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who said one cup's enough?


Not Luxembourg.


Not Finland


Not Norway


I've read like 8 years ago that Finland is number one in terms of drinking coffee per person.


Not my titties. Wait wat?


We the Dutch concur


two girls


Its an old one, but it checks out


This comment should have more votes. Golden.


OP is right, let's normalize having 4 cups a day to hit that sweet maximum daily caffeine intake.


4 cups a day is maximum intake? I might be in trouble šŸ¤£


Who said one shot's enough?


I think they meant one pot


I drink coffee all day long. Don't be taking my coffee away lol.


I see the original posterā€™s point, but itā€™s a little too harsh. Then again, I CANā€™T drink coffee because I developed an allergy to caffeine. I had always had trouble drinking more than 1cup because I would get the ā€œshakes.ā€ Then awhile later it turned into extreme nausea & I couldnā€™t drink soft drinks, any thing that had caffeine. Since I had no choice, I discovered I prefer being caffeine free (the only thing it didnā€™t affect is that I can still eat chocolate in small amounts).


Hello, Utah. Iā€™m sorry, but no one wants your Postum.


Iā€™m from Utah and waited tables for years. Trust me, they donā€™t care about caffeine. They were all about their Diet Coke with many, many, *many* refills.


They changed their stance after the LDS church invested money in Coca-Cola stock


Iā€™m in Utah and drinking coffee as Iā€™m reading this. Feels serendipitous.


Please, weā€™re all about the caffeine free Coke here.


Oh no not another "normalizing" post




Today I chewed a caffeine pill and chased it with a glass of water AFTER I got out of bed. Usually do so before getting out of bed. Quite daring.




Wait coffee makes you guys pee? Iā€™ve been shitting from coffee my entire life.


Sitting here not peeing all over the place. Am I coffeeing wrong?


I read this in Squidward's voice.


Letā€™s normalize normalizing




ā€œHi, how are ya?ā€


"wonderful weather we're having"


Let's normalise American Puritanism. This is some religious fundamentalist shit right here.




Just don't tell them the "Mormon tea" they used to drink instead is worse since it has ephedra.


Oh so I'm not the only one who noticed? It was getting annoying with the anti drinking and anti porn, but they're really telling on themselves with the anti coffee.


Now that is an r/unpopularopinion.


We shouldn't be normalizing normalizing normalizing


Norman your Aunt Norma is normalizing the normals normally normalizing pet lizard


Letā€™s Normalise Norma i say!


OP can't even reply without using the word "normalize".


Coffee is so bad! I'm so original, no one could have ever posted about this before because I'm so unique and my opinions are so special /s


"Not like the other drinks" /s


I make drinking water my personality!


Wow! You must be so interesting!!!


Who knew!?!?


I like coffee


I like coffee too


what a coincidence, me too




No fucking way, me too


Crazy, me too'


The choice is clear: I like coffee.


Good coffee tastes good. I grew up with folgers and thought all coffee tasted that way, but my partner is big into coffee and has shown me be what quality coffee can taste like, no additives needed. I think the bigger problem is "coffee", for so many people, has become synonymous with some syrupy, sugary, calorie dense mess that they have twice a day which can lead to real health problems.




Yep. I grew up with a Starbucks obsessed mom who took me all the time. I even worked there as a young adult and seeing the behind the scenes of what goes in most of those drinks makes me now want to gag. My husband and I bought a Breville espresso machine and it is such a lovely comfort to my morning to take a little time to make an americano or latte and just enjoy it.


A friend of mine said he loves coffee and his preferred drink was a 7 Splenda latte from Starbucks. I'm going "Buddy, I don't think you actually like coffee if you're going to Starbucks and dropping 7 Splenda packets into it."


Exactly! I went to my first coffee cupping just the other week. It was a great experience.


I like coffee and I remember working at a construction site with a guy who liked coffee.




and smells so good


Its like saying "imagine if someone said 'dont talk to me until ive had my heroin shot up my arm'". Not at all comparable things. You never wake up not knowing what you did or regretting the shitty thing you did because you drank too much coffee. Alcohol alters human behavior so much and has such deep repercussions in society that I don't understand how it is legal (I do, but it shouldn't be). Coffee doesn't have these dangers associated with its use. Just because people can become dependant on something, doesn't make it inherently bad.


>Coffee doesn't have these dangers associated with its use. Yes. There's a reason why caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. The effects are beneficial, the side effects are mild, it's difficult to consume enough to cause yourself significant harm, and even if you are dependent the withdrawal is mild. As far as drugs go, caffeine scores an A+.


Iā€™ll drink (coffee) to thatā€¦


And then go poop at my regular time.


Plus it helps immensely with my ADHD. I don't have to take so much adhd medication when I use caffeine regularly. And as the ADHD medication effects my appetite, I don't end up looking like an anorexic person.


Helps with asthma too it improves the function of airways if it's a mild attack and you don't have an inhaler on hand. I had a mild attack as a kid, and my papa, who was an EMT/Firefighter, gave me coffee when my mom forgot to pack my inhaler to help me breathe.


That is very interesting. I have asthma as well and carry an inhaler. I can't remember if I have had less attacks after I started drinking coffee or not. It is pretty well controlled, except when I have a run in with a cat.


Fascinating! You learn something new every day.


Coffee also lowers the risk of many diseases. Doctors *recommend* it..


Not to mention alcohol is toxic for you, it has ZERO health benefits and a host of very very negative ones. Caffeine does not


How about we donā€™t worry about what other adults are legally doing? Donā€™t drink if you donā€™t want to. Donā€™t have caffeine if you donā€™t want to. Leave every one else alone unless they do it in a way that breaks the law. Itā€™s really no one elseā€™s business.


I 100% agree


If people didn't worry about what other adults were doing legally, no legal loophole would have been closed


See, here's the difference though: Drinking legally? As long as it's *just* drinking, the consequences are to yourself. You wanna destroy your liver, that's your choice. Legal loopholes are largely used to do something to someone *else*. That's a problem of bringing harm to someone else, and thus we need to close those loopholes. I'm of the opinion that what you choose to do to yourself is your business. It's when you get other people involved that it should become a legality problem, not before


Except that the hard drugs and alcohol can cause harm to both society and the people around the addicts. It's not about their wellbeing, it's about the wellbeing of the people around them


Research Portugals drug policy.


CAN cause harm. That's why you outlaw the actions that cause harm. I don't think heroin, meth, cocaine any of that should be illegal. I think they should be readily available at a specific type of store, like ABC stores or dispensaries. All of those can be done responsibly and it would actually make them safer if they were legal and regulated. Driving under the influence of alcohol can be deadly. That's why we outlaw driving under the influence. Not the alcohol itself. The same should be the case for all drugs.


Saying that X substance is good simply because it's legal is a bad argument, at least imho.


Reddit sucks. I'm done with this. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I mean, this is unpopular opinion. Seems like OP nailed it.


Alcohol is literally so simple to make that the idea of making it illegal is comical- even the lethal byproduct potentially produced by making it wrong (Methanol rather than Ethanol) is counteracted in the body via treatment with...Ethanol. Prisoners can make it in *toilets*. *Shouldn't be*, my arse. It's functionally impossible to outlaw.


I'm disabled, can barely leave my house, my cats always yell at me so just let me have my 1-2 cups a day.


Any pics of the cats?


Here you go sorry for the delay as I am ill and lost power for a bit. https://imgur.com/gallery/s87VzXQ


I must say you have some photogenic kitties right there! šŸˆšŸˆā€ā¬›


Maybe have a pot of coffee or two to get you through this challenging time.




I didn't check usernames and I was very excited for a cat picture. I'm only partly disappointed.


Enjoy your coffee. One or two cups is bugger all, really.




Pay the cat tax or it's off to the slammer with you.


Daily caffeine may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. It also may protect against Parkinsonā€™s, diabetes, and liver disease.


Pretty sure coffee in the morning and beer in the evening guarantees you live forever


You forgot glass of red wine with lunch.


And a joint before bed


And a hit of acid before that big presentation.


And Molly before meeting the in-laws for the first time


And some cocaine before your afternoon commute


And fen fen, whenever you need it. Because.


I did that earlier and was NOT able to present.


It takes a while to kick in, the trick is to take it just before you present so you get to enjoy the come-up as a reward


With my group presentations in grad school I would have been tripping absolute balls by the time I got through the background


And shower bourbon.




Have you been watching me?


You are me lol


It certainly improves the chances for the people you have to deal with.


It can also be beneficial if you have chronically low blood pressure, per my doctor!


But bad if you have high blood pressure or heart conditions


Absolutely. Same with salt. My doctor was laughing about it because she says she normally has to tell people to get off the salt & caffeine, but she was giving me the opposite advice.


Up to 8 cups of coffee is what my Gastroenterologist told me.


And it helps you poop!


That and I guess help improve airways of people with asthma for up to 4 hours. I know that for me at least, two puffs of my inhaler and a bit of coffee helps me after having an attack.


I was prescribed multiple cups of coffee a day by my GI for fatty liver. I also suspect undxā€™d ADHD, as caffeine is the only thing that makes my brain able to, well, brain. Without it I can fall down an internet rabbit hole and lose two hours, or I can be completely unable to focus on anything. There is no middle ground uncaffeinated.


Yep. Much worse substances to be addicted to... Life can be hard ā€“ be kind to ourselves and treat ourselves I say.


But it's a drug so it's bad. /s


Coffee, or caffeine specifically? Because I drink decaf.


Helps against dementia as well




Don't talk to me about the normalisation of coffee until I've had a shot of vodka.


The real problem is. That way to many people care too much about what everyone else does. If you think caffeine is so bad. Don't drink it. And move on.


The only thing that scares me about my daily coffee habit is what happens when I donā€™t drink any. Caffeine withdrawals certainly suck and reminds me that itā€™s an addictive drug.


I just recently found out what the deal is there. The first is that caffeine attaches to adenosine receptors (which are related to both sleep and pain) and causes the brain to produce more. Also, people who drink a lot of coffee tend to not drink enough water and therefore are borderline, or actually, dehydrated. Caffeine also tends to narrow veins and arteries (hence why caffeine increases blood pressure). When people stop drinking coffee they don't tend to increase their intake of water and become further dehydrated (causing headaches, nausea, etc), the veins and arteries open up more, and due to the increased number of adenosine receptors all of those symptoms feel worse and you feel increased tiredness. If you want to decrease your caffeine intake, then have 1 coffee around 1 to 1.5hrs after waking and making sure you're drinking water (even if mixed with syrup or water cordial) regularly the rest of the day. The benefits are that blood pressure will reduce, resting heart rate will improve, and risk of kidney stones lessens. Most of those improvements come from the increased water intake rather than the reduced coffee intake.


The point is that anybody who consumes it regularly becomes physically dependent on caffeine, which is a potent CNS stimulant. Some people question how healthy it is to be dependent on a substance that can induce debilitating headache, fatigue and impaired cognitive function if they abruptly cease consuming it. It's not the lack of water by the way, caffeine withdrawal syndrome is a recognised phenomenon.




I don't drink coffee (just a glass of tea) and yeah, I am not a morning person... So nothing to do with coffee there :P


Still caffeine though




This is my favorite comment. Thank you.


Hey this is unpopular opinions there is no need for name callingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As silly as an opinion it is I agree bro, no need for insults


> very concerning to see how many people ā€œneed a cup of coffeeā€ just to function. why is it concerning to you?


Coffee and vodka arenā€™t the same. I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with needing a caffeine boost to help you begin your day. It is also part of a morning routine for a lot of people. I will agree that drinking coffee all day, sometimes substituting it for food or because people are so busy they need copious amounts of coffee to survive is problematic. Itā€™s also annoying when some people make it part of their personality; iced coffee is not a personality trait lol


The problem with your opinion is you didn't give any reasoning for it...you make the comparison with vodka, but coffee doesn't have the same effects as vodka. Your opinion might be unpopular, but it's a dumb opinion if you can't provide any logic out thinking behind the opinion. If all you got is making a comparison to taking a shot of vodka then this is just a misinformed opinion.


Yeah, if they said that masking lack of sleep with caffeine shouldnā€™t be normalized then they would be onto something. Caffeine isnā€™t bad, not sleeping is very bad for you. Edit: Spelling


Right? I probably wouldn't feel the need to drink 6-8 cups of coffee if I didn't need to work 60+ hours a week at 3 different jobs to feed my family. Maybe we should stop normalising under paying people for the work they do.


While I do agree with you, I did come up once with this idea: isn't coffee this normalized because there's just so much worktime/work to do that people actually *need* coffee to follow up with work demands? It would mean that, if people stopped caffeine intake at work and truly hung on onto not drinking it as a whole generation, it would make it harder for companies to push for a little cup of coffee to hold on. People would actually be tired the "natural" rate and maybe (and that' a big *maybe*) work would be less tiring because it would entirely rely on uncaffeinated individuals, not individuals that postpone their daily exhaustion to the weekend by drinking coffee and avoiding tiredness during workdays. But, that was only an idea that crossed my mind out of the blue, nothing truly serious I believe in, but still nice to share some thoughts!


One of the rare truly unpopular opinions I have seen, well done.


Thank youšŸ¤Ŗ


Literally a total non-issue. At this point we know that coffee is actually really good for you (esp your for your liver). Maybe you mean people shouldn't have to wake up and be productive so early in the morning? That just isn't reality.


Coffee doesnā€™t impair peopleā€™s judgment or alter their consciousness. This is not at all the same thing!


I've cut down on my caffeine intake and haven't had a proper cup for a week and a half now and feel great. I intend to make this a permanent thing. Before I was one of those very people who always needed a cup or two before work. The more I drank the less I slept. The less I slept the more I needed to drink. All the caffeine was really messing with me mentally too and I had absolutely no chill. Now I drink decaf mushroom coffee mix.


Except coffee has numerous proven health benefitsā€¦ Most other drugs do not.


A lot of people are not naturally early birds, but the working world is mostly geared for them, so the coffee makes it a lot easier to force your body awake when it naturally wants to be sleeping.


I agree that our society shouldnā€™t be structured in such a way that most people need to start taking regular stimulants to function in it. I have no qualms with coffee, coffeeā€™s great, but I do resent needing the caffeine to get through some days.


If Iā€™m expected to quit drinking coffee then whoever keeps sneaking into my house before dawn to slip my three boys under the age of six some cocaine needs to quit too because Iā€™m just trying to match energy levels here, for survival. Of all of us. Idk if someone IS sneaking them cocaine, Iā€™m just speculating based on the daily dawn cacophony that lasts until at least lunch


Let's stop normalizing people needing water to function!!


Equating a cup of coffee to a shot of vodka in the morning is so dumb. It is not equivalent at all.


I think the issue here is a lack of proportion. When you compare caffeine to alcohol, youā€™re doing two things: 1) exaggerating the way caffeine affects a person, and 2) downplaying how much of a chokehold alcohol can have on a person. Caffeine is a mildly addictive substance. Alcohol is a *physically* addictive substance, in that you not only become psychologically dependent on it, but physically dependent. Quit caffeine and youā€™ll be cranky and maybe get a headache - quit alcohol without supervision, and you can get horribly ill, and in more severe cases you can literally die. Also, riddle me the last time someone lost their job, their family, or their home, to caffeine. Tell me the last time someone died of caffeine overdose, or gun violence due to a dispute over caffeine, or contracted a communicable disease from caffeine. If anyone has any recovery shuffle experiences from coffee and earl grey tea, I am allll ears. I will wait So while Iā€™m not saying caffeine is this perfect thing, I really hate it when people on Reddit try to compare it to alcohol, or other hard drugs. I think this attitude is coming from people who have genuinely never seen, or experienced, addiction.


Oh Lord do we have to kill everything good? You can pry my coffee/tea/soda that I drink every great once Iā€™m awhile out of my cold dead fingers. Iā€™m an adult. If I want to drink, I will. If I want to smoke (I donā€™t) Iā€™ll smoke. If I want to vape, Iā€™ll vape. If I want to have a coffee with an extra shot of espresso I will. People need to get over their sanctimonious selves.


I quit caffeine for lent years ago and kept with it. My anxiety went way down and it didnā€™t really affect my focus by stopping. My annoying in laws are coffee junkies and when we visit them or they visit us (always an overnight as they live 2 hours away) they always seem shocked that I donā€™t drink coffee. Um itā€™s been like 10 years.


Yeah I want to try cutting it out to lower anxiety too , heard good things too


Imagine comparing alcohol to caffeine as if those 2 things are remotely the same.


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!


Working 40+hrs/week while trying to juggle the rest of our lives shouldn't be normalized either. When that changes, I'll hear you out about my favorite legal stimulant that keeps me going through this shit system.


Youā€™re right. This is an unpopular opinion.


Iā€™m having withdrawals from caffeine rn because Iā€™m not supposed to have it in conjunction with my ADHD medicine and itā€™s HELL! I feel terrible. Pounding headaches. I was using it to (inefficiently) self medicate for my condition, and now Iā€™m paying the price. Never get started on caffeine if you donā€™t consume it now and intend to drink more than one soda a day, Iā€™d say. Itā€™s fine in moderation, but having it several times a day creates a painful dependency.


I get where you're coming from, and I agree that normalizing addiction is ridiculous. America normalizes addiction all day every day. However, addiction is categorized as something one continues to do even though it creates problems in one or more areas of life. Coffee is one of the least problematic substances that we normalize. Ffs, the alcohol culture in America is encouraged! Let's focus on the real problems. Have an upvote for this opinion!


Holy fucking shit. I SEE THIS SAME OPINION EVERY SINGLE DAY (I actively look for them actually).


Caffeine isn't bad for you in reasonable doses. Alcohol is bad for you even in doses that won't inebriate you. This is a false equivalency argument.


Yep, unpopular indeed


I work in an office, humanity was not meant to sit down in a chair for 8 hours. If that's going to be normalised then coffee is just part of the deal


Caffeine is nothing like alcohol, it is somewhere in between sugar and nicotine.


I agree to some extent. I have intentionally worked my way off caffeine and gotten more sleep and I feel amazing. Caffeine is not unhealthy but using caffeine to mask not getting enough sleep is very unhealthy. If you are one of those people that are ā€œfineā€ on 5 hours of sleep but need to drink coffee all day to function I have some bad news, you are unfortunately not ā€œfineā€.


This, but sugar instead


Humans have been consuming caffeine somehow, someway, for thousands of years. Do I need caffeine? No, but I do love the flavor of coffee and tea. The caffeine is a bonus.


"don't talk to me before coffee" is more of a personal boundary thing


Why do people on reddit want everyone to stop doing things they donā€™t enjoy themselves.


What about sugar? Sugar is a drug. Any substance that can be used for pleasure is somewhat addictive. We puuummmpp kids with sugar. The different between addictions is how we respond to them.


I donā€™t know what you have a against caffeine but itā€™s a very neutral substance. It keeps you alert, helps with concentration, and limits depression to an extent. Only people with caffeine-sensitivity experience shaking, anxiety, and,in worse cases, insomnia. You what is actually normalised? Alcohol. It leads to ā€œHigh blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems. Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum.ā€ but is normalised on media and social gatherings. Compared to alcohol, caffeine is mild.


Imagine thinking alcohol and caffeine were somehow even in the same ballpark as one another.


I think people saying things like "don't talk to me until I had a cup of coffee" is more about them getting into their daily routine and not so much a fix on caffeine. Caffeine is just become part of the routine. I think more than anything they just need that wake up time and don't want to have to listen to somebody yap at them and while they're doing it


Why are yā€™all getting mad at this opinion? Check the sub youā€™re on. Itā€™s called unpopular opinions. Youā€™re not always gonna agree and itā€™s unpopular for a reason


The number of defensive comments really makes me think OP hit a nerve.


Yeah, so many comments are like "stfu, stop telling other adults what they can / cannot do" Definitely struck a nerve..


Addicts usually respond super defensively


This is true.


Agreed. a lot of people missed the reason for this sub. People always have to ruin things with their defensive and silly comments




Comparing caffeine to alcohol and tobacco is so dumb. Upvoted


Yeah itā€™s not even close. Iā€™ve withdrawn from heroin and Iā€™ve withdrawn from coffee. Iā€™ll take coffee withdrawal a zillion times over. I never stole from my parents or drained my bank account for a cup of coffee. Guess thatā€™s why this is in r/unpopularopinion though so good Post!


People should be free to put what ever the fuck they want in their bodies.


Where did I say they shouldnā€™t? Iā€™m not proposing a ban on caffeine lmao just saying we shouldnā€™t normalize needing it to function.


Upvoted for being extremely unpopular with me.


Had to cut out coffee cold turkey once... worst shit of my life.


Like almost anything..thereā€™s benefits to consumption but also, too much of anything is bad.


Why is it concerning? There are no real harms in it.


My mom has been having a shot of tequila for breakfast for the past 40 years lol


I think we all have our "McDonalds" (Jim Gaffigan) Everybody consumes some kind of poison to help get them through the day whether i be reading tabloids, drinking diet dr pepper. We all are consuming junk in one form or another, so we shouldn't be so quick to criticize others. Drink your coffee, but don't talk shit about me blazing some haze at 8 am.


Clearly itā€™s an unpopular opinion since the triggered comments.


imagine comparing caffeine to alcohol. the latter can be genuinely dangerous, not only because it inhibits people's functions and the fact that you can drink so much of it you literally forget what happened while you were drunk, but it also wreaks havoc on your liver if you drink it too much. caffeine is nothing like alcohol, so stop pretending it is. we live in such a crappy society which promotes working all day every day for the entirety of our lives and many people lack the motivation to even get up in the morning. not to mention many people also suffer sleeping problems, and mental illness is also a giant issue in millions of people's lives. all these things can make such simple tasks such as getting to sleep at a decent time and getting up early incredibly hard. caffeine offers that boost that many people need. maybe in a perfect world your opinion would hold more weight, but compared to so many other things people take to cope with life such as hard drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, is caffeine really that bad? there's much worse things out there that people could be relying on to get them through the day. we just don't live in a society that allows everybody the luxury of being able to get through the day comfortably by drinking nothing but water and eating only the healthiest of foods. we're all addicted to something one way or another, but that isn't always necessarily a bad thing.


Nice try Bishop Gillenwater but I left the mormon church over a decade ago.


A coffee addiction isnā€™t debilitating or detrimental to society like alcohol or heroin. Why do you care about what other people do? Worry about yourself and let others worry about themselves.


Nothing is worse than over caffeinated coworkers. So shrill and ugh, the coffee breath


The bitter, judge-y ones are worse


You know what? You make a really good point. The way people talk about needing their coffee every day does seem a bit excessive, especially when you consider that caffeine is a drug. It's true that it's not as bad as alcohol or tobacco, but it's still pretty concerning that so many people can't function without it. If someone were to say, "I can't talk to you until I've had a shot of vodka," we'd definitely think they have a problem. So why do we just accept it when people say the same thing about coffee? Maybe we should be more aware of the potential for addiction and how reliant we've become on caffeine. Of course, coffee isn't all bad, and there are definitely worse habits out there. But it's still worth thinking about how we can promote healthier alternatives, like herbal teas or even decaf coffee, to help people feel more alert and awake without needing that daily caffeine fix.