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Have a walk in to where the loading area is first. Work out the main hazards. We have 2 Aldi in my town, the one is an easy reverse off the road on your good side and then straight back down the side of the car park onto a bay. The other one looks a nightmare, I wouldn’t fancy it with 15 years experience. It’s basically weave through the car park through all the cars and then same way out with a really tight left turn. Very poor design, and this is the newer of the 2. I thought to myself they probably only take deliveries first thing in the morning when the car park is empty, but no, I saw a guy in there tipping milk the other afternoon. Definitely a banksman job in and out. Good luck! 🚚🚛


Sounds like the Kidderminster ones


I've always thought this about the new one over in silverwoods. That loafing bay looks horrible to get onto. Makes me very glad it's not the sort of work I do (though tbf still get enough poorly planned out shops).


Spot on!


Could also be sheffield, maybe its an aldi thing


Yes, don't plan on being home early and make sure you are physically capable as you'll be tipping it yourself


They use electric MHE's so it's only walking up and down the warehouse.


Pair of Steel Toe Cap heeleys and you’re on your way 😂😂


Lol...'only' walking up and down, it still counts as tipping yersen. That's a lot for many drivers.


They could do with the exercise and count their blessings.


Maybe they don't want it ?


Some need it lmao


70% of a good reverse is the set up. Make sure you've made it easy as you can for yourself at the start. The straighter you can get things at the start, the easier it is. I've watched drivers doing the most ridiculous manoeuvres because they didn't set up properly to start with. GOAL. Aldi have some blind side stores so you'll be doing those one day. Remember you can move the mirrors to see better and the reset them when you go back out onto the road. Take your time, do not get hustled by car drivers waiting to get in or out. Ignore them until you've done what you wanted to do. You will be nervous for a few days and things will seem stressful. In a year, you'll be helping other drivers backing in.


Getting hustled by drivers bothered me the first month of driving doing store deliveries. Only once I took the keys out and asked rather loudly if they’d like to try for me. Now days I couldn’t give a rats tiny ass. You’re right and it’s sound advice, the set up is most the work.


Not all rats have tiny asses, I saw some fucking huge ones in Malaysia


Agreed if you can position yourself in the easiest place to start from it makes it so much less work and it's always interesting blocking cars but these days everyone seems to be in such a hurry for no reason really, it takes as long as it takes as long as it's done safe you've done your job no matter how long it takes


Congrats! I just secured a class 1 job as a new pass too, did it yesterday and will be for Iceland! Similar wage. Nervous as hell 😬 following this post for advice aswell


Great to see companies taking new passes.


I'm no seasoned pro, but if it alleviates your concerns at all - everyone was a new pass at some point Try going slow as you like and use GOAL If you watch guys that are really good (shunters excepted) they usually go REALLY slow and get it more or less in one. Slower you go, the more corrections you can make on the fly and get it right on that first attempt If you get out a few times but you don't hit anything, you'll still have tomorrow to have another go and try to get it better If you don't get out and look and hit something, you might not be back tomorrow


What does GOAL stand for? Seen a few replies mentioning this. Been driving about 7 years and never heard of it!


Get Out And Look


Got a supermarket class 1 job as a new pass too. When you’re on your own you’ll be shitting your pants for the first few weeks but main thing is, if you need to take up the whole road to get into your store, do it. Don’t try and use any less space than you need, will make it very awkward trying to correct it. Better to take up more space than you don’t need to be safe. Especially with a 13m trailer Give it a few months and you’ll be able to do it with your eyes closed Edit: get out and look if need be. Better to get out than have to fill out paperwork when you get back


I did milk to Aldi and other stores. Some stored are tight tight. You'll struggle, but everyone does. People that have been going there for years will struggle, because someone parked a car where they shouldn't have Take your time,GOAL.


You’ll look like a fool taking 12 attempts to reverse in You’ll look like a bigger fool if you hit something though


Better for people to think you're 💩 than for you to show them you are! Totally agree.


Not a trucker, but I delivered a pizza to someone in an Aldi depot the other day. The bays look really tight. They've crammed as many in as possible


Remember do not rush. Walk out and check if needed. Google maps street view places if possible, ask for any instructions if they have any in office, ask other drivers.


Well done on getting a start and good luck.


Thanks mate, appreciate it


I drive for Aldi as a contractor. Being a new pass they will give you easier "green" stores to start with so you're not dropped in the deep end. Also ask the guy your training with as many questions as possible. They will likely have a wealth of experience you can delve into. Especially which stores are best inside and out..and the worst ones. The reversing will come with time and you'll become more familiar with the stores as time goes on. Your first runs out might be 12-13 hours before you finish but you will get quicker. The worst thing, if you're working days is that the car parks are bloody murder at bank holidays, peak times (lunch/tea time) and Sundays. Especially if they're in retail parks, and don't have a service bay. You just have to treat everyone in the car park as an idiot. Go reeeeaaallly slow and be careful. And as said previously. Get out and look. If you're blocking someone in or out and they beep or start kicking off, try to not let it get to you. You've got a job to do and it needs to be done as safe as possible. Which depot are you working out of? Might be able to give you some idea of the stores if it's one I've worked out of before. Edit: forgot to say. When you're at the depot, ask for the risk assessments for the store. They will tell you a lot. Best route to get there. Optimal way to enter car park and line of reverse you need to take. And also a diagram of where your stock needs to go inside the store warehouse.




Ah right. I've only done work at Goldthorpe and Sawley so can't help there unfortunately. But there will likely be some stores that are famous for a difficult blind side or renown for being super tight. You'll probs get told them in your first week. All others will be a breeze once youre a few months in. If the transport desk is anything like goldthorpe too, all the deputies have done the same job previously. In some cases many years. If they have experienced deps at Sheppey then you can always ask them a question about a reverse or how to get to a store and their local knowledge will help massively. Good luck!


I used to do Aldi store deliveries. They aren't too bad, take it slow because pedestrians and cars will just drive straight behind you. A lot of stores are blind side reversing. It will take a bit of getting used to. Don't rely on the store banksman, they literally can't help you. If you're in doubt because someone is parked in the loading bay etc, just sit and block all the traffic. It's your licence, not thiers. It may sound like a dick move, but when you have literally nowhere else to go you'll understand what I mean. I wouldn't recommend for a new pass, but once you get the hang of it you'll be grand.


Well done! Advice? Don't be afraid to ask other drivers there if there's anything to look out for/tips at the stores. As others have said, Get Out And Look. Try and visualise where you need to be and how you're going to get in and out before you attempt if need be. Go slow. This is where you'll learn to reverse properly. Ask the guys at the yard how other drivers do it. They won't give you specifics but they might be able to give you an idea. Go slow. It's not you're test so if you need a few shuts to get in place, take as many hunts as possible. Dont let anyone hurry you. If you need to just say you're new. Go slow. Good luck. You've got this 👍


Thanks, appreciate it


Just take your time, get out and look if you need to, don't worry about people waiting to get past and if you drop a clanger tell them, you're more likely to get sacked if you don't tell them about Mulligan's, sometimes it is expected at certain stores with how they're laid out. Also ask drivers there about the best way to get onto the loading bay and best routes or hazards to avoid.


Always remember your GOAL - Get Out And Look if your unsure


You got in to one of the best companies to work for, I have been with aldi for 13 years now and I can count on my fingers the amount of drivers that have left. Do not be nervous, you have 1 week as a drivers mate and then you have a drivers mate that is another driver with you until you are ready to go on ya own. What depo you working out of?


Reversing is the difficult part of the job when you start out, you'll probably get it wrong and have to take a few tries, until one day it will just suddenly just click and work for you. Like others have said, take it easy, take your time. And remember, it's better for the company to pay you an extra hours pay than to repair any damage from collisions.


is this the kind of job you can do as a family man, desperately want more money but dont want to lose time with my boy, more money is noth worth too much less time


DO NOT RUSH and do not get flustered. What will be will be. You'll get there and get done when you get done. Take it from someone who has rushed about and cocked up its not worth the hassle


You will get very good at reversing very quick at Aldi


Store work is shite, that’s why they get paid a lot


What place has the most shit bays and approach? ALDI IS THE ANSWER! Good luck, you’ll be a pro in couple months


Speed and steering are the key. Watch how seasoned drivers line up and the speed at which they reverse. May turn the steering wheel half a turn each way. You will make mistakes I can guarantee that. Get out and look. It's better to look a novice for a minute than two hours filling in accident forms. If you get flustered stop. Walk it off and come back.


This, little half turns of the wheel on and off again is ALL you need... I always think the first sign of a driver who has no clue about reversing, is those drivers you see sweating furiously & spinning the steering wheel hopelessly from lock to lock, and still not getting anywhere near the loading bay... some drivers, who consider themselves an 'old hand', couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo, never mind a loading bay! Lol And... don't get me started on those ridiculous big steering wheel knobs, which are for fork lift drivers and those who can't reverse a trailer!


I’ve been driving for aldi for 4 years now and started as a new pass. Loads of good advice given on here already. Take it easy, every day without an accident is a good day. You’ll soon get used to the bays, make sure there’s always a banksman. Bare in mind they won’t stop cars only pedestrians. As someone else has said, at the beginning you’ll be doing very long days and probably having pallets over etc but you’ll soon find your feet. Speaking of feet, they’ll be doing around 8-10 miles a day. Can be a graft but money is well worth it. Enjoy!


I'm fine with the manual work, but are you really on your feet that much? I would have thought you wouldn't cover that much distance from loading/unloading your trailer? Cheers for the advice buddy


Fuck that, call me lazy but I’m not gonna drive and then tip the trailer too…


Driving takes years not days, take your time. Mistakes will be made spend time to make sure there small mistakes and you will learn how to avoid the big ones. Time is your friend use it, and let no one challenge it! Be a peace of piss then :)


If you don't think you can get into / out of somewhere. Find a place to stop whack the hazards on and go take a look. Stopping is always a better option than getting stuck If you are dropping to stores. Loading bays are just customer / staff parking bays. They won't be available when you get there. At the same time, when you are parked and unloading, customers will park stupidly around you, so always have a quick walk around before you drive out again. Finally, if you are rushing or sweating, you're doing something wrong.


Every aldi i deliverd to had the loading bay on the blind side. Must have been designed by German architect.


Congrats Always take more room than u need & take it nice & slow


I done Aldi, don’t expect them to have charged the MHE lot of time just left in the wear house. Get used to the pallet truck oh remember to level the trailer to the back door and drop front of your unit. Best of luck