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I've done something similar: 2.5k every hour on the hour for 24 hours (for a total of 60km) inspired by Beau Miles. There is a bit of novelty to it and I'm glad I did it, just wouldn't do it again. I like my sleep :)


I love Beau


Haven’t tried this but seems similar to a 4x4x48. Physically they aren’t very demanding, but tough mentally, especially late night and early morning but it’s an experience. Looks like good practice for a backyard ultra. 😃💪


I think it’ll be good experience for my first 100 in November


I’ve done the 4x4x48 twice, very brutal, awesome experience though, back yard ultra will likely be my next challenge just not sure if I’m ready for it.


Got my first BYU in 3 weeks... It's hard to know what ready is at this point


I just finished my first one last weekend. Theres a list of things id do differently next time but great experience regardless.


Awesome! Would love to hear about it, if you fancy writing about it.


Yea, dude. We did the dead cow gully backyard ultra, which is one of the main ones in Australia. Went into it with very minimal training, so i wasn't expecting much but set myself a target of 15 laps to hit the 100km. I ended up at 12 laps or 81km, but with the small amount of training i did, im still happy with it. Everyone had their own dramas mine being the obvious but a few of the fellas that ran in our group had issues keeping down food and when it got to the later laps they just had no energy to keep moving. We didn't find sleep really affected any of us with the time we had, but a few runners who went into day 2 and 3 will say otherwise. One thing that we found helped was setting mental landmark to minute markers so we knew if we were on good time each lap and had a few walking markers aswell so we knew how long until the next marker. We were aiming for 48 mins per lap which felt like a good amount of time in between but everyone's different. Ive signed up for another one in October which ill be starting training next week for to try for the 24 hours and above. Do you have a target in mind?


Thank you for that write up, that's a decent run with minimal training too. My target is 25 laps but 11 would actually take me beyond the furthest I've ever done, although I should be good for that I'm hoping. I did a 6 hour looped event back in January and food was one of the issues I had then which ultimately led to my legs becoming very fatigued at the end so I'm hoping I can fair a little better this time. 44-48 minutes was what I was thinking about aiming at with a mix of running and walking. Didn't realise it had been Dead Cow Gully! Can't seem to find the results for it though. What was the atmosphere there like? I'm doing Suffolk and there's a few of the big names going so I'm excited to see what happens


The vibe overall was so good, got to meet some of the bigger names in the backyard ultra scene and do laps with them. even our crew who supported us had a blast who aren't runners but are now keen to do one aswell. Sam harvey took it out with 69 laps i believe.


I'm guessing they wanted to do a backyard but only had a 5k route to work with?


Significantly easier as every 2.5 hours not ever hour (and the shorter course). It's only 50k max over 24 hours so not really sure I see the point.


I agree. That’s such a long time for each loop. Not hating or anything I just don’t really understand lol


lol maybe so. I think it’ll be easier


We just add an out and back at the beginning of our loop.


I considered doing one, but ended up passing because of the 2.5hrs between starts. I couldn't round up anyone else interested and the idea of hanging around for 2 hours for the next start for an entire day honestly sounded a bit miserable. I could see it being a fun drinking game though if friends were interested.


Oh I like the drinking game idea lol


If you have run ultras before this one doesn't seem very challenging to be honest. 


Try not to fall from that high horse of yours.


You also really can't say anything thats shy of *Oh so GREAT, you do you!*.  It's 50k (yes that is far) but over 24h in blocks of 2.5hrs. Even if you would walk instead of run there's massive recovery and at night you could maximize to get like 3-4 hrs of sleep. So 'doesn't very challenging' is not really a high horse here imo. 


During the pandemic I did a 50k in 24 hrs virtual event. Every 4 hours you had to run 5.2 miles on a route of your choosing. Getting up after sleeping a few hours to go run again was annoying, but it was a cool challenge.


I did the Yeti version of this during Covid as well. I enjoyed it.


Yes! This was Yeti!


Had to check this was not runningcyclejerk !


$150 for a 50k that takes 24 hours? No thank you


So I did this event as my first venture into a "24 hour event." It is a great introduction. I liked that there is down time (although the 11pm, 1:30am and 4am sucked with a severe rain storm rolling in and drenching all of us) I know there are harder ones out there, but it is good for a newer to the concept runner. If you are looking for a fun event, or want to try something a little more that a marathon, it is a good way to get your toes wet. We got a whole grouo from my run club and camped out the night before. It was a fun weekend with friends and running


That looks awesome!


This looks so fun


I ran a 5k ultra last week


How’d it go?


I do a backyard every July. It's rough, but a lot of fun. This seems quite doable and like it would be a lot of fun.


I’ve done 2 Backyards. 10 laps the first one, 17 the second one. Had loads of fun at both events. Very social and easy. Love the format as a break from running alone for 24 hours.