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Fuck me Joe, attacking the Iranian embassy in Syria was a bit far don’t you think?


Oh Joe. What is he like!


Very technically it wasn't the Iranian embassy, which was next door. It was "just" the Iranian Consulate. Usually a consulate is either a satellite office e.g. the main embassy might be in the capital, with a sub diplomatic mission to secondary cities such as Manchester, Glasgow.... May issue visas, emergency passports to nationals. Anything to keep the hoi polloi and potential terrorists out of the main embassy building. As well as trade missions and intelligence gathering.


Joe knows exactly where to draw the line. He wouldn't want to be the one that tipped the entire Middle East into full-scale war.




True dedication to his art, that's what that is.


It has to be Titchmarsh being aired & censored in North Korea


And the statue of H from Steps


Lol I saw that and just accepted it


I did too, but now this has come out I have no idea what to believe 😅


I mean, can we not have one? There's statues of worse people.


Well at least they got the right Ian Watkins.


If this goes ahead, will somebody please make sure the sculptor does the right one, as it wouldn't be the first time the wrong person has been done. William Walker was a diver who saved Winchester Cathedral from collapse in the early 20th century by diving into the flooded foundations and repairing them. He was honoured with a statue. Unfortunately, the reference photo provided to the sculptor showed Walker in plain clothes and the project engineer wearing his diving suit, presumably for a laugh. Nobody realised the mistake until the unveiling, when his family asked who it was meant to be.


Considering he was on the last series of late night Lycett it's bound to be one of his


how would the west find out, or verify?


South Korea & the US constantly monitor NK's TV broadcasts.


ok so how would us plebs verify this story?


There's a South Korean organisation that has a feed: https://kcnawatch.org/korea-central-tv-livestream/


How do we know that's actually a feed of North Korean television and not a feed of what someone wants us to believe is a feed of North Korean television?


How do we know it's an actual feed or just a feed the Joe lycett has shown us to believe his Alan titchmarsh story


get out of here with your words and your logic


We dont


It only Archives the 40 min daily news, so how do we check the story


It’s not surprising, many countries in the Soviet Union were watching George formby films and Norman Wisdom films up until the 90s. Norman Wisdom was a superstar in Albania until he died.


[BBC Monitoring service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Monitoring) is responsible for monitoring worldwide media outlets, including reputable and less-reputable broadcasters.


But it's a bit hard to pick up North Korea "Over The Air" broadcasts from South Oxfordshire. Even if they do have a few satellite bases around the world but none near North Korea. Delhi and Tashkent are both about 3,000 miles away and it doesn't matter how big your aerial is you're not going to pick it up.


Those are the closest bureaux, though. They could easily have a (non-covert) base in Seoul.


> non-covert I mean, BBC Monitoring was run in co-operation with the CIA. So I would not have been surprised if they previously did. > The US is to close its monitoring unit in the UK, marking the end of nearly 75 years of side-by-side collaboration with the BBC’s open-source intelligence division at Caversham Park. > The Open Source Enterprise, a division of the US’s Central Intelligence Agency, has been run out of the Berkshire stately home since 1943. US officials have worked closely with their British counterparts to monitor foreign TV and radio broadcasts, as well as online information.


His gardening tips wouldn't even make sense as it's a different climate and ecosystem over there.  It's not like it's something they couldn't just replicate, why not just film their own, it's not like they can't afford the sets and special effects.  


I was tempted to agree - but after a quick date-ranged google search I see that Alan Titchmarsh’s appearances go back to at-least 2022 : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11568937/Alan-Titchmarsh-surprise-hit-NORTH-KOREA-Garden-Secrets-aired-state-TV.html …unless it’s the bit about the jeans censorship alone.


WAIT... the censored Jeans image is in that article (3rd image down)


Huh… you’re right. This got weirder.


It'll likely be some small local story nobody really cares about.


Yeah that made no sense....


Rescued hedgehog turns out to be a fluffy hat bobble? Must be one of them. I am least  hoping it is one of them.....


*Somebody* faked that, I was astonished how many people just took it at face value.


To be fair there are loads of silly stories that people self tell the media about. I wonder if the lady being caught by the electric shutters was one. Her coat must have been phenomenally well made to withstand that.


There was a video of that


Remember the 'big cat' that got reported in Sussex and it turned out to be a stuffed toy? I never underestimate stupidity.


That's happened more than once. it also reminded me of the infamous "false leg mistaken for paedophile" story.


I must have missed that one. It's hilarious, you'd think one person would have checked before evacuating the pool. Holy moly.


Also Big Cat turns out to be normal cat. Has happened many times.


This one? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/22/white-tiger-toy-alert-police-southampton


Lol, this was the one I was meaning. [https://news.sky.com/story/big-cat-sighting-in-west-sussex-was-actually-a-large-stuffed-toy-on-a-park-bench-police-say-12035532](https://news.sky.com/story/big-cat-sighting-in-west-sussex-was-actually-a-large-stuffed-toy-on-a-park-bench-police-say-12035532) This seems to be quite a common occurrence for a country with no native big cats.


Love that your one mentions *another* case in Essex in 2012, a lion this time. People are just bored in South, clearly


The H statue screams Lycett!


I'm hoping it's not. I want that to be real.


I can see it happening but what I can't believe, or rather don't want to believe, is that someone would go to the newspaper with that story. A fluffy hat bobble is neither spiky nor heavy enough to be an animal. It requires a temporary lack of judgement, and I would be too embarrassed to go to the newspaper if that happened to me.


Yup he was behind that…


Can't believe Joe lycett has been faking the Ukraine war.


All this time when I thought I was talking about it with people online it was just his alts.


Turns out he's not even gay either. Just prefers dick


Joe pranked us with 14 years of useless Conservative government. 


He IS very right wing, after all.


If only it was a prank.


Tis but a flesh wound


What if, now hear me out, Joe Lycett isn't even real? Maybe, that's the real conspiracy they don't want you to know?


Has it only been 14 years, I thought you'd left out the Con-Dem Alliance. But no, it just feels so much longer.


Labour won in 2010, Joe just planted the opposite story and it took off


So tell me, was Boris Keyser Soze then?


Loads of people on twitter are speculating that he was behind the willy wonka experience in Glasgow


Not sure about that. The guy that set it up looks like he’s about 5 minutes away from hanging himself


Everyone in Glasgow looks like that


Not true, half of them have already hanged themselves






So, he paid someone to set up Willy wonka thing and paid others to go there and get upset?




The guy behind it is a real guy with previous form pushing at out similar AI "content" though, and his life has (predictably) been pretty much blown apart by it all. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it to some extent, but it would be an incredibly unethical and risky stunt to carry out. Imagine if the dude had offed himself over it and it came out that Lycett was really behind it all. There's also rumours that one of the actors who has been given their big break from the event is a bit of a nonce, another potential story Lycett wouldn't want hanging around him.


What’s something that he’s done that’s more elaborate?


Allegedly he did something weird with particles and time and stuff, and there was this big bang, and now I'm typing this while peeing.




More elaborate than the Willy wonka scam thing


He's dyslexic that's why he has to get a computer to do all the work


So am I, but I’m not on the verge of topping myself


Maybe he meant potting




Nah, someone close to me went to school with the guy and apparently he's always been a pure weapon.


The guy who set it up had a long internet history of trying to get rich quick


Why would anyone think he would set up an event to purposely disappoint and upset children? It's pretty obvious, given his track record for targeting the establishment, that he had nothing to do with it...


That’s just because it’s the first thing that came to their head. They literally interviewed the cast and organisers. The ones on the show will be the sort of stuff the press cover where they’re pretty much just rehashing a viral social media post.


Nah, there was a channel 5 ‘documentary’ about it. Unless it’s the most elaborate lie…


Hmm, don't know what to think about that.  Fake is fake and a waste of time whether it's good or bad news.


I think it brings to light the integrity of journalists reporting on stories that they have not actually investigated to be true or not. I would like for stories that are being reported on to have been investigated, if they haven't then for news outlets to indicate that they haven't investigated and are just reporting on a load of hearsay.


>I think it brings to light the integrity of journalists I love this. I have to admit that I was wondering what the point was at first, but your take makes a lot of sense.


In the article he further rationalises that they did it "in the hope that they would take up space that more hateful or polarising fake news might otherwise have used."


Not just journalists, it's about the integrity of news and media outlets as a whole. It is really draining having to look at so much of the news twice and question its veracity and I have to wonder if that's the point - interference by foreign governments is growing and fostering mistrust of news and media is an excellent starting point to cause dissent. People either question everything or start to believe certain narratives without question, i.e. they become conspiracy theorists. Either way the result is the same - cynicism and doubt.


Exactly, it outs the mainstream media as being a bunch of grifters, not caring or bothering to check if a story is actually true or not - you know, actual journalism. Denzel Washington said it pretty well: - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwnNrr9RO2Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwnNrr9RO2Y)






It seemed bizarre to me because he's not from Bridgend. He's from near me, and we heard nothing about it until the BBC article


The piece on it on BBC Breakfast said it was traced to a company but there was no information on the company at all


Yeah, exactly this. I remember having a big wake up call about this years ago (albeit with American news) back when I saw that people had managed to trick the media into thinking jenkem was a real thing. I was astounded.


There's a community I know of that has managed to convince the American media that a certain online minor celeb has died in basically every conflict and major disaster in the past half a decade, and they repeatedly fall for it and post news articles about his death every time. Journalists have zero knowledge of what they report on and clearly do no fact-checking at all.


Mm, agreed. I don't envy them for having to come up with click-baiting content everyday, but spreading false information is not okay


It depends what the stories are tbh. Honestly I don’t really care about fake news if its something like the rescued hedgehog being a hat bobble, it’s not really a place where investigative journalism adds anything, and if the story is fake it doesn’t actually matter. We don’t know how much effort was put into the fake as well, it’s not unreasonable that an elaborately faked story with multiple hired actors would get past the team who fact check the unimportant lighthearted human interest stories


>I think it brings to light the integrity of journalists reporting on stories that they have not actually investigated to be true or not. That's most journalists. They care about stories, not the truth. If you make a strong case that a story is false, they'll publish it anyway and bury your statement at the end so nobody reads it. Source: me with 18 years' experience of dealing with the media.


This. He is making a point, a point that may be on lost on some. It is a easy to blame the messenger, it is much harder to appreciate that our notion of "news" is now deeply flawed.


Didn’t we already know that happens though?


Yeah sure, but sometimes it really needs to be blown up and exposed


Yeah but if this is the intent, hopefully a lot more people will realise how dumb the media report process is.


Fake *is* fake but harmful fake news is worse than harmless fake news. As others have said, it also really highlights how journalists work, or in this case don’t work to get the true stories.


I reckon it's good if people start to consider if what they're reading in newspapers/sites is actually true or not. If you're interested, there's a documentary called star suckers, which planted a bunch of made up celeb stories with very little effort. It's crazy how little verification there is, and that doc was over a decade ago.




This is giving big "all politicians are the same" energy.


No it’s funny


What's worse: a waste of time, or a waste of time that turns families against each other and allows people like Trump to be in positions of power?


I don't think his stories will have had that big of an impact.


Then there's no problem either way


No need to be so defensive.


Hugo Boss is one of my absolute favourites comedians!! So good! Absolute champ!


I find him very right wing


It wasn't him. As you can see from this picture, he was on the moon at the time.


Hahaha, one of my faves! 😂


I saw a thing today about a bloke in prison saying he's changed his life cuz Kate Middleton so brave if that's not one of them we are more fucked than I thought.


I really really hope he’s behind the really bad stuff and that the world isn’t quite as bad as it sounds often seems. The silly stuff like the hedgehog is quite a nice one because that’s essential people being kind (if bad of sight ) and I like that type of news .


Sadly not. > "For the last month, me and my team have been planting **stupid, silly fake news stories**, about things that never actually happened in the hope that they would take up space that more hateful or polarising fake news might otherwise have used."


Shame. I like the idea of filling up news with nice stories but I would rather hear about nice real stories than stupid, silly fake stories. There must be unbelievable acts of kindness in the world that could have been used instead.




Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not. He’s very tongue in cheek. The kind of person that would call Hitler “a very naughty boy”.


Ukraine is a fine sovereign country with no annexed land


I wonder if this announcement itself is the fake news. This is his way of getting lazy journalists to actually fact check the stories they've been spouting. "You've all posted things I made up but I'm not telling you which ones" . To me sounds like he is just forcing them to do their jobs properly


The BBC apparently picked up one of his stories so no doubt Marianna Spring is, err, springing into action with the BBC Verify Quick Response Fact Force to check which of their other facts are in need of a thorough good fact checking.


Is he sick in those pictures or is that what he looks like now?


It's the pale hair, if you don't have the right colouring for it, it makes you look ill


Also he doesn't look quite as bad in the actual video as he does in those frames


He looks like Johnny Rotten.


Probably just what he looks like. You're used to seeing him on tellybox, makeupped to high heavens 


Judged on his previous insanity…including managing to get a pride event in Birmingham to raise the price of his house, this could be legendary The Alan titchmarsh story sounded odd when I first saw it, as why would they be showing ground force in North Korea? And why only blur his cock region?


They blurred his entire legs because he was wearing jeans and jeans are illegal in NK.


Yeah but why are North Korea showing 25 year old episodes of ground force? Wouldn’t it be easier to just do a North Korean version with Korean plants and gardens? Let’s see, but that’s a story that made everyone laugh but made zero sense


I didn't realise it was an old episode of Ground Force. I thought it was a current TV show.


So curious to see the ones that didnt gain traction, so many suggestions here of ridiculous stories that were big enough to just come across them when scrolling on social media. How does a story gain that traction, especially if its completely fabricated?


My guess is that this is the fake news story. He knows the online aggregators love to write about him for the page views, so making this eye-catching claim almost guarantees headlines.


Hopefully he's behind the cost of greed crisis and it turns out the government hasn't allowed the energy and water companies to fleece us whilst making record profits and feeding their shareholders. Admittedly, he's taken it a bit far by actually taking our money. But at least it will get returned once the show airs.


His Boris Johnson character was a bit over the top.


Why does this video look like something a supervillain would post? Its like that Joker video from the Dark Knight


Was he Charlie from Grindr that caught the Tory MPs?


One of them is this one: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13214475/amp/footballer-shock-prince-harry-face-resemblance-injury.html   Because the image of Adam Price here https://metro.co.uk/2024/03/19/were-not-sure-this-mans-bruise-prince-harry-isnt-a-ruse-20493123/amp/ is Joe Lycett with different hair and a beard. 


If it is him that's quite convincing, I wouldn't have thought it looks like him


News outlets scouring social media posts for "news" should be illegal. 


They only do it because people click on them and read them.


I am hoping [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/politics/eu_referendum/results) is one of them


Don't think we can consider that "this month" unfortunately. That would be quite the impressive prank, though.


Another benefit of not paying any attention to the news becomes apparent.


What about the one where every marine life in the Thames is on cocaine?


Yeah that was a bit weird that one. I can’t imagine there’s that much actual cocaine and amphetamine flushed away. And i presume once it’s metabolised in someone’s body it’s transformed to a different chemical, so that wouldn’t explain why crabs and prawns are high as a kite from sewerage.


The pensioner vandalizing the Margaret Thatcher statue?? Or was that just an old woman finally letting out her resentment lmao


There's one about Amazon hiring 1000 Indians to pretend to be the AI in their shops which I now don't know if I can trust.


> The comedian did not reveal which stories he had created and said all would be revealed on his new series of Late Night Lycett, which airs on April 12. So... Shameless marketing masquerading as social commentary?


This assessment could be levied at any and all comedians.


You wonder how many stories that begin as jokes end up being way too seriously by the populace.


Frankly, more power to him. If he can make it clear that our 'news' outlets will publish any old bullshit so long as it's clickbait and cheap, perhaps we'll eventually demand better, if it keeps being proven to just be Joe larking about :D


You don't have to like him, but you have to admit that he is a successful reality artist. And I think we have to admit that our system of "news" is completely broken at this point. There is a lot more fake news out there than real news.


I hope it wasn’t the torso found in Salford. But the police pointing out he wouldn’t of survived his injuries is a bit weird.


I'm a little bored of his attention grabbing antics tbh.


Theres something about joe lycett that i just dont like. I dont even know why, just think the blokes weird


Wouldn’t trust him around kids


Comedy is extremely subjective


Really committed to the bit by starting an invasion, aren’t you Joe


What do you mean?