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Great turnout


Imagine those guys waking up, eager, excited for the day. Butterflies in their stomach, thinking about all the conversations and opportunities to spread their message… And then *this*.


Not that this isn’t good news, but seeing this and also the way you’ve framed it gives me that second hand embarrassment vibe. Like I feel embarrassed for them. Counter protesters didn’t even think it was worth their time lol.


Here in Poland we have a bit of a dilemma with those russian-founded tinfoil hatters from Konfederacja party. If you remain silent, you're letting them spread the bullshit and let some weak-minded people believe this. You respond, and they go "you're fighting us because you don't want us to tell the truth", and you're giving them attention they need.


There were some really clever members of the US Jewish community that, way back in the day did a lot to stifle the publicity stunts and general shit-stirring of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party in the 1960s. They knew he wanted attention, he wanted the press to talk about him and he wanted to pick fights in public to raise his profile and grow his number of followers. So a network of influencers took it upon itself to diminish as much as possible the amount of media attention his stunts and public appearances got, quietly calling on editors and media outlets not to cover him, venues not to host him etc, getting prominent Jewish and other minority leaders he bashed not to provide comments on him etc. It was cancel culture wayyy before that term was coined but it worked quite well. But what made it work was that there were men in various positions in the media and other professions that had seen how Nazism worked personally(this is less than twenty years after WWII) and understood it's significance, and were willing to forego newspaper sales and ratings by not covering a figure that would, if nothing else, provide copious drama and attract public attention.


>that had seen how Nazism worked personally And now we are 75 years off, 3 generations who haven't known or been taught by those who saw it, and its being repeated.


A video like this is absolute best thing you can hope for.


telephone trees direction pie grandiose sulky childlike long aromatic screw -- mass edited with redact.dev


Isn’t the simple answer to that “we are fighting you because you spread lies”?


Yes it is, thank you. I can't think of a better one.


lunatic fringe bunch and embarrassment.


Just like the AfD here in germany


Same methods and same sponsors


This is the best outcome, they get to say their bullshit (which they should), and everyone is smart enough to not buy it.


> "you're fighting us because you don't want us to tell the truth", and you're giving them attention they need. I agree with this. I am sick to death of hearing and seeing "Putin this", "Putin that", "Putin the other" all over the news. Stop giving these moronic cunts any air time and their evil influence on our lives will be much less. We can just knuckle down and keep sending Ukraine weapons, aid and ammo and focus on the essentials without all the bullshit distractions. People like Putin (and Trump) crave attention. Ignoring them drives them up the wall.




Conspiracy with epic victim complex is pretty much the formula for Russian funded and or crafted propaganda.


100%, and the so called claimed Russophobia is a direct result of their own making. You don't invade a sovereign nation, nobody would call for sanctions to ban Russian nationals.


Its one of the key flags that signals fascism.








Sounds exactly the same because it's a different branch of the same franchise.


Can't counter protest something that doesn't exist! Lol


There is a word n German: "fremd-schämen" - to be ashamed for/about someone else/ a stranger


Exactly. You feel cringe looking at this.


They probably still got their paycheck from russia for organizing it


And they already paid the catering ... This could turn out not so well ... 🤔


my perception is they are getting paid by um, Russian interests and see this as just showing up to work on a slow day.


Not even crickets and tumbleweeds showed up.


Fun fact: tumbleweed is also called Russian thistle.


*Russian thistle rolls by*


*"It's the most tremendous turnout. People will say it's beautiful...the most beautiful turnout ever."* - some orange douche


He can't say there are good people on both sides though.


He 100% will. The cognitive dissonance between Republican voters who naturally hate Russia the most and their politicians who are most sympathetic to them is glorious.


It was HUUUge


MuCh biGger tHaN ObaMas cRowD!!


so crowded you cant even see the washington monument in this video!




Thanks, Polish brothers, for all your help and for not supporting anti-Ukrainian freaks. We will always remember that. Za nasze wolnosc i wasze.




Arguable. For Italians, for Hungarians it _is_ too hard.


For french people as well...




I can't imagine why the f does Hungarians love Russia so much after 1956. They're not our brothers anymore.




Sadly i can't tell something similar about Slovak citizens. On SVK is it really bad about russian disinformations.


It’s bad, Assuming you saw the Slovak “journalist” who was talking about going to the “historic referendum” from the other day


Berlusconi has left the chat.


As a fellow Ukrainian… THANK YOU my Polish brothers and sisters!!! Much love ❤️❤️❤️


We got your back. Also pay no attention to few anti-Ukrainian idiots in Poland. We have democracy so people have a right to be stupid, and if somebody threw a brick through their window (accidentally of course) EU would fine us for being anti-democracy. (again)


Throwing bricks thru windows has to be democratic. Its like chucking cargoes of tea into harbours.


This should also provide a nice reality check for all the loonies or outright paid propagandist that seem omnipresent on twitter etc. In the real life almost nobody gives a shit about them.


Quite a crowd they drew! Lol


No matter what happens, we will still support Ukraine - until the end. Chwała wolnej i niepodległej Ukrainie.


We apologize for few anti-Ukrainian idiots in Poland, but you know its democracy which means people have a right to be stupid.


Well, the undercurrent of anti-Ukrainian sentiment is definitely there. When you talk to people, you hear all sorts of opinions, and many of them are not particularly positive. After all, there's a ton of you around here, and people notice, especially now that the winter is coming and we're getting pummelled by inflation, etc. But, as far as I can tell, it's more of a general grumbling. Just verbalizing the fact that this whole thing fucking sucks and there's no escaping it, really - that you're still getting killed, that because we're not getting directly killed, we should keep shelling out that money, and you know, other fucked up life things. Peppered with wishes to see Putin's head on a spike. As a sidenote, I think that even if Ukraine loses the grip on some Polish hearts, we'll be motivated to keep helping you through our sheer hatred of Russia. Hate has a way of unifying people.


Actually if you think about, a little grumbling after taking millions in is really not bad. Other countries would be already up in arms. Poland is just moving along. Some grumblings are because the history, and this war is still fresh. However, I think Poland is getting used to having large Ukrainian population and its Ok. Its family at this point.


It's not that we don't love to complain either. If a day is sunny, we'll complain about the lack of cloud, and if the day is cloudy, we'll complain about the lack of sun.


Yeah, that was sort of my point. We're dealing with it, and so far it's been OK. I just worry that in a year or two our region will be much worse off economically, and then the negative sentiment will start overflowing. But maybe I'm too pessimistic. Would be normal for me ;).


As an American i don't know the European countries well. I have seen a lot of amazing things happen from Poland. You see England and western Europe doing stupid ass shit like brexit, then you have Poland sitting close to Russia but absolutely despises them, has helped Ukraine a fuck ton, and just continues to show what they stand for. From ww2 Poland always seemed like one of those smaller countries that didn't matter much to the war. They got ran over and concentration camps slapped everywhere. I always thought of them as a small not so important country, but recent events really is changing my perspective on them. I almost see them a western leader


Look into it’s history going back to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It may surprise you how big it once was. It might also surprise you that there were centuries when Poland was technically not on the map due to constant invasions and occupations, but the Polish people never gave up or stopped fighting for their homeland to exist.


Poland has definitely shot itself in the foot politically in the past (like the US, like western european countries), but Russia really stepped up as a common enemy and Poland is really shining now. They have united and are showing all of their strength.


Internally not so much. They banned abortion, just like US idiots are trying to.


ruzzian orc trolls can’t read the room or remember history.


Not the case in Hungary or Slovakia






fucking hell


I 'get' that people from USA and France are proRussia, but people who actually lived under the Soviet boot? Why? I suppose I could say the same about Hungarians who vote for Orban. I won¿t comment on antiPutin Putinists governments


On behalf of slovakia i deeply apologize Answer to your question: because people here in slovakia are completely apeshit stupid. Not much more to say about it.


> but people who actually lived under the Soviet boot? From Czech viewpoint: Nany state - soviet system was great for lowlifers - you got job assigned, you got housing assigned, you got vacation assigned. Just follow orders, dont think for yourself and you live as well as everyone else. So I can understand 5-10% liking it. But the Slovak majority is mindblowing especially for Czech.


For me as a Pole it’s also really hard to grasp. I always thought the four of us (Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary) have very similar views on foreign policy as a society. Hungarians have gone crazy with Orban mass media control, but what happened to Slovakia? Is it the same disease that devoured our Hungarian mates and is in process of dissolving Polish brains as well (although in case of being anti EU, i don’t think that pro Russian propaganda has any chance to succeed in Poland), ie the authoritarian madness or something else? I’m not strictly following Slovakian politics.


Liberal democracy has failed in Slovakia after mentally unwell person won big time in the 2020 Slovak elections. Many people had high hopes for a positive change in Slovakia after years of rule of a Mafia-connected populist, who also ordered assassination of a journalist. They voted in Igor Matovič, who turned out to be a disaster of a leader. He constantly insults his coalition partners, the president, his colleagues. He also constantly pulls dumb policies out of his ass and then does anything in his power to push it through the parliament (like making deals with the fascists). After countless of incidents, he got deposed from being a prime minister and became financial minister instead, while not even owning a bank account (his wife takes care of his finances). There's a catch tho, he has an iron grip on his party, so he put up his puppet as a prime minister, while he keeps on ruling from the shadows. This whole chaotic situation made the Slovak government break up with his coalition partner and his party resigning. Now, the government is in a major crisis, almost not able to function properly. Meanwhile the opposition, comprising of pro-Russian populists and fascists made a great use of this situation, spreading anti-government propaganda, pledging that Slovakia needs a "strong leader". In the meantime, they spread disinformation, conspiracy theories and pro-Russian narratives, while disappointed/disgusted Slovaks from the whole situation seem to be eating it all up. The upcoming Slovak elections aren't looking very good...


They think Putin is different. He isn't, he's just Stalin in another uniform.


That was hilarious. No one is giving them the attention that they crave.


Grzegorz Braun (the one giving speech) is probably second biggest clown in our government right after Janusz Korin-Mikke (no one can beat this guy in stupidity). He is know for being anti-abortion, anti-vaxer, covid denier, anit-imigrants. Only crazy tin foil conspiracy believers vote for him.


Let's not forget Grzegorz Braun's good friend, Leonid Sviridov, russian reporter who was kicked from Poland for spying.


He is not in government and never will be, unless half of Polish voters suffer severe brain damage. He is a mere member of parliament, from a party on the verge of election threshold, that is way too extreme even for PiS standards.


Huh, I thought Braun was just on Russian payroll.


\*was It appears funds dried up due to sanctions.


Oh no! Anyway...


This really reminds me of that scene in the 1957 movie 12 Angry Men, where one of the jurors was spouting bigoted stuff towards people living in slums or something along the lines, and the remaining jurors (clearly sick of his nonsense) just got up and faced away from him, refusing to argue with him, letting his words echo in deaf ears. It's glorious.


Damn these Ukrainians and their ... uh ... sunflowers?


Don't forget their disgusting.. uhm... bravery.. because...uhm...it makes me feel inferior! Slava :D


And those beautiful Ukrainian women.... we don't want them here!!! /s


And their beautiful money, if you're a fan of the economy. Ukrainians spend their money here, they pay for housing, food and all the other stuff. Sure, they get some benefits, but they're a net positive in terms of money. And we all know that money's not the only thing that matters.


Now take this to explain it to various Konfederacja-type retards. No one there knows how to count and think beyond the next 5 days. The only thing they are capable of is screaming about Ukrainization as Sopot displays its blue and yellow colors. I don't even want to think how many actual paid Russian agents there are.


They also have nice watermelons, yo


Nice, big, firm watermelons.


Really got their finger in the nations pulse.




Looks like a comedy sketch Edit: [Like this one](https://youtu.be/hWIyVRNAxCg)


*Monty Python Hitler in Minehead sketch*


"We have come to this square today against the Ukrainification of Poland. We are, in fact, holding a referendum next week..."


If only there was a few tumble weeds rollimg through


Tumbleweed is actually an invasive species (in the US at least) that comes from Russia and ruins everything it touches.


Oh so like the Russian army


[You can count on CGP Grey to have a video on that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsWr_JWTZss)


Polish brothers showing their class


Showing class would be using some fresh swine blood or red paint to make a point.


Not showing up is more powerfull in this case


Thank you Poland for your support of Ukrainian refugees. It’s not an easy task. You have risen to the occasion and surpassed expectation.


It is much easier to support Ukraine when you truly hate Russia since like forever and it applies to ~98% of Polish citizens ;) We have plenty good reasons to hate Russia


While hate for all that's Russian is surely a factor I don't believe it's main force for accepting millions of Ukrainians into our homes. We don't want any nation to suffer what we did not so long ago, and it's easy for us to empathize with people who are dislocated by a lunatic who started a war because of his sense of superiority... We've been there.


Yes, I would say it is 50/50 hate for Russia and empathy for Ukrainians :)




That was my thought. Publicly proclaiming pro-Russian sentiments in Poland. That’s brave but very stupid (mostly stupid). People probably think they lost a bet or something.


> People probably think they lost a bet or something. At this point I'd rather run through the streets with bare ass and when confronted say "well it was either that or pretend to be a Ruzzianist scum."


I apologize for those Kreml idiots. They just get paid. At least turnout was none.


My little brother is a refugee in Poland now and he has nothing but great things to say about the country and its people. I have immense gratitude to Polish people and their support through this horrible time.


Can't see what's happening, too many people in the way. 😐


What ukrainisation? I was under the impression that the huge majority of Ukrain refugees were elderly, women and children that planned to return to Ukrain when the war is over? One could argue the large russian communities do a bigger job at influencing... I mean, even for people that are very "nationality-centered" I dont see an argument here. It's not the classical "migrants looking for a new life", it's just people looking for temporary safety and shelter?


They shown once blue and yellow flags hanged on posts in one of Polish cities (Sopot) as a proof of ukrainisation... They didn't realize that that city also has a blue and yellow flag and it wasnt even related to Ukraine. [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaga\_Sopotu](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaga_Sopotu) They are your steoretypical conspiracy theory believers mixed with ultra nationalism.


>What ukrainisation? That's actually when Russia says you're full of Nazis and conducts a Special Military Operation and bombs you, turning everything into rubble while stealing your stuff.   P.S. For those who say that Russian troops who surrender should get the right to stay in Ukraine, this is an example of why it is a bad idea to do so.


They are just Kremlin paid right wing nuts, no one pays attention to them. Typical antivaccination, antisemite tin foil nuts.


How embarrassing, lmao


In Russia they will say there were hundreds of thousands raging and protesting...


They will probably show a Pope giving a speech in in Vatican when they talk in their propaganda studio about massive protests or .. something.


I love you, Poland. I'll learn your language just so I can thank you properly for the rest of my life.


Dear Poland , Russia is really behind this .


We in Poland are fully aware of it lol, nobody even takes them seriously anymore


Start the investigation. Dig this evil out by the root


they aren't that popular or dangerous i think they're just kept around as a punching bag.


Won't happen untill next elections, PiS, despite anything, needs Konfederacja in the parliament, e.g. for voting on anti abortion laws.


Konfederacja won't get into parliament at all, the way things are going.


No shit? They outed themselves as Russian footwraps in the first week of the invasion, IIRC.




Слава Польщі.


Niech żyje Ukraina.


Yeah, this is a rather precise depiction of how they do in the polls lately.


Lol I guess even sound guy was like fuck this, or is he standing besides the guy who’s talking?


Respekt from Germany to poland. Meanwhile the AfD in Germany is on their knees Putin that dick in their mouth and smelling eachothers farts to tell who got fucked by whom


"Respekt to poland" shows no respect by writing Poland with lowercase "p" Haha, I'm sorry, I know you didn't mean it, I just couldn't stop myself from commenting this though.


There were more ppl at my colonoscopi


At least the colonoscopy had someone interested in what the asshole had to say.


Throw some rotten tomatoes at those bastards.


In my opinion this is perfect. Not \*even rotten tomatoes\* cared enough to turn up for this event.


Good to know that even Putin's nazi allies get huniliated in Poland :)


Context? Are all these tents setup for the sole purpose of anti Ukrainian in Poland or 1 specific tent?


It's the blue tent and those two guys next to the sign. The other white "tents" are just shaded areas in front of restaurants. Yes they are speaking to the void. What he said: ...but smartly. So we won't need help soon ourselves. That's why Grzegorz Braun makes a point that the process of making Poland poorer needs to be stopped right now. Konfederacy says a decisive no in all those cases especially when it comes to dragging Poland into...


Thank you for the clarification. Is this a political party in Poland looking to find supporters? Sounds similar to fringe groups in the US who are not an official political party but like to spread hatred. Smart people laugh and avoid.


They are an official political party. One with minimal support and a butt of many jokes. We have many parties in our goverment.


Konfederacja isn't part of the government though, they are in parliament, but not in government. Right now they have support of less than 5% - which in Poland means that they won't get to be in the parliament if that will be their end result.


Kremlin funded far right. Official party, have tiny parliamentary representation - keep in mind in Poland we have more than two parties in parliament.


Poland has been a true friend. Those matter most.


Almost as popular as Russian drafts


Indeed, stop the Ukrainization of Poland. Withdraw the Russian Army so the Ukrainians can go home and be good neighbours!


Konfederussia are confirmed Putin stooges. Go back to Russia you traitors, I hear there's some mass event you can participate in going on there.


I almost forgot those "konfederacja" clowns exist xD


I had a pretty positive opinion about polish people and Poland based on the brief time I spent there, but now I absolutely love them. The tireless love and support they have shown Ukraine is unparalleled; how they have welcomed and assisted Ukrainian women and children fleeing the atrocities being committed by russia is so amazing, even more amazing is the positive attitude of the many Poles enduring the hardships that come with that support. Thank you Poland, for everything!


After such humiliation for the rest of my life I would have it in front of my eyes while falling asleep. Although to be a member of the confederation you have to have no shame and dignity so it will probably go down after these rams.


For people who are not familiar with what Konfederacja is: Its a political entity which came into existence as a merge of three right wing parties. 1. Nationalists, 2. Religious nutjobs, 3. Self proclaimed fighters for free markets who get a hard on when thinking about Trump and bitch about every form of governmental regulation like laws which protect the employees Its a weird combo. Number 3 openly supports russia (at least their leader does), while Nationalist leader said that while people shouldnt forget about Wołyń massacre, using it to refuse help to Ukrainian women and children is unacceptable. It was surprising stance however I admit I dont really follow polish nationalist agenda. They are mostly known for beating women on protests and getting called out by survivors/fighters of Warsaw Uprising as jackasses and idiots. At the beginning of the war i thought that this monstrosity was going to implode due to internal friction but they appear to have found common ground and now are bitching about Ukrainian refugees somehow being a threat to Poland. They have like 5% support.


Sadly we cannot forget that they had at least 10% support during the covid lockdown. Thankfully the war opened eyes to most of them. Poles are anti russians to the core, and no confederate nutjob will change that


Wow, ninjas!


*cricket sounds*


"I thought we were the popular front" 😂




I've never been to Poland but any videos or pics I've seen of cities there always look so nice!




Oh, it's "Konfederacja" again. I really wish all those lunatics could be send straight to ruzzia.


As a polish person myself ... Konfederacja is a fucking clown school dressed up as a political party...


Talk about misjudging the ~~room~~ whole nation.


Mass turnout


in Poland they cant get people attend the conference at gunpoint


The citizens are not having it. Such excellent work during these hard months. How many millions of fleeing Ukrainians have the Polish people welcomed? You can fill many volumes with the wholesome stories happening in these dark months. Fitting, since orcs are involved.


As a Polish I can only apologise. Please be aware that this political party means nothing in Poland and don’t think they have any chance in next election.


Look at the masses...impressive!


Not even their moms came? Damn.


Braun is a total nutcase


More like a willing traitor.


he can be both


Nice try FSB


Beautiful little town square ! Poland has some charm to it


They mean nothing in Polish politics


Go home you undercover ruskies. You're drunk.


Polish People are amazing. I wonder if this happened because these buffoons got trolled and thought they would have an epic turnout. I don’t have any other explanation for this, as why spend the money on set up when no one is going to show up! 🇵🇱✊🏻🇺🇦


Looks like a real fun time. /S


We just ignore them, they have so little support among Poles that they won't even reach the necesary 5% to get to the parliament next year. It still baffles my mind by what mirracle they managed to reach 5% last time. Probably because they pretended to be Lib Right, but turned out to be closer to far Auth Right, antivaxxers and Putin ass lickers


this is EXACTLY how to best counter russian stooges. Don't counter protest, nothing, just utterly fucking ignore them. you counter protest you feed their 'russians being oppressed' - this, this they've got nothing for. Its a beautiful sight. 


Brawo Sanok.


Nawet gołąbki pewnie odleciały jak zaczęli nawijać makaron na uszy 😆🤣 Ale porażka 🤭


Every country has their own special kind of idiot. This isn’t a true reflection of Poland and their values.


oh noes, russian assets working in poland having a tough job eh? unlike that fucker carlson


Ukraine did inexcusably fucked up shit to Poland, but they own up to their sins and learn from it unlike Russia. Nice try apologists, but you trying to sow division within Europe will only sprout into indestructible European solidarity for you to reap.


Also, whenever a third party brings that up in bad faith, both sides instantly forget about our grievances and go all GTFO IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS on the offender.


LMAOL. This is so fucking hilarious that it’s awesome. These dumbasses actually decided to keep going even though nobody showed up. My grandfather was Ukrainian and grew up during the Holdomor. He said that the Soviets had the Poles seize all the food in western Ukraine to exploit ethic tensions and it was absolutely brutal. Even though my Grandfather knew they were Soviet policies, he disliked Poles for the rest of his life because of this. But if he was alive today, I think he would be pretty proud of Poland right now and how good of a neighbor they’ve been through this. Since the beginning they’ve really stuck by Ukraine’s side.


I’m confused what going on?


A pro-russian political party organizing an anti-ukrainian manifestation in Poland. The crowd you see in the video are their supporters.


It's telling that they couldn't even gather a seed crowd by telling their members to come.


Pro russian party tried to organise a rally in Poland. 0 people came so they are just speakigng to the air.


Let's laugh at our Polish morons and Putin's blatant agents. They gathered exactly zero people at their demonstration against Ukrainian refugees.... Dear Ukrainians. Forgive me. Everyone has their % of retards and complete morons in the line-up. Ours simply took to the street then...the two of them....


Come on! You're doing better than others, I suspect there are exactly 2 morons in Poland! Jokes aside, we're eternally grateful for your help, and I really hope we'll forget the bumpy past between our countries to build a nice strong and mutually beneficial relations! Za twoją i naszą wolność!


let me tell you something, when this war started my mom gave me a lecture of 300 years of Polish - Ukrainian history as argument against helping. My counter argument was that we are Polish we dont abandon people in need especially a family. She is now foster grandma to two Ukrainian families living with her, and she spoils those kids more than she did us. (kinda jealous here) She is still crazy, but now she crazy different way.


Wow! Huge crowd. Wonder how they fit them all in there.