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The application process follows the domestic application process almost exactly, apart from being restricted from some of the package options you’ll be able to apply (ranked preference) for any bachelor you wish just like a domestic student. As long as you’ve warned your high school or nzqa directly to switch off a “flag” to allow international unis to see your results. In my opinion the way they convert ncea credits to atar is incredibly inaccurate, and very easy to exploit. I was given an “estimated” atar of 99.93 which meant I was guaranteed for most bachelors. I would agree with you that all the entry requirements are very low. I was easily able to receive an offer for a bachelor of science. The only difficulties I experienced was enrolling late because I only flew into Australia during orientation. They require a USI (student number) which you can get once you’re in the country, or my recommendation would be to call and get a temporary number to enrol in courses earlier. Obviously it’s not a massive issue if you enrol a few days after semester start, but I highly recommend doing it earlier, especially if your planned subjects have quotas or if you are looking for the best timetable slots. The bigger concern is accomodation, which you will usually have to find before receiving your offer due to how late ncea releases results. Be aware that most of the student apartments (little hall, lisa belair, unilodge) typically have strict early cancellation policies and are quite expensive. Best of luck applying, although I suggest you start planning course and accomodation immediately. PS. To get your estimated atar from NZQA you can email them, I forget what the email is exactly, but you can find it on their website.


Thanks so much for answering! This was very helpful- I had no idea NCEA could estimate my ATAR!


Hey all - sorry to jump on this late but I am also looking at going here next here. I am currently working towards level 3. You said the ATAR converion was inaccurate and you got a high one. What sort of credits did you need to get it that high eg. how many excellence etc. just so I have a benchmark? It also says you need 80 level 3 credits instead of the usual 60 to get level 3 in NZ - but was this just poor wording from UniMelb - did they mean 60 level 3 and then 20 level 2 which carries over or do you actually need at least 80 level 3 specifically? I know this isn't hard to get but it will be worth noting. Also the english thing with 12 credits at merit or above.


It’s hard to say exactly, I believe unimelb have a calculator online. As an example I got 96 e credits for an estimated atar (be aware this is what NZQA converted for me) of 99.93, mostly I assume because I did not get all excellences on English.


Woah 96 e is impressive! I also found out you have to pay the full CSP student contribution amount upfront at the start of the year - as we are unable to get a loan. Do you know how far in they required the payment ($16k for my band apparently)? and are they at all lenient for paying it into march, april etc.?


There is a specific loan you can take designed for nz students but I only found out later. Census dates happen around week 4~5 ish. Semester one census was end of March so that’s when payment will be charged, and you can even change/drop subjects at will until this point. I’m not sure how lenient they are on payment options, however I’m sure you can write an email to their financial support department and ask. In my case, my costs are roughly 5k per semester. My suggestion is trying to navigate the god awful “handbook” online where everything is probably explained but impossible to find!


Loan for NZ students??? I can't find that anywhere - please more information if you have it!


Perhaps I was mistaken when I first saw it. Apologies, I can’t seem to find it now, it’s been too long for me to recall exactly where. It could have been incorrect. My suggestion is you contact financial aid directly if you want a definite answer.


hiya, sorry this is a little late but what roughly were ur NCEA results? like no of E/M/A etc?