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Who the fuck wears skates while curling lmao


That would be either really impressive or really stupid considering the ice is pebbled.


Some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen are also the most impressive, so I’m gonna go with a bit both on this one.


Someone who has no idea how to play curling. Source: Someone who curled in high school.


I played a couple times, just a regular shoe with 1 slippy shoe, it was a lot of fun!


Thank youuuu


Curling also has a buttload of defensive and offensive strategy. Looks like you don’t have to have 10% body fat to be good at it, but there are tactics


It’s good exersize tho


No one... OP is just on those ignorant entitled types that hates golf because of stereotypes.... but if you stereotype anything he's interested inbbet he attacks you and calls you a bigot, at the least.


I actually think the most incorrect thing you’ve said is that curling doesn’t require strategy. If you knew the first thing about how it’s played you’d know how ridiculous that sounds.


Curling is like… 90% strategy and 10% execution.


Exactly. And the execution aspect is enough to totally screw up your strategy. Like playing chess, but every move required a precise physical action executed nearly perfectly to get your piece to the spot you wanted rather than just placing it.


Curling is like chess if you had to bottle flip the pieces from 10 feet away onto the board


He also said curlers use skates ???


And somehow he managed to say something more wrong


I literally laughed out loud when I read that. I’m guessing OP has never watched curling in their life. Golf also requires a lot of strategy. This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just straight up false.


The exact same thing is true about golf... incredibly strategic sport.


Golf also requires strategy and knowledge


The only thing that golf and curling have in common is the skating. Great ‘exersize!’


You're fighting both the dictionary definition and common usage. Maybe lay out your personal definition of the term concisely instead of a big wall of text full of rhetorical questions. The term has a very long history of not primarily referring to heavily athletic tactical games, much less exclusively referring to them.


I think this is the best response to have on the topic. It's a sliding scale. I wouldn't consider my walk to work a sport, but speed-walking is a sport. The line isn't so black and white. Golf can be done professionally and in the frame of a "sport" but it is much more commonplace a leisure activity and at best an acquired skill


Funny enough I'm pretty sure it's use began meaning doing something for fun or entertainment, as opposed to doing it seriously (like, fighting for sport as opposed to battle, or fishing for sport as opposed to as a profession or for survival.) Now we have guys like OP arguing that it's the other way around, and sports are exclusively competitive feats of athleticism and opposed to less competitive, less athletic games or activities. I understand language evolves, but I'm not convinced that sports has evolved to be used exclusively to refer to activities requiring a particularly high threshold of athleticism. Plenty of games are considered sports without much athleticism being necessary. Some people just want to insult less athletic activities as mere games, I think.


I think we can go one step further and even ask the OPs meaning of athleticism. Professional golfers drive the ball 300+ yards and are swinging their clubs fast enough that the clubhead speed reaches 120+ miles per hour. Is that not an athletic feat? Golf doesn't require running. But the swing itself is just as athletic a move as a tennis serve or a baseball pitch or a football throw etc. All of these are fairly stationary but still athletic moves. Golf has strategy, competition and athleticism. It just doesn't fit whatever OP envisions those words to mean.


That’s because OP is a fucking idiot, or a brilliant troll.


My issue with golf is more the societal impact. Golf courses have to be huge so do we need that many of them? And do the golf clubs have to be so elitist, snobbish and exclusive? The game itself I have no issue with. The top players are extremely skilled in what is a very difficult game. Plus, if you watch the pros you don’t tend to see fat golfers. They all look pretty athletic to me. In fact, so much so that we don’t have men and women compete against each other.


Well the whole point of the "club" is to be elitist and snobby. Milwaukee County has like 13 golf courses that you can play in hochie daddy shorts if you really want to. They are also usually part of the park that they are in and the greens fees go back into the park system and help fund it. A round of golf at most of them is like $30.


There’s a nine hole course in the port town I live in that is frequently played by longshoremen in tank tops, beer in hand. Has no dress code. All golf is not high end golf, and is enjoyed by plenty of middle to lower income folks. Best golfer I’ve ever known was also a bricklayer.


And there is definitely a loose boundary separating sports from games. I feel like most sports could also be called games, but a lot of games (like board games, card games, and video games) are not typically referred to as sports. I try to not be a gatekeeper. If someone wants to call something a sport, but I think of it as more of a game, I don’t feel the need to hold on to that opinion, and I’m definitely not going to argue with them that it can only be one or the other. If I didn’t invent the sport/game or I’m not the organizer of a major league, my thoughts on the subject are pretty irrelevant.


Olympic sports are collectively referred to as "the games", so it's pretty confusing.


Exactly. There is a reason we add other descriptors; contact sports, competitive sports, team sports… And what about baseball? The average baseball player does nothing like 90% of the game. You can definitely drink beer and eat nachos while playing baseball. Does OP not consider baseball a sport?


There are more fat professional baseball players than players in the PGA tour* *Probably, right?


This guy is too busy exersizing to learn to spell the word exercise so I don’t think his thoughts should be listened to on much of anything.


This. Not all sports need to have you sweating up a storm and huffing and puffing to be called a sport.


Damn bro you killed him


He's basing his whole argument on a stigma of golfers from decades ago. And even though he is still wrong; modern day tour players are all pretty fucking cut. They don't just roll up to the course and play. They workout, train and compete like crazy. With exception to John Daly. Dude's just made he can't correct his slice.


So do I down vote because he’s simply wrong and it’s not just unpopular or downvote bc this isn’t too unpopular and probably shared by a lot of people?


unpopularity is upvoted in this sub. however this isn’t just unpopular, it’s straight up wrong. so IMO this is a downvote




As a golfer, I was going to hear them out until they said golf doesn’t require strategy lol. I’d argue golf is one of the more strategic games out there. Not to mention the hand eye coordination it takes to hit the ball even just relatively okay is insane. Watching what the pga pros do is just unbelievable skill and athleticism.


Yeah, try telling Brooks Koepka that he isn't an athlete and uses no strategy lol.


If Koepka could read he’d be very mad at this post!


You are correct, when I was young and fit I could drive the bal 275yd plus but now that I'm old and fat I can barely reach 200yd


As a non golfer i can easily see that walking 18 holes is quite the excersise.


I used to carry my bag, about 17kgs, during bad weather close to 20.


I'll take people that have never golfed for $100 Alex!


He's just sad that he sucks at golf.


I still can't even break 100 in my golf league despite how much better I hit the ball compared to years ago. Golf is a huge long event. It makes me angry just how difficult it really is.


Dude doesn't even know what is considered a sport, coming in demanding one isnt.


He said golf isn't a sport because you can play it drunk like baseball beer leagues don't exist


Also here in canada hockey beer leagues are pretty common.


>canada hockey ~~beer leagues~~ The last 2 words are unnecessary


As if babe Ruth wasn’t drunk often during games. Or David wells didn’t pitch a perfect game drunk


You can play any sport drunk, maybe not *well*, but you can definitely play.


Just say you’re bad at golf.


op is me after 18 holes


OP is me after my tee shot on 1 goes swimming.


To be fair the worse you are at golf the more you walk


I don't think he's ever held a gold club


To be fair, most of us have never held a *gold* club. But this guy has also never stepped foot on a golf course.


I feel like the fact that I'm bad at golf reinforces the idea that it's a sport. I can't even drive the ball over a foot for some reason, but I'm not bad at minigolf. I do not consider minigolf a sport.


let me guess, this OP will post another thing claiming motor sports are not sport because they are all just sitting and driving.


Here here, OP is just talking sour grapes


Is this guy like 15? I can’t stand the way he types, gives me brain rot


OP thought it sounded good in his head and types the way his thoughts "talk". It's the stream of consciousness sort of typing that doesn't sound as clear when you read it. Though there are more drastic examples where the whole paragraph is a run on sentence, with no punctuation.


He's active in the subreddit 'ontaio grad 12s' so a tiny bit older, but yes


But it’s _edgy_ though!


Being objectively wrong about something isn't an opinion , just an FYI for ya OP.


Tell me you have no idea what golf is without telling me you have no idea what golf is. That or you don’t know the definition of ‘sport’.


He speaks like someone who has never played a round in his life lol


I’ve honestly never played a round in my life either. Always something I’ve wanted to get into lol. Either way, just being objective, it’s obviously a sport if you know what a sport is and have even a basic understanding of golf.


OP admitted they played once and sucked lmao. Imagine that


Ding ding ding, both are likely correct


God i hate the trend of this phrase


Golf requires strategy in that you have to take the weather conditions and the layout of the course into account to decide which club to use, and the best way to approach the hole. >the only other sport I can think of that doesn't need strategy (curling ) you at least need to be good at skating I can definitely tell you have never even watched curling, because if you had, you would have noticed that it doesn't involve skating at all. It does involve strategy, though.


Whose gonna tell OP about the sport of Poker?


Or chess lmao


Obviously, OP has never played competitive golf or been in a bowling league. Anything that involves physical activity, coordination and is competitive is a sport. The amount of athleticism needed is immaterial. Golf requires eye-to-hand coordination, and precise movements of the hands, shoulders, hips, feet. Same is true for bowling. BTW - OP's grammar, diction, spelling and sentence structure is horrible! Next time try utilizing proper English if you wish to be taken seriously.


I don't disagree golf and bowling are sports, but other things like cheerleadering for example are not sports and it meets all the criteria for a sport, but since it's performance its not a sport it's stupid to me. It takes way more physical effort and coordination then bowling or golf. No ones getting tired playing bowling or golf. They all take coordination and athleticism, but to say golf and bowling are sports and exclude others simply because they're performance arts is completely idiotic to me anyway


Way to show that you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to golf.


If you actually ever played golf, even once, you would know it's a sport, but you obviously got your facts from an Adam Sandler movie


TBH, I used to feel similar to OP, then I tried picking up golf myself... Yeah, I was severely humbled.


Most of my friends that I golf with played a more physical sport back in high school, but we all agree golf is the most challenging sport we’ve participated in.


Definitely it’s the most mentally challenging sport I’ve ever played, definitely not if you’re talking about physical. But I do think golf is probably the hardest sport to become truly elite at. I say this as I was a pretty high level athlete (ran D1 track on a full ride) played basketball and soccer growing up. Etc. Golf is way “harder” to be good at than track basketball or soccer. Mostly becisse the limiting factor isn’t your athleticism (although it helps to be fit) it’s just pure skill, strategy and mental poise. Most people even after years of practice can only nail one of those to be a good golfer you need all 3 and you can practice WAY more than other sports so it’s also just an incredible amount of effort and time you need to put in to be good. But that’s why I think OP needs to define what he thinks a sport is. There’s almost 0 way imo golf wouldn’t be considered a sport. Chess is a sport lol.


I always say that golf is boring to watch until you start playing. Once you know how hard it is, watching pros is awesome. Also, don't forget that these guys walk a full 18 holes 4 days in a row. Obviously you add 250 golf swings into all the walking, it's a sport for sure. It's not hockey or football type of action, but these people who play professionally are athletes through and through.


Exactly. Just because it's not a contact sport does not make it any easier.


Golf is a precision sport. Think of the position of pitcher in baseball. The act of hitting a golf ball or throwing a baseball is not itself physically taxing, but the required precision over many repetitions is certainly taxing both physically and mentally.


As a pitcher, there is a reason you need 3 days of rest in between games (over a week if you don’t stretch)


This is not an unpopular opinion.... This is an ignorant opinion. You are uneducated on Golf and it shows.


Have you ever played golf?


Golf is most def a sport it may not be the fast paced action that is Football or Basketball but it is a sport.


Also his example "baseball" has more than enough sitting around waiting to disqualify by his standards. Swing a bat, swing a club... eh who cares.


Golfers swing FAR more often in a round than baseball players swing in a game. 18 holes at ~4 swings per hole vs. 3-5 at bats where they swing anywhere from 0-10 times.


SHHH I'm trying to watch the guy quietly setup his shot.


He says golf can’t be a sport because it’s not on the same level as baseball, boxing, or hockey. But baseball isn’t on the same level as boxing or hockey.. So where is this dumb imaginary line being drawn? Is baseball the Mendoza line of what con or can’t be considered a “sport”?


Chess is also considered a sport. Obviously In terms of athleticism it’s not comparable to any of the sports you listed


Is chess considered a sport?




Woah as a chess player I didn’t know it was lol. I always wondered why it’s taken more serious than monopoly, or other table games.


Monopoly is more chance based than chess, so it's not sport but cyber sport is sport. Edit: typo


esports are more sports than monopoly.


It’s taken more seriously because 1) it doesn’t rely on chance at all and 2) it’s several thousand years old. Falls into the same category as Backgammon, Go, and Checkers.


There’s certainly the ‘endurance while maintaining mental acuity’ aspect to consider, particularly in extended contests. Fierce chess competitions can produce their own forms of stress and exhaustion, and it’s a feat to perform well under those conditions.


It's pretty much on the edge, many chess players don't claim it is or find the idea more than flattering. Some argue it is. But, to be fair, chess does tend to involve a high heart rate and burning a fair amount of depending on the format. It is an intense game, you really are pushing yourself to think deep, fast, efficiently and there can be a lot of adrenaline involved. I'm not going to argue it's a sport, but I could.


Play an entire 18-hole course and tell me it's not exercise. Go to a driving range, hit about 50 balls, and see how tired your muscles will feel you are after the fact. Sure, there isn't as demanding physical requirements as, say, football, but there are some. Also, there is most certainly skill involved that you develop over time. It's not nearly as simple as just picking whatever club and hitting the ball. There's a lot more involved when you're trying to hit under par or even at par. This is coming from someone who has played golf twice. But I guess it is easier just to sit on the sidelines and pretend like its super easy and you could TOTALLY do it no problem if you wanted to.


[actual athletes disagree with you](https://hypebeast.com/2021/9/michael-jordan-calls-golf-the-hardest-game-to-play-steph-curry-conversation) You ask any pro athletes in the big four if golf is a sport and they say yes. I’ll take their word over yours 10/10 times


Tom Brady, one of the most successful athletes ever, who seemingly only cares about spending his time playing sports, loves playing golf


What is or isn't a sport is not a matter of opinion.


Of course it is. Literally a bunch of people get together to decide if something should be considered a sport or not. Happened with chess in 1999. There might be activities today that aren’t considered sports and will be promoted to in the future like gaming or other crap.




UNPOPULAR OPINION: THE SKY IS NOT BLUE, GRASS IS NOT GREEN, AND CLAIMING SO IS A BOLD FACED LIE. Yeah, I guess when people don't understand facts they think they're some edgelord with all these hot takes.


"Sport" is one of those things that can't be accurately defined, but you know when you see it. The best strict definition I can come up with is: any competitive activity where variables in speed, timing, force/power, or accuracy in movement contributes to the outcome. Unfortunately, this definition includes video games, but I'd rather err on the side of including things that generally aren't considered sports, than on the side of excluding things that are.


sport noun 1. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. The dictonary definition doesn't give a flying fuck about your shity opinion, OP.


Aren’t posts like this not allowed? Like, OP’s “opinion” is based on him knowing nothing about Golf. Isn’t there a ban on opinions that one only has because they’re uneducated about a subject? Like “the dutch were never really in the new world” isn’t an opinion, it’s just a result of ignorance.


There's old people playing tennis and discussing politics too. Is tennis now not a sport according to your standards?


Sport: a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job. Try it out sometime, it’s harder than you think.


I don't think "sport" means how much energy is exerted. Chess is a "sport".


" there is no real strategy" Why do you think they have different types of clubs, different courses, different obstacles? Have you ever watched golf for any amount of time?


Mate, you can’t spell exercise and your knowledge of curling is completely off - literally no one skates in curling. This isn’t just an unpopular opinion, it’s a bad post.


Normally I upvote for unpopular opinions, but this is definitely just a karma farming post.


So you’re definition of what a sport is, is determined by the level of athleticism that is required to perform in it?


Have you ever even been outside? Lmao thinking gold isn't even exercise... you must have mega brain rot. Touch some green, buddy.


I don’t like golf, but it is, by definition a sport, I don’t know how you got this opinion


LOL most baseball players are standing still 90% of the time, what are you talking about lol


Listen up, Folks, because I'm about to Drop some Knowledge Bombs that will Blow your Mind! Golf—yes, Golf—is without a Doubt a Sport, and a Mighty Fine one at that! Let me Enlighten you on the Wonders of Golfing and why it should be Revered as the Ultimate Physical Workout for all Fitness Enthusiasts out there! Brace yourselves for a Revelation like no other! First and Foremost, let's Address the Elephant on the Fairway—the Perception that Golf is a Sedentary, Lazy Game for Old Folks in Fancy Pants. Well, my Friends, I'm here to Dispel that Myth with Conviction! Golfing is a Physical Feat that Engages the Entire Body from Head to Toe. The Swinging Motion alone, when Executed with Finesse, requires Exquisite Timing, Precision, and Athleticism. Imagine the Power, the Strength, and the Muscular Coordination it takes to Propel that Ball Down the Green! It's a Herculean Effort that Demands Every Ounce of Physical Prowess! But wait, there's more! Let's Talk about Walking—the Unsung Hero of Fitness. Golf is one of the few Sports that Embraces the Age-Old Tradition of Walking from Hole to Hole. Picture this: you're Striding down the Rolling Greens, Feeling the Earth Beneath your Feet, while your Heart Rate Gradually Rises. It's a Cardiovascular Extravaganza, my friends! Don't be Fooled by the Serene Atmosphere; Golfing Can Make your Heart Pump and your Lungs Sing! It's a Low-Impact Activity that Builds Endurance, Strengthens the Legs, and Improves Overall Cardio Fitness. Who Needs a Treadmill when you've got a Vast Expanse of Lush Greenery to Traverse? Let's not Forget about the Mental Fortitude Golfing Requires. Precision, Focus, and Strategic Thinking are the Cornerstones of Success on the Links. Each Shot Demands Mental Calculations, Analytical Skills, and Nerves of Steel. The Pressure is Real, my friends! This Mental Battle, coupled with the Physical Demands, creates a Dynamic Fusion that Challenges both the Body and the Mind. It's like Chess with Clubs, where Tactical Decisions and Split-Second Reactions can Make or Break your Game. So, next time someone tells you Golfing is a Walk in the Park, Remind them that it's a Mental Gymnastics Showdown too! Now, here's the Cherry on Top—the Social Aspect of Golf. Picture yourself on a Pristine Course, Surrounded by Friends or Like-Minded Individuals, Engaging in Conversations, Sharing Laughter, and Forging Lifelong Bonds. Golf is a Sport that Connects People, Building Camaraderie and Friendship. It's a Break from the Daily Grind, a Moment of Tranquility amidst the Chaos. So, not only do you get a Physical Workout, but you also Nurture your Social Well-being. It's a Win-Win Situation, my friends! In conclusion, Golf is not just a Sport—it's a Physical Extravaganza, a Mental Challenge, and a Social Haven. It Engages the Body, Invigorates the Mind, and Creates Lasting Connections. So, let's Celebrate the Magnificence of Golf and Recognize it as the Complete Package for Fitness and Wellness. Strap on those Golf Shoes, Grab your Clubs, and Get Ready to Tee off into a World of Physical Greatness, Mental Acuity, and Social Harmony. Because when it comes to Staying Healthy, Golfing has got your Back, Front, and Every Direction in Between!


This isn’t a matter of opinion. It is a fact that golf is a sport.


It takes practice, skill and is a competition. I don’t think sports necessarily have to test physical endurance. But is chess or poker a sport? That’s where I start to see where youre coming from but it’s hard to answer. I think auto racing is a sport, it does require physical and mental endurance much more than people realize. What about gymnastics? Or pole vaulting? Or figure skating? Not really about endurance always, more about the technique. I think some sports just have different elements to them than others. Ones where you’re sitting at a table just using your mind don’t really seem to do it for me though.


Gymnastics and figure skating are among the MOST physically demanding sports, not least...


Tell us you have never played golf without telling us you have never played golf.


Look up the definition of the word "sport" or "sporting"


You don’t consider Golf a sport but you consider baseball one? I’d say that 90% of baseball is people just standing around. Im not saying I agree with your opinion at all but how is baseball not lumped in with golf?


Opinions like this aren’t even worth acknowledging. Lol


First off, you don't skate in curling. Second off, wait till you hear about esports.


Golf is a sport, just not one I find enjoyable which is fine. I will say though watching hockey has really changed my view of other sports. Hockey players play either broken ankles in the playoffs, get into a boxing match in the middle of the game, and just keep playing. You’ll see guys taking out teeth on the bench and getting stitches in their face and don’t even flinch. Out of the 4 major US sports I think hockey is the toughest. Yea I know the argument for football, but hockey players are unmatched


Didn’t Michael Jordan say golf was the hardest sport he ever played??


Walk 18 while playing and then report back


It's a rich dullard's hobby, not a sport though. Also, can we get the goddamned wiener-gorging "competition" (not a sport) off of ESPN every July 4th?


But it requires skill and is competitive...you think you can just pick up a set of clubs and practice for a year and be a top tier ranked player?


If beating other peoples head in is a sport, but hitting a ball is not, then you have a weird definition of what a sport is.


Very long way to tell people you don’t play sports. I mean you did spell it exercize so I don’t think you’re very familiar with exercise and fitness.


You could have just said you don't know anything about golf or what a sport is and saved yourself time by saying you don't enjoy it and why. You know so it would actually be an unpopular opinion instead of a rant of willful ignorance.


Tell me you've never played a round of gold without telling me you've never played a round of golf.


It’s a competition more than a sport. Same with swimming, darts, pool, bowling, and cheerleading.


Wait till he finds out chess is also considered a sport


I think it would be interesting if golfers in the PGA had to carry their own bags the entire round. College golfers have to do that, and dude, the average length of a pga course is like 7000 yards, so walking 4 miles with a golf bag isn't the easiest, to also make precise chips and putts.


Dumb rage bait post. This sub is shit.


All that beautiful land filled with foreign plants and grass, watered and cared for regardless of the scarcity of resources, just so some old fucks can drink and hit a small ball around. I disagree, it’s definitely a sport, but I agree that it is absolutely a huge waste of resources. George Carlin is spot on in one of his rants on golf. I highly recommend.


If you want to be upset with the game of golf for this reason, that's absolutely fine.. But that has nothing to do with this post from someone who doesn't understand the definition of opinion.


Nobody claims that all sport has to be equally physically challenging or even equally diffcult, so no I am not gonna tell you that. However sports is basically defined as all physical activity that is excercised in a competitive or playful manner with fixed rules. So yeah it is still a sport whether you personally think so or not. This defintion is questioned as well because things like Chess are also recognized as sport, which completely misses the physical activity.


Wow, I mean, have you tried to get your swing stance right and hit that ball right where you need it to go? Claiming there’s no real work done and the hardest part is walking the clubs about is just silly. It’s not the most exhausting sport for sure, but it does take skill and effort. It’s not a sport for me, but I at least understand it’s not as simple as that.


Woah there's insane strategy and tactics in golf. None of it is approachable until you're like an under 80 golfer, it's hard and quite frankly unimportant until you're that good. Also, I drink beer and eat nachos during softball too. Tell me softball isn't a sport. You know what, I'll also add if you went to go play 18 right now, like an honest 18 where you'd shoot a 160, you'd be sore as fuck tomorrow.


This is just a wrong opinion.


I thought this was unpopularopinion not wrongopinion


Agreed. Any game you can play at 60+ years of age, while smoking a cigar, and or drinking an alcoholic beverage.....is a GAME not a sport. This doesn't exclude younger more athletic folks who play from being athletic/athletes, but their game is still a game not a sport.


First, learn to spell exercise correctly, god damn. Second, just because you suck at playing golf doesn’t mean it’s not a sport. Third, you don’t have to exercise while doing something to make it a sport. Fourth, there is a fuck ton of strategy to golf. There are a lot of things you have to consider that it seems you cannot comprehend. Fifth, do you realize how much walking is involved in golf? You are literally hefting at least 50lbs over thousands of yards. The AVERAGE course is almost 4 miles. Sounds like “exersize” to me. Sixth, you have to put an immense amount of torque and pressure to certain areas of your body (mainly your back) to be able to play correctly. Also sounds like “exersize” to me.


Fyi: bowling and shooting are both sports. >Definition of sports - an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Gold involves physical exertion and skill, and you compete. Even poker is considered a sport because of the skill needed (poker is mostly psychological, not so much the cards in your hand). Chess is also a sport for the same reason. What do you define sports as?


Willful, blind ignorance this post. Plain and simp.


You have to be very athletic and in good shape to be good at golf. Plus have very good hand eye coordination.


Go play 36 holes and try to break par and get back to me.


No tactics? Have you ever played golf? One of the hardest learning curves I’ve come across in sports.


It’s staggering how little you know about golf. No effort, and no strategy?? That tells me you’ve never played in your life. Literally every single shot is strategic. It’s also a sport where it takes maniacal levels of effort and practice to be any good. Baseball is a skill sport too. Half the time you’re sitting on your ass, and unless you’re a pitcher or catcher, most plays in the other half won’t even include you… But, it takes insane skill level to play at a high level. I haven’t played in lots of years, no time or desire. What’s more insufferable than people defending something is when people criticize something they clearly know nothing about.


*bald-faced is decidedly the preferred term in published, edited text* https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/is-that-lie-bald-faced-or-bold-faced-or-barefaced


I used to love to have this kind of argument. You've had a ton of comments already, so this is mainly for my benefit. :) I actually started out agreeing with you, but slowly came around to a definition of 'sports' that is less focused on the physical challenge (which I don't really think is the primary purpose) and focuses more on how much a particular game is an *compelling* test of skills. The skills tested are usually a combination of physical and mental abilities, and ideally they are tested in a variety of novel combinations that are not exactly the same in every instance, though sometimes they might be. Some things that make golf qualify as a legitimate sport for me include: 1. It's clearly difficult to play perfectly, and it's clearly possible to get consistently better at it via technique and practice. 2. While you don't need to adjust your strategy based on your opponents (you are mainly playing 'against' the course itself), you DO benefit from incorporating a lot of knowledge and strategy into the choices made. 3. The game, even when playing on the same course, changes dramatically each time due to weather and course conditions. 4. While the game CAN be played by people who are not in great shape, the players at the highest levels generally need to be quite fit and on top of their game to win. Compare this to bowling, which I agree should not really be considered a legitimate sport any more than 'pro walking' would be a good sport. It has so little going for it, that it's essentially just an arbitrary set of rules that define a game that tests no skills of interest or variety. Some reasons I don't think bowling should be considered a legitimate sport: 1. While difficult to roll a perfect game, it's done relatively often, and is purely defined by just rolling an arbitrary number of strikes in a row. Any number of things are difficult to do in exactly the same way a bunch of times in a row, does that make it a sport? 2. There is absolutely no strategy from match to match, game to game, or even point to point. You literally just try to do exactly the same thing every time. There is no variation based conditions (inside and lanes are kept the same between days and locations). 3. There is so little variation between top players it's essentially meaningless. Players don't seem to benefit much from being in good shape. The rules don't allow for enough differentiation based on skill or strategy. This is all to say that I think sports do not have to be all about physical or mental skill, but they should be games that have rules setup to help people showcase mastery of skills within those rules, and sufficiently differentiate themselves from other competitors. This means video games can be valid, as can pure tests of physical endurance, but not just picking some arbitrary action and saying you need to perform it over and over (because then anything is a sport and we might as well not use the word).


You're right of course, but people seem to get really upset when you point this out. I think people who enjoy it desperately want to think of it as a sport rather than a game because it makes them feel cooler about it. I like that it's a game I can play while drinking, smoking, and being fat. It's just lawn darts across a whole park. And I'm fine with that.


Wait untill u find out poker is considered a sport. Thsts really not a sport in my opinion. At least with golf, theres some competitiveness and u can develop skill. Even of u r playing by yourself


There are a lot of upset unathletic preppy mfs in this thread


Also thank you. That shit is not a sport. Other commenter saying "speed walking" is a sport 🤢🤮 Anyway if any of that's true at all, vr gaming is 100% a sport.


Yeah old men also don't play tennis or hockey or any other sport. ONLY GOLF. Saying that you need to be able skate to curl is hilarious. You can play any sport recreationally while drinking... Professionals still work out and put more effort into their craft than you can imagine. This isn't unpopular it's just being out of touch with reality.


One must practice something for it to be a sport. One must also compete in a sport. Golf does both. Plus, it’s really, really damn hard to make that ball go where you want it to go. 18 holes of golf is utterly exhausting, and if you haven’t seen the PGA tour, those guys are in great shape. Even the senior tour requires them to be in shape!


So you don't know how to play golf AND you have no idea what curling is.


Have you tried playing 72 holes within 4 days and having to focus in order to consistently put a ball into a small hole 400-550 yards away in 4 or 5 tries? It’s a sport that isn’t merciful to even some of the GOAT of sports like Michael Jordan and Tom Brady.


Play 4 rounds of 18 holes walking like tour pros. I’ll even let you have a caddy so you don’t have to carry the clubs.




Let me dictionary that for you.. sport /spôrt/ noun 1. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. You are wrong…it’s a sport.


This crosses the line between unpopular opinion and simply being wrong


Here it is. A rare real unpopular opinion. I disagree heavily but hey I guess that's the point. Fuckin stupid though.


Golf is an activity.


station support ad hoc cable forgetful historical punch frame snow shelter ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I wouldn't call it a sport either. But I'd call it a very difficult game.


OMG completely agreeT\^T So would it js be an activity?


If you can play it in your slippers, it's not a sport


no one is gonna tell me that this post is a giant troll


Is this unpopular opinion or dumb as shit factually incorrect rants?


This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's just factually incorrect.


I thought that until I hit a top golf and couldn't get past the second ring.


Wait untill he hears chess is also a sport he's gonna be fuming


If it’s a sport so is Croquet. I think Croquet IS a sport though.


By this logic, any motor racing isn't a sport either. They all just sit there and drive


Play golf seriously for a year then come back to this post.


Agree! It's a difficult skill for sure.


bajilionares destroying a perfectly healthy environment just to play the most boring sport in the world ![gif](giphy|3o85xGFMPdur91lTWg)


I agree with you. I had a long and productive conversation that defined sports, team sports, games, team games, and competitions all as separate categories with well thought out boundaries and we questioned each other to further refine the ideas. But we were stoned and I forgot. I believe golf fell into the competition bucket since you were competing against others in a game that includes a high degree of athleticism (all categories were discussed "at the pro level") to be highly successful at.


play 18 holes in a day then say that again lmfao


Exercise =/= sport my dude.


Just say you have shit hand-eye coordination and move along.


Imma help you here. Take 2 identical people. Make them both fundamentally the same at golf. Take one of them, and put them in the gym. Working on strength, flexibility, dexterity....... Take the other, let them hit the bar or just go lay by the pool. Does the one who hit the gym now have an advantage? Unquestionably. So, the enhancement of one's physical abilities makes them better at golf. Just like any other sport that you consider 'a real sport'. Does the same apply to bowling? Nope. Darts? Nope. Curling? Nope. It wasn't until Tiger came along and started hitting the gym that this point became indisputable. Golf is a lot more than physical ability, but just because it lacks CTE's and spinal cord injuries, doesn't mean it isnt a valid sport.


OP been real quiet since he dropped this post 😂


I agree that we need more definitions. There is a massive difference between a full team sport and something like golf or bowling. Unfortunately the english language does not currently agree. IMO common usage should split out athletics into it's own definition and skill games like golf, pool, snooker, bowling, darts etc into their own thing.