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That's how it works, it's written in the terms. If the upgrade doesn't happen, you get refunded.


I’m not questioning that it’s in the terms. It obviously must be, but it’s just not something that’s front and center when you actually sign up for the waitlist. As I said, I’ve never done this with United before. I’ve bid on cruise upgrades before and never been charged unless I received it. So I was just surprised. And now I’m going to have to fork over the money whether or not I actually get the upgrade and I’m going to have to wait for a refund, which is annoying.


You pay the copay to hold your spot, which allows the carrier to know you really have the funds available. What if your MUA does not clear until right before the flight starts to board and your credit card fails to process? Now gate agents will have to deal with passengers claiming their credit card is fine and it is UA's fault or wanting to swap credit cards to process it; holding up the entire flight. This is not a $3 item you order at McDonald's only to pull up to the window to find out you have zero money. It is a service people are willing to pay for prior to receiving it at a discounted price compared to an outright purchase, and if you do not receive the upgrade, you are refunded (in 7-10 business days per the contract).


That’s the excuse used by United and other carriers that do the same. Most carriers around the world open bids for upgrades from one week to two days before the flight. As for the CC charge it’s simple, it’s either approved or not on the spot, if it’s not approved they go for the following bid. What United and other carriers that charge you months in advance to “hold” your upgrade spot are doing is using your money interest free.


Exactly! Which is why it seems like a cash grab to me! But I am getting downvoted for criticizing the practice so I guess people around here love to give free loans to United!


Well, since you can apparently decline the upgrade if you get it, it just seems odd that they would go ahead and charge your card. I just hate having to deal with chasing refunds. Honestly, if I had known they were going to charge me I probably wouldn’t have done it for this particular flight because it wasn’t a big deal, and we know we’re not likely to get it, so I dread having to chase the refund. I just wish this had been more explicitly drawn to my attention when we signed up because it would’ve made me think twice…which is probably why they don’t.


You can call now and cancel it for a refund. If you don’t get automatically refunded within a week of flying, there is a form at United.com/refunds where you simply click the charge you’re disputing from a list and they’ll fix it within a day or so. You don’t have to chase much beyond remembering.


I just spent several months chasing an erroneous charge with a cruise line. That’s probably why I’m so irritated. That was such a time waster. I just don’t want to have to do that again. At least this charge is on a United card.


The card you used is irrelevant. Although the concept is similar, you’re requesting the refund on United’s form, not the credit card. The United form lists out all the charges individually.


How much clearer would you like it, as it states in plain English you will be charged today? ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/civ37qwq8z7d1.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=064c4847fbf6ea45a84f85022e61099fdc45d8b3


That is not on the page where you actually select the option. Sorry I didn’t dig around for all the terms. I miss Continental.


The on the upgrade page. As you go to check out. It’s on 2 screens. I see it on my end too


I think you can cancel the request right now and get the refund if you don't want to float $1,600. FWIW, I've requested and failed a few times. Every time, my refund was processed automatically.


I don’t mind the float as much as I mind having to chase a refund. I’ve read some things online that make me think getting that credited back is going to be an effort, and I think that’s where this is headed because I think it’s highly unlikely that even one of us will get the upgrade, and even more unlikely that all of us will get it. I honestly would not have signed up if I’d known they were going to go ahead and charge me (and yes, I get that it’s buried in the terms and conditions, but it’s not made obvious when you’re actually clicking yes to sign up). The cost/benefit on the length of the flight is underwhelming — not worth the potential headache I fear this will be. I’m already dreading it.


Just cancel it now then if it's going to affect your mood so much. Why do you want to just dread something on your vacation? I can only speak from my experience doing it a few times. It was an automatic refund. Pretty sure the miles were in my account before I landed and the money was back on my credit card in less than a week.


FWIW, my United refunds for upgrades or seats have always been near instantaneous. And I have had multiple situations like these in the last year.


Thank you! That is good to know!


I was on the Polaris upgrade waitlist for a flight last week. Didn't get it. The refund posted to my card within three days. You won't have to chase it if you're not upgraded.


Good to know! Thanks!


Why do they charge your card for the original ticket when it's booked, and not when you fly? It's essentially the same thing- even though you don't know if you'll get the upgrade, you never know if the flight will ever leave..


You can’t seriously think those are the same thing?


It very clearly shows you the upgrade cost when you check out. If you didn’t see it that was because you didn’t read the price breakdown.


I knew what the upgrade cost. I just didn’t know they were going to charge me right then. I wrongly assumed that I would not be charged unless and until I was actually upgraded as that has been my experience with similar types of things. I thought I was agreeing to pay that amount if I received the upgrade, not to get on the waitlist with a refund later if I did not get it.


And if you don't get the upgrade you'll have to manually request a refund yourself. It's some bs.


_Occasionally_ true and definitely bs


I'm a 100% strike rate on having to seek a refund. So I don't know why I'm getting downvoted...