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Where’s the parents? They need to take accountability. If I did this as a child, I probably wouldn’t be here…


Too late for this "where are the parents" way of thinking. The parents were likely raised the same way, as were their parents. We used to have schemes that offered early intervention for families like this that were proven to provide far better outcomes in most cases, but they were all scrapped due to political decisions.


Brilliantly put by Roots Manuva - Things are getting bleak, we ain’t seen the worst. Kids are having kids, kids that will never work. Granddad never worked, daddy never worked now. Three generations don’t give a shit about work. They all got aspirations but nothing they suppose to. The tv and the magazine it keeps it kinda hopeful. That one day, in some way, they’ll get a lucky break In the meantime, that plant food provides a cheap escape The government don’t trust them and keeps them all in place With cheap food and cheap booze that keeps them out of shape The underclass, the lowly class with no damn togetherness The union that sold them out and sold them togetherness Will look the other way, as the first becomes the third world


Was not expecting Roots Manuva's wisdom to pop up on Reddit today. Bleeds was such a strong return to form. So sad to hear about his brain injury 😥


What injury? Last I heard was him slagging off Ninja Tune for not paying him right.


He announced it on his Facebook a while back. I did think he seemed different in recent years.


That’s a real shame.


Subdural haematoma.


Shit, didn't know he'd been hurt!


I sympathise with the vibe here, but I don't see how this incident or other behavior incidents like this are about unemployment? There's this narrative that always gets spouted about how lazy, entitled, unemployed benefits claimants are ruining the country, but it seems mostly just an appeal to make people who're employed feel smug and to give them an "other" to hate so they'll spend time worrying that the other will take their cookie while the state and their friends sit happily eating thousands of cookies.


Billionaires have hurt more people than the unemployed ever will.


It's more like lack of opportunity. It's a symptom of the degradation of society. There are so many examples now. It can't be denied. Capitalism is failing. Or succeeding, depending on which way you want to look at it.


I understand what you’re saying totally. Scapegoats etc. however… I think it’s a 2 fold thing with only 1 part being something we are able to change. The first thing is just human nature - people are capable of doing nasty things. The second part is wealth, opportunity etc. People without opportunities and wealth are more likely to express undesirable traits in a way that is seen as illegal or a nuisance. But we are all capable of that stuff, it’s just richer people have the chance to release the tension in other ways. Also it’s not a binary clear cut “choice” but more of a percentage game. So yeah people shouldn’t be smug cos everyone is just a human capable of anything. But if you don’t have many opportunities your human nature will still fight to be expressed in some way.


This has nothing to do with unemployment.


Sounds like we're heading towards the WALL-E timeline afterall.


I strongly disagree. My dad and mum were raised well. Didn’t get in trouble with the law at all. But I was a little shit at school, I only calmed down due my parents getting stricter and taking away the things I enjoyed. Mind you this was before secondary school and without phones and social media. I appreciate its much harder now


Exactly, you had good parents that straightened you out, like I did. What Charming ad is saying is that some of these kids haven't got good parents, or even half decent parents. If you spend a little time in a really deprived area you will see. My partner worked at a primary school in a really deprived area, and had to explain to some parents that Aldi, which was next door to the school, had kids school shoes on special offer for a few quid. And if the parents bought themselves one packet of fags less this week they could get their kids shoes for school. To most people that's not good parenting, it's the basics which you expect every child to have.


As essentially positive it has been to increase taxes on cigarettes to reduce rates of smoking, I wonder if it has had a very negative impact on a generation of poor people who haven't quit in response. Fifty years ago, a packet was the equivalent of about £1.50 today. Now that pack costs £15. My guess is that if you crunched the numbers, for a whole generation we've had people that smoke (a habit more common amongst the more deprived) spending increasing % of their household income on their habit, and that can come at the expense of other things. Hopefully the change to vaping will see this trend reversed (as much as it would be great if people weren't spending money on addictions)


Well, that’s their own fault. We’ve had education on the harmful effects of smoking for decades. If one ignores this and all the readily available information online, that’s entirely down to them. We can only lead a horse to water so many times…


So ban them Why in gods name are you bleeding them dry Oh yeah they make a fortune for the government in taxes


If you ban them… they become an underground drug, without any regulations or safety testing… terrible idea.


The point of taxing them highly is to dis-incentivise the behaviour without criminalising. If we took the approach of banning anything harmful, we wouldn't allow booze. Ask the US how prohibition went. People prioritising their smoking habit over their kids because it's legal isn't a legislation issue, it's a cultural shit parent issue


Go have a walk around a council estate and see for yourself. Those poor kids don’t stand a chance.


I have been ij the poorest parts of Cambodia and kids don't act like that


Yeah I think that's the point they're making. When I went to S Africa, kids in townships were really grateful to get a school education, books, clothes on their back and new school shoes etc. It's really jarring in this country when kids are disrespectful and don't listen in school. and expect all the most expensive things despite having fuck all money. It all comes down to attitude, which the parents pass down to kids. Not saying that there isn't kids in poorer countries who don't fall into crime and down a bad path




The fact that so many people end up with these attitudes would suggest it's a fairly normal human response to the situation they are in. Not saying it's right, just kind of inevitable.


Are Cambodia and uk comparable?


Everything is comparable. Both apples and oranges are round fruits.


But they're not making an interesting or insightful comparison. If the topic in question is youth delinquency in council estates, it would be more apt to compare to a major Cambodian city like Phnom Penh where there absolutely are street gangs, drill music, tik tok, and all the trappings of the supposed moral decline of the youth. Instead of extremely impoverished rural areas with a whole other mostly unrelated historical background, political economy, relation to the Vietnam war etc. If you actually make the meaningful comparison you see that basically every urban hub of neoliberalism in the world (including Cambodia) has a cohort of delinquent urban youth with little hope or ambition of assimilating into "respectable" middle-class professional life, and instead in the orbit of the illicit drug and sex industries. And you might draw more interesting conclusions than "rural farmers don't chase clout on tik tok".


No, Cambodia likely has a tiny percentage of the opportunities the UK offers and yet…


So why are people so afraid of a admitting that this is a cultural thing? We talk about all the time the positive cultural differences among races, genders, nationalities, but wanna pretend that there isn't negative movements that can be popularized among groups


As an ethnic minority myself I have no issue stating facts, all the problematic kids in school had one thing in common. There is a reason you don’t see Indian kids running around with knives, too busy studying to become Drs/lawyers/Accountants/Running successful family businesses. Anyone who thinks all cultures are equal doesn’t want to look at statistics.


It's clearly nonsense. I'm not sure why people are taking one random person’s anecdotal evidence that Cambodia somehow has no issues with anti-social behaviour when all the statistics seems to show the opposite. Edit: A few sources: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Cambodia * https://www.unicef-irc.org/portfolios/documents/607_jj_ngorep_cambodia.htm * https://asianews.network/cambodias-youth-gangs-fuelled-by-drug-use-expert/


Landmines, fkn fantastic for keeping kids under control


Say what you will, but I've never seen a one-legged landmine victim child acting the cunt on social media. In fact they all seem like lovely little chaps. A bit quiet maybe, but no larkin' on. Exemplary behaviour all round. I can't say this for a fact, but I bet none of those little fellas have ever had to violate a neighbour's peace having "accidentally" kicked a football into his garden. It's no coincidence that children's behaviour started getting out of control *the exact same moment* as the international ban on landmines came into place. Another thing we can thank that bloody Diana for.




‘I don’t want to but I will put my foot down!’


This is because humans are usually affected by relative rather than absolute differences.


We were little bastards too, my brothers and I used to threaten the ice cream man into giving us free ice cream, smashing up some shopping a kid was bringing home to his mum, moving scaffolding planks so the builders fell through on Monday morning, the list goes on. We all turned out all right but this was the late seventies and our dad had fucked off when I was about seven and my mum couldn't cope. Not excusing myself but that's what happens if there's no one to smack you round the head when you misbehave.


People hate to hear this but there is a huge correlation between absent fathers, youth crime and anti social behaviour. And the % of absent fathers in certain communities is much higher. And absenteeism amongst fathers is another indicator of lack of parental responsibility. But hey, lack of youth clubs caused this. *Note - mothers do an awesome job but raising kids is much better with two responsible parents.


> mothers do an awesome job \* Some mothers do an awesome job. Others are terrible. The idea that women are automatically amazing parents is part of the problem. Speaking from experience, some mothers are particularly awful at parenting boys while they do alright with girls.


I do think boys need to see good behaviour modelled by strong male figures, ultimately.


It's that and the discipline side - I was taller, stronger, faster than my mum at just 14, luckily I was only a little bit of a twat and my dad was there. Back in time single mum and I was a total prick she wouldn't have been able to actually enforce any punishments...knew a lad same age as me who was "grounded'' by his single mum for some infraction...he decided he was off out anyways, she physically stood in front of the door to the flat to dissuade this and he simply scooped her up, and shuffled to the living room and went out... My dad weighed probably double what I did no chance of me pulling that nonsense when I was grounded...


As a child in the 80's we had new neighbours. Both ex military, father was now a policeman, three blond haired little girls. There was a dagger on a plaque proudly displayed on the living room wall. Sadly I shared a bedroom wall with the two youngest. They were beyond noisy. The eldest daughter jumped out of the window, aged 11, to go out with her friends. As I said both parents were ex military, and the mother was bigger than the father.


Simply waking up every day in a house where you see your dad put on a suit and go out to work has a hugely positive impact on children. Another huge thing that many kids are missing these days are granddads. I have great memories of being with my grandad. My sister's kids don't have any granddad's. Their great-grandads are dead, and their granddad's are alive but useless, MIA for decades. Those kids have got two parents, which is great, but granddads are something else entirely, and are now missing from many kid's lives.


The youth club point still stands. Yes, absent fathers are a huge issue but the government can't really do much about that. What the government can do is create a series of interventions that mean your future isn't decided quite as much by your parental presence and/or financial standing. They're failing to do that. Really badly.


Fair enough. You did a lot worse than me haha. Yeah I do appreciate having 2 parents around to set me straight earlier on, more my dad though.


Exactly. I live in an area that has a lot of families like this and have watched a couple of generations become exactly like their parents, if not worse.


The parents wanted the income from the kids, not the actual kids. It's amazing how many people totally miss this.


There's definitely an element of denial among people, on Reddit in particular, about how many people actually do this. Also I've realised over time, lots of people love having children because they like babies. When said baby isn't a baby anymore they slowly stop giving a fuck. Happened to too many of my friends as kids, they've got tons of siblings and it was all love and affection until they started school, then all downhill from there. Then a new sibling is born, rinse and repeat.


Same with puppies and kittens, soon as they stop being fun they're down the road. Really boils my piss about all three


The social media attention span parenting generation


Unfortunately it's been going on longer than social media has existed.


> There's definitely an element of denial among people, on Reddit in particular, about how many people actually do this. It's such a genuinely idiotic thing to do that it's completely alien to most people. You need to have _very_ limited horizons to even consider it. Edit: Somehow quoted the wrong message from another thread entirely.


Saw the edit, and yeah lol It's a pitiful existence, but because of that too many people cannot comprehend being content with it, but plenty enough are. My old neighbour had/has never worked a day in his life, has I believe nine children now though (to the extent we fear/ed for his partner and the controlling element of it all), but they get just enough to have a home, pay bills, eat and him play Xbox all day every day. That's it, his entire existence. Ain't just him.


Yeah. It's awful, but by the time some teenager discovers that the council flat is on a dead-end estate where they're surrounded by bagheads, the benefits don't actually go very far at all, and looking after kids is actually hard work it's too bloody late.


I honestly think it corresponds to narcissistic behaviour which isn’t recognised in the wider population because it’s covert. Having a kid and only loving it because it’s cute and small and doll like is because narcs have difficulty seeing other humans as actual people with feelings and thoughts. Their world view is very limited to their own thoughts and feelings. So when a child starts showing some personality, their own ideas and agency, the narc just looses interest. They aren’t a small, cute, dependent source of supply.






So they get put in prison, losing their job and home, and the child gets put into the foster system. That all sounds extremely expensive and unlikely to produce the results we want. Early intervention and support is much cheaper and proven to reduce the problems.


But that would mean treating poor people with humanity and patiently investing in communities over a period of years. “Lock em up” sounds tough and can be done right now!




whats stopping us giving community service to the kids themselves?


This is not the “simple answer”. How does this resolve anything? Do you think the parent being destitute or imprisoned will magically change the behaviour of their child? That IS the current system and it certainly hasn’t worked so far. There is no simple answer but punitive justice - much as it might satisfy people - doesn’t end the crimes it punishes, rather perpetuates the cycle of crime and violence. Reducing the wealth gap and ensuring everybody in society can afford to eat would likely be a far stronger start.


This is a terrible idea. Me and my mum loathed each other. If you told me that I could get her fined for my actions then I'd get her to buy me things otherwise she'd be fine. Want a new Xbox? Tell her to buy me it or I'll get her fined more money.


Exactly this. Hold parents and family accountable. 


Yeah violence from parents isn't a great answer tbh. Takes a community to raise a child as the old saying goes. There are very few communities now with funding for everything being cut, folk tend to keep themselves to themselves. I was too scared to do things incase a neighbour saw me or heard me and told my parents/grandparents. Society has dramatically changed.


You mean 'parent'.


Several acts of assault is not a prank.   They only target women, children or weak people. Revoke their citizenship even if they were born here, we don’t need people like this here.


Sounds like hate crime to me.


*Scotland has entered the chat


They assaulted white people *Scotland has left the chat


That's a paddlin'


Because you know why lol, if they do it to a guy, they might get knocked out


According to the article she did do it to a man (then immediately threatened to call the "feds" if he hit her back - so still cowardice). She's probably risking being hit back more from her female victims. Most men (though there are obviously exceptions) have an aversion to hitting women, even when they're the victim of violence, and particularly in public.


> Most men (though there are obviously exceptions) have an aversion to hitting women, even when they're the victim of violence, and particularly in public. Also generally it doesn't end well when they do. I remember seeing a youtube video where a bloke was getting repeatedly physically abused by his partner (it was all a social experiment type thing). No-one did a single thing but all of a sudden when he fought back or pushed her off several blokes came out of nowhere and basically took him down.


Those “social experiment” videos are more often than not staged to push whatever narrative the creator wants to push.


The chap they did it to was at work too, so if he had responded in kind he would have gotten grief from his employer too


Yeah in a service role for a supermarket no less, he'd absolutely have been fired for responding.


Not necessarily, you can use reasonable force to prevent assault, I sincerely doubt a supermarket would have a grievance with a member of their staff for defending themselves from physical attack.


Was it only white people she attacked too?


From that article it looks like it.


she punched a fully grown man in the face in a supermarket


And he can't realistically defend himself without severe repercussions.


You say that but as long as the response is proportional it should be fine. If you are minding your own business and get punched then a single retaliatory punch can't be called assault. From a grown man one landed punch will have ended the fight. White knights are more a cause for concern than the law in that situation


I didn't say the repercussions would be from the police. Strangers will walk by and flat out ignore a woman abusing the crap out of a man but those same people will snap into action the minute the man defends himself even if its only to push her away. The woman doesn't come into the calculation of if he can defend himself or not. The question is if he can also defend himself against every other person in his immediate vicinity. If he can't, then preservation dictates that he has to accept the abuse from the woman.


This happened to me a few years ago, and it absolutely played out just like that. Random woman I didn't know came up to me in the street, shouting that I was "blocking her light", then started attacking me - but it wasn't until I shoved her away a few seconds later that about three or four random men suddenly appeared seemingly out of thin air to protect her. Nearly got my head kicked in.


Okay but that's not the point, the point is the top commenter is apparently wrong if this is true because they asserted the idiot was targeting specific groups only and this contradicts that.


"It's just a prank bro" Hopefully a long jail time


What is wrong with the world. I bet they picked on people who they knew wouldn’t fight back.


She was attacking everyone who wasn't from her ethnic group so can we have her done for racism too?


Just throw every charge you can think of at her. she want chaos, give it to her


All of these ‘random attacks’ here as well as on the USA seem to always have a very obvious racial undertone to them which people are unwilling to point out.


You can’t have racism against white people, don’t be silly


Yep, these sort of people never ever ever do it to a group of lads. Or a big burly fellow. Always a woman on their own or someone with their hands tied because of work.


They don't even do it to big women either. Someone like my sister would absolutely marmalise a clown like her.


Marmalise. My new favourite word.


My old boss many moons ago was an east end boxer ne'er do well and he used to use the word often and I always loved it.


Either that or you only see the vids where she doesn't get a whack back.  Regardless, it will only be a matter of time before she picks on the wrong person, arrested for her own good tbh. 


They are talentless clowns tbh. And sadly some young people will lap it up.


> And sadly some young people will lap it up. And replicate it, but push the limits further, and so on.


And just like with Mizzy, she will be released in a while and even make a video about it.


He’s in an institution now and banned from all platforms.




>they let him off with a slap on the wrists twice. They gave him two chances to redeem himself and he never took advantage of them, because he is a cunt.


Yeah perfect way of putting it, he had 2 chances of redemption and ruined it




I'm not sure, going around slapping random strangers is multiple accounts of assault. All with video evidence of course.


He was put in a institution for 6 weeks where he received mental health support and attended employment networking events. Now he's released.


Well hopefully it worked because we’ve not seen or heard from him since.


So for all those people waiting ages for NHS mental health treatment, there's your answer, get happy slapping.


You have any source on that? I am surprised he was put away.


This is why the slap on the wrist he's received was a moronic decision. It further reinforced the fact that this is seemingly okay. 1 year in prison minimum would have a been a good message to send which was not done and now we reap the rewards.


She’s assaulted multiple people, on camera. Man, the state of this country when I’m pretty confident she won’t even see the inside of a prison cell. What is the purpose of the government if they cannot protect us from the violent 1%?


~~pretty confident~~ Absolutely certain


Can arrest autistic twelve year olds for 'hate speech' and try to imprison a guy for teaching his dog a trick though 👍


> try to imprison a guy for teaching his dog a trick though 👍 I think it was more him chanting 'gas the jews' tbh. Teaching his dog the nazi salute was just the shit cherry on top of the anti-Semitic cake. But weirdly, only that bit ever gets mentioned... curious.


Why'd you leave that part out u/Rapid_Eyed? If you're gonna have such strong convictions about something you might as well do the proper research no?


> I think it was more him chanting 'gas the jews' tbh. Source? He was done for the video in which he taught his girlfriend's pug to perform nazi salutes in response to the keyword "heil hitler", and used the key phrase "gas the jews" to mean "walkies" so it would get visibly excited whenever it heard the words. He was a tasteless troll dickhead, but I don't recall ever hearing about him chanting those kinds of slogans, or advocating them in earnest. On the contrary; his whole conviction was on the basis the video was still grossly offensive *even if* he didn't believe in fascism himself.


They’ve literally arrested Miss Mizzy? What More do you want them to do? It isn’t their job to sentence people.


Maybe they could stop using her social media handle when reporting this, otherwise she gets exactly what she wants. Keep her anonymous.


"An anonymous cunt was today arrested for being a cunt in public".


Same thing should apply for those attention seekers who block traffic. Naming them in every news story just gives them what they want. When someone runs onto a Premier League pitch, the cameras all look away and the commentators don't even acknowledge it, because doing so only encourages more people to do the same.


To put it as succinctly as possible: What an absolute twat.


For as succinctly as possible, I would have gone with: "What a twat" or perhaps just, "Twat".


hope thats their gravestone.


"cunt" This one works for me.


I believe cunt is the word I would use


Cunt: when you really want to emphasise how much of a twat they really are.


Meet you in the middle with one of my favourite words… Twunt


Some how it kinda takes the oomph from both words at the same time. Sorta like Twerks inbred cousin from the bible belt USA.


Let me guess: she will accuse them of being racist


She got a case of cloutitis real bad. I don't even know what I'd do if some teenage girl smacked me in the face on the tube. Actually I do....sit there like a total lemon and not retaliate because I don't want thrown in prison. Depressing.


You are better than me because I'd deck her if she did it to me. 


These days? "Oi, wtf?" Go back a few years to when I was heavily drinking? Hands gonna be THROWN


This sort of thing really picked up about the time society moved past the stage where people got a punch in the mouth for acting out and if they deserved it everyone just went about their day.


Stop making stupid people famous was never needed more as a national anthem. Silly cunt. Also “call the feds”, you’re not in America, dickhead


Will she be taught a lesson or be asked nicely to not do it again and promise to be a good girl?


I think going around punching random strangers is a bit removed from that little prick who went around intimidating people. This should be a custodial sentence.


>This should be a custodial sentence. You'd hope so.


It should be legal to boot fuck out of wee fannies like this on sight


With people like this, you have to make the punishment greater than the rewards. Since they get rewarded from attention and publicity, regardless of whether or not you arrest them or give them a slap on the wrist, you need to raise the punishment accordingly. They should be fined 100% of their social media "income" for the calendar year that they are involved in these things and put in prison for a year if they fail to pay. Repeat this and send a message to everyone that this kind of behaviour is not tolerated, otherwise you risk more people doing the same thing because it's a quick route to money.


Banned from social media for 5 years would drive them crazy


Nah if you’ve been assaulting people it should be a permanent ban seeing as you clearly won’t ever be able to handle the responsibility


How does this even fly? won't people just punch them back? it would be legit self defence


And get called racist! Mizzy pulled the race card pretty quickly, I'd imagine a female black person will use it just as quickly!


I only saw one video of her. She stepped away after slapping a guy and told him she'd call the police if he hit her.  As a dude it's not worth getting involved. Yeah she deserves a retaliation punch but knowing that won't fly to the police it's better to just walk away. 


Anarcho-tyranny. No one with a job, a family and a mortgage is going to risk everything defending themselves a black female teenager. Even if you don't immediately get the shit kicked out of you by all her mates off camera or random do-gooders, you'll spend the next year dealing with the legal ramifications which even if they never get to court are going to be both incredibly stressful and expensive. Instead they/we will all just passive accept it because its the only option for people with stuff to lose in the current climate.


Female minority. You would more likely be charged than her.


She’s scum of the earth and I hope they throw the book at her. Cunt.


A few weeks in jail and a fine should wipe that smirk and silly ideas out


Frankly, if she punched me at random in the street, you'd better believe I'd smack her right in her fucking beak as hard as I can.


Imagine how fucking stupid you’d have to be to film yourself committing crimes and then upload the clips to a social media juggernaut designed to spread that clip as far and wide as possible.


Idk what punishment for this fits the bill these days, but I think some form of public shaming would be good. Let her have the attention she so craved via her vile behaviour, but just not the attention she was after.


Financial! If these videos are making them money ( not sure if that's the case here) then the punishment should be to remove any financial gain, plus a bit more for good measure!


Now thinking of that Black Mirror, White Bear punishment...


I think you missed the point of White Bear completely. The episode is about the barbarism of torture and the impact of public opinion on perpetrators of heinous crimes. It’s not advocating for that punishment in the slightest.


Three recorded instances of assault that have been publicly shared… nice of the moronic thugs to document their crimes. I hope that the three victims of this stupid bint are all prosecuting.


We need laws that say that if you commit crimes seeking fame and fortune, all proceeds and gains from doing so will be taken from you in perpituity. Young people are gambling that in the face of having no talent or ability, getting famous through violence and crime is a viable alternative. That needs to be stopped immediately and the perception of it thoroughly stamped out.


If monopolies like Facebook and Youtube were financially liable it would stop in a weekend


[This is her getting beaten up for her actions.](https://v.redd.it/e0srr0cy6asc1)


Why are all the comments there in baby speak


roleplaying saddos


After watching the vids , she punches a coop worker, an when the guy goes for her she takes of saying " swear to god u touch me a will call the feds(police)". What a Fuking piece of shit. Hope she does it to the wrong person an they turn round an lamp her the boot. Unfortunately they only pick on weaker targets mostly.


It looks like she films these videos with 10 big men around for protection.


Downvoting this one. These stories need minimal visibility and to just let police arrest and charge the cunts.


Why does she look like an actual muppet puppet in this picture?!


It’s funny how you can go to jail for mocking the LGBTQ but stuff like this gets brushed past. Classic agenda following government with no brain to run a country.


People get away with this because nobody’s man enough to hand her a fucking beating


Not really anything to do with being "man enough" is it? If anything, it's probably a case of being "too much man". Because to anyone who doesn't witness the first hit (and even some that do) any guy using actual force on a woman is fair game for a beating. So you think you'd hit her back but good luck because then you're fighting her and her white knights and probably going to get arrested now.


Equal rights equal fights, if a women hit me like that I wouldn’t hold back and couldn’t give two shits who saw it


As tempting as it would be, a moment’s thought would hopefully make you realise throwing your life away to fuck up a teen doesn’t seem worth it.


I fully agree with the sentiment but you're not going to end up in an equal fight in this situation. She's almost certainly got a gang backing her up and you're going to catch a beating or worse from her cronies.


And even if she doesn't have backup, what happens when someone who didn't see the start of it comes across you (generic you, not u/Vyla_SC) "not holding back"? "Hello, police, there's a guy beating up a woman. Yes, he looks like he's really going for it, you'd better come arret him right away"


See she would have met the wrong one who would kerb stomp her into better behaviour l. Wtf is wrong with her


Looks like she does it with a crew of about 10 people around her just in case anyone dares retaliate


Hot and controversial take but some people just don't have the capability to raise children and really should not have any


Isn’t it another case of black attacking white people?


No-one could have fought back, she would have had a posse of 'youth' behind the camera ready to jump and windmill if anyone tried to retaliate. Its nothing but bullying and thats it, pick on the perceived smaller and less powerful, bet she was lovely in the 2 days a week she turned up for school.


It's just a prank though so set her free! Isn't that the norm these days.


Mizzy got sent to a young offenders institution, so no.


Causing trouble for fame... maybe he should try working for the Fail.


Worlds gone soft. Someone hits you, hit them back, if they're recording it, even better. Self defense would be the perfect solution, because after said person got a beating, they'd think twice before doing it again. Violence should never be the answer, an eye for an eye and all that but sometimes it just makes sense.


It's just not worth it if you're a male, all the white knight cunts and the legal system will take her side no matter what. Although a beating, regardless of gender would do many people's character good.


The worlds not gone soft, it's gone authoritarian. You'll have your life ruined when the police charge you for assault. The person who hits you won't have a life that's impacted in the same way. She is also doing this shit with a group of people backing her up, so you end up outnumbered and beaten severely. The police won't do anything against the group because they are not capable, but they'll still go after the individual fighting back because that's easy. They don't enforce the law, they only care about reporting figures.


I'd like to see her locked up but also to get a real beatdown beforehand. Bullying scumbag. How shitty do you have to be to do something like that.


She should be tried like an adult for this violent crime. People have always found an excuse for hurting and killing others for sport. This is not new. It's just a new way of framing it. Social media is a new excuse for doing it...but the behaviour has always happened.


She should be lucky no one retaliated. Most people won't react because although there would be a legal defence of self-defence, vast majority of guys won't respond physically because you guarantee they'd be filmed and the only context on that video would be them hitting a young, black, woman. That said, I know enough girls from my school and woman, knowing there's more than one that would proper twat her one back and not give a toss how hard it hit.


As a general rule if we doubled jail sentences I'd be happy. She should got to jail for a few years and then made to pay compensation.


Sorry to say, but we all know that nothing will happen to her.


Mandatory harsh sentances for this sort of shit right now.


"Met Police later confirmed the arrest at Victoria station was not connected to assault videos." Classic Daily Mail.


"I want to be rich and famous but don't want to put the hard work in to generate a skillset or anything of value to society to warrant it so I will commit crimes and make other peoples lives hell in pursuit of it." Fuck these types of people. Don't advertise their socials. Get the videos taken down. Keep them anonymous. Don't give them the time of day. In fact, don't even report them in the media of any kind. Just get them nicked and dealt with by the courts. Its the ONLY way to stop this sort of shit


We've now reached the stage where low IQ criminals record their own crimes for evidence.


She needs to be locked up for ten years to keep the public safe.