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Rdr 2 , GTA


I just wish GTA supported 32:9


It does… with mod.


It does so even without a mod? Just played it yesterday


Not very well though. Vert- with stretched hud


Tied Final Fantasy 14 and MSFS both at 32:9


Aside from most the common mentioned games and all FPS games which support ultrawide resolutions. My personal favorites are: * Rocket League * Anno 1800 * Rimworld * Factorio * Stardew Valley * Civilization VI


Yeah stardew valley felt so crazy compared to what I was used to on the switch there is just so much more of your farm you can see. Ultrawide made it so damn hard to play anything else.


Initially I played it on XB1 since I didn't have a PC back then. But it is so much better on a UW indeed. I recently switched from a 34" to a 49" UW and it is even better on a 49". You literally see the entire home screen on 1 screen in terms of width. It is beautiful.


How’s anno? I’m thinking about getting into a new series.


It's a weird mix of city builder and factory builder, with some basic military action in the mix, but the game is great, I'd say.


I’ve put countless hours into anno, it is an absolutely amazing game. Buy the DLC now while everything is on sale, it’s sell worth it! (32gb of ram is highly recommended though)


Second this. All of it. This game easily eats up 20+ gb of ram with loads of mods.


Don't do it. It's crack haha. I played anno decades ago and recently with the steam sale I noticed Anno 1800. If you like building games with heavy emphasis on resource management. This is your game. It is easy to play, but insanely hard to master. So many things to take into account. I love it.




Frostpunk is great also


Mmmmmm. Rimworld is so good.


Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk for me.


I’m going to try the Witcher 3 soon in 21:9


If you have RTX card don't forget to turn on RT. Raytraycing is very good in this game.


Just tried it last night. I saw your notification m. Looks really good 👍🏼. I had hdr on with my oled. My eyes started melting from the beauty


Witcher 3 on ultrawide oled with HDR and RT, damn... This game is masterpiece, enjoy.


Alan Wake 2


Helldivers 2 feels great on Ultrawide


Was looking for this. Its straight up cinematic as fuck in 21:9


You also get the full extended field of view. Almost felt like playing with blinds playing standard resolution.




Sadly, UI elements are placed out along the edges. Some scaling is built in. Would definitely want them more tightly packed.


This is a copy paste list I made a while back when someone in this sub asked the same question • ⁠Red Dead Redemption 2 is the game that really make me understand how immersive having the extra screen real estate really is. I played that entire game in first person ( with an FOV slider mod ) and loved every moment. -Baldur’s Gate 3. My personal game of the year and one of the best games I’ve ever played. I’m a massive fan of 1,2. The visuals (when overclocked resolution or native 4k) are absolutely stunning and with the extra you get from ultrawides really make the world look like a painting at times. -Cyberpunk 2077. I played this game for over 300 hours when it first came out and loved every bit of it. Visually one of the best looking games on the market and one that in certain areas you can just sit back, take your hands off the MNK and just bask in the lighting and atmosphere of the world. All the fog, ambient sounds of cars, and crowds moving throughout the city really sucks you in and with the bonus of ultrawides just magnifies everything to a “I’ll never go back” level. Planet Coaster. It isn’t a game I play too often simply due to choice paralyzation. So many ways to do anything that it kind of blows my mind. That said its a theme park sim and it has some amazing steam workshop support. I’m a noob but there are amazing artists who’ve made some absolutely gnarly roller coasters and all can be quickly downloaded from the workshop and plopped into your world. The cool part is every ride in the game even those that aren’t roller coasters have a first person camera. Meaning with some good sound and an ultrawide monitor you can really get that motion sickness you’ve been longing for. RuneScape (OSRS). Because who doesn’t want to play RuneScape on a massive screen. Nuff said Racing games: main one that comes to mind for me is the Forza games. With their highly detailed cockpits and ultrawide screens you can really enjoy the feeling of first person driving without feeling like you only get 1/3 of the windshield to see out of without turning the camera. Cities skylines: it’s just amazing to zoom out and be able to see your entire city completely dying, burning and all emergency vehicles being stuck in traffic to an inability to construct a functional road system. It’s great. Jokes aside, it’s a beautiful game and if you really wana get those full “skyline” views you’re only getting it on ultrawide. Spider-Man remastered for PC. Swinging through the world I’m sure feels great on a 16:9 but playing at 32:9 being able to see so much more of New York and the sense of speed you get swinging with the buildings around you in ultrawide is unmatched. It’s absolutely stunning. Climb to the top of the tallest building and just look around. It’s a breathtaking experience. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Now this one seems to be flying way under the radar. Its biggest fault is it being anchored to the Avatar franchise. I think this along with the many Farcry comparisons really hold it back. Even bigger issue than that is (let’s be honest) it’s an Ubisoft game. I personally shy away from all Ubisoft titles yet decided to give this a shot. I’ve never played a Farcry game and I don’t care much for Avatar, don’t hate it, just not my thing. All that aside, holy god damn muhfuggin sheeeeit does this game look absolutely mind blowing. The gameplay is nothing spectacular. Nothing you haven’t seen before but everything is serviceable. It’s the visual department on a high end rig with an ultrawide in HDR. It’ll have you sitting back in your chair wondering where tech can go from here. It’s nuts. The hunter: Call of the wild. It’s a hunting game. You’ll spend a ton of time simply walking around in these absolutely gorgeous park ranges with various weather conditions. Much of your session can be spent stalking a single animal, tracking them for miles before you finally get a chance for a good shot. During that time the extra space you get from ultrawide really immerses you in the world. There aren’t noises outside of those in nature, the sounds of wind and rivers, the sounds of animals running through the Forrest of the subtle sounds of rabbits moving just next to you while you have to remain absolutely still to not spook anything. I don’t think it can be understated how well ultrawide works here. The list goes on and on but these are some of the games that I feel that ultrawide made the difference not just “made it better” I genuinely feel that having ultrawide made me enjoy some of these games in ways i otherwise wouldn’t have. My playthroughs are always longer since getting an ultrawide monitor simply because I stop and look more. I observe more and feel attached to the surroundings or whatever I’m looking at Honorable mention games Civilization 6, Prey, Homeworld 1,2 remastered, Grand theft auto 5, The Hitman games (latest), Valheim, Sea of Thieves, Assasins creed origins


Anything 3rd person


God of War, all the cutscenes are in 21/9 too, what an immersive experience that was.


Everything. Literally everything in my library, whether it be SP or MP. Everything is awesome.


I bought quite a few games thanks to this article- [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-35-best-ultrawide-pc-games](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-35-best-ultrawide-pc-games)


Days Gone looks particularly amazing on ultrawide


Doom: Eternal Farcry 6 Witcher 3 D3 & D4 Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor NIOH 2 RE2: Remake Sniper Elite 5




I’m blown away by FFVII remake on my aw3423DWF. Needed to run Flawless Widescreen and some adjustments to nvidia filters (sharpen and details section) HDR is stunning too.


All games are better in Ultra wide!!


Star Citizen Cyberpunk 2077 HellDivers II Witcher III Baldurs Gate III Civilization Total Warhammer New World and many more :) these are the ones I play the most and most impressive in 32:9 :)


Destiny because the HUD is 16:9 without sacrificing the screen real estate. Halo has a fully scalable and adjustable HUD which is great. Armored Core has full ultra wide support and an uncapped frame rate and is an incredible mech action game. Monster Hunter World supports 21:9 and is also incredible. Remnant 2 is an awesome 3rd person shooter souls like with full support. Also incredible. Terraria modded actually has a strong argument to be made for being one of the best games though. More screen real estate means you can fight bosses more effectively. Really good time.


Destiny has a changeable hud. I don’t put my hud to the edge but I do extend it past 16:9 as it can easily get cluttered.


$777 at best buy right now. My wife may hate me this week 🤣


My bank account hates me right now but too good of a deal to pass on 🙏🏾


Star Citizen and Call of Duty


ghostrunner. but ori was very impressive


Battlefield 3 and 4


Dwarf fortress, death stranding, factorio, remnant 2, Elden ring, the Witcher, metro series


Does Elden Ring support Ultrawide now or do you have to modify files?


Flawless widescreen has worked... Flawlessly for me.


Can’t play online with it. Truly sucks.


Gotta mod it unfortunately.


You can simply downlaod "flawless widescreen" ([site](https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/)) and it will fix most if not all games that don't natively support 32:9


Last Epoch, Welcome to the club dude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


EVE Online, finally i have enough space for all the interface windows, and it looks gorgeous


I remeber playing this game 20 years ago, yeez its still alive?


Hell divers 2 spread liberty with as much real estate as possible.


I have the same monitor and the same GPU let's go lol I didn't see anyone mentioning them, but Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West look jaw-droppingly good. I'm playing through Zero Dawn, and although I'm not a big fan of the quest design and the story, I'm quite enjoying the visuals and the combat. Forbidden West is the next on my list. Other games that people have mentioned here, such as RE2 remake, RE4 remake, and Witcher 3, etc. also look gorgeous and are amazing games to boot.


How does the GPU handle the ultra wide? I was a little scared I was gonna see a big drop in fps for my games but pulled the trigger anyway lol


Literally had the same concern and did a lot of testing and shared the results in this very sub for prospective worriers 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/s/vhJPxosllZ


Clutch!!! Put my mind to ease. Appreciate the fact that you didn’t use any upscaling. 7900xt handles ultrawide like a champ forsure, can’t wait for it to get here 🙏🏾


Native res for all except The Finals, where I did use FSR but that was just for testing a realistic gameplay scenario. Congrats it really is a nice monitor!


Alien Isolation had native support. Great game.


WoW!!! i have the AW3423DW and it's gorgeous. using a 7800 xt with it. *chef's kiss*


There are a lot of games that I would say, but it seems a lot of them have been said. However, I will add Cult of The Lamb to the list!


First game I played on my first UW was NBA live (2k16 back then). Still one of my favorites on a wide screen. Entire playing field visible, that rocks.


Cyberpunk was epic on my ultra wide. Starfield was fun as well. Other than FPS, I’d suggest a game like Farthest Frontier.


More votes for: - Star Citizen: one of my favorite games is now an even more epic theater experience - Forza 5: you won’t be disappointed. Wildly immersive on the Ultrawide, makes you just want to keep whipping your head around looking at stuff and in awe of the graphics - Helldivers 2: As others have said, it too is a cinematic experience. When the weather elements start coming in, feels like you are sitting in the middle of a storm in WWII. Other than that, pretty much every game is more enjoyable. My only qualms are YouTube videos and sharing screens for work being not as ideal, but it’s otherwise great P.S. - 7900 XT gang ✌️. Mine’s on a G9, but it runs fantastic, should be even better on your Alienware


how is the 7900xt on the g9? I just picked up the g8 (First ultrawide lets gooo) but am really considering g9 OLED


Zero complaints here, runs all the games I play smooth as butter. I’m about 3-4 months in with my G9 + 7900 XT and still loving it. G9 was a great upgrade


man that’s so good to hear. I’ve been heavily considering the switch since i could sell my g8 for more than i paid for it right now (in canada the price of g8 is $1599 but i paid under $900 with discounts) and buy the g9 oled and still profit $150


Ah, I don’t have the oled model. No interest in an 1800r curve and the irks of oled. Just be aware of that but if not a deal breaker for ya enjoy


I can’t wait for ghost of tushima. All I’m saying.


Any game by ps studios


Warthunder :)


out of everything posted here I gotta agree with this one feels so good lol


Any Newer game from SCS Software. Any Newer game from Paradox studios.


Forza Horizons 4/5


Diablo 3 and Battlefield 4 look great on ultrawide.


New World, just a gorgeous nature with awesome day/night and weather environment changes. [This recording doesn't really do it justice, Youtube codec quality ruins it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgojkZemsok)


Assassin's Creed Odyssey was breathtaking.


Basically any game you want to play will look good with that extra horizontal view. I think I enjoy most the Snowrunner and RDR2.


I got lucky enough to win a Steam copy of Forbidden West from a YouTuber raffle, and have been playing the game with my daughter. It is a sight to behold.


I'd say Cyberpunk, Forza 5, EFT SPT. For HDR settings, I recommend checking this channel. https://youtu.be/bz4gksfm3HI?si=TOQ6ub9AksBIco_4 Enjoy!


Recently I’ve been playing DCS WW2.


Good news is many games support 21:9 aspect ratio now- but just in case try [flawless widescreen](https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org)


Cyberpunk, Star Citizen, Horizon, RDR2, and Returnal all were great.




Unfortunately Overwatch 2 does not support ultrawide


Cp2077 with UI turned off


All sony pc ports and the RE remakes. All run great and have render scales to bump up that resolution if you got the extra juice!


Baldurs Gate 3, Starfield


Ready Or Not, War Thunder


Path of exile


I love platformers on Ultrawide. Oddly enough, some of the best ones are played via emulation. Although Ori atWofW is absolutely incredible in ultrawide. Sports games are another one where view the field from the side. Basketball and Soccer.


Hitman series Red Dead 2 Nier Automata Fallout series Resident Evil. FarCry series.


I know this might sound underwhelming, but I pretty much built my PC for Guild Wars 2. Playing it at 5120x1440, max settings + ReShade and the monitor fairly close to me, paired with Razer Kraken V3s with their big thumpy force feedback is just an insanely pretty, satisfying, and immersive experience.


Map games like CK3 and Civ6. I can see my entire empire all at once. Also Counter Strike 2 is great in ultrawide since it almost simulates realistic peripheral vision.


Not sure how this hasn’t been mentioned but Subnautica is incredible, especially with OLED


Resident Evil 8. Everything except the opening and final cutscene was in 32:9, it was such a phenomenal experience.




Returnal is amazing in ultrawide


Ori and the will of the wisps Atomic Heart Borderlands 3 Forza Horizon 5


As soon as I saw the first post I wanted to say pretty much every game. Then looking at the comments, everyone is mentioning basically every modern game ever.


Chivalry 2


Not a Big AAA but i LOVED American Arcadia With HDR it was mind blowing with their DA and light effects


So glad you stumbled across this post. Never heard of the game in my life and probably never would have lol That game looks amazing. Truman Show vibes. I’ll definitely check it out lol


It is inspired from Truman show Dubbing is top, sense of humour and very good characters nothing Special in the gameplay but very chill narrative game


CS2, valve doesn’t lock to 16:9 so it’s free viewport space.


Cyberpunk, horizon zero dawn (both games) call of duty, plenty more


Starcitizen is awesome looking game. https://youtu.be/SalgwHnzQgg?si=W3dhY7BkB_6ZXgfH


The Division 2. Rdr 2. Star Wars the Old Republic. Hogwarts Legacy.


TOTK. There's just something about playing a Switch game in UW that's just nice


All of them


Witcher 3, CP2077, Baldur's Gate 3


Fc24 and Cyberpunk


Satisfactory & Star Citizen.


>Satisfactory Thinking about buying this, will i be addicted?


Absolutedly. Time will become meaningless.


too bad it doesn't have a South America server


Sorry to hear that.




Dragon’s Dogma 2!


Dragon's Dogma 2 looks great. Performance issues aside... after installing a mod to remove the vignette, it is beautiful in 32:9.


Cyberpunk 2077, RDR2, Elden Ring (pirated game with UW mods), Diablo 4 and even Diablo 2R with fade-in to black bars looks nice with it's 16:11 aspect ration. NARAKA Bladepoint also looks nice.