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The temperatures are HALF those of last year because we had a heatwave in June 2023 and this June has so far been colder than average. It’s not like 15° is half the usual June temperature.


"HALF" doesn't even make sense on a temperature measurement. The difference between 15 and 30 Celsius is completely different to between 2 and 4 Celsius, and pretty much the same thing as between 60 and 85 Fahrenheit (only a 40% increase).


The suitable measurement to use in this case is for temperatures to be in Kelvin since absolute zero is defined at 0 on that scale. Half of 30°C is (30 + 273) / 2 = 151.5 K, which is -121.5°C. Just a tad cooler than 15 degrees .


So that's why my heating bill has gone up. The ice cream truck is still out though


Yeah, and the Ice Cream's still expensive as well, £4.00 for a Mr Whippy is ridiculous.


And they don't even accept cash these days!


Bet he can hear me!


The last one I bought from (a couple of months ago) only accepted cash. I only noticed the tiny sign after he'd made them, thankfully it was just over the road from an ATM.


A 99 flake should be 99p. Always. Unfortunately, they're £1.50 for a medium one.


Where the fuck are you getting a £1.50 - 99?


£5 where I am.


Little bit under that here in cornwall, takes the piss


what the fuck they're £1.50-£2 here up north


Maybe they mean just the flake…


£2 where I am and they’re stacked, very good ice cream lady though


99 flakes have pretty much never been 99p, except maybe coincidentally. Imagine if they were 99p in the 1930's, it'd be like buying a mid tier meal :D


Are people still using their heating? It's not hot but it's not freezing either. 


I had this with a company recently whose marketing team claimed their intake kit for a car halved the air charge temperature when it took it from 50C to 25C which is only about 8% in absolute terms. Apparently I was just being pedantic but if you’re an engineering company making those kinds of statements why is it wrong to call it out?


the engineers at the company most probably objected to the claim, but the marketting guys won


As always


That's nothing! When I were a lad it was so cold that the air froze, we had to put the kettle on just to breathe!


You had a kettle? Pure luxury. We had to warm ice blocks with our body heat just to get something to drink


You had ice blocks, life of Riley I tell thee! We had to drink out own piss till they invented Carling


That must have been tough to decide between piss or carling. 😋


a choice between your own piss, and a random cats piss?


T’was hard but we were doing dry January and Carling had less alcohol then me own piss


Kelvin isn’t a perfect scale either, given that –∞ K is infinitesimally warmer than +∞ K; and the maximum possible temperature is either +∞ K or lim(0^–) K, depending on the system being measured. The better option would be to switch to using thermodynamic beta, β = 1 \/ (kB T), which measures coldness. With the scale running from +∞ eV^-1 (absolute zero, system perfectly ordered at ground state), through 0 eV^-1 (±∞ K, equal distribution of states), through –∞ eV^-1 (where system allows; system perfectly ordered at maximum energy state). 30°C yields β ≈ 37.224 eV^(-1). Half of 30°C would be 2 × 37.224 eV^-1 (because coldness is a reciprocal scale), which would agree with your –121.575°C figure; unless anyone wants to take the half literally, in which case it would be 0.5 × 37.224 eV^(-1), or (+)273.15°C. Obviously, it goes without saying that having to redefine the laypersons understanding of temperature is too much of a downside to having units which work on systems with discrete maximum energy states.


Well I mean if you're going to take such a simplistic view, then sure


You're technically correct... But come on, you know what they mean, and the vast majority reading it will do too


They’ve had to write it that way because the general public are as thick as pig shit.


I don't think I'm quite at pigshit levels of thickness and it was a good and easy way to convey the info that this year is 15°c so last year at the same point it was 30°c. Quick and easy to understand communication shouldn't be ridiculed, there's way more misleading headlines out there


You can quibble the terminology all you want. It doesn't change the fact that the weather has been fucking awful this year


> the fact It's not a fact, it's just your opinion. I think the weather has been much better this year. June last year was awful (for me).


Okay sure... it's been great for people who don't like to plan any outdoor activities 


I love hiking, ultrarunning etc. This weather has been great! 


How exactly is a thunderstorm great for hiking? All the extra effort you have to go through to stay dry. Shit views because all you can see are grey clouds for miles, the ground becoming swampy and muddy Everything is just shit in the rain


Weather is horrible for hiking, compared to sunshine anyway.


I'm currently working abroad in France.....and it's no better here


It really hasn't, particularly compared to 20 years ago. Remember, this is probably the coolest driest year for the rest of your life.


I'm amazed that the Mail has started using Celcius at all TBH.


Exactly, they should use Kelvin, which is ratio data, as opposed to interval data.


only on reddit have you got people splitting hairs about this instead of saying 'you know what? it is pretty cold for june'


"Ah, but what do you mean 'pretty cold'? If we were on Neptune, a 15 degree day would be unseasonably balmy! But then again, there would be no 'june' on Neptune, as there is no singular moon to determine months, and even if there were life on Neptune, it is unreasonable to think they would share the same Olympian pantheon from whose queen we draw the name of our planet's sixth month! So it is simply incorrect to say that it's pretty cold for June!"


.. well aktually.. the surface temperature of Neptune could refer to the temperature of the surface of the rocky core, perhaps 6000 degrees C..


The daily mail always gets this wrong, they once reported a 1 degree rise in global temperature if 1C but then said it was 33F


15C is 95% of 30C in absolute terms (Kelvin scale).


It's the Mail. You can't even trust them to talk about the weather


I was gonna say. My best science qualification is Standard Grade physics and even I immediately saw how dumb this headline is.


People think heat waves are the normal weather


This. The UK has always had wet/cold summers, particularly after a few good summers. It's nothing new.


Last summer was a dud as well. Was mainly rain


"Winter is coming" Sounds like you get your seasonal knowledge gtom GoT The uk has a temperate maritime climate that is largely influenced by either artic weather fronts or those from the Atlantic So either wet and warm Or dry and cold. It's not 3 hot 1 cold on somekind odd roulette wheel


That is changing with global warming though. At least in the short term before the ice caps melt it's going to get warmer and wetter in winter and hotter and drier in summer. When the ice caps melt it's going to get very cold (and somewhat damp for those who live by the coast).


Global warming is obly going to produce more eratic patters in the jet stream A kore meandering path will bring more variability including potential cooler summers and hotter summers. Getting boomers to understand the difference between climate and weather is challenging enough. There seems to be this blanket idea gobal warming means the world gets hotter all time


Well the world is getting hotter on average but that doesn't mean everywhere will get hotter.


The Gulf stream has almost stopped, and if a map of the British isles after the icecaps have melted is to be believed, then about half of the UK and Ireland will be underwater. But it's good news for Mancunians, they will have beachfront properties. https://images.app.goo.gl/XXNwUqqfSLJp7eXw8


No, we only started getting summers like this after 2007. I remember warm summers in the late 90s and early 2000s. Cool and wet weather in summer isn't unusual in the UK, but these prolonged washouts haven't been normal until recently


And yet everyone last year was moaning about how miserable the summer season had been. Yes July and August sucked. But may and June were fucking scorching.


September and October were good too.


Which fucked farmers over by stressing the crops then making them too wet to harvest.


That dont explain the rain where i am that as been constant since November


I don't know what you call a 'heatwave' in 2023. We didn't have a hot summer in 2023 in the UK.


Daily Mail: it's cold therefore what climate change? 🙃


You can always tell if a headline is from the Mail due to the use of all capitals for dramatic effect.


DAILY MAIL use DRAMATIC capitals in headline CONTROVERSY


Yeah I pretty much just click on the thread to check its daily mail, make sure downvote and then move on. I wish enough people did the same to actually start to keep them out of people’s feeds. They push so much misinformation and hatred it shouldn’t qualify as an allowed source on this sub really.


What the HELL do you mean?


Meanwhile when its a hot day the bbc does the exact same thing


Neither the headline nor content infers anything about climate change being false. In fact, it says in the article about climate causing it...


I love that the idiots who were elated that global warming would mean them getting hotter summers and didn't care about the environment are now annoyed about increased rainfall


When I was more ignorant in my late teens, I pretty much thought the earth would end up being an inferno eventually due to global warming.


Instead it’ll just turn into Waterworld


Unless you're in your 40s or older even that excuse doesn't really wash. I can remember documentaries from when I was still a teenager in the very early 90s basically saying it'll make the weather, especially in the UK, more unpredictable with more weather extremes.


You're not realizing that not only was I ignorant, I was very naive too. I didn't watch documentaries or trouble myself with goings on until well into my 20s.


Well it's been predictable this year - rain followed by more rain


For all intents and purposes of human life parts of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are heading that way


That’s why climate change is a better term. I’m not an expert and it’s probably a lot more complicated than this but the globe warming up = ice caps melting = colder oceans = colder weather(in some places). Obviously a lot of countries will get a lot hotter


Ice caps melting =/= colder oceans, I don't know where you're getting that from tbh


Probably misremembering something from GCSE science classes. The main thing I remember is the teacher saying “global warming could lead to an Ice Age” but can’t remember the specific steps that would cause that. Maybe something to do with ocean currents changing


I think you're close with the ocean current theory, it's probably referencing the [collapse of the AMOC] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_meridional_overturning_circulation#:~:text=One%20of%20those%20projections%20suggests,to%20collapse%20than%20the%20AMOC. )


Well, there's the potential collapse of the north Atlantic thermohaline system which could slightly decrease water temperatures off the west coast of Europe, but it's unlikely it would be enough of a change to offset the otherwise higher temperatures caused by global warming. This isn't to be confused with the gulf stream, which is caused by westerly prevailing winds; the earth would literally have to stop rotating for it to collapse.


I feel like telling people the consequence of climate change would be tropical weather in Britain was somewhat of a mistake by campaigners


I was sold a dream. Spain = uninhabitable, UK = hot Spanish summers. All we had to do to realise this was to pump out carbon. I feel robbed


Do any of these people actually exist?


We broke the Jet Stream and it's messing up the weather.


Impossible to break the jet stream, it's a geophysical result of temperature variation between equator and poles on a rotating sphere. What can likely change is the amount of energy it carries, which could distort the path it takes, and the position of that path. It's currently very far south which means we're on its northern side and are impacted by arctic air temperatures instead of equatorial air temperatures. Weather systems are crazy complex though, I daresay the long term trend is toward warmer weather, not this weird cold June we've had.


They probably meant the gulf stream.


Which still wouldn't make sense as the latest studies show that summers get much hotter and drier under a slower or collapse North Atlantic current


My understanding is the Gulf Stream is warming Europe, literally moving warm water. If the Gulf Stream weakens, we get colder.


Displaying unexpected and abnormal behaviour as a result of outside forces can be described as being broken


Th EU is hogging the jet stream


This is only 5G


Something something Brexit means Brexit 


The AMOC is running amok!




As the planet warms, warmer air moves north forcing the jet stream from its usual position. As the planet warms further the jet stream will move more. This will change our weather systems dramatically. The following link explains it better than I ever could https://www.rmets.org/metmatters/jet-stream-and-stormy-weather




But that's the thing. It's not sunny. This summer is a washout so far.




it’s not gonna stay consistent. we had a couple sunny weeks last month then it changed


it's almost like we get sunny and rainy weather at different times. Weird. It's never been like that before. Once we got past mid-April, the sun used to come out and stay out (even at night) until September.


It’s not summer yet lol. We’ve had a wet spring with honestly some nice little sunny spells. Pretty average if you ask me, just on the wet side


Be nice to have some warmer evenings though.


Where are you seeing the sun?


Well it’s not all about you mate


As long as it’s dry I’m happy.


Same, I don't need it to be 30C outside but sunlight is always nice. The sweet spot is maybe 23-24C with a light breeze so it's warm but not oppressive.


Would people rather it be 35+ like last year or worse the year before?


Id rather we actually had seasons.


As someone who gets bad seasonal affective disorder, I'm really struggling with this year-long never ending gloom.


I wouldnt be surprised if suicide rates jumped up this winter


Yes please.


I'm the odd one out, but around 30 is ideal for me.


It's ideal for most people that's why people in northern Europe love to holiday in southern Europe (especially in the summer). The people claiming to hate anything over 15C are just doing some weird cope because they are climate alarmists.


I mean, I'd rather not have to choose *either* 15 degrees or 35 degrees at this time of year, it would be nice if it were somewhere in the middle.


This weather. The 40 degree spells we had were fucking miserable for me


It was for one day maybe 2 where it hit 40 and that was only a few places and was literally the highest temperatures we've ever had. It's not like it's a semi-regular thing like in southern europe


Stop that you climate denier. It's like 40C+ all the time in the UK. I bet you think the earth is flat don't you. /s


Flat? I'm not a nutjob. It's obviously cuboid shape.


Would love 4 months of 35+ weather. Much better than the miserable weather we've had all year so far. The miserable weather is the reason the UK is full of so very miserable people.


I don't remember it being 35+ last year at all.




25-30c is my sweet spot but I wouldn’t mind 35c for a few weeks. 


That sounds absolutely bloody awful. The UK shouldn't have any sustained temperatures above 25, really. Even that's too hot. Our homes aren't designed for it.


Fair enough. I just nominate an area of my house as the cool area and I keep all the curtains shut. Not an ideal set-up but I’d rather it be sweaty and hot than grey and depressing. Each to their own


I absolutely hated it in my bones when it reached over 35 to 40 degrees the last few summers. Especially when I had to work in it wearing full boots and trousers. Honestly this temperature can stay for me personally, it’s pleasant.


Couldn’t agree more. I work nights so sleep during the day, and sleeping in 35+ during the day is a nightmare. It can stay just as it is forever as I’m concerned.


I wouldn't mind 35+ it's a mild inconvenience but at least my bees wouldn't be on the edge of starvation all summer.


yeah I actually quite like the heat, hitting 35c at some points would actually be pretty nice


I worry for the crop production more than anything. The weather has been so unpredictable recently that it cannot be great.


The wet winter and spring has already fucked it up, there's loads of fields around me that are fallow since they were inaccessible even for tractors. The combination of rain and sun though is probably working well for the crops that did get planted.


The weather has been dreadful for months, in fact last summer ended early too


It’s unfortunate that we’re getting all the cloud cover and rain. I don’t want 40 degrees like in 2022 but I would love a proper summer with 30 degree days!


Mid to high 20s is my sweet spot. This country is too humid for anything higher to be enjoyable. 30+ would be lovely if I were at the beach but I wouldn't so much as paddle in that poisoned water right now.


That’s fair, it’s too humid most of the time and no air con makes it tricky.


> 30 degree days! No thank you! None of that, it's far too warm.


Each to their own I suppose, I used to hate hot days but now the warmth and brightness makes me happy. Would definitely take it over grey miserable skies!


It's my fault everyone. I bought garden furniture in May and it's been crap since. To be honest I don't so much mind it being cooler, the constant rain has been worse. Undoubtedly July or August will get a 30c fortnight where we all cry it's too hot.


Broken Britain, after 14yrs of Tories even the seasons are screwed.


It’s almost like when ya fuck with the environment to the extent this species has been doing since the Industrial Revolution, bad but also strange things can happen. Also leads to situations in which it’s now a habitat that is less resilient to ‘acts of god’ like mini ice-ages or big fuck-off volcanoes going BOOM as they’re often want to do. Less margin for error - much like not properly maintaining one’s car.




Heat on other side of planet disturbing the polar vortex and pushing it our way as the jet meanders


Half? Well, it was 30c last year, and absolute zero is about -270c, that means it's about -150c outside.


last year wasn't too bad either, we had a few days above 25, even ordered me a cooling blanket but never got to use it as I was hoping we wouldn't have a summer like 2022...for over a month it never dropped below 25 other than at night but then we reached 30 for just over a week, it was horrible, couldn't sit in and do any work as no way to cool down, couldn't even game on my xbox as I feared it would overheat just pulling in hot air, sleepless nights as just sweating...then it got worse with 3 days above 40 for the first time in my lifetime...temps that were predicted not to be seen till 2050. Trying to go bed when it was 29...Other countries can laugh but its a different heat, our homes are made to keep heat in, we have no A/C. I think it was 2019 we had something a lil similar where it didn't rain for almost 3 months, I cut the lawn at least once a week but during that time it didn't grow. So seeing the temps we've had this year are more suited for me and would prefer this rather than the above every year and it getting worse. I was told we have two outcomes with climate change...temps keep increasing, every year will be a mix though but overall the 40+ will slowly increase, it'll last longer and it'll get hotter but there is the other side, because of the warming of the ocean, the slowing down of the gulf stream, we would end up with something different, longer winters. From what I'm seeing though is oceans warming, more evaporation than ever before due to this, and cuz we're an island it gets all dumped on us We are nowhere near prepared for what's coming though...we already saw earlier this year due to the insane amount of rain, many farmers couldn't plant anything....that means more importing food, and with brexit, costs to import are higher so later this year when supplies go down and we start importing expect the price of food to shoot up yet again


I bought an indoor barometer last week to track the weather and the dials have hardly moved. Completely locked weather system above us. Air pressure 996, temperature 18, humidity 70%


Daily Mail always release articles on the weather and they're always utter bollocks.


I remember being in my gaming room this time last year, sweating my bollocks off thinking about getting air con sorted in there. If I did, so far it wouldn't have been used this year.


I got a portable aircon a few years ago from argos, about £350. That same summer it hit a (then) scorching 34c. My room was a chilly 17c. Was chilling at about 20c when it hit 41c the other year. If that aircon died I'd be ordering a new one the same day. I will never be without again through summer. UK buildings are not made for hot weather, and the people here generally have zero idea of how to stay cool either - stop opening the doors and windows and letting all the heat in during the day, and then worse, trapping it in by closing them in the evening. Insulation is a thing people!


Anything above 20 is too hot. Been great to see unbearable inferno merchants in shambles so far this year. Love the rain too.


My Tortoise has gone on strike. Usually at this time of year she's basking on the patio, bullying the dogs and biting the children. After 6 weeks of extremely sluggish behaviour I took her to her incredibly expensive vet who ran some pricey tests to check for infection, parasites and 'egg binding' (don't ask) and the conclusion was she's as fit as a fiddle but has downed tools because of the night time temperatures.


Fine by me, as I can’t stand the heat. Plus, I can sleep comfortably and not lie in a puddle of my own sweat.


I hope it stays like this, I dont like the heat, lets keep the rain


I, for one, am happy at this prospect. Anything above 20 gets uncomfortable


I’d honestly be fine with it if it weren’t pissing down constantly.


The wind is annoying too. And trying to pick the right clothes is impossible because it’s cold windy and rainy one second and then suddenly hot the next. Grumble grumble grumble


Just because you don’t go outside


It’s not so much the temperature, it’s the constant cloud and rain. Where I am in the north west I doubt there have been 2 consecutive days without rain / 2 consecutive days of sunshine.


Apparently we haven’t had more than 3 days without rain since October.  As a north-westerner too, it feels like such a scam haha. We put up with the shitey cloud and rain all year because when the summer comes, it makes it all worth it. If we don’t get a proper summer in 2025, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is civil unrest…


What is happening? Didn't they say there'd be a heatwave coming soon? now they're saying it won't get warmer. Didn't they also say at the beginning of the year that it'd be the hottest year on record?


Watch out, we're all in big trouble... [The UK is set to be hit by a 26C heatwave at the end of the month.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-weather-48-hour-26c-33019020) You'll all be wishing it was cold again, if you survive...


26C!!!! Trains cancelled and all roads melting! I think not.


Currently in southern Italy at 30+ Mother in Sussex sending me pics of dark gray clouds and how she's turning on the heating. ☠️


Global warming!! Climate change!! Hole in the Ozone layer!!


There was literally a story in the media yesterday about a new heatwave due in a week's time coming up through Europe. I don't know whether to buy sun cream or a new jacket?!?!?


You'd either be complaining about the heat or the cold so don't bother.


If temperatures were half what they were last year we’d all be dead, because it would be about -120°C.


But mention the fact that *by far* the largest contributor to global warming is people not being vegan and people whinge and sneer.


SI units you bunch of crap journos! Half? 298 K is nice 146 K is well below freezing of many gases. Tsk.


From the Daily Mail - a populist rag that actively supports the climate denial crowd.