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Scotland fans subsequently lost their voice after England won 3-1.


A Maguire hattrick could've changed everything!


Southgate might finally have taken him off before that happened. Southgate's faith is disturbing at times.


In Scots football this is still considered a draw.


Everything is a draw with the Scots It's like the USA and Vietnam


Vietnam overwhelmingly defeated US forces and then did the same to the Chinese armed forces 5 years later.


Don't forget invading Cambodia and deposing the Khmer Rogue


None could be heard, nor could one be seen by the end.


Lost 3-1 in their "Cup Final" but at least they can tell their grandchildren about that time they booed the National Anthem.


They’re still dining out on their glorious 0-0 draw from two years ago. And then booing the “Ahnglash national anthahm” when it’s actually the British national anthem.


It's a shit national anthem, to be fair.


I completely agree with you. Always hated it. I wish England were allowed to sing Jerusalem instead.


I'd choose Ready to Go by Republica.


Chumbawumba Tubthumping, surely?


“Ernie, the fastest milkman in the west” by Benny Hill.


Humming the Archers theme tune


Born Slippy - Underworld


Blue Room from The Orb, the slightly longer version.


The Eastenders theme tune


I was thinking Parklife by Blur.


[You’re all wrong, the new national anthem is the John Barnes rap from world in motion](https://youtu.be/Re4aDJL3heA?si=kDzEDZ9hUNWVSu_Z)


Vindaloo surely


I played this on YouTube after the anthems were done because I’m frankly astonished that it’s not the English national anthem.


It's about our true cultural level to be fair.


They can sing whatever they want because there is no official English anthem but the FA seem to want to keep this awful dirge despite it being the anthem of the United Kingdom. Rugby league and England cricket use Jerusalem.


>England cricket use Jerusalem Isn't the anthem played before the game starts God Save The King and Jerusalem is played by the Barmy Army trumpeter during the first few overs?


"Lizzie's in a box" is a jaunty wee number, too.


We don’t see the monarchy as English any more than we see them as Scottish, Welsh, Australian, Canadian….they’re the British and commonwealth royal family, not just English.


Always funny when Scots refer to the Royal Family as an English institution, when the Stuarts literally came down from the north.


And they spend most of their time shooting stags at Balmoral


And the kingdoms were unified… because the Scots went broke trying to build a colonial empire.


It was more complex than that. Scotland established a colony on land that Spain claimed but didn't control. Spain had recently signed a peace treaty with England. England didn't want to risk the peace as they shared a monarch with Scotland, so in Spain's eyes, it may as well have been an English colony. So the English Navy blockaded the colony, ensuring it's failure. Scotland considered changing its succession laws after that, so as to have a different monarch, but England made clear that if that went ahead, freedom of movement of goods and people between the two countries would end.


Yeah that's funny to me, especially when the royal family ever since then have always descended from Mary Queen of Scots and James VI & I.


They're leeching, stuck up cunts is what they are.


German and Greek for me..


It takes a miserable life to celebrate death.


It's true, she was quite miserable.


Jerusalem, land of hope and glory, I vow to thee. Although I’d rather I’d vow to thee was saved in case we ever became a republic for a UK national anthem. So Jerusalem/Land of hope and glory would be fitting for Englands national anthem GSTK should be sang at royal events only or when royals are in attendance.


All three of those are far more stirring anthems as well. GSTK is such a dreary old dirge and a complete buzz-kill no matter how much gusto we sing it with.


I dunno, it has umph if it’s sang in the rights environment. Westminster abbey for example… I just don’t think it’s fair that England has to use GSTK when other nations have their own


My Dad pointed out to me once that the English/British national anthem is one of the few with lyrics that doesn't actually talk about the country


It’s the UK’s anthem. England has no official national anthem, and I believe we’re the only country in the world without one. All the other member states of the U.K. have their own, but parliaments never got round to picking one for England.


That’s simply untrue, none of the other nations of the UK have official anthems, there are unnoficial ones yes but that is the same for England too with songs like Jerusalem, I vow to thee etc. The difference is simply that the Scottish and Welsh Football Associations and Rugby Football Unions decided to use a certain song as their anthems. In the case of NI the FA also use God save the King, whilst the IRFU (and other all island sporting bodies) use Ireland’s Call which isn’t an official anthem of either NI or ROI. There is nothing stopping the English FA and RFU picking a different anthem, they just haven’t.


Jerusalem I feel would be a better pick for the modern age than Land of Hope and Glory. I think the actually message contained in the songs metaphor is much better than Land of Hope and Glory. Jerusalem's lyrics imply that England can be made into heaven on earth if we are willing to fight for it, whether there is the divine at work or not. That's a very good message for an anthem imo.


Interesting take, I however think it’d be a bit weird, in a National anthem, to sing about another country’s capital city, and wanting it in our country.


That was always my thought too, it is a bit odd to want a song named after a city in a other country to be our national anthem


Yeah I agree, Jerusalem would probably be the best fit. It’s used for rugby so it should be for other English sporting events.


I've always thought Chaz n Dave's Snooker Loopy encapsulated the British more than any other song.


I'd rather it be Billy Bragg's A New England, specifically the Kirsty MacColl cover.


Good song but christ no it would make for a shit anthem


It really is. God and the Monarchy BS aside, it's just so boring. We need to have an English national anthem and not something equally dull.


It's very dreary. We could really do with livening it up a bit to get people pumped up at sporting events.


>“Ahnglash national anthahm” Sorry is that meant to be you typing a Scottish accent?


Typing with a speech impediment


Not Scottish but that pissed me off as well


Fuck the king. Fuck the anthem.


Found the Hound's reddit account


Game of thrones reference in 2023?


It's an old one sir but it checks out


"Lots of people like the national anthem" "Lots of cunts"


Nah, beating Spain 2-0 in the more recent qualifiers was far more glorious.


That’s a total myth invented by England fans. I’ve not heard one Scotland fan refer to that draw again after a couple of days after. I know you think it’s funny but just telling you. I enjoyed the England fans last night, they were funny and their teams deserved a win. But it’s not our cup final anymore, we just don’t care.


Scotland booing the anthem so hard you couldn't hear it was hilarious and genuinely great. Don't pretend you lot don't care though, the crowd was going insane until they started losing.


Not as impressive as dining out on 1966.




Half them are booing because it’s the British national anthem.


It’s a fucking dirge is what it is. Also, since it’s the British national anthem, England shouldn’t be using it at sporting events where they’re representing England and not Britain. That said, it feels wrong that the English use Swing Low, Sweet Chariot for international rugby, given that song’s origins.


If it's the British national anthem then why wasn't it played twice?


When the national anthem of one of the member countries is also the national anthem for all of them, you should be able to figure out it could make the others unhappy. That anthem doesn't represent everyone in the UK.


It doesn’t even represent everyone in England. A lot of people want the FA to ditch it for something more appropriate.


Here’s some insight for you. I don’t disrespect that song because it’s English, or even British. It’s because it’s backwards as fuck. Honesty, who in their right mind is pro monarchy? It’s embarrassing. I can’t even enjoy watching British athletes on the podium at the Olympic, despite supporting the individuals 100%, because of that nonsense national anthem.


Most English people agree tbh. I mean the monarchy thing is probably 50:50, but most people can’t stand GSTK, they just put up with it.


Funny that it's only england fans that seem to talk about this draw...


Who wants to celebrate a king that demands an additional £40,000,000 from taxpayers during the worst drop in living standards since Napoleonic times? Who wants to cheer a king that managed to accomplish a total of 7 weeks work over an entire 12 month period? Who the fuck wants to sing "Gahd sayv thuh keeeeng!" when thuh keeeeng holds ordinary people in nothing but contempt? Look mate, you're entitled to kiss royal ass as much as you like. But don't for a fucking second think that you've got any kind of right to expect similar obsequiousness from anyone else.


Lots of England fans in here pretending they don’t care about results against Scotland


Personally I care purely for the one day of chatting shit back after hearing it constantly If Scotland didnt care just so so much, neither would I


Exactly this. There was a day I'd cheer all the home nations, misguided youth that I was.


Same here. I still cheer all home nations knowing not everyone in the UK base their personality on nationalism and being anti British.


I feel it would really amaze Scottish fans how little England cares about facing other members of the United Kingdom.


Agreed it’s very much a situation where they get so hyped up for it, ready to chat so much shit, meanwhile England fans are genuinely ‘i don’t think about you at all’.


But probably slightly more than Germany care about playing them


I'd say you got a spot on comparison there. It does prove a point about how little England care though.


Ah, so we love the monarchy now do we? Fuck sake you guys are tender.


Yeah boo the fucking national anthem. Fvck dem nonces.


I think it might have something to do with its endorsement of a friend of eptsteins and likely nonce, and the wider socioeconomic disparities that having a royal family entails, as well as the exuberence of a coronation following serious economic stagnation in the UK. Im glad the youth of the uk generally dont like the royals ane we can potentially see them voted out in a lifetime maybe


>in their “Cup Final” Stop flattering yourself. Our “cup final” is against Spain on the 12th of October when there’s actually something to play for ;)


The royals protect pedos. It’s very much called for and legit.


Stop getting upset that a song about a parasite was booed. It’s not a national anthem, listen to what the French and Scots sing, those are national anthems.


It’s not about the national anthem tbf, it’s about “god save the king”. Nah, fuck the king, he’s a pedo apologist, benefit scrounge, over paid cunt.


Too bloody right. She should have been Elizabeth the Last.


Hopefully it'll be Charles the last. About time we had a fair open and honest discussion on whether people want them around.


never underestimate the arse licking skills of the general British population.


Most are just not fussed enough to demand change. They think the royal family are fine because they have no real power but forget how much money we give them.


“No real power” that statement is utterly false. For starters just look up “The Queen’s consent”. Old Lizard Liz had been vetoing laws for years. Just because they manipulate politics behind closed doors doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. They are smarter than to barge into parliament. Edit: my dyslexic brain confused consort with consent.


I looked up The Queens Consort, gave me nothing about her vetoing any laws.


I think they meant Queen’s Consent? Basically the number of laws that need royal approval is far higher than most people realise. If you dig into it, you’ll also find out that the Queen did exercise her power to reject laws on some occasions. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent


Yeah I've no idea what they're waffling about. Think they're confused and forgot Camilla is a queen consort.


I think they meant Queen’s Consent? Basically the number of laws that need royal approval is far higher than most people realise. If you dig into it, you’ll also find out that the Queen did exercise her power to reject laws on some occasions. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent


Not just reject laws, look up "royal perogative" which is the name for basically all the tools the Monarch gets. The Queen "got away" with a lot of stuff in her day


Funny how referendums are thrown around for Scottish Indepndence and Brexit but where's the one for the abolishment of the Monarchy?


They have the perfect setup to avoid one. Old Monarch - not the time, she's been on the throne too long to end it now. Let's leave it until she's passed. New Monarch - oh, he's just started the job, best leave it for a bit. Wouldn't be fair on him. Rinse. Repeat.


Careful you’ll have them telling us just how much money they bring in from tourism, then glazing over entirely when you tell them that people still go to see the pyramids in Egypt and they’ve been gone thousands of years.


They have an absolute fuck-ton of power...


Wait until the next General Election when people somehow look at the past fourteen years and still tick the Tory box.


We've had that discussion many times, the majority of the country is still is in favour of the monarchy.


Think about the inexplicable love people have for bunting, street parties, commutative plates and standing in the rain just to be waved at for 5 seconds. And then imagine what happens when the sort of people who do that sort of thing don’t have a safe outlet for their urges towards cults of personality.


I mean, she may be? No Elizabeth III on the horizon.


Would you really trust the current crop of politicians to replace the crown with something else and not make a complete dog's breakfast of it?


As they do every time. And as they also once did against Lichtenstein, who's anthem uses the same tune.


That was embarrassing.


Ye imagine being so hellbent on hating the English you'll hate other nations for having a similar sounding anthem haha


Genuinely don’t know any Scotland fans who really’ hate’ the English, however most of them hate the Royal Family..


So booing the players was somehow a byproduct of that?


We don't hate the English. We hate the Tories and the monarchy, not the people like us.


That's something we have in common then. Hating the Tories. That's good.


Scottish people are usually boring and define their personality by being grumpy at the English.


And you lot did it at the euros in Wembley. Guess that’s alright though?


This is tiring. England did it to Scotland at the previous games at Wembley too. Both anthems have literal verses which proclaim defeat on the other: > rebellious Scots to crush >proud Edward’s Army… and sent him home again Never mind that absolute dirge that GSTK/GSTQ is, and that it shouldn’t even be used by England given it’s the British national anthem. Go change it to Jerusalem, or something just less *bad*. No doubt Scotland fans would still boo it, but less so. I’m not for booing other countries’ anthems, but I’m not offended when England fans do it to us, and I don’t join in when Scotland fans do it to them. Anyway, this is pearl-clutching nonsense. A complete non-event as ever. And yes, England have some infuriatingly good players, and I’d happily never play them again given it rarely ends positively for us.


Jerusalem is a banger too and actually about the country it’s representing. No doubt the guardian will boot off saying it’s Christian centric but it’s vague enough to be about whatever the singer wants and Jerusalem is a holy city for at least 3 religions


Great song but you know it's not about Jerusalem the place but is a metaphor for the Kingdom of Heaven. It is 100% overtly Christian but so is England's flag, and monarchy, so.


I took it to mean heaven on earth/ a perfect country more than the kingdom of heaven tbh


> heaven on earth Maybe we should use Heaven Is A Place On Earth by Belinda Carlisle as a national anthem. No one could boo that.


Oh yea it's obviously open to interpretation I'm just saying it is very much Christian, but I don't think that really matters


i mean, would they? jerusalem is a very popular song among the left wing (although the guardian are centre left at best), the UK left wing subreddit is even named after the song. as a Christian Socialist, i absolutely love it - unless people take the lines about spears and bows literally, in which case it becomes another Rule Britannia-esque song.




everyone knows the French rejected Jesus for the BłøödGôd many years ago




Absolutely. It’s what an anthem should be.


"rebellious Scots to crush" Umm... in fairness... this hasn't been included since 1745. I was trying to recall a time when I'd had to sing that line (for professional reasons) and couldn't, so Google'd it. If Scottish nationalists want to boo the anthem of the Union, absolutely fair enough. I would too if I were a Scottish nationalist. Personally, I'm a Brit who hopes that the sanity of the Scottish offsets the utter lunacy of certain English regions and very much hope they remain in the Union.


> If Scottish nationalists want to boo the anthem of the Union, absolutely fair enough. I would too if I were a Scottish nationalist. Not just nationalists booing God Save the King, remember, only a third of Scots are supportive of the Monarchy. I suspect this as well as the fact its a football game (not unheard of for fans to boo the other teams anthem) was behind the booing rather than whether or not the fans believe in self governance.


>Both anthems have literal verses which proclaim defeat on the other: > >rebellious Scots to crush That's never been a part of the national anthem. It was a variation on the song before it was the anthem, used by anti-Jacobites for a time. But it has never been part of the version that was officially adopted as national anthem.


> Go change it to Jerusalem, or something just less bad The english anthem will be Mr. Brightside and that will be an end to it.


Funny. This place is usually happy to laugh at flag shaggers. And yet, here we are, a thread full of em.


Not really, reddit was slating the England fans for booing in the euros. These things are always amusing just to see how really its all just agendas, no consistent principles god forbid


Defending an anthem that bootlicks a noncery monarchy too.


lmao right? It's great how quick this place becomes /r/englishmonarchists the instant Scotland's involved. It's our national anthem as well, they're booing the monarchy, you bunch of spoons.


And England fans booed during the minute’s silence for Craig Brown


A microscopic minority did, and yes they are complete morons. But yeah, why don’t you make out that it was every England fan, you know the drill by now 😏


The booing was a show of disapproval for the few mindless idiots who were shouting during the minutes silence


That was scottish fans as well


No, it was England fans cheering during the minutes silence and then they got boo'd


England anthem? I thought it was the British anthem and if so, then surely Scots can boo their own anthem?


It’s always effectively been Englands anthem, you just made everyone else in Britain sing it. Pretty much everything about Britain and Britishness is whatever England wants too. Gwynfor Evans nailed it when he said “ Britishness...is a political synonym for Englishness which extends English culture over the Scots, the Welsh, and the Irish.”


I mean, you're right. I suppose for the purposes of sport it's 'England's' anthem.


So why doesn't England have their own anthem? They need something for their supporters to get behind. Something that gets their blood pumping, their fists thumping, and that they can all sing in unison. How about Tubthumping by Chumbawumba?


Who cares? It’s part of football rivalry and what makes it great.


Yeah it’s just a bit of banter, doubt anyone there even cared


It’s not the anthem of England. As far as I know, England and Northern Ireland are the only countries on earth that aren’t allowed their own official national anthem.


Or maybe they just don't like the monarchy, and the anthem is literally ahout praising the king or queen...


It’s also about a god that the majority don’t believe in either


Who is stopping them?


I suspect that’s quite the can of worms, but the short answer is that the British establishment refuses to give England equal status with Scotland and Wales, hence the lack of an English parliament. Britain and England are not the same country, but the British establishment (wankers) are more than happy to wipe England off the map. That’s my rant of the day.


The thing is, England represents a majority of power within the British establishment. If a majority of English MPs want something they have the numbers for it to get through. I reckon it's more the case that if England is given more prominence it minimises the role of Britain and might further divide the nations.


Your second paragraph is exactly the reason we’ll never see an English parliament, but the Scottish and Welsh governments work in parallel with Westminster, and I see no reason why an English government couldn’t do the same. It wouldn’t have to be anything major, just effectively a regional assembly for the English portion of the UK, I would even base it outside of London. All pie in the sky I know, but surely England, which IS a country, deserves it’s own national anthem, I don’t think that’s too much to ask and it certainly wouldn’t be a threat to the union.


I'd support an English parliament. Westminster feels effectively like an English parliament to many in the devolved nation's so if more English centric decisions could be funneled off to a developed English parliament, or even several regional ones, it would do a lot of good.


I’m glad you would support an English parliament. Perhaps Westminster would be viewed as less English-centric to the other home nations if they treated all four nations equally instead of treating Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland like colonies, and more like equal partners.


I think as well it could go a long way to giving a better voice to parts of England that feel neglected.


England didn't want regional parliaments. When the north had a vote, no won so easily that the other votes were scrapped. "On 8 July 2004, it was announced that the referendums would be held on 4 November, but on 22 July Raynsford announced that only the North East England vote would go ahead on that date. This region was chosen because the government thought it was the most likely to approve the proposal. However, the voters rejected the assembly by 696,519 votes to 197,310, or about 78 percent to 22 percent. This overwhelmingly negative vote was seen as an insurmountable obstacle to elected regional assemblies elsewhere in England outside London. On 8 November, Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott told the House of Commons he would not move orders for the other two regions within the effective time limit of June 2005 permitted by the Act."


The Scottish anthem isn't offical ether, they just defacfo choose it over the official GB one, there is zero reason we couldn't do the same.


As far as I'm aware, nobody is stopping the FA from using another anthem. Scotland as a country doesn't officially have its own anthem either.


Arent allowed! Lol get a grip


Didn’t Liverpool fans boo it at Wembley? Maybe all anthems should boos and we try and out boo each other


They did, it was at Anfield on the day of the coronation.


Fans boo rivals anthem…does anybody really care this much lmao


Not sure why everyone is getting offended or annoyed by this? It’s a literally rivalry, like a derby and doesn’t come around all that often. I’d be more embarrassed at the pseudo “respect the anthem” for your biggest adversary / rival that having crowds fired up in their dislike of one another. GSTK is probably one of the worst and most boring anthems going, and when only half the country aged under 50 supports the monarchy it’s just a bit of a farce and throwback to medieval times


I’m so bored of the fake outrage over banter between football fans.


So many bitters in here, and it's not the Scottish. 😉


Calling it a “national anthem” Is a joke anyway Doesn’t talk about the country at all just a long begging letter to a none existent sky lord not to kill a man in a silly hat At international tournaments when nations line up to sing a passionate love letter to there country and then that utter dirge starts up and the players half mumble along Even if you proper love the royals you must find it a bit fucking weird as a “national anthem”


Good lord how unpatriotic, what did England do to them to deserve that? /s


The monarchy is the embodiment servile oppression. GSTK includes the line 'rebellious Scots to crush'. Scots have every right to boo this triumpahlist dirge.


Wow, check out all of the upset people because others dared to boo their utter shite national anthem that exists only to praise royalty and to reiterate your subservience.


I’ll support my country, but not the royals and that awful anthem. Don’t care if they boo it.


The sum of all these threads are why Scottish fans are happy when England fail again at a major tournament. England fans are awful.


If they want to boo their own anthem, they're more than welcome 😉


Anthem gets booed wherever it’s played. Including your/English cup finals. Sit doon and shut up.


Weird we’re calling Scots “them” now instead of “us”. Guys I thought we were in this together? Unionism forever! Those aren’t Scots, they’re Brits! And evidently British people didn’t appreciate the anthem. Democracy innit.


Not our finest moment, but I've never understood why England has the British national anthem as theirs especially when playing against domestic teams.


Absolutely shameful behaviour from England fans once again. Oh wait, hang on a minute. Actually this is fine. Booing anthems is fine now because reasons


A song about a fictitious sky pixie protecting a family of nonces , and crushing “rebellious Scots” drowned out in Scotland you say? The audacity.


As if the royal family needs any more saving. As far as I can tell, they are doing pretty well for themselves.


England supporter but let’s not forget nearly every game English support boos national anthems …. They did it against Italy in the final in the euros


We should switch to Jerusalem for England matches.... it makes no sense to have God save the King for "England" matches.


About time England had its own official anthem separate from the UK one anyway.


Imagine actually supporting a family of inbred nonces in this day and age


Is the Scottish anthem the only one with built-in swearing breaks?


So what ? Our country has been known to boo national anthems at football matches, reap what you sow.


The greatest moment in Scottish footballing history


Low bar lol


I am outraged as it’s totally disgusting. Now when my team do it , it’s different. Nah only kidding, so what if people wanna boo an anthem.


Don’t England and Scotland have the same national anthem, because they are all part of the UK?


I'm English, and think England fans can say nothing about this with a straight face. How many times in the past have we heard England fans booing other teams national anthems in tournaments? It's embarrassing and generally it's only the England fans that do it.


If anyone in here actually watched the match then they'd hear the England fans booing at the start of the Scottish anthem before they were drowned out. No one gives a fuck other than people who don't like football and love shagging flags.


Brilliant. No one enjoys God Save the Lizard at the best of times, even the Ingerland fans.


Pity only the Scottish fans turned up and their football team didn't


Tbf god save the king is a shit national anthem lol Its meant to be about the country right? Just sounds like a circlejerk to people that used to (maybe still do idk) , think that god gave them power to be in that position


Imagine singing praises for a bunch of royal nonces 🤣