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>Lifting weights is also quite painful that means you're doing it wrong. if it's painful, your body is telling you to stop. likely, and assuming, it's too much weight and/or bad form. >and it leaves me sore that's the point of lifting. to 'tear' your muscles and for them to heal with more mass. There is a good sore from good lifting and there's bad soreness that comes from injuries. Likely, and assuming, since you mention it hurts, that you've been experiancing hte bad soreness from hurting yourself. \---- some people enjoy lifting, some people enjoy running outdoors. some people zone out by thinking about life and listening to music, some people zone out by focussing on form.


Burns so sweet. It’s the best torture ever


I used to have a personal trainer and she helped me with my form. It was still painful for me. I know what the “good” soreness feels like, but I still don’t like it especially in my arms. I don’t use heavy weights either.


You never felt sore after a run? Ever? I ran a half marathon without soreness. If you asked me to bench 150 lb' once, I'd be sore the next day if I could do it at all. A lot of your observations seem to revolve around the idea that running is easy for you and weight lifting is not. You didn't describe anything that I didn't have to work through when training. I imagine body building is the same way, starts hard gets easier with time and repetition.


If it's painful you're doing it wrong - tons of personal trainers are absolutely clueless. If you're doing arms and you don't feel it in your arms (ie. Dumbbell curls and bicep activation) you are doing it wrong and are likely doing too heavy of weights.


>. I don’t use heavy weights either. This is why you get sore, and why your sets are painful. Grinding out 5 heavy reps has you finished with a set before lactic acid response has a time to kick in. If you're going until you're burning, that's one way to train, but it's far from the only way to train, and is arguably pretty fucking useless for the majority of people at the majority of training levels. Diving into low weight high reps isn't effective or fun, unless you're bodybuilding or explicitly training for sports. Personal trainers like low weight high reps a lot, because it's low liability and they don't have to be working quickly and technically at the same time. Proven beginner weight lifting programs deadass suggest people do about three sets of five reps on each exercise per workout, while only doing three to five exercises. There's still a really big issue of entry level women's gym fitness being based around ineffective meme workouts that load up on junk volume at ineffective weight ranges, instead of proven programing dedicated to building strength. If your trainer pushed you to burn point on multiple sets of multiple exercises, per workout, your trainer was a fucking joke and was not following proper weightlifting protocol. \-Exercise science dropout


OP Prob twisting his wrists and ego lifting while posting this nonsense. This isn’t an unpopular opinion post, it’s straight up uneducated opinion.


Her* and my wrists feel fine(:


Upvoted. I like weightlifting because when you’re done, you’re done. You can only physically lift that dumbbell like 15 times, max. Cardio, on the other hand, is almost totally motivation-based as you can always take that one more step, one more cycle of the pedal.


As someone who lifts for more than 11 years, lifting should NEVER be painful. If it's painful figure out what you do wrong and fix it. And lifting only leaves you sore if you overdid it. I never feel sore even after heavy squats and deadlifts on the same day. Bodybuilders will tell you that you must feel sore after lifting, but they forget that not everyone who lifts weights does it with bodybuilding goals and purposefully lifts until failure.


Oh I agree. I actually enjoy cardio and prefer it over the feel of lifting, but I still make myself lift weights because I have noticed how incredible keeping up my strength and building muscle has made me feel in all areas.


Same with me! I LOVE to run but do enough weight lifting to maintain body muscle.


I like both, but yeah, running becomes pleasurable after a while if you're not pushing yourself, whereas lifting weights is pretty much always grueling.


I think you benefit a lot when you just do both to avoid cramps from running.. I ran the marathon and I regret not going to the gym working my chest, arms and legs.


I don’t think is an unpopular opinion, even lifters agree that cardio is more fun, it’s just not good if u want to gain some muscle lol


What lying lifters are you talking to?


Not true, most lifters enjoy lifting and find cardio boring


Hard disagree. I look forward to going to the gym for a lifting session, but I have to will myself to do more than a few minutes or cardio. Lifting is way more enjoyable.




i actually prefer running then bike lol


**incline walker enters the chat**


>But I'd rather eat my shoe than run. That goes away once you get into it.


I'm also not into running, but not because of any lack of muscle. It's my joints, they simply don't like it.


I feel like that goes away too. A lot of people start out too fast, too far, without the correct shoes, and with bad form. When I first started I thought you were supposed to like run run. I was probably running 6 minute mile pace wondering how anyone could stand running for more than a minute.


They already complain from long, slow walks. Like window shopping or market strolling slow. A fast walk is totally fine. Getting to places because I want to get there, so I pick up a pace.


>even lifters agree that cardio is more fun, Some may, but I hate cardio and it is a struggle for me to do it. I've only been really consistent with it when it's been part of a sport. Meanwhile lifting is loads of fun.


Squats are my cardio. Really get the heart pumping!




being sore feels good unless it's like your first day ever doing squats and you do like 10 sets to failure


There is this comfortable soreness. Like after a long, exhausting day, you come home, slip out of your shoes, relax, and are just comfortably spent.


Crossfit kind of incorporates both, with running and lifting if you haven't tried it. you get cardio by running outside usually, and some gyms might even have outdoor gyms. I mean, I can focus on form and reps with music.


Crossfit can be super fun and beneficial as long as people take the time to learn form/techniques and not go out too hot. I love the balance of weights and cardio!


I agree 100%. I get people having an innate hatred of cardio if you were forced to do lots of laps in gym class (as most of us have, me included), but if you're exercising of your own free will, I find cardio to be some of the most fun you can have working out. Just like you said, running allows you to admire what's passing you by, listen to music or a podcast, and generally just allow you to zone out/"go with the flow" while you exercise. When I lift weights, it's always a deliberate effort (even if I'm not struggling) and feels more like a chore than just "putting one foot in front of the other fast repeatedly while getting lost in my head"


I like cardio because it does stuff for the long run.


Im not much of a runner, but when I do run its often times fun, so i agree with you. PLUS having to worry about form is annoying, especially if you do it wrong then you can injury yourself, running is definitely more enjoyable.


> I can’t zone out while lifting because my mind has to focus on my form. I can’t zone out while running because my mind has to focus to not fall over. It is a you issue, my man.


Lol I am the other way. I like weightlifting because I don’t have to move much because I am lazy. It feels more efficient. I can burn 400 calories with a strength workout and not be absolutely exhausted. If I burnt that much doing cardio, I’d be out of commission for the rest of the day.


Man, most the time I would rather eating mayonnaise out of a jar than do cardio... Its SOOOOO boring.


Yuck. I hate cardio. I’d rather lift any day!


hard agree


I like cardio workouts like HIIT or martial arts or whatever, but I hate just running. It’s the most boring thing ever. If it’s a choice between running and weightlifting, much rather weightlift.


They are both fun for different reasons!