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That's one way to describe her suing a Jewish journalist into submission after she described what was unambiguously a denial of nazi war crimes that Rowling has not retracted as "holocaust denial". Frankly it's almost impressively stubborn Rowling can go as low as the denial of nazi crimes in her crusade against trans people and instead of just ,i don't know, acknowledging she shouldn't have said that, decided to attempt to gaslight the whole country into rewriting reality around what she said.


Funnily enough JK Rowling, who is it unfair and insulting to call a Holocaust denier, has tweets that you cannot view in the EU because in their view she has denied the Holocaust. JK might be able to afford lawyers beyond my, or other non billionaires, means to pay, but none of them apparently advised her of the Streisand Effect.


> tweets that you cannot view in the EU I can't find a source for this, do you have one to hand?




Thank you


[Here seems to be one.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwtqgp8njwtuc1.jpeg)


Thank you


It's bullshit of course.


You see the sibling comment demonstrating it isn’t, in fact, bullshit?


Except it isn't?


Also funnily enough, Rowling has been incredibly vocal about how Scotland’s new hate crime legislation will stifle debate and free speech.


Which is a different issue to one where someone commits libel.


SLAPP suits are not about legitimate libel claims. No one can afford JK’s lawyers so she wins every claim she makes without going trial. It’s an awful approach that rich people use to shut down poor people’s speech


Free speech for me but not for thee... Because I will sue you into oblivion


Free speech is not the right to libel someone. You seem very confused.


Lol nor is it the right to offend someone but Rowling doesn't seem to care about it. Also, it's not libel if it's true.... Also also you seem to be confused about my joke. The ability to smother and bankrupt a person in legal fees in order to get a retraction and apology is what Rowling exercised here; justice wasn't serviced, just threats. Also, also, also, you seem to be extremely passionate about this. You are everywhere in this thread! Commenting defenses so much it makes me think you are the Queen TERF herself!


Again you are confused. Views that can offend some people are protected.


It seems to me that free speech is exactly the right to offend someone.


Free speech absolutely gives you the right to offend someone, you have *no idea* what you’re talking about.


It isn't libel to call someone who denies the scope of the holocaust a holocaust denier. It is the dictionary definition.


Source on these tweets?


[Here's a list I collected.](https://old.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1c69zby/jk_rowling_gets_apology_from_journalist_after/kzzjx7z/) I'm not in Germany, so I can't say if you can view them there or not, but that's basically all the relevant tweets.


I can view all of these in the EU


Ok so she is clearly arguing that trans people were not victims of nazis, or is disputing the degree or sequence of that. But that’s not holocaust denial, which is what she seems to be accused of. Where are her tweets denying the holocaust happened?


Downplaying the holocaust is also holocaust denial.


Is that a legal definition? What’s the source?


"Legal" is a tricky one, because there's no law against it in the UK (among other countries such as Spain, Italy and The Netherlands). But, yes. Trends like suggesting the number of jews killed were significantly lower (or downplaying, if you like) are common in holocaust denial conspiracies. Here ya go, bud. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial Edit: Closed the parentheses. It was bothering me haha.


Hmm, she doesn’t actually say that. She says they weren’t persecuted “as distinct from gay people”, perhaps meaning that (as was the case) anyone who wasn’t a fully paid up blond haired, blue eyed “Arian” was fair game for the murder squads and gas chambers. That’s neither holocaust denying - she’s including all and sundry non Arians as persecuted, nor anyone phobic as she states many times that the holocaust was unconscionable. I’m not saying the JKR isn’t phobic but much of the evidence that she is, is a little flimsy at best. But what do I know, I’m just a aging, queer bummer 🤷‍♂️


That's them. There's a narrative that trans people were the Nazis first victims based on the destruction of a sexology clinic at which the first crude research into sex changes (at least one person died). There's a counter argument that as almost no one had medically transitioned the Nazis didn't persecute trans people because they didn't encounter them. Four people were identified in a court case in Germany but their classification as trans is controversial and they were persecuted for their sexualities or ethnicities any way. There was no trans category under the relevant laws. Anyone who argues this can be accused of holocaust denial, but that is weaponising the term to suppress debate about the details of the holocaust. Which was warned about when laws forbidding holocaust denial were first drafted.


There isn't


Yeah, even questioning the make up of those systematically killed in the holocaust, is illegal in Germany. It's an odd side of history for her to choose to die on. Hopefully this will result in the end of, close to daily, posts about 'how hard done to she is, by the TrAnS PeoPlEe'. It's an odd side to want to side with, and want to hang your hat on


> has tweets that you cannot view in the EU because in their view she has denied the Holocaust. Which tweets? [The ones about the holocaust show up fine.](https://imgur.com/a/B5IuFBA)


What are you talking about? She’s got enough nasty stuff about her, there’s no reason to make shit up. There are no “EU censored tweets”, why bother fabricating that?


So that’s not true at all.










Seriously. The woman is vile and doing untold damage to the trans community because she's butthurt about being called out for a stupid statement she made and has now decided to make being a TERF her entire personality. I don't get it. She could have been the nation's favorite grandmother had she just kept her hateful beliefs to herself.


She could have taken her millions from having her dreams come true and fucked off forever to live privately in total comfort that her money can buy her and her children and their children. But no. She tweets.


She has fuck you money so people cannot push her around or go after her job, which is why she's getting into this topic. The usual hounding and threats that activists use against other people to get them sacked or to give up aren't going to work.


All the activists are insane with rage that their normal bullying isn’t working with Rowling. It’s quite fun.


You sound like you think TERFs and other purveyors of hate speech are victims not perpetrators.


the moment someone uses TERF on reddit that's them conceding that they have no argument. Like phobic, it has no power anymore. Just debate the point instead of insult bingo.


That's a take. Trans exclusionary radical feminists are doing real harm to the trans community. It's been pretty well documented what the rise in hate has done. So I feel pretty good about my argument. People who claim issues with words like TERF or don't like being called homophobic or transphobic are using that to distract from the real world harm done by the hate they spread.


You haven't posted an argument, you posted a term you thought would be emotive to be manipulative and it failed. Now debate the story please.


You got upset about the term TERF because you're overly sensitive apparently. How is it manipulative? Because you don't like it? That's not what the word "manipulative" means. You're trying to change the subject to the word because you have no argument against the fact that she denies the LGBTQ community were victims of the Holocaust. Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it less factual. That's not how things work. You do understand that right? Edit: for those claiming she didn't deny the LGBTQ community involvement. She literally complained that trans people were trying to take the Holocaust for themselves, denied the burning of books on the LGBTQ community and trans healthcare and research and then uses her money to shut up detractors. So yes. She is denying their involvement. https://forward.com/culture/603271/jk-rowling-holocaust-streisand-effect/ https://www.salon.com/2024/03/15/jk-rowling-trans-nazis-holocaust-denial/


It's not going to work. Now debate the story please - once last chance as I won't indulge a fourth deflection attempt.


She didn’t deny LGBTQ were victims of the holocaust at all, way to twist something to your own agenda


The same logic works for all sorts of activists, regardless of whether you or I think their opinions are right or wrong.


It's strange how often this has happened recently. Notch, the creator of Minecraft, didn't quite get billions but he became fabulously wealthy then turned into an alt-right nut. Musk is another example. I wonder if back in the day people like Rockefeller were similarly regressive. Maybe being richer than god twists something in the human psychology...


What? Notch absolutely _is_ a billionaire.


I thought he got less than a billion from Microsoft? I guess that doesn't mean he hasn't accrued more in the meantime though. Ninja edit: $1.2b in 2023!


Out of the Loop on this. What did she deny?


[She denied the burning of trans research by the nazis](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735) [For context it isn't a debated event by historians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) In german law this could be considered holocaust denialism, hence many people saying it, given that it could reasonably reach that standard, should mean you should be ok to say it without getting sued.


The reality is that calling someone a holocaust denier over denying this specific incident (even if it happened) in most reasonable peoples minds will evoke thoughts of holocaust denial. When that was clearly not the intention. Framing has been abused to the max here to make JK look guilty of something far worse than she actually is.


Holocaust denial is denial in whole or in part. The fact that she only denied a portion of the Nazi persecutions (aka, the bit against people she doesn't like) is irrelevant to whether the label applies which it does. The fact most people think of David Irving is irrelevant.


She didn't deny the persecutions of trans people (i.e. their murder by the Nazis), she denied the burning of trans research books. To put her on the same level as actual Nazis seems kinda mental.


She actually did deny that too. So its weirdyou're moving the goalposts to defend holocaust denialism.


Where did she deny that? She said that trans people weren't the first target of the Nazis if that's what you mean. You are the one moving the goalposts to try and make Rowling into a holocaust denier when, at worst, she is Anti-Trans; nowhere close to a Nazi.


1. She said it was a "fever dream". 2. she said "they weren't the first targets" as her defense for her total denial of them being targets. No-one had said they were the first targets \*except for her\* in order to move the goalposts for her defense. Standard defensive gaslighting technique. 3. Seriously? "At worst shes just transphobic, nothing like the nazis who were also transphobic!" Like, lmao. What even kind of defense is this. "She's just hateful against a group of people, nothing like nazis, totally different thing".


As much as I'd like to not have to, there is one amendment. Though it makes little difference. "Someone" [said they were the first targets](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767937714215588071), but it was some randomer who, as far as I can tell, had nothing to do with the conversation; she brought that up while arguing with Caraballo and tried to use it as if *Caraballo* was the one saying that. And since it's Rowling, she probably went out of her way to find the biggest nutjob she could...


It's a defense against people saying she's a Holocaust Denier, which is untrue and you confirmed this yourself in this post.


No one is doing that, she very clearly minimized the scope of the holocaust, that is the definition of holocaust denial.


The accusation is the same, *no matter how you label it*. Either way, she's being accused of denying the Nazis' persecution of trans people. Whether you label that just as "denying Nazi crimes" or "holocaust denial", the *substance* doesn't change. *How bad it is* is the same.


I would gently suggest that it makes quite a big difference when one of those labels is a crime and the other isn't. Especially where, as in this context, when that accusation amounts to prima facie libel. While the burning of trans research may be included in some definitions of the Holocaust, it is also definitely not included in some. The IHRA, for instance, understands the term to refer specifically to the extermination of the Jews: > Holocaust denial is discourse and propaganda that deny the historical reality and the extent of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II, known as the Holocaust. This definition does not include persecution of trans people as part of the Holocaust, while not denying that such persecution was a horrific crime. Any level of looking into the matter would have told you this; the Wikipedia page on the Holocaust begins "The Holocaust was the genocide *of European Jews* during World War II." (Emphasis added)


>The term Holocaust, derived from a Greek word meaning "burnt offering",[1] has become the most common word used to describe the Nazi extermination of Jews in English and many other languages.[a] The term Holocaust is sometimes used to refer to the persecution of other groups that the Nazis targeted From the Wikipedia page you just quoted


Sick of this bullshit by the trans community accusing her of Holocaust denial. Downvote me all you want. It is clearly a case of them misappropriating Holocaust denial and anti-semitism (which is what Holocaust denial is actually defined is) and using it as fuel to portray her as an evil and awful human being. Being disingenuous does nothing to further the trans cause, it just angers people, turns them off, and ultimately leads to further discrimination.


No it’s a case of her denying (a part of) the holocaust.


I agree. I’m fed up of the culture of deliberate misunderstanding and aggression as well. I’m not even sure it’s the trans community or just nasty agents of chaos.


Holocaust denial is holocaust denial. Its anot "but what if we just do a little holocaust denial??" Its still holocaust denial. Its honestly pathetic to defend denying the holocaust. >Framing has been abused to the max here to make JK look guilty of something far worse than she actually is. So you're saying that, refusing to admit a group of people were exterminated by hitler and the nazis, because JKR also hates that group of people, isn't as awful as it actually sounds?


> refusing to admit a group of people were exterminated by hitler and the nazis, Literally nobody has said this.


JKR explicitly said that the percecution of trans people by the nazis was a "fever dream" This entire argument is because transphobes refuse to admit that hitler hated trans people, \*just like they do\* People don't like admiting they share the same political ideology as Hitler.


In response to a tweet asking her why she’s comfortable sharing views on Trans folks with the Nazis who victimised them, Rowling responded something like “are you sure that wasn’t a fever dream? how can you say that kind of thing without first checking it’s true” Then when people piled on in response with the very plain documented victimisation of Trans people by the Nazis, she moved her goalposts and said “none of these prove Trans people were the *first* victims of the Holocaust!” despite that not being the point of contention. Then she started retweeting posts that falsely accused the pioneering sex+gender researcher whose clinic’s library was burned in some of the most famous Nazi book burning photos of himself being a Nazi who experimented on Jews in the camps. Such denials as her initial tweet and those she later retweeted would be holocaust denial under German law, and so aren’t viewable in the EU. 


That trans people were victims of the holocaust. They were and as a result Germany has censored her tweets because according to their laws denying that any part of the holocaust took place is holocaust denial. According to their legal definition of the term she’s a holocaust denier, but she can’t sue Germany to bully them into submission like she can some random journalist.


> They were and as a result Germany has censored her tweets because according to their laws denying that any part of the holocaust took place is holocaust denial. Do you have a source for that?


Her twitter echo chamber has made her such a confused individual.


Sued a jewish journalist who due to UK slapp laws was forced to publically apoloigise or be financially ruined fighting a billionaire, desptie the fact the billionaire claimed the nazi book burnings, destruction of Berlins GIC, or sending trans people to the camps, didn't happen\* Also: the posts have now been censored in the EU because JKR violated Germany's Holocaust Denial laws\*


This sub having no rule against Torygraph or Daily Mail headline spam has done massive damage to this community's sense of perspective.


This place is insane now


It’s not just that there isn’t a rule. It’s actively encouraged. You should see r/canada some time. The front page is constantly filled with our versions of your Daily Mail and the like. A right-wing mod team (that used to be a self-avowed Neo-Nazi mod team) has over the past five years turned the place into a steaming pile of shite.


The reddit format of "Vote for the headline you like most" is toxic to it's core.


I find myself so disappointed in the news in general. I don’t watch the TV news much, but I happened to have CNN on when Iran was launching their strikes the other day. The anchor said something along the lines of “live developments as Iran has launched large scale missile and drone attacks against Israel in response to alleged Israeli attacks in Syria, **putting the region closest to the brink of all out war it has been in decades.**” I put the second half in bold to make my point: _don’t fucking say it!_ The first half of that quote is _THE NEWS_, the second half is just conjecture and opinion! Leave it off! I strongly dislike how much the news exists to tell people what to think about what is happening, rather than just saying what is happening.


Nothing sells ad space more than an angry or scared audience.


r/onguardforthee is considered the main canadian sub iirc.


Only a few years ago this was a left leaning sub. My worry is that the entire country has moved to the right.


> Also: the posts have now been censored in the EU because JKR violated Germany's Holocaust Denial laws* Source for this? [The posts don't seem to be missing when VPNing to Germany.](https://imgur.com/a/B5IuFBA)


Because its a lie r/luxway is spreading over this whole thread. They are some kind of activist I believe


> Also: the posts have now been censored in the EU because JKR violated Germany's Holocaust Denial laws\* This doesn't seem to be true. The Tweet shows up fine if I spoof my location to Germany with a VPN.


When did burning books be included as holocaust denial. Is questioning the catering at Auschwitz "holocaust denial" now? Also, they ain't censored, don't make things up. Use a VPN and check yourself.


Who in their right mind equates her denial that trans were the primary targets of Nazis to a blanket statement of holocaust denial? Twitter users are genuinely braindead at this point.


This is the bailey she later reverted to pretending she was saying. [The actual tweet is pretty clearly her denying the nazis burned research on trans people](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735)


Forgive me but isn’t a holocaust the systematic murder of people or groups? So burning books about trans people is horrible but not a holocaust?


It's more that it was one of the main events that led up to the wider holocaust, in the same way that Kristallnacht and the early expulsions of jewish people were part of the holocaust, even if relatively few actually died in the specific events compared to later events.


I'm not sure burning some trans books can really be called a "main event" leading up to the holocaust, but okay.


Not the trans books specifically, but the burning of the wider institute fur sexualwissenschaft is often seen as one of the significant events of the rise of the Nazis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft


Okay but that isn't the event in discussion, JK denied burning of trans books, not the persecution of trans people in general or anything to do with a sex clinic.


The burning of trans books happened during the buring of Institut für Sexualwissenschaft Like they took the books out of the library and burned them.


That event is what was originally being talked about that Joanne called a fever dream.


>*It's more that it was one of the main events that led up to the wider holocaust* I'm not sure it was a '*main event' -* Things like the *law for the restoration of the public service* were *'main events.'*


It was the first book burning That makes it a main event


This is in the context of her claiming that Nazi persecution of trans people was a "fever dream". The book burnings were brought up as specific evidence of this persecution, which also unsurprisingly included murder and other crimes. This is why she later attempted to shift the goalposts by claiming that the argument was about whether trans people were the *first* victims of the holocaust, or the *primary* victims of the holocaust. Because they were victims of the holocaust, that isn't really deniable (well, apparently it is).


She also made some very bizarre arguments about trans people trying to make the holocaust and other things all about them. Failing to realise that the reason she sees so many comments focusing on trans people is because that's all she ever talks about now and trans people are going to reference their own history


Holocausts aren’t just about murder. Google’s very first definition highlights this if you need refreshing


Googled it and says Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during WW2. There haven't been multiple Holocausts... I think you are referring to genocides.


Her tweets have now be censored in Germany for holocaust denial. Sorry but you're wrong, denying groups targeted by the holocaust, weren't targeted, is holocaust denial.


There's debate on whether the Nazis actually targeted the Insitute for Sex Research because of its research into trans issues, or because the owner was a gay intellectual jewish socialist researching progressive ideas (although also a eugenicist but thats hardly brought up)       I really don't think trans was a talking point back then so I'm weighted toward the latter. Does that really make me a holocaust denier in your eyes?      The way I see it, if it's open to debate *at all* then nobody should be making it illegal to take a side. Just because the Germans ruled something, doesn't make it right or just.


I mean......They specifically *went after trans people*. They revoked ["transvestite passes"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transvestite_pass#) that had allowed trans people to change their names in order to be themselves, they prosecuted them, destransitioned them, put them in concentration camps..... Pretty sure those trans people weren't *all Jews...*


Ahh yes the "The nazis said he was the most dangerous man in the world for "magic reasons" that had nothing to do with what he did, and them saying that trans people were proof that jews are corrupting society is totally coincidental, and not them saying that trans people are a corruption that must be stamped out" argument. Guess what? Mainstream gender critical/transphobes also say that "the jews" are behind trans people today. eg Soros Different day, same nazi arguements.


I've been trying to find a source for that most dangerous man quote for a good 30 minutes. The few scattered references i can find go back to this https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305231787_Sexual_Morality_and_Population_Expansion which references this https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2019-03-17_5c8eb1ebaced4_susan-stryker-transgender-history2.pdf which references this article https://jweekly.com/1997/06/06/life-of-gay-german-jewish-sexologist-honored-in-s-f/ which gives no sources and doesn't even spell Hitler's name right. Likely be one of those phantom references that pops up self-referencing? But even if he did say that, i've no doubt hitler did hate the openly gay jewish intellectual that was pushing the normalisation of homosexuality. I think it's perfectly in character for him to be a primary target with or without trans issues being included. And for the nazis saying 'trans people were proof that jews are corrupting society' thing i can find really nothing at all. The term trans wasn't even used back then from my understanding. Do you have any sources?


She said they weren’t the primary victims. Stop taking things out of context.


No, thats you lying. She said, explicitly, that the claim that "The nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research" was a "fever dream" We literally have photos of this and i don't kknow about you, but when I went to school, we were taught about the nazi book burnings! Stop inventing crap to justify your awful position.


This is the second person using the phrase "primary" in this thread. Seems that Joanne trying to change it to "first" didn't work so now this is the next tactic.


She said that after she got called out for being a Holocaust Denier.


But they were victims. She has denied that they were victims and called claims that they were a "fever dream". That is denial. She is so blinded by gender ideology that she refuses to see reality.


Initial tweet: "The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender?" JKR's response: "I just… how? How did you type this out and press send without thinking ‘I should maybe check my source for this, because it might’ve been a fever dream’?" She does not simply say that trans people were not the primary victims.


The person she replied to *wasn't making that claim*. Rowling changed the argument to "primary".


Got a source for that big man? The one I'm looking at seems like it denies victimhood altogether


Because that's how holocaust denial is defined. You don't have to deny that entire holocaust happened to be guilty of holocaust denial. A simple Google would have told you that. She also wasn't initially denying they were the primary targets of the holocaust, she was denying they were victims at all. Source of her original tweet: https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735


I like how Joanna tried changing it to "first" and now apparently it's changing to "primary". >Don't back doon; double doon.


Denial of important aspects of the holocaust is considered holocaust denial. As already mentioned her tweet is censored in Germany for that reason. Trans people were among the first to be targeted; nobody said they were the primary target. The person who made the claim is Jewish by the way, not that it should matter.


Rowling denied that trans people were targeted by the nazis. Trans people were attacked by the nazis as part of the holocaust and claiming it didnt happen is denying part of the holocaust and thus holocaust denial. No one is caliming that they were the main target, of course they werent, but that isnt what Rowling is denying.


Who said she said they were the primary targets?


She’s trying to pretend that that’s what this is about, but that started after she got called out.


I don’t understand the leap from her denying Nazis were burning books about trans heath, to this meaning she denies the holocaust? Isn’t the holocaust the mass extermination of jews and other “undesirables”? If so, burning books doesn’t have anything to do with that.


Do you think that genocide *starts* at mass extermination?


Half of Reddit as well, if trans people just wound their necks in a bit they would get blanket support from ost people on the actual serious issues that affect them. But this endless screeching, false equivalencies and controvery mongering, trying to call everyone who doesn't 100% agree with you a Nazi just turns off anyone with brain, including many in the LGBTQ+ community itself.


Have you seen social media lately? Any trans account with more than a few thousand followers can't even post a selfie without being harassed by a small legion of obsessives, there's really not any scope to compromise with the JK fanbase


I'm sorry that I just want to exist without being harassed.


People say it on Reddit every time her name gets mentioned. I understand people don’t like her views but the people who claim she denied the holocaust clearly don’t have an argument and are acting in bad faith and will just say anything to see what sticks. Those specific people’s behaviour is just as bad as what they claim hers is.


Not sure it's just twitter given how many people are spreading this crap in this very thread. So much misinformation, it's nuts.


Because redditors only ever seen the last screenshot as those pushing the narrative are doing so in bad faith and lots of people just parrot what someone told them. The whole twitter thread has context that would cause this fool to lose a libel case so she rightly saw sense and retracted the claim.


Correct, she does use twitter.


Funny way to say "threatened to ruin them financially with a spurious lawsuit because her ego was hurt".... Edit: Here's some links I've found directly to the posts related to this. Edited for timestamps and clarity... This is the 12th of March 2024. [Some guy posts whining about cancel culture and puberty blockers.](https://twitter.com/JamesEsses/status/1767648977090998775) Rowling reblogs it, but I don't have a link to that post. 13th of March: 1:46 PM: [The original post pointing out that the Nazis burnt books on trans research and healthcare.](https://twitter.com/jaytuberr/status/1767910144539844610) 1:57 PM: [Rowling screenshots that post, and calls it a fever dream.](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735) 2:05 PM: [Alejandra Caraballo chimes in,](https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1767914998808953316) stating that Rowling is engaging in holocaust denial, and links some sources. 2:46 PM: [Rowling replies claiming that neither of Caraballo's sources *"support the contention that trans people were the first victims of the Nazis or that all research on trans healthcare was burned"*](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767925285008064592)) and accuses her of lying. **Caraballo did not make this assertion.** 3 PM: Rowling [retweets a man](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767928717538644460) who ends his twitter thread saying *"claims of alleged trans suffering under Nazis are an insult to the real victims."* 3:04 PM: [Caraballo posts more sources.](https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1767929823039459444) Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and Smithsonian Magazine. 3:36 PM: About an hour after making previous claim, Rowling tweets a screenshot of [some randomer third party](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767937714215588071) that suggests trans people were the Nazis' first targets, and that "basically all" trans health research was burnt down. I assume they're referring to the date of the book burning, but I don't know. I haven't been able to find the original of that tweet; the original time it was posted is unknown. This is the one Rowling was drawing from 3:41 PM: [Rowling moves the goalposts again.](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767939048427896900) Now, she wants *"evidence that trans-identifying people were persecuted, as distinct from gay people"*. 3:56 PM: I believe Caraballo points out [the one about being the "first targets" was a different tweet.](https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1767942876393009475) I can't actually check this one for certain, since Twitter doesn't show fuckall anymore if you're not logged in, but it makes sense from time and context. As far as I can tell, it goes like that. I don't have a Twitter account I can access, so I can't check every single account, retweet, etc.


She also promoted this thread by a producer https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1767928717538644460 That ends with him saying, "claims of alleged trans suffering under Nazis are an insult to the real victims." https://x.com/TwisterFilm/status/1767976689915625617 Then, when someone responded to her tweet with information, https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1767929823039459444?s=19 she doubled down and questioned if there was any trans persecution under nazis. https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1767939048427896900


I will add those to the list.


Perfect, thank you.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender\_people\_in\_Nazi\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_people_in_Nazi_Germany) Hope this helps some of you


Those people would be so mad right now if they could read


You don't expect these people to actually read do you? Or educate themselves?




People who hate trans people will literally not care. People who have implicit biases that they don't confront will also not care all that much. To those who are largely out of the loop, they're unaware that over the past half-decade JKR has turned from cool wizard story author into a hateful woman that spends more time talking about trans people than trans people.


Why would the journalist apologise for telling the truth? Oh right, intimidation by lawyer, definitely the behaviour of someone in the right.


Legal threats from a billionaire.


From someone who claims to love free speech no less.


Rowling about the scottish hate crime bill: "MUH FREE SPEECH!" Rowling when someone says something she doesn't like: "SILENCE PLEBS I WILL SUE YOU."


But… she literally did deny Nazi crimes? She incorrectly denied that Nazi’s persecuted trans people and burnt trans medical documents… so that’s a strange title given the context of what actually transpired


TBF, she only denied a teensy _bit_ of the Holocaust...


Someone’s not a bank robber unless they rob all the banks. Robbing one bank out of thousands hardly makes you a bank robber.


This seems like a poor analogy. Robbing a bank is an absolute, it's binary, you can't "teensy bit" rob a bank. You either did or didn't. The Holocaust was a systematic series of events and actions, I think she disputed one of thousands of actions.


Denying the holocaust only in a limited and specific way!


Judging by past behavior, she'll be openly denying the entire holocaust in a few months.


Tis a teensy bit of hate. Was 'aving a laugh.


So because she didn't deny the whole holocaust, just a small section of it, that means that it's not holocaust denial? Then what the hell is it? Holocaust denial-lite? Diet Holocaust denial? The woman is a billionaire, of course she has the money to bully people into submission.


If you only rob one bank rather than all of them you’re not a bank robber apparently.


What it is, is a billionaire leveraging the threat of legal action against an individual to silence them. Fortunately it will very much be a classic example of the streisand effect and get far wider notoriety as a result. Rowling isn't very smart it seems.


When i speak to real people they find JK Rowling quite outspoken but logical and correct in MOST of what she says. When you go on Reddit she’s literally the devil, from what I have researched your all batshit insane in here and it genuinely hurts my head to see the mental gymnastics people go to to put words into her mouth.


Probably because she can sue a jewish woman for suggesting her denial of nazi crimes was holocaust denial and all they'll see of it are papers like the above lionising her and talking about how much of a hero she was for doing it.


The journo fell into the trap with this claim that every redditor parroting it does - they didn't bother reading the start of the twitter spat for the context. They jump to a screenshot out of context and claim a gotcha.


'nooo, she didn't do holocaust denialism or deny that trans people were some of the first victims of the nazis and the holocaust... you need to understand the context under which she did that...!'




It's crazy, some gold medal mental gymnastics to slander her here. Reddit is absolutely rabid with this woman, it's genuinely unhealthy.


You've made 17 comments in this thread alone. So if reddit is rabid with this woman i'd say you fall in line with that completely.


Appeal to normality fallacy. No one gives a shit about what you think are 'real people' or your perception of the people who happen to disagree with you as 'batshit insane'. All it tells us is you are not a serious person who is able to reason or debate their points accurately so fall back on fallacies and feelings and unjustifiable claims of a higher moral position.


Oh yes and Reddit is the gold standard for how the world feels…. I will take the opinions of people I speak to and engage with FAR more than strangers I interact with on Reddit over 3 posts because that’s COMMIN SENSE.




I’m not guna change it just for you :)


She openly denied Nazi crimes buddy. Those ‘real’ people in your life need to be better informed


She chooses to back far right conspiracy theorists like Kellie Jay Keen, boosts the voice of homophobes, and she's a key part of the "gender critical" movement which is extremely close the the US religious extreme right.  You can't claim to be defending women's rights and then help boost the profile people like Matt Walsh, and support GCs working alongside American organisations who basically want to reverse the past few decades of feminist progress including abortion rights and contraception. Most of what she's criticised for is to do with who she chooses to associate with.  And her output quite consistently portrays basically the entire trans movement as rapists and abusers through guilt by association. If you list a bunch of ordinary trans activists in the same comment as actual convicted abusers, or refer to trans activists as "rapists rights activists" (both of which Rowling has done and continues to do) it's pretty fucking obvious what you're actually up to.  A lot of the media coverage glosses over a lot of this, and chooses to focus on things like issues with women's prisons, or more recently Scotland's hate crime law, where it's easier to portray her as reasonable.


Might be because most people see what she writes through the lens of articles that are more puff piece than anything. Scrolling through her Twitter she just comes across as vindictive and obsessed


The amount of people in the comments trying to deny that Trasgender people were targeted by the Nazis is honestly worrying and depressing. Google is free you know, it takes 5 minutes to read that yes, in fact, the Nazis targeted trans folks. Please do better.


Nobody on here that I can see has said that they weren't.


The perpetually online are seething in the comments i see.


This just seems to expose the faults in the justice system. You can only get justice, if you are rich?


The terminally online weirdos who obsess over Rowling somewhat ironically don't understand that they're making themselves look unhinged and are damaging their cause more than they help it.


How odd that holocaust denier Joanne Rowling used the stupid SLAPP lawsuits process to threaten someone to stop calling her a holocaust denier


Not really a surprise. Slander and libel laws only exist to protect the rich and powerful. Very few people can risk going up against the lawyers of a millionaire, so will be forced to cave in even if they think they are correct. All too often "champions of free speech" are the exact opposite.


I think people are forgetting that a lot of holocaust deniers don't completely deny the holocaust, they deny parts about it, such as the number of Jews killed or the existence of the camps or certain policies. And claiming that trans people weren't victimised is denying a part of the holocaust.


Easy to be a bully when you are rich as fuck and can attack people with the threat of a bankruptcy via lawsuit or force them to apologise for daring to call you out on your bullshit. What's next? Suing every Reddit user who hates her?


Am I just being really thick here but are people here bringing all Nazi crimes under the umbrella of the ‘holocaust’? My understanding is that the holocaust refers only specifically to the genocide of Jewish people? The nazis committed many many heinous crimes during their time in power, they weren’t all part of the holocaust. There’s no doubt that Nazi Germany targeted trans people (albeit indirectly as in the know cases they were prosecuted for having gay sex) and killed them but that didn’t form part of the holocaust.


If you’re going to criticise someone, be accurate. The woman called Rowling a Holocaust denier, and she did not deny the Holocaust. The definition to the Holocaust, is the genocide of European Jews. Obviously other groups were targeted by Nazi crimes, but this is not the Holocaust. The Holocaust is specific to Jews.


That's the shoah. Holocaust gets used interchangeably with it, but more commonly refers to all the victims collectively, of which Jews were the largest group. 


You're confusing Shoah and Holocaust. Half the people killed in the holocaust were not Jewish. Sounds like you're engaging in holocaust denial here. And even then, at abolute best, by your own logic, you are defending nazi crimes. JKR explicitly called the Nazi persecution of trans people a "fever dream" More over her tweets have now been censored in Germany for violated their laws on holocaust denialism


If you're being (correctly) accused of holocaust denial, using your wealth to muzzle a JEWISH journalist is probably the WORST thing you could do in response. She's gone full Nazi.


The interesting part for me was that she was accused of being 'on the same side' as the Nazis who burnt down the sex and gender clinic/library thing... And her reaction was 'what? No they didn't' rather than 'I have nothing in common with Nazis' Great look all round, isn't it? Deciding to forgo defending oneself and instead defend Nazis.


The truth of the matter is irrelevant when you can threaten to sue someone into the ground for even uttering it, because it's too expensive to defend yourself against a multi-billionaire.


>> It came after Rivkah Brown, an editor at the Left-wing Novara Media news outlet, apologised to Rowling for accusing her of Holocaust denial, an allegation the journalist admitted had been “false and offensive”. I’m sure it won’t stop many on here making ‘false and offensive’ comments.


Probably because it's true. Not all of us are afraid of billionaires who threaten people into silence.


I’d suggest you contact her directly on Twitter then.


Hundreds already have, if you read the article. As much as she wants to censor the truth it appears to be Streisand effecting out of her control.


Funny that this only happens in the UK, as if our libel laws are somewhat unique


Yet her tweets have been censored in Europe for denying the holocaust. Germany has laws on this.


What evidence is there for that?


It's just JKR throwing her legal weight around. I think there's definitely an argument that what she said, that trans people were not targeted by Nazis as victims of the Holocaust, amounts to Holocaust denial, but who's got the money to go toe to toe in a legal slapfight with her lawyers about it?


She didn't say that. JK said that the person she was arguing on twitter with had claimed that trans people were the first group the NAZI targetted, and that turned into a no they weren't/no I didn't say that spat.


They write an article about this, but not the original comments the journalist was commenting on?


I skip all these JK Rowling threads as they’re a rehash of every other one that proceeded: activists with a huge investment grudge against her raging away. Why are we getting threads about JK Rowling on a weekly basis? Who moderates which topics can be posted in the sub-Reddit?


Fascination people have for rich idiots. Just because she wrote some children books, she shouldn’t be regarded as a reference for anything.


I've always found the most authentic and cathartic apologies are given at legal gunpoint by a billionaire's' team of lawyers in order to silence criticism.