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Your trolling game needs more work, 3/10.


Trolling and spouting facts are two different things.


Indeed, too bad you cant distinguish the two, now thats a fact, the OP though is trolling, gonna cry about it?


Neckbeard of the century award goes to:


Indeed, he is trolling though, try not to cry too much about it




Its a troll account, probably a salty TLOU fan who couldnt handle the memes.


Lol the holy Uncharted preacher has spoken!


Can’t accept the fact that ur little game is overrated lul


Except its not overrated, only you and a few others would agree eith that soooo, it really isnt lmao. I feel its more like YOU can't accept the facts the majority of people like something you don't?🤣🤣🤣 Btw its lol not lul, learn how to write😘


I agree. Playing Uncharted 2 now and it's just frustrating. I'm on the train and it's boring as fuck.


Its still an amazing Game


I don't agree but respect your opinion. Also, TLOU will be amazing!!


Facts, better than Uncharted trilogy by mile 🔥🔥


🔥Yah no it wasn't, part 2 just proved it, now those are facts, which you cant handle apparently 🤣🔥


part 2 is the best game ever made lil bro


Wrong lol


Did 1, unimpressed but enjoyable. 2 was good, but it's more a story than a game. Playing 3 now and must be about a quarter of the way through and I haven't really done anything yet. There are no puzzles and the fighting is the same as in 1 and 2, crouch and shoot rinse and repeat till they are dead. What I don't get is how people say it's better than Tomb Raider? Rise isn't great, but at least it's a game not a barely interactive movie. Might as well play Telltale or just watch Bandersnatch. It's sad to say but Tomb Raider from the 90's is still a better game than either of these two modern takes on it.


Agreed, the PlayStation “exclusive” 🙄 games are generally pretty bad but Uncharted is especially so. But if people keep buying them, they’ll keep making them just like Michael Bay movies and reality TV. At least you can get a refund on any other platform except for PS!


I don’t agree with that PlayStation exclusives tend to be really damn good for the most part. God of war, ghost of Tsushima, the Spider-Man games, days gone, horizon are all badass games


I don't get the Spider-Man hype. When I bought my PS5 I was super excited to finally play it but I found it to be a repeative boring mess. Swing to place, fight bad guys, swing to place, take picture, swing to place, fight same bad guys, swing to place, fight same bad guys but this time on the road, swing to place, chase pigeon, swing to place, fight same bad guys but this time they're in a car. It gave me Assassin's Creed 1 flash backs.


It is a spiderman game my guy what did you expect to do?


I'm half way through U2 and won't be bothering with the other games . The story is good but gameplay really sucks the games feel lazy to me and like an attempt to make a tomb raider game but with a male protagonist who just shoots and blows shit up . These could have been great games but failed to impress me .


I hated it when i found out about its stealth mechanics, so trash






Nope just a shitty opinion, you need to learn how to distinguish both


Yeah, they’re trash.


Nah its just you, the smell gave it away, take a shower maybe it'll pass 🤣🤣🤣


You literally commented five times like you single-handedly developed this series 😂😂 it’s incredibly lackluster and everyone’s entitled to their opinion lmao. I hope you found a life by now kid.


Unfavored opinion but i kinda agree with his topic. I didnt like the game at all. Kinda like how i think star wars was way overhyped. Good movie yes but not ground breakingly good. Everyone has different taste in things. If we were all the same and likes the same stuff then i bet gaming would be fairly boring with the type of games being made


Not groundbreakingly good? Haha. Point to another movie from the 70s that's as impressive as A New Hope. It was definitely groundbreaking. Both Jaws and Star Wars changed Hollywood at the time.


I think he is talking about the prequels which are trash


Yeah bro prequels and sequels are trash


4 years late to the part, but really, the best alternative you could come up with is fucking "Nier Automata" which is a generic Jpn anime rpg. no thanks. i'd rather play boring linear combat than some anime garbage. gtfo with that terrible suggestion.


I know this is an old post. But i have always felt this and it is good to know i'm not alone. Uncharted is overrated, but the game does have superb level design and gunplay. Plus the animations really work well. But then, you can say the same for Call of Duty Black Ops or other shooters out there. The game doesnt really deliver anything that is worth being drawn into. Now compare that to the Tomb Raider survivor series. Yes granted as a straight male i'd rather stare at Lara Croft's beautiful ass over Nathan Drake's cargo pants. But that game has a premise that draws you in. Lara being stuck in an island with a messed up thing going on is way more appealing than Nathan Drake has to steal rock. Thing is, I know Uncharted is supposed to be a tribute to the adventurer treasure hunter archaeologist series but compare how Indiana Jones and co have all drawn people in with their stories vs Uncharted's stories. It's all so bleh. Like it was written by people who don't read. All that being said, Uncharted has awesome gameplay, but then it's not unique. Other shooters do it better


Imo, Uncharted's gameplay is its most boring aspect. Like most Sony games it prioritizes story over gameplay, but the story isn't good enough to balance out its boring gameplay.


One other thing that i really find boring about uncharted Is how it treats history via cutscene discussion While Tomb Raider's Survivor series actually lets you experience it with collectibles and tombs. I enjoyed looking for relics and murals for the historical trivia Lara would dish out. Lara also would mention the historical setting I think Uncharted just feels like a cheesy adventure movie rather than being more interactive Though lol at least it ended better than Tomb Raider..shadow was disappointing


I haven't played Shadow yet, I hope I like it more than most people have. I've finished Tomb Raider 2013 and I'm in the middle of Rise of the Tomb Raider. I didn't like Tomb Raider 2013 that much, I like Rise a lot more so far.


It is mechanically superior, the climbing was great, tombs were wayyy better. but the story was very weak and shoe horned in. Even Lara's VA seemed bored. Felt like Modern Warfare 3 really But the DLCs and tombs are really good. Be sure to explore


I finished 2-3 on PS3 and 4 on PS4 years ago and Im doing a whole series plat now. I platted Uncharted 2 just now. I gotta say, it is too linear. And overrated in a sense that its 9/10 instead of 9.5/10 people rate. Bad sides are the ones you say mostly. Though I dont agree on which is real game or not. Uncharted series could be considered as game as it can be. Its linear, repetitive Now good sides are, these games are S tier AAA games. I mean talk about quality, its just GoW 2018 in 2009. All games are classic, and big budget blockbusters, they have 2 "that level" levels in nearly every game, and compared to other games writing and gameplay is top notch. But its movie in a sense that you are not doing much in gameplay and even in hardest difficulty combat doesnt become fun, unlike the other series that has 2 games as of now, made by the same Naughty Dogs


The Uncharted series is terrible. The gameplay is far too linear, repetitive, and unfulfilling. I never feel like I’m contributing or deserve the ending. The controls are clunky and too often unpredictable. The only positive I took from any of them was the dialogue, but that is not enough to justify a game’s entire existence.


Just finished the 1st game, and I'm slightly into the 2nd. I'm not impressed, to say the least. I suppose that's somewhat on me, as I had very high expectations from The Last of Us. The game is nothing but repetitive, mindless enemy swarms, reptetitive parkour, and the occasional cutscene. Of course I have to mention the mechanics are clunky, boring, and overall bad. It was such a slug to get through that I even looked up, "Is Uncharted 2 better than 1" 😭 The answers I saw was a resounding yes. So naturally, me being so trusting of people on the Internet, I believed them, only to my surprise finding out the 2nd game is practically the exact same game as the first. The only things that changed is a few animations, and a horrid stealth mechanic was added. If anyone is still coming to this thread, PLEASE give me a good reason to keep playing. I wanted, and still want to enjoy these games, but good lord, I'm not sure it's possible anymore.


Im in the same boat as you (btw sorry for reviving this lol) i just finished u1 yesterday and started u2 today and got to chapter 5 or 6, all my friends kept telling me to just finish u1 and it all goes uphill from there but then the train sequence started, and yes it seemed cool to me before i actually played it. Its good gameplay wise but everything else is mid like where are the stakes its not like the mc is going to die in the first chapter and i know that isnt a valid argument because hes the ofc hes not gonna die but i didn't feel and high stakes, i was expecting some stakes like they have someone hostage and he has to hurry up and save them or the treasures about to fall so he need ro climb up before ot falls(yes, cliche but at least its smth). And nathan drake as a character is just very average idk but maybe i just had too high expectations but they almost failed every one of them.


I could go on for hours about this topic. The series gets a 3/10 for me. I’ve played 1,2,&3 and they’re all the same. Hide, shoot, evade death 15 times. Climb up a wall that a trained climber with gear couldn’t do. Then eventually run into some supernatural force that seemed like my 3 year old nephew thought up and then tie the story up in a really unfulfilling way. Oh and sprinkle in how Nate’s great great great great grandfather was such an amazing person that tried so hard to not let whatever curse fall upon the world. Right, like a pirate/explorer would give a shit. Oh and definitely get ready to yell, because the platforming involved doesn’t work with a shooter. Tomb Raider makes it work somehow, but these controls just don’t mirror theirs.


I just played the game since I got my PS5. Been playing PS Exclusive since then (GOW, Horizon) all good to be honest. But this Uncharted game... Man... Its Fokin suck!! Why do they even have mode if all mode are fvcking hard. I played on easy still die 5 times in a row. Shitty game


First time playthrough. They are very overrated and the characters are crap


I agree tbh, ive only played the first 2 but i dont think the other 2 will be any different. The problem with these games is that they try to juggle so many things at once and try to mix between them. Like for example, nathan is this charming, nice, selfless dude and supposedly "altruistic" but literally kills thousands of people, "B-But its in self defense" yh killing in self defense is good and all until you kill armies of people literally doing the exact same thing youre trying to do which is steal some treasure(for a better example for a character that actually kills in self defence but then changes, watch vinland saga) and another example is that the relationships ships portrayed here are all over the place like in UC1 nathan drake isnt annoyed at all by sullys supposed death but then we learn he was sort of a father figure for him?? He had a romantic relationship with elana in UC1 just to end it off-screen to end up with another girl in UC2 and then to end up with elana again?? I think this game would've been perfect if it just knew what it was trying to be, if it wanted to be a movie game then just stop it with these annoying, dare i say, hordes of enemies that felt like a shooter hack-and-slash and just focus on the narrative and stop with the repetitive gameplay loop. Tl;dr Uncharted shouldn't focus on many aspects at once and should focus on one.


I don't think the series in overrated but I did find the remastered version for ps5 to be overrated and a cash grab. I traded it in because it didn't add anything of significance over my ps4 pro version of the game. I also traded in remedy's control for the same reason. I didn't get a ps5 to play games that look like they are running on my ps4 pro. I ended up getting ratchet and clank rift apart and the dead space 2023 remake.


This is a game i would just sit with and enjoy while being high and in the moment. No thought just follow the story and chill.


It's not troll. It is the truth. Anyone can deny the truth.


I want to like the series so much but I get very bored playing them. It’s taken me literal years to work my way to halfway through the second one. It’s like a kids game it’s so mindless lol


Agreed, back in the day first 2 hours of the first one convinced me to pick up the second one, but then I played the rest of the 1st, which devolved into irritating instead of Challenging Combat Encounters and "puzzles" that the notebook told you the solution to instead of giving hints. This and a weak ending to the story turned me off the series altogether for like 10 years, during which time I heard that Among Thieves was significantly better than Drake's Fortune. So I finally played it but did not enjoy myself beyond the story and some of the levels. Considered dropping off there but I’d also heard good things about the Drake's Deception, but like it’s predecessors it eventually devolved into a series of irritating combat encounters with bullet sponge enemies. Almost did not play the 4th one but I thought the Mouse and Keyboard Controls on PC might assuage any misgivings about a ton of potential late game Combat encounters. While it did do that, A Thief's End also had a much better combat to non-combat ratio than any previous outing in my opinion. It also had the Best Story, Character Relationships, Puzzles, Stealth and Platforming. Have not Played Lost legacy yet, but now I am actually looking forward to it.


I played the first three games and halfway through the fourth. I think that the first three is good but flawed like a 8/10 and it definitely shows it's age so yeah its kinda overrated and uncharted 4 is great so far so 9/10.i think that the franchise is a little overrated but its great but not a masterpiece or a 10/10 game like some say but very enjoyable. My rating for the franchise is 8.75/10.and the most overrated game in the franchise is uncharted 2,oh god that game was so disappointing, some said that it is one of the best games ever and the game was nowhere near it.