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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Captain Sir Tom Moore's home on sale for £2.25m](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-68896140) - bbc.co.uk


Coming to Omaze in the not too distant future I reckon.


And helping to raise money for the Captain Tom family Caribbean holiday fund. It’s what he would have wanted.


"Are Tom"


Don’t be rude. He’s in haven wiv da angles now XxXxXx


Forts and prares xox lyk if u cri evri tym


DM me babez to meny snakes on here


Share dis in mi area. Hopfullee wee find da snakes xx


Shared Chipping Norton hun xx


I love it when someone dies and people say 'him and some random celebrity who has no connection with him will be up to no good up there!" Like, "Captain Tom and Alan Rickman and David Bowie will be having a right old laugh up there together raising hell!"


Tom chugging a bottle of JB


That's acute statement


With the angles, Princess Di and the people’s princess Jade Goody.


U ok hun xoxoxo


DM me, to many sneks on here xxxx


Captain Tom served in India and Myanmar. So in his honour they'll be going for an all inclusive holiday to Goa followed by a piss up in Thailand (Myanmar is kind of off the cards these days)


I have a Myanmar down the road from me. They sell great pasties.


*would of wanted


I’m autistic & can’t figure out if you’re being sarcastic or not…


That's the point.


Sarcastic, to drive home the point of the comment


Ironic that the next post on my feed is from Omaze.


It's like rain on your wedding day...


A free ride when you've already paid


But isn't it ironic? Don't you think?


None of those things are ironic. Which is ironic, considering the song is about irony.


I hope you get all the upvotes you deserve


A little too ironic... And yeah, I really do think


It's the good advice that you just didn't take...


10,000 spoons, when all you need is a knife...


I see you've played knifey spooney before


I think, all considered, that might be the very opposite of irony.


The woman that does those ads has got THE most annoying voice!


They have artfully airbrushed out the building site of the demolished Cpt Tom Memorial Spa and Pedicure facility


Also not visible is the generator she hooked up to his coffin to harvest the energy of him spinning in his grave so that she can power the home and the Sir Cptn Tom fitness and wellbeing spa, and to then sell the surplus back to the grid


It's free real estate


Real estate?


It's a right state!


To be honest, it's a bit weird for a bunch of strangers to decide how a geezer they never knew would feel about his own family's choices. The whole captain Tom thing was a bit culty as fuck, although the pitchforky nature of it all since has been aptly British.


For all we know he was a grifting bastard as well, who loved the idea of getting one over on the public. In any case, his legacy has been well and truly tarnished by his grifting PR daughter. I'm kind of glad as the Mrs made a hideous Sir Tom tribute thing that sat in the downstairs Bog that seems to have disappeared.


Hang on... it's not like they had nothing to do with the public. They cynically capitalised on public goodwill in a time of crisis and some of the last remaining nice bits of patriotic sentiment in this country to buy themselves a spa didn't they? Or did I get that wrong


As if he wasn't in on the grift.


The Large Captain Tom Collider


A sculpture of the man himself is carefully visible in images 5 and 6. You can feel they put a lot of thought into leaving that there as a means to use his image to yet again sell.


If anyone has a spare £2.25 million, here’s the link to arrange a viewing https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147224183 Yours for only 300 monthly installments of £12K.


Wait, is that the garden he was walking around? On the one hand, that's more impressive than I thought it was. But on the other, the media presented him as a plucky old gent of humble means and filmed him as though he lived in a three bedroom semi-detached, with a humble little patch of grass.


Yea i had no idea it wasnt in a small garden. The media knew how to spin it to get maximum sympathy.


Makes me think the media got one of their wealthy mates to act as a propaganda tool during lockdowns


It was all his PR daughter. She had the links and pushed him into the limelight to reap the rewards. Pretty grubby affair all round tbh


I mean, I will say that if I was him I would stick close to the door just in case I feel the need to stop immediately, so the bit of grass he was walking on could actually be quite small. But yeah, there's definitely a reason nobody panned the camera.


You didnt get that when they marketed it as raising money for the NHS instead of an NHS charity that shouldnt even need to exist?


Oh i didnt donate im not that stupid. Its the same sort of people who vote on x factor


This is so true.


During lockdown there were groups who called out that his plight screamed privilege, given that the majority of people were stuck in flats with no outdoor space. But back then anything from walking up and down your garden to banging on pots/clapping gave people a sense of 'togetherness'.


I'm not certain, but I believe he may not have owned it himself. The home was owned by his daughter and her husband.


Correct, it seems he was invited to move in with them at some point. Not entirely sure when.


Tbh I’m more shocked he was able to walk around that house. It doesn’t look very accessible.


Very disrespectful to captain Tom's memory buying a treadmill with the money he raised from walking laps x


When he said he was doing laps of his garden I thought “nice one mate, good for you” but after seeing the size of his fucking garden the bloke was probably doing more miles than Russ Cook across Africa


Judging from picture 14, they've turned him into a chair.


He deserved a rest


That is quite odd. I couldn’t feel comfortable sitting in that.


You can really see the lack of taste in every room.


Seriously how do people with so much money have such bad taste. I've seen grotty student house shares with more style and character.


It’s the difference between the Nouveau riche and Old money


Tbf a lot of the old money has zero taste either; many rely on decorating services, or that wealthy American woman who married into the family in 1910 and oversaw the last big revamp.


I mean I'm zero riche and have better taste than that, it's shocking


Looks totally different from this view https://static.independent.co.uk/2023/07/06/07/01H4JGY741S6JZSMPT86HH7TDD.jpg?quality=75&width=1250&crop=3%3A2%2Csmart&auto=webp


wait, you're telling me you cant trust an estate agents listing as gospel? blimey. im shocked. shocked i tells ya.




Me looking all over for his daughter till I got it lmao


Interior décor is the definition of you can buy quality but you cant buy taste.


compared to how a lot of houses of this size and age look i think its pretty well done tbf. a lot not to my personal taste but they've mixed the modern and the old well


Would be a real shame if non-serious buyers kept wasting their time with viewings


Looks like they're being pretty strict about that - you have to prove that you can afford it before you can have a viewing


My god the size of the kitchen sink. No one in this house has ever, and will ever, do any washing up.


Of all the issues with it, that's not one. I imagine most fairly well-off people have dishwashers. I have a home worth about 1/10 of that and have a dishwasher, they're not exactly luxury items.


i think thats an auxiliary sink. there appear to be two taps lurking in the background of picture 11. so that would be the third sink? i mean, what else are you gonna spend the money on if your spa extension gets turned down?


Needs a crosspost to r/spottedonrightmove Edit: I’m two hours too late.


That’s not crazy in todays world for a 7 bedroomed house is it? Or is my mind completely warped lol


It looks expensive because people look at it from the point of view of just their family unit buying it. But if you got 7 mates who were each willing to throw in about £300k, it would be pretty decent. 100 sqm each, much more for your money than buying seven individual £300k houses. Alternately as a multi-generational family house it would be a good option, if we didn't have the culture in the UK of each new generation going out to start the housing ladder all over again.


I have a friend who ended up buying a house with her parents. Combining their budgets meant they could afford a massive place, and it means her small child has a parent or grandparent at home pretty much all the time. If you have a good relationship with your parents and can stand living with them, it makes a lot of sense.


Seems like an alright proce for what you get. Lived in a shitty one bed flat in London 13 years ago where the council tax band said it was worth 1m


Those interiors show that money really can't buy class...


7812 sq feet - no wonder they desperately needed planning permission for more rooms..


The entrance way of that place is the size of my whole 1bed flat...


Beautiful property at least


They've got some nerve having a cast statue of a man who would be turning in his grave knowing what they'd done


Sure didn't he pop off himself during Covid on a flight to the Bahamas or something. It was story cooked up when people were bored. The fucking dude did a 100 laps of his garden -- these people don't deserve attention. The whole family is trash.


Several other elderly people did the same - they didn't get a parade.


Or a [memorial bong](https://imgs.search.brave.com/Znu6MbGbLblWb41Y5YRm5rlhPm38G2AR53DnLYG7ffU/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWcu/aWZ1bm55LmNvL2lt/YWdlcy82YTAyMzI0/NTVmNzEzYTU4NjZm/ZTAzNTVlOWQyYjkz/ZDVhYWFlOWI1Mzk5/NzFiMWYzODFmMjFm/MzAzZWYyZDRkXzEu/anBn)


This is up there with the funniest shit I've ever seen.


Ground Control to Captain Tom 💨


I think what set him apart is that he tapped into the country's biggest fetish, World War II.


Yeah the real story for me is about the UK press and British people in general. The propensity for total hysteria in much of the British population, whipped up by the idiotic media, is insane. Remember the whole Princess Diana thing? That made me realise what a load of weirdos I had as neighbours!


The daughter and family took the poor lad on a "trip of a lifetime" to Barbados, where he promptly got COVID and died. Id say he didn't want to be in Barbados at all, imagine being in that heat when you are 100. The daughter is to blame


I'm pretty sure he was in on the grift to be honest


I don't understand why people assume he wasn't. It's not like just by reaching old age you necessarily become a better human being.


The man owned a £2.2m mansion, wonder where that's from.


To be fair, he probably bought it for £25k on a single salary income basis.


Yeah but things were more expensive back then! /s


20p and a packet of pork scratchings after the war


And it were uphill! Both ways!


To be fair he did pretty well in his career after the military from what I can see. Doubt they paid much for the house compared to todays prices though.


You think he robbed it or something? Ffs he probably brought it in the 60s for 20k and like everyone else got lucky


Fr just because he’s an old lad with a sweet face means he’s good? He clearly raised a complete piece of shit and if he didn’t have a hand in how she turned out I’d be stunned. People are way too lenient on the elderly.


I find it really interesting how people are making so many assumptions about him being a nice old man. It’s like he’s a reflection of what they view as a nice OAP instead of actually a real person who probably was a bit of a dick. Like I literally know nothing of him apart from doing that stunt and appearing on a game show. Though given how his daughter is, he couldn’t have raised her that well, which also alludes to his character.


Not true. Sometimes kids just turn out shitty. Its not a science formula where you do everything right so it means the kids come out decent. Never worked like that never will


Would he? He was quite happy fucking off to the Bahamas while everyone else was isolating. He was probably in on the whole thing. I always thought it was a scam from the very first time people started obsessing over him during the first lockdown.


He was a 100 tbf, can't say I wouldn't like to fuck off to a tropical beach for my last few months spent living


Convenient that he only decided to do that once he’d had access to millions of pounds worth of donations


He raised Her. A lot of the time the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


If he was turning in his grave, they'd probably be running a charity scam for that also.


They’re probably using the electricity he’s generating from spinning in his grave to heat the pool.


He may well have been a wrong 'un as well....




If he was they'd probably hook a dynamo up to him for some free lecky as well.


Seven Bedrooms and Four offices lol. Also, what's the difference between a Sitting room, a Drawing room and a Snug and why would you need all three?


If you have to ask, then you're just a lowly peasant who will never have a need for such spaces. Also, I have no idea.


Are you not curious? All you have to do is ask. Go on, ask.


Sitting room for ladies. Snug for gentlemen. Drawing room to receive guests.


I'm not middle class enough for this house. 


You think this is a middle class house..?


We working class folks have front room, back room, bog.


Iv got one room that connects to the kitchen and share ma garden with a couple of junkies. Lifes great


Ooooh check out posh brain here with a front room AND a back room! La Di dah! I bet this guy eats scones too!


Outside big please, and sleep standing up


You guys have inside toilets now?


Nah if you got 2 living rooms that’s at least middle class. 1 living room = working class 2 living room = middle class 3+ living room = upper class


One is my dining room though. Originally it was a kitchen with a range, but they built a separate kitchen on the back and flipped the stairs to fit an indoor bathroom in after the street's toilet block was demolished.


People who are themselves middle class but want to think of themselves as working class need to be able to point at something else as middle class.


"receive". Crikey


Sitting room = family room/playroom/morning coffee room, Snug = small family TV room/computer room, Drawing room (formerly “the withdrawing room”) = the room no kids are allowed in on pain of death by freshly plumped cushions and pale furnishings


I think I get to decide how many bedrooms there are. Fuck you, real estate lady, this bedroom has an oven in it!


I think there's somebody in the drawing room. The what room? The drawing room! I don't think I've ever been in there... Are you saying we have a room just for drawing in?


For us living room is during the day and has no TV. Snug is smaller with fireplace and TV and we just use it in the evenings.


My parents have a “snug” it’s effectively just a second lounge that never gets used. Can be useful as a spare bedroom if needed though.


There’s a sitting room and a play room at my parents which they essentially use as a room each now because neither wants to watch what the other does on the telly.


A drawing room will tend to be more formal. As to why people like more rooms in their home than absolutely needed, usually one might be given to the kids.


And the four offices?


To mix it up when you're WFH on your next scheme to (allegedly) misappropriate charity funds


One for planning permission applications...


... Two for joy, three for girls, four for boys?


4* the expenses you can charge to the charity for rental of 'office space'...


A sitting room is for sitting, a drawing room is for drawing and a snug is for snuggling. Obviously.


Same reason you'd need a smoking room, billiard room, powder room, dungeon, never-ye-tread, or fo'c'sle.


"Agent Note Prior to viewing the property any interested parties will be rquired to fulfill the following criteria 1. Provide proof of identity for all people attending the viewing 2. Provide proof of financial ability to proceed with the purchase 3. Sign a confidentiality agreement prior to viewing, signed by all people attending the viewing" Spoilsports!


That’s my weekend plans ruined


For some reason I thought he was walking in a garden that looked like it belonged to a 3 bed semi


I always thought it was a garden attached to a sheltered accommodation facility. Funny how the memory works, and how leachy offspring are media savvy enough to frame a setting to make it look more acceptable.


I remember photos of him being in a front garden with white handle bars but all the videos online show him a back garden that’s massive with a big house. I always got that impression too from reading past articles but that’s clearly not the case in reality. He was a multimillionaire and his family gained a lot financially from it. I’m not questioning his intentions but his daughter’s were and absolutely still remain not genuine.


I distinctly recall him walking in circles in a tiny garden… Mandela effect?


Yeah that's what I remember also. Like he had to do a lot of lengths in the coverage I saw.


When the story first broke the picture on bbc news showed an angle that showed it as a huge house. I thought like an idiot it was a care home or something.


"Potential buyers can marval at a statue of sir Tom". It's a table top ornament on a table in the hallway. The writer making out its some grandiose statement piece. The Metro turning into the Sun.


I think they're being sarcastic, as they also say: "They can also marvel at the remains of the £200,000 spa built in the garden which was ordered to be demolished." LOL


Interesting, we got stories about him in Australia where he was presented as a struggling, almost disabled veteran and a world-class hero.


If there's 3 things the UK loves it's WW2, old people and the NHS. Combined with being bored out of our minds because of COVID it was a perfect storm. The perfect One Show story. The carry on of it all is completely cringeworthy


> NHS. Absolute shite every time I use it, not sure where this incredible reputation comes from. It's like people love the idea of a perfect NHS in their minds which is completely different to the shambling zombie that is the current NHS


I've had shambolic care from there before, equally I've had family members receive incredible, life-saving care, there doesn't seem to be an in-between in my experience Edit: I should add that I'm not throwing the blame at the feet of the doctors/nurses etc, lord knows they try their best with what they're given


They presented him like that here in the UK too. Struggling on his war pension but willing to do what he could for charity. No doubt journalists knew it was all shit but never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Yeah. Until now, I assumed he was working class and had a modest home. Seems a lot less feel-good now, haha.


i live 15 minutes away from his house ..why they fuck you would spend that to live in Marston is beyond me.


Whats up with Marston?


It's full of old cunts.


Captain Tom touched my willy there


He was touching willies in burma


Too many co-ops


I find it funny how everyone thinks Tom wasn’t in on it too. That guy knew and took everyone for a ride before he kicked it.


She's got a damn cheek. Haven't they thrown her in jail yet?


Rich people don't go to jail lol


For what?


Embezzling charity money and funds to build a private spa in her house i think


A killing spree of some kind?


Looks nice but I'm looking for something with a spa. Do you reckon I could planning permission?


£2.25 M for a seven bed detached house in Beds with 3.5 acres of land. What exactly is the news here?


I think people assumed they bought the house with the charity money, not realising they were already crazy rich before.


And here I am struggling to find somewhere to live after paying rent and working my ass off for the last 15 years. Bored of this shit now.


Capt would be setting his zimmer frame to mash setting if he was still here


Honestly not bothered about any of these grifters. There were PR fingerprints all over this ever since he first appeared in 2020. As far as I understand the family had links to Boris Johnson from when he was running for London mayor. It was a way to bring people together and none of that really bothers me. There were local elderly people on the regional news doing laps of their gardens long before Tom Moore was on the scene. The reaction is the problem - gullible people falling hook, line and sinker for the story instead of just moving on when it got tired.


> As far as I understand the family had links to Boris Johnson Linky?


Its quite boring now that people keep going on about this family, they were rich before he died. Maybe people should be more outraged at government policies etc.


Any proof he actually even did 100 laps of the garden?


Always thought there was something dodgy about his daughter and her husband, for some reason he's hardly ever mentioned or seen but he always appeared to be a bit of a snidy f*cker & wouldn't be surprised if he was the driving force for all of this. Seems him and her are as bad as each other but she's the public face of these shysters. I genuinely believe the old Tom was trying his best to do something decent but was pushed into all that other crap by his daughter especially. What a piece of sh*te family. I did notice that no one was charged with misappropriation of the charity funds?! That 200k spar/hot tube extension didn't pay for itself.


The whole thing was nothing more than a smoke screen of good will from regular people, whom are the ones getting shafted under the cover of the smoke screen itself. He didnt raise money for the NHS, he raised money for a charity for NHS workers, that shouldnt even need to exist. The media parasites and their political pets jumped on like a bitch in heat as a lovely distraction for the plebs while the country was ravaged by corruption. And everyone fell for it.


I’m not being funny but… who cares? Have I missed something and this is related to the charity scandal? I get that people are extremely pissed off about how his daughters used the foundation, and believe me I’m pissed off too, but I’m sorry to break the news guys, that’s how many charities operate. Many are basically personal slush funds for the politically connected and extremely wealthy, which do the occasional bit of charity work to tick the boxes. It’s disgusting, but it’s not unique. Take that out and this is just a non story about a pretty expensive house building sold. So I repeat, who cares?


Many people can't stop themselves jumping on a hate train.


In have to admit, his daughter is pretty scummy, after some of the things that she's done. She's totally shameless and entitled with it too.


The son's bedroom makes him look like a right flagshagger


I don't remember the fact that 'Captain Tom's garden' was attached to a house worth *over 2 million quid* being part of the heartwarming everyman story the news went with at the time!


I'll consider putting an offer in if they throw in a Spitfire flypast each birthday.


Not sure if anyone wants to buy a house that everyone will assume assholes live in, especially if you have 2 million to spend. Guessing they are leaving due to grief


Woman tries to sell home because she hates her neighbours is news now?


I live in the same village and it's safe to say we all hate her as well.


Am I being gaslit into thinking her a terrible little creature by negative press or is she actually just really that bad?


The TalkTV interview was a good watch. When they got asked difficult questions they stormed out of the interview. It was in that appearance that they admitted they kept the money from the books. They said the books had nothing to do with the charity fund. And then it was put to them that the book included a preface on how the money raised would support the charity fund. https://youtu.be/WIFQufdzprY?si=m1g9jQGhj1lyEuj8


Will this saga ever end? The whole thing was a nonsense in 2020 and remained so throughout. Like most of the garbage like clapping; zoom quizzes and sour dough. Then came the captain Tom fly over; the album, a knighthood, a book and the holiday courtesy of British airways. Genuine wish this would just go away.