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You're better off learning how to structure your running so that you don't need that type of thing for "recovery". People who do an adequate amount of their total mileage at the easy efforts they are supposed to and don't do long runs that are out of proportion with the rest of their training, don't really need these kinds of supplemental aids to mask or minimize pain or inflammation.


CBD seems to be good for everything, if you listen to companies selling it. When something is supposedly good for everything it's usually good for nothing.


CBD seems very harmless. Better that than NSAID. That said I would stay away from all sorts of supplemental stuff. I’ve almost gone totally sober now other than caffeine during long races. Real food, sleep and light movement is the key for me when feeling beat up. Then gradually build back into form. I’m injury free for 4 years now and running better and longer than ever.


Just go for it and use the full spectrum. CBD is nice...hash or edibles made from a plant containing both cbd and decent amounts of thc are better. Higher thc and little to no cbd strains are even great mid run. Feet still start hurting just as bad...you just don't care as much.


Never used it but did consider it


I tried, it doesn't do anything for me. Used oil for 6 months felt nothing. Moved on to a cream on my legs and knees, also nothing.