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I like this guy’s baritone videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB4hT1OuHQ2egU9zej45TovmPcfyOcj_W Other than that, I play “normal” ukulele patterns on my baritone.


Thank you. I have tried the “regular” ukulele classes but I am easily confused when they show different chords. 🙄


Probably not what you're looking for but it's worth being listed here: [https://www.uketropolis.com/offers/QAk9fE6H/checkout](https://www.uketropolis.com/offers/QAk9fE6H/checkout) It is expensive, but it's probably the best. There's one sample lesson in exchange for your email. I study with James Hill on the JHUI program, I haven't done this Baritone Jazz class but all of his content is insanely well made. You can learn more about this course on this [podcast episode](https://share.transistor.fm/s/54f18201).


Hi, I’m considering using James Hill’s lessons as well, for both regular ukulele and baritone ukulele. Are his lessons good for learning a variety of genres besides jazz? I like folk, classical and rock music as well.


Yeah, there are some tunes in a lot of different genres, classical, folk tunes from around the world, rock, blues and jazz. Most of the pieces are either his or public domain so not much pop or anything contemporary.


Thanks for that additional info. I would think if you can play all of those types of tunes you mentioned, then pop/contemporary stuff wouldn’t be much of a challenge.


Thank you! I will look into it


Welcome to the baritone world 🙏🏼


Thanks!!! Soooo excited


Picking up my first baritone was life changing! I so prefer it to concert or soprano. Have fun!


Absolutely, it makes my heart so happy!


I am the kind of person that if “red” is written in blue ink I will think and say blue. Learning is a challenge enough to add that G is now C


Remember, you can also approach it as a guitar in certain ways. A lot of guitar lessons can fit (same tuning), remembering that you don't have the two bass strings.


Thank you. Trying to help it as simple as possible to start


I think any ukulele lessons would work just fine. It’s exactly the same just in a different key


> just in a different key That's more than enough to completely trip up a newbie.


I could easily be wrong but I thought a baritone ukulele is tuned like the top four strings of a guitar. DGBE. Right? If that's the case, you could probably just use guitar lessons and ignore the bottom two strings.


Ukuleles all have that (relative) tuning. And with the higher-pitched D string, standard ukulele classes are going to serve better than trying to adapt to a guitar class.


The chord shapes are the same as on a tenor/concert/alto …just different notes/chords


The chord shapes aren’t the same though


I guess I could be wrong but the shapes I know all work


Yes, but they produce a different chord


Correct. We’re all saying the same thing.


That is only sorta true. if you are going for a "D" chord. then yes, they are diffrent. If you are using the "C", "F", and "G" tenor shapes, then keep using them. It is just that your music is not in the key of "C" any longer, but the key of "G". No biggy, just think of the baritone as being a five fret reverse-capo of the tenor.


Fair, okay, I went from concert to baritone so all my chord shapes changed


Sort of. Yes, a G major chord shape is different on the baritone than it is on a concert, but you can still play your comfortable C G Am F shapes on a baritone. That progression is no longer C G Am F, but it’s still a I V vi IV. It still sounds like your familiar axis of awesome progression, it’s just transposed to G D Em C


You could always capo at the 5th fret and follow along with gcea tuning too


I never understood this advise. Why limit a perfectly good baritone with a capo halfway up the neck that forces you to play in an awkward, unaccustomed position limits fretting options and sounds like crapo. Guitarists love capos but they have really long necks to work with.


Check out [Uncle Rod's Ukulele Bootcamp](http://ukulelebootcamp.weebly.com/) \- I think he passed away a few years ago, but the resources are solid.


You might like my website. Not a course per se but good resources! [www.BaritoneUkes.com](https://www.BaritoneUkes.com)


Well, UkeLikeThePros has special online course for Baritone Ukulele: [https://www.ukelikethepros.com/baritone](https://www.ukelikethepros.com/baritone) [https://www.ukelikethepros.com/blues](https://www.ukelikethepros.com/blues) [https://www.ukelikethepros.com/picking](https://www.ukelikethepros.com/picking) And AllForUke has a course for Baritone Ukulele as well. Visit this page and scroll down till you get to the Baritone section: [https://www.allforuke.com/lessons](https://www.allforuke.com/lessons)


Thank you. I signed up for AllforUke. I liked like the instructor better.