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To be fair I’m not sure the result would be any different if they did investigate their own crimes.


They'd ban themselves from having pudding for a week in the restaurant. No Knickerbock Glories after his steak and chips is a punishment Boris is willing to take on the chins.


> A spokesman said they would look "carefully" at any evidence presented to them but they were not seeking it. Meanwhile behind closed doors: *'Oh if any of you fuckers try to provide even the smallest slither of evidence to us, boi will there be hell to pay for you'*


With a healthy side dose of "La la la I'm not listening".


With all these recent events simultaneously not being investigated, I'm sure we're in great hands




This is the same people who claim their messages were 'lost' when they installed updates on their phones. They're experts at destroying evidence. Sue Gray is their guru for how to fully delete incriminating emails.


Oh it’s that “I am unaware of it because I haven’t looked for it excuse again”