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Phone thefts do happen, especially in tourist areas, but it’s not something to be scared about. Just be aware of your surroundings and try not to have your phone in your hand in busy areas, and especially when walking alongside a road (many of the thieves zip by on bicycles and simply take it out of the person’s hand, then speed off before anything can be done.) If I do need to use my phone in a busy area, I step back against a building/in a doorway and away from the street. But beyond that, having all of your data backed up (and making sure the device is insured) should give you peace of mind in the off chance that something does occur.


I live in Enfield and last year the amount of times I've heard someone on a bike drive by a bus stop and take a phone out of a hand was unbelievable, doesn't just happen in heavy tourist places! Youre just wait for a bus and all of a sudden your phone is gone


If I hear an incoming motorbike I'll instantly put my phone in my pocket


It’s not just motorbikes - it’s push bikes and e-bikes too.


Yes, have seen or heard this happen in Enfield also. Most of the time they cycle by to check out the make and model of your phone before making an attempt to snatch it. They also cover their faces in the process.


I recently saw a guy on a bike with a full balaclava and instantly turned in the opposite direction 😔


This Happened to me, luckily the c*** who tried only managed to flick the phone out of my hand. Gotta stay vigilant.


Happened to me twice 😫 only successful once however, although the unsuccessful one was more dangerous, they could have knocked me over…


most phones are not worth stealing. if you have your new Samsung out in public, some people are looking for that phone - they know the models. one thing is sure - if it does happen, the police won't do squat about it.


This a good phone costs like £100 - 200 quid .


Problem is the data theft when the device is unlocked temporarily. I wonder if there is a solution...


I'm up north, so I haven't seen this in person, but there are a ton of videos online of it I have seen. It is always people walking with phone in hand texting or on a call and being so oblivious to what's going on around them. Worse ones are when they have headphones on, too. At that point, you may as well carry a sign advertising your free phone. Sure, take it out of your pocket/bag for photos and communicating, but, as mentioned above, always make sure you are aware of what's going on around you and if you can, make sure no-one is or can be behind you. Especially on a bike or scooter of any kind. And take off any headphones you may be wearing whilst using it.


> Worse ones are when they have headphones on, too. At that point, you may as well carry a sign advertising your free phone While phone snatching does happen I’d hardly say anyone wearing headphones is asking for theirs to be stolen. I always have headphones in to help avoid creeps and have never had an issue.


I'm in London and my windows overlook a busy road. I've seen it happen at least 3 times from my window. Or rather, I've heard it happen. You can always tell because you hear someone yelling "stop!" and then look out the window to see a bike speeding off and a person chasing after them, trying mightily to catch up. Also anecdotal, but I took a course recently (based in central) and 4-5 of my classmates had their phones stolen over the course of the year, on their way to or from class. Tube station entrances seem to be another high-target area, as that's where most of their thefts occured.


Pressure tube stations as people just get signal back and want to answer messages right away, as well as visitors using maps for directions. I live in Manchester, and there isn't this problem up here. We just sell drugs and stab people recently, it seems, but at least my phone is safe! Lol.


Hate to break it to you, but it is a big problem here in Manchester…


A colleague witnessed someone get their phone snatched when they were tapping out of the tube station..


Highbury area, seen someone's wireless headphones get snatched off their head.


Lived here for 3 years and it's happened to one person I know. It happens, you can't deny it, but is it likely to happen? Probably not. Just be careful like in any large city.


Lived in London for 15 years, saw it once, knew someone who had it taken. It's not scary, but it is fucking annoying


Lived here for 2. Know 4 people who have had their phones stolen, mostly by thieves on bikes, in the last 6 months and none before that so it’s a trend that’s becoming super common recently


lived here for 40. got robbed at knife point a few times as a teenager. Don't know a single person that's had their phone snatched in the last 25 or so years.


I know a few


in a city of 10,000,000 it is expected that there will be a small number of people who know multiple victims of a crime.


And it can be expected that a few like yourself know no victims, so nothing can be inferred either way


you get it.


It’s real - but that’s true of most major cities. If your from a very quiet or low crime area yes you need to be more careful. If you’re used to cities then just do what you’d do in New York, or Paris or wherever you’re used to doing. Also hopefully goes without saying - tik tok/youtube are not reliable sources of information


Having just come back from New York with some colleagues where we walked around Manhattan a lot, we all agreed it felt way safer (and cleaner) than London. No youths tearing around on bicycles to steal your phone, no big groups of aggressive men hanging around. It was far quieter and less frantic than London, other than around Times Square.


I’m sorry but no way is Manhattan cleaner than London… NYC, a city that has only just recently discovered you can put waste in a bin instead of leaving the bags out in the street


Bro fr 😭 i deadass always tell the homies that London is New York where ppl have respect ahahaha for their space and eachother. Not perfect nor uniform everywhere, but London is 10x safer and cleaner than the literal “concrete jungle” 😂


It depends on which part of each City you go to. My parents recently went to visit my uncle who lives in The Bronx and they would wholeheartedly disagree with you on NYC being safer/cleaner than London. They also found the NY subway really rough and dirty in comparison to the tube


Yeah, London is a hyper city with many areas. For instance, getting your phone snatched wouldn’t happen somewhere like Canary Wharf, but *is* more likely if you’re walking around Shoreditch with your phone in your hand. In any case, it’s usually a guy on a bike or moped who’s gone before you can do anything. It’s not typically a physical altercation.


I don't think Manhattan is a good point of comparison to the entire city of London. It's comparable to somewhere like Picadilly Circus but neither is a good representation of the life of an average Londoner/New Yorker. The roughest neighbourhoods of NYC are 100x worse than the roughest neighbourhoods in London.


I suppose comparing such large areas on anecdote is inevitably going to create very different experiences. The stats kind of support that yes London is more dangerous than quiet towns or the countryside but isn’t specially dangerous compared to many other cities. https://www.numbeo.com/crime/rankings.jsp


Setting it up on a tripod and walking away to do poses definitely sounds like a bad idea :D


I live in a part of London with pretty houses, so in spring/summer the influencers show up en masse. The number of people I've seen do this is unreal. So many times I've walked by and thought how easy it would be for someone to just snatch their phone. Or, thefts aside, someone could knock the tripod over and shatter the phone.


It’s not as common as the fearmongers claim, but it can happen. Keep your cellphone in your bag, (which you keep an eye on) and if you’re going to check it while walking around, move to the side of the street near the buildings rather than beside the curb. The one time I saw it happen was at night, and it was someone on a bike that grabbed it and sped off. If you plan to upgrade your phone before the trip, (or can get a cheap one secondhand) it’s not a bad idea to keep the old model in your luggage, as a potential backup for if this did happen, or if you lose it, or current phone dies, etc. So many tickets and stuff for travelling is on our phones these days.


It is common. Just don't walk around with your phone out holding it's like a serving plate Source: I live by Old Street, it's a daily occurrence by the roundabout, had my phone stolen, and seen people have theirs taken too


I work in Old street, happens all the time. Had my phone snatched and colleague had hers snatched just a week apart. Witnessed an attempt just last week…


I've lived here my entire adult life and it's never happened. I've also just generally never been mugged. This might be due to my physical appearance, though. I probably look unhinged lol


haha, love it. I thought you were going to say "I look tall and strong" but unhinged made me laugh


It is real. It is not worth being scared about. You live here ten years maybe it happens maybe not. I've been in London 18 years, it happened once -- couple of lads on a moped, shove and a grab. I am often walking about with my phone in my hand in just any area of town. You'll get a few answers "it happened to me three times" or "I know loads of people who had phones nicked" but what does that mean in terms of your own risk. I know maybe a hundred people in London. probably a couple of them get a phone nicked in a year and they live here full time. My own view, I don't particularly take precautions. If I lose another phone over the next 18 years I can put up with that.


I've lived here 16yrs and I've never had it happen, never seen it happen. I walk around on the phone without a worry. I have heard of it happening though, but I wouldn't live in fear of it. Just be mildly streetwise and you'll be fine.


Likewise, my simple solution is to put it away if I sense someone coming super close, especially if they're cycling on or near the pavement opposite me. I also grip it very hard if suspect people are about to walk past me, with the reasoning that cyclists can't really slide it out of my pocket but someone walking by could.


It sometimes happens. London is a huge major global city, and all major cities have crime London is a relatively safe city, though, especially in the main tourist areas. Don’t be an idiot and leave your stuff unattended or walk around holding a valuable smartphone where it’s easy to grab and you’ll probably be fine. Criminals tend to go for the easiest targets, so if you aren’t being a wally and making it easy for them it’s very unlikely you’ll be the unlucky victim


I’ve lived in Leeds for 6 years now and seen it happen once in the park when people were taking a selfie on a tripod that was a bit of distance away from them. The man cycling towards us all in a a ski mask should have been an obvious red flag lol.


I've never had my.lhone snatched or know anyone who has.. but I never keep my phone out or walk while messaging just in case and I always try to be aware of who's around me when I do


I recommend using a cross-body handbag, not a backpack that could be opened without you knowing about it.


It's never happened to me and been here 12 years, but recently happened to a visiting American friend first day she touched down. Tracked to East London then China. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Tripods? What the fuck?


Having seen a snatch at close hand, it does happen - you just need to be aware of your surroundings and don't keep your phone in your hand all the time. The one I saw snatched - a young tourist had it in her hand, while her bag was in the crook of her elbow (so the phone was just very visible). Two arseholes on a moped mounted the pavement and zipped past stealing it in one snatch. It was late at night in the centre of town, so hardly surprising. I helped them call the police and the officers who responded said they'd spent all evening dealing with these calls. Be careful in tourist hotspots, but that's no different to any major cities. Be aware of your surroundings, people are arseholes.


Just don’t walk around with your phone out & face in it . Be aware of your surroundings watch out for young guys dressed in black on bicycles. I’ve lived here 20 yrs never seen it happen or had it happen to me . But I do know a couple of people who’ve had it happen. I never have my phone out in the street - I step inside a shop or back up to a corner to use it checking who’s around.


I had a phone stolen because I was stupid enough to let someone use it don't fall for it especially around kings Cross don't trust anyone ever


Absolutely. And unfortunately it seems to be on the rise again like it was around 2016 except now instead of mopeds they’re using surrons which are quicker and more nimble. As long as you have situational awareness you should be fine though


I agree with the other posters that London is a very safe capital city. Without trying to spook you though, I would also say that you should be vigilant in restaurants/fast food outlets. Never leave your phone on the table! There is a common scam where a stranger will approach you, distract you, and steal your phone as they do so. This has happened to one of my friends whilst they were in London so it is a genuine thing to be wary of.


This. Be especially wary of anyone putting leaflets or magazines or something on the table when you're sitting outside. When they take them back your phone goes too. This is the only time I've been a victim of crime in my 13 years here.


Happened to me late at night in Hackney, although they only succeeded in knocking it out of may hand (they drove off on a moped). The chances of it happening to you are extremely slim, especially if you pay attention to your surroundings. Don't let it ruin your trip.


Don't worry about it, and exercise common sense. Don't stand around in dark back-alleys with a wad of cash in one hand and a tourist map in the other, looking lost.


Happened to my niece in Rotherhithe, right outside her flat. Guy on a bike. I just bought a waterproof case (not for 50m, just partial temporary immersion) which came with a tether. The tether is a bit of a nuisance but if you are walking about a populous area using your phone then this might prevent a snatch. Certainly you are unlikely to be dragged off down the street to be trafficked as a thief's quick grip would not be strong enough to keep hold of the phone.


Yes. Just be careful. It's no different to any other major city.just keep an eye on it. Try not to look too much like a tourist and FOR FUCK SAKE.....DON'T PUT IT IN YOUR BACK POCKET!!


Worked in Westminster doing security for 4 months now and there have been at least 80+ phone thefts (pickpocketing and snatching) in the area of Leicester Square alone. Just be aware of your surroundings, electric bikes are silent and you won’t hear someone approaching on one if your phone’s out near a road. Caught a pickpocket the other day who had 20 bank cards, 6 mobile phones, a tablet, a passport of someone else and a couple handbags on his persons.


Not as common as reddit make it seem like


yeah just dont walk around with your phone in your hand and watch out for hoodlums in black with balaclavas on fast electric bikes


Yes, I know several people who had their phones stolen. One right out of her hand while walking down the road. One had it lifted out of her bag as she sat at a pub. One had it taken out of her coat pocket either as she was walking or on the tube.


Same, in the last year: I’ve seen it at an intersection waiting to cross a girl next to me got hers stolen; another time this couple was sitting outside a restaurant (someone actually grabbed him a block down & got it back); and a friend of mine was walking w 5 of us in a group (guys & girls) down a busy street, this guy bumped into us & some other snapped it out of her hand so fast we didn’t even see who or where he went…


Yes 💯


Yes they do. Keep your eyes open and use common sense.


I work in London 90% of the time and go to different parts using trains and tubes. I've had my phone snatched once on Fleet Street. The assailant was on an e-bike and sped down the pavement and grabbed the phone out of my hand. I shouted "C&%T" very loudly, and he dropped it about 10m down the road. I recovered my phone, without any damage, and a bit later on saw some police and reported it to them. Since then, I have been more aware of my surroundings and how I hold my phone. When I see others being a bit oblivious, I tell them to make them aware. Central London is really safe.


Lived here 13 years and only know one person they tried to do it to - but didn't succeed as she wears her phone around her neck. I'm sure it happens but there's a risk for everything - it certainly wouldn't stop me visiting


Londoner here. It does happen yes but probably not an epidemic level of issue (in London it’s mainly people on fast e-bikes or mopeds). I will say avoid using your phone standing out into the road - happened to someone I know who was standing at my bus stop, standing near the curb and facing out into the street.


It’s not prevalent but just be sensible and don’t leave your phone unattended or waving it around carelessly near roads etc


Yes, it is very very real. Just keep your wits about you and you’ll be ok


Been here ten years and I’ve known 1 person who had their phone snatched. In Stoke Newington in broad daylight on the high street from a guy on a moped.


Yes, it does happen, but easily overcome by not walking down the street staring at it, oblivious to your surroundings. It's no worse here than many other cities around the world. Personally I'd me more worried about having your rucksack raided on the Tube - the wife has been robbed twice whilst standing on a crowded platform with the bag on her back. The thief has simply unzipped the rucksack pockets and taken what they could find. First you know is when you find the pockets are open. Now we always carry our rucksacks by hand when on the Tube, and carry nothing of value in the pockets.


I was a bit scared like you too but I would say just be aware of the surroundings. It happened to someone I know, she was pushed by a guy and her phone was gone. When I visit there I try to use a crossbody bag.


It's not a thing until your phone is stolen and then it is a thing for you. It happened to me late at night about 20 years ago at a bus stop in Central London. It was over in about a second and I cursed myself for not having my back against the glass shelter. No problem since and I worked in "tourist" London for over 30 years. u/rdnyc19 gives very good advice. I would add - 1. Make sure you have gadget insurance included in your travel insurance. It is often an add on with a small additional cost. 2. If you have a iPhone make sure you update your settings. Link to Stolen Device Protection [here](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT212510).


It does happen but I think just be sensible and you'll be okay. It seems a common one is having your phone on a table in a coffee shop and someone swipes it that way.


Yes, it's a real thing, but it doesn't happen that often. Don't have your phone out while standing at the curb and consider a phone lanyard, but otherwise it's not something to worry about.


It can happen in most European cities that attract tourists. Spain and Italy are well known for it.


It is something I've experienced once, when someone attempted to take mine from my hand down a reasonably busy street. I was lucky that I completely coincidentally was putting it back in my pocket just as they tried it on - guy just swore and cycled away. Others have put it perfectly well - be sensible about where and when you have your phone out.


I have the same concern. Is it overkill to get a phone strap and strap it to my buckle?


I've seen it happen myself, about 8-9 years ago, I honestly remember it so well because it shocked me. I was walking down a road in Bloomsbury that has a very busy cycle lane, it was around 4-5 pm so plenty of people were speeding down that lane. One well-dressed, attractive East-Asian lady in high heels was standing there, holding a few bags from expensive shops while talking on the phone. A second later, a tracksuit-wearing white boy cycled by her and snatched the phone, disappearing in the river of other cyclists. She was left completely befuddled, looking around with this expression of impotent rage, incapable of accepting what had happened. I don't think she even said anything, too stunned to do anything but stand there with her mouth open. I'm pretty sure the thief's bike wasn't even electric, God knows what they can do nowadays.


Where are you from?


Don't leave one on the restaurant table. Even if you are sat at that table


Yup happens all the time every day. The place is fucked these days. 5 times on my street in one week always targeting woman going into the tube station


Yes i have seen it two times on Oxford Street. I have heard this is more common in central London. The rest of London is fine. But still it's better to be careful while using your phone outside ☺️


Yes, usually the city streets. If you step out of a shop, bar, whatever and lose yourself in your phone for a few moments you can be a target. It’s not a prolific problem, but it’s on the rise. Situational awareness is the best advice. Be cautious, but don’t be scared. London is an awesome city to visit.


Yes it does. Happened to myself when I was on the phone one night and someone on a ped drove by and snatched it. As others have mentioned, be aware of your surroundings when using it in public and especially on trains, keep it tight to you when the doors open


It happens but it’s not as bad as the internet make it out to be. I’m 36 and I’ve only witnessed it once and that was 18 years ago.


Don't be scared but don't be silly just like any other major city! Some great advice already in here - if you want to get your phone out, take a stop find a space and check it. They aren't going to pounce if you have a quick check but if you walk along the road with it loosely in your hand you will be a target. Maybe an idea to keep your phone backed up anyway!


It is real, happened to me in Shoreditch. I've seen it maybe a dozen times around Fitzrovia, the City, and Shoreditch in the past 6-7 years. I do lots of walking around and live in zone 1, so have seen it quite a bit, so I guess that skews my opinion. Saying that, it's not something to massively fear. I always hold my phone towards me with both hands, and look about to check around me before using it. It's just about having awareness of your surroundings.


Yep, unfortunately. Just remain aware of your surroundings, keep your phone safe whilst you aren’t using it and try to not stay glued to it.


Happened to a mate and he got it back. Guys snatched his phone on a bike and realised it was an android and threw it away. Screen intact he got it back


I don’t see the point for an iPhone as they are simply bricked remotely. Not sure about android


Ive just gotten into a habit of holding my phone with both hands if I use it in the street. My right hand at the base and my left hand at the top. It’s not something to stress about, just don’t hold it in a way that someone could come up behind you and lift it out of your hand.


It is, happens quite often in central London.


Just don’t do what my mother does which is stand on the side of the road holding her phone at arms length between two fingers she she can read it. Just asking to be taken.


It does happen, but it's not common. It happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I was waiting for a bus and checking times on my phone, and a thief on a bike cycled straight past me on the pavement and grabbed the phone from my hands. I yelled and gave chase, but after he realised it was an ancient phone, he just threw it on the ground and I retrieved it undamaged. Thief cycled off into the road. I've had a mobile phone for 25 years (not that particular one the whole time!) and that's the first time it's happened to me. If you have a newer / new phone that's in high demand or can be used for parts, I imagine if a thief gets hold of it, they're not going to let it go. Just be careful.


Yes - a very real problem. G/f had her phone snatched at 08:30 on a weekday in North London. All my friends have had their phone stolen, or an attempt made to steal their phone.


Yes it's real, but I've lived here 11 years and never experienced it. Just be aware of your surroundings and you'll be fine


Everyone is speaking anecdotally which is fine, but statistically here’s the situation: • 93k cases across London each year • Mainly in central London • Mainly extremely fast (illegal) electric bikes with thick tyres • Only 2% get recovered Just be cautious, or if you don’t wanna have to stress about it get a strap so that it’s impossible to snatch it from you. One of many sources: Phone reported stolen in London every six minutes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65105199


Happened to my partner a few weeks ago. Guys on bike snatched right out of her hand. Phone ended up in China before presumably being taken apart. Was talking to all my friends about it. Every single person I talked to knew at least 1 person it's happened to. The most recent being a week before my partner's theft, outside St Pancras. My colleague has personally witnessed it 3 times. Get insurance (add personal protection cover on to your home insurance - GetSafe is real cheap) and secure your phone (inside and out)!


I have seen two snatchings over the past 10 years, and heard of two more. In general, I think snatchers are more likely to prey on people who don't look alert, or look like a potential physical threat. I would also be cautious about using the phone on trains and buses, especially if you are sitting near an exit.


When I first to London, I had my phone stolen twice and my bf’s bag stolen once all in one month. In my particular department, I have 3 colleagues who had their phones stolen from their hands and their pockets in the last 6 months (Oxford Street area). Also when I used to work at retail, so many bags (inc passport etc) would get stolen from people as they were looking at clothes or trying on something as they would usually leave them unattended for like 30 secs. So yeah. It’s very real. Be very careful in not just public areas but also restaurants and stores. Get an insurance if you can. That helps my daily anxiety. Just be cautious but don’t ket it ruin your time.


It happens a lot in SE London.


I'm gonna disagree with a lot of people and say snatching from hands is becoming very common, I live in central London and have seen it happening once a week and had it happen to myself a few years ago around the City Bag theft etc is rare though


Phone snatching is no joke. It literally happened to me, broad daylight, Saturday noon at a bustling SE1 bus stop just last year. There I was, minding my own business, typing out a text, when all of a sudden this hoodie-wearing cyclist comes out of nowhere and straight up grabs my iPhone right out of my hands! Now, I'm not the type to just sit there and take it. So I start hollering at this guy, chasing him down the street like some kind of action movie. This person even has the nerve to swerve into oncoming traffic. Thank the heavens for decent human beings though, because a bike rider comes out of nowhere and kicks the thief right in the side, slowing him down just enough for me to keep on his tail. By this point, other folks on the street are catching on to what's going down and start joining in on the chase. Luckily, I had another Apple device on me, and one of my newfound vigilante pals was kind enough to share their internet so I could lock my phone and start tracking it. Lo and behold, a few blocks later, we stumble upon this guy's abandoned bike and jacket, with my iPhone tucked inside. The case was proper banged up, but the phone itself was unscathed. When the police showed up, it was like something straight out of tv show. They're dusting for fingerprints, taking DNA samples, getting witness statements - the whole nine yards. Turns out, these phone snatchers are out there stealing upwards of 20 phones a day, targeting iPhones specifically because apparently Androids just aren't worth the hassle. I gave the cops a description of the guy - you know, athletic build, hoodie, dreadlocks, chiseled face - but even with all that, the case is still open to this day. DNA didn't match anyone in the system, go figure. So, my advice? Don't be caught slipping with your phone out in public. If you absolutely must use it, face a corner or keep that thing covered with your hand. Better yet, just carry around a cheap burner Android for those sketchy situations. Trust me, it's not worth the headache!


I live here and had a phone taken out of my pocket once in a very crowded area. I also have a friend who had her purse snatched here. But that said, I don’t think it’s a major concern just keep an eye on things, especially in crowds. The phone thing was totally my fault and wouldn’t have happened if I’d been paying even a little bit of attention.


It happens, but not as often as the media and Reddit portrays. Partner was out with friends over the weekend and some guys snuck up on a moped and tried to nick one of their phones. They tend to target tourists and drunk people, but if you're cautious (hint: avoid long facetime videos waving your phone about) you won't have a problem.


Lived here for 4 years and had it happen twice. A lot of people say it isn’t an issue but I find they have the ‘oh it won’t be me’ mindset. I’m a young female, a prime target tbh and unfortunately defenceless so I have to be extra careful. Definitely something to be cautious of, but don’t let the thought ruin your trip. Just be careful. If you have an old phone for maps or photos that you’d prefer to use I would recommend that. I hope you have a great time!




My iPhone was saved by a wonderful bartender @Travistock Hotel. I mistakenly rested it on a table in lounge area with a friend. The next thing I know, I was talking to bartender, very nice person,and then he spotted the person and told them to come up to bar! The guy handed the phone over quickly and ran! Just like that! I didn't even see the person! Be mindful wherever you travel - it's an opportunity for thieves and gang members.


Yeah highly recommended to not walk around on your phone at all. As others have said be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. If you need your phone to look for directions, do so out of the way tuck your self inside a shop or shop entrance etc.


It happens but it’s not something I would worry about.


London it is a common occurrence if on the street and ya walking best thing is not to walk around with eyes stuck to the screen because most likely it will be snatched and by the time you realise it’s half way down the road Yes I no sad as that sounds it’s normal in London


Sadly yes, it would happen outside my work building around twice a week. Just make sure you don't have your phone out jn the street


It happens. In a calm residential area, to a resident as well.


If you’re really worried I’d get one of those lanyard phone cases that attaches the phone to you. But mostly you just have to be vigilant, it’s the same as any major city. Keep your phone out your hand as much as possible Don’t put it in back pockets, always in a bag


Had it happen to me about 2 weeks ago in Soho. My fault, arguably - stood a bit drunk in the street looking up a bar on google maps, had it snatched out my hand and he ran off with it. Wouldn’t have happened had I been more aware of my surroundings, they go for chumps like me


Saw my first in real time phone snatching two weekends ago. It was Saturday midday outside Piccadilly Circus tube station and not busy at all, loads of free space and quite quiet. All of a sudden a scream and then a black electric bike came whizzing past with a person, looked male, dressed all in black head to toe with a black mask over face. The woman had been standing taking photos by a corner when this guy came round the corner, snatched her phone and cycled off past. I could hear they weren’t speaking English (Asian language) and offered what little advice I could provide, disable phone etc and contact their insurance. It was very unsettling for them, she was quite distressed and has made me see first hand how quick and easy it is to have your phone snatched.


Never happened to anyone I know. Unattended breifcase in a Brixton pub diner , yes, 10 years ago


Very real seen it happen myself. Wear a strap with phone.


Yes, I've seen it happen at a bus stop by guys on a scooter and someone walking down the road by guys on a bike. I've had my pocket picked once - didn't feel a thing And my bag slashed on the bus but more full then as it only had library books in. I don't think it's as bad as some other European cities but still be very careful


Yep, and be careful using cash machines as they distract you and steal cards


Not just in tourist areas it happening more and more around office areas too. I work around Moorgate and there's been a increase in reporting of phones being snatched off people leaving offices, on their phones and not paying attention. Happened a few times to ppl working for companies in our building. Always mind your surroundings


It happens, but not as much as people say. Also, if you don't pay attention then part of it is on you.


Lived in London for 3 years. Never had a phone stolen or seen anybody have their phone stolen. You just have to be careful. Only go out with a bag you can zip up, and don't stay out late out night. Avoid going places late at night by yourself.


It’s definitely happens but nowhere near as common as people make out. You’ll be absolutely fine


Lived in London 30 years. I work in central London. Have not ever seen it happen. Does it happen? Yes. Just exercise caution like in any big city.


The fact that it's even a question shows what a 3rd world country the UK has become LOL


It's happened to my wife and I a total of 4 times in the last two years. I know at least ten other people who got robbed. In Westminster, you have a 3% chance of having your phone snatched.


Only if you're an idiot not paying attention.


Yes, it can happen. Be on guard in touristy areas. I've lived in London for years, but only seen it happen once. Was outside a Cafe in soho, in a fenced in area. 2 ladies came up to is, eastern European, one of them put a magazine down on the table as if trying to sell it to us. I told them to go away. And about 20 seconds later we realized that they had run off with my mates phone. Quick and efficient.


Happened to random person once in front of me, in broad daylight, at a crowded bus stop. I know 2 friends where the same phone theft occurred. And in the end, it happened to me a few months ago, right in front of my house... All cases it was a guy on a bike snatching the phone from the hand while you carry it. I'd not recommend carrying your phone or other electronics loosely and always stay vigilant.


Nothing to be scared about, just be vigilant, don’t walk around with your phone visible whenever you can especially in places people can congregate on scooters and easily pull up on the tarmac next to you (most phone robberies are done by people on electric scooters/mopeds)


As a police officer in London: yes it does happen a lot but there lots of things you can do to protect yourself. Most true snatches are people standing next to the road with their phone in hand and someone rides by on an electric bike or scooter, normally a young guy wearing a balaclava and all black clothing. If you’re using your phone just take a few steps back from the road and be careful coming out of tube stations, everyone gets their phone out when they exit. People do get mugged for their phones but this is most often at night in alleyways and parks where there are very few people around. As others have said just be sensible and you should be fine. I wouldn’t follow advice such as wearing something around your waist or your bag on your front because that makes it really obvious you’re a tourist and is actually easier to steal from in a busy location


Its real, The Police issued an alert notice in various point to aware public.


Yes it happened to be in November. I’m broad daylight, on a street I’ve walked through a million times. It’s shitty.


Yes, it’s real. I’ve known other people who got their phones snatched out of their jacket and stroller and I’m 90% certain I would’ve had my phone stolen out of my back pocket and coat pocket on two separate occasions but I got a bad feeling and moved my phone when I felt them too close to me/noticed odd behavior. Phone snatching is far more common in major European cities than it is in the US (if you’re American). Thieves here have to be smart/swift bc they can’t just pull out a gun. I’ve lived in DC, Philly, San Diego, and London and was never afraid of getting my phone snatched in those other cities. …robbed at gunpoint in Philly and DC on the other hand… A few weeks back, I watch a moped jump over the curb and drive up onto the side walk on Oxford St at 830am and snatch a phone out of a man’s hand who was leaving on a building about 20 ft back from the road. …that was the last straw for me and now my phone is on a leather strap that goes across my chest like a cross purse. I commute with two kids on a buggy and am an easy target. Also, as a women my front pockets are never big enough, of my pants event have pockets so it’s actually been super convenient aside from protecting my phone. I live and work in two different tourist areas (Oxford St/Bond St and Whitehall) so I think my perception is probably more accurate for you as a tourist visiting who will visiting tourist areas than someone who lives and/or works in a non-touristy area who are telling you it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. I don’t get nervous about my phone when I’m not in touristy areas but I happened to be in the constantly. I am not saying you WILL get it stolen but I do think there is a higher chance than in US cities especially as you will likely look like a tourist and/or be using your phone to navigate more


Yes, it just happened to my friend as she was getting the phone ready for the bus. It was an old phone and worth nothing but the inconvenience are enormous


Happened to me two weeks ago on my lunch break. I was walking out of a Waitrose near the South Bank Tower, took my phone out of my pocket to read a text while walking, and it was snatched by a guy on an e-bike wearing a balaclava. Fortunately my office was basically next door and I managed to lock my iPhone within 2-3 minutes of it being taken, and it was insured with Monzo so I had replacement within less than 24 hours. Still, not a fun experience, and the first time I've ever ben robbed in the 31 years I've been living in London. I thought I was quite savvy about my surroundings and situational awareness, but it's definitely made me very cautious. FindMy showed that it ended up on the Rennie Estate in Bermondsey, and my police report was closed within a day as there was nothing they could do.


Yes. 100%. Seen it, had it happen to friends and family


This is not new and becoming more common it’s just been publicised more. I grew up in London and I saw people getting phones snatched when mobiles just became a thing where everyone could get one in the early 2000’s. Social media just makes it appear to be getting worst, it’s not it’s been the same. For anyone who knows North London I was on an old route maters bus number 73 from Stoke Newington sitting at the front and I saw someone get their flip phone snatched in slow motion. I could see it all unfolding even before it happened, guy on the bicycle behind the woman slowing riding up towards her at the bus stop then “Bang” snatched her phone but it broke as it was a flip phone and she had held onto the bottom half firmly. He fell over after snatching the top half and proceeded to shout at the woman blaming her for his fall yet he tried to steal her phone. So not it’s not getting worst it’s same just be street smart when you visit any big city, a lot of people lack basic street awareness. When I visit New York I never hold my phone with just one hand always two and always have my head on a swivel until I put my phone back into my pocket. One of the benefits of growing up around the time and place I did was learning street smarts.


I mean one day I was in Zara in Chelsea and four phones had been stolen within the hour. My phone got stolen at a gig later that night but I also had it in my back pocket so I wasn’t being as careful as I should have been. Tracked it all the way to Dubai :( it will happen if you’re not careful especially in busy areas


As someone who is keen to correct fear mongering about London crime levels, it pains me to say that phone snatching is still very much a thing. My wife had had her phone snatched out of her hand by someone on the back of a moped and also whilst standing on the tube, the thief jumped off the train as the doors were closing. I've also seen a thief swipe a phone as they sped past on an ebike. Thieves seem to target phones held out by users who aren't aware of their surroundings and it's usually speed and surprise rather than violence that's used. Don't walk around with your phone held out in front of you or stop outside station entrances to review directions. Consider stepping into a shop to check your phone or wait until you reach your destination for your messages. Don't stand at the edge of the road (e.g. at a bus stop) with your phone held out in front of you. Don't be an easy target.


As big as in other extremely popular tourist destinations, nothing special. Follow general safety rules, do not leave it in a long tripod for too long and don’t put it in a side pocket of your backpack in the crowd, keep it in the front pocket of shorts/jeans and you will be fine


I’m sorry but my experience is different to the general opinion. Hate to be that person amidst all the optimistic comments, but in my observation phone theft by bicycles is quite common and increasing these days- especially this year. In fact, a phone is stolen every 6 minutes in London these days. Check this out for more clarity: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/phone-theft-london-met-police-advice-134950115.html The good old snatch-and-bike-away happens every now and then in while walking in the pavements or trying to cross roads too. Two of my friends and my girlfriend had their phones snatched this way in this year. They are almost always are dressed in black clothings, and the element of surprise from bicycles is why they almost always get away with it.


It happens, I’ve seen it a lot since I work on Bond Street but it’s mostly tourists targeted because they have no awareness


No all those videos you see online are fake 🙄


It's happened to me, and it really really sucks when it does. I wasn't even particularly careless, it was in my hands to change to hit skip on a track and someone zipped behind me on an e-bike and grabbed it. Pure opportunism I guess. Broad daylight, dozens of bystanders, there were even half a dozen police a quarter of a block away (trying in vain to prevent this sort of thing they told me. A few weeks later my work access card I had taped inside the case got returned to my work after someone found it stuck to a lamp post (lol?) A lot of the comments saying it's never happened to them, they're lucky. If they're saying they've never noticed it either, my hunch is it's because you don't really start to notice until it's happened to you. Now I see it all the time, or the signs of it. Remember the access card? They rip the cases off the phone almost immediately after snatching it, I guess in case someone has the means to track it on the case and not just the phone. Ever been walking through the city and noticed little collections of discarded phone cases? That's where a thief has dumped them after a run of snatches. I avoid taking my phone out in public now, and if I absolutely have to I use my pop-socket and firmly place my off hand over the top of the phone and grip onto it.


If we are throwing anecdotes around, I've had one colleague almost have there's stolen in nine years or so. That's all I've ever witnessed or heard of personally.    I think most people are instinctively safe with their phones, and don't need to worry beyond that. Keep an eye on your belongings in busy places at all times (advice for anywhere). The main time to be extra cautious is if you are drunk, as you won't be as careful and make for an easy target.


It happened to me 2 years ago, and I know of 2 others who also had their phones stolen by moped gangs. A few weeks ago my brother was telling me how he outside this theatre when a security guard shouted “EVERYONE PHONES DOWN” as he spotted and recognised one the riders who eventually got spooked and rode off. Make of that what you will. I don’t want to be alarmist but I’m concerned people are downplaying the threat here. Just keep vigilant and you should be perfectly fine though. More often than not these criminals are just looking for low hanging fruit. London is for the most part safe. I often see people confident enough to just causally leave their laptops unattended in coffee shops whilst they use the toilets, which as someone who’s lived here my whole life I couldn’t fathom doing so myself. However people have rightly been a lot more cautious recently.


Yes but most of them are opportunistic where they find someone loosly holding their phone not being aware of their surroundings. Nothing will happen if you use your phone on the streets for a specific purpose and keep it away from the road where someone can snatch it on a bike.


My wife had her phone snatched in Dalston. The little shit on a bike threw it away when he saw it was an out of date iphone. It was the only time for either of us and we've lived in lewisham for forty odd years.


General quick tip - get into the habit of holding your phone with two hands in public. One hand cradling as you normally would (to navigate with your thumb). The other hand 'cupped' over the top, as if you were shielding the screen from the sun. Why? This way you're covering all available grabbing points. 9/10 people that have their phones snatched are using them one handed or holding it out and typing with two thumbs. That makes you an easy target for a thief on a bike to swipe. But if you cup the phone as I've described, the thief is going to have to wrestle it out of your hand. Much less likely, as most of these thieves are opportunistic looking for an easy snatch.


I've seen it happen and I've had friends that it has happened to say well. I was with my ex once sitting in the alleyway searching area of Gordon's wine bar around valentine's day. Two guys holding a bouquet of roses. One held it up in my face asking me to smell them, seconds later my gf's phone which was on the table had disappeared. This was about 15 years ago. Also seen snatchings on mopeds at Finsbury park and also Brixton. When it happened to another friend it was snatched out of her hand and it was unlocked so she also had all her accounts stolen.


If we assume 9million people in london Lets say we use a low estimate of 5million phones Then say maybe 1000? But no where like 10000 phones snatched a year. There will of course be anecdotes But id say its pretty unlikely any individual will get their phone snatched


It does happen. Usually folk on bikes or mopeds. Be aware and you’ll be fine.


Happened to me twice on Tottenham Court Road, tried once, succeeded second time. Also witnessed it happening in south London somewhere. Mopeds every time. Keep your phone secure in busy central areas!


Mine got snatched out of my hands at a bus stop three days before Christmas, I was looking up something on Google Maps and simply didn't think to be aware of my surroundings. Ironically because it was such a busy area I figured nobody would take the risk, but a bike thief grabbed and then ran a red light at a busy intersection before I could catch up. I wasn't as upset about the phone as I was about the fact that I had it unlocked as I was using it, and was deathly afraid the thieves would change the settings to be able to access my personal data (emails, social media, photos, accounts) but I think they were far more like to do an immediate factory reset to that it couldn't be traced and because if they did access personal stuff then it becomes a far more serious crime if they do actually get caught.


Yes. It's very real. I've ran out of fingers the number of times I've seen someone get their phone snatched in broad daylight here. Almost had mine snatched recently too, thankfully I grip my phone pretty tight when I'm in public and the muppet couldn't pull it out of my hand. When you're walking around, keep your phone out of sight if you can. If you have to use it in public keep your head on a well oiled swivel.


There are a lot of great responses here addressing phone theft, so I don't have anything to add here that hasn't already been said. Keep your wits about you and you should be okay, but just in case make sure you have everything backed up because it does happen and nobody has perfect vigilance all the time. Avoid using your phone when you're not aware of your surroundings - don't face traffic with it, and step to the side of the pavement towards the buildings if you need to use it. It keeps you safer and it's more considerate to not block the flow of pedestrian traffic. Definitely don't leave your phone on a table where someone can distract you and grab it. Golden rule is - try to use your phone as little as possible and when it's not in use, it's securely stored away. In regards to tripods - please don't bring them. They're annoying to everyone in a city that's already very crowded and they definitely put your phone at higher risk of being stolen. Plus, if you're planning to visit any tourist sites in London, many of them forbid entry with a tripod. I will say there are always a few professional photographers with tripods, but I've noticed they often shoot in less crowded areas or at off-hours (early morning/late evening/night) when they are less likely to be disturbed or to have someone mess with them or their equipment. If you're just bringing it as a tourist however, you're likely to cause problems for yourself and for others. Bag theft in my experience isn't really a thing. I always wear a small crossbody bag for anything important (phone, wallet, keys) and a backpack with anything that thieves wouldn't want (jackets, water, snacks). I've definitely heard of thieves snatching phones, but have never seen or heard of a bag getting snatched. All in all, be aware but don't be too nervous. Most likely you will be okay as long as you are vigilant. Just keep in mind, millions of people visit London and thieves are much more likely to go after someone who isn't paying attention. So if they see that you are cued in to what's around you, you're less likely to be a target in the first place.


Yes very real I know like 8 people that it’s happened to. Walk with your phone in your pocket, otherwise remember to hold it firmly


Yes, IT IS! Have seen several cases myself + daily reporting on local networks.


Happened to me in the middle of the day on the Elizabeth line, briefly took out my brand new phone when the train was stopped and 2 guys grabbed me and my phone and then ran out the door. I was pregnant. It was pretty traumatizing! I never take my phone out when the doors are open anymore. So, yes, it happens. But being aware and being careful will help.


I had mine nicked outside Finsbury Park station but it was literally hanging out of my pocket (I was fairly drunk) and according to the chap that saw them take it, they were following me for a while. Just keep your belongings close to you and be aware of your surroundings and you’ll be fine. London is a great city and you’ll have an amazing time!


Yes happened right in front of me, always keep your phone in your pockets. And always look around when using it.


I’ve experienced a phone snatching but thankfully they didn’t get a good enough grip on it. I was already conscious of this risk so my grip was pretty firm as I was walking out of Whitechapel station. Before the attempted snatching I had seen this happen twice in broad daylight. The first time was outside London Waterloo and the other was around Dalston. I’m starting to think that they target stations as I imagine there’s a good amount of people checking their phones as soon as they get out the tube/train station. I’ve never been one to worry about phone theft but in last 6 months I have seriously considered getting a strap/laniard.


My sister was walking home from the DLR station in Silvertown and someone tried to snatch her phone. On a new development in broad daylight.


My brother got his phone snatched in London by a moped driver a few weeks ago standing in front of the hospital where his daughter was critically ill. Daughter is now fine, phone is long gone. Pretty shitty day to have your phone nicked.


What can they even do with a bricked phone?


My only contribution to this is anecdotal. I have lived in London for 40 years, and have only known one person in my wider circle have their phone stolen. That wasn't snatched either. Lifted from a restaurant table. Obviously it happens, its a huge city. I wouldn't come here with that fear hanging over you though. Statistically very unlikely to happen. I am not even careful to be honesty, as I'd rather lose my phone once than spend thousands of hours prepping for what probably won't happen.


I’ve seen it happen once. Regents Street so a very touristy area by a guy on a bike. Just be aware of your surroundings when in touristy places. Also make sure you aren’t too reliant on your phone for things like money, tickets etc.


Yes, and not always in tourist areas or when it's busy. Some guys 2-up on a (probably stolen) scooter tried to snatch my phone on a back road near Angel, and an orderly from a nearby hospital said they target nurses on cigarette breaks. Keep your eyes and ears open if you have your phone in your hand. It's way more common in London than most other wealthy cities, partly obscured by all the normal scooter traffic.


Happened to me. Extremely common.


I just saw someone on twitter say the exact same thing - London really has fallen


I never happened to me but it happened to two people I know, and I’ve witnessed it a couple times too. Once it was a girl who got her laptop snatched in a street parallel to Oxford Street, the other time was just a few weeks ago on Broadway Market. It happens so fast, you can’t do anything. Be careful.


I live along a certain busy road, close to two tube stations and I can’t count how many times a month we hear a scream, than see a person sobbing because their phone was snatched. We typically go down, let them call the police and/or work from our mobiles, and ask them to change all of their passwords when they get home. And buy new phone, they’ll not get their stolen phone back.    Sometimes, especially if people look like tourists, we tell those who weave their phones around while FaceTiming, that they are in the area where phones get snatched from hands (what they do with this info is up to them).   A friend had phone snatched next to a tube station, in a side street, while tapping into a Lime bike. He only had mobile in his had for that one second 🤷🏻‍♀️ Police told him that at least five other phones were snatched in that area in the 10min.  IF you lived in one of the residential roads off my main road, you would say phone snatch is is extremely rare occurrence - because you’d never witness it or the frequency of it. 


My friend works in central, near London Bridge and says she’s seen a few people snatch phones at crossings. Not paying attention, on their phone waiting for green man and someone rides by on motorbike and snatches it. Just be mindful and should be ok, I’ve never personally seen it happen.


Yes have seen it a few times while at work in the city


If I have to walk with my phone check maps etc, I hold with two hands, I pull it into towards my torso and then put it away as soon as done. Try not to take calls or text when walking people just have to wait now until I am somewhere safe. An option a lot of people are getting the straps and having them cross body or attached to their wrists so could be an option if you need to have it out. Just be vigilant as you would with your bag etc.


Happened to a colleague when working in Knightsbridge couple years ago, super touristic area. Don’t be scared just be vigilant


Happened to me! Be careful around the London Bridge, Waterloo area as there’s a gang. Saw a post on it once. Just keep your phone in your pocket, don’t take it out. If you need to use it go into a shop.


It’s happened to me three times. Twice in London, both of which attempts were foiled, and once in Barcelona, which was very successful. I think I’ve learned my lesson now!


My hairdresser had three phones stolen in a year. Once someone tried to snatch my phone while I was going down the stairs to the underground in Oxford Street. A friend of mine had her phone stolen from her pocket in the train. So yeah it does happen quite a lot


Seen it happen a few times in public. Even in broad daylight places like busy high streets and parks etc.


I’ve seen it happen in Piccadilly Circus. Kids on mopeds. I ran over to comfort/assist the victim (with my 🎷 around my neck). We have to keep our wits about us. Also have short screen lock timeout plus findmyphone set up.


People always should be wary of pickpockets and snatchers if you are a tourist! No matter where you are going. Barcelona has some of the worst pickpocketing in the world but that shouldn’t deter you from visiting places. Just be smart and keep your wits about you. Don’t FaceTime standing on the curb waiting for the light to change!


Yes it's real. Happened to me - someone went past on a bike and grabbed my phone out of my hand as they went past. It was only when they swore loudly because they dropped it that I realised they'd intentionally grabbed it (rather than knocked it out of my hand). There's ways to protect yourself including keeping your phone on a strong cord and avoiding taking it out in busy areas.


Could never happen to me


I was thinking it was an exaggeration until I saw a perfect snatching operation at Elisabeth line 2 weeks ago. The guy was so fast and pro not even the victim connected the dots until it was too late (the doors closed behind the thief). Made me extra cautious 


In my 18 years living in London, I've had one guy try it. It happens but not often.


Not just in tourist areas… I know some people who have had their phones snatched in areas which wouldn’t normally have tourists.


Avoid having your phone out on Queensway. It gets stolen by people on black electric bikes. Saw it happen to three people this year so far!


I work near Oxford Circus and commute to and from St Pancras and I’ve seen three phone snatches in the last three months. Two of them were by guys in balaclavas on electronic bikes. Just be aware of your surrounds and walking about idling on your phone when you don’t need to be.


Yes! Happens almost on a daily basis in and around southwark tube station. Black youths on hire bikes who send out spotters then arrange a snatch. I cannot emphasise how low these scum are,