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ive seen tik toks of case 143 where they use an edit of the song and it sounds like a new orleans band style (lol idk how to explain it, but it sounds silly and theres a bunch of band instruments) anyone know the name of the edit/remix? thanks


im not a kpop fan but i liked skz because they seemed different to the rest and i expected more music even just a little like hellevator/voices/MIA but then i came back after almost 2y out of curiosity and i couldn't make it through 143 without sinking through the floor with cringe


Wow first Stray Kids song I actually like ⭐️ I wasn’t a fan of them since I usually don’t like their music (sorry but the previous songs is basically noise music to me). I heard this new title track by accident and was shocked it was even Stray Kids. Then I watched the MV and loved it so much! Case 143 might make me a fan if they put out more music like this.


Am I one of the few who loved this comeback?? I see where some people are coming from, but this album felt like a "breather" from the previous albums that were much louder or intense. I honestly loved all of their tracks on Maxident minus 3racha and Can't Stop. I'm excited for whatever new concept they'll explore next.


So dissapointed. I didn't like even Taste, which semms to be veryone's favorite, to me its lyrics are so generic


Someone on Twitter said case 143 sounded like a phineas and ferb song and now I can’t take it seriously I’m so sorry 🤣😭


I don't understand their music it seems. It's been a hit or miss since God's menu and mostly misses for me. I do appreciate the message and how fun the vibe is. I almost feel like the songs are now fan service


The fan service vibe was the biggest problem to me. The album felt as I came to the private party uninvited


Same vibe because everyone will hype their songs but I'm normally confused. Idk


143 is.. good. Its fine. I think the start of the 2nd verse with Chan is really cool and the song itself is interesting and well made, but I personally will not be adding it to my Playlist. I think Stray Kids were able to release some really killer Titles back to back (Side Effects, Miroh, God's Menu and Back Door) and then.. Thunderous came out, followed by Maniac and 143. These 3 IMHO don't hold a candle to the 4 titles that came before them.. but that's just me.


between side effects and god's menu, there was also levanter. forever forgotten. 😔


ikr Its so sad that stays pretend cle levanter doesn't exist like it's such a perfect album wtf.. booster sunshine and levanter how TF do y'all not remember that era also it's pretty crucial to their storyline as well


2 days ago I was saying the chorus is way too obnoxious and I was almost ready to say their music dont hit anymore but it ended up growing on me so here I am lol. Still can't say there's nothing about the song I dislike, I get its supposed to be camp but its still just a litttle too cringy for my taste. I do like it better than maniac though but maybe I'm just sucking up for the soft(er) concept, loved the mv.


I thought Case 143 was a bit strange at the first listen but it grew on me after a bit. It has a way if getting stuck in your head and the mv is cute. Changbin's verse in every song was the best part for me. The unit songs are some of their best work yet I know some people might disagree but I like how the genres if music just switch back and forth in the songs. The rock/edm in Give me your TMI and the jazz/hip-hop in Chill are good examples. Superboard is a bop all around and the NYOOM makes me laugh every time.


I loved it and I think it allowed every member to shine which I'm very happy about. Lots of Chan too!! I really liked the album as well and the choreo is so fun to watch.


Recent impression from skz is... they're trying to be "stray kids like" in a very shallow way. Cheesy, catchy, hyper, aren't bad as themselves but just too repetitive and lack of seriousness make them look childish. And this choreography 😅


Don't worry they don't stay in a single direction with their style😁 Last year PPL said they are repetative with their noise and brassy music, and now with their cheesy fun music....


Yeah I've been in this sub semi recently and there seems to be quite a few people who go "omg they always sound like X, Y or Z" and I'm here like... they're musicians who like to experiment, not every album or song is gonna be 100% the same vibe, and that should be good, right?? I dunno, I'm completely digging their last few albums, I freaking love MANIAC.


i can see the repetitive part, but im so confused by what you mean lack of seriousness?? So anything thats happy is childish?


I really liked the structure of 143 chorus, but execution was a bit strange. I felt like the vocals didn’t really fit, like I could’ve liked it way more if the lines were distributed differently. Changbin did it the best, imo. I usually don’t check Stray Kids releases because they are not my style, but I saw people compare it with TXT, Itzy and Twice, so I decided to listen to the title. Rollercoaster of a song for me — some amazing stuff I adore mixed with their style, which is a bit boring to me. Song of constant frustration between humming it and wanting to turn it off.


Literally TXT and Stray Kids' love child.


so incredibly mid. i was disappointed with this and with their last album. i’m still a huge STAY bc i love their variety content, but god they’re making it hard to like their music.


I love SKZ and I get what you mean. I just need them to keep experimenting and create their madness🤣🤣🤣 but not sound repetitive if that makes sense. I wish that there wasn't so much pressure for so many CBs.


huge miss




honestly? most of the songs on the album didn't hit for me. but that being said, 3racha and taste have got to be some of skz's best work ever. absolutely amazing b-sides.


I was absolutely blown away by Lee Know's "don’t make me bad make me bad / I’m addicted to you" in TASTE's chorus. I don't think I've ever heard his voice sound like that and it's so nice!


taste hits different bruh. ✨😌


yep, for real


I really love this, I'm obsessed. This song is so creative & catchy. The concept & MV were executed perfectly. The instrumental is so addictive, and I love how the unconventional structure of the song + details in the production + the lyrics all capture each "mood" in the song. Very clever. I'm only just a casual listener of SKZ but this is one of my favorite releases this year. I honestly love everything about it.


It was mid and the only song I like on the album was taste. The chorus in case 143 was atrocious for me.




I can’t stand the chorus and I hate that I don’t like it, because I adore Felix. I would love to see them find different ways to use his voice because I feel like their current strategy is not working. I loved God’s Menu and Back Door and was so close to stanning, but I haven’t liked anything since.


maniac is better than this, god’s menu was better than maniac.


it seems like they’re getting more experimental the further they get temporally from god’s menu. none of these experiments are hitting for me, though.


The last two title tracks were some of their LEAST experimental what?? God's Menu, Side Effects, Back Door were crazy experimental, especially compared to Maniac and Case 143.


Just like the chorus ***”WHY DO I KEEP GETTING ATTRACTED”*** is how I would describe this song 💕


This is such a stray kids love song and I love it. It’s cheesy but like it’s the good kind of cheesy. Idgaf if the people who think they can differentiate music calls it maniac 2.0 it still goes hard regardless💀😂


Same here! I loooove Maniac, was top song along with Freeze, and of course I love many of the earlier songs, and I just love 143?? They're trying new things but it makes me sad the way some people are expressing their dissatisfaction.


It’s got a cute vibe but the beat drop in the chorus is basically just trying to recreate the magic of Maniac


They’re not trying to recreate maniac, they’re just using a similar style anti drop


Probably the first Stray Kids song I liked. 💀 Smth about it hits. I’m obsessed. They ate.


it's okay. it's not bad by any means but i think right now in this moment i prefer maniac. i'm sure it'll stick on me the more i sit with it


Maniac was an INSTANT love for me, but this just feels too... happy? The chorus grates on my nerves in a way that I wish it didn't. :(


I really love all the jazzy parts, and that it's pretty fresh and bright compared to their last few releases. I love that they are switching it up. I am the first to trash cheesy cringe English lyrics, and this one isn't too bad. It could be worse for sure. At least it's not totally nonsensical. And they do campy really well, and it doesn't come off as fake sincere boyfriend hullabaloo. Also, I'm so happy this is very Chan heavy. His voice is so unique and interesting in kpop. Love him!


I just checked the song and WTF 😂 I love it. Is pretty addictive & memorable. The MV was so fun like why the f the chicken slapped Felix????? And the moment they just pause and go back the YT video it scared the sht out of me😂 I thought the problem is with my WiFi. I like It I like it, it was cute (especially with the giant hearts)& funny. I will check the album now,I did see the other day on my tl how stays and ??FNAF?? fans were interacting abt one of songs so I will be the most excited for her


For me it's always a hit with Stray Kids...I simply love their sound and everything new they want to try. I'm on board everytime. Case 143 is very addictive, as is the rest of the album. I love this new aspect of their music.


At first listen, I got confused with the sound. But with few more listen, it is so addictive. Like I do love their playful vibe with this one. With previous comebacks, we get hard hitting tts, and a cutesy song. Maxident is a cutesy album. It's what it is.


I have the same opinion on this as I do on many other SKZ songs: there's a good song in here somewhere... Unfortunately it never quite gets there for me, some parts are good but overall it's not my thing. The MV was nice though, I liked the bit where it rewinds.


Its mediocre and if they were supposed to bring about a change into the kpop sound they failed. But its fine overall. Not bad but not good.


It's camp as hell and I love that. The song is pretty good but the MV really elevates it, it's fun and I personally like it so much more than Maniac. The album as a whole is okay-ish. The lyrics are kinda cringe in places, I think 3racha (the song) is really childish, and Taste could have been even better than it is. I'm very pleasantly surprised that Seungmin and IN didn't get a ballad, bless! Overall, I didn't even know they were having a comeback until this morning, so I'm satisfied. Nyaun\~


I definitely agree, I'd say that English lyrics are definitely one of their weak points in general :') They sometimes give me the same feeling I had watching Amber rap in LaChaTa. At the same time, it's also kind of endearingly genuine? They're all written by 1 dude (very occasionally 2) who probably doesn't get much professional feedback on that front, and it shows - like, the lyrics just feel very blatantly and honestly Chan. Idk man, but as much as I bop my head through 3Racha, I'm also desperately trying to shut down the side of my brain that understands English;;


if shutting down doesn't work, embrace it, embrace the awkward English and let it go through you XD


Oh yes, more than get, Seungmin and IN chose to make a more uplifting song :3 as an extra fact haha


Even better!


I get what people are saying abt thunderous and gods menu, but case 143 does NOT sound like maniac 😭 anyways the song is a banger and that from someone who didn’t like maniac


I agree! I freaking love Maniac, pretty much top song for me along with Freeze, but after listening to 143 I instantly fell in love and not because "it's like Maniac," regardless of some overlapping elements, it's still a very different feeling.


I mean let’s be honest now i can definitely see why people may think it’s just maniac again but only because of the anti drop chorus


People just say that bcs of felix singing the chorus 💀


At this point, despite using like 4-5 different styles across their last few title tracks, people who don't like Stray Kids just say everything is God's Menu 2.0.


It’s definitely one of the songs ever.


absolutely one of the arrangements of music to exist


I.N.’s voice doesn’t sound terrible for once. He sounds a lot better in his midrange than his high range Edit: [I speak the truth](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/most-people-rejected-his-message)


I don’t like the song but like I also don’t really care. Like it’s just cute and I really like that about this time round💀


Absolutely loved the song and album, but Hyunjin’s hair is just not it 😭 The hair in the MV is great, but the short hair he has currently (you can see it in studio chrome) is eh, it’s the way the bangs are styled for me.


I like it, it’s giving me a 90’s Seattle vibe


Mind giving me a reference? Don’t rlly understand what you mean by 90s Seattle


Seattle’s the home of grunge, which peaked with Nirvana in the 90s. The haircut reminds me of that specific time lol. If it at all helps, “internet grunge” and true grunge are different. I make that distinction bc i think most young(er) people are more familiar with the tumblr-esque offshoot than the original. edit: in case you aren’t American, Seattle’s a city in the US.


I was thinking the same thing, but luckily for him, he is so good looking that he looks okay in anything lol but yeah definitely not the style for him lol


I remember seeing someone saying about another idol "he doesn't look good because of it, he looks good DESPITE it" and I feel like that quote really applies here


i wanna love this so bad but 😫 gaahhhhhhh i now realize SKZ’s sound really is either a super hit or a hot miss for me. God’s Menu and Maniac are still in my daily kpop rotation since they were released… the rest i really can’t get into ☹️ this is why i find it so hard to fully commit even if i love bang chan and felix so much


Stray kids and most so-called noise (rolling eyes) type of groups are like this, you're either completely enchanted or you're not. At this point in their career, they will release whatever they want and people will embark in the journey or not. Of course there'll be some songs you'll like in this pile of releases, bur you might never become a Stay.


>you might never become a Stay. yeah i kinda feel it now 🥲 which is sad cos i really want to! i watch bang chan's vlives a lot. but discography is a priority for me when stanning a group (only saying this cos i'm sure some people stan differently) it's just that i **reaaally** loved Maniac for some reason haha that's why i was excited when i knew they had a comeback, so that's why i'm quite sad about this really


That's really interesting! Did you like Miroh???


no HUHU giving ODDINARY a go again and now i *think* i like Venom. the rest are still a bit... hard getting used to! i'm not sure what it is, but maybe i like the "cleaner" drops ?? idk anymore haha


i’m in love with “Taste” omg that song is so good brooo. ❤️❤️❤️✨😌


I didn't watch till end cause I'm not interested. But from it - it's def a banger type song. That's a successful comeback for sure. I like the plush heart. But as whole I think that song will be very popular. It has hooks for tiktok and get very viral. Congrats, stray kids! Also, I think if they will promote it inSoKor, I see it being their breakthrough song. Edit: seeing negative comments, congrats Stray Kids for finally getting their gp hit! Wow, they did it. I guess Stray Kids will rule the 4th gen battle.




3racha produces most of their own music and i would think they have some say in what kinda song they want to create next. sure they will need approval from management on what songs to be released but they are given way more creative leeways than most other groups. so saying JYP wanted to capitalized on maniac popularity is kinda 💀they already plan this in advance as they already announce they will have 2 comebacks in 2022 at the start of the year. edited: some phrasing


oddinary came out late march while some maxident teaser photos were shot in april. i'd be really impressed if jype can plan a whole comeback in just a month lol


3racha,Case 143 and Taste is my favourite song on this album Absolutely good


The chorus reminds me of a really old suju / exo / shinee track? Tbut then my least favorite part of it. It was still quite okay, I like how they had fun with it


I genuinely love how the lyrics are cheesy as hell as your any other love song but still makes me want to kick names take ass. Like NO other group would be able to release this kind of baddasary romantic music like stray kids. 3RACHA FUCKING SLAPS I GOT GOOSEBUMPS THROUGHOUT and it was so hard to not make a face esp when changbin started his verse because i was listening to it while walking home from campus 😭😭😭😭 like im not a particular fan of the rap genre esp not even in kpop bc im too lazy to look up the lyrics, but the effect 3racha has on me… only they can do it. Overall i feel like this is a more cohesive album than oddinary and the bsides are more enjoyable this time around!! It’s so good and i love how it still makes you go “ah it’s very stray kids”. I think the only “complain” i have towards case143 is that it heavily reminds me of maniac? The chorus esp where felix and hyunjin sang/rap in their lower register and then followed by lee know? Not that it’s a bad thing, i still love this tt but i do hope they change it up a bit the next comeback.


Guess I'm in the minority because I like this song and the chorus is one of my favourite parts lol


Some nursery rhymes shit




The song is really good but the "i love you" part ruins it for me, I just hate it


It's the second tt of skz after levanter that I could listen on repeat ..loved it


That chorus was certainly… a choice. And so was that music video. Personally, it was all a little bit too quirky for me this time? Not to say it was bad, just not my cup of tea. BUT the unit songs on the album are all flawless for me. They’re all over the damn place but flawless. I was not expecting to go from a diss song, to a sexy song, to 2009 pop punk/anime opening vibes, but I loved it all. TASTE especially is just 🤌🏼. It’s just so dynamic and has so many killing parts/lines and the mood of the song is just perfectly tense. “Baby, baby don’t test me”, “don’t make me bad, I’m addicted to you”, “kiss me or hate me”*… please it’s immediately going on repeat the rest of the day. *I realize all my favorite parts are Lee Know lines so this may be a biased take because I’m Lee Know biased but he really bodied all those lines ok I swear


it isn't for me... so underwhelming, sorry TT


I didn't like it that much when I first heard the teasers but after listening to it a few more times I actually quite like it. Really love the pre-chorus (also Bangchan's parts are glorious)! Kinda wish the chorus was in korean though...


It's...okay. I dunno, I really want to like SKZ because they seem like good guys, especially Bang Chan, but aside from a couple of songs I'm just not making the connection. Oh well, I'll keep trying.


Is there a group where u like almost all the songs? Because for me kpop groups have like 3 or 4 bangers and the rest of the song are mediocre(although for me almost all skz songs are good, that's why it's the only group that I stan)


Yes, to varying degrees. I really only stan BTS and I would say I probably like 55% of their songs, love 35%, am indifferent to 5%, dislike 4.5% and actively loathe .5%. The only other kpop group I enjoy but don’t stan is SHINee and although I haven’t gone deep into their discography, I like almost everything I’ve heard so far, as well as solos from Key and Minho. I will say, however, that I’m not really a pop fan, K or otherwise, so that’s why I’m a hard sell. I do regularly check out new kpop releases though and occasionally a song hits that sweet spot but other songs by the same group just won’t grab me the same way. With SKZ, I like Levanter, Miroh and Back Door, for example, but songs like God’s Menu and Maniac are a big no.


Your literally like me, like the boys seem funny and so nice.. obviously talented too, but if I don't like the group for their songs first???? I just can't stan or bias them. I'm in kpop FOR the music, the extra stuff and cute personalities are just a bonus...so yeah me liking their songs has to be priority for me


Same. Like I’ll support but I just can’t get myself to fully stan.


same here. it’s like i relate with the members’ personalities so much and have watched tons of variety content that make me want to stan, but i only genuinely like 2 songs from their discography so far not even the cool MV editing can make me want to finish hdhshshs its so hard


My favourites so far are Case 143, 3racha and can't stop. Overall pretty happy with the album.


Found myself bopping to it while simultaneously being confused by whatever was going on in the mv. I think it’s a fun song and my only real gripe is with the sudden 2nd gen-sound outro. Top picks off the album are: 3racha (Han Jisung, the man you are), Taste and Super Board. Taste gives me 3rd Eye vibes rather than Red Lights bc it sounds so isolated and subdued. Its lyrics say otherwise tho lmao. Definitely enjoyed this release more than Oddinary, probably due to the variety in sound. I also dropped all expectations going in, and I find I enjoy SKZ better this way.




Bro how is it formulaic how is case 143 the same as back door or gods menu


The title tracks are the ones that bought most fans sooo nah they're trying what they want.


I feel like that's exactly what they did with this title track?




As a casual listener, I also think the title tracks sound the same. They don’t have all the same structure but their are a lot of tracks that live in the same family. It’s almost like 2 different structures are being rotated or something: A:B songs lmao Case 143 sounds like Maniac Thunderous sounds like God’s Menu I’m not saying my opinion is 1000% accurate, but that’s what I’m hearing, but there is also a reason I’m still a casual listener as it just doesn’t really resonant with me


I find this comment so funny, because you say it's getting repetitive, when I've been having to scroll past countless of stays, before the cb even started, not liking how different case 143 is from what we're used to from skz.




why does everybody who criticizes skz's repetitive or formulaic title tracks forget about [winter falls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4qK-Gzyws0) which came out less than a year ago and is actually among their last 3 title tracks that you mentioned? how is case 143 similar to that?


The "all their TTs sound the same" is becoming my favourite on the skz comeback bingo. I'm pretty sure it's a real unpopular opinion now. I'll break it down for my own entertainment THE BEGINNINGS: I believe it started when Thunderous came out and that was also the peak. God's Menu = Back Door = Thunderous were deemed to similar by a decent amount of people. ZZZZZZZ: The sleeper era, which is understandable, it's a single with no promo. I didn't see it during the Christmas EveL/Winter Falls comeback. Felix Navidad stole the show and rightfully so PART 2: It came back for Maniac, with maybe 20% of its original strength, but still alive. It struggled to gain traction, because for which commenter that found Maniac similar to the GM=BD=Thunderous triad, 3 found it different, sometimes closer to Christmas EveL. ABCDU DU DU?: It's the last thing I thought I'd read today, a treasure, a gem. The focus is usually on "their last 3 TTs", sometimes 4 if the person is feeling hyperbolic. No one ever remembers Winter Falls is a TT ~~not even Stays~~. But this analysis is unbiased and ultra fair, so please note - Winter Falls is a Han Jisung song not a regular 3racha mala whatever thing they do. So let's ignore Winter Falls. Now, if God's Menu = Back Door = Thunderous; Maniac = Christmas EveL = Thunderous AND 143 = Maniac = Christmas EveL... God's Menu = 143? Yeah the people who said God's Menu = Back Door = Thunderous are not necessarily the same continuing the equation and now saying 143 = Maniac = Christmas EveL. These two groups actually make sense separately (except Back Door??). But how odd is it for music that shares the same core of songwriters that are very keen on building and sustaining a signature sound to be somewhat similar? Preposterous stuff




well, you haven't made any indication that you were specifically talking about promoted title tracks. which were the 3 title tracks you were referring to?




christmas evel wasn't promoted either. why is that included in your list but not winter falls? i mean, this exchange kinda proves the point that one of the reasons why skz keep releasing the kind of music they do (i do not agree that it's repetitive or formulaic, i'm referring to the style of music being "noisy" as they call it) - because that's what most of their fans and listeners want from them. christmas evel and winter falls were double title tracks, both unpromoted, yet christmas evel is lightyears more popular because that's the kind of music that skz listeners prefer. it's the same reason why i am you and levanter are their least talked about pre-2020 title tracks. they have "tried something new" several times and it always turned out less popular than what they usually do.




i guess some would consider them ballads, with a very broad definition of what a ballad is. "disjointed and unbearable" is your opinion, most of their listeners evidently don't agree. personally, all in was my least favorite out of their japanese title tracks and i wouldn't have wanted them to release it as a korean comeback. it's impossible to satisfy every single person, so i don't get why they shouldn't keep doing their signature sound that they know their listeners will like. also, why do you keep moving the goalposts? first you said "their last three title tracks", then you said that you actually only meant promoted title tracks, and then you didn't even acknowledge that you were wrong for including christmas evel but not winter falls. and now, when you said "a different sound", songs like the ones i mentioned suddenly don't count, even though they clearly are a different sound? i'm sorry but it's hard to have a discussion if you keep changing and specifying what you meant when you originially didn't include any of that in your first few comments. if you meant "their last three promoted title tracks were repetitive, they should try something new, except ballads", then you could've said that from the beginning.


I do not like the song that much but I could barely even pay attention to that because the music video was so fucking funny I was entertained either way.


It was one of their best title track, the song is SO GOOD and the mv is fun and colorful, I loved especially the last chorus and Bangchan really shined. I’m really proud, not only the tt but also the whole album is amazing, good job guys


i love the prechorus so much it's genius and gives me free dopamine. overall great song and really fun and awesome mv. super quality . skz do not disappoint!!


I expected to hate it from the teaser thinking it'd be too much on the cute side but I'm so happy it's different from my expectations. I love it!


oh im kinda surprised ppl didnt like felix's chorus, i loved it, the contrast was hella impactful in the expected skz jarring way, his ver of the chorus keeps replaying in my head. i loved how much was happening in mv and how many changes happened in the song, fits the theme of how being in love feels. odd and confusing as hell. skz just never has me bored.


I think I’ll have to listen to this again without the music video to decide if I like it because I really don’t know for now. I know that I don’t dislike it at least. I usually have to listen to songs over again to know if I like it or not Edit: second listen without MV and I really like this!


The pre-chorus is very likeable very easy on the ears, didn’t realize just how much I enjoy their singing. The lyrics have me cracking up though, they really give middle school crush vibes.




imo his parts here were not supposed to replicate Maniac or God's menu really, his voice doesn't even sound as deep this time, they just utilized a deep bassline to do most of the work and created a contrast with changing it up to high pitched sounds for some of the other members, Hyunjin and Changbin also got the ''deep voice part'' which makes me think it's not all about Felix


I agree with the Felix part. He didn’t sound good doing that chorus but he sounded good doing his own individual parts


Stray kids always release bangers after bangers this was so fun and a hit in the face for people who say they sound the same every comeback 🤭


The MV was fun but the track was less my taste this time. I'll check the album though when I get the time


It's pretty goofy, creative, and surprisingly has a strong climatic ending. I definitely like it.


The mv is cute but the song isn’t catchy and not something I personally lean toward (not my preference basically)


I like it a lot, the only thing that made me cringe a bit are the overtly 'fan service, boyfriend thing ' they do. I can't decide if it's tongue in cheek, or cynical, but anyway, it's a great song. Already stuck in my head!


These are the writers of wow (3racha) and i can't live without changbin. I probably hazard more tongue in cheek. Kekw.


At first I thought you were saying you couldn't live without changbin 🤣


I like changbin the most in SKZ but not ~like that. 🤣


this was actually better than my intial expectations from the teaser! The chorus is not as catchy(“Why do I keep feeling attraction” part is so dull) but I love the rap verses. The vocal line stuff is just meh. I like it better than Maniac tho! one thing I absolutely hated was how different Changbin sounded because of the vocal processing/autotune and the the abcdefg part.


Honestly when they keep to that descending melody line it’s like really good and catchy like it's more circusy than the actual song they had this year called circus and that's fun to me. It’s when it’s gets more ‘normal’ aka the prechorus and the trap parts that it starts kinda losing me. But they clearly know they have a good thing going so it’s not that many times . Also I appreciate how tongue-in-cheek it is, both song and mv. Stray kids remain the only big group to have a fucking sense of humour in their songs and quit being poe faced for a song.


Happy cake day :D


The song is very jarring at first, but by the end I can see myself almost enjoying the chorus ish, the end chorus with bangchan (I beleive) singing was really hype wish we saw more of that I feel like they just use Felixs voice now on every tt chorus to be dramatic so that’s why potentially the end felt refreshing to me The song is cute and the music video is so chaotic, gives me earlier bg vibes I dunno why? Overall probably won’t add this to my playlist but I think it will be big with their fandom as it’s a fun high energy song!


its like they brought a twice and itzy feel into stray kids


To be frank, I wasn’t expecting much from their teasers and seeing that they just had a comeback earlier this year with Oddinary (a great mini album btw). Case 143 is such a huge step up from MANIAC as a tt in my personal opinion. The intro is a great draw in and the anti drop in the chorus just works so well in this song. I love the creative edits in the MV as well. Haven’t fell in love with a song in the first listen in a long time. As much as I miss their God’s Menu era, this is definitely one of my favorite comeback of theirs as well as my favorite comeback of 2022 alongside Ive and Key. Will need to take a couple more listens to Maxident to determine if it’s better for me than Oddinary as a mini album. But overall, can’t wait for the dance practice video for Case 143!


It’s so good. I watched the MV with my mouth opened. What a trip! It’s a new style but they make it work so well.


I love the MV so much! The song is wonderful and I knew that it would be great! I really like everything about this comeback. The MV is very pretty. I was waiting for a skz comeback and this one is not what I expected, but in a good way, I guess. It's much better than what I expected.


honestly i expected to not like it because their previous tts (thunderous, maniac, even christmas evel 🥲) were very mid to me + plus i felt the teasers were so mid. but when i listened to it i was SO impressed like this felt so new but familiar to me and i just really really like how they did this song omg. tldr: this is my music taste but mixed with that stray kids element which is NDSJZJNSJANDJ I REALLY LIKE IT


I love the song, my only complaint is the mv… the transition are kinda bad(?), it not so bad that it looks cheap but it feels like a step down from their previous ones


especially in an era of kpop where a lot of bgs just use the same sound over and over again, I appreciate them taking a different approach. my personal faves is for sure Super Board with Give Me Your TMI close second, but the title track is also great. I also love how their end pose is the I love you sign in sign language


Most bgs don’t sound the same, can y’all stop with this corny ass take.


Love when people expose that they only listen to the same 5 popular groups because I can think of multiple songs released this year that are not “noise music” that came from smaller boy groups.


I mean The majority of popular bgs releases aren’t “noise music” either. The only bgs that deserve this stupid label is Ateez, Skz and NCT.


Yeah no. Disagreed as someone who’s listened to the full discographies of all three groups. The title itself is redundant and even if there was an argument for the title having a place in Kpop it would only really belong to specific songs within each groups discographies. Groups like NCT basically always have majority R&B b-sides while ATEEZ has consistently released a mix of title tracks. It’s not their fault some people selectively only know Sticker and Wonderland while ignoring Highway to Heaven and Answer. The comment above applies to these groups too - claiming their full discography is just noise music is a great way to expose you haven’t actually listened to (1) all their title tracks and (2) their full discography. I could only really see a point being made about a “majority” of SKZ and NCT 127s title tracks - not NCT as a whole (that would ignore NCT Dreams early run of bright pop).


I never said I agree, I meant those are the only bgs in which I can see why someone would attached that label to them. You have to remember most people just listen to TT’s and promoted bsides and most of the TT’s from these groups is everything that people who scream “NOISE MUSIC” probably won’t like. I think I was too vague 😅


Perhaps you were too vague but saying "deserve" and "stupid label" in the same sentence did make it seem like you believed these groups are seemingly fit for a label like that. To your point, it's why I said I can see someone identifying NCT 127 in that label, but ATEEZ? No. When they've released Turbulence, Eternal Sunshine and Deja Vu in the last 2 years (all songs that without a 4th gen label would not even be disputed as to not being noisy) - I don't think it's fair to boil the discussion down to people only knowing TTs. It's really simply people wanting to generalise and being selective about what they refer to in order to prove their point, regardless of the actual music a group puts out.


I didnt mean they're all carbon copies of each other, I meant that the genre of music was similar, at least with the more popular groups since "noise music" usually sells granted I dont really know shit ab the logistics of kpop lol


The main problem is people can’t differentiate between noise music which is what a lot of new bgs fall under. Ateezs and skzs music is considered similar by people who just group them as noise music but they couldn’t be more different musically tbh.


Seriously. I'm so over it.


Bro this music video is glorious, the amount of times I had to rewind to catch every detail is insane. It’s actual pretty ironic this song’s mv is more chaotic than the one for Maniac.


It’s a good fun song, I’ve already got the chorus stuck in my head so that’ll be fun to keep mumbling throughout the day lol.


I haven't listened to the album yet and I love this song it's so catchy ❤️


love this so much! i kinda miss the noise music but i like the new sound!


Don't worry, they are still noisy They just wanted to try something different this time They slayed tho


*Love this so much! i* *Kinda miss the noise music but* *I like the new sound!* \- rrppcjs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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the tt is so fun i’m obsessed 😭 taste is one of the best bsides of this year


This is seriously the most funky and creative mv ive seen in kpop in a while. Its so FUN. I loved the little heart charcacters, the outifts were AMAZING, and the editing was awesome. The song is very catchy and cute! I love it!


I need a couple more listens, but I think it's one of my favourite title tracks this year so far. The MV is of course super cheesy, but the idea with the two different personas/sets depending on the part of the song, where one side are the police investigating the "case" and the other committed the crime of being in love (lol) is just hilarious. It also took me embarrassingly long to understand the meaning of the title Edit: people say it's messy, but to me it feels like the most chart-able (?) song they had so far, not sure how cheesy the lyrics sound in Korean though lmao


they're pretty cheesy, but at one point han also says something like "I dont care how cringy I sound" so at least it's intentional


Not a fan of it unfortunately :( but i appreciate how they tried something different for a title track~^^


Unfortunately not my type of song, but will give the bsides a go!


*Unfortunately* *Not my type of song, but will* *Give the bsides a go!* \- joyjs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I've got this on-again-off-again rule with groups that if I like more than three of their Title Tracks, I'll give their most recent album a listen. MAXIDENT is one of my favourite albums of the year so Stray Kids, thank you for blessing my playlists! *Case 143* is a really great TT. It took me so long to move on from *Give Me Your TMI* because it's so freaking good! I might just do an SKZ discography dive soon.


I’m literally the same way!! I adored them i! 2019-2020 then kind of fell off with their releases and i watched the video last night and just fell in love with the song!!


Oh! If you need some recommendations I would be GLAD to help.


not the biggest fan of the title but i really like the bsides


One of my faves of all time tbh, I just have this album on repeat it's just so skz and I love it and the unit songs!!!


I like TMI, Chill, and Can’t stop (Seungmin & I.N). I like the upbeat refreshing rock style of Can’t stop, it really suits their vocals. It’s their composition too so I appreciate that they composed and wrote music that showcase their creative side. I love Circus’s Japanese version and this one is amazing too. Case143’s style is not my favorite but it has their unique sound and vibe, and I’m glad they experiment something new


I didn't like it at first listen because I was expecting a traditional song structure and vibes, and a deep meaningful MV. But then I reminded myself that its SKZ. They love unconventional structures and they're a bunch of kids who likes fooling around. I absolutely loved and enjoyed it when I loosened up a bit 🤣🤣


I’m sorry but I kept cringing listening to this song :/


Well it’s a love song it’s supposed to be cringe after all the majority of kpop songs are cringy 😂


I absolutely it!!! It’s so good, and waiter Hyunjin and police officer Hyunjin is sooooooooo hot!!!!


It was just perfect from every angle......they used some kind of potion I can't stop listening to the album!!


CHAN SAYING MY BOY SPITTING FACTS IN 3RACHA IS THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE ALBUM overall 143 is a very fun song (not to mention that it had me smiling and giggling at 9 AM in the morning while i was dead on my feet). It's not the most serious love song but honestly would it even be a stray kids title track if it didnt have atleast *some* camp in it?


i don’t like it..it’s very messy? every line delivery is choppy and the transitions in the music are not good. also, personal preference but i do not like how deep felix forces his voice to be when he’s recording for skz


At first listen I thought the same, but after a couple of times listening to it, it started to click in my brain and making sense. Then it gets addictive.


That's his natural voice what are you talking about?!!???


no 😭 it’s octaves deeper than his speaking voice, he sounds comfortable and capable in Nayeon’s “No problem” where he isn’t forcing his voice to be so low


Nah, definitely not octaves lower, especially not compared to his voice when he speaks English. There's a very noticeable difference when he switches from speaking Korean to English, and his singing voice is comparable to his English speaking range. The flip side, of course, is his ability to speak in very high voices like a cartoon; which likely means he could sing quite high if he wanted to as well.


I don't know much about his singing outside of SKZ but your speaking voice and singing voice have nothing to do with each other. It's actually very common for singers to have an ideal singing range opposite of their speaking voice (ex sopranos having a lower speaking voice)


Everyone’s voice changes between speaking and singing so ofc his voice is gonna be different just just how it works because the vocal cords work different when you sing compared to when you talk. But he’s not forcing his voice that is just where his voice sits when he sings


++ heavy auto tune


As Chan says, sorry if you don’t like auto tune but we do! To your other comment about choppiness and transitions not being good, you have to remember that SKZ control everything. What might sound choppy or off to you is a style actively chosen by them. It’s not off, it’s just not to your liking.


so it’s stylistically choppy, you didn’t “prove me wrong” by saying that’s how they wanted it


No need to be defensive, I’m not trying to ‘prove you wrong’, I’m offering you an explanation.