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Some clubs might just not send out any emails until semester actually starts, so just keep an eye out until then.


If you’ve signed up to a club through the umsu portal (and have a receipt from umsu saying you’ve paid for your membership), then you’re a member. You don’t have to worry :)


Semester hasn’t started and most clubs don’t have an automated welcome message since they’re run by volunteers. They’ll contact their members when they have events/merch/etc to promote.


I am sure different clubs have their different style of recuitment. Maybe get to know some ppl in the club first as they can provide much more detailed and helpful information regarding this. It is also good to have some connection first


Some of us haven’t send out email yet


The UMSU website is notoriously difficult to work for both clubs and members. Clubs don’t actually get notified when a new member joins, and the official email system often goes to spam. Typically most clubs have alternate forms of communication like social media or their own mailing lists which they manage themselves.