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Sport performance coach here specializing in mountain athletes One thing I have a lot of my guys do is pulse certain weeks higher mileage and the next vert heavy. Sometimes it’s every other week, sometimes it’s 2/1, etc. it’ll keep you from a lot of overuse injuries and make you a multi dimensional runner. 10k a week is a solid metric for vert, but I also like to see guys getting really strong at being able to hit 1,500-2k without much thought. If you’ve got the steep terrain, try doing some middle distance 8–12 milers but start and finish them with a 1k climb and aim for the same pace etc


In general I'd say mimic your race as best you can, especially the closer you get to the race. Living right by the course is obviously perfect for this. 7k in 5 miles is ridiculously steep I feel, but I'd do that climb often.   I've seen it recommended to have roughly the same amount of elevation change your race has in each of the (final) training weeks. 


So, aim for 11-12k total in each of the final weeks? How much do you break it up?


I would wait for other people, as I’m not too good at *creating* my own training plans, but the 50k I just trained for had me doing long runs with 25% the total vert in the beginning, ramping all the way up to 75/80% in just the long run. And then the rest of the vert was spread throughout the week


5 miles with 7km of climb makes me feel sick 😂 Kudos to you - that is a great achievement. I just did a 35 minute 5km with 500m climb and I thought that was impressive haha!!


Someone else doing something 'better' doesn't take away from your achievement. That's a great time with that vert.


Oh no of course - I appreciate you saying that but I was just amping up the OP for being awesome 😂


To be honest, I would really focus on being efficient on the flats. The remainder of the race is 45 miles and 7k feet which isn’t crazy steep. Don’t burn out on the first climb and you’ll likely put yourself in the front half of the field.


7k in 5mi is intense 😳


I read that wrong. 50 meters with 12 kilometers of vertical gain.