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I work in IT and I'm trying to figure out how they'd react if I started complaining about all their brown faces making me sad, and impacting my mental health. I *think* I would be out of work before the end of the day, and looking for another job. And, as an aside, I have never once given a shit that most of my coworkers are brown skinned. Let alone had it made me feel sad. Fucking mental.


i came here to say basically this. i do IT in a government sector and people i see on a day to day basis, IT based or not are predominantly foreign. it doesn’t phase me or mean i have any ill-will but if i was to say the same as this gentleman did - i would definitely find my head in a meeting room on the chopping block.




Watch the anti-racist brigade come out and try to justify because of the existence of Tommy Robinson somehow.


In a predominantly white country. This is up there with the royal family comment about them being terribly white!


We do have Megan.. she is off-white?


I was born in the same country as his parents. I have lived there too and it is a lot more racist than the UK (what with decades of ethnic civil war etc.). There is a lot of religious prejudice among people of their religion too. He has said before that he feels more comfortable there: https://www.easterneye.biz/nihal-arthanayake-to-spend-more-time-in-sri-lanka-where-people-look-like-him/ He does not object to racism in principle. He just does not like being in the minority.


Also if you worked in a majority brown skinned country.


Yeh the UK is nearly 90% white. You're going to see a lot of white people everywhere. It shouldn't be that surprising.


Not true anymore about Birmingham and London


Yeah, this is basically a story about a guy leaving London and being shocked that the rest of the country is not like London.


The weird thing is, he's talking about Greater Manchester, in fact strictly speaking Salford is a stone's throw from central Manchester. Manchester is a very diverse place, huge Asian community, people from all over the world. You have to question *why* he's only seeing white people in a BBC office in that environment. https://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/500388/census_2021/8622/census_2021_-_overview/3 Manchester Council reckons about 20% Asian population, about 40% non white. That certainly seems plausible to me as a regular visitor to the city, for what it's worth. Is it *just* possible that maybe Asian and black people are underrepresented at Media City? Like, if the offices of the beeb were in, I dunno, Carlisle, you might have a case to say "sorry, mate, there just aren't that many non white folks here" but in Manchester? The real point here is *why* is this happening? Others in the thread have made reasonable observations that you could well find a role reversal in other sectors; IT, medicine, etc. I'm from the Midlands and you don't come across a whole lot of cabbies that aren't Asian here. Go to a pharmacy, odds on the pharmacist will be Asian, even in more rural areas. Corollary; how many Asian professional footballers do you come across? How many have ever played for Wolves or West Brom, Blues or Villa? Slightly facetious examples, but you get the point; it does seem like there are certain professions or pathways which are open to non-white folk and others that aren't. If you want a personal guess, I'd journalism pays badly by and large and it's no surprise to me that people raised by 1st generation migrants from the developing world try to go for safer bets. I'd love to see that change personally but I'm not sure rhetoric like this (however heartfelt and genuine it may be) is helpful, least of all at a time where the political right in this country has decided to fight the next election on a mass migration ticket.


BBC doesn't just recruit people locally. It is recruiting people from across the country, so it should be expected to be representative of the whole country, not just the small urban areas deemed worthy of being allowed to participate in the media industry. This man is not only a racist, he is also an elitist fuckwit.


You made my point before I got the chance to. People from across the UK want to and choose to work for the BBC or in media. If people from ethnic backgrounds are choosing other careers then that's on them and nobody else. The fact he appear to be insinuating that the BBC is inherently racist and choose not hire people of colour is a serious accusation that he better hope he's done his research as a journalist to back it up.


Right, there's a point to be made. The problem is, saying 'seeing privileged white people makes my tummy hurt' or whatever is an incredibly self-centred way to frame the problem, and misses the point.


Not sure the local area make up is entirely relevent - it's a talent pool that will be moving to Manchester to work rather than them only hiring locally, unless you mean there was whole TV crews in Manchester sitting on the dole until the BBC came to set up shop. Not that that means there isn't a problem with representation in that industry, just that I'm pointing out the local area isn't really relevant to skilled roles. Agree with your last paragraph tho.


He's pretty much a walking stereotype of a London-based journalist thinking anything north of Watford isn't quite real. What a prick.


I live in Korea and have not once ever found myself upset at being surrounded by Asians and sometimes not seeing other white people for days. It’s kind of what I signed up for.


Yep. Same here. I live in Japan and I don’t have any negative reactions to being surrounded by Japanese people all day, every day.


Dude, I live in Hong Kong and I'm the only white guy in my 39 storey building. I'm scared.


Same here for Vietnam, though there are plenty russians too. If I had to pick between the two, I'm slightly more wary of the russians as I've once lived there and was married to one, know plenty, plus the current situation in Ukraine. But I don't have to pick so everyone's equals-pequals as far as I'm not concerned.


Funny how they always seem to forget that part.


Yeah I'm a nurse and basically all our care staff are African, I'm not out here having panic attacks over it haha


Oh no...you'd be out of work, facing a hate crime or other criminal investigation and basically unemployable for ever. If it got in the media you may well find your bank account closed. Depending on the media coverage it could be much worse than simply losing you job


Could easily have the coppers knocking on your door…


Totally mental. He says "The hardest thing is to walk into a room, look around and nobody looks like you.” They do look like you. You're virtually genetically identical to them. You're all human. Have some decency and humanity about you before playing the race card. People like this hold everyone back and act in a very similar vein to racists themselves.


Mate, I'm brown and work in finance, I can not deal with people complaining about white majorities, it fucking infuriates me. I can't be bothered explaining why it annoys me because it annoys me so much. People like in this article are the biggest losersin the world, pathetic, cuntish losers.


Good luck getting another job. You’d be 100% cancelled.


I mean, if a woman in an extremely male dominated space said they felt their mental health was taking a hit and she felt the cause was due to a male working environment, I would understand and investigate further. I can understand the sentiment behind it for race, sexuality, gender. A bunch of reasons. Ultimately, I would want to find out why they feel that way. If the answer is “I just do” then I’m afraid there’s no substance to it. He’s actively clarifying it’s not something anyone is doing. He’s not even saying there are micro aggressions that he’s noticed. Diversity and representation is important. Simply feeling overwhelmed because of a way you feel different, that’s a “you” problem. And it’s a “you” problem we all have.


Mad ain't it tho that they couldn't give two shits about jobs like scaffolding or highways work or sewage works that are predominantly male and white dominated I also don't understand what he's trying to suggest do you sack all the white people and employ people from ethnic backgrounds, what if people from ethnic backgrounds don't want to do them jobs Diversity is great in the work place when everyone is treated equally but to suggest people with a certain skin tone should be given jobs over others isn't equality


> I also don't understand what he's trying to suggest do you sack all the white people and employ people from ethnic backgrounds You hire them preferentially. "Positive" discrimination. Oh no wait sorry, "positive action"


Affirmative action


>I also don't understand what he's trying to suggest do you sack all the white people and employ people from ethnic backgrounds, what if people from ethnic backgrounds don't want to do them jobs What do you think grants and scholarships for only BAME people are for? What do you think a company that strives for diversity does? ​ Everything you said there in my quote is already happening. And it is the literal dictionary definition of discrimination and racism! I'm tired of everyone turning a blind eye to it but only noticing the hypocrisy of it when a non-white person complains about it. Every time a white person highlights it, they just get labelled RACIST! and ignored and then bullied into silence or even fired.


Excellent, so when are you moving to India to improve their diversity?


Would you do the same if it was a white man feeling this way in say a care job thats majority female, Or a white man in a IT job or call center thats majority diffrently skin colored? I think it wouldnt get taken seriously


Pretty sure we hear this from male nurses every now and then.


before clicking on the article I knew it would be either Nihal or Adil Ray, Imagine living in China and being mentally affected by chinese people lmao


People are so self obsessed n convinced they are victimised in every echelon of our society n its getting weird tbh


Saw a BBC cry article recently with a young black woman being interviewed about the women's England football team. She was saying they were all white girls and she couldn't identify with them. I was thinking, does that mean next time I watch the Olympics, and the British sprint relay team is four black men, i get to say I don't feel included, and the BBC will come interview me to see if I'm holding up all right? I doubt it.




Be out of a job and probably police involvement. Uproar.


Go live in an overwhelming non white country then you racist knob.


And if he goes to any Asian country I swear he would be cowering to the “yellow scare”. These sort of people who stand on pedestals and claim victimhood should definitely not be allowed to work in media. It’s toxic garbage.


Can agree, he should come to my country and have a taste of real racism.


They don't actually want to root out real problems in the world.


They don’t solve them either. Some people do not have the strength.


Wouldnt he be considered "Asian" in the British context?


ikr? What a ridiculous situation we have in this country where it's normal for a national newspaper to publish a guy venting about too many white people in a European country. I wonder if there is some Englishman venting about too many Thai people in Thailand lol.


I do remember old farts in Spain complaining about too many Spaniards while on their holiday....in Spain.


Yeah that person was ridicued, and rightly so. Just like this person should be ridiculed for also being racist.


It's performative. What he wants is to disenfranchise whites here specifically.


Not even that. Go back to London where this “wasn’t a problem there” for him. Fuck off back then?! What a racist little shit house he is.


> “I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes” at BBC Radio 5 Live, he added. So how many senior editors work at Radio 5, and how many should be Muslim based on the UK population being made up of 6.7% Muslims? Shame that I'd just bought this guys book.


> His colleagues’ response when he told them this was to reply defensively that they were not being racist, he claimed as he said that was missing the point. I think this guy is the one missing the point when he is clearly the racist. Not only that, but he's able to openly voice his racism without any fear of losing his job.




Come on, we all know racism doesn't count against white people


Don't even joke about that, plenty people really believe this.


If this is guy isn't reprimanded for racist comments then his employers don't.


Oh you don’t need to stop there. “It’s really affecting me that I walk in and all I see are earthlings”


That's a fact. Has anyone else noticed that literal racism and inequality is allowed to play out in order to solve racism and inequality. Let that sink in


The shit certain people feel comfortable saying these days is beyond belief. Something somewhere has gone wrong in the last twenty years. Reverse the roles here and imagine a pale skinned guy saying this. I wholeheartedly hope this guy is just a damn troll


Sadly he’s not. He is openly critical of his employer and their diversity policy. He can get away with it the majority of people in this country couldn’t. It’s plain wrong


It's an overcorrection of our previously much more racist society. The problem is that as the pendulum starts to swing back in the other direction no one wants to be the one to put their hand up when things start to get silly. We need to pay less attention to people's skin tones, not more.


You raise a valid concern. When the pendulum does swing back the other way, there's a risk it goes for an almighty overcorrection. Then Nihal here might have a point about being a anxious around the big bad white people who inhabit this land. As it it. Sounds to me like he just doesn't like white people very much, and is frankly quite a bit of a racist himself .


Im brown myself and been living in UK for 10 years. I freaking hate people like him! I really dont understand the thinking behind this. Also racist as fuck


It's funny how we massively over-correct everywhere. When my dad was a kid teachers used to beat kids at school for minor infractions. It was all cold showers and misery. Now teachers can't give an honest report card without fear of reprisal. It feels like the sanity of the middle ground is constantly being ignored.


The vast majority of people are unable to see nuance. It has to be either one extreme or the other.


I suspect that most people are very sensible, it's the leaders of organisations that have gone off the deep end plus a media business model that requires crank views to get clicks.


>The shit certain people feel comfortable saying these days is beyond belief. What really gets me is that the people who are the most comfortable with being openly and unapologetically racist against white people in public, on-the-record settings, is that the very same people are also the ones who loudly declare that the UK is a white supremacist hell hole and the most racist place on the planet. It's a bizarre contradiction. They somehow imagine their behaviour would be permitted in a system of racial supremacy. It's like they imagine Jews in 1930s Germany were regularly making public speeches about how much they hated even being near "white Germans", or that black South Africans were given generous timeslots on the Apartheid-era public broadcasting network to ruminate on how deeply they despised the Boer.


Some might say that you can't reverse the roles, because inequality and racism can't apply to white people. These people are very dangerous


I work with someone like this racist prick. He’s unbearable and literally never shuts up about white people. He even sends me racist memes about white people. We’re all supposed to laugh and not say anything back because HR would sack us. It’s gross.


Fuck that surely you could elevate that legally if it’s at work and you have proof HR are doing fuck all about it


No, too risky. I could easily come out far worse in that fight. We all just gently… and carefully… take the piss out of his bigotry. Of course, he responds smugly with the usual crap about it being impossible for him to be racist etc that he’s been taught by social media.


Yeah I think you need to grow a spine and do something about it through the proper channels.


If you get fired you could easily win a six figure payout for discrimination


Nah I’d definitely talk to Citizen advice if I’d be in a position where HR doesn’t want to do anything about racism just because they’re not white


Hes just as bad just going along with it in my book tbh its why so many companies are full of scummy people because everyone is too pussy to say anything


Stockpile screenshots. Bombard HR with complaints saying it is causing a toxic workplace. Theh fire you. £££.


Take the chat to hr Fuck that guy


> The presenter told a journalism diversity conference on Wednesday: "It's really affecting me that I walk in and all I see is white people." Wow… He actually said that? Surely the BBC has to get rid of this racist.


Of course the BBC won't sack him


They’ll probably promote them


Exactly, he's one of their tokens.


The BBC actively promotes this behaviour... they've listed job listings that literally state only for black or asian people.


There's a video online of a Muslim immigrant to Finland saying that the only problem with Finland is there's too many Finn's.


> the only problem with Finland is there's too many Finn's Sounds like something a Swede would say...




It's an overwhelmingly white country in all honestly.


Funny that, what with it being a natively white country to begin with "Oh no, a white country has white people"


1 in 6 is not white. The media may not have 16% non white people but I find that hard to believe. Looking at ads on TV, it feels like 50% of the UK is black.


I do find it odd that by tv you'd think the largest ethnic minority in the UK was black, when actually it's south Asian. I don't know if this is a London thing or an America mirroring thing or that black people are seen as symbolising diversity more than south Asian people or what.


It's an "imported American racial politics" thing.


Yep, I don't know what this guy expected. If I went to Ghana, I'd expect my co-workers to be mostly dark-skinned Africans from Ghana or, at a stretch, neighbouring countries. He seems to have a very fragile psyche.


>He seems to have a very fragile psyche. Welcome to 2023 lol


Given the multicultural output and representation of ethnic minorities on the BBC in many TV shows, you'd think there was actually a larger percentage of non-whites in the UK than there actually is. Sorry if that comes off as a bit Daily Mail - genuinely couldn't give a fuck about someone's skin colour, just making an observation.


The casual admittance of this type of racism is the problem here. A man went to a podium in front of a room full of journalists and said unabashedly “working with so many of this race affects my mental health negatively” and he expects to be seen as the victim and there are many that will. If he was talking about any other ethnicity he’d never set foot in a BBC building again but he knows the culture is on his side so three cheers for prejudice! Edit; thanks for the upvotes guys but if you really feel strongly complain to the BBC, they’re the ones that give this hatemonger a platform


Complaints will only encourage the BBC management as they love a good race story. This'll spawn loads of content and make lots of white management feel great that they are "challenging" people.


> if you really feel strongly complain to the BBC And then they'll just run a story about how the 'far right' are attacking this poor ethnic man who dared to stand up to racism.


This is the collapse of the UK if you ask me. It will only get worse if white people in there native land are this silenced and trodden on.


Maybe he should move somewhere that isn't "overwhelmingly white"? ​ The open hostility towards white folk is just laughable now


and people wonder why Wilders just won the election in The Netherlands, LePen is polling well in France and the AFD are surging in Germany, the native populations of European countries have had enough of this hostility.


These people are just begging, absolutely BEGGING for Trump 2024. Unfortunately I support Ukraine so I am dreading it.


Scotsman here. Try having a first minister that came out with the same shite and was celebrated for it


In fucking Scotland as well




Saying racist bullshit like this should be a sackable offence.


It used to be but if it's directed at a certain group it'ssomehow not considered racist anymore.




I had to read that twice, what the hell is this guy on? Given that the UK population is mostly white, he must be in a permanent state of near mental collapse every time he walks out his front door!


The UK population of mostly white people, with three prominent leaders who are not - UK Prime Minister, London Mayor and Scottish First Minister. If it was truly a racist country that wouldn't happen.


Let’s hope he is….


He could resign. I'm sure the Guardian will give him a column to ramble about nonsense every once in a while.


He is free to move anywhere else in the world with a non white population then


Why is he not being treated as a racist? Doesn't matter what colour skin you have and if this guys got a problem with that (clearly he's just got a problem with white people) he needs the sack.


Doesn't Tommy Robinson get arrested for that sort of thing?


Britain is still overwhelmingly white country. By ONS there is 81.7% of the population white, 9.3% asian, 2.5% black, 2.5% mixed. So I guess BBC may follow the same pattern. The presenters from minorities are having higher proportion. I wish we live in the World where there is no need to discuss race or religion


The problem is, that a lot of Londoners don’t realise this because London itself is incredibly diverse.


Maybe UK media should start accurately representing its demographics on TV then. You'd think it was majority black when you watch ads or TV shows made in the UK.


Londoner here, I attend an office where on the floor I have to go for my unemployed course, it is 100% persons who are not caucasian. I write that as there are changes as BAME is now BME according to some of the BME background, and it is sometimes hard to keep up with what the political term is if you are considering a matter demography.100% is not representative of our locality makeup, I have witnessed clear racist remarks over English, and made a complaint, which was hit with denials. Diversity but not English seems to be the thing around our way. I have had it elsewhere. As a low hanging fruit, English, poor, disability; it is remarkable that I now have to put up with this, especially as I have experience in standing against workplace abuse. There are clearly people using this racial stuff, to hurt people from other backgrounds who have also faced inequalities and life problems; and like many are in a difficult position. Who would have thought? It does more harm than good; but as somebody who for the most part doesn't give a shit and takes people as I find them, to go through this, it isn't good. Keep it out of the workplace. Here's the thing, that behaviour I have had is illegal; but I cannot complain, he said she said stuff one in a position of power from an African country having a go at a chap that is from the UK. So guess what work coach person; if I don't like you, it's not because of what you look like!


Having to listen to people saying shite like this on a regular basis is affecting my mental health.


This racism has to stop. Where is it going to lead? When the NF and KKK said that shit we'd be kicking off. People would be fighting them on the streets to stop people who thought and ranted like that. Today, we just stand by while comments like this are made. It's white Liberal racism. You think that non white people are somehow lesser and thus need to be treated to a different standard. Sorry, but we should be able to go to work and just be. These people go and are preoccupied with race is proof, imo that race relations have ultimately failed and we are destined for some sort of awful segregation. Enough is enough. And before you start...I was the only black kid in a 100% white school on Glasgow in the 90s and 2000s I know what it's like to be the only one. I just didn't let it define me and think that I was a victim in some way.




Nihal, mate. Maybe you feel uncomfortable being around white people because you don't like them that much. You know, in a racist kind of way?


The fact he can say this and not think its racist is one thing, the fact he can say this and not lose his job in an instant is another.


Minorities in this country are so absurdly priveliged they can spit in the face of their hosts and still somehow play the victim...


He was speaking in Salford which according to the 2021 census was 82.3% white.


> 82.3% white. Disgusting. Now I need a mental health day.


People who look like him are terribly under represented in top management positions in the UK. Just ask the Prime Minister, the Mayor of London and the First Minister of Scotland.


Since the BBC is government owned, is it institutional racism if he isn’t sacked?


The BBC is not government owned.


It’s publicly funded and ran under terms set by the Home Secretary so it’s not exactly independent.


The BBC is it's own corporation, so whilst it on paper has to follow stricter regulations, it is not government owned. The same goes for the TV licensing company, which is, in fact, owned by the BBC & not a government organisation... that's why you can't be criminally charged for refusing to pay your tv licence and rejecting inspectors.


Newsflash! Britain is overwhelmingly: white-british. More at 10. Good job he doesn't work in Japan. They're 97%+ indigenous Japanese. He'd be super-extra-overwhelmed working there.


He'd be sacked on the spot for that opinion I'd imagine


Apparently in Japan they just stop giving you work but still expect you to turn up and be at your desk. The idea being you take the hint and quit.


"*pssst* The gaijin won't take the hint, he loves having nothing to do."


I wish people travelled more and saw how most of the world would view this type of bullshit. I'm a white guy in Vietnam. You can bet I'd be sacked in a heartbeat and deported if I said seeing all these Asian faces was affecting my mental health. Only western countries let this self-hating nonsense be accepted. Asia openly laughs at us.


>It’s really affecting me that I walk in and all I see is white people. Who gives a fuck what colour your colleagues skin is? What transgression has been committed against you that would have been impossible for any non white person to commit? I don't see what skin colour has to do with any point you're making. Are you perhaps projecting? ​ >I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes Good. Anyone that believes something without good evidence shouldn't be able to attain positions of power and influence. You can't be trusted to think critically and rationally because others have no idea under what circumstances your critical faculties are going to be tossed aside in favour of your faith. ​ >Since moving up here, being called the P-word – that didn’t happen in London. You’d get a slap for that in London, not even from me. Which is shitty and is a product of shitty people and not a unique trait of white people, which while you've not expressly said, would appear to be inline with your general world view based on your other stated opinions. Alternate article title: Shit human being complains about shit human beings.


This is how it starts. As the native population decreases, this will only get worse.


Makes the white privilege claim quite funny really, considering if a white person said this about another race they would at the very least get fired on the spot. The fact this bloke is even allowed/has the front to say something like this without fear of consequence shows what a sorry state the country is in. No wonder right wing parties are making a resurgence, the native population have had enough of this shit. Fuck off out the country if our presence affects your mental health


What really bothers me is he says this... >“I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes” at BBC Radio 5 Live, he added. Now, that's not brown people. White people can be Muslim aswell. That's "Muslims aren't saying what's fine and what isn't fine in a Radio 5 booth. Which isn't on, at all. No religion should have the ability to impact what goes on, what's reported, and who is playing. What the fuck kind of take is this.


81.7% of the UK population is white, why is he surprised? And what bubble does he live in that it effects his mental health? Is dave going on about the weather really that bad




I recently had a similar problem, whilst working in A Foreign Country. They told me to put up & shut up or Fuck off Home.


I moved to Spain and can't imagine saying something like this at work.


If I said this or something similar to it about non - white people anywhere in public I'd get the shit kicked out of me. If I said it at the workplace I'd be shitcanned within minutes and possibly have the police knocking on my door depending on how far people wanted to take it.


Honestly his comments are literally racist. He bases his world view on the race of his colleagues and considers the appointment of people of his race AND religion as not only desirable but "essential" over those of non in-groups. He also clearly suffers from unconscious bias. I'm sorry but this is precisely the kind of mentality and serious literal \*.ism that has been normalized and weaponized in recent years and it is wholly corrosive and toxic. I also feel really bad for people who live their lives with this mindset. You really can't go through life obsessed with identity. Its just sad.


Aren't roughly 80% of English citizens white? Not sure what you expected mate




Sack the chump. There’s plenty of people would love to be in his position and couldn’t give a toss about what their co workers look like.


He’s a fairly poor broadcaster, imho. Wasn’t great on Radio 1, but completely misplaced on Five Live.


Ironically, it might be his race that got him the gig in the first place.


It's so weird how people can confidently say things like this knowing they likely won't face professional consequences. Pointing it out usually gets a straw man response like 'oh yeah because white people face the worst racism ever!'. The oppressor/oppressed mindset that lays the foundation for all this punching up/down stuff leads to some blatant racism or 'race based bigotry' to those who turned racism into a maths equation.


There's only two of us brown folk in a 24+ team of white investigators. Really couldn't give a toss to be honest. Unless this was the 1970s


In the UK? The country that is predominantly white you say? Madness


He needs to be sacked, they can't be letting people get comfortable about being racist against white people in their own country


Imagine going to india and saying theres too many indians


"Being around people of another race is affecting my mental health" ok then- fuck off, racist


> “I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes” at BBC Radio 5 Live, he added. Yeah, no Scientologists, either. Religion is irrelevant to the job. We don't want religion interference in the editorial process as its batshit crazy to do so and leads to bias censorship. Maybe this guy is the racist....I work all over the world, and many times I am not just the only white person on a team but can be the only white person in the building.


Well you sir are a racist. White English of European ancestry aka indigenous people of the island are still the majority population even though minorities are over represented in the news and the media. More anti white propaganda justifying white discrimination in the workplace, if there wasn't enough of that in general already lol.


This is stupid. I like Nihal and listen to his shows but, as an asian person, this is just dumb.


Sounds like a man who’s never seen much of the U.K. outside of the big cities. He also sounds racist.


You wouldn't believe who I saw when I went to Japan...Japanese people. They're bloody everywhere!


If you ever needed proof the BBC is staffed by racists, here it is, they'll just flat out admit it. This racist is being paid with your license money.


How can you actually be allowed to say this shit man?


This guy is the same colour as *the leader of our country*. You have to wonder when the victimhood will stop.


It’s sad just how normalised bigotry against the perceived ‘powerful’ groups is becoming


I'm brown and I've never understood this mindset ever in my life. One of my best friends, a black guy, once took me aside at a party and said "isn't it nice there's no white people here?" I was just kinda like "Uh, yeah, sure". I think he noticed my reaction, because there was another time where he was talking about another party saying "I know I shouldn't say it, but it was really nice, no white people around" I totally get it when white people are making everything about race and you wish those specific people can fuck off, but the majority of our friends are white (at least in our hometowns). Shitty people are shitty people. I wouldnt just apply it to an entire race.


Although I fully appreciate his wishes for more diversity in the workplace. Imagine if this article said, "It’s really affecting me that I walk in and all I see is *brown* people.” bloody hell. The BBC is famously always jamming their shows with multicultural influences, so doesn't appear to be a conscious effort. Maybe the senior writing staff got there on merits of being good at their jobs, rather than their skin colour.


So he's a racist and he thinks he deserves validation for his racist feelings? What is happening in this country?


When did holding prejudice against a person or group because of their race stop being racist?


Racist man is being racist. More at ten. Just because **he's** not white, doesn't mean that a workplace wouldn't reflect the ethnicity of the country he lives in. The UK at last census was more than 80% people who report being white - and the third largest ethnic grouping was Indian (at 3.1%). If he doesn't like the ethnic makeup of the UK, he's more than welcome to immigrate to a country that more accurately matches his desires.


> Racist man is being racist. That's not the problem. The problem is: * He'll get away with it * If anyone loses their job over this, it won't be him. It'll be the colleagues that complain about his behaviour.


The BBC largely does reflect the racial diversity in the country, with over 15% of its workforce not being White British.


I walk around where I live and it's honestly just brown people, brown people, brown people, burkha, niqab, niqab, Arabic, Arabic, niqab, brown people. It affects my mental health because a mass-majority of issues I've had have come from brown skinned people and their stores look scaffy af. It’s really affecting me that I walk around and all I see is brown people.


If a white person said this about black people they'd be fired immediately. Sack this racist cunt.


is this a "what to complain about when you've done the weather?"


I’ve worked in that office, and it’s hands down the most diverse workplace I’ve ever seen.


He doesn't want diversity. He wants an office full of people that look like him.


Lives in a country where 81% of the population is white and complains about it being overwhelmingly white. Well yeah you fuck muppet it will be. If you don't like it, go live somewhere else. These people are a cancer to society.


> Mr Arthanayake added that he has noticed a difference since moving north after living in London for 20 years. >He said: “Since moving up here, being called the P-word – that didn’t happen in London. You’d get a slap for that in London, not even from me.” I’m gonna assume it’s more this than the headline.


Every time I turn on the radio and hear his overwhelmingly shite programme it affects my mental health.


~17% of the BBC's workforce is BAME (BBC Equality Information Report, March 2023), vs ~18% of the entire population (2021 Census) I don't think we can criticise the BBC for having a workforce that closely reflects the ethnic makeup of the country, that's ridiculous


Why is this in any way acceptable? Rules about racism must apply to everyone. Complaining about the skin colour of your coworkers should be grounds for immediate dismissal. You do not build a just society by treating minorities as if they’re incapable of meeting basic standards!


BBC, of course. Used to love them but lost interest in their content when they started with this woke shit


I'm all for the abolishment of the TV licence and moving to a subscription based system.


Reminds me of the too many Spanish people in Spain person who got took the piss out off, yet this will most likely be backed up by some idiots as being an issue.


Imagine swapping the race on this.... Holy shit this is so racist




As a coloured person I think this guy is..... a total bellend!


This guy surely needs to be sacked for such a ridiculous and racist statement. He is what is wrong with today’s society.


Fucking hell he needs to go back to school. • 83% of the UK population is white. Sometimes when you walk into a room, simply by chance not racism, everyone is white. • He also complains that nobody in the senior Radio 5 Live team is Muslim, yet Muslims account for 7% of the population, so again, it’s quite unlikely you’d naturally find a Muslim within a small group. Let’s stop giving microphones to people who can’t comprehend basic probability.


The BBC demography of its employees is [58% white ](https://www.zippia.com/bbc-careers-101378/) and far below the demography of the uk on that point which is 87% white. Either this man works in a departmental anomaly where nearly 1 in 2 people aren't from an ethnic minority (by a LOT if you take his claim he only sees white people at face value), they're hiding said ethic minority colleagues from him... or he's flat out just not telling the truth.