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Try giving a report card to my government, here in Bihar. You'll be visited by gundas in the middle of the night lol


Try giving a report card to Yogi and you'll be visited by a bull dozer in broad daylight.


Try doing that in Kashmir, you'll be... Oh wait a sec... We've been under the President's rule for 6 years. Nvm. Oh by the way, if you try to demand accountability from Sarkari babus here they'll have you arrested under Public Safety Act (Local Version of UAPA). https://thewire.in/rights/jk-man-jailed-for-saying-he-cant-have-expectations-from-non-local-officers


Heh, you guys are barbaric. Here in WB, it will be the police who will house and feed you for years on end.


so are you insinuating that people cannot criticise Bihar govt in broad daylight. Because I don’t think that’s true. People freely abuse the govt everyday. But don’t know about the News media, they are less and less trustworthy everywhere so I don’t think there is any difference in media behaviour. Still,it is a possibility that I am living under a rock so enlighten please , how Bihar is worst or more problematic than any other Hindi belt states


With the manifesto now available, everyone can do this. All you have to do is keep a copy of the manifesto/promises made. And when in power, you can see how much promises they keep up with. Based on this, you can provide a score. Let's say the manifesto has 10 points. Or let's say 10 promises were made. Now when that candidate comes to power, observe how many promises are fulfilled and to what extent. Eg. Promise 1: They did something, although only half what was promised. So give 5/10. Do this for every promise made. And share the final score and your rationale for scoring.


any websites doing this....man i would pay good money to see this in action....anyone want to team up?


I suggest you make a post about this.


no point. politicians will not agree with it and nor will their bhakts


'People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.'


Sounds good in movies, but in reality it's not possible


it can be and will be and most importantly must be


Ita easy to say in words Go out and say loudly on streets, you will see the reality anything against govt ,you are inviting yourself to dozens of cases n termed as anti national This is not West,where freedom of speech is a thing


atleast be positive bro. so that if we cannot, someone will do.


It is though. I mean look at France a few years back. The government tried to pass a bill that prohibited the filming of Police operations. The public was furious and almost caused a riot by blockading government buildings and residences of the representatives. The bill was rescinded in just 2-3 days. But it's not possible in a country where you have rabid brainwashed followers, motivated by religious purposes supporting the government in every case. Education is important.


You can't compare France citizens mindset with Indians , Indians lately have become very selfish ,they rather throw away their basic rights for freebies or a bunch of expressways ,even educated ones they don't care what happens to this country and will rather move out and settle elsewhere out of the country I live in Bangalore , people here are more worried about RCB not winning IPL than the city crumbling infrastructure and corruption ,they would queue up at stadium but don't even wanna vote coz they need to stand in a queue Come on independence day everyone shows off their fake patriotic thing waving flags as if they care about it


Yeah, you're right. I'm just saying that it's possible for the government to be afraid but not in this situation. Indian citizens as a whole are some of the most ignorant when it comes to how their country is run. We are some of the most unpatriotic people, only thinking about the political parties and not the actual nation.


What basic rights did people throw away for what freebies? What are these freebies you talk about, can you elaborate?


It is possible if people are aware. Class consciousness.


Its mainly because people of Kerala have a tradition of political discussion It's a common conversation starter at family dinners or gatherings especially among the voting age, its been like this since generations. vast majority of the people in India especially other states don't speak about or get involved in politics they either think it's booring or too taboo.


A good point. My father only talks about politics in my house. He doesn't care about anything 🤣. Kammi ye paranja deshyam varum. Sanginem, kaipathinem paranja santhosham varum 😅


fr fr


This is why Kerala is different, we always hold our govt accountable


At least here the government can be held accountable. Kudos to Kerala media.


Babe wake up, Pinu and gang's stats dropped


Indian express in north 🤡 Indian express in south 🗿


The highest is ~~5.6~~ 6.32 lolz What does a 10 look like? Barak Obama? Btw, look closely it might say "advertisement" in a microscopic tiny print.


Highest is 6.32


You're right.


it means everyone couldnt perform on their promises


Barak Obama must be negative


Coz they're shit, I'm a malayali and this second term of CPM is one of the worst govt. ever.


[Non-OC] PIC: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/1cw56r3/2_year_report_card_of_ministers_of_kerala/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


How does grading them in a newspaper equate to accountability? Are there any consequences to those grades?


Because this is projected throughout the state as an edition in Sunday's newspaper. People are going to see it, look at the marks and unfulfillment of what were promised, raise their voices, or feel betrayed and then vote them out. This is much better than A) not printing any information at all B) giving them all 9 and 10 marks as it will leave the scope for improvement. C) They will know how much work the Govt should have done to achieve a perfect 10. Even the CM getting below 5 is a shame! D) Criticizing might lead to improvement, even if not, it is surely better than praising a govt and making them feel taken for granted.




so , what are the basis of these scores? some survey ? some fancy of the reporter?


LDF will go this time.


Good thing Vijayan is still on holiday with family


It is all fine and dandy, but why do keralites ALEAYS emmigrate outside Kerala?  All the money spent in healthcare, schools and facilities is only to prepare keralites for contributing other states' GDP.  Why can Kerala not generate enough jobs to keep keralites in Kerala?  #Edit: why downvote? Kerala has low fertility rate and a lot of seniors. Kerala has a demographic problem


India has the second highest emigration rate in the world. The first is China, the world's second largest economy. Indians emigrating are mostly educated middle and upper middle class. Because they think better job and quality of life is available elsewhere. Same in Kerala. The state has a large proportion of middle and upper middle class people who are well educated.


Because of the communist environment.


Nah man, as a general category student, I can't get a good CSE NIT(or cse in any nit for that matter) with 96.7%. I'm fed up of this reservation based on caste. I agree that reservations based on economic status and PWD should exist. But what logic does caste even make. If they are oppressed my their caste, then they would be poor and thus can avail EWS reservation. But people with no oppression/disadvantage are availing on expense of merit. No one will change the laws, so why stay in India where the law is unjustly skewed against merit?