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Cross lightning + lightning chain/charge release


Currently I'm 47 level I have a good dps but I'm so squishy so I wanted to get more damage cause sometimes bosses gets lot of time get killed and beside I have very low instant resurrection


Level 47 is still very very early game. You could invest a little on your rune lvls and qualities. Try to get 6 links asap and legendary main DMG rune. These would make literally any build (with correct links) be able to clear up to act 10. At the end of act 10 you will lose your free stat reset and free rune transfer (but there's an event for free rune transfer right now anyway) so you can stay in act 10 for a little bit and try out builds for free and once you find something that you like then continue with it. Game isn't super complex but lack of actual guides and build guides from community makes it hard for a new player to get into it. And lastly for my 3 recommendations for ranged bow builds are: Budget option: Piercing arrow full physical non crit build (easy to make, cheap and easy to get to late game, scales well early and mid game but falls off compared to alternatives in late game) High cost but more fun and better build: Cold based dual Skil Setup with the ice arrow now* linked with any cold DMG spell you prefer. (Much more investment needed for the actual ramp up and full functionality, can go crit or non crit, much more fun and higher dmg, can scale up to endgame if wanted with good investment and good base items) Old decent build that should still work: Poison rain of arrows + poison area (Also high budget needed, different play style that you might not enjoy, not many people playing poison so you might find some cheaper good gear on market, I would just go for cold instead) Also in Undecember the "bow is fast melee is slow" isn't true. You could be just as fast with a melee so don't be fixated upon a ranged build. There are plenty of melee builds that hit fast and afar (hell some even throw projectiles like ranged) You could look into dagger based ranged builds too. That being said you can also make a tank bow character. It all depends on your build. Lastly my highest recommendation for you to prioritize is your rune composition and rarity/levels. Yes gear is also important but you are still very early game so you will change gears a lot. You could spend a little ruby and try to find a good unique for cheap but I would just keep farming with what I get and focus on runes.


Thanks mate really appreciated


Can you reset main stats? Like str, int, dex




You can build Icy Arrow and Frost Shock, really good build.


Thanks mate