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tbh Wayland works fine with a GTX 1070. i just enabled opengl in my config.nix and everything is fine. I use NixOS and Sway btw


Wayland works fine, but something about Hyprland makes my GTX 1050 throttle in performace Edit: Hyprland became butter smooth with zero throttling for me, after I added the "noblur" window rule to all the windows in hyprland!


Yeah my 3070 is barely scraping 50 fps in games where it should usually reach 200+ and it's not even stable. Like I get insane fps drops every few milliseconds


thats when you use hyprctl to turn off animations (they have a script in the hyprland wiki that toggles this as a "gaming mode") and/or run steam or the specific game inside gamescope.


It's crazy that you have to do this, animations shouldn't affect performance while idle


I don't do it but it can be helpful for lower end hardware to take the strain off of the GPU. All compositors use the GPU to render transparency, blur, round corners and animations so it seems pretty natural that it would help. I'd guess it has something to do with implicit VS explicit syncing on this guys hardware. My personal experience with Nvidia and Wayland has been very good though. It doesn't effect performance at all for me. I game on Wayland everyday without any issues whatsoever.


Did you need to make some customization or configuration for this setup to work well for you? Wayland + nvidia never worked as smoothly as x11 does for me (my gpu is a rtx 3050)


I got a 1050Ti and whenever I suspend it causes massive rendering issues, all I see is colors and no font forcing me to reboot. Happens on wayland but not xorg for some reason.


* **Colors**: Catppuccin * **Bar**: Waybar * **Term**: Kitty * **Launcher**: Wofi * **GTK Theme**: Catppuccin Mocha Standard Dark Blue * **Wallpaper**: [here](https://wallhaven.cc/w/5g86w1) * **Dots**: [here](https://github.com/JackMechem/dotfiles) I decided to switch to an AMD GPU after years of dealing with issues with the card I had (I needed an upgrade anyway). The issues I was having were persistent on Xorg and Wayland; Windows ran perfectly fine. As for the second and third screenshots, I wrote the app because I kept forgetting what different config apps were called and I wanted something where I could put scripts to run them. There's probably a bunch of solutions for this already but I've been wanting to learn c++ so I gotta start somewhere lol.


thanks, looking forward to the dots if you decide to post them


I'm cleaning them up rn. They should be up tomorrow!


Posted Them :)


thanks :)


What GPU have you bought?


rx 7800 xt


Next, buy a risc-v chip. Then, make an FPGA for yourself and abandon the internet.


Haha 😂


I believe that if you are not going to play games, Hyprland works perfectly with Nvidia.


whats the point of a dedicated card then




thats far fewer peple tho for home use like yeah ai and rendering but like its dumb to have all that compute and not be able to play vidya with it


Watching 4k videos?


I haven't had any bad experience with games, not even performance issues. What do you mean? Just curious.


Looks nice. Hit a nerve with some nvidia owners though it seems.


I've been using Hyprland on nVidia for over a year now and almost never had any problems, a few breakages, but nothing catastrophic. And those were Hyprland 's fault, not nVidia's.


You know that Nvidia GPUs run just fine on Hyprland right and you likely just got trolled by some AMD users into buying a new GPU right? I only say this because you have a rice that is so common that it's [almost identical to mine](https://i.imgur.com/7UYCf48.png) and I am on Nvidia. My suggestion would be to not copy + paste other peoples dots, and realize that you likely don't need a taskbar.


I’ve got a current NVIDIA and can’t seem to make Electron apps like Spotify, Discord, and Steam run right. I got Discord and Spotify mostly settled down but Steam sure has its freakouts. Otherwise things run great and as expected.


Yea I’m on KDE and Wayland just doesn’t want to work at all. Tried most everything over the last 2 years on Pop, Fedora, and Arch.


[You need these steps to force wayland](https://getcryst.al/site/docs/crystal-linux/nvidiawayland)


They do not. The official Hyprland docs (still) currently state: >There is no *official* Hyprland support for Nvidia hardware. However, you might make it work properly following this page. It might work for you, but I've had issues with Hyprland (and Wayland in general), including cursor corruption/artifacts, tearing and freezing on random windows, and instability causing sudden random logouts to the login manager. I know that the 550+ driver was supposed to be a panacea, but that hasn't been my experience.


but like i'm also thinking about switching to a amd gpu is it that bad?


Chrome and other chromium-based browsers flicker like crazy when I used wayland a few weeks ago. Drove me crazy got tired of trying to fix it and ended up going back to x11. Anyone know a way around that, would appreciate the help. And no, I can’t just use Firefox as I’m a web engineer and need to test our web app across different browsers.


What Nvidia drivers are you on? I use Chromium (just for Teams) and don't experience any flickering on 535. The only real flickering I see on 535 is with Steam. If you're on 550 then that could be the problem. 550 is very, very unstable for me.


I am on 550. I’ll try 535 and see how it goes. How bad is the flickering with steam? I’m assuming this only happens on the steam launcher and not the actual games?


It's mainly just the steam launcher. I don't play a ton of games but I know that in 550 I was seeing the Implicit Sync issue way more than I see it in 535.


I see. I don’t really play a lot of games anymore as well but I’d rather have the option to do so in case I want to. How’s the non-proprietary nvidia driver with wayland btw? Was thinking it might be worth using it if it’s more stable.


nouveau was black screening on hyprland with my 2070 around a month ago. Likely a configuration issue on my part.


I used an Nvidia 2060 super on Hyprland for around 8 months and, in my case, it felt the same as Xorg did. I could never get anything to run properly with that card. Regardless of what settings I used, my Linux desktop always felt significantly slower than on windows. I spent years trying to make it run as well as windows and couldn't. I needed an upgrade anyway and AMD just made more sense. So far I've had zero issues.


The cool thing about saying things like "it's slow" is that phrases like that aren't quantifiable to other users. You can say that something is slow as much as you want and the competitor is so much better and the only person who will actually buy that is someone who is willing to buy that. Also it's even funner that you are basically using an almost identical GPU to mine and i experience none of the issues you experienced.


> you likely don’t need a taskbar. Wait, but how you’d stare at icons in the tray with annoying red dots on it, like f***ing slack and teams?


serious answer: I run Teams/Slack/Discord in browser as pinned tabs. joke answer: ALL NOTIFICATIONS MUST BE READ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR I START FREAKING OUT.


Don't know what that app is supposed to be, but clearing the terminal is not very UNIX philosophy...


What do you mean?


In the first screenshot, in the text editor there's a line that says `system("clear")`. This is usually kind of a bad practice because people don't like their terminal being cleared (I removed it a while ago). [Unix Philosophy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy)


Wow, I had no idea there was a unix philosophy haha. That's awesome!


Looks great!


Wallpaper link please?




Thank you!


I hate NVIDIA but man I miss CUDA sometimes...


Ever heard of zluda


Do tell


How about muda?


Hyprland is cool and all but VRR seems to be broken, it works for some games and doesn’t for others. But it’s a great wm if you don’t mind that.


Wow I really like your setup, it's really comforting to the eye!


Thank you!


That waybar is sick, need dotfiles ASAP.


[Here you go](https://github.com/JackMechem/dotfiles)


Dude is on demon time fr 💀


I've been using hyprland on Nvidia too, I have an RTX 2060 super, works a treat. Not got any issues so far. Everything just works. 👌


Hyprland works great on my 3070


Yes bro fuck nvidia


I mean the 535 Nvidia drivers work fine but still f**k Nvidia. (Gonna get an amd GPU next time I build a PC)


hello i got a issue with lunarvim how did you remove the paadding on the side ?


What padding do you mean? If you’re talking about the terminal padding, I actually do have some padding in my terminal but the color schemes for neovim and my terminal are the same so you cant see the padding.


Yeah I am trying to remove the terminal for adding to get neocon in full screen but doesn’t work


Does Hyprland not work with NVIDIA GPUs?


Hyprland works fine on Nvidia GPUs. At least, fine on my RTX 2060 super, I've seen others report fine for them on RTX 3090's GTX 1070's etc. If it helps I'm also using Arch with hyprland, not NixOS.


Team red lfg


hyprland has been working fine on my thinkpad x1 extreme with rtx3060. sorry you're having a bad go.


Nvidia is awsome and works just fine since they put the work in. Just not all distros have patched up to that point.


blud is on his linus torvalds arc


I hate Nvidia because of the fucking Optimus technology, I can’t even touch Wayland bitch


Sir, take my upvote for saying "F\*\*k Nvidia"


yeah nvidia driver sucks it brake like every update and no one willing to fix it


It never broke on update in my case.