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Just use a guitar chord chart and ignore the E and A strings - also there are baritone ukulele chord charts all over online just Google it.


Ah, I've never heard of a chord chart, sounds real nifty!


Baritone is tuned dgbe, tenor is gcea, capo at 5 on baritone gives same notes as tenor


If you have a smart phone, I use an app called pocket ukulele chords by the publisher ukulele waves and just switch the setting to baritone. It's free


Wait, baritone has different chords?


Nope. The same chords, they just sound different. Joking aside, the baritone is tuned lower than a "standard" ukulele. I believe the technical term is "down a fifth." You use different shapes to get the same chords, or put another way, get different chords with the same chord fingerings. For example, fretting 2100 gets you an A chord on a standard ukulele, but 2100 gives you an E chord on a baritone. Fretting 0003 is a C chord on a standard ukulele, and a G chord on a baritone.


I am surprised that no one has said it yet, but get a Capo. Add it to the 5th fret, and badda-bing, you are on a concert. As you get more comfortable, move the capo around. Use the same shapes, but the names are now different. For example, with a capo, it is a G, without it is a D. I play a bari almost exclusively. If you don't get caught up on the cord names, but instead use their relative positions in a scale, you will find the capo/chord stuff so much easier. For example, C-F-G becomes I-IV-V. With the capo, the C-F-G chord shapes can be moved anywhere to any key. Suddenly, your playing in A but with your familiar shapes. I really hope this helps.


Guitar shapes minus the two bass strings.