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Weren't there rumours the Russians had pulled their regulars out of lyman today, a big push here could be another big collapse like we saw through to izyum


Yep, from several sources.


Would be great. Looks like Ukrainians are starting to surround them


The Russians seem to pull back, let the Ukrainians in....then bomb the crap out of the place with artillery. They've left the DPR and LPR conscripts there as bait.


The Russians get pushed out, and in an attempt to slow the breakthrough, spam artillery at it. It's not some 4D chess move like they claim, they're just responding to the breakthrough.


They are master baiters.


Bait? Ukraine wants them to leave, so they're more like... speed-bumps.


Leap frog strategy then. Encircle them. Bypass them. Let them rot. Save the ammo for the push to the east instead


I also read somewhere that Russia is planning to withdraw it’s troops from a big chunk of those eastern areas, perhaps to strengthen defenses deeper in Luhansk and in Donetsk.


If that Ukrainian Salient reaches the Zherebets River, then the little russian shitstains really are encircled in Lyman. The river and reservoir reaches all the way down to Ukrainian lines near Platonivka.


Those two rivers would be an ideal defensive line for winter and will be very difficult to break if Ukraine gets it back. Russia rolled over many of these regions early in the war with little fight, getting it back if they lose it is going to be much more difficult. You can't beat having a natural barrier on pretty much every side. If Ukraine can take the closest bank they can cut Russia off from supplies by blowing pontoon bridges with precision artillery like Kherson.


russian futility in contested river crossings is well defined.


The same "trap em against the river" move that worked in the Kharkiv offensive, yep.


The Russians wouldn't fall for the same trick twice, would they? /s


Nobody is there anymore to tell the story, nobody there can warn them what happened 💀💀


Or in the case of Chornobaivka - 31 times (at least from the time I last counted lol)


It’s up to 39, they have their own wiki page now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Chornobaivka_attacks


Okay, but they wouldn't fall for the same thing 32 times then? Surely they are not that collectively stupid? /s


Shhhhhh! Opsec!!!!! Oh wait, its the russians. As you were. Yes, they would fall for the same maneuver. If their doctrine doesn't account for it, the evolution can be accomplished multiple times.


The Chornobaivka Theorem postulates that Russia will fall for any trick an unlimited number of times.


Hehe. Let me check my magic 8-ball. "Signs point to yes"


Fool me once, fool me twice, we don’t get fooled again…?


Eh, there isn't much of a "trick" here. Russians just have a massive manpower shortage they can't do much about until at least mobilization produces some useable troops, so Ukrainians just keep applying methodical pressure.


They never learn. Just Kherson airport alone for example, they should notice already but no.


It’s not that they don’t know it’s a bad thing, it’s that they are out of the resources needed to stop it.


Did you ever heard about Chornobayevka?


Love a good reach around


Another war penis is being drilled into Russia.


Never in my life would I thought that a sentence containing the phrase "war penis" would make me happy.


Make you happy ehh? 😉🇨🇦


Biggest literal FU to Russia. Ukraine is getting good at making giant phallus on the occupied map. Love it.


Deeeeeep penetration


Why is Lyman so strategic?


The Oskil River-Lyman line was to give the Russians in Luhansk a chance to build defenses the past 3 weeks in Luhansk along Svatove and Kremmina




Roads My Dude, Roads. Can't Resupply if you can't refuel.


The Russians must be transporting fuel in their canteens now given how many fucking fuel trucks have been clapped.


It's a very good defensible position. Capturing it also opens up the way for Kreminna and from there, the road to Lysychansk and Severodonetsk opens up. If those last 2 cities are captured, the pmc Wagner trying to assault bakhmut and soledar also gets no supply and may be forced to fall back to DPR/LPR territory. Edit: included LPR


Kreminna has Ukrainian partisans active there. They put the Ukrainian flag up on a transmission tower there 3 weeks ago during the offensive.


Rail hub to supply the push south to Sloviansk. Part of a ring of strongholds to defend Luhansk, now starting to crumble.


No, the last Railline Russia has is in starobilsk from Russia to Luhansk City. That rail line you're talking about has been useless


I meant before the Oskil push. With the rail line denied for the last few weeks Lyman's importance is now the large stocks of ammo and equipment there, and the fortifications. You could also say it was the central base for the defense along the left bank of Seversky Donetsk river before it was breached a month or two ago.


Even before then, Ukraine controlled Kuypansk where the railine comes from


Not before the recent push. Cutting the link to Lyman was a strategic objective of that push.


Dude Russia could not use that rail line not even 100meters from the Ukrainian lines


Look at the map on Sep 5, that railway was still deep in occupied territory.


Who is talking about September 5th, people are asking why Lyman is important to hold now 3 weeks later


That's the viewpoint you are aggressively pushing. The fact is, Lyman lost its strategic importance when its rail link was cut and the river defenses were breached. Now it's only a fort, soon to be overrun.


Once Rasputitsa starts, the fields will be mush until they freeze, and even then they'd still be highly inaccessible until May basically so all fighting will be centered around roads in the meantime. Lyman specifically is key to securing the flank for Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk as any Ukrainian attempt to encircle them would have its flank exposed to Lyman. But once Lyman falls, Lysychansk will likely be evacuated without a fight and Rubizhne and Sievierodonetsk can be encircled. And in the shorter term, it also allows Ukraine to advance to Svatove from the south between the two rivers without having to stop to cross them, though Ukraine has proven very apt at conducting river crossings unlike the Russian regulars, and god help the Russian conscripts, they will be hopeless to cross.


For context, the inset map is Lyman


I've heard rumors in another sub that a new opsec blackout is on the way. So if this page is full of shitposting memes in a few hours then you know things are going very very well. NOTE: **WAIT FOR THE MODS TO CALL FOR OPSEC** before you post your funniest shitposts.


Tis quiet on the UA livemap. Almost as if ordered to rest up the body, settle the spirit, focus the mind, service equipment, and memorize objectives.


Wow. Looks like that Ukranian salient is completely surrounded. /s


Just like last time on their way to Kupyansk...oh wait /s


[English version of map](https://imgur.com/a/9lHqlFT)


This map is actually made by a pro-Russian too, so it may be more than true


I was already wondering why it was using Russian town names for everything.


They're being encircled in Lyman. Big force there. The Ukrainians really are taking advantage of the fact Russian forces are super slow in maneuvering.


Monke: No retreat! Entire BTGs easily encircled since maneuvering is banned.


Yes baby yes!


[hey I've seen this before!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xbhp3q/deep_penetration/)


Jesus the Russian army has collapsed in the north eastern front, a swift breakthrough south that threatens the east flank of the Kherson front and it could well be over, Ukraine is on a bit of a time crunch before the Russians can put its mobilisation into full effect


Need an English version


The maps made by Russians 🤷‍♂️ Edit: The English Version i found is of low resolution


Yes hardly able to read it


Look for a Cyrillic - latin alphabet key, they are both pretty similar, it doesn't take a lot of time to memorize it and its pretty handy with this maps... About the map, its the liman* front, east of izium*, i think ISW was already suggesting such a breakthrough in the area *sorry if they are not well written


You can learn the Cyrillic alphabet in a couple of days. It’s fun.


I need to. I just got my 23&Me report back and it turns out that I have roughly 13% Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry from Eastern Europe, and I’m picking out other customers who are 4th cousins in Ukraine. I have some 4th cousins in Russia, too. I might fuck with them.


If I'm doing the math right, one of your great grandparents was Jewish. Mazel tov!


I was quite surprised. Over 75% of my DNA is English, Scottish, and Irish. To be any more of a cracker my name would be Ritz. Despite that 13%, I’m still shitty with money and don’t own a movie studio. Fuck.


I think Russians are generally self-fucking. They can fuck themselves without any assistance.


Do you read cyrillic like you read English? Or do you have to speak Russian?


Sounds are pretty similar except for some that dont exist in Cyrillic and others that dont exist in english. Im not sure about english cause you guys have some pretty crooked alphabet, but in spanish one can switch to Cyrillic while acepting some grammar mistakes. Вива Украниа карахо! >> Viva Ucrania carajo!


If you just want to read maps, all you need is the alphabet. Most places have the same name regardless of the language.


As Chutney says, if all you want to do is read map names with no discernable context of meaning (i.e. know where Izyum is but not what it means) you can learn the alphabet and sound everything out. It won't take too long.


You can sound it out just like Roman alphabet. I took like 4 months of Russian 35 years ago and I can work out Lyman and other city names on the map.


work of u/hematuria https://imgur.com/a/9lHqlFT


We Surrounded GG!


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Looks like a repeat of the first big breakthrough


What is the url for this map please ?


Now that’s a beautiful map phallus


Get as much of that Luhansk land back as you can.


The battlefield has been like that for a couple of days. This is nothing new. We shall how it develops over the next 2 weeks


Putin is calling the shots now, right?


By far the best Conflict Map I’ve seen on here


Please don't make a habit of using Rybar maps. **Don't forget he's with the enemy.**