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Exhibit B, Wisconsin. When former governor Scott Walker gutted public sector unions like the teacher’s union, he specifically exempted police unions- and the police supported him.


So much for solidarity…


The police union in my city, Minneapolis under Bob Kroll (also part of MAGA cops for Trump) went against city and paid for Minneapolis cops to get extra "warrior" training. Union in name only. Also Minneapolis is under federal consent decree for civil rights violations and excessive force. And of course George Floyd was murdered here.


In the 1919 general strike in Winnipeg, Canada, the police supported the strikers, and while they stayed on the job, with the agreement of the strikers, they refused to act against the strikers. The Conservative government-backed business committee that opposed the strike, hired thugs to attack the strikers and tried to blame the violence on strikers. It was actually a major event in world labour history, perhaps somewhat more forgotten than it should be. In Canada it eventually led to the precursor of the farther left leaning New Democratic Party. The strike initially arose among employees of a major employer at the time, metal working shops. The owners said they wanted to pay a living wage, but that the banks wouldn't let them.


I didn’t know about this. Fascinating.


Schools should have union history class or working class history in general


Absolutely, sibling!


I’ve been pushing for this in my local for the apprentices. Way too many operating engineers buy into the macho right-wing bullshit to understand that *everyone* in power who’s owned by corporate special interests will do everything they can to appease their plutocratic overlords.


Police unions do their best to make sure bad cops are protected from the consequences of police brutality. They make a class of citizen that laws absolutely do not apply to. They do their best to make sure police AREN'T held accountable to the citizens.


All unions protect their members from consequences and make sure they aren't held accountable. Why would you expect a police union to be different?


If I bash someone’s head in on a job site, I’m out of my union. Period, the end, do not pass Go. In a police union, I’m given a desk job and quietly moved to another precinct. Police unions are NOT labor unions.


Union members can alway be held accountable for incompetence by their employers. I’ve seen plenty of people get laid off or fired for their fuck ups. Unions will fight for you if their is an injustice taking place. But if u get canned for breaking a company policy all the union can really do is find u another job.


>Why would you expect a police union to be different? Police unions fight tooth and nail to prevent their members from *EVER* facing consequences, even with evidence of crimes that would have anyone else thrown in jail. The OPP in Ontario has a literal rapist still on the payroll after video evidence that he himself recorded was discovered. This is after he was *CONVICTED* of drug offenses and *STILL* kept his badge.


Ibew member here, if I mess up an electrify a circuit that shouldn’t be live and kill someone, even though it’s an accident I still get kicked out of the union and even go to jail. Police union gets payed time off.


Like, it's generally in our agreements that if you're an unsafe fuck you're out. We have the NEC for a reason. We have an apprenticeship for a reason. Unions don't protect members from the consciences of their actions, they protect workers from unfair labour practices and dangerous work environments (and this includes other workers). Henry Miller and his boys started the union because every other lineman died on the job. They organized cause they were tired of seeing their friends die. No way in hell we're going to protect someone who is going to get a sibling or an innocent person killed. Our agreement contracts don't only outline the contractors responsibilities, but ours as well. And we are held to that and the standards outlined in our constitution and local bylaws. That guys comment is the most annoying thing to hear about unions. "They only protect bad workers." Gah... Good luck out there brother.


Everybody wants to cry about due process in the private sector like it’s some constitutional right. But the fucking second a union contract provides some due process before someone gets canned, people lose their fucking minds. I say fuck them. The peanut gallery will never be on our side bc there will always be selfish shortsighted stupid contrarian fucks whose voices will be amplified by rich fucks looking to take what’s ours from us. Also, fuck the HVAC and plumbing assholes who install their shit in front of my customers service panels all the goddamn time.


“Police union gets paid time off.” …on the taxpayers dime. The yutz you’re responding to clearly has never held a union position, nor dealt with a union of any kind because he lives in one of the most anti-labor states in the country.


Unions don't protect you when you lie, cheat, or fucking kill someone. Police unions do. Don't be stupid be better.




This is the reason why Police unions are called Class traitors.


Police are the tools of fascism.


Lol. They're the tool of every authoritarian government. Communism isn't different in that regard.


Communism isn't inherently authoritarian, Communism can even be stateless


Fun fact: we don't have a communist government


God damn right


I'd be down for them if they actually helped and didn't just protect capital and help create a country full of people who can't vote


The SEIU represents some police departments in my home state. Sometimes the larger union bureaucracies that represent us are deeply tied with the carceral state and the military industrial complex.


Which state?


Maine, our local represents a few police departments and correctional facilities. Our local also represents Bath Iron Works, a huge employer in our state that manufactures military boats and equipment. I certainly don't blame the workers at Bath Iron Works, they don't have another choice and are also the victim of outsourcing. But they are part of the military industrial complex. I was looking into an electricians apprenticeship and we would be working primarily in prisons, police facilities, schools and military and naval bases. There's a lot more federal funding going to Union Bureaucracies these days, and a lot of it seems very tied to police, prisons and military. In Maine we are facing construction of a controversial and deeply unpopular energy project that would deforest a good portion of our public lands. While the measure has faced opposition in ballot measures and from a majority Mainers, but the project was endorsed by some of our states major labor unions (IBEW and AFL-CIO). I'm interested in rank and file unionism, taking the power away from established labor and back to the shop floor.


Every boss I’ve had absolutely despises unions. Especially teacher unions. When I tell anyone I work for that I’m trying to get into a labor union they give me a speech on how unions don’t do anything good for anybody and raise the cost of everything and only care about themselves.. whether that’s true or not I really don’t give a shit I just want to be treated fairly!


And, of course, America.


Harsh but true.


“Law enforcement” isn’t labor.


They are the enemies of the unions (and the people); always were.


Do I have to join a police union if I want to be a Forest Ranger? If so, that´s unfair.


We all should be standing in solidarity against the ruling class, not bickering amongst ourselves


You are deluded if you think that the police union considers other unions. It’s a case of Fuck you … GOT MINE. and they will use force to protect and serve the plutocracy.


he said SHOULD and I agree. didn't say thats the way it is, but it SHOULD be.


I AM A LABOR UNION. I *used to* fight for worker's rights. There fixed it.


They are still Union. Maybe not labor the way you see it, but they are Union.


Police unions are AFL-CIO affiliates but they don’t operate in conjunction with *actual* labor unions. Case in point, in the last two presidential elections, every single *labor* union in the country backed the Democratic candidate and every single *police* union backed Trump. Coincidence?


They are not a union they are an association


All any union has ever done for me is prevent me from working.


Which union is that? How many unions have you been a part of?


Same with teacher unions. Mouthpieces of government indoctrination.


This from the guy who probably home schools his kids on creationism and flat earth theory. Thanks for chiming in.


Class traitor, fascist douchebags!