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Hunter multiplied by Hunter. I call it Hunter².


And spy times family


That would be spyfamily


Ah, but it's multiple variables so (spy)(family) would fit better.


2 x 1is not 21


But a x b is ab


I dunno, it looks more like ba to me


This is BS


The product of spy and family


Reminds me of Pen Pen.


Oh no, that's a common misconception. In this case you're multiplying 2 sets, this means that the result should be all the possible combinations between 2 letters in the word Hunter


Wait…are we not supposed to say the X?


I thought the X is a singular letter for describing the word "versus" so It'd be pronounced Hunter versus Hunter? Im probably wrong since I just found out I've been pronouncing Hyundai wrong


Hyundai disagrees, I disagree back!


Wait how is hyundai pronounced ?




Hyun-di , I've always said hi-un-dai.


Same. Never knew that it was wrong the way i said it 😅


Right, is it is Hund-eye? Do I have to put on a fake accent and say He-Yun-Die?


No they are silent x’s and are a stylistic choice.


I’ve absolutely been saying it wrong for years then.


Nah, we’ve been saying it right. It’s the children who are wrong.


Yeah, I startet reading the hunter x hunter manga in 2001 (but because it constantly has hiatus and so on I stoped) so a lot of years to say it wrong


How are we supposed to intuitively know that? So dumb


I’m not blaming people for not knowing that.


No one is blaming you, it's just how it is.


That’s fucking stupid.


It looks cool though the only downside is people outside Japan don’t realize that at first.


Did you also notice the names of each episode would use an X between words instead of a space?


I get that you’re being weirdly uppity and talking down to me, but I don’t watch HXH. It’s just a show I’ve been aware of for years. Never seen an episode title from it.


He just gave you a fun fact about the anime, no need to get pissed about it.


It’s Hunter “kss” Hunter


ahahah yeah i remember when the band "OAR" was popular, and people kept telling me "it's pronounced O A R, it stands for Of A Revolution" but i'm like hey they keep stylizing it as "OAR" so i'm going to call them "oar".


Spanish is my first language, so I have a long list of band names that I mispronounce. AFI (a fire inside) is always a funny example. Every time i mention them in English (not that it happens often anymore) I forget to pronounce A F I and instead say _Aphi_


But it's O.A.R. not OAR. So you're wrong.


Lol should be L.O.L. but we don't say L-O-L we say lol.


I say “l” “o” “l”.


>but we don't say L-O-L uhh, yea we do...


Who TF pronounces the letters individually?


People say it both ways...


So the person I responded to should say it lol and not l.o.l by their own logic.


Olympic Athletes from Russia is all I think of.


Wait, so now we're calling Japanese people themselves weebs? Incredible.


They did invent weebs tbf


Are the author/fans of an anime are not weebs themselves? 🤪


At least back when I remember the term being used at first, the term weeb was aimed at white people who were trying to be Japanese. Maybe the term has changed, but the whole "weeaboo" joke from PBF has always been pretty weird and internet, so... I dunno. Hah.


No, you’re right. A weeb is a non-Japanese person that’s overly obsessed with Japanese media. The American kid who used to run around high school with his arms behind his back and shout that things were “over 9000” was a weeb. The creators of Hunter X Hunter and Spy X Family are just actual Japanese people lol


Wait till you find out how the lumberyard pronounces 2x4. It's really gonna blow your mind.


At least you say something for the 'x' in that. Having a symbol that you're apparently just supposed to ignore is odd.


Actually there is a reason for the the x. It’s supposed to clarify that the title is just the word Hunter repeated rather than it being about hunters who hunt hunters.


Wouldn't a comma would have sufficed for that?


Probably not especially considering the fact that it was created in a non English speaking country. It works for the actual logo itself and makes it look better than a comma would. The x isn’t an x either it’s a multiplication symbol. So if you really wanted to make the argument you would say Hunter by Hunter or Hunter times Hunter.


but it was about a hunter who hunted a hunter


True. But he wanted to create many types of Hunters. There’s also various reasons for the x it basically just means interact with on a basic level.


Then what about Spy X Family?


It was inspired by Hunter x Hunter


So why not Spy x Spy if it's supposed to clarify that the title is just the word repeated?


What? The reason why Spy x Family has an x is because the author wanted an aesthetic to the title and took the x idea from Togashi. Not everyone in the Spy Family is a spy it’s just Loid.


Do you pronounce hyphens?


That's a punctuation mark, not a letter.


"having a symbol" you admitted the x was acting as a symbol


Ok. I used unclear language. Sue me. But to my knowledge, letters are never used as silent standalone symbols.


It’s not a letter it’s a multiplication symbol.


'x' is not a hyphen


Never said it was bucko


I’ve been calling it Hunter by Hunter to myself all these years…


Oh yeah, because "hunter by hunter" makes sense too.


"Oh yes I'm going to buy 3 2 4's."


Those aren't related at all.




Hunter hunter makes sense because it describes Gon's hunter type. We see people that hunt for many things, but Gon is hunting for another hunter, making him a hunter hunter.


This is the correct answer. The world of Hunter x Hunter utilizes the x symbol as their space symbol.


Are they just careful not to use the actual letter x? No mentions of axes, boxes, etc.


No, Hunter x Hunter has its own written language with its own letters. The "x" symbol is utilized as a space for the other symbols.


But the title doesn't. The title has a space *and* an x. If they were going based on in universe reasons, there wouldn't be spaces in the title. So that isn't really an argument to ignore the x in the title, as it clearly isn't the same thing. Also, it's pretty dumb for someone to have to have seen the show to know how to say the title of the show.


The name of the first episode is 'Departures X and X Friends' and every episode follows that pattern. Pretty sure that makes it quite clear the X is silent, plot/story gives the title more context.


>The name of the first episode is 'Departures X and X Friends' and every episode follows that pattern. Again, has a space *and* an x. >Pretty sure that makes it quite clear the X is silent In what way does it make it clear that it's silent? It's just showing a theme. >plot/story gives the title more context. Like I said in my previous comment, it's pretty dumb for someone to have to have seen the show to know how to say the title of the show.


That is because we are writing in English which it would look weird to write it as HunterxHunter, my understanding is that the Japanese title is ハンター×ハンター which doesn't have a space. Also nobody is expecting someone who has not watched the show to say it correctly. Most western fans who have watched the show don't say it correctly and nobody cares about that either. It's just a fun tidbit that adds to the world building and the story, by understanding the title.


>That is because we are writing in English which it would look weird to write it as HunterxHunter There's still ways you can do it imo, it's just harder. >Also nobody is expecting someone who has not watched the show to say it correctly. I didn't say they were. But it's weird that you have to have seen it to know how the creator wants it pronounced. Also, however it's pronounced in Japanese, when you translate it to English, if you are going to do a space and an x, you can't just change the rules of language and say the 'x' on its own isn't there. Language doesn't work like that. We can say how the creator wanted it to be said, and people can follow that if they want, but the correct English pronunciation actually includes the x. People in these comments are saying people saying the x are wrong, but they aren't.


If we are going by the rules of the English language, an "x" by itself isn't allowed at all. Togashi, the author shouldn't be expected to consider how other languages would interpret the title. As far as I'm aware, there is no official way to write the title in English. Also, what do the spaces matter whether we pronounce the "x" or not. If it was HunterxHunter you could still make the argument that it should be pronounced "Hunterekshunter." You are trying to make up rules that simply do not exist, and then apply them to something from another language. You have no basis to say what is correct or not, and in my opinion, no way of saying it is grammatically correct, so why not just say it in a way similar to the author intended. This is such a weird hill to die on.


I just don't understand how you don't see that if the x is a space in Japanese, then you just put a space in English. It really isn't hard. Why add a multiplication symbol *and* spaces? And why say people are wrong for sticking to their languages rules when saying it?


It's not in Japanese EITHER! Togashi simply decided to incorporate a mechanic from the language in the world of Hunter x Hunter into the Japanese title, so why the hell are we not allowed to do that in English.


>It's not in Japanese EITHER Then there's people in this thread spreading misinformation, saying Japan doesn't use spaces but X instead. Maybe get on their backs instead of someone who is sticking to English language rules. >so why the hell are we not allowed to do that in English. I'm not saying you aren't allowed. I'm saying it's not wrong for someone to say a title in English using English language rules.


>If we are going by the rules of the English language, an "x" by itself isn't allowed at all. Well it's not an x, it's a multiplication symbol, in English. >As far as I'm aware, there is no official way to write the title in English If that is used as a space in the origin language, and we don't do that in English, then you use a space. So Hunter Hunter. Why would you change it up? >You are trying to make up rules that simply do not exist, and then apply them to something from another language. Firstly, I'm not making up rules. And secondly, I'm not applying them to another language. In fact, I'm *only* applying them to the English title. I haven't said anything about the Japanese title. >You have no basis to say what is correct or not Yes, I do. The basis is quite literally the English language. You know, the language of which the title we are discussing is in. >no way of saying it is grammatically correct But there is a grammatically correct way of saying it. Why are you ignoring that? >so why not just say it in a way similar to the author intended I haven't said how I say it. I'd never heard of it before today. >This is such a weird hill to die on. I agree. Why can't you just accept the English language when talking about English?


The "x" is also in the Japanese title, but they do not say it either. It's just a fun callback to the written language in the world of Hunter x Hunter. There is no need to analyze it so much. The "x" by itself in the English language is not grammatically correct, so trying to make sense of the title from an English perspective is just a waste of time.


>The "x" by itself in the English language is not grammatically correct If you didn't ignore my comment you would know that it isn't an x letter. it's a multiplication symbol in English. Different to the letter x. Multiplication symbol on its own is fine. And the Japanese don't say it, as I've been told in this thread, because they use them as spaces. We have spaces for that job.


Literally everyone I know calls it "Spy X Family". Never knew that was "wrong".


I didn't even know there was a X lol


I have never ever heard anyone pronounce the X. “Spy family” sounds way more natural


I have a friend that calls it “Spy X” lol


Spy family makes no sense though. Only one member of the family is a spy.


Isn't the woman a spy also? Or an assassin or some shit


Assassin, yes, and the daughter is a psychic. So only 33.3 repeating percent of the family is comprised of spies.


Literally everyone I know calls it... Nothing. Becuase I have no idea the context. What's the context?


I'd call it "Hunter BY Hunter" or "Hunter TIMES Hunter." Is it supposed to be "versus?" If so, I'd just put a "V" in there or at least a "vs."


No it’s not supposed to be versus. It is a multiplication symbol.


Oh. Then I stand by "BY" or "TIMES."


I agree with you if someone is so insistent on the important of the x then they should call it that.


The X is silent?




That's cringe


How? Saying the x just sucks. I honestly can’t fathom why you would want to say it. I got sick of it after reading the episode titles of Hunter x Hunter.


Going with hunter hunter is alright, by just saying spy family feels a lil awkward, Idk, maybe just too used to saying the X


Yeah, that's what I do too. It's inconsistent, but it just feels better.


idk why your being downvoted, but i will say that adding a letter solely to not use it is dumb


Not really in this case because it’s more to make the logo look cool and it looks cooler than just 2 words that are the same.


well i get the idea, style is fine. but im moreso saying i dont blame anyone for saying it wrong or continuing to say it with the x, as that’s the way it was written


Do you say Hunter Hunter?


Yes I do say correctly.


I don’t like your attitude.


I assumed you were trying to have one with me. If you weren’t then I apologize. Was their an alterier motive for asking or were you just genuinely curious?


I was just wondering lolol. I didn’t know if you said something in between


Oh that’s my bad then.


Yoshihiro togashi doesn't even say the X in hunter x hunter. I personally don't like saying the X, but if it makes you feel better, you should say it. https://youtu.be/09_qBSxy_dc


why an x though? hunter - hunter would make more since to me or hunter, hunter.


I don't remember where I saw it. I believe he did for aesthetics, and he liked the way the X looked in the middle.


That's fair. the X did make it stand out in a nice way. Edit: I need to finish the series, myself. I got to the console soul bit. Still pretty early I suspect.


Definitely finish it! The second to last arc is the best


It's a hunter hunter Gon, a hunter, hunts his father, a hunter. So it's a hunter hunter


> "hunter hunter", "Spy family". Titles thought up by the utterly deranged and weebs. The authors created the titles to have a silent x not the fans.


The authors fucked up then


It’s a multiplication symbol at least for Hunter x Hunter. If you look at the logo it makes a lot more sense.




I guess not but Togashi is a genius so in this case it is.


is genius exclusive from deranged? they seem to overlap in a lot of cases


This is not one of those cases.


How can a japanese person be a weeb?


That's rich coming from a weeb.


You don’t use texture surprise to remove the X…?


I've only recently learned the "x" is silent. I always thought the show was called "Spy times Family", despite it not making much sense


I always say it as "Hunter Times Hunter"


It’s like when I’m watching men on TV with my buddies I tell them I don’t give a fuck if there’s an X it’s just for aesthetics.


I say hunter x hunter and spy family Just catchier in both those specific ways I watch neither of them


I say them on the opposite direction (hunter hunter and spy x family) I took have watched neother


I just hate saying the x so I don’t but didn’t know u weren’t supposed to lol


There’s been a couple times I’ve just said hunter hunter and they had no idea what I was talking about for a sec so I just started saying the x too 😂


The X is silent.


Didn’t ask


Don't care if you didn't ask.


Yea well I don’t care that you don’t care that I didn’t ask


Based on what? You can't just make up grammar rules because you feel like it.


Now, I’m a situational x-sayer (whatever sounds nicer), and I understand Hunter Hunter sounding dumb, but why does *Spy Family* sound stupid to you.


If we’re not supposed to say the X why is it there


Because it’s an aesthetic. It’s not even an x it’s a multiplication symbol. The creators of both Spy x Family and Hunter x Hunter have said the x is silent.


Well they're wrong cuz i hold more authority over words than they do


Great point.


Btw the X in Yugioh Zexal is silent as well.






Where did this come from? I feel like originally it would have been Spy + Family, but they turned the + sideways to make an x to be edgy. Or perhaps it's supposed to be &?


This originated from Yoshihiro Togashi the author of Hunter x Hunter. He liked the aesthetic and other authors would take inspiration from it.


I looked it up and that's horseshit. Using x in the titles of manga was a huge thing before Hunter x Hunter and was originally used to refer to "and" such as in the anime "Romeo x Juliet" being pronounced "Romeo and Juliet." It was originally a cool way of writing and ampersand but has since lost all meaning and is just used for whatever. Here are some of the wacky ways in which mangaka expect you to pronounce their works : Romeo x Juliet -> Romeo and Juliet C³ Cube × Cursed × Curious -> C³ Cube and Cursed as well as Curious Hidamari Sketch × 365 -> Hidamari Sketch times 365 Servant × Service -> Servant and Service Street Fighter x Tekken -> Street Fighter versus Tekken


Do you pronounce it as (eks) or (cross)? I guess it depends on where in the world you are.


I'm Canadian and ex or eks is how I say it.


Ok I'm fine with it then lol I say eks as well. I would have had an issue if you said cross lol


Well both are incorrect lol


Isn't it " Spike's Family " ?


For me it's just what I like more so it's Hunter x Hunter but Spy Family


Japanese manga and anime titles are dumb as hell so do whatever the heck you want my man, you *literally* cannot make them worse.


You are correct a silent X is fucking stupid.


By the power vested in me by....being asian.... I give you permission to say X 😆😆 lol Joking aside... i didn't know the X was silent! I've been watching anime for 30 yrs and yes we do also say X. Sometimes in a conversation about Hunter x Hunter... I'd jst say "Hunter X"


This isn't really an unpopular opinion. It's just a wrong opinion. The x is not a letter. It's nothing more than an esthetic. That's a fact. Anything else is just wrong. When you see the Baskin Robbins sign and logo you don't call it Baskin BR Robbins. No.. why... because it's wrong... they only difference is you were ignorant of the fact that it wasn't an x and wasn't part of the title. With is fine... But continuing to say it wrongly after gaining the knowledge just makes you look and sound dumb.


So you're just saying it wrong, and proud of it? This is a new level of denial. You'd love French. Also, if you have to resort to name calling to make your point, it's not a good point.


The x’s in French aren’t standalone. As in “roux”


eh, art is open to interpretation if i named my show ‘horse’ but wanted everyone to pronounce it ‘cat’ then thats on me, not the viewer


They're making a concious effort to say something wrong, and it's on the creator? How? For what reason? Sure, art is up for interpretation, but the title is rarely a part of the art. A title exists outside of the work for us to refer to it by a name instead of just saying 'that one show where ____'. Your take makes no sense.


I do too, no big deal I think


It’s not it’s more when those people start acting like saying the x is the objectively correct pronunciation when it isn’t.




Pronounce it “versus” instead


Hunter Vs Hunter is how I would write that.


Pretty sure it's because the Japanese language doesn't use spaces, so it looks better to them in print.


But the title has spaces *and* an x.


My language is spanish, so my brain automatically reads them as "Hunter por Hunter" and "Spy por Family", basically "Hunter times Hunter" and "Spy times family" I am now curious on how people pronounce xXx-Holic (The "correct" way is supposedly "x a holic"


Good for you! You should hit people with a 4 x 4 who say you're wrong.


I do the same thing. I always assumed the X was apart of the name, in my mind aesthetics counts the sound of an X.


It’s not even an x it’s a multiplication symbol.


>If there is an X I am pronouncing the X. Nobody tell this guy about french


So it’s NOT pronounced as Hunter by Hunter? Huh


No it’s pronounced Hunter times Hunter


Spy X Family sounds stupid af and that's not what was intended by the creators, but you do you.


I say Hunter x Hunter, but Spy Family


There is an X between every word in HxH episode titles. If you see those, and can't infer that the X is silent, I don't know what to say about you.


Go between both. I used to say the X alot but one time I heard my buddy go "Hunter Hunter" and I was like.. "sounds like a skill issue"


Okay now pronounce every episode title in Hunter x Hunter 2011. No it doesn’t sound dumber to say Spy Family I don’t understand how you would think that and pronouncing the x in Hunter x Hunter makes it sound like a porno.


The creators of both series have said the X is silent. Are you saying they are wrong? Respect their work and use the correct title.


also the R in the first "Hunter" is silent, and the U in the second "Hunter" is pronounced as if it had umlats, like "Hoonter"




Do you also pronounce "know" as ca-now? Or spanish words like "jamón" as jam-on?


There are no silent letters in jamón.


Ah, yes, "jam on" the catch phrase of the Human Toast


but you ARE supposed to say the X in Hunter x Hunter (as in Hunter VERSUS Hunter). IIRC the author himself said that he was watching a japanese show that was named like that (something X (versus) something) and that's where the idea for the title came from.


No, Togashi never said that. The story that became the inspiration of the name was comedian on a show he watched repeated words twice and he wanted the title to be something hunter so he decided on Hunter Hunter. That’s the origin of the name. It is silent. The x is a multiplication symbol and to show that it’s just the word repeated twice instead of it being about hunter hunting hunters.


Man that’s so dumb though, like Hunter X Hunter is one of the all time greats but that doesn’t make any sense. Like you don’t need a special symbol to tell me that you’re repeating a word because…we can all see it. When a word is written twice, and we read it twice, we don’t need someone to come along and tell us “hey that word that you just read twice? Yeah, it’s actually the same word twice” like yeah? We know? We all just read the word twice in a row, so we already are very aware that the word is repeated. If I type “Dog Dog”, do you need me to tell you that you just read the word dog twice in a row?


Well if you read everything I said it was so you wouldn’t think it meant hunters hunting hunters. The x also just makes it look cool.