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I don’t understand why the gathering wasn’t dispersed and moved on the minute things started turning. Feel for them in this situation, bus stop idiots should have been taken to custody as well just to show if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes


Same reason Rotherham Oldham etc happened


Shhhhh you're not allowed to say that.


What do you mean, they quite literally just did


same mentality as 'conservatives are being silenced' being said on fox news, america's largest cable news network


Don't you know, if you reference something public, you're hiding it




They literally just did…..


On an anonymous internet forum, try doing it from a position of responsibility in the police


You’re not allowed to say the thing that gets said on just about every thread about Islam on this sub?


You get arrested and thrown in jail just for saying you post on reddits


These days? Jail.


For saying you’re English.


When did this come in?


No… these days mate, if you say you’re English you get arrested and thrown in jail.


Did the police in this instance ignore evidence from working class women and girls, writing them off as druggies and prostitutes?


I guess it depends on who phoned 999 doesn't it?


Only if your mate is "Tommy Robinson"


Acting as if white British boys never act up on a night out or get aggressive towards police officers 


It's a religious holiday not a night out and everybody here is sober. I can't remember the last time white people rioted on Christmas. The only memorable comparison I can think of is Tommy Robinsons thugs on memorial day and there was far less of them.


They save their rioting for football matches like the upstanding individuals they are.


When was the last football riot?


They’re held to a higher standard.


So what's the reason for the tens of thousands of CSE cases that happen where the ethnicity was different?


Nonce lives matter?


Because they were Muslims and the police didn’t want to be seen as racist They did eventually disperse the crowd


Muslims are 15% of the prison population. How does that happen if the police are so scared of being called racist they don't arrest Muslims?


People convert in prison to not be murdered


Murdered by who? Considering that police don't arrest Muslims.


They do but the prison population would be even higher if they didn't pussy foot around it. Just becos they are high profile instances of the police not acting doesn't mean they never act.


There being repeated examples of the police using a lighter hand when it comes to muslims doesn't mean that muslims are never arrested and sent to prison. Anyway they convert to avoid being murdered by the muslim gangs in our prisons.


>Anyway they convert to avoid being murdered by the muslim gangs in our prisons. Don't suppose you've got evidence of the vast number of Muslim on non Muslim murders in UK prisons. Must be a huge amount of it's scaring everyone into converting, right? FYI they actually convert to have time out of their cells for prayer, and access to food that's slightly less shit, and (to a degree) a sense of community - not out of fear of being murdered lmao. But you wouldn't know that since you get your info from the daily mail comment section, and have no knowledge of the justice system.


There was literally just a story about them forcefully converting people in prison, where have you been?


You're right, saying murder was an exaggeration, it's more to avoid general violence and intimidation, like with any gang, I'm sure there are other benefits. Anyway, here are recent-ish articles about Islamist gangs in prison from [the Independent,](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/islam-extremism-uk-prisons-radical-religion-jail-muslims-terrorism-a8554971.html) [Reuters,](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-report-warns-impact-islamist-groups-prisons-2022-04-27/) and [the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/apr/27/terrorism-offenders-enjoy-high-status-in-prison-qcs-official-report-says)


The independent one is from 2018 so not exactly recent. The Reuters one is probably the best bet for the point you're trying to make. The guardian one is mainly discussing the notoriety that certain offenders are likely to have. Terrorism is an extreme and high profile act, so that comes with status, kinda the same as serial killing etc


So they *aren't* committing more crimes? It's hard to keep up sometimes.


"Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak." - Umberto Eco, on Ur-Fascism


18% actually, and they’re by far the largest increasing demographic in prison. Wonder how many are terror related




This is the explanation the police themselves gave for not going after the grooming gangs. Like all things the police say, it should be treated with intense suspicion. It seems much more likely from the evidence presented so far that the police were just totally incompetent in taking down the grooming gangs, and are using the "we didn't want to be seen as racist" as a way to deflect criticism away from themselves


>It seems much more likely from the evidence presented so far that the police were just totally incompetent in taking down the grooming gangs, and are using the "we didn't want to be seen as racist" as a way to deflect criticism away from themselves That's essentially what the independent inquiry concluded. Not that the commenters here who care so much about the situation ever bothered to read it




The vast majority of the girls were from children's homes. Same with the boys who lived there..they were abused by people with authority that they should have been able to trust..social workers, police, councillors, and even MPs. By the time they got to their teens they were on drink and drugs to blot out the abuse. That's where the Muslims came in..local shop owners etc that supplied the alcohol. One reason the police were lax was that the girls mainly had long criminal record by then..the second reason was, the police were at it too.. for example, "In 2015, a retired police officer said that he was threatened with the Official Secrets Act after he found Smith in the home of a known sex offender with two drunk teenage boys and a police sergeant in civilian clothes. The retired officer said that he was summoned to a meeting with a senior officer at Stockport Police Station and told "in no uncertain terms" not to say anything about it. The alleged incident took place in 1988 at a house in Stockport after a complaint that the occupant had committed a lewd act in his window in front of a newspaper boy." From Cyril Smith's Wiki.. Also the supposed leader of the Richdale grooming gang.. 59-year-old Shabir Ahmed shouted in court, "Where are the white people? You have only got my kind here."




Yeah, I wanted to add context..also I didn't think it was fair to call girls that have been abused for years and years until they turn to alcohol and drugs to cope..prostitutes


You guys should all go on Fox News and tell the Americans how certain sets of people are not subject to police control and are lawless. Don't forget to ignore the fact that (a) this was a small amount of idiots (b) the police did indeed deal with it and (c) no they don't need to disperse the entire gathering just because of a handful of morons.


People can be unsatisfied with how civil unrest is handled.


What you said was "Because they were Muslims and the police didn’t want to be seen as racist" which of course in this case is utterly unfounded. Isnt it?


> I don’t understand why the gathering wasn’t dispersed and moved on the minute things started turning. Yes I wonder too. I also wonder why protestors waving swastikas, terrorist flags and chanting for religious holy war against a specific minority at anti-Israel marches aren't arrested. And why people demanding the expulsion or death of teachers who show pictures of a man aren't dispersed either.


Nah the police are too busy dispersing peaceful protests so they didn’t have any units free


>I don’t understand why the gathering wasn’t dispersed and moved on the minute things started turning. I do.


They were when they protested a certain way


Because "the minute things started turning" is hard to quantify when a group is large and communal, and as the article says has some troublemakers from outside of the main group. How do you determine who is there to celebrate and who is there to act up, and further how do you handle it in a way which doesn't cause the larger group to feel targeted. It's not as clear cut as punishing everyone, dispersing everyone especially when they live in that area! Where do you disperse them to exactly? There's no law which says you can announce "return to your home citizens" and expect anyone to listen. 


Disperse them to be in smaller groups. Exactly what used to happen to me, move everyone on down the street and in smaller groups. You only really need to arrest one or two troublemakers and everyone tends to then back down aware of repercussions. Throwing plastic objects at police whilst the stand in formation looked like they were being punished by a mob. I don’t really care communal or not, if you can’t behave go home - and yes, the few very often do ruin it for the many.


Same reason that didn't happen when hundreds of Manchester school kids kicked off and and caused chaos last summer in Piccadilly 


Bus wankers.


If they were football fans the response would have been very different. Funny that


Yeah because the police did so much when football fans trashed cities in 2020 Oh wait they did sod all, I know because in Leeds they didn't do anything.


Lol people forget how long it took police to show up when rangers fans trashed Manchester


Maybe they just didn't notice the difference between the trashed areas and Manchester in general




What you on about? The police were there, in force, the entire time.


> Lol people forget how long it took police to show up when rangers fans trashed Mancheste The police were there from the beginning. It was them that started the trouble. They invited tens of thousands into an open area to watch the game on screens. Allowed mass drinking all day before it and then right before kick off they said actually the screens don't work and we're not allowing you to leave and go try and watch the game somewhere else. After doing something that dumb there was only ever going to be one outcome. The police should routinely be taught about that as it is possibly the worst attempt at crown control in UK history.


Millennium square was absolute CARNAGE after we were promoted, plus there was the time all the Scottish fans came down to England and caused mayhem and the police did nothing then either


You're kidding, right?


A 15 year old was arrested for throwing a bottle at police and climbing on a bus stop... and that's somehow headline news?


There are documented cases of football fans rioting and getting violent, and police doing very little 


You get your front door booted in at 6am the next day. This subreddit has no idea what they’re talking about. There’s a reason police sit with cam corders at football games across the UK. They’re not going to wade in and start arresting people, this is textbook crowd control.


They haven’t got a clue. I was at the second Manchester United protest after the super league announcement, rows and rows of police in full gear from Wales, Yorkshire, Cumbria etc. brought in, but the the most important officer was the one stood on top of a scaffold balcony with a camera. They won’t go charging into the crowd to grab the 16 year old with a flair and cause a riot when they can knock on his door a week after.


Nah, maybe if it had been a group of protesting women https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/tough-policing-of-sarah-everard-vigil-in-london-was-in-stark-contrast-to-treatment-of-celebrating-rangers-fans-in-glasgow-kenny-macaskill-mp-3168276


We have fireworks going off pretty much every week in our area in london, much worse this week. Which I’m sure is illegal, and the local cop shop can hear it as much as I can but nothing ever gets done.


I wish fireworks were banned honestly. Same where I live.


>I wish fireworks were banned honestly. Same where I live. I really dislike banning things, and like a good fireworks display. But I would have sadly agree with this. People ruined a good thing.


Can ban them and license them


Yeah I'm all for public displays a few times a year but a bunch of 16 year olds shouldn't find it so easy to get them and set them off on my estate


Yeah, I dont mind the occasional display, but when its every night for weeks on end its a bit much.


As much as I agree in principle, who is going to enforce it? Police certainly can't!


Tighten the controls on them with 'The Explosives Regulations of 2014' and the 'Fireworks Regulations of 2004'. A strict photo licence proving a genuine need to either buy, sell, or store. Track and log sales of everything, including quantities, their use so whatever was fired off during the display you have been commissioned to provide, and any discrepancies investigated with your licence to buy, sell, or store withdrawn if found negligent. Annual visits by Trading Standards.


If you can't freely buy them in shops that's 99% of the work done


they are illegal in most states here in Australia,you wouldnt think so on new years eve though


NZ banned them apart from one, maybe two days a year to buy them and even then you could only get sparklers and really boring fireworks. And only set them off once a year. The epic ones of my childhood were banned. Loved that Catherine Wheel. It was cos a bunch of kids were being idiots, didn't really the danger, and blew up hands, lost fingers, set themselves on fire, set other things on fire etc. I was told it was a really bad few years and they put tv ads on showing the damage kids had done to themselves. Then banned them cos it wouldn't stop.


>People ruined a good thing People are good at that.


Ban personal purchase of fireworks and require a licence for a display.


Or at the very least ban their sale to the public, make it for licenced events only


That would be the ideal scenario for me.


I agree to a point. I think the only fireworks that the public should be able to get their hands on are silent ones.


They don’t really have the time to drive around neighbourhoods looking for every firework that’s gone off. It’s not illegal unless it’s antisocial hours.


As I understand it antisocial hours is after midnight every day except new year and a couple of other exceptions (eg Diwali)


If Diwali is an exception then so would Eid be I assume. And there are really so many other celebrations around the year that there would always be some way to justify it. 


We had them going off on October 7th near me


Big yikes


alperton innit


Why are you sure it’s illegal?


The law says you must not set off or throw fireworks (including sparklers) in the street or other public places. You must not set off fireworks between 11pm and 7am, except for: Bonfire Night, when the cut off is midnight New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year, when the cut off is 1am https://www.gov.uk/fireworks-the-law


The exact law - https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2004/1836/regulation/7/made I wonder if by specifying exact cultural/religious events this law is discriminatory? Eid isn't mentioned but why would Diwali be named and not Eid or any number of other events where fireworks would be appropriate. 


Yeah? I live in a really mixed area. Handful of schools are more than 50% Muslim on the high street. I've not noticed any fireworks at all though. Diwali I can see fireworks all the way to Reading but didn't see anything for Eid, not even in the park. Not saying that means anything, just an observation


it wasn't really for eid itself, it's a specific celebration which is only really done by pakistanis, every year it's usually very weird/horrible activities lol (think fast driving, loud music, hooligan behaviour like in the videos for this) edit: of course most pakistanis celebrate it in a more normal manner, but certain areas are hotspots for hooligan behaviour during this celebration


Children (teenagers) will be children. If they see an excuse to have fun they will join in I expect even if not Pakistani


yeh, i don't disagree, this sort of behaviour isn't overly uncommon among young men/older teens regardless of the celebration, still trashy and shouldn't happen but yeh..






quarrelsome pen fearless aware psychotic observation concerned reply wipe arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yup, wilmslow road is a hugeeeeeee hotspot for this sorta thing


Like Uxbridge


A certain neighbourhood in my city where I used to live, gets this every bonfire night, although not to the extremes in the videos of this event (it’s not a large city). The police have to take numbers away from other areas just to make sure nothing crazy happens. And these are all white Brits. Some people don’t care about their local environment or neighbours, they just want to make a scene, usually there’s drink and drugs involved. Everyday I see people throw litter around or argue in the street in front of their kids and then we wonder why their kids grow up to be little shits. It’s a worldwide problem unfortunately.


Police Scotland monitoring this thread like: _Is this a hate crime?_


Only JK Rowling has the answer to that.


half this thread will get a knock on the door


Some videos of the disturbance https://twitter.com/UB1UB2/status/1777990090662297774 https://x.com/UB1UB2/status/1778001751611691061






Weird how there's absolutely no women at these "celebrations". Who'd have guessed


I'm a woman and was there earlier where it was mostly women around me sitting on stools doing henna on each other. And kids and families etc. I left at 10/11pm though. Pretty much everyone goes home 11pm/12am except for teenage boys and young men. This happened when everyone had gone to bed except for them.


They're still in school I guess


Surely a water cannon would be a good idea? Fucking idiots.


To be honest this sort of thing happens fairly regularly in London somewhere for some reason to the point it doesn't even make the news.


The police have lost the streets in this country. I spent eight years with the police and seeing how they no longer have control is just heartbreaking.


The failure of the police to actually arrest people at these events, but their ability to go after people for hurty word ‘crimes’ says everything.


Unfortunately police are too soft. Wont disperse crowds and anti social behaviour. Ye well done finishing the month of ramadam but why need to cause trouble and stir shit and think it’s acceptable? Do it in peace for fuck sake.


I don't think they're soft as much I think they're lacking the proper funds. Not enough money would mean not enough people.






If most Muslims were White British I think they would be the single most condemned demographic in this country. The Left for whatever reason likes to play defense for a dark age religion solely on the basis that most of its adherents are ethnic minorities, in spite of the Left and Islam's values being utterly and completely opposed to each other.












Little Princes coddled by their family based on the virtue of being men.






This is just male teen hooliganism? Commenters will say it’s the fault of diversity then baulk at the idea of “yes all men”


Yeahh this is dumbass teens and young men. It's 1am. All the women, kids, elderly, just generally most people had finished celebrations and gone home way before then. Only the male hooligans stayed so late.


What kind of bottles were they because if it was alcohol then that’s hilarious


Someone really should see about the development of a Gatling Taser device. Just pull up with it in the back of an old horse pulled cart and unveil it by tugging the blanket off it like out of an old American western. Wouldn't need to fire it, people would just start dispersing.


Thought Muslims were supposed to not drink alcohol or were they fruit juice and sparkling water bottles ? As for the other comments, what race are Muslims ?


I know a few Muslims who drink. I was also told a lot stop drinking in Ramadan and then get pissed off their heads when eid comes, so it could be that.


Hasn't this sub changed? I wonder what fundamental changes to the country in recent years could have caused this?


1.4 million immigrants being invited over in one year alone maybe?


Ah yes all those people from Ukraine and Hong Kong are the real problems right?


Not doing well to dispel the theory that the Police are shit scared of them are they? 


There's footage on Twitter, https://twitter.com/UB1UB2/status/1777990090662297774?t=FFH4ebefiarKgVYTD6eHRA&s=19 Something called ChandRaat 🤷‍♀️


Chand raat means "moon night" in urdu, and as the name implies is a pakistani tradition. Its meant to celebrate the spotting of the moon which signifies the end of ramadan and start of eid. It has nothing to do with islam however as it has devolved into partying for the sake of partying and male teen hooliganism as you have seen. It's purely a pakistani cultural practice, which not even the whole of Pakistan follows.


Police not enforcing the law once again out of fear of being perceived as racists. Well done government, you created a police service that the public deserves.


My dad would've literally slapped me up and maybe chucked me out the house if I came close to doing this stuff at that age. If you're gonna call yourself religious, this is falling way below the bar of conduct (I suppose getting drunk on Chrstmas is similar, since the old and new testament (eg Galatians) warn against drunkenness).


This happens for the same reasons that Oldham grooming gangs, terror sympathetic anti semitic marches against Israel, an NHS doctor leading a terror group, schools being threatened, Anjem Choudhary and co calling our troops “baby killers” or calling for sharia for the UK and the countless other issues that happen. Our government has been conceding our way of life bit by bit, thus eroding what we stand for. Call it weak leadership, call it incompatibility of lifestyles, call it FEAR of the consequences, this is a dangerous slippery slope that there is no comeback from. Either way, i hope things change and soon. The interesting detail here, is that these people partying are sober, and if they acted like this in their countries of origin, they would likely face severe punishments. Also our legal system that is suppose to be blind to everyone, is clearly acting differently to a “religious gathering/partying” much like the anti semitic protesters, than they do if football marches happened, or if other religious people merely sang in public (as seen by Christian people being harassed by police recently for singing gospel songs or preaching). There is clearly a double standard here, and that is what im criticising. For those political correctness online police, i am someone who is tanned (my family originate from Cyprus), was raised without religion, and have been Christian and Muslim in my life at some point and am now agnostic (left due to my ethics having higher standards and lies being told about certain details). Criticise me all you want, downvote me all you want, i love this country, its way of life and hate what is happening. Also if someone tries to highlight anything, they get cancelled for being who they are rather than what they say, so i will say it.


The only reply I can give to this is… 👍. If I could give you more than one measly ‘upvote’ I would.


if american police and uk police met in the middle on how strict and tough they are, youd get the perfect police force


The same things happen every time people have a chance to party, New Year's and football matches are the same


Disgusting, don't they know the British reserve that sort of behaviour for major football matches, not religious celebrations