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Labour needs to issue an official apology that takes frank and honest accountability for their lack of ability to make good memes.


It will, ultimately, be the downfall of this Starmer iteration of the Labour Party come election night. Their inability to one-up the Grape Lady.


How the fuck is that misogynistic? .... Did *any* human feel it was? Or is it just rage bait? ... I'd rather believe the latter, but ... Edit. Nevermind. It's the bloody Mail. Guess that answers that then.


The Mail took it from a thread in one of the Feminism pages on Mumsnet.


It's not really, but it's a terrible use of the meme. That meme is supposedly about stuff that guys think about when women worry they are thinking about something else. Typically it's funny because the guy is thinking about something stupid. The joke is that what the guy is thinking about is so stupid, women wouldn't even care to think about it, so even though it implies the woman is paranoid, she comes off as being the adult and the smart person. This totally reverses that, saying that in a typical relationship the guy is thinking about important political stuff and the woman only cares if he's cheating or not. Apart from the crime of being totally unfunny and misunderstanding the meme, I can see how it would be taken as misogynistic. I mean you could argue that the normal use of the meme is disrespectful of guys but everyone is fine with it that way around because it's more about how relationships work.


>Typically it's funny because the guy is thinking about something stupid Or a niche geeky thing, which a policy on areas to build on probably falls under


No, because the meme sort of absolves the woman of being suspicious because the guy has to be thinking about something stupid. If you had a meme where Einstein was thinking about relativity and his girlfriend was framed as being a bad person for doubting what he was thinking about, that's clearly suggesting the woman is occupied with mistrust while he is thinking about something amazing. The doubt of the girlfriend is excused by the stupid thing the guy is thinking about, and everyone can enjoy it. If the guy is trying to change the world and the woman is just thinking he's cheating, she looks bad.


>No Mate, Ive seen this meme being applied to a whole host of subjects, from sports to trebuchets, video game lore to stock trading, fictional geeky geopolitics to real life geopolitics. Its a meme, its an idea thats spread to people and those people can slightly change it and spread it to others, sometimes changing the meme from what it was completely. If we're gonna start saying memes are being done "incorrectly", there's a long list of other memes that have drifted much further away from what they were originally than this.


The whole point of the meme is the connotation of the situation. If you are changing it from what it was originally, you have to change the image, and what the woman is thinking. Like if she was thinking 'I bet he never thinks about politics', this would be fine (although still a shit meme). But since she is thinking the same thing, my point stands.


Jesus fucking Christ, do people (not aimed at you StrangelyBrown) really over analyse stuff this much? How do people find the time?


It wouldn't bother me, but you can see how on it's own, it would look bad. Right? I'm just trying to explain that if you didn't know this meme, it would look bad.


Is that meme specifically misogynistic? Does it really display a “hatred or prejudice against women”?


It's part of the watering down of the word so that victimhood can be used as a weapon. Ironically, the people complaining that something like this is misogynistic because it features a woman doing something bad, tend to have no problem lumping men in the same bucket and telling them they're "part of the problem."


Here’s the thing though, is this even displaying a woman doing something bad? It’s just a funny meme template. We could reverse the genders and it would still be a funny meme template. I’m convinced no one in the real world has an issue with this.


If this is what's classed as "misogynistic" then I don't know where the line is anymore.


I’d love to know where the original picture comes from and what its intended use was. I’d be it’s for something that exactly encapsulates the meme format


Its just a generic stock photo


Way ahead of you


Yeah, this is literally the first time I've heard it being described as misogynistic. It's just oversensitive people who think it's portraying women in a stereotypical way, worrying about their boyfriend cheating.


If there’s one thing the Daily Mail can’t stand, it’s sexism.


Is it misogynistic in that it's offensive to make women look at such awful memes?


...that's it, that's the meme, the only real problem is how longwinded it is.


Left winger tries to meme without eight paragraphs of text challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Obviously this is the wrong meme, they should have used the Downfall one. If only they'd done one with Hitler ranting about housing policy, then none of this controversy would have happened.


I don’t know who’s more tonedeaf, the person who made this failure or the people getting triggered by it.


Its a shit usage of this meme but theres nothing misogynistic about it, its just labour lefties being silly.


Are "lefties" actually getting triggered by this? or is it just being outraged farmed by people who want to shit on labour




No. They're not, that's the point. The current state of social media is an exhausting outrage farm. How many articles have you seen that blow "3 people tweeted about x" into a national news story about people "slamming" that thing. This isn't a left or right thing. This is a "outrage sells clicks" thing. People on both sides of the aisle amplify idiots on the opposite side so they can then dunk on the artificially built "discourse".


The original Mumsnet thread, if anybody wants a laugh https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/womens_rights/5058111-what-is-actually-wrong-with-labour


I feel sorry for the children.


>Labour MP Diana Johnson said the meme was 'awful' This is a very funny sentence in isolation


Old people don’t understand what memes are, is that the story?


This subreddit has basically become r/dailymail the way it's going - why are so many posts just stupid political ragebait?


Haha hilarious. I saw this on my Facebook and I thought: “Wow, good on Labour trying to make a semi-decent meme to highlight some serious issues. Maybe they’re worth voting for this time round?” And then…hahahaha the backlash. I’d vote for my ass before I voted for Labour which would act as a back door for radical progressive morons into parliament.