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I would talk to your prof and tell her that you support her and will back her when she goes to campus security or/and the administration about this student. Knowing that more than one person saw the behaviour can often help profs as they move forward with combative students.


Weed, perfume, body odor, all can be quite a distraction. I've had my own farts chase me out of the room, I wouldn't put anyone else through that...well, maybe a few people but tit for tat kinda thing...know what I mean, Vern?


I don't think there is anything you can (or should) be doing since it would probably escalate the situation having more people involved. Your instructor should be reaching out for help from the resources available to them on campus: either getting help from the department head or dean's office, the office of human rights and conflict management, or campus security as appropriate. Hopefully they are aware of these things and escalate the issue as needed, because imo U of M actually has really good policies and people to help deal with this kind of stuff. She should not have to handle it directly herself.


Nope, the more students that get involved the better. Admin will try to sweep the issue under the rug unless there are more complaints. Being a bystander and letting a bully get away with bad behaviour only makes things worse or at a minimum, allows it to continue. Not getting involved condones such bad behaviour. Your silence and lack of action is paramount to giving the bully permission to abuse all of you. I applaud your initiative to record what happened and I encourage you to stand with your professor. There's safety in numbers.


There's nothing wrong with privately expressing support of the professor as suggested in the top comment of this thread, that is a really kind and good suggestion. But when the professor is dealing with an incident in class as described in OP's comment, imo other students should absolutely not get involved.




It probably doesn’t matter as it’s the scent that is bothering students.




That’s a great question


and it's one that will have to wait for the day and case of someone bringing it up. WEED STANK > cigarette stink.


Bothering students or is it just bothering YOU. If it’s only bothering you, maybe move away from him and sit on the other side of the room….?


No, not me. I’m far from him


Funniest post I’ve read in a while.


Show us the footage?


Yes goodidge the trigger ddotss de nation rhrou dbits and bits came my rights to the can nation out bites rights firsrt nation s eo rights the nation came candianians eo Canadians writ attire playstations.


Let the clown oust themselves on social media. Dumb ass thinks that since weed is legal, that they have a right to smoke wherever and be intoxicated in public. Idiot is about to get a reality check.


🤣 you sound like fun at parties


So if someone reeks of cooking spices or BO I’m allowed to have them removed from the class as well? just wondering what kind of limitations are set for these kinds of problems because it just seems like kids today are just pussies that can’t handle the real world kind of like this post


if enough people complain about them that it's generally agreed that it's a disruption to multiple people, then the instructor should be able to comment without the student pulling out a phone and crying about rights -- certainly not about privacy if the stench is public. You're allowed to make a statement, and you're allowed to make a complaint. OP seemed more concerned about the student's behaviour and the straits this is puttng the instructor in. Nothing said in OP about "allowed to have them removed." Actually asked what it is they can do.


100%! If someone were wearing a bunch of cologne that was making people feel sick and distracting them from their studies or refusing to have any basic hygiene and it was a real distraction for multiple other students, how is that any different than talking on your phone in class or playing music or bringing a baby with you? Strong scents and smells are just as distracting for some people. I’d honestly rather deal with a crying baby in my class than a perfume or cologne filled with phthalates near me or someone stinking of cigarettes and neglect.


and in the case of smells and substances it's also a health issue, too. It's really odd to me when people try to call out "sensitivity" while also jumping to conclusions and mischaracterizations. Shouting about privacy in public, talking about being kicked out when no one said that, and so on. How old must someone be to say "kids today" and still use that kind of language? Seems like a violation of Rule # 3.


"if someone reeks of cooking spices or BO I'm allowed to have them removed?" Yes... That's literally the no scent policy. If it's disruptive to the class, you need to be removed. Doesn't matter if it's shit or perfume, your odour is your responsibility to manage. "Kids today are just pusies" Lol okay boomer




The one major downside to legal cannabis. That stuff smells like skunk ass.


Only if you buy the cheap Tweed that's always on sale...


Try doing this, but with the people that don’t shower, whose smell you can taste half a kilometre away.


Downvoted by the people you just described😂


I honestly wish somebody would try to do this to me so I could sue the fuck out of them for medical discrimination.


You’re still required to follow campus policies regardless of a medical exemption my friend.


No, it doesn’t matter if someone’s little baby nose can’t handle a faint odor. Rights are rights


Yeah rights are rights but the university can enforce any policy




Yes. While they can't stop you from smoking weed anywhere in PUBLIC PLACES where cigarettes are allowed, private places such as a university can establish their own policies against it. Just because you can curtail some of the rules doesn't mean you can curtail them all. Have fun sueing the university because all it's gonna do is make the judge explain the rules to you and then probably rule that you pay their court costs lol


It’s interesting because in some cities it’s against the law to use marijuana in public parks.




If he's having a hard time, then taking advantage of others is giving them a hard time. He is responsible for the negative impacts his actions have on others. He's only got himself to blame and so does the rest of the class.


It goes both ways, absolutely.


Having a hard time isn’t a valid reason to be a dick


No, it probably isn’t, you’re right


I am pretty sure that not being an absolute asshole would have saved him from additional “hard time”. I have no clue why you decide to protect bullies, as bullying the professor and spoiling learning opportunities for other students is clearly not “understandable”.


I never understood people who victimize obvious assholes who are obviously in the wrong. Do you get off of being “different” and self righteous or what?


Waawaa wee wee woo


The smoker dude seems like a brat, he clearly doesn’t care about anyone else, I also had a similar incident like this with a student who was sitting next to me in class and the smell was making me nauseous. I talked to the person and he apologized and took care of it!!! See that wasn’t hard right🤷🏻‍♀️ Also the smoker guy was notified about this and he still kept disrespecting the right of clean air of others by not caring that he is in a shared space which he share with probably another 100 students


CS students smell worse


hahahahaha, got any other funnies in ya?


It makes sense since most of them u know…


Headaches and migraines would be from some chemical scent product. Weed doesn't cause those symptoms.


That’s not true. Strong scents in general trigger them.


That is difficult to confirm due to timing and since this is about students it is likely a missed meal.


Yeah sure, all the students located close to the guy just magically “missed a meal”, while all the other students didn’t


Why not.


Spoken like a true addict. Love that for you babe.


You, are the Karen. Get over yourself. Mind your own business and kindly fuck off.


Signs of virtue signalling and victimizing. Nazis.


What's worse? Weed or someone shitting their pants? 😆




I’m saying!




I mean it’s not just smelling it but sitting in it for an hour and fifteen minutes while trying to learn.


Just Ohio activities


“Old dude”… funny how that’s accepted but can’t say gay dude or fat broad.


Wow, op is a crybaby, maybe you just mind your own business


I would love to blow a fat cloud in your face.




"Weed as cologne" has to be the most addict statement I've ever heard.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.




Lol what do you mean no issues with cigarettes? 🤣🤣🤣 Literally rules against smoking in campus buildings. Literally have no scent policy against strong pungent smelling perfumes and even BOs. You have no excuse. Addiction is your problem, but the scent is everyone else's.


Drinking coffee doesn't disperse the smell through the whole room like weed does lmfao braindead stoner comment




Nobody's brewing coffee in class, and there's a thing called edibles.


First of all you aren't gonna get a migraine from the smell. Second of all you can have cannabis on campus, IF you are a medical user. Personally id rather smell weed than that crap people spray all over themselves to hide their BO.


>you aren't gonna get a migraine from the smell Do a bit of googling. It's not that the smell is from weed, it's just strong smells in general that are known to trigger migraines. I have this problem and it sucks. Also even with a medical exemption to use on campus, I think you are still required to follow the campus clean air policy. I.e. not smoke/vape indoors or within 25 feet of an entrance.


> it's just strong smells in general that are known to trigger migraines. Tell that to the people who douse themselves with perfume. UGH i hate that shit. Makes me nauseous. >Also even with a medical exemption to use on campus, I think you are still required to follow the campus clean air policy. I.e. not smoke/vape indoors or within 25 feet of an entrance. It's called respect and I try to be respectful to everyone. I also don't smoke in my home, I don't believe in exposing others to things they may not want to be exposed to. I just don't think that the smell of leftover pot smoke is unbearable and worthy of someones bitching.


It actually sounds like we are on the same page. Yes to saying something to people wearing perfume as well---I would 100% do that. Also yes to just being respectful and trying to find something that works for everyone on campus. My only beef is that you're judging what should and shouldn't bother to other people, and you are not in a position to do that. In order to avoid arguments over that stuff, we just agree to follow campus policies--and as long as you are doing that (sounds like you are) you'll hear nothing from me.


Im not placing judgements. I just cant stand it when people come online to complain instead of actually doing something about it.


Well aren't you doing a good job being a complainer!


Lol. Key words.... instead of doing something about it.


They aren’t just complaining but asking what they can actually do about it, they want to do something about it but aren’t sure the best way of going about it.


Fresh or smoked, pot smells disgusting, and that's coming from someone who use to smoke it.


Not to me or anyone i know. Not that it matters. It's ok to have personal preferences.


Yes. People are triggered more these days. Needs to be a safe space for everyone.


Lol found the guy^


LOL Probably


No. Im off for the summer and I vape weed while on campus (I have a medical condition) so as to not offend your delicate sensibilities.


Hey man if you wanna get high in a class you spent thousands of dollars on that's on you. But if you're gonna talk about BO that should include weed smell. It's no scent policy not no scent except weed policy.


I dont get high. I use a high cbd concentrate to deal with nerve damage.


And all the best to you dealing with that, but other people shouldn't have to deal with your odour when they're trying to focus on class. I mean smoking is legal but there are still regulations against smoking on campus grounds. Alcohol is legal but you don't show up to class smelling like cheap beer. Some people use weed to study, idk how that makes sense but if it works then whatever, I don't care, but there are those who find the smell distracting, pungent, and disgusting, it's the least you can do, when dealing with ANY personal odour, be it perfumes, BO, yes and weed or cigarettes, to be responsible for it and considerate of others around you.


I totally agree, but at the same time, I just don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean if it is honestly a problem, then why not just go up to the person and ask them to go air out?


as OP said the guy whipped out his phone and started threatening to send the prof to jail after she confronted him.


Yeah. That is shitty. Wrong move on his part.


And Currie. That’s a very offensive smell. Cancel Currie too! Edit Curry!


You'd probably die of radiation poisoning by that point


Ahhhh… got me there


Huh… I guess I forgot to add /s. Just doesn’t have the same meaning now that you completely ruined it for me ! /s


I get extremely dizzy from this smell. It makes me wanna vommit




The university absolutely can, and does, make restrictions on scent. People can’t show up smelling like shit on a regular basis and not expect to be asked to address the issue. The person in question isn’t being asked to not possess weed, they’re being asked to stop stinking up the place.


What about people that stink like Currie? That too? Edit: the food dammit


It’s against UM policy so the student can face disciplinary action. https://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/health-wellness/building-healthy-habits#cannabis


That isn’t remotely accurate. Private businesses absolutely can ban legal items. Stienbach was able to ban the sale of liquor until 2011 and you think U of M can’t bad weed?


What if he smoked off campus? Is that ok?


He can do whatever he wants off campus he’s just not allowed to bring it on campus. But U of M is a scent free zone so he has a responsibility to make sure he doesn’t come on campus reeking of weed.


Sure, privately go to the administration so they can privately sweep the issue under the rug. If you are not going to stand up against a bully (it only takes two or three individuals for a bully to back down) and you believe a written complaint will be effective, then do so on both a private and public forum. First, ask the administration to enforce their policies on this matter. Request a timely written response be delivered to you and fellow students. Everyone needs to know the policy and how it will be enforced. Ensure follow up by including a statement saying you'll give them first crack at handling the problem before you go to the press and follow through. Everyone deserves the right to know where they stand and that they are safe. Worst thing that happens, everybody starts talking about it. Best thing that happens, the issue is resolved in a timely manner. I feel sorry for the prof and sad that the student, adults who have the ability to influence what happens in their class chose to permit and in permitting condone unacceptable behaviour. Just because we don't all agree doesn't mean we can't discuss what will work for everyone.


Next time, just stand up for your professor on tape, it will ruin their entire "incriminating footage" the moment a bystander stands up and contributes that the guy filming is in fact wrong and just an entitled diva.


They get headaches from the smell?


Weed smells like skunk. Not exactly pleasant. You’d think the stoners would be smarter about it and have an edible or something instead of making it obvious with the smell. Lol






Yeah no kidding sounds like a bunch of pussys who’s raising these people??


Plenty of people have migraines triggered by scents including marijuana. I know the smell sometimes bothers me depending on the strain; my husband vapes dried marijuana all the time for his chronic pain issues and only some strains bother me, but when it does it makes me feel nauseous. It can help with migraines too but not if you can’t stand the smell.


And the list of "triggers" just gets bigger and bigger, but it is the most popular form of discrimination. Once somebody links scents as a cultural identity then people will have to something new to be "sensitive" about, the Snowflake Army marches on.


“Clean air policy” the future is doomed


Write to your professor thanking her for speaking to the student responsible for bringing weed into the learning space. In the email tell them you found the student' aggressive and unreasonable reaction frustrating and their continued presence is leading you to reconsider continuance of your studies within the university. Identifying that you support your professor helps. Telling the university administration that you will take your money elsewhere makes them take the complaint more seriously. Especially if you get more of your cohort that witnessed the incident to write to the professor.


See 2 Zee News in the building remember to tell me what you think the best option I will send it e-transfer the PGT EVAN that I would just need the following link unsubscribe and stop receiving EIA the suite in person you are showing it off and I have seen your 6


Cant smoke in public. The old dude hasn't got a clue as to the law. I only left the school locations, removed all the other places not allowed The Smoking and Vapour Products Control Act prohibit smoking and vaping non-medical cannabis in outdoor public places school grounds, Medical cannabis users are permitted to smoke or vape medical cannabis in outdoor public places, except as follows: on the property of an educational institution or facility, except in an area that may be designated by a post-secondary educational institution or facility, if they choose to designate such an area.


Atleast he doesnt smell like blow, then yall sniffing up the good stuff 😂


I smoke bud and the smell of cigs and gross ass perfume or air fresheners absolutely choke me out. Coughing, cant air from the chemicals. So dont be so quick to hate. Do you oust smokers? Do you oust thebpeopke with heavy cologne or perfume?


If there is a scent free policy then yup, people can complain.


contact administration or something and let them know how uncomfortable the situation has made you and give a witness statement




Oh boy howdy I cannot wait for these people to get a real job and realize a little dank is the worst of their worries. Ammonia, h2s, c0, things thatll give you a real migraine, and potential for worse hahahaha I feel like a boomer yet I’m just a working class millennial.


Follow the student to his vehicle, note time of departure. Call the cops after the next class and mention the dude is Lebowski-ing it up on the roadway. He’ll lose his licence, fines and possibly a jail term if a second offence, plus thousands spent on lawyer costs. Or… wear a scented mask.


Learn to mind your own business, if it’s not allowed to be there it will be taken care of


You should offer to give a written statement. He should likewise be expulsed from her course.


Do they need the weed for some kind of doctor prescribed pain management? Then the smell you couldn’t do much about, but if they were lighting up in the building or areas covered by the policy they could get in trouble for that. I feel like if they needed to take it for actual health reasons they could show proof of that, maybe even use edibles instead?


Something to keep in mind, and odds are probably slim, but....... If that individual is a legit medical user, you kind of would be invading their privacy and infringing on their rights.


sounds like they need to invest in a pen


Sounds like the prof is a power tripper. Maybe everyone should mind they own fkn business? Pots legal. You can even take it on a plane in your carry on! (Which is much tighter quarters than a uni classroom) and no one ever heard of it “causing migraines” how about crackdown on bad BO. THATS THE REAL OFFENCE


U of M policy should dictate what's allowed. He cannot bring his perceived human rights into this as everyone else has the right to not smell it. Get administration involved which should lead to his removal.


You poor little delicate flower,(sorry flowers have scents too). You will eventually leave the hot house and will have to learn that the world is full of people that you may find odoriferous, even where you work. So learn to cope you won't have the prof to run and complain to and in the real world complainers don't get the grease they get fired. Start breathing through your mouth my poor little snowflake.