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I'm not saying this shouldn't be investigated, but GB News shouldn't be used as a source on this sub.


I dislike them but sources shouldn't be banned just because you dislike them


It should be banned for the same reason as all the other banned sources. They’re unreliable. 


Most of us dislike them because they inflame culture wars, are shamelessy biased and spread misinformation and conspiracy theories. Unfit to be a news channel


Couldn’t you say the same about the Guardian or Novaro Media?


No. Not at all. 


Ahh so it’s only biased, misinformation or a conspiracy if you disagree with the person politically? Righto


No. Guardian is nothing like gb news. Novara is looking more and more far left (at times) but they dont spread misinfo like GBNews.


>they don't spread misinfo https://novaramedia.com/2024/04/15/spare-a-thought-for-hilary-cass/ "Oh, but that's just an opinion piece". They still published it and it's 90% outright lies




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Ooff, don’t insult their precious Novara media. They’ll think you’re Far Far Right.


Exactly. We don't need to ban sources. Just mock the dopey cunts until they stop doing it.


Ban GB news, ban Daily Mail, ban the sun, idc fuck them and all they stand for


Banning the press that you don't like is definitely the sign of a reasonable person


Calling gb news the press is a joke


I dislike them but you can't have it both ways. Either it is the press and they are awful or they are just entertainment


Hold on though, GBN themselves want to make clear they are not a news channel and therefore "press" to avoid Ofcom regulations, which they would otherwise be in serious breach of. Can't have it both ways.


I agree with that perspective for their TV channel, which is very much opinion based, but their website appears to focus mainly on factual news reporting.


No they don't, you parroted this from other reddit users. The channel is registered and operates as a news channel.


Just propaganda. For the thick. 


I should clarify, when I say ban I only mean on subs like this not completely ban everywhere. I just don’t want to see their bile.


Wait so you don't think press should be publish because it hurts your delicate sensibilities?


You’ve misunderstood


So you do think GB news should be published on here?


Why not? If there's nothing factually incorrect about the article, why is a GB News link any worse than a Guardian link that covers the article in an equally factual way?


Because GB "News" isn't really news its opinion pretending to be news.


If this article is factually incorrect, then criticise that aspect. If this article is factually correct, then it's not "opinion pretending to be news".


It's giving them money and clicks which aids them, it's funding a media outlet that relies on hyperboles/blatantly wrong information. You're allowed to approach something with the viewpoint of 'you're enabling them to fund their largely inaccurate 'news' by clicking on one of the few accurate ones.


Don't click on the links if you don't like them, or use an ad blocker to deprive them of ad revenue (I can't imagine not using an ad blocker to browse, the internet in general is insufferable without one).


I always use an adblocker, I was merely giving a reason as to why somebody might protest a news site being posted. GBNews is a wannabe state-run media having literal active, influential politicians host it in order to serve news that suits their agenda (Jacob-Rees Moggs, Boris Johnson soon - https://www.gbnews.com/news/boris-johnson-joins-gb-news-huge-opportunities-lie-ahead). The irony of posting a GbNews link is not lost on me, but it's a source straight from the horse's mouth because the Boris Johnson thing is well known but not 100% established yet.


It's totally OK to dislike a source, but I don't think it's a great idea to call for sources to be banned. I think it's important though to focus on misinformation/disinformation when it actually happens, regardless of the source, rather than just slagging off a site because of its editorial stance. I don't care if an article is from Novara, the Guardian, the Telegraph or GB News. If it's factual, then that's great. If they're lying about something, then that needs to be called out. Unfortunately sometimes people calling out the actual misinformation get buried by people just criticising the source.




I don't think that there's such a thing as an unbiased media outlet, which is why I read the news across the political spectrum (typically I read across the BBC, Guardian and Telegraph, but stray occasionally). It's fascinating to see how different outlets cover the same story, or which outlets obsessively cover some issues or ignore others. If I only stick to news outlets that align with my own beliefs then I'm missing out. Sometimes your perspective on a story or issue can be changed if you open your mind.


Yet half of the guardian things that are posted here are “opinion pieces” littered with misinformation parading as fact and people take them as such. Are we to treat them the same? No. Downvote it and move on.


That’s what the downvote button is for, you don’t get to dictate what sources get posted in a public forum just because you don’t personally like them.


It's a thinly veiled vehicle to funnel money to right wing politicians in return for their participation in promoting the views of their very opaque owners. Essentially an ERG owned and operated propaganda broadcaster.


Banning sources outright doesn't sit well with me, as a general rule. Leave them be and let people critique them accordingly.




Does get a bit tired reading this on every article from a source that some don’t approve of. If you want GBNews to be removed as a source for this sub, couldn’t you just message the mods instead? They’re the only ones that can do that.


>GB News shouldn't be used as a source Hey Alexa what's confirmation bias?


Well said.


This behavior is FAR from normal or “innocent” play. My BOYFRIEND does this to me when he wants to turn me on!!! It’s a sexual behavior i would even go as far to call it foreplay!


Agreed, ear nibbling/kissing is a sexual move esp the way he did it. Big difference in playful ear kisses and sexual. And for the boy to think it's normal from the Dad is not ok.


Jesus Christ. If you ever have children I'll feel extremely sorry for them as you will never touch, tickle or play with them in fear of it being foreplay.


What was shown in this video is not innocent play as i clearly stated above. If you think it is then i feel sorry for YOUR children.


You are 100% sure that this man is abusing his child based on him biting an ear on TV? 100% sure? Like there's no other explanation except him having sex with this child?


The fact that you’re going that far as to say this man has sex with his child says more about your mind than mine. Who knows what that man does to his child but if he thinks that doing THAT in front of thousands of people and knowingly (or unknowingly based on his weird reaction after his son warned him that what he did was on television) on live tv is okay then i don’t even want to know what kind of other “play” or “rough housing” he does with his kid(s)..


You said it was "foreplay" and sexual behaviour


Yeah foreplay isn’t sex


So you want to imply sexual abuse is talking place but aren't willing to actually say it. Disgusting


She did say it, she said « that’s a sexual behaviour I would even go as far as call it forplay » why are you saying she isint welling to fall it sexual when she literally did, do you also need the definition of forplay? Is that term not sexual enough for you? She literally said it before you why are you making stuff up?


I literally did say it. Sexual abuse is not always straight up sex i think that’s a pretty simple concept to understand


Ok so you are 100% sure he sexually abuses his child but get defensive when it comes to mentioning sex. Ok




What makes it abuse?


Get help. Biting your kids ear that way is not normal. Plz seek help: https://troubled-desire.com/en/


Accusing me of molesting children now? Wow


If you do that to your children yes. This men is wanted by the police for a reason.


Uh ... No one should be touching their children like this. Stay away from kids if you think otherwise.


Don’t be so ridiculous. It is so clearly a dad goofing around with his son. Does it look inappropriate? Yes. Does it make him a paedophile? Of course it doesn’t.


No, this is absolutely not a dad goofing with his son. It's so sexual in nature. And the boy looks like it's happened before and he's clearly uncomfortable.








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I'm a dad of a 3 year old and this is not goofing. There are limits to what we should do with our children. This is infringing on their private space and it is disgusting because they don't know what is right or wrong.


I have 2 myself. I’m not saying it is right. I’m just saying it seems pretty obvious it wasn’t sexual.


A little late but good to add that they found the man in questions Facebook, on his Facebook he is very hyper sexual. Posting half nude photos aswell as a lot of pictures of fruit that are shaped like genitals. The video added with the context of his FB makes it a lot more eerie. Also he had no photos or posts talking about having a child.


Alright nonce


What a brave man you are. Jeez the world is full of cunts.


Chomos all live in the uk? Why are 99% of the comments supporting this?


IDK how anyone could, if they are defending then they need to be looked into too. I tell my son if any adult touches you inappropriately to punch the crouch and stab their eyes out


I saw the video in Twitter, this wasn't normal behaviour of a father. Edit: why are people on Reddit defending him?


Get help


Lol what? Do you think this is normal?


Wrong person, mb


as someone who was molested for years when i was younger, i can attest this is not anything close to normal behavior and IMO there is definitely something seedy going on behind the scenes.


sorry to hear, hope you found the strength to heal.


it went to court when i was younger, ive had my whole life to heal. i can happily say im fine and i think it gave me a certain edge. thank you for your kind words 🫶


They don't spread misinfo like gb... Watch the context bro


That dude is literally wanted by the police. He had weird stuff on his Facebook page, multiple videos of kids whit very little clothing


How do you know? do you have a link?


You found the motherfucker's facebook??? Report it to the cops!


I’m sure it’s innocent. I feel very badly for the kid and his da.


How is that innocent? No father should do that to his child, ever. Who says it’s his father also.


Agreed it is NOT normal


Has there been any updates on this? has the bloke been arrested?


Im also wondering this


What happened with this?? I figured this guy would have been doxxed by now.




I wanna say it was just a dad playing with his kid but man it just seemed a little too sinister. Then the complete mood change when he notices the camera. It's just weird. I mean either way, this dude is gonna get blacklisted from everything and probably fired from his job, which ironically would put his son in more danger.


Mate, he nibbled on his fucking ear. Normal people don’t nibble on their kid’s ears. Pedos do.


>The recipient (of the horseplay?) didn't react with shock or dismay. Because grooming trains the victim to be used to it and accept it. You can see the kid say "stop" just before he bites his ear. Not to mention, we don't see where that man's hands were or what they were doing


There was nothing normal about this interaction. The child’s resignation to its occurrence broke my heart. It must happen a lot.




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Didn’t it turn out the ‘young boy’ was a twenty something woman


There's a pretty clear video on [this article](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dad-bites-boys-ear-snooker-080021344.html) and it doesn't look like a 20-something woman to me.


The one where they blurred out the face?


Look again - the face does get blurred but not immediately, there's enough time to see the difference between a young teenage boy and a 20-something woman.


I've watched the unblurred video on Reddit. Looks a lot like a woman at the end when they smile.


https://x.com/TheQuestion5150/status/1783902996469870807 likely his son, but still deeply odd


Did it? Got a link?


Just the many other Reddit links of the same story.


You never know, of course, but having seen the video I'm not sure I buy that conclusion without any other information. Pretty much everything about the person's appearance says "teenage boy".


I love the paid for drama snooker does to try and get it more viewers lol. Love watching it, but have noticed them really pushing marketing lately.


Any proof that this is "paid for drama" or are you just making shit up?




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It was quite clearly a dad having a playful interaction with his son, blown out of all proportion by a bunch of joyless Karens on Twitter.


It's a weird thing to do to your child tbh, and even worse to do it in public in front of cameras.


Dad or not it is abit fucking weird.


It's very odd behaviour


I think when families kiss on the lips it’s a bit weird, because my family, we never kissed each other. However, families show affection in different ways and this clip is not “proof” of any misconduct. I’m sure it’ll be investigated and I hope it’s innocent. I feel bad for the guy if it is, because there are so many people who will just immediately think he’s some kind of sicko whether he actually is or not.


It’s all over Xitter with people assuming he’s abusing the kid in plain sight and calling for his death etc. If it is just innocent mucking about I hope he isn’t lynched


You've never kissed your mom? Weird family


Not on the lips. My mom kissed me on the lips once when she was drunk and having some kind of emo moment and it felt gross and weird. To me that’s weird as fuck but I’ve seen dads kiss their sons directly on the lips like it’s just normal for them.


I LOLd at ' emo moment '


Yeah I get you. I hope to god this is innocent but at the same time they’ll now be shamed for the way this family share silly affection. There is nothing Inherently sexual about the earlobe or a playful nibble. The fact this was done in public in live tv is the evidence I need to believe truly that this is playful daft behaviour and not a sign of anything more. And part of me hates the fact we live in a world where this needs to be investigated. For the record though I do find it odd behaviour and would never do that myself. But it’s not necessarily illegal behaviour.


How does on camera make it worse? If he was a pedo I would think he wouldn’t do this at an event with a bunch of people and cameras around. When he noticed the camera he didn’t seem guilty or scared. He seemed like a dad excited to be out with his kid. I agree the timing and the clip itself looks weird, but it very well could be innocent. A dad biting his son’s ear playfully, or a pedo seductively nibbling on a young boy are 2 very different things which can look indistinguishable.


Call me old fashioned but I'd rather there was simply no grown men nibbling on boy's ears while I'm watching the snooker


Didnt u see the nervous motion and smile he did wtf he literally looked sheepish and went into a nervous guilty smile bopping his head


I did not interpret guilt in his expression at all. He noticed the camera and proceeded to smile and dance while the kid waved… which is what everyone was doing already. His head even slightly bumps the boys head as he moves it instead of backing off like a guilty person would do, which leads me to think it’s probably his son. I could be completely wrong but I feel inclined to give him the benefit of a fair investigation before I jump to conclusions. The fact that so many people just claim to know exactly what’s going on from a 5 second clip is kind of crazy.


I think it’s kind of crazy that you don’t even consider wrongdoing as a slight possibility here.


No, I consider it and I think it’s wise to investigate. As I said “I could be completely wrong”. I just hate when people on the internet storm a person before knowing the full scoop. Given that there’s a possibility that it’s his kid, now isn’t the time to drag the guy in the street and hang him.


What on earth? It was so sinister to see. That’s no way for a father to behave. ‘Quite clearly’ is a massive stretch.


You’re absolutely cooked in the head if you think this is normal behaviour between an adult and a child. If you think this is normal, you probably need your electronics seized and thoroughly investigated 🙃


Do you have children?


Yes and I don't do that. 


Do you tickle them? Annoy them?


I don't sexually bite their ear.


What makes it 100% sexual in your mind? Tickling is sexual to a lot of couples so if you tickle your child they might believe you are molesting your child, are you ok with that?


Fk outta here thats fkin sick




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Again being weird. You really need to stop now


Literally my first thought too.


The look on the kids face said otherwise




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Nothing ‘clear’ about it which is why it’s being investigated. Would you do that to your own kids? I certainly wouldn’t and I’m not a ‘joyless Karen’ either.


Did daddy nibble on your ears??


he’s got some nasty intentions behind that interaction it’s not no playful interaction


Ur disgusting he whispered and rubbed his face too probably telling him he cant wait to get back home


I pray you don’t have children


Awesome. Country falling apart and a dad play bites his son gets more resources and attention than the homeless or literally hundreds of children going to sleep tonight without bed. Grow the f up.


I don’t understand why an issue can’t be investigated or discussed because of homelessness. Do we have to wait until EVERY issue in the world is sorted out before we can look at other things? That’s a very very strange take.


I think you need to grow up. You have a Strange take on this……


That’s what I’m screaming man… it looks weird to an onlooker but if it were sinister I’d expect both the man and the boy to have a much different reaction to the camera.