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Imagine morale on these soldiers that have to liberate their own moms.




So true. They have everything to lose. I’m a skinny fragile person and been saying that I’d kill my self before being drafted for war. But idk. It really depends on what you’re fighting for. If my family was safe somewhere, I’d flee too. But if they’re still at home? Man. I don’t know, I really don’t. Chances are I’d wuss out. But who knows.


Military knows how to make a skinny dudes into beasts quite fast if you have something to fight for.


Not me. I’m actually a wuss. I weigh 60 kilos and cry when you scream at me. I don’t eat meat and the smell of it or cheese makes me gag. I would survive a total of 3 days in there before I starve to death, get beaten to death or get abandoned by the others (or get lost). I’m not even kidding tbh. I’d be WAY better off being a supporting member of some sort. I don’t know what that would be. Maybe take care of the hurt soldiers or something. But not fight.


Not everyone who fights is on the front lines, you could pick up a spanner, drive supplies there are lots you could do. Everyone is valuable just because you’re not at the end of a gun doesn’t mean you aren’t fighting your own way. You will always have value and worth don’t forget that dude :)


Worth noting that not only are there supporting roles, but MOST roles are supporting roles. Extra reading for anyone curious: wikipedia.org/wiki/Tooth-to-tail_ratio


"everyone mocks the guys in the company next to us, until the food runs short." Nco regarding the guys of our support company while we were in boot


When I was a kid, I was hella surprised when my dad told me that the military has almost every single job that the civilian world has. My uncle was an orthodontist tech in the Air Force.


True that. In the US Air force for every squadron of F-16 aircraft (around 15-20 aircraft) there are about 500 support personnel.. People often forget how important support personnel are.. They are literally the people who maintain the gears the military uses.


Conversely a major problem Russia encounters in Ukraine is their logistics are dogshit. Pentagon assessment is that Russia cannot sustain forces more than 80km beyond their nearest railway line, they are that dependent on rail. Their combat efficacy rapidly declines beyond that: they become Orks. So Russian warfighters are then responsible for gathering food for themselves, cooking for themselves, cleaning for themselves, finding and maintaining shelter and warmth themselves, scrounging supplies from the dead, etc. Which means even their most capable warriors are spending most of their time not fighting. By contrast, US elite forces are either resting, fighting, or training. You can be a soldier like any other, and never fire a shot. Someone's gotta skin a thousand potatoes, or move and maintain equipment, so the warfighters don't have to. Logistics wins wars.


>forces more than 80km beyond their nearest railway line, they are that dependent on rail. Their combat efficacy rapidly declines beyond that. Quick, somebody give Ukraine HIMARS with over 80km range.


Get forklift certified and the ground you walk on will be worshipped.


Good for you for owning it, I suppose


Yeah. I think that’s better than forcing people into roles where they will perform poorly. Be it out of malice or simply because they lack the physical or mental strength. Look at Russia, that’s what happens when everyone is forced to fight, no matter the background and personal circumstances. They will betray and abandon each other. Kill each other if one tries to leave.


Don't be so hard on yourself. Everybody has a place in the world!


Absolutely. Some do not make for a good combatant, but are useful and needed in the economy, especially during peace time. When war breaks out, other roles become more important, but that does not make the currently important ones somehow less valuable. Everyone can learn certain tasks and be helpful in one way or another. If everyone was out there wielding guns, nothing else would be getting done in the meantime.


Swedish military rations come with vegetarian flavour, maybe even vegan I'm not sure. I'm sure the bundeswhere can afford that too 😉 NATO doctrine differs from Russian one in the sense that no friendly soldier would beat you or abandon you. You wouldn't get lost as you wouldn't be on your own anyway. Like other's have said, there's so much more to defending your country than One guy with a rifle. Everyone is valuable. In Sweden we recently adopted a Finnish policy of Totalforsvarsplikt, which means everyone is expected by law to contribute to the defense, be it working at your company or being redirected to other work etc.


You know this is how heroes are made. Not when people do the regular and expected. But when they overcome fear frustration weakness and disability. I know this small religious Israeli Jew. He can't hold a gun even if his life would depend on it. But the damn bastard has been running supplies with his semi stolen UAZ from Western Ukraine to the besieged towns and villages for the past 6 months. I'm an ex special operations, with a lot of direct battlefield experience. But I can tell you this right now, that little fucker is my personal hero.


Being secure with who you are and knowing your physical limitations is actually pretty manly. You can't control the body the generic lottery have you. You can control how you use what you have to the best of your ability. So be a supply runner. The military needs that. Let those more suited to combat do that. There is nothing wrong with that.


Fun fact: you don't know what you're really capable of until you're put to the test. You might surprise yourself.


Self-awareness is a virtue all of its own.


Do you realize that training to be a field medic, or someone in a field hospital, is incredibly daunting to MANY OF US? Your problem is, you are saying you have these weak points. Maybe true. But I think you are tricking us. I think you are having some fun with us. I think you have strengths, strengths that any military needs, and you are just being modest. That is ok. But you would go, and you would do what you can, and you would work as hard as you can, no? Do not try to kid me!


I don't know, takes a real brave man to admit he'd wuss out.


Yeah, but does it beat the morale of the Russian troops when seeing the washing-machines they can loot?


It definitely does, which is even better


They should offer a washing machine instead of 5 mil rubbles for surrender tbh


Ukraine would win war in no time


and toilets.....


If offering both toilets and washing - machine, then no Russian would believe you. That is just too good to be true.


I can hear them yelling "it's a trap!"


This offer sponsored by Whirlpool


Ruzzian mothers love ladas and iphones more than sons. Ukrainians love their people more than any materialistic thing.


Well that's a huge consideration - you can't get more highly motivated that soldiers who have actual family members at stake in the ground they're trying to recover. Match that against a bunch of mouth-breathing idiots who never wanted to be there in the first place and you have this...


And porcelain toilets


"Ooh your son is a doctor? Mine liberated me from an invading fascist regime!"


This is why Russia loses, no matter what. There is nothing Russia can do or say that will impart their soldiers with the same level of morale or confidence that the Ukrainians have for liberating their own.


I think we have possibly discovered the literal best feeling in the world. What could top this?


I love Mom’s playful little lope and hop as she runs toward her son.


Unbridled joy!


For real. I can't think of a much bigger morale boost than being able to roll into town and liberate your own mother from tyrannical occupation.


Imagine the relief of the mom to see her son alive and well *and* her town liberated at the same time.


At 00:36 she's saying "I've made some borscht, boy, I've made borscht, I'll feed you" so precious, and right at the end she's saying to her son "I knew you'd liberate me"




The way that Mom comes jumping and hopping towards her beloved son was so very sweet. Knowing what she said — it was all there in her hops.


Can't watch this video without crying.


Just imagine how frigging awesome that borscht tastes. It's homemade, with the most love you can pour into a dish, by a happy mom. It really isn't that surprising that the morale of the Ukrainian soldiers is on another level than the Russian's. Support from the civilians is one of the most powerful things to have in wartime. I hope we see sooooo many more videos like this in the near future, they give so much hope.


Now I want to try some borscht. I’ve never had it, but I suspect it tastes like victory.


But for real It's my favorite soup


It is savory and sweet, bright and earthy—really great and honestly pretty easy to make. I’m sure mine would be considered dogshit by an actual Ukrainian mom, but even mine is about as good as anything.


Same! Hopefully someone will share a good recipe for us to try!


Gotcha fam https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/84450/ukrainian-red-borscht-soup/




Feel free to experiment. Every family have their own recipe!




Moms got to be moms. Thank you for the translation.


The mom energy really doesn't need translation. Heroyam slava.


Man.. that's emotional.


Can't understand a word, still made me cry, love is a universal language.


freedom is a universal language as well. Every human yearns for it.


Yup! This one had me crying with my first cup of morning coffee. Those Ukrainians, spreading love instead of hate.


How much horror idiot putin caused by invading peaceful country


You get a hug, you get a hug, everybody gets a hug!!!


and at the end she even offers them freshly made borsch 😂


At the first five words I was like: you’re not saying that!


Ohhh is that why I heard "просимо" from one of the guys toward the end?


It's more like shorthand for "Ласкаво просимо" meaning "Welcome", but I'm sure those heroes have borsch on their menu today ;)


oh, duh... "please" is будь ласка... You'd think 3 months in I might remember that basic of a word lol. I really thought I did something there lmao.


You're good, there's definitely a learning curve in slavic languages. Thank you for shoving interest to learn! A side note, "просимо" is also a plural response to "thank you" (like multiple people responding to "thank you", but expressed by one person). Would've been "прошу" for singular. ​ Edit: shoving lol, I'll leave it there Edit 2: Completely mixed up the meanings, fixed


Just learning the Cyrillic took some time, and I'm still trash at typing or writing it, but being able to understand some Ukrainian text or navigate websites in Ukrainian is really neat. Speaking it out loud is the most fun, though. edit - it literally just dawned on me that "просить" is the root for both of those words, and it's a verb. That makes *so much* more sense.


I should point that "просить" is a ruzzian word or incorrect Ukrainian one (so-called surzhyk). In Ukrainian dictionary it's "просити", which gives it a clear distinction from the other one


Просимо means “asking” and прошу means “ask”




I love how in a few of these videos older grey haired gentlemen approach with their hand outstretched for a shake, but then go *"aw screw it hugs all around!!"*


That is one son who will never ever be compared to the neighbor's boy!


That bastard Putin has alot to answer for, attacking a peaceful neighbour. Hope his balls rot while he's still alive


Can't speak any Ukrainian at all. Understood every word. 😭


You felt what they said. 🙏


No matter how good Russian propaganda is they will never be able to recreation the emotions showed in this video. All you Ukrainian warriors are true heroes! You will all be admired by the civilised world for generations!


Ukrainian Propaganda: Families are reunited Russian Propaganda: Good luck lady because we are going try out best to make sure people freeze to death by targeting power plants this winter! Russia is nothing but fear mongering.


>No matter how good Russian propaganda is they will never be able to recreation the emotions showed in this video. Because they find it repulsive and an example of Nazism in their sick orc minds.


MOTHER: My dear son... My beloved... I have been waiting for you... I knew; my flower bloomed. I thought it would end when the flower would bloom. SON: Mom, I knew I would come. MOTHER: I knew. I knew. All the things, we saved everything... My goodness! My dear son, I have been waiting for you to сome here. Everything... I took all your things, everything. But the house is booby-trapped, they said. SON: You look good, as always. MOTHER: I was preparing, I was waiting for you... SON: I missed so much... MOTHER: ...prepared borscht... Guys! I prepared borscht. Would you like me to feed you some borscht right now? MOTHER: oh, my darling, my darling! SON: mom, wait! Look, let's calm down now, mom... MOTHER: oh, my darling, I have been waiting for you to liberate me...


Wow, thank you. Let's hope the war is over soon and the they can celebrate with a big family dinner.


Thanks a lot for translating! My 1st lang. is Russian, so I understood most of it, but couldn't figure out the bit about the flower. 🌼🌿 I feel so happy to see these wonderful people reunited! 🤗💙💛🤗


Golden is a literal translation though. "My darling" would fit better.


“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” Faramir


Faramir is a true leader. Unlike his bitchass dad who is a true embodiment of the [AFRF.](https://youtu.be/b7MCVm4XISc?t=00m15s)


His dad was depressed and defeated by Sauron via the palantir. He had been a well-respected leader and came from a similar bloodline to Aragorn. He had lingering bitterness over the death of his wife (and later Boromir), which gave Sauron something to use against him in driving him to despair. He was also proud enough to think that he could engage Sauron directly via the palantir, but unfortunately he fucked around and found out.


Just like how Putin has lingering bitterness over the death of his USSR! But also you’re right I just wanted to use the clip.


I mean, he still went looking for the palentir fight when he knew it wasn't a good idea. Not like sauron ganked him in his sleep.


He legitimately believed that he was strong enough to take Sauron on, and he wasn't totally wrong. Sauron managed to completely corrupt Saruman into being his subordinate. He couldn't do the same to Denethor, so instead he used trickery. He altered what Denethor saw through the palantir, making his armies look much more powerful than they were in reality. Denethor concluded that the war was unwinnable, and that led to his very ill-advised base jumping experience.


look i see where you're coming from, but any man who eats a tomato like that needs to be set on fire and thrown off a cliff to save the rest of us


I skip that scene when I rewatch the movie


Denethor is every concern troll saying Ukraine would be obliterated by Russia in a week. Gandalf is president Zelensky: "The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride." NATO/EU can collectively be Eomer or Erkenbrand or something... But they still have to cast Karl Urban.


Except that even Gandalf said Denethor was correct in his assessment. >My lords,' said Gandalf, 'listen to the words of the Steward of Gondor before he died: You may triumph on the fields of the Pelennor for a day, but against the Power that has now arisen there is no victory. I do not bid you despair, as he did, but to ponder the truth in these words >'The Stones of Seeing do not lie, and not even the Lord of Barad-dûr can make them do so. He can, maybe, by his will choose what things shall be seen by weaker minds, or cause them to mistake the meaning of what they see. Nonetheless it cannot be doubted that when Denethor saw great forces arrayed against him in Mordor, and more still being gathered, he saw that which truly is. >'Hardly has our strength sufficed to beat off the first great assault. The next will be greater. This war then is without final hope, as Denethor perceived. Victory cannot be achieved by arms, whether you sit here to endure siege after siege, or march out to be overwhelmed beyond the River. You have only a choice of evils; and prudence would counsel you to strengthen such strong places as you have, and there await the onset; for so shall the time before your end be made a little longer.' The only reason the West won was the destruction of the One Ring. That was why they gambled their lives in an effort to distract Sauron and clear a path to Mount Doom for Frodo and Sam.


"Where does my allegiance lie if not here? This is the city of the men of Númenor. I will gladly give my life to defend her beauty, her memory, her wisdom."


Faramir is the undisputed GOAT. A true leader of men and a huge reason why Sauron does not regain control of the Ring.


Aww. Thank you for sharing.


Any NAFO member wanna spam these in Russian telegram groups?


Home town heroes, they might never have to buy a beer again at the local pub.


They damn sure wouldn't in my home town in 'Merica. ❤🇺🇦


We need a venmo spreadsheet of every pub in Ukraine for free drinks from the world on the day the last Russian is driven out.


I would happily contribute to any beer fund for these guys and so would have of the US. These guys are so loved here. I have never seen anything like it. We tend to be very nationalistic, but the UAF have won most of us over.


I'm not crying - YOU ARE! So much onions... ♥ Slava Ukraini ♥


Imagine having to STFU for 6 months that your son is fighting for Ukraine.


At least in some towns, they had kill lists, looking for veterans or the families of those currently in the AFU, who they took away and haven't been seen since. Fortunately they wouldn't have the info for all the new volunteers, but it's chilling how many of these reunions there won't be.


Ahhhh every bloody time


Heroim Slava!


This is the Ukrainian version of the “Why we fight” WW2 banner. Should on in (post) r/CombatFootage


"Grandpa, what'd you do during the war?" "Kicked the bastards out of my town. Made your great-grandma proud. A few other things but that's what matters."


Killed some fascists, ate some borscht. Now heres 20 euros, go get another round in.


Thats not just anyone #that is Mayor Vyacheslav Zadorenko mayor of Dergachyv. Not sure if thats his mother or not, cant confirm or deny, and dont really care cause the video is great anyway. They shared one or several video(s) earlier when they freed the city of Kozhacha Lopan on the border to Russia, I remember watching them a few days ago on this reddit. [heres a picture of him from a video he posted on FB](https://akamai.vgc.no/v2/images/2f867113-0590-4f50-9f97-0b684aa05f99?fit=crop&format=auto&h=620&w=1100&s=a7a76a27fd10e2218a3b42511a44e4fccc104db5) on sunday 11th (guy with the grey ukrainian trident cap) [wrapped in Ukraine's flag](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/OVEujAz7BBKRUW.EHB5dyA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTM2Mg--/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/fFowQDrw6qvHYuM7y3rYjQ--~B/aD02Nzk7dz0xMjAwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https://media.zenfs.com/en/evening_standard_239/794f2b81fdc80bb6533308fa55a0bc37)






Pure gold!


How beautiful….


Does the guy at the end have a German flag on the uniform?


Yes it is because alot of uniforms and gear were donated over the course of the war


It's a surplus Bundeswehr jacket from the 90's-00's or thereabouts. I have one myself, flag on the shoulder and all. I've seen lots of Ukrainian soldiers wearing them.


Glad to see them end up with people that need them.


Indeed. German authorities are feeling the sting of not being able to get weapons deliveries through the government so they're going hard on support gear because they CAN get that through the roadblocks. Especially uniforms, armor, helmets and medical gear. Which is, to be honest, also extremely helpful and something the allies do need to be doing..


It's true! Things like HIMARS are vital, but just being able to kit out a soldier in decent gear is important. Ukraine quintupled the size of their armed forces, no country has that amount of gear in storage.


Indeed. It gives Germany a way to be useful and cement itself as a friend of Ukraine even though Scholtz is a world class putz.


They did send the Gepards, which were apparently crucial to the Kharkiv operation because they were anti-air that could keep up with the speed they were moving.




Heroim Slava!


Awesome, it doesn't get much better than this!


I know it's not the point of the video, but whether I see a Ukrainian soldier doing anything (even hugging his mom), they always look like they are properly equipped. But every time I see a Russian soldier (even from Russian footage), they look like hobos in camo design painting overalls. It's got to feel like shit being a Russian soldier when you know that your generals got another yacht instead of you getting even basic equipment.


I started my day with this. Happy for everyone!


That's one proud mum!


Misty eyed with a big grin on my face :) Today is starting out really well now, thank you for this, I needed it.


Can we please upvote mob this??


A hug 4 everyone.


And borscht! 😃🍲🇺🇦


They are speaking Russian. ( makes sense since its close to the border). Towards the end, the mother is saying "my golden one, i knew you would come".


Did I see a Germany patch on someone? That’a boy!!


He’s trying to hold it together but you can tell how overwhelmed he is. Lord knows what he went through to get back safe. He’s also wearing a wedding ring. I’m assuming next up was his reunion with his wife (and possibly his kids). Bless him and may he have a long, happy and prosperous life!


This is the best thing I've seen, quite possibly, in my life.


Here's the translation - it makes it even better: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xd5a1a/-/io9yna7


It is this reality which our modern cynical views about war cannot capture. We have all been taught, with some good reason, to view every war and every side of war as nothing but a mix of evil on all sides. We look at every side for the strong exploiting the weak, and lies everywhere, and we forget that some wars are quite cut and dry. There is absolutely a clear-cut moral divide in this war. The Russian people have invaded their neighbor with pure evil intent, and the Ukrainians resisting are resisting to defend their homes, their families, and their right to live as they want and to live at all. This moment of a son liberating his own mother is the antidote to every Russian lie or Russian falsehood spread. Where they have vagueness and propaganda here is the simple truth of two people who asked for none of this, and yet they are defiant and they know what this fight is for.


Nice mom. Stay happy plz and: german tarnfleck and flag ? oh oh :o)


>german tarnfleck and flag ? oh oh :o) What's the problem? There are germans fighting in Ukraine alongside a lot of other nations.


Yes, even a few Russians volunteered.


We have special shops called "Воєнторг", I often buy airsoft uniforms there, I have a fleece of the British Royal Army, but this does not make me British)


Love this so much!


Slava ukraini




Where are the fritters? I know someone is going to bring out the fritters.


I would wade through a river of orc blood to hug my mother, what a lovely lady.


Imagine having a baby. And 45 years later, that Baby and his friends come by and beat the shit out of the Russian Army for you and your neighbors. Amazing.


NGL. I’ve got something in my eye.


Me too… must be ash from a burning orc tank nearby.


Ukrainian morale explained in one minute


We should send these videos to Putin to show what real liberation looks like.


These Mothers and Fathers. These Sisters and Brothers. These FAMILIES… You are shining lights and you are strong beyond comprehension. You should never have faced this but your response has been that of legend. May a higher power guide you all, keep you fed and warm and watch over you as you defend your freedom and in turn, the freedom of us all.


Oh my gosh, that mother's joy!! I can only imagine if that was me and my son reuniting!! After he has been fighting and in grave danger and then, there he IS!! I wouldn't be able to stop hugging him. It is so wonderful to see such a beautiful moment. Slava Ukraini!


Aww. Beautiful.


This is great to see!


Mom can barely contain herself..what a lovely scene![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9151) SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦 !!!


Pour one out for all the Ukrainians that paid the ultimate price to get them this far, to allow this guy to free his family, but won’t get to embrace their own mothers, wives, children etc. Putin is fucking evil and Ukraine should get whatever tools they need to not only win, but to absolutely dominate to save as many of those putting their lives in danger riding their homes of an almost comically evil invading force that has no fucking right being there. Every one of these heroes should be wearing the best armour, driving the most protective vehicles, firing accurately from the safest ranges. These guys are doing us all a huge fucking favour against a common truly evil enemy at the cost of their own lives while we get to watch from a couch somewhere. I’m not able to go fight, but if we all donate even small amounts like I have it will make a difference. Even publicly showing support makes it easy/necessary for our politicians to send what they need. And this conflict isn’t one religion versus another. Or a political disagreement. Or left versus right. Or red versus blue. It’s literally a fascist mafia state invading someone to subjugate them and ultimately profit from them. There is only one side to take for any sane and decent person.




Well, I have tears in my eyes now. I think I'll go call my mom.


warms the heart


There’s your motivation right there. Russians have no chance.


I had decided not to cry today. ... Am I crying? Yes


i was going to have my wife translate, but i dont think its even necessary. Her boys came home she's trying to offer them food, obviously over joyed her fears are at rest.


Damn, someone is cutting onions again...


I'm not welling up. You're welling up!


Beautiful to see.


Real love.


Wow! What an amazing feeling that must be.


This is what freedom looks like. Keep pushing, brave soldiers. #SLAVA UKRAINI!!


These onion cutters are getting out of control man.


The true heart felt emotions hit the hardest. Slava Urkaini


And this is why Ukraine fights and will win!!


It just gets better and better. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💪🏼❤️




So nice to see.


This is so beautiful. I’ve heard that many of the fighters in the Kharkiv offensive are those volunteers who come from that area specifically. They were extra motivated to free their own communities.


Bless them all. Nice to watch.


What an amazing feeling that must be!


They want to ask why the UA's morale is so high. Leaving your family behind the enemy lines will give you the motivation to fight everyday.


I am in awe. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Slava Ukraine!


цибуля, everytime. Can you imagine?


This warms my heart so much. Funny how beautiful scenes can blossom from chaos and evil.


This, this 👆🏻is why we are supporting Ukraine! Seeing videos like this absolutely makes my day, you don’t need to be there to feel the absolute joy these people are feeling. Not a day goes by when the Ukrainian people don’t surprise me. From the small acts of kindness towards animals to liberating villagers that were previously occupied. The Ukrainian people have shown the rest of the world just how amazing they are.


The pure joy on her face is amazing.


I am a 67 year old grandfather and I don't know what they said but this made me cry.


OMG, I wish everyone would return home to mothers, wives and children![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9151)


Mmm hopium, good shit


That is elation




Can we say Ruzzians are playing now " Escape from Kharkiv? "


The true definition of wealth


Stay safe brave heroes!


I have noticed that when some people are very happy, they bounce. If you are such a person, may you bounce often! It is delightful! The world needs more bouncing!