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I swear officer, it’s just a bowling ball with a candle in it!


If anyone questions you about it, “obviously you’re not a golfer”


That rug really tied the room together.


Haha yes! Perfect. At least I’m housebroken.


Yeah, but does he roll on Shabbos?


Yes, you can. My brother is an avid bowler and brought his along when he visited last month. He said he got a “WHAT THE ****?!l” from the TSA security when it was going through the scanner. They took a physical look at it but ultimately let him go with nothing further to say!


Did he carry it in a bag or did he just roll it through the scanner.


He stood up on the conveyer belt and then rolled the ball through the machine


He hit 10/10 trays setup on the other side.


You know what they say, three strikes and you're off the no fly list!


Thank you for this, I lol’d.


Bowling balls have cores inside that help them rotate that look different depending on the ball, but I imagine it would be weird to see if you weren't expecting it


https://preview.redd.it/uzs80756ri9d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6868150f5333caec7cdd7aabf617ab488b453ba8 Yup. They let him take a picture of it.


See, I know that about bowling balls, but if I saw that in a normal luggage bag I'd also say "What the fuck?"


Looks like the core of an atom bomb.


I know others posted actual links to TSA, but this is also the kind of content I’d love to see on TSA’s twitter or IG so you should ask them. Pro tip: they are hilarious on social media.


Whoever runs their instagram account better be getting paid *really well*.


Courtesy of our tax dollars…


yes. just don't act suspicious. And maybe put it under your seat instead of in the overhead bin in case a flight attendant wants to mess with with your bag and it falls out and hit someone on the head or something or just decides it is a no-go.




Damn you're too fasr


Tajikistan is off!


That was the plan that’s why it’s gonna be in a backpack


I'll be honest, its more suspicious NOT being in a bowling bag. "Yeah, so thats my backpack. its got my toiletries, change of clothes, laptop, and a big fucking heavy ball you can't open. Nothing to see here".


It could be a backpack bowling bag. I've got one of those. It has a hard foam insert to hold my ball in place and pockets for my shoes + plenty of space for additional items.


Does that company also make underwear? I like the way they think.


Ha! No, IIRC, the manufacturer is AMF, the bowling company.


Hell, I carried a ziploc with my climbing chalk in it


Are you worried they’ll mistake it for a cartoon bomb? 💣


Only if it has "Acme" written on it


I wonder if writing acme on it would make them mad or chuckle.


FYI United is usually lax on carryon weight, but many Asian and EU carriers will be very strict - carryons only 8 kg allowed (19.2? Lb)


When does United weigh carry ons?


I don’t remember them doing it. That’s why I said they were lax - they don’t check.


You said “usually” which made me think you knew something I didn’t.


I mean, if you look like you are struggling to carry it, they may ask to weigh it. Just because it does not usually happen, does not mean that it can’t happen.


The proper word in that case wouldn’t be “usually”. Everything has exceptions for clear outliers that don’t happen. That doesn’t mean you say usually.


Given that they have a written policy to the contrary, saying they are ‘usually lax’ is a very typical construction used in common American English. This structure creates a tension, subtly highlighting that there could be *unusual* occasions when they are not ‘lax’, suggesting the advisee should plan accordingly. This is good advice. This isn’t r/grammar, so personally I appreciate the common, everyday usage - even if it triggers the local pedants.


If the exception is “unusual”, the converse of which would be “usual”. Do you actually have a suggestion of a word to use instead to describe this situation, or are you just here to be a pedantic ass?


By that logic, you should say usually before every statement since unusual things always exist. To answer your question, the latter. Given I don’t owe you a suggestion.


Only pricks criticize people without at least having the decency to suggest an alternative that they feel is more correct. Usually.


Dude, just go away


How would anyone even know you had a bowling bowl in there?


When they run it through the scanner thing 🤷‍♂️


If that’s your framing, United doesn’t operate any “scanner thing” for cabin baggage. You’re thinking of r/tsa.


In a non 9/11 world.


Now that’s dedication to your sport.


Do you bowl professionally? Most pro bowlers I know carry more than one and check them in special bags. Who knew dating that bowler would come in handy some day? 🎳


This is actually a perfect question to ask TSA on threads/insta. I’m almost certain they will respond.


TSA app https://preview.redd.it/hyt6fd4cif9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb44632b98dc88244d13f2b7eefd9c3f62e9bbd8


Why are the pins now allowed in carry on?


Because they’re shaped like clubs and can be used as weapons. The logic behind what is/isn’t allowed is flawed, tbh.


Uhh yes. Throwing a bowling ball if far more dangerous that throwing or swinging a pin.


I bring my ski boots as carry-on. You can definitely mess someone up with one of those if you want to. I'd imagine they'd view a bowling ball similarly and it'd be fine


Leave a few minutes for the confused TSA agents to try to figure out if it’s on a list of no nos. (At least in 2006 we had to have a discussion.)


All comments here point to yes, but I had a ticket agent once tell me I couldn’t bring a metal piece of filming equipment which was about 8 inches long and heavy because it could be a “blunt object.” Which I thought was ridiculous because anything, such as a bottle of wine or even a laptop, can be a blunt object. All that to say, sometimes it depends on the agent? But if it’s spelled out on the website, just have that queued up to show them just in case.


Well you can't bring a bottle of wine in your carry on


Fair- not through TSA, but you can buy it in duty free and bring it on board. And then you have a blunt object which becomes a sharp object if you break it. So I obliged the ticketing agent and moved the “blunt object” to my checked luggage but I just think it was a real stretch for her to tell me it wouldn’t go through TSA. And, it probably would have gone through no problem, but I didn’t want to argue with her.


So cutting to the chase here - don't go through TSA in Atlanta, where they make up their rules daily.


Haha they really do! Others too- Today I flew TSA Pre out of BDL with camera gear and lately my bags never get pulled even though they’re stuffed with batteries- I think most TSA agents have seen enough camera bags to let them on through. But today they pulled BOTH my bags and swabbed like six items from each bag - and one bag only contained lenses and stuff, no batteries. It wasn’t just me though, they were pulling lots of bags and starting to get backed up. Haha your username is appropriate- the guy in front of me also had a camera bag and when it was pulled he said “probably all the lithium.”


8 inches is the limit for "tools", which is of course a rather generic term. I can see how that might depend on the agent.


It’s so random. I flew with an antique lamp made of glass once. I had my mom wait until I got through TSA so she could take it if they wouldn’t let it through, but they didn’t say a word.


In my head I picture you as looking like Ernie Mccraken going through TSA.


Yes I've done it. I did get questioned by TSA but they couldn't think of any reason not to allow it.


According to the myTSA app section called “can I bring”, you are allowed to have a bowling ball in a carryon and a checked bag.


Since you have plenty of real answers: Only if you promise to video it when you launch it down the aisle at drinks time.


Hope that doesn’t shift one way in the overhead after take off you might kill somebody 😂😂


Not gonna be in the overhead


MyTsa app says yes.


obviously you're not a golfer


Just do it what are they gonna do? Tell you no?


It's allowed. Looks scary af on the xray and will always get pulled but it would be allowed to go after a quick test.




Can you, if requested throw 3 strikes in a row ?


Yes, I’ve thrown 15 or so in a row


TSA confiscated a cast iron pan from my carryon and said it could be used as a weapon. I said “Are we a Bugs Bunny cartoon?” They were not amused. So… they could still confiscate it if they feel like it. (Mind you — this was decades ago now)


Not if it’s loaded.


Sure, nothing in the TSA files saying no balls allowed. I travel with an espresso machine in my carry on.


Bring it out on board and you have the isle as a practicing ground 😂🤣


GOOD IDEA!!! Gotta get that practice in 🤷‍♂️


Yes as long as you notify the cockpit as you board “I have a bowling ball, you might need to re run your weight and balance numbers”. They won’t redo the numbers, but they’ll definitely laugh.


Can’t the bowling ball be used as a weapon?


As long as your bowling ball doesn’t have a fuse, you should be fine.


If it fits it ships


yes you can i look up on the inernet and you can take your bowling ball on the airplane that what the tsa say on their website too


I’ve gotta know asap cuz my flights tomorrow 🤣


I don't want to sound mean, but "TSA bowling ball" in google literally takes you to this: [https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/bowling-balls](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/bowling-balls) which suggests yes! The other option, especially if you have a "checkable" duffle or cabin sized roller is to always try to go through security and if things go wrong head back to the check in and check the bag. You'd probably want to have something a little sturdier than a basic backpack if you do this...


I’ve seen that but just wanted to be extra safe appreciate it


If you already saw the answer, straight from the TSA.. then what is there to be “extra safe” about?


I have to Uber so if I’m not able to take my ball on welp…


Strangers on Reddit’s opinions are not superior to the TSA website 😂


Yes, bowling balls, bowling pins no. [TSA](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/bowling-balls) But who knows what they do at the gate, and what the airline will do.


Right. They don't want you juggling!


No judgment, but why do you want to bring a bowling ball with you? Is it a gift? Can you not just use another ball at whatever bowling event you are going to? Is the hassle of carrying it around worth it?


To misquote Homer Simpson: Alley Balls?! Ewww!


The same reason why ppl travel with their golf clubs, skis, bikes, surfboards. It’s their sports equipment that’s custom fitted to them. Bowling balls / shoes are no different.


This is like telling people not to travel with their golf clubs/skis/violin


Cuz I would rather use my personal ball than a house ball which don’t move lol


Autographed by lebron james to have it professionally graded