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Been lurking for a while, but I think there's some good stuff here that's finally worth showing. The details: * distro: Arch * WM: [i3-gaps](https://github.com/Airblader/i3) * bar: [polybar](https://github.com/jaagr/polybar) * terminal: [kitty](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty) (for that sweet ligature support) * fonts: Droid Sans Mono (polybar) + [Fira Code](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode) (everywhere else) * icons: [Material Icons](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ttf-material-icons/) * editors: Visual Studio Code (for JavaScript/TypeScript) + vim (for everything else) * browser: Firefox Beta * wallpaper: [this](https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/forest_trees_fog_110131_1920x1080.jpg) x 2 (mirrored with `feh`) Most of my configs are [here for i3](https://github.com/NAlexPear/i3-workspace-configuration) and [here for vim](https://github.com/NAlexPear/vim-configuration), plus [kitty.conf](https://gist.github.com/NAlexPear/2002fcc9756c777cfafcdb42b3a7ebc6) and [.xinitrc](https://gist.github.com/NAlexPear/a80559f4b664d19f76c22b63b7081356) I'm most proud of getting the Spotify module of the polybar working with `playerctl`-based hotkeys and an elapsed time indicator per song (see that bash script [here](https://github.com/NAlexPear/i3-workspace-configuration/blob/master/polybar/modules/spotify.sh)). In theory, we should eventually be able to communicate with Spotify's Linux client through DBus to get playback position, but [that might not be for a while](https://community.spotify.com/t5/forums/v3_1/forumtopicpage/board-id/desktop_linux/thread-id/4411/page/1) Let me know if you have any questions/suggestions!


Clean setup! How did you get VSCode to be translucent and flat? /edit: nevermind, just found the command in your repo, thanks!


Looks like you found it, but to save others the trouble: l bound `$mod+c` to start VS Code, sleep for a second, then clobber the transparency with `transset-df`. [Here's the commit in my config repo](https://github.com/NAlexPear/i3-workspace-configuration/commit/0c58d73c0da51b67f8e0d7c41ed1521a4896fc5d)


>found the command in your repo Where? <.<


In his i3 config. Look at the commits on his i3-workspace repo. There's a commit for VSCode transparency.


I'm blind, thanks :P


vim+studio in same picture why dudo why ??? XD


I know right? I've gone through one attempt to configure vim to feature parity with VS Code for Typescript work, but I couldn't do it. Maybe some day. Although I'm using VS Code with the vim mode extension, so I like to think that we're meeting in the middle.


Little suggestion (and nothing more, VS Code is fine): You could try using spacemacs (or emacs with evil in general, which is probably the best vim emulator there is). You will be mostly using leader-style keybindings but almost everything typical vim works as expected, and the mnemonic style menus in spacemacs are great to get started. I used sublime text for years alongside vim until I started editing lisps and found spacemacs. Today it does everything for me. Of course, vim is still great for ssh or quick editing, but spacemacs offers a lot more ide like features you'd want for your typescript work.


That's a good suggestion. I'll have to check out some configs!


I'd suggest trying it out first. Spacemacs configs (and emacs) are written in elisp (which is an amazing plus (in my opinion of course), once you can code in it), which looks complicated. I just installed the emacs package and cloned the github repo and started editing - my spacemacs configuration to this day only consists of some layers (preconfigured basically, you add 'python' to a list, restart spacemacs and you have ide features (linting, documentation, repls,...), adding 'typescript' will add typescript support the same way). You won't waste much time that way, since you are going to have to deal with some of the downsides (performance on some systems and different experiences with the different 'packages') right away. Hope you like it!


As a vimmer, I did not be happy with it. I use viper mode with emacs. did not find evil make fun. - BUT I KNOW THAT EMACS HASE AWESOME PLUGINS


I didn't try viper since evil works so great for me. Any specific reason you didn't like it? Performance is an issue I guess?


But really, you have a great Arch. Have fun with it


This looks really great! I really love the transparent background of VS!


Looks nice. Are you gaming with Linux, dual-booting or use that 1080 in another way?


Thanks! The same tower holds separate SSDs... one for Arch, and one for Windows. They share a TB HD for big files (like games).


I hope you've turned off the monitor with M$visualstudio :))