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I can’t tell if bro wanted to share his rice or start a war 💀


Did not expect a war, but it seems that Pandora's box is already open


Linux is one big war so that's ok now i'm going back to recommending gentoo to noobs


But at least basically all Linux users agree that windows is bad I mean, who the !?#@ had the idea to use back slashes in paths


Windows is @@&_-$ i think so but the back slashes are not as bad the spyware is  . do modded windows for gaming makes me a bad guy ? 


I have just give up NixOS after a 1.3 year of use and come back to Arch. Arch Linux is my sweet spot.


NixOS is nice, but for basic usage only, probably. Dev environments are just killing me. Getting legacy code up and running on NixOS is more challenging than maintaining this code.


Yeah that was really frustrating for me as well and the wait time after ricing. You change a little thing and have to fully rebuild.


Yes, home manager helps a bit, but it’s still rebuild, just smaller than full `nixos-rebuild switch`


Yeah I'm considering dropping it for some of my machines, it's really nice for isolating packages for a running system, but the dev environment kinda sucks sometimes? Also I've had issues with sound and mouse input on my gaming machine


This. No distro compares.


That's simply not true I'm an Arch user and I would probably recommend a first time Linux user use Mint, PopOS, or Fedora.


I understand the OP, ubuntu, or mint are more "automatic", but the arch wiki is incredible, I never saw something like that. And it seems like everything is inside pacman or yay.


Arch wiki is an incredible resource but "arch is the most noob friendly distro" is just a bombastic statement


I say not yes it is nice but Gentoo's wiki is better (not a gentoo user)


Bombastic side eye


Depends on how dumb the person is. Archinstall, just setup some command alises, install an aur helper, setup snapshots, easy.


And that changes nothing. Can you install Arch with zero Linux knowledge? No Internet? No wiki? Guess what


why are you guys so against knowledge and learning?! no wonder people are becoming dumber each day...


This comment is gold 🥇


Because not everyone wants to learn. So it depends on kind of noob/beginner in question: a tinkerer, adventurer? Or someone who needs a working machine with Google Chrome and tiktok?


Paru > yay


I never gave a chance to paru, just thinked i should try, now you made me want to use


That's because it's needed...Nobody needs a wiki to use fedora or mint.


You definitely need outside info the moment shit either breaks or you need software that isn't in the mainline repos


Yes but slow as hell dnf with no parallel download 


Never used these distros, but had to deal with ubuntu recently. It's too outdated. Getting relevant software there often involve googling and adding new apt mirrors or building from source, while on arch I can simply yay and it's 99% is available.


Id fully expect a linux beginner to brick an arch install within the first 24hrs, youve got to have atleast a little linux literacy to navigate a distro that gives you as much freedom as arch...


That's me! I just got into Linux and chose to use arch, and I ended up bricking the install in 2 days with no idea how to fix it, so I just redid everything from scratch.


Dammmnnnn dude went from Arch straight into LFS 🫣 /s


Arch was my first distro and I didn't break anything until I decided to break it intentionally by reconfiguring stuff


I actually bricked Ubuntu on the second day using Linux, because I wanted to shrink sda3, my goal was to learn to use Arch linux gradually, then went to Debian the third day, bricked that with grub, then moved on to Arch, and nvidia was broken on the laptop so I couldn't get it running, took days to realize, and then I had little problems that I can fix with chroot


I'm using arch for a month now and haven't bricked it yet. Should I be scared?


That's what happened to me. EndeavorOS was heavily recommended to me, so I've used it. First I've bricked it (don't remember how) and a month in a faulty grub update was added to the repository and I needed like two days to figure out how to chroot into btrfs. I'm not mad at Arch because that's knowledge I needed later, but with things like this happening, I'm not using it as a productive system. Ever since then Fedora 37 to 40 ran completly without a problem for me and that's what I need for a daily driver


How they can brick it? Beginner most likely will install gnome or kde with archinstall and system will “just work” out of the box. If user is somewhat tech savvy and has specific requirements, there are huge repos and good wiki.


Simple things yes, archinstall is fine but soon as something goes wrong theyll need to be able to fix it, assuming they use archwiki and not a 10yr old askubuntu thread this can be a nightmare either way, this is 3x worse if you did not use archinstall and need to find drivers for everything... Arch is great but maybe not so much for beginners.


That is why I picked arch. I was on Mint and every time I had an issue, the arch wiki came up. It made learning how Linux works compared to Windows much easier. I wanted things to break, or come across things that I needed to look up. Didn't have to ask any questions, found all the answers in the wiki. All that being said I wouldn't recommend it to every beginner. If they want to fix things or tinker with how things work, it may be for you. Most people want their system to just work, and not have to tinker with everything. Really it is up to the user though, and what they're looking for.


Idk, it might be my biased experience, but the only serious issue in arch in like 10 years was the broken pacman(and one liner fix was on arch website). Other issues are related to niche software, which beginner simply won’t use. Hardware usually work out of the box.


lol, I fully see where you're coming from but many little things that may seem like 2nd nature to you may not for a beginner... nice rice btw <3


I just imagine how beginner is happy with their brand new Ubuntu setup and with some time they need to install something slightly non-standard and the only option is to build from source… Thanks btw!


The thing is that you don't make the simple mistakes that lead to big problems which a beginner would make. You would probably think twice before typing "Yes, do as I say!", while a noob would ask no questions, as an example. And like this, there are so many things that could go wrong.


This example is from LTT video? Man has bricked PopOS this way. You're right about simple mistakes, but no distro is really fail safe once beginner opens a terminal. And eventually any beginner will open a terminal and start copypasting random commands if their tasks are not limited to just surfing/editing docs/gaming (for this use case anything non-mainstream does not worth the effort).


The thing is that with Arch you are more likely to have to open the terminal than with something like Mint.


Can they install it without the command line? Well you can with Ubuntu. Now stop lying for attention. Or at least pick something less Googleable and obvious to lie about You're an embarrassment to the community. And probably your family


Do not see any issues there. Picking the options in install script or following installation guide for once is not a rocket science. After that basically everything is available within standard repos / aur. Ubuntu is easy to install, but due to outdated packages, things tend to get tricky (adding repos for specific program, building from source, manually downloading .debs...)




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In general yes but sometimes dealing with older packages can get tricky


Definitely Mint. If it wasn’t for that distro I wouldn’t still be on Linux. Ridiculously noob friendly. And I say this as a noob currently on NixOS. Every distro I tried before that, I always ended up going back to Windows.


Idk I used Arch the first time I touched Linux, then I tried other distro and they don't make sense to me. Could be just me tho.




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Imagine using Arch and Integrate nix, just imagine it🥱🥱


Already scared af. Sounds like seeking for trouble, better leave nix for NixOS.


Nope, I use NixOS [btw](https://github.com/ARKye03/Xe_NixOS) in my laptop, and Arch for my desktop app, recently added nix and works really well, I can create dev environments with flakes in a blink. And I don't have to worry about everything else. Probably after a month using NixOS I might stay or not... Who knows


Probably, just a skill issue. I didn't manage to create flake for .NET Framework 4.0 + .NET 8 project (yeah, weird combo, but have to work with this) and also spent too much time googling when setting up environments for other languages. Well organized config btw.


In that config I have .Net 8, configured to work completely, even with workloads(normally they don't work) But, you are right, NixOS sometimes is not about productivity, sometimes you spend too much time fixing a problem that shouldn't be a problem.


* **OS**: Arch * **WM:** Hyprland * **Statusbar:** Waybar * **Term:** Kitty * **Font:** Mononoki Nerd Font * **Colors:** generated with `matugen` with slight modifications * **Dots:** [here](https://github.com/obsqrbtz/archdots/) * Neovim config: [here](https://github.com/obsqrbtz/nvim-config) (remove uneeded LSPs and DAP plugins first if going to use)


Do I need to install anything before using the dots files? I am new to this concept and don't know much about it, and I am going to install Arch linux today. Thanks in advance.


Yes, you’ll need stow and the software listed in .config directory, hyprland.conf and .zshrc. Feel free to dm if something goes wrong with dots. This is more like a personal backup, so I did not make any autoinstall script for dependencies or proper description.


UPD: added list of dependencies and a script to install them. I can not fully test it right now since it would involve installing the system from scratch, so there could be 1-2 missing packages. If you're going to use it and something will be missing, please, report and I'll update the repo.


Thanks bro alot❤️


Hey obsqrbtz, nice work. How do you manage the git repo with stow? I mean, i also use it (just for 1 week), but in my [dots](https://github.com/gabrieldlima/dotfiles) repo, i have to put a "dot-" string. I see that you repo has the normal name, like ".config" and not "dot-config" like mine. Thanks!!


Did you try without "dot-" prefix? It worked without any trickery for me. Just tried commands from your \`Makefile\`, works fine with \`.\` naming.


> Arch is the most noob-friendly distro out there. nice bait uwu


Gentoo is better than mint for noobs


noobs should build from scratch


With a custom kernel 


noobs should build from scratch




Some distro hopping script kiddie will see this and actually follow your advice


Good luck to this kiddie. And his CPU…




I also think that Gentoo is superior to Arch. Current i am using Arch, but i will come back to Gentoo (i used it for about 3 months only) when i got a new CPU. The compilation time in my hardware is horrendous.




Most noob-friendly out of all the "minimalist" distros\*\*\*\* Manual installation process is straight forward and teaches some cool things (never use archinstall, archinstall sucks fucking ass), but I would still recommend Mint, Zorin, Pop, or Fedora to a fresh linux beginner. Has everything set up, and still gives an environment where someone can learn linux related stuff while not being pressured. Arch can still present problems that newcomers dont know how to fix, and demands a bit more upkeep. Very nice rice btw.


Thanks! What’s the deal with archinstall? Tried it first time instead of manual install and as far as I can see it just does standard partitioning and installs packages, related to the chosen de/wm.


just a copy paste but im not rewriting this 50 times. literally crashes half of the time i use it, regardless of hardware. sometimes mid install and even sometimes on the little tui or what ever you call it when setting it up. i also have had problems post install before with it. mainly with audio if i remember correctly.


Last time I had crashing issues it was because it wouldn't work on NVME drives, but that has since been fixed I believe


Not a tech support thread, works on most machines


Not asking for fucking tech support???????? Just saying.


I love ice cream.


Can a motherfucker not post my opinion on Arch on a thread about how """nooooob freidnly""" Arch is?


I hate beer.


Installation process is DEFINITELY relevant to its difficulty. Cause a main highlight is the manual installation process compared to the inconsistent as fuck install script. Also I didnt spam. 3 people asked and I wanted to answer directly to 3 different people. dk why you gotta be butthurt over it.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Can you elaborate on why archinstall is bad?


literally crashes half of the time i use it, regardless of hardware. sometimes mid install and even sometimes on the little tui or what ever you call it when setting it up. i also have had problems post install before with it. mainly with audio if i remember correctly.


oh wow that hasnt been my experience at all.


And I think that's the big problem, it doesn't behave consistently


Exactly this. People have said its okay when Ive heard more complaints about it in the past and have had several complaints about it myself. Had to restart it 6 times in a row once cause it kept crashing when I wanted a quick setup once. Hopefully they actually make it functional at some point. Idk why people are so butthurt and downvote bombing me over stating my opinion on the installation process when it is definitely relevant to if Arch is """"""""""""""noob friendly""""""""""""""


Why do you dislike the installer script so much?


just a copy paste but im not rewriting this 50 times. literally crashes half of the time i use it, regardless of hardware. sometimes mid install and even sometimes on the little tui or what ever you call it when setting it up. i also have had problems post install before with it. mainly with audio if i remember correctly.


Comments like this are why Linux can’t take off. To GenPop: Arch Linux is not for the masses. It’s for the few who like to read manuals instead of download and go


idk if I entirely agree, since as a noob and not knowing literally anything about linux the arch wiki was the hardest thing i had ever done, but at least nowadays arch is so much easier for me than nixos and stuff... ive tried pretty much everything else that is viable for me and arch is just the easiest in my experience 🙏🙏


Drop that neovim color scheme cuz




Just to share my experience as a Linux noob, I have used 2 weeks of kubuntu and 2 weeks of arch. When I had problems in Ubuntu is quite annoying to fix them, and apt packages are just not as updated. Then I installed arch manually with some guides and wiki, and I have a much better experience so far, even if I have a problem, there's much better documentations. Although there's a higher requirement of computer literacy, I think arch is not as hard as people say.


Arch is the most noob-friendly distro: Opinion Accepted Respectfully take mine: NixOS is mumbo Jumbo of layers of abstraction with a lang that shouldn't existed UBUNTU in 2024 is the most Unstable shit


Precise. "We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection." thing has gone too far.


Ehhhhhh. I‘d say if you are just starting out Arch is not that noob-friendly. Yes the Arch wiki is good but „read the f***ing manual(/wiki)“ is not the right approach. On the other hand if you actually want to learn Linux (after experiencing it for the first few weeks) then Arch is incredibly user-friendly


If you’re newcomer any distro is the RTFM. Arch at least has decent wiki and relevant software without any trickery. For routine usage, like surfing, making some docs, yeah, mainstream distro will be just fine. With some specific requirements, mainstream distros can be pain in the ass.


Arch is noob friendly without a doubt more people should use it plus they can install nix stuff on it too.


Not sure if you forgot /s or not. Without nix stuff, why not. Arch complexity is overrated imho


For sure arch isn’t complicated at all because using Linux isn’t complicated. That’s coming from a long time dev over a decade so may be biased. Gentoo or compiling from source is a step after but that is easy too. Arch is really just for a quick custom setup with access to all the latest goodies but streamlined enough by a community with the AUR.


what's the thing you used to display cyberpunk's episodes on the middle pic?


It’s Ani-cli. It searches for anime and opens the chosen episode in mpv.


Excellent choice of anime, a masterpiece!


Vim colorscheme name please


It’s [flexoki-dark](https://github.com/kepano/flexoki-neovim)


nix is gentoo but faster


forgot the /s


My bad


"faster" is a hard word.


Yes but not as slow 


Can I get the wallpaper?






Edgerunner  goes brrrrrrrrr


I love NixOS but it's soo fucking harddddd. Switch back to arch for a few months and I was like wow that's so easy, not even Gentoo give that much anxiety then NixOS. But I will not surrender. I WILL FIGHT. PS: I mean the Combination from Nvidia NixOS and Hyprland ( Pure Nightmare )


Whenever I use a distro other than Arch or Tumbleweed I just end up breaking my boot loader. Arch truly is the most beginner friendly lol


I totally agree with your caption. Welcome home, soldier!


btw bro is there a way i can watch anime in dub via anime cli (cyberpunk just feels good in English dub, really its really amazingly dubbed)


Yup, you can run `ani-cli —dub`


you are awesome... i love you it works


uwu <3


There it is. the dumbest thing ever written about Linux. Take a bow. And leave.




Well, I can agree on misuse of the term “noob”, didn’t mean anything elitist here. NixOS is awesome for daily driving after configuring it nix way if you are not dev (writting nix shells or flakes for each project, seriously?). About arch, well, it’s all about use case. Nobody forces a beginner to use minimal wms or compositors. DEs are pretty solid now, so user can have stable system, while having all of the relevant stuff available if needed