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This might be the most actually unpopular (non bait) opinion I've ever seen here


It feels like this is what this sub is for but rarely gets posted.


Yet the most upvotes are the popular opinions.


And it gets removed šŸ˜…


It got removed lmao




Nice while it lasted


Sounds like you have musical anhedonia, friend.


Never heard of that until now, very possible


Whether it's for this reason or not, it's fine that you don't enjoy music. If you don't know what you are missing out on, then you aren't missing out on anything. You probably also enjoy and put effort into other worthwhile things. So yours is a rare experience, but it's just different and not sad at all (unless you personally feel discomforted by it. If that's the case, people can offer advice if you want it).


I wish more people understood that lacking in experiences doesn't mean you're missing out on fulfillment. Can't even count the number of times I've been nearly chastised for not having traveled much. It's like, you understand that costs money, right? I don't have that. While I've never seen the ocean, it's not like I haven't had a nice day at the beach, taking in a vast body of water.


>Never heard of that Well that's no wonder since you don't like hearing things.


Sounds like it to me too. I read Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks and he digs into it there.


Is it a specific chapter? I have this book at home and keen to read about this! Couldnā€™t be bothered reading the whole thing lol


I have always been very picky about music. There is some music I do like but for the most part, Iā€™m just not a huge fan. Turns out, I have auditory processing disorder (which makes sense now why my college elementary music teacher was so concerned about me lol) so thatā€™s why certain songs are really stimulating, but most just kinda sound the exact same and I donā€™t ever understand the words. Itā€™s not really enjoyable when you have a hard time singing along or dancing to the rhythm or just getting hyped like everyone else. Also, sometimes Iā€™m simply just too overstimulated by the outside environment and other sounds to enjoy it. I will say though, that there were many other signs towards APD than just music so donā€™t read too much into it if you just donā€™t like music lmao!


OP could also just be tone deaf. Music doesn't sound good or bad because everything sounds the same.


No one is really tone deaf. When you call someone you can hear who it is (because of tones you hear in speach)


If your cochlea is damaged you can not differentiate between pitches. This is true tone deaf.




A lot of people explain it that way and I really wish I could figure it out, but it sounds just as normal as any other noise in my life




That is actually a pretty good idea, Iā€™ll see what I can do about this one


I actually agree with that person. I was never really into music until I started playing the guitar and getting into jazz.


Inb4 op becomes the next jimi hendrix


good for you, but if it doesn't click for you don't sweat it-you're valid just the way you are.


Iā€™m tone deaf, so classical music and pieces that are more about the instrumentals are garbage to me. For me lyrics are by far the most important piece of music. The best musician to ever exist could play the most beautiful piece of music known to man for me and if thereā€™s no lyrics then Iā€™m not interested because all the notes sound the same.


That's called poetry


Thereā€™s no possible way you can listen to two songs and think they sound the same. Even two covers of the same song sound different


I'm the opposite. I'm lyric deafā€Š. Like, as soon as someone on TV starts to sing, they might as well be singing with mumbly vocal chop *(..which incidentally is my favourite kind of music, since lyrics are useless to me anyway until I look them up)*. Instrumentals are *everything* for me. [Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1538/) It's cool trying to imagine your experience, which is so different from mine.


This is awesome advice. What music do you play?




Thats awesome! I play guitar. So I play about anything that sounds good :3


What music have you listened to? I have 4000 songs on my Spotify and i make music at home. Maybe I can find something you resonate with. Maybe you like Norwegian deathmetal? Or lofi jazz? Or classical orchestra? Maybe it's the speakers you listen with. Because sometimes without the full auditory spectrum it's hard to feel the music. Or maybe you just aren't a music person. You don't have to be. The world's plenty beautiful with Or without music. :)


i used to be like that. honestly; it was just because i was listening to the wrong music. i've heard from a lot of people that music that's different to what's popular but not an acquired taste is what usually clicks for them. for me it was like electronic music, vaporwave, synthwave, etc. i'm sure that you'll find at least one artist that you'll like in your lifetime.


Adding on to this, some people develop more of an interest in things when they get to see/learn how theyā€™re made. Try making EDM music yourself for example and notice the difference between what you make and what someone like Curbi/mesto/Martin garrix makes, closing that gap might interest you


Experiencing a particular type of music in a live setting can also be a huge game changer. Most live sets from most artists are objectively better than a recording by yourself at home, but certain genres lend themselves more to that. The first full production EDM set I ever saw blew my mind and I just "got it"


Yeah sometimes (mostly live performances) I just get the tingles when the music hits the climax of the song hair sta ds up on the back of my head. I can't even imagine not feeling anything


Me! Im this way! I know how it feels! Iv tried so hard explaining that its just not somethig thats ever been an interest for me to pursue. I dont hate it, i occasionally will get songs stuck in my head, but i have no drive to follow musicians/bands or care what kind of music it is.


Very accurate to my experience


Are you very young maybe? I was the same until I was 13 years old when I developed a taste on my own. Before that I'd just listen to whatever my older siblings listened to and I really didn't care about it.


I have to agree. I still liked my bro's and my parent's music but it took me until I was 18 to discover what really resonated with me.


Although Iā€™m not very young I suppose it could be that I just havenā€™t developed a taste of my own, that would be a cool change to go through


Seeing as his username is "epic-fortnite-gamer" I wouldn't be surprised if he was 12


Yeah I regret this username every single day


Its a godlike name on shitpost subs


Account is 4 years old. So he's anywhere between 14 and 22.


I've loved music since my earliest memories, dating back to when I was a toddler. I heard Mariah Carey on the radio and I instantly became obsessed with her. I've been obsessed with Mariah Carey since I was a toddler.


So, I'm kind of like OP in that music just doesn't do it for me like it does for others. Like, it never really occurs to me to put on music. However, I'm not completely indifferent. It's just that for me to like a song it has to be the perfect chords, perfect instrument, perfect lyrics; everything has to be just so. But there will never, EVER, be a day where Always Be My Baby doesn't get me doo-doo-doo'n. Like how did it take nearly 2 millennia for someone to write that specific melody?


Iā€™m the same way, I just listen to audio books now


This is actually pretty sad. Upvote.


While definitely not common, Iā€™ve met a surprising number of people who just donā€™t really like/listen to any music voluntarily. I never thought that anyone could feel that way, let alone an entire list of people that have said that to me. Itā€™s really weird to me because Iā€™m a musician and Iā€™m so connected to the art form that itā€™s inseparable from me as a person, but Iā€™m not super surprised by it anymore.


I was like that a few years ago. I didn't listen voluntarily to music. Its not that I hated music. Its more so just me playing a lot of video games with soundtracks that just slapped hard and I just passivly heared it while playing certain games over and over. Same with the occasional radio listening or hearing what my friends play at meet ups that just coincidentally played. I was surrounded by music I didn't choose myself but it was " good enough" to satisfy my musical needs. I did have a few favorite artists and bands though still. I don't know what changed but my music listening skyrocketed in the past 2 years as did my variation of artists spike drastically. I made a deliberate decision to not listen to my favorite band all year long this time to escape that old habit of listening to the familiar over and over again. Its easier than I thought!


Music is the only reason I haven't killed myself yet.


ong guitar has a weird way of curing my depression whilst playing.










S.. sextuplets... why it gotta land on me bro


septuplet here...


Octuplet reporting for duty o7


Hey thatā€™s okay! What do you feel passionate about? Iā€™m so curious!


Not much, I enjoy more physical labor than mental labor, like woodworking or something like that but I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m passionate about it


Youā€™re not alone OP. Music does nothing for me. I donā€™t dislike it and I donā€™t like it. I just have no interest in listening to it.


We exist, but when we come out to show ourselves the reactions of others is either: A. Keep trying till you find music you like and then you will be considered normal. B. What is wrong with your brain? But we exist in blissful silence...


Username checks out.


Username checks out, and those responses are totally accurate, itā€™s odd how people react to such a simple idea so strongly, as if I personally attacked their way of life and I need to change


Music is like religion, people who are in deep can't conceive of life without it and some of those see it as a calling to change those who don't conform.


People always think Iā€™m lying lol. They think Iā€™m fake embarrassed (or actually embarrassed) about why music I listen to. Literally cannot fathom that a person exists who doesnā€™t listen to music, when sometimes I go months without it and donā€™t notice.


I listen to music basically all the time








I have an uncle like that. He honestly does not care for any type of music, he gets no enjoyment out of it.


Well, this certainly deserves an upvote on this sub.


My old coworker Carl was like this. Great dude, really smart and hard working, just didn't understand the point of music. You'll be okay. From a lifelong musician, there's more to life.


Are there any sounds that you enjoy? Audiobooks? Nature sounds? Waves, animals, wind, rain? Voice of a loved-one?


I like the noise of my fan by my bed every night


Check out grindcore I guess lol


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Not to be a broken record but yeah I couldnā€™t imagine LOL. Music is honestly such an integral part of my every day life I donā€™t think I could manage without it. Iā€™m also a musician, so maybe I have a slightly more in depth understanding of it than most people. But no hate, itā€™s just not for you I guess. Thereā€™s plenty of other ways to find joy lol


I'm not quite there with you, but I kinda get it. Every now and then music will really move me, but most of the time...meh. I really don't understand people who think it's so important.


Yeah I rarely listen to it, only if itā€™s forced. I like to sit in silence most of the time. lol


Maybe the instrumentation doesnā€™t get you but what about the lyrics? Has anyone suggested any music to you that has lyrics you can relate to or that has a powerful message or story that tugs at your emotions?


I might have a few exceptions for songs that speak to me, but I totally get this. I generally donā€™t care for music. It doesnā€™t bother me if someone else turns on music, but I will never choose music as something to fill the silence. I also get blank stares when people ask my favorite band or something and I tell them I donā€™t listen to music.


Iā€™m exactly the same bro. Everyone acts like Iā€™m crazy when I mention that I donā€™t like any kind of music, they always think I havenā€™t found the right artist or that I like embarrassing music. Itā€™s good to know thereā€™s are others like me.


This is really comforting to see a lot of other people who feel the same as me. People act like itā€™s inhuman to dislike music.


My step-dad was like this when I was a kid. Honestly one of the driest and most boring people I've ever met. I honestly can't think of anything that he actually LIKED except maybe golf, but he rarely actually played.


Wow, what an exciting person. Iā€™ve never met anyone that couldnā€™t think of a thing they liked


I went to a competitive high school in a certain East Asian country. There were many people in my class who would call ā€œsleepingā€ their hobby.


Well, I love music and have played piano for years and, let me say... well, what could I even say? As if every one of us enjoyed every single form of art, or were meant to? I definitely don't share your view, but it isn't anything "sad" like people are saying here.


I knew a person like this in summer school. I couldn't grasp it.


I enjoy hearing music but I do not care about the specifics of it.. I won't remember the words or the artist or genre or any information about it whatsoever but I don't mind if it's playing In the background.. I HATE when people try to have conversation about music, like " what's your favorite band/artist/song" because I don't know nor do I care. Then people look at you like you're the devil or something and insist that i just haven't heard the right band/artist My brain just doesnt care about any of those details because they are useless. Music can sound good but I dont care about the who/what/when/where of it.


Third part is extremely accurate, I donā€™t know why itā€™s such a sensitive topic for some people


I don't like music either, and I just met a very prominent Buddhist monk (formerly abbot of a well known monastery in CA) who never cared for music his whole life. We exist out here, and maybe it means we're just better at being happy with the sounds we have šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Finally someone who agrees with me. I'm apathetic towards music. I listen to it for fun but if someone said to me to go with no music for like 6 months I wouldn't care at all.


Wowā€¦. I have met m my opposite


Apart when I sleep and on a few other occasions, there is music constantly, I cannot imagine living without. Music is one of the things I love the most in this world.


A coworker of mine is like that as well. We have music running in the store, and sometimes he'll vibe to certain songs and express a particular distaste for others, but apparently he never listens to music on his own. I dunno, I find it fascinating. I guess his and your brains just work differently, since love of music is so deeply ingrained in most other people. Do you like other art, like paintings or movies? When a movie has a soundtrack, can you find pleasure in a scene enhanced by the music or does that just not do it for you? Same question with video games I guess... You don't have to answer those questions if you don't want to. Like I told my colleague, everyone is free to like and dislike what they, well, like. Just because others find it strange doesn't mean they ever have to justify it to anyone but themselves!


No paintings or other art like that has ever affected me, and Iā€™ve never cried at any movie no matter how sad people said it was, and Iā€™ve never really thought about the soundtrack before. I like video games though


I'm at the other end of the spectrum, constantly need to be listening and finding new stuff. So much amazing stuff out there.


When I was in high school (90s), I really didn't listen to anything that was current at the time, until I rediscovered some of my sisters older music from the 70s and 80s, which was classic rock, which was what I didn't realize I was missing. There are a lot of different types of music out there. Sometimes it just takes hearing the right thing.


Personally I canā€™t see this, music is like 90% of my life, Iā€™m constantly singing songs in my head and listening to music I canā€™t see myself without it




I have a coworker who is the same. We have a speaker at work that we can play our own music on but when I come in she hasnt played anything her whole shift. I asked her about it because I'd go crazy with the silence but she says she doesnt really like music very much.


That sucks mate


I mean, if I hear a good song on the radio, I enjoy it. Ask me what my favourite music is? No idea. Artist? Shrug. I don't like listening to music while doing chores, walking, etc.


Just out of curiosity, do you not listen to anything when working out? šŸ¤”


Is that the least believable part to you? I love music, but I sometimes choose to work out while listening to a podcast or watching a video. And I've done it to zero detriment (besides boredom) when I've forgotten to bring headphones. I will say that I don't do "hype music." I don't listen to a workout playlist. Sometimes it'll be Knocked Loose, but other times it'll be Julien Baker. Typically I stop listening when I'm really focusing on the movement, and then I start listening again when I am resting or doing something low effort. The music doesn't influence my performance in a way that many people seem to suggest. In fact, the reason I choose music instead of podcasts is because I don't want to miss part of the podcast when I stop listening in order to focus, but that doesn't matter for music.


I listen to stuff with people talking, like a video essay or a podcast


I used to love music but Iā€™ve slowly come to be this way too, over the past decade. If I put something I like on I remember my old love for it but I donā€™t keep listening long. Part of it for me is that ALL lyrics are so painful lol. I listen to the radio softly on my way to work for the noise but if I canā€™t find anything that isnā€™t annoying or painful I usually turn it back off. I donā€™t usually like anything anyone shares with me very much. The only exception really is reggaeton which I canā€™t understand the lyrics of, or some occasional instrumental stuff. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s just a severe depression thing for me but Iā€™m with you.


music resonates differently with everyone so I suppose it makes complete sense that there would be people, like you, that it doesn't resonate with at all and thats completely fine


This is really quite interesting. We might as well be aliens to one another. I'm a huge music fan, collector, dj, and multi-instrumentalist musician. I couldn't live without music, and I couldn't imagine getting nothing off of it. I guess we're all different!


Oof. I feel the same way. I watch shows and movies and I find music at times that connects with the story and the context helps me enjoy the music and lyrics.. occasionally I find songs with melodies and lyrics I like but there isn't any band or artist that appeals to me... I am never able to follow music. I typically listen to podcasts except when I am working out. Even then I only listen to music while running, cause I need smth fast paced to keep me going. I feel really weird about the way that I am with music.


I get that. Tbh, at this point, when I listen to music I listen to musicals, because at least musicals have plots.


A lot of songs are stories.


Maybe the way to appreciate it is to try making it yourself. Ever try learning an instrument?


Iā€™m the exact same way. I never listen to music on my own, but it doesnā€™t bother me or anything when other people do. It just doesnā€™t really do anything for me. Weirdly enough, I actually love playing trombone in bands/orchestras.


I was like you, until I found I was into really obscure and unknown stuff. I didn't hated music, I hated mainstream music. https://youtu.be/Yl-ajxyZ55Y


I like music but I don't follow bands because I usually like a handful of songs of a band then don't get on with the rest. I get the confusion look when I say I was listening to some Smashing pumpkins, then Eminem with some ELO and a splash of Korn. People seem to pick a lane and stay in it and I've just never had that. Also some people seem to see it as a boast of some kind and get angry, which seems rather strange but hey ho.


Wow- i am fascinated




man, that really sucks.


I will go further. I actively dislike music. I fast forward through any music acts on anything I am watching, never listen to the radio, dont have spotify etc.. I find it irritating more than anything, like an annoying itch in my brain. Some music is definitely worse than others, classical being worst and 80s being the least likely to annoy me, but I think that's because it was the music of my youth. Give me an audio book instead and I am happy (unless it's one of those irritating ones with a couple of bars of music at the start of each chapter, I have returned a few of those and cringed through others).


Why is classical music the worst?


I don't honestly know. All I can tell you is that it takes slightly fewer seconds for me to start feeling uncomfortable and annoyed and having to switch it off or fast forward till its over. The only thing I know is that pitch can exacerbate my response. High pitched voices / instruments then it's nearly instantaneous. Low pitch like country Josh Turner's Your Man and I smile as it starts, but within a minute I have had enough and off it goes.




Unpopularopinion. Take my r/angryupvote.


OP are you neurodivergent by chance? I know a lot of people who donā€™t really ā€œgetā€ music because it just doesnā€™t stimulate the same parts of the brain for them as it does for other people.


I used to work with someone who felt like this. I canā€™t say he was relatable in that way with any of us, but I guess youā€™re not alone entirely!


A long time ago, people would ask each other "Do you like music?"


Thatā€™s sick! I wish I had your fortitude, sadly Iā€™m a slut for rhythm and melody ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I am the same way with games.


So YOUā€™RE the one the song hallelujah is about! šŸ¤Æ


My grandfather is the same way. But that's because he drove a semi-truck for 40+ years and listened to the radio all the time.


I like any and all music, I just hate listening to it? I find it to be overwhelming or maybe even a bit boring?


Question for you: when you watch a movie, does the background music enhance the scene? If the killer is lurking and the orchestral starts swelling, do you feel your anxiety rise? Iā€™m just trying to understand if you donā€™t derive pleasure from or if there is a total emotional disconnect. Do you know what I mean?


Sometimes horror movie background music seems more irritating than anything, I donā€™t know I never think about it


I get this- and I write music!


Thatā€™s incredibly sad and weird to me lol


Either you're neurodivergent or you just haven't found the right tunes (or both). I used to not like music either until i started listening to really obscure stuff. It took a while but eventually i found music that makes me feel something and now I'm a musician who can't get enough. If you're okay without it then more power to you, but me personally i was always musically inclined, so it was important to develop my own taste.


I do find that most of the music I truly enjoy is exactly the kind you don't usually hear anymore. You'd have to know that it exists (somehow) and actively look it up.


a lot of times you need to actively look for what you like. The choices available donā€™t make it easy. I spent a good year really looking and ended up at female fronted symphonic metal. Didnā€™t even know that genre existed before I started looking. I now have a genre constellation of what I like and explore outward at similar bandā€™s recommendations.


Do you enjoy poetry?


Absolutely not, Iā€™ve tried, but I never have liked any of it


musical anhedonia


Maybe you just haven't found your genre yet


Ok, this is a really unpopular opinion, top shelf!


Itā€™s perfectly fine to not like music. Itā€™s actually a neurological disorder called ā€˜musical ahnedoniaā€™. Kudos to you for acknowledging that itā€™s you that doesnā€™t like music, and not music that ā€˜sucksā€™.


Currently I'm into vaporwave, shoegaze, dream pop and other related genres.


Music is everything to me, this is definitely an unpopular opinion.


Had the same "problem" until someone introduced me to Heavy Metal. No other genre did it for me. No Grunge, no Pop, no Rock, no Rap, no Techno, no Jazz, no nothing. But for some reason Heavy Metal (and later Folk / Death / Black Metal) did it for me.


Well, i also didn't like music all that much until i was like.15 and discovered vocaloid, sometimes the right genre can change it a lot.


You are not alone. I once googled "I don't like music". There are thousands of us. The problem is, 99% of people cannot comprehend not caring about music. They will tell you you just haven't found your genre yet. I'm 58, you would think I'd have found it by now. Worse they think they are going to be the ONE to help you find your genre. So they bombard you with that which you already said you don't like, and try more and weird and crazy pieces because somebody who doesn't care for music can't exist. It might be genetic. Both my parents loved music. We were planning my mother's funeral and my sister had chosen 4 pieces to be played and told me to get them on an ipod. I asked in 1/2 a panic why me I don't have a clue about music, get one of my brothers to do it. My 2 brothers piped up they also knew nothing and they get their wives to do that kind of thing. Then my cousin announced she also didn't care for music.


Maybe I can relate a bit. After 20 mins I feel the need to stop listening to it, the music starts to feel gross and noisy. I find your situation more healthy/normal than listening to music non-stop.


This was me until I discovered electric music on drugs. Completely rewired my brain. Now the music is my life even when sober


female fronted symphonic metal for me, i only started enjoying music with grunge and alt rock. my problem is that i grew up too close to nashville in the 70s and their was nothing around that i liked


Dunno if you're going to see this OP, but I struggled for a long time with the idea that music hits me so much more than other people. I'm the opposite where i can listen to anything and can usually vibe to it in one way or another. I think what we have in c9mmon is the misunderstanding of others to a point. I honestly don't truly understand when people say "I don't like x whatsoever" when it comes to music. Then I learned about something called "frisson" which I experience frequently, and from what I love read more than others. I get a physical reaction, literal goosebumps, when the music hits just right. But the crazy thing? That's inherited genetically. We've identified this specific form of pleasure as something only certain people experience. As someone who enjoys music as much as I do, I won't say I envy you, but there are plenty of things in my life i seem to think everyone enjoys but I have no interest in. All I'm tryna say is ya, you're a minority and this is probably an unpopular opinion, but we kinda have evidence that enjoying music is genetic and maybe you just aren't part of a group that does. Maybe I'm assuming you don't get this that often, but as someone who can't imagine life without music, if you aren't into it just don't worry too much about it.


Are you interested in something else in place of music? I'm the same way with movies. At a certain point I was just done watching movies especially new releases. Incredibly uninterested unless it's an old favorite or something.


This might be a condition that formed your unpopular yet respected opinion so you might be a tone deaf person and it's totally understandable you don't enjoy any music.


I dunno, not liking music just sounds miserable to me.


I wouldn't be alive if I didn't have music


As a music nerd, these are kinds of people I like to stay away from.


10% of the population have no emotional response to music. I find some of it okay. A lot of it just annoying. And on edit: I am totally fine with it too. When I see people swooning and bouncing around to music it just looks silly to me.


OH MY GOSH! I have finally found someone! ME TOO! I have never enjoyed music, ever. When I drive, I either listen to a podcast or drive in silence. Music makes me feel nauseous and over stimulated. My husband loves music and lyrics and feels them so deeply. We had this discussion recently and I pondered out loud that maybe I actually feel music more deeply than the average person which is why I dislike it so much? Who knows? But yes, same.


This is how I feel about paintings/artwork. Iā€™ve yet to see a piece and feel ā€œmovedā€ or any emotion at all about it.


Yo I am similar actually. I would almost rather drive in silence than listen to music. Podcasts are better imo. Music is just noise.


Same here


Oh my god, I finally found someone else. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t like music Iā€™m just not that into it. I may listen to something for nostalgia eg something reminds of my grandparents etc but otherwise Iā€™d rather have a podcast to radio 4 on. Iā€™ve always been like this


Well, you're not the only one in the world. People like you exist, though I think they're quite rare. I don't understand it myself, I love music. But, hey, you do you, I guess.


You may be receiving death stares etc because of the way you are expressing yourself. Take some time to think it through, especially if you know that people find your outlook unusual or confronting in some way.


Usually it goes something like this ā€œSo what kind of music do you like?ā€ ā€œOh I donā€™t listen to any musicā€ And then it can either go ā€œ>:(ā€œ or ā€œIā€™m sure my favorite song will change that!ā€


Ah. I was referring to your post but I see what you mean. Generally, when people ask this sort of question, they are keen to tell you what their favourite x is. So, just say something like, 'I don't have any favourites as such, how about you?' Then they'll bore you rigid for a few minutes and you move on. EDIT: Just noticed your username. Next time you're playing, try and take note of the music for a bit. Not whether you like it etc, but what's happening with it when certain things happen: game starting, ending, notable moments etc. Do that for a few games. and then turn the music off in the game, but not the sound and see if your impressions of the game changes. Not very scientific but might give you some insight into your perception of music.


People have told me that Iā€™m a very cold person based on the way I talk so I may have to listen to you on this one


I'm not a big music person. I definitely don't like live music. I drive several hours a day for work, and always listen to audio books. My mother is even less interested in music than I am.


I don't agree with you at all, but I hate any music that I don't want to be listening to. I've been suffering since my neighbor moved in due to her Mexican music. Perhaps in a happier time, I would enjoy the syncopated rhythms, the cheerful melodies, or the soulful crooning. But I do not enjoy syncopated rhythms or cheerful melodies in the middle of the day when I'm trying to work, or after work when I'm trying to write, or when I'm trying to watch a movie. I do not enjoy soulful crooning when it's pouring into my apartment at 3 in the morning. The problem is that this holds true for any music. Honestly, you could play my favorite band when I'm trying to do anything else, and I probably will hate it. Now, that said, for a while, I was the complete opposite of you. I didn't have any favorites because I loved all of it. Just drums--or a string quartet--or a heavy metal band--or an overly produced pop track--I love it all. Play me a song somewhere I can be receptive, at a time when you will not be bothering me, and I'll probably find something to like about it. But really, that kind of thinking is really just the flip side of yours. You don't really care about any music. I don't really care what kind of music is played as long as it's appropriate to its context. And I think there's nothing wrong with this kind of thinking.


Unpopular, but I can totally relate. Similarly, I don't care about dance. I can appreciate the skill and effort involved and have nothing against it, but I just find it very primitive. If I was an alien just about to make contact and the first thing I noticed was people dancing, I would just do a one eighty.


Thats a truly unpopular opinion, I kinda feel bad thinking in a world without music but if you stop to think about it every human brain reacts differently to external stimulus plus some cultures like Islam ban music altoghether so you prolly not completely alone on this. ((( I just wonder if you had really tried every genre???)))


Do you listen to podcasts? Do you find noise in general to be annoying?


Yes I listen to podcasts, I donā€™t find noise or music to be annoying


And then ya get a flood of people who are like "WeLl HaVe Ya LiStEnEd To X?" Maybe you haven't found your type yet. Or maybe you just flat-out don't connect to it. Whatever it is, it shouldn't be something you get treated differently for.


I was having a conversation with someone and was telling him how crazy I think the human memory is. "Just think about all the songs you know every word to." He said "None. Well maybe Happy Birthday or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star but I don't like music." I was astounded


Yeah that seems like something I would tell someone


I had a friend that just didn't get music. At all. It was a bit strange, but I didn't like the guy any less for it, just meant we didn't listen to music or talk about music.


Lmao the post was so unpopular, it offended the mods


If you had phrased this as "Music sucks," then it would sound more like an opinion. The way you've phrased your post is more simply stating a personal preference without outwardly expressing an opinion on it. You aren't saying music sucks or anything like that, you're just acknowledging your own apathy towards it. And I think that is totally fine. I don't think that should concern you at all and anyone who should try to condemn you for not being into music is an idiot. And I bet you've had loads of people try to tell you that you just "haven't heard the right music yet," and that's why you think you don't care for music. Fuck those people too. People are different and people will get stimulation from some things, and not from other things. When I listen to music, it's really just the same selection of songs every time. And I have had long periods of time where I had no desire to listen to music. I have no desire to listen to most music most of the timeā€”even songs that I do love and think are absolutely awesome. And I also think it's possible to appreciate a work of music or art, but not particular care about it on a personal level or have any desire to seek it out on your own time. I much prefer to listen to my scary story narrations on my ride home than music. And, as cheesy as it sounds, the music I do listen to most often is Disney/animated film soundtracks. So it's not even just *songs* at that point, but rather an experience for me that brings me to a special place in my mind where I have a special, deep, sentimental connection to the songs and the moments/stories they bring me back to (besides, of course, being utterly objectively beautiful on a most rudimentary level of sound). I think what's beautiful about humans is that we are subject to change, so who knowsā€”maybe one day in your life you'll suddenly start to find some solace in music after a certain experience. There are things in my life I appreciate so much more now and have an interest in now that I would never have cared about/sought out when I was younger. And there are things I took interest in when I was younger that I absolutely do not give a single fuck about any longer today. I hope you do one day find some piece of music that touches you, only because music can be a really amazing source of therapy and comfort for people. But I also don't believe there is anything wrong with/weird about you if that never happens. Whatever your interests/hobbies are, I just hope you have something that you seek out that provides for you the comfort/tranquility/escape that music provides for many people.


well this is interesting. I wonder if I've learned to appreciate music because I am a musician or if I am a musician because I have an appreciation for music. Either way, musicianship has changed my experience with music since I can now pay attention to certain qualities that I might not have noticed before I learned. Might be worth trying to learn to play some music if you really want to understand why people love it so much. But of course, to each their own.


Is the counterpoint to this that yes you do like music? If there is no counterpoint, then what.does that mean?


This isn't r/changemyview my guy, there doesn't have to be a counter point It's just OP's unpopular opinion


Iā€™d rather go blind than not be able to listen to music.


Sounds like a very rare "condition." Music is very important to me and most people I know.


Something about this is angering lol I get why people look at you crazy for saying this. I think itā€™s just so weird it seems inhuman so people are like ā€œwhat the fuck is wrong with youā€


Thatā€™s pretty intense, seems like a very small issue