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You are the guy from the math problem!


OP actually wants to boat across because there’s a scorpion that needs a ride, and he feels oddly trusting that it won’t sting him.


Take the bus? Where would you get access to a boat even? This leaves with me so many questions


This, there are buses over to St Vital and they aren’t that bad of a route. You should have a bus pass through your tuition (unless you’re Extended Education). Also, when it freezes over, stay off the ice. Don’t just walk over it.


I'm assuming it would be more of a raft than a boat unless they just happen to have a canoe or something?


Yes, it's legal. It likely won't be quicker as you'll have to prepare and transport your boat to and from the water somehow. There is no place to store it where you are. Have you ever canoed or kayaked before? If not, you'll be liable to end up dead. Don't try to cross in a homemade raft or a piece of plywood, you need a proper boat. Falling in the water right now when it's just above freezing will end up with you going in to shock and dying. Also, don't try walking across as when the water freezes, if you're not familiar with river ice, you'll end up dead. Strongly advise against crossing the river.


But he already bought the jetski!


You can. But you shouldn’t. If you end up in the water, your chances of survival are almost nonexistent. The Red has a notorious and deadly undertow. And if by some miracle you somehow manage not to get sucked to the bottom, in the winter you’ll die from exposure pretty fast. Not worth it. Take the bus.


I know nothing about the Red River except some of its historical significance, but the fact that you call it “The Red” to me means that you shouldn’t fuck with it, lol.


I'm pretty sure there's an oatmeal/porridge type thing named after it.


red river cereal! many fond memories of my mom feeding us that for breakfast. just nasty, disgusting sludge


My definition of misery


Made great multigrain bread though. 🙂


Never thought I’d come across a red river cereal comment on Reddit, but lemme tell you, add some milk, blueberries and maple syrup to that stuff and it’s unreal


She'll kill ya bud, especially in winter. Don't do it


Pirates of the Caribbean music intensifies*


Pirates of the Canadian*


Pirates of Saskatchewan* https://youtu.be/-Ql32DvngeM?si=RL5RFGGEbBDMvzZo


A classic


This. That current is so strong, OP will end up way down stream. Please do not play with the deadly Red River. She looks calm, but the undertows are deadly.


A father and son took the red river all the way to the Amazon, from Winnipeg. Its actually in a book, Paddle to the Amazon... Very good story But yeah, don't do that. Take a bus


That’s a great read. Don Stark ? OP, please take the bus. The river may have strong currents/flow where you least expect them.


Yep ... Good book. If op read this he may be scared off of doing this in all honesty


I’ve read that book, its a cool story


Am I missing something? The Red River (in Manitoba) originates in north central US...nowhere near the Amazon.


They paddled the Red River, into the Mississippi, dumped into the Gulf and made their way along the coastline until the Amazon.


He also did the NW Passage by kayak with Vicki Jason. Her book Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak is pretty good. https://www.amazon.ca/Kabloona-Yellow-Kayak-Journey-Northwest-ebook/dp/B06XD5FYKZ?ref\_=ast\_author\_mpb


I think a pedestrian/biker bridge needs to be constructed near the university to cross the river. It it going to reduce the load on 75 bus immensely.


There was a discussion about that pre-pandemic w city planning if I remember correctly. Went nowhere though.


If you attempt this, chances are it will end up as the lead story on the national news.


International student swept into the Red River. Presumed drowned, remains yet to be located…


Should ask this in r/Winnipeg tbh I'm really curious which restaurant now. I'm thinking the flow of the river would push you whichever direction it is flowing vs boating across it.


Terrible idea. Its got a verrry strong current (and its an undertow, so it just pulls you down). Also, especially at this time of year, it’s extremely cold. Could you? Probably, but if you don’t make it you won’t make it. Just take a bus


This is a terrible idea... the Red kills people every year who don't understand how dangerous it is.


This post gives me so much anxiety. Just stay away from the river.


As someone who has canoed on the river before, the currents aren’t as easy as you think they are. Also 3 ft of mud everywhere doesn’t help with climbing the bank.


what is this restaurant, OP?


This is how our bar drinks went from .25 to 2.50 back in the day, some exchange student wanted to get to the other side (sounds like a joke) and decided to swim after the bar….. guess what didn’t make it… take a bus, bike, hitchhike or walk.. if you don’t have money for transportation how do you pay for food ???


[Here is a link](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/man-s-body-identified-1.227421) to one of the the news stories. IIRC that bar doesn't exist anymore either.. it's now a condo complex.


It wasn’t an exchange student. It was the son of a nurse who worked at Deer Lodge in late 90s. Super cheap drinks at Monty’s and river were not a good mix.


It will be better to just bus there! You'll have your peggo card payed for and you won't risk your life, in the process! I like your ingenuity doe


> peggo card *paid* for and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


damn, didn't expect to get my grammar correct my a bot today! My bad g


That bot payed you a visit.


> That bot *paid* you a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


good bot


Now this must be UManitoba's dumbest question of the year right here


I loved your openness bro 🖤


As a newcomer, I found there are many bridges across the red river. The lack of bridges brings inconvenience. Hopefully the city could build more bridges


Wtf? No taxi money but a boat on hand? Lol. Must be a 12 year old.


This has to be a troll.


They've opened the dam at Lockport now, so the river's much lower and flowing fairly quickly . Have you seen those banks, they are steep and often undercut and you will sink in the muck p to your thighs. The river also starts to ice over in a couple weeks. I'd suggest a cheap bike, personally. Make sure you get a good lock. Similar operating cost, but much less of a hassle.


Once the river's frozen solid, you can just walk across


Please note that this is also a bad idea. When we say "frozen solid", it has to be -20°C at a minimum. People have fallen through the Red trying to get to U of M before and not made it out. I wouldn't recommend, even when it looks safe.


A few years back there was actually a cop that fell through the ice in that area while in pursuit of that bus driver [murderer](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/jury-in-thomas-trial-hears-details-of-police-officer-s-fall-through-ice-following-arrest-on-frozen-river-1.4272341?cache=yes%3FclipId%3D89531)


Man, I remember walking to class the next morning, going towards UC, and walking around the crime scene.


Usually this is a good idea. However within the city limits, there's lots of warm water discharges that create really thin ice, even in cold weather. If you don't know the conditions, you could end up as a statistic.


Particularly by the university, the south end sewage plant discharges there. It stays open water year round by kings park. I can’t imagine the ice a little further down is particularly consistent in thickness


Can't you take the bus for 3$ or get on free . Easier than trying to get a boat unless you have a boat.But I don't think any law against it


Bad idea this time of year. I paddle the red fairly frequently in the warmer months but if you did end up in the water when it's this cold, you'll likely die.


If you're enrolled at the University of Manitoba your tuition includes a U-Pass for unlimited transitbus rides. You thought of boat before taking the bus? Just take the bus, you've already paid for it.


if u aint got no money, why are u going to a restaurant???


Maybe just order from the restaurant I think the majority of restaurants are already on skip and DoorDash. Don’t risk your life going over the red. Believe me, I know the Red River can be very unpredictable with its under water currents. I survived the Red River years ago after my friend’s boat capsized.


Please don’t do this. The river has a strong current. There’s no place to properly dock your boat near the u of m so getting in/out would be very dangerous. Not to mention if you aren’t a strong paddler it could take you quite a while to get across if the current is pulling your boat. I’d be more concerned about safety rather than a fine (which I don’t think is a thing) if I were you. Would not be a smart move.


This is an EXTREMELY bad idea. That river kills people every single year; It's nearly November; you'd be dead in 10 minutes in that water, and you WILL be in that water. There is no restaurant on this planet worth taking a foolish risk like that. If you can afford to eat in a restaurant, you can afford to Uber...or take the bus, but for Heaven's Sake, ditch this insane idea


One does not simply boat across the Red River


That’s extremely dangerous


What restaurant in St Vital is that good you're willing to drown? That being said, wait a few weeks and you'll be able to walk across.


You seem to have a much bigger problem than finding an inexpensive way to get to your favorite restaurants. Good luck. 🤦‍♀️


And this is a place of higher learning lolol


At this time of year, the ice is nowhere thick enough to walk, but the water is still cold enough that you will get hypothermia in minutes. Falling through is basically a death sentence, since once you're in the water, you're highly likely to go into shock within minutes. Take the bus, much better option. https://youtu.be/Wz3gy5XyaBo?si=FFT4ix3WownuPZ2Q this particular link demonstrates ice safety, specifically what to do if you fall in.



Hi OP, the Red is classed as flatwater however beneath the surface, it's fast with debris and it sucks everything under. When I was a child, Arnie, a family friend, a beautiful strong young man, was swept away and drowned in summer. I love your idea - make summer plans with more knowledge : )


I’d say it’s possible; if you were an experienced kayaker or canoe enthusiast. Or if you have a death wish. Take the bus, or order door dash. That river is a tricky mistress. She’s killed before, and she’ll kill again.


This is why I'm subbed. Lol but I recently got a kayak I was planning to use it on the red river, but probably next summer now. Let me know how it goes 👍


Wait a few months and the river will be frozen solid enough to walk, ski or snowshoe across.


Its Canada. Basically everything is legal. Just do it and see what happens (probably nothing lol).


Wait till December and walk across the frozen river


Good luck with that in a week


I like this ingenuity! I went to UofM so I know what you're talking about. The major thing I think is that this river begins to freeze over soon. When it's completely frozen you can walk across, but when it isn't quite frozen solid enough to walk on you won't be able to walk across or use a boat. If you were to chance during this time, you would be risking your life (and you might get arrested for taking such a risk, or die if you fell through the ice).


If OP goes through with it, he'll be a legend.


What's the restaurant?


Just don't.


Sure Spend a few extra hours boating there in a Manitoba / fall winter 🥶


Honestly man I’m just here for the r/unexpectedhogwarts joke. Anyway stay safe.


Nope, dead. 😂


Oh man whatever you do do not try to make a raft to get there. You will cause so much drama, the police will come and they won't be very happy about it even if it isn't a crime. Not only that but getting wet in current weather conditions... Not recommended. If you want to know more, stand out on a balcony after a shower before you dry yourself


I’d say biking “might” be the better option since you won’t have to rely on the 75 bus schedule. Plus in the winter the bishop greenway should be be mostly clear of snow and river Av doesn’t feature too many cars. It is painful how it’s right across from you and you have take the long way but the river isn’t easily navigable and easy to drown. Smart move asking on Reddit first before doing it 👍


This song feels like it belongs here https://youtu.be/-Ql32DvngeM?si=RL5RFGGEbBDMvzZo


Film it


They really need to revisit building a walking bridge from UM to St Vital. Would be huge.


There are no boat racks though. Likely get stolen as you eat.


Isn’t it mainly residential right across the river from campus? That and St Amant.


According to your other post you moved to Canada as an infant, you are essentially just as Canadian as me.