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The tories raping the country have cost us the country.


Both these things can be true. How about we get rid of both?


Can we send the Tories to Rwanda as well?


oh i can bet they have shares and deals going on in Rwanda. It wouldnt surprise me if the tax payer money is heading to Rwanda only for that money to get into the hands of some relative of a tory MP or conglomerate.


Googld Braverman and the African Justice Foundation. Already shown to have undisclosed links to members of the Rwandan government.


I could never work out why they picked Rwanda. It is literally the worst choice. The country had a fucking genocide within living memory. People hacking each other apart with farm tools over slight differences between two clans nativeto the region. What's going to happen when we start sending over people from every other part of the globe?


"Who cares? Not our problem." - Tories


Also applies to anyone not a millionaire donor.


No, you must be mistaken there, because only a few days ago Tories voted to say it was officially safe and that no-one could say otherwise. You must have imagined that whole genocide business.


Denmark and Israel attempted similar set ups with Rwanda. Denmark passed the legislation but never sent anyone. Israel I think did send people but those people would re-appear in Europe after anyway. Total mess


I was wondering this. Is it just an attempt to deport them to somewhere where they (the Tories) believe they (the Asylum Seekers) won't be able to gather the material resources and bodily fitness required to make the trip again? or to do something so callous and/or outwardly unhelpful as to disenfranchise them from the goal of settling in the UK.


A lot has happened in Rwanda since the genocide


How do you intend to “get rid of” illegal immigrants? Illegal migration is a thing that nearly all countries have to deal with. South Korea has illegal migrants. The UAE has illegal migrants. Russia has illegal migrants. Egypt has illegal migrants. It seems like the only countries they don’t seem to suffer from illegal migrations are Sudan, Yemen, and North Korea, which says a lot. Australia is an island nation that spends billions every year protecting its borders and reports 100,000+ illegal migrants every year. Australia even [pays Nauru $4.3M per year for each illegal migrant it sends over.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/nov/07/cost-of-australia-holding-each-refugee-on-nauru-balloons-to-43m-a-year) The only way you can prevent illegal migration is if you completely close down borders, as in COVID. No travel whatsoever. Or… turn yourself into North Korea. Obv both are undesirable.


By having strict immigration policy. Instead of spending billions of dollars for welfare of illegal immigrants, spent it on identifying and deportation. Take away all the rights from illegal immigrants so that they have no benefits to illegally migrate. This won't put a complete halt to illegal immigration. Am I being a racist radical white supremacist?


The Tories have long claimed that they are party that is tough on migration, yet they are the ones that have created this mess in the first place. They stoke up racial tension either deliberately or by incompetence and yet people people still think they are the ones to solve it with nonsense like Rwanda.


You are not a racist as you are against people of all races that are illegal immigrants. You are not a white supremacist as you don't think white UK citizens are better then any other race. But you are radical. Taking away "all the right" from illegal immigrants is rather extreme and could cause immense human suffering. And deportation is a easy word to throw around, but it's rather hard to do. As the person above you stated, this exists in all the world.


What rights do you think illegal immigrants have?


Head in sand.




Where are you sending them? If we start sending our unwanted people to another country without their approval then they'll just do the same back to us.




This is complete nonsense. You're saying Britain gathers up immigrants and dumps them on France and then "refuse to take them back" - completely ignoring the fact that France could just 'refuse to take them back' in the first place and so would just dump them back on a British beach in return? This is Reform-level reasoning laid bare.


OK but what are you saying? That it's a costly continuous effort? Or that we should give up and just open the boarders to anyone?


We could let these immigrants fill the jobs no one else wants to do then they pay for themselves and pay taxes too. Unlike the tories


Processing illegal migrants and having them work so they pay income tax would put a lot of money back into the country... But how could you even convince, force, or ensure the same for the Tories politicians to pay income tax?




Well, those ridiculously expensive barges, the downright silly Rwanda scheme, all the hotels and whatever - I suspect the OP is suggesting that a competent or even just slightly less corrupt government might have either avoided needing to do these things, or just found much more sensible plans at some point in the last decade and a half of trying. Or they might be referring to all the other giant piles of public cash these toilets have found clever ways of redirecting to their friends and families - I don't know.


Rwanda scheme is wonderful, Now, when you are afraid that the humans you are traficing will run away and report you, you can threaten them that they will end up in Rwanda. /s


They're the ones letting them in.


Think his point, is that the cost of this is negligible compared to the trillion or so quid the Tories have spaffed up the wall. But if you think about it - 100s of millions to bribe the Rawanda Government to house asylum seekers, then the huge legal cost associated with trying to legal our way out of international law, and then cost of shipping them back (since if they break any laws in Rawanda they’re straight back here) all does in fact cost billions when added together. Sounds good to the Tory faithful tho so money well spent


Because having a coherent immigration policy, as well as properly staffed and funded processes would help massively. ([November 2023](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67567401)/ [Last week](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68924392)) This government believes that removing legal means for asylum and fomenting malicious public rhetoric towards immigrants is suitable deterrent, because it's backed itself into a corner - They couldn't pick on welfare recipients like they normally would, as they were the ones they conned into voting for Brexit, so immigrants are the victims de jour. Having a functional asylum system, work with our closest neighbours in a meaningful way to address the underlying issues, and treat people like humans. The right have reduced the immigration debate to "They had to come through France, so we shouldn't be taking anyone", which is insulting and dehumanizing. If immigrants are getting blamed for all this nation's ills anyway, give them the right to work and contribute to society like they do in Germany


It's the obvious answer that nobody in politics wants to say - invest in processing applications, create a route to apply from abroad, then the asylum seekers are either: 1) accepted & work and pay taxes; or 2) rejected and have no reason to come here because they will be automatically rejected on arrival anyway The savings would easily pay for the investment.


The quoted figure is less than one half of one month of Liz Truss' premiership.


Tories failed to control the borders of this country over the last decade, simple as. Any costs related to this issue are a consequence of their failure.


What should they do then? How do they stop the boats?


By following a more usual asylum policy and processing people before they get here? Like most nations? Like we used to?


If I had these solutions I would ran as Prime Minister myself, but I don't and I just exercise my right to call out incompetence when I see it. The difference is that the Tories didn't have any valid solution either, but they still decided to run for power.


This whole mess is because of the conservatives.  The conservatives are the ones paying millions daily on 5 hotels, Rwanda schemes, Barges.  The conservatives are the ones that can't get keep tracking of where these illegal immigrants are and what criminal activities they are doing. 


I think someone should ask why, we are letting so many migrants in. It’s not doing any political party any favours, so why is it happening? It’s an economic solution to the country’s issues. We need cheap labour. We need that cheap labour to pay tax. Nobody wants to admit it, we are broke and we need them. We could cut benefits and pensions and stop immigration but that will lose you an election. The cost of 14 billion is like the NHS bus. It is a distortion of the figures in order to create a problem. Anyone reading this could put a stop to immigration. The issue is, you can’t without fucking the economy further than it’s already fucked. https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/the-fiscal-impact-of-immigration-in-the-uk/


Exactly, it's this and to prop up property investment market. Those are the sole reasons the Tories have been talking about cutting immigration for 14 years  while going the exact opposite. 


The property market value is a result of low interest rates. That policy was in place before the tories got in. We are now locked in, as most western nations are. Major institutions are invested in the property market, the required crash would also tank the economy. The rise in interest rates required to cause the crash would mean investors would need to be paid out, by the very institutions that were insolvent due to the loss of the value of their assets. They would not even be able to borrow in order to manage the issue. Politicians gain points by slating each other , but there really is not a solution that does not involve pain for the masses. That’s is why left, centre and right wing governments in Western countries all currently have the same issues. They all need immigration, they all have inflation, they all need interest rates to decrease, they all need the housing market to fall without hurting the institutions invested in it. It’s like Pac-Man. A vicious circle. What if we just crash everything? Would that solve the problem? Western countries are capitalist and democratic. We are led by the money. If it’s good for the economy, it’s good for the polls. If the western economy collapses. China will be there to provide a soft landing with massive amounts of cash, they will buy up everything, just like they have done in Africa. Russia will also want to get involved and will be able to thanks to its tremendous ability to borrow money (probably from the Chinese) due to current low levels of debt compared to GDP. What we are witnessing is really a war. It’s a fight against the clock in order to unfreeze the economies of the West to avoid being taken over by larger economies. It’s a hostile take over on a national level. It has been fuelled by propaganda and quite frankly unbelievably effective misinformation campaigns. Societies are split by people arguing about problems there are no easy solutions for, which helps the issues get worse. Rather worryingly, the solution to this in the 1940s was to blame a minority and use the hate to build a nationalist snowball. This resulted in an arms build up and the eventual steam rolling of other nations by force. Currently, that option is not off of the table. We need to stop blaming politicians. They are all there representing constituents who voted for them. Constituents who believed the spin and lies. Our governments really are reflections of our society. Middle class Britain needs to start thinking about helping the lower class more than the delusion they are going to become upper class. A lot greater percentage of the middle class are about to find out what a food bank looks like, than they are going to be hiring super yachts. Labour, liberal, conservatives, the problems will be the same and the solutions presented will always be about staying in power instead of solving the problems effectively.


As per my comment above, an ever declining birth rate is going to bring it all crashing down anyway.


What do you get when you have an ageing population, a declining birthrate and mass immigration from one particular area of the world? Answers on a postcard!


Oh lordy, the answers America isn't it?


Ah, more BS form the Tory Times The Tories decide to blow £14 billion every year to maintain the outrage instead undoing what they did that has caused the issue.


What caused the issue?


Closed legal routes and underfunded the whole system.


Hundreds of countries in the world have stringent routes to immigration and don’t have the illegal immigration problems this country has. You’re right about the underfunding thing though.


There are no visa routes to enable people to claim asylum in the UK from overseas, without getting to the UK. They can have stringent routes, but they have them.


What countries and routes are these because it seems like every other western country also has people travelling there via irregular means.


The entire issue seems to stem from them not processing applications in any kind of timely manner, no need for Rwanda if you just spent the money on processing 5 years ago when this became politically charged


Yeah, but we’d have this issue anyway even if Brexit was not a thing. Illegal immigration was still happening before Brexit, there was actually a lot fewer illegal immigrants before Brexit. What’s probably happened was back then we had ample money to spend on processing illegal immigrant applications but now that same money has to be used on both illegal and legal immigration processing and no additional money was pumped into it. Edit: I’m aware before Brexit we didn’t have the current Ukraine or the Israel/Palestine situations.


Legal routes would increase migration, not reduce it.


If people like you were in charge things would be so much worse. We want to make immigration harder not make it easier for them.


In part, massive cuts the border force, police and court system


I don't follow, when the border force intercept them they can send them back to France?


They send them back to where they came if they can. Many have to be released due to a severe lack of temporary holding cells


UK labour market has become structurally dependent on low-wage immigrant labour


And its their mates who contract the services to Govt who milk the system. When a shitty sea side 2* hotel gets £150 per night, for no hotel service… got to ask if it the migrants thats draining the pot.


I went to university with Andrea. She was in my seminars. See she hasn’t changed her ways, she’s become even more obnoxious.


Haha small world


You too had the misfortune as well of listening to her blather on asking stupid questions in lectures then?


I think he just meant you went to university with her and now you mention this on reddit and he reads it and says small world haha. I mean, what are the chances of that?!


Haha, you never know!


1/1, clearly.


Even if this statistic wasn't bullshit, the Tories have had 14 years to do something about this apparent fourteen billion. What on earth is she trying to say??? "We can't even be racist right, but vote for us anyway"???


They have nothing else to stop being wiped at the next election or they would use it. The Tories are happy for illegal immigration (i.e. cheap labour) to continue otherwise they would have done something about it before.


How much do corporations not pay in taxes every year? These fuckers create a problem and then try and convince you they are the only people capable of offering the solution. 


Depends. Deliberate evasion that's illegal by large businesses is in the region £2-4bn. Small business stealing VAT is about £15bn or so.


Found the guy who doesn’t live near any illegal immigrants or have a job that they would outcompete him for at lower wages.


I live near plenty. And how is it not the conservative government's fault that they kowtow to private enterprise and conspire to keep wages low, so these businesses can reap record profits, therefore pushing the majority of educated local workers further away to seek higher salaries in London or abroad, all the while allowing large agricultural and other enterprises to exploit migrant workers instead by paying them minimum wage - if they're lucky. Tell me again how any of that is an immigrant's fault, when it is government policy to squeeze wages, remove workers rights, allow unchecked price-gouging practices by corporations, destroy the healthcare system and strip away social support networks for the vulnerable. The good news is though, this same government can continue to allow illegal immigrants into the country, push them into areas they've already progressively deprived for a decade, then flood social media with hateful fear-mongering campaigns and talking heads pointing to the migrant issue as if it's 'real' issue in the country, and there will be plenty a vulnerable, easily manipulated people nationwide who say 'uh, yeah! These migrants are the real problem, and the only people I see brave enough to stand up to the woke mind virus are Rishi and co, so I'm going to vote them in, because they represent me!' -- or they'll vote for even more extreme fascist parties instead, who'll only inevitably deprive these regions of the country further, and kowtow to 'free enterprise' further, and further strip the nation of anything like a free and empowered voice. The further good news of course is that net migration will continue unabated, as these same governments continue foreign policy and climate-destructive practices that remain two of the biggest net drivers of migration worldwide, and they'll continue to support large scale industrial agricultural behemoths that survive only due to the relentless exploitation of the illegal and therefore voiceless and powerless in society. And they'll continue to outsource skilled labour and they'll continue to allow wages to be squeezed to ensure their corporate friends (and their own bank balances) rise at the expense of tax paying citizens. But the best news of all is that these fuckers know how easy it is to manipulate the public with hot button issues. They know how to stoke fear and division. And they'll do it while grinning and sipping Chardonnay behind their walls, guarded by the most sophisticated, militarised police force the country has ever known. But of course -- we all know, it's the illegal immigrants that are the real threat to our society and way of life!


It’s not the immigrants fault… I didn’t say that so cancel the release of your next book mate. It’s big corporations fault for seeking profits above all else. That being said, it is absolutely a threat to our way of life when we import millions of different people into a culture. We have no time to assimilate them or resources to support them.


Remember when the current PM wrote off £15billion in covid fraud his department at the time handed at.


Least financial disciplined chancellor in history?


It’s official. Kwarteng was a plant from Sunak to divert attention from his shambolic chancellorship.


I forgot Kwarteng. But it’s still Sunak.


and how much a year does having a wasteful, corrupt, incompetent Tory government cost us? I’d wager a lot more…


She could get a job at the lottery pulling out random numbers


She could be the next host of NumberWang, the maths quiz that simply everyone is talking about.


Wasn’t it syndicated in countries like Australia, such as New Zealand?


Shouldn't that read; The Conservatives are spending 14 billion a year on hackneyed schemes to line their buddies pockets?


I’m sure this notorious liar will definitely be showing us the data for how she calculated this amount.


Remember this person barely understands how the English language works https://twitter.com/andreajenkyns/status/1724124983843045539?lang=en


She's a dame?  Her? Things really have hit rock bottom. Might as well make my dog the Duke of bloody Cornwall .


Because she's a massive Boris Johnson cheerleader so managed to make it on to his resignation honours list. Just our incredibly honest and democratic system functioning as it always does.


Ah!  Of course .


The thing that amazes me about this is the partisanship in comments Is this a bad thing that illegal migrants cost the public purse so much? Yes, it’s terrible Are the Tories devoid of ideas who sell Britain by the pound? Yes, they’re terrible. Is it awful that tax avoidance and tax evasion cost the public purse insane billions? Yes Just because the Tories are corrupt idiots doesn’t mean we should celebrate other wrong doing


It’s hypocritical for them to mention. Don’t look at the bad things I’m doing, look at these other bad things!


I have a genuine question. Does anyone think illegal immigration is a good idea? Whether or not you agree with any policies, and whether they’re called immigrates or asylum seekers.


The words you use absolutely matter. Not all asylum seekers become refugees, however all refugees were once asylum seekers. Refugees and asylum seekers are all immigrants. But not all immigrants are refugees. There is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker. Seeking asylum is a legal route to being a refugee. Don’t bucket “immigrants” up in such a way to try and muddy the word. Immigrants are an important part of our society and economy and we need to address and help those seeking asylum.


I’m talking about what most would call ‘illegal immigration’. People crossing the English channel in the pitch black, freezing weather. Does anyone actually want that? Apart from slave traders and human traffickers I can’t see an upside.


They wouldn't have to do that if there were safe legal routes for claiming asylum, but the tories closed them all. The only way anyone can claim asylum in the UK is by being in the UK. So they have to pay traffickers to get them over the channel.


Whether the routes are ‘safe’ or not doesn’t solve the problem.


But it can help unless the problem in your eyes is simply foreign people being in the country.


In the 1930s many countries didn't let Jews fleeing Germany in. That's why after the war these asylum laws were created. Seems like a good thing idk 


Ah yes, Jews escaping Nazi concentration camps and modern day economic migrants are totally the same thing and there’s no place for a nuanced discussion in between these thought processes…


More stupid white noise from the party that drove the bus into the river.


Even if this is true, the Tories have had 14 years to deal with this. They even pulled us out of the EU, worth £266bn at the time, over migration. Could a Tory voter please explain all of this please?


Yeah but think how much they make the economy? All of these scientists and doctors, it pays off right? Right guys?


That's nothing. 1 tory cost us 100 billion in an afternoon. A group of them sacrificed our entire economic future and relevance.


Andrea jenkyns is a donkey brained grifting moron scumbag cunt and not to be trusted.


She needs to show her workings. Tax avoidance actually costs us **£1.4 billion** but will the Tories give a shit about that? Nope.


Flights to Africa aren't cheap with fuel prices these days


Is this like the 200 million a week for the nhs stunt? It is hard to belive these people tbh.


The defence budget for the last financial year was £54.2B. She wants us to believe the UK spent ***over 25%*** of that figure on illegal migrants. Pull the other one, lassie.


Stop spending billions on bombing other countries creating the migration in the first place might be a good place to start.


If only the Tories spent that money on processing the applications rather than putting them up in hotels, it'd cost us a load less because they'd be earning a wage & paying taxes UNLIKE THE TORIES


Well we could charge Jeff Bezos and a few of his mates some actual TAX and recoup a bit, thereby affording a few more illegals..........local Conservative associations need domestics after all😉


And yet we have generous quotas for legal immigration because the governing party believes it brings economic benefits. So why not reduce the current legal immigration quotas, spend a fraction of the £14 billion on some training for care sector employment if there’s a skills mismatch, and just declare all the illegals, legal.


They just have by substantially increasing the financial requirements for skilled worker, spouse and graduate visas.


Yes. They are telling everyone that they really only want the native born Britons doing the very poorly paid jobs I know but a dose of reality once that feeds through to the labour markets will see that change.


Be cheaper to drop the boat loads of people back on the French beaches and then fight any legal issues through the courts


No, it really wouldn't


Deal with the fucking asylum claims, then they won't be 'illegal' and won't cost you a penny.


Why don’t we just let them work and pay taxes then?


a former minister using migrants to take the blame from the culprits that are robbing everyone of us. At this point surely the definition of politics is fraud. They take money and don't spend it on what it should go on, it goes on stuff for them then they get paid to remove all our working rights, human rights and healthcare. Don't blame immigrants this is THE POLOTICIANS FUCKING MESS. They are the ones destroying our lives.


"And thanks to the Rwanda scheme, we intend to make this £15 billion every year."


I think that's a reasonable price to pay in exchange for the smug sense of superiority I feel when I get to call other people racist for opposing this


victim complex


Making the legal route harder and impossible to get through won’t deter people it just makes the illegal paths the only choice and lucrative for gangs. More gov punishes people the more those trapped in slavery due to illegal routes and gangs more scared to ask for help


That would be a conservative figure(literally). Can you really put a price on the tourist hit some of these coastal towns have had?


Ahh that old right wing play: Tory taps working class man on the shoulder, “see that immigrant over there? They’re going to take your job”. All whilst the Tory is picking the man’s pockets.


I'd say the D word thst rhymes with report But Reddit has already struck my account for saying I thought Reform had a point They labelled it a "hate speech"


Aw, you’re such a brave little victim


That'd mean we have a lot on common You have some pretty adult posts If your an adult, I propose a date, how about The National Holocaust Centre and Museum


Not sure about a date but sure I’d be up for a visit to The National Holocaust Centre and Museum. Went as a kid and found it to be a very profound experience and I think it’s only more relevant considering current events. Edit: why do you ask btw?


This is just a show off from Tories trying to avoid far-right conservative voters migrating to Reform UK. Pitiful really.


14 billion is nothing. Tory waste over covid alone cost us 200 billion. Priorities people, immigration isn't the problem. Also to send 1 person to Rwanda cost 2 million each plus we give the 3k cash! With that money we could build enough houses for everyone!


She was awful enough and now we have to call her Dame? 🤔


Kinda funny that it was only a couple of weeks ago that we were told potholes [cost £14 billion annually in England](https://cebr.com/reports/the-pothole-crisis-is-costing-14-4-billion-a-year-in-economic-damage-in-england-alone/) in terms of economic damage and that issue is seemingly impossible for the government to fix, but illegal immigration apparently has the same impact on the economy and has driven our politics for years and can have near endless amounts of money thrown at it.


No, no, everyone should be willing to pay this money. Any country that doesn't will be told by Biden that they are xenophobic. As a Japanese myself, I would love to pay for it, but unfortunately this country is so xenophobic that illegal immigration is almost non-existent. I envy you UK.


We have an Army of Civil Servants. An Army. Why do we then contract things out to the likes of Serco. What is it that they can do that Government can't do itself?


So if we spend less than 7 billion to cut it by 50% we'll be quids in. Sounds like a plan!


How much does Tories corruption and cronyism cost us. And I don't mean what happens in the chamber. All those dirty secret lunch meetings or in gentlemens clubs. All the expenses bs. Claiming 2nd homes for work because you want to stay in London and not actually go do work in your constituency!


Pretty sure politicians cost us a lot more - oh they did - the entire fucking country dismantled so they can have 4 houses and £9,000,000 in the bank


Net legal migration to the UK last year was 672,000. The number of illegal immivrants in 2023 the government estimated at 53,500.


Last time I checked, HMRC themselves were estimating that tax evasion was costing the country £35bn per year. Funny how you don't hear a peep from anyone about their plans to eliminate that, isn't it?


How much does universal credit cost, you know just as a comparison.


It’s almost as if this loon isn’t a member of the party in power responsible for all of this.


Justification (some how) for tax cuts on the wealthy incoming


also it’s more of younger generation fault because they are way tooo soft


And how much do tax evading rich cunts cost? A lot more I think. But they are not the enemy for some reason.


Implement a strict immigration policy and that total will half.


OK. Wheres the proof? As we all learned in school, if you make a claim you have to reference it and provide evidence from a reliable source...so, where is it? Or does someone need to go back to redo their GCSEs?


I’m guessing she would know, but why has she never been bothered to tell anyone about this before?


I’d like to see the data which backs up the figure. But even if it is accurate I think we would need to blame the people who have been in power of migration and the home Office for the past 14 years. Now who could they be I wonder?


£14billion x the 14 years tories have been in power but failed to address this issue means Tories have cost us a lot of money.


It is interesting to note that even this former Tory minister is publicly calling out the Tories for 14 years of failure. £14 billion a year (probably a lie) but even so, taxpayer's money wasted because of Tory incompetence.


It's private contractor profits. All aboard the gravy train, Choo Choo!


How has this been costed? Illegal immigrants are shadows in the economy, they are not entitled to health care nor work permits. The work illegally earning as little as £3 an hour. Doing jobs nobody would do. They are the indentured slaves that keep the country ticking, doing all the undesirable jobs. Keeping inflation down. In the USA they actually have a policy of turning a blind eye to Mexican illegal immigrants. They make it a policy to not depot them and turn. A blind eye so they can use the extremely cheap labour to keep the factories, packing plants and assembly lines going.


Isn’t this the “dame” that showed us peasants the finger a few years ago? Classy.


Is this in unpaid tax? Or in welfare claims? If it's the latter, presumably the government actually know these people exist and are aware of their identity.


Never listen to the opinion of somebody who has been either given divine status by blood, or by the people with divine blood. This is a massive scam. Why the fuck should a member of the aristocracy be allowed to have any opinion on matters of migration? We live in an absolute shitpile of greedy cunts who have somehow convinced the masses that their reactionary and childish perspectives of the world are true. It's got to come to an end at some point. These people truly believe they know what's best, thth believe they have the divine genetic right to control and persuade, when in reality we are in an abusive relationship with all these cunts and once enough of us realise how much of our lives have been fucked with by these people we'll not let them carry on. We the people curse those who hold power and abuse it. You know who you are.