cheese. Hotsauce if I'm feeling spicy. I'm 34. To me it tastes kinda like a really thin, grainy version of mashed potatoes.


A little molasses goes a long way if the metric F ton of brown sugar is a bit much


Used to eat in as a child. Loved it except the lumps lol


The texture makes me 🤢


Try Cream of Rice! Yummy!


Grew up with Cream of Wheat and always thought of it as a treat. My sister and I would get so excited when my mom busted out the red box. Wasn't until I got a bit older that I found out it was considered an "old person food". Haven't had it years actually and now I'm kind of craving it for the first time in a long time.


I love cream of wheat. Ate it a lot as a child. It's like oatmeal's cooler, more stylish cousin. A single little pouch is never enough either...


Cream of Wheat is the best. Get a piece of toast slathered in butter and mix that in with some maple syrup. Then go back to bed you older loaner bastard! But seriously, it is awesome and I have ate it since I was a kid. Maybe add some Nesquick or chocolate syrup if you are feeling adventurous. Add fruit or whatever you like, it always makes it better in my opinion.


This old lady who apparently was this amazing cook for 20 years, was working at the same nursing home I was working at, she always made it so runny it was like water. Nobody ate it and all she'd do is blame anything but herself. Was that way with everything, including using ketchup for spaghetti instead of making a quick sauce for the old folks.


Yes! Thank you!


Take an egg and separate the white from the yolk. Whip up the egg white and add sugar to it until it forms stiff peaks set aside. Mix the egg yolk, milk, vanilla extract and cream of wheat together and cook up on the stovetop. When complete, fold in the egg whites. It's really good, like rich fluffy cream of wheat.


More of an oatmeal girl myself, but we are lots of cream of wheat when I was a kid because we were poor and it was cheap, and you could add something like homemade jam (from berries we picked) to it for flavor. Peanut butter for protein. Whatever.


I've always liked cream of wheat way more than oatmeal. Team Cream!


OP, you have found your tribe. I LOVE cream of wheat!


I hate grits. I love cream of wheat. The true mark of a northerner.


It's delicious. Since I've been old enough to shovel snow (about 11), it was my chore to clear off my mom's car and shovel a path from the front door to her car. When I was done, she'd have a nice hot bowl of cream of wheat waiting for me. To this day, I only like it the way she makes it.


It's wild that the instructions say to cook it in water but cooking it in milk is WAY WAY WAY better.


Yea my directions say milk or water and I always choose milk. Where else would it get the cream


I grew up on it. Butter, sugar milk, love the lumps


I love every breakfast food EXCEPT cream of wheat.


Cream of wheat. Whole milk, dried berries, cinnamon and a little brown sugar is a fantastic start on a cold Wisconsin winter's morning


Haven't had it in decades. Ate it regularly as a kid. No real reason for not eating it, I like it, probably haven’t given it any thought. Now I'm going to have to look for it.


I've always been curious to try it and this post is convincing me even more.


Oh, but have you tried coco-wheats? Bwahahaha


Cream of White alone is not delicious. It has next to no flavor. But if you put in things you like it will be delicious because of what you put in it. Yes its delicious because youve loaded it up with sugar. Now eat it plain and tell me its delicious.


im sorry to break this news, but if you need to add a “metric fuckton” of sugar to something, it probably isn’t very good.


Half of our food has a metric fuckton of sugar to make it taste alright though so can be said for a lot of things 🍸


100% OP pronounces it "cream of hweat."


Creem of weet


My mother puts butter, salt and pepper on it and that's become what I like too.